Genuine Essay Examples

Integrated modular avionics

It could seat up to 800 passengers, there are two available models for A380, the A380-800 and the A380-800F. The A380-800 was a passenger airliner while the A380-800F was a freight aircraft.

Relationship between public and private police

The relationship between the private security industry and public police officers has started to become more positive. As one can see both private security and public police are needed to maintain the safety of a community.

History and memory

History and memory both provide adequate insights into the past, but it is through the consideration and combination of the two that compelling and unexpected insights are generated. After having analysed and studied a selection of poems from Denise Levertov's anthology ' Freeing of the Dust' and ' Millicent's Story', which is an extract from →

Intro to database systems

DB'S Is a collection of programs that manages the database structure and controls access to the data stored in the database. Structural Independence Is when It Is possible to make changes In the file structure without affecting the application program's ability to access the data.

Francisco de goya

Goya is sometimes referred to as the " Father of Modern Art" because of his significant steps of progress in the art world. All in all, Francisco de Goya had a difficult life, but with the help of art and his talent, he was able to make something amazing out of his experiences.

Reflective assignment

A great majority of those people would fall under the categories of elderly, handicapped, dependent beings, and those who cannot or choose not to think for themselves, and depend on the social system to care for them. Where myself is concerned, I would follow the footsteps of both Vincent and Equality to preserve my " →

Principles of personal development in adult social care settings essay sample

The nature of work in the sector also requires a fresh approach and attitude to problems and situations because you will be supporting individuals, and this is only possible with reflective practice. It is also important because it helps the social care worker to improve on ways of working they may need to and also →

Kfc marketing essay sample

Although KFC does a great job in adapting its own menu to local tastes, the rising number of local fast food chains and their lower meal prices is a threat to KFC.4. People can visit the green website of KFC is dedicated towards the health of people and nature.

Comparisons of sure and natrel deodorant / antiperspirant products essay sample

To obtain a sufficient grade in this topic I will need to include details of the communication process, the product or brand positioning, the marketing and promotional objectives, the corporate image and aspects of the promotional mix. My research is critical in this topic because I need to find the correct material to be able →

“great expectations” by charles dickens essay sample

" Pip and the nature of his ' great expectations' illustrates another theme in the Victorian novel the definition of a true gentleman. Dickens wrote this novel in the Victorian Era, at this time there was a separation in the society, the poor, the rich the peasants, the gentlemen.

Extra credit

From this example, I learned that food safety may sometimes not play as large of a role as economics in the food we, as consumers, are led to believe is safe or even more shockingly the medicines that we take for sicknesses and disabilities. In the future, knowledge of these pressures have convinced me to →

Was henry david thoeau a true transcendentalist

Instead of simply preaching to others that all it takes is for someone to live a simple life without all of the material possessions and to live without a need for religion and spirituality, Thoreau actually set out to live a life just like that. By being without all of the aspects that only take →


The economics of the US was undergoing a big blow from the depression that did not seem to end and the rates of unemployment were an all-time high similarly to the prices of food and other commodities. The Roosevelt's administration came up with the aspect called " New deal" which featured a series of changes →

Leading by example

Although his organization has the highest number of employees, Mike Duke has enabled it to become a leading retail outlet in Europe and America. He acknowledges that the success of his business lies in the company's employees.


Essentially the Facebook approach to compensation offers employees wages that are commensurate with those in the technology industry. The challenge these becomes finding the ' best-fit' between the strategic approach and compensation.

Affordable health care

How Does Our Society Prevent Another Rosalyn Schwartz Apparently, the case of Rosalyn Schwartz, reviewed in Gregory Pences " Medicine and Inequity: Accounts of the Cases that Shape and Define Medical Practice" is one of the most striking instances of inequity in the health care. The case of that victim of American health care, who →

Online education

Out of all teachers and students interviewed during the course of this research, majority coincided with online education giving logical reasons to augment their approval. The conclusion is that though online education is quite beneficial, real learning process should be a mix of both conventional and modern teaching methods because student-teacher interaction cannot be substituted →

Case study example

The UD interest in the program was due to its aspiration of expanding its programs and the readily available funds from USAID. In 2008, the Manager of SGSB was anticipating to organize meetings to find organizations to collaborate with to resolve issues the graduate school has been facing.

Sex and temperament essay

Anthropologist Margaret Mead addressed the differences in temperament found between men and women in her book Sex and Temperament in Three Primitive Societies. In the Mundugumor societies, they have standardized the behavior of both men and women as " actively masculine, virile, and without the softening and mellowing characteristics that we are accustomed to believe →

The dichotomy between the private and the public is central to almost two centuries of feminist writing and political struggle essay

Typical women's work is an extension of their domestic roles, and the low pay and low status attached to this work mirrors the devaluing of their domestic tasks, resulting also in women's experience of the double-burden: that is, paid work during the day, and the vast majority of the household chores. In my perspective, I →

Sustainable enterprise-monistoring system on samsung essay

According to Dalal-Clayton and Bass, 2002, " the main contents of the monitoring system is the developing a good baseline and a systematic approach to monitoring which includes qualitative, quantitative and descriptive monitoring that helps balancing social and conomic concerns by making link of internal and external monitoring". However Pannell comments that " indicators are →

The sustainability in hospitality industry environmental sciences essay

Some of the items that we no longer need or have any usage of in the future fall into the category of solid waste and we tend to dispose them. Therefore solid waste pollution is defined as the introduction of the items that we no longer need into the natural environment.

The history of the efficiency measurement economics essay

Technical efficiency is a scalar measurement which is related to the ability of employing minimum inputs to produce a given unit of outputs, while Allocation efficiency is a scalar measurement which is related to the ability of choosing optimal ratio of inputs which minimizes total cost incurred when producing a given unit of outputs. Farrell →

Main ideas of neoliberal ideology

The base is comprised of those institutions that determine the chances and circumstances of one's material reproduction, whereas the ideological superstructure is largely embodied by the state and cultural institutions whose mystifying and moralized discourse acts to conceal the inequality at the heart of the economic base. This is effectively how neoliberal policies and ideological →

Ulysses and gilgamesh essay

Then they would talk about their encounters with gods, Ulysses would tell how he met the god of the sea and how he was able to interact with him. He would also talk about how the god of the sea held him captive even after expressing his desire to go back to his family.

What is syariah law by meaning philosophy essay

The term Sharia itself derives from the verb sharaa, which according to Abdul Mannan Omars Dictionary of the Holy Quran connects to the idea of spiritual law and " system ofdivine law; way of belief and practice" in the Quran. Basically the primary sources of sharia law are the Quran, Hadiths or Sunnah which is →

Descartes and locke: the matrix

Anderson leads a secret life as a hacker under the pseudonym " Neo" and wishes to learn the answer to the question " What is the Matrix?" The mysterious underground hacker offers him the opportunity to learn the truth about the Matrix. Morpheus thinks that Neo is that " the One".

The figure of abdul kalam history essay

Despite the unavailability of designs or standard components and the lack of experience in building a machine, Kalam put in all his efforts and worked day and night tirelessly towards the completion of the GEM project. The news of the termination of the project was no less than a blow to Kalam as he had →

Ebola: route of transmission, life cycle and treatment

8 The conceding belief is that fruit bats are the reservoir for the Ebolavirus, but due to their migration patterns and apparent lack of disease it has been challenging to study this effectively to yield a substantiated conclusion. It is believed that there was animal to animal as well as animal to human transmission of →

The problems of our education system and push for a paradigm shift

It has been over standardized much to the detriment of the society and the individuals placed in it. The competition is not just in the classrooms but between countries, and the U.S.has fallen behind other developed nations further damaging the economy and the children of this country.

Panic attacks

On the other extreme, you may actually find yourself trying to ignore a panic attack, thinking it is just a case of " nerves." The truth is that panic attacks, left untreated can lead to more severely debilitating disorders. Usually, the best way to treat panic attack disorder is with a combination of psychological and →

A novel approach to quantum gravity

He observed that the force of gravity is proportional to the mass of the objects that are attracted by gravity. Special Relativity in such a curved space-time is called General Relativity and is a more general approach to quantum gravity.

Who by far are the top 3 best nba players in history?

As said on the website, " Magic Johnson is one of the most popular and accomplished players in basketball history". Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar have all proven to be highly successful throughout their basketball history which is why they are now the top 3 best NBA players.

Introductory communications for helping professions assignment

By being empathic I was building on my understanding of the interviewee's core message and to share that I understood her point of view'. I was uncomfortable because not only did I have to interview her for the purpose of completing an assignment but I also had to get to know her and ask personal →

Support individuals with self-directed support essay sample

Right to accessibility People must be able to understand the systems and rules to maximise the ability of the person to control their own support. The purpose of an outcome-focused review is to: Review progress in using a personal budget to achieve the outcomes set out in the person's support plan Share learning about what →

Warehouse ltd vs security ltd essay sample

The advertisement is only an intention of the Security sell the good. But Security Ltd.refused to supply the goods to the Warehouse.

Comparing the signal man and the monkey’s paw essay sample

Although both " The Monkey's Paw " and " The Signalman " were written in Victorian times, both stories show great contrast in showing us the way of thinking and acting in Victorian times. The Monkey's paw" was written by WW Jacobs in 1901 right at the end of the Victorian period, the story is →

Business investors

The aim is actually to create a balance of money in circulation i-e bringing money supply and demand in equilibrium to accomplish business growth and economic stability. And third is the change of discount rate which is the interest rate the Fed charges on loans to banks and thrifts.


I have presented the main arguments presented by proponents of GM food, which focus on the way in which it can improve on nature, feed a hungry world, and be beneficial to the environment; at the same time I have endeavored to present opposing views that focus on its implications to health, the environment and →

The dilema socrates and euthyphro finds themselves in

Hence, the statement that " the pious is loved by the gods because it is pious, and that it is not pious merely because it is loved by the gods" underlines the core idea of piety worked out by Socrates out of the Euthyphro's reasoning. This is the culmination of the Euthyphro versus Socrates debate.

Police ethics

2 18th April, of your goes here Police Ethics Ethics provide the baseline for the operational behavior of any organization, though every organization observe a customize set of ethics but police department has to have a very considerate set of ethics because it is concerned with public safety and convenience at large. The observation of →

Product report

The product life cycle theory assumes that a product has a limited life in any market, that it transitions through various stages offering new challenges and opportunities to the marketer in every stage and each stage requires different marketing strategies for the product to successfully grow. Keeping the above-mentioned strategies in mind, it appears that →

Strategic-alternative bundles

Lastly, the strategic-alternative bundles need to be worthwhile. New York: M.E.

Countercultures; impact on socialization and values in society

The Ku Klux Klan or just the Klan relates to the name of three different movements in the United States. The first was involved in the aggressive role against the African Americans in the south through the era of the Reconstruction in the 1980s and was dispersed in 1869.

Business ethics

Paige's behavior was certainly beyond the pale and it is also quite conspicuous that she has no ethics whatsoever and the woman who had a reservation should take this matter up with the hotel management. Paige's behavior should be reported to the management by the other woman who arrived late and had a reservation.

Analysis of sonnet 130 vs. dim lady

Another way of stating the theme of both poems is through the quote, " Beauty is in the eye of the beholder". The tone of both " Sonnet 130" and " Dim Lady" is both ironic and sarcastic because both poems seem to insult the woman being described yet the man still loves her dearly.

Winter street essay

But when their children had grown up and moved away the house had become to big for the Kroboble couple and they had moved closer to the city to be with their children. She had to open the door and get Heather out.

Human development – early memory development

As children grow up, they start to conform to the way adults and peers experience the world, yet to maintain the characterization of familiar perceptions of the world. Schachtel was a pioneer in the study of memory loss of young children as they grow older.

Julie was perfect – creative writing

Bowdon's wife who was not a skier and would have to spend the day with only each other for company. So, what have you done that's so bad?" Jen asked with a friendly smile on her face for the first time".

Financial accounting theories: questions and answers

In the nature of theory, a positive theory of accounting or Positive Accounting Theory is a descriptive theory, which describes particular aspects of financial accounting practice. However, there are no researchers in the area of social and environmental accounting enfolds Positive Accounting Theory although it is interesting to note that.

Global ozone generation technology mark

Covered In this Report This report covers the present scenario and the growth prospects of the Global Ozone Generation Technology market during 2015-2019. It provides the geographic segmentation of the Global Ozone Generation Technology market covering the OPAC region, the MEME region, and the Americas.

Technology is damaging the way we think

Columnist for the Atlantic, Nicholas Carr, in his article " Is Google Making Us Stupid" claims that the internet has changed the process of how we think and because of that we are not able to fully comprehend reading material. Because the way he thinks has changed." Adding on, Carr gets the opinion of Maryanne →

Pride and prejudice quotes/explanation

Darcy has observed her family and has come to the conclusion that they were pushing Jane to marry him for his money. Wickham: * Jane's affection for Bingley: * Criticism of the Bennet family: 3.

Should capital punishment be used for crimes involving the 1st degree murder (premeditated killing) and felony murder (kills without intent in the commission of a felony)

However, there are also a lot of people in the world who advocate for the preservation and the widespread using of the death penalty. The poverty of the population, fast decline of the authority of the law and the law enforcement, the bloody ethnic conflicts, terrorism, unemployment, alcoholism and drug addiction are the reality of →

The perfect pet

One of the best things about owning a beta is that they require a very small amount of time for care compared to other pets. The cost of owning a beta fish is very low compared to other pets.

Attend a school of the arts

The stupidest thing I ever did was attend a school of the arts. Because of my bad experience in a film class, it was difficult to watch a movie without wondering if they had a group of headstrong idiots as the people in charge, unyielding to anyone's ideas but their own.

The atmosphere assignment

The sudden change of atmosphere reveals that something has lured beneath the surface all along, and it is very obvious that Biff is the source of the unhappiness." Biff: Why does Dad mock me all the time? This confession is not surprising to the reader by the end of the scene because Biff is so →

Dante inferno essay sample

Thesis statement: In Dante's Inferno, the first part of the Divine Comedy, Dante develops many themes throughout the adventures of the travelers. The basis of Dante's opinion of God's divine justice in The Inferno relies on the idea of contrapasso, the idea of a punishment that fits the sin committed.

Indo-european cultures essay sample

A recurring and powerful concept that is present in many Indo-European myths is that of the existence of a society with three social classes or functions. The gods belonging to the first function were often presented in pairs, for example, Odin and Tyr, from Norse mythology, and Mitra and Varuna from the Vedic.

The list of resolutions for next study year

In 2014, I want to explore all the potential that I have and tap it into my academics. Moreover, I will take advantage of some of the university career programs in a bid to diversify my skills.

Assesing organizational readiness for change

In a meeting with senior managers and important middle managers, this change agent should be elected to take on the responsibility of communicating the importance of the relocation effort with employees and coordinate the necessary human resources activities necessary to keep motivation high and commitment top-notch. After electing the change agent, they should be exposed →

Homosexual and heterosexual marriages

Tripp declares that homo and heterosexual marriages are comparable because both are set up on a vow to understand each other, to provide with strong support and love and also to fulfill sexual needs and desires of each other. McWhirter and Mattison declare that in homosexual marriages, one of the partners demonstrate inability in some →

Analyze the impact of globalization, technology, and the quest for democracy in the middle east today

In both of the books the protagonists are overambitious and dare to defy the laws of the universe. The tragedy of the situation involved the inability of the creature to find its place in the community, no matter what it did, and the unwillingness of people to understand the needs and aspirations of the Frankensteins →

Alternative approaches and practical guidelines

Kee propose the Cost-effectiveness analysis as the elemental phase upon which the process of identifying the expense associated with a program may be detected. Making assumptions of the total cost to range between a minimum of zero dollars and $ 300, the Cost-Effectiveness Ration of the programs under the Forum for Youth Investment falls between →

The couple whose delivering their baby

Closer to the midnight the expectant parents arrived to the place and were sent to an empty hospital room to wait. During the spasms it was relieving for her to grab Phillip's belt and pull it.

Historical interpretation of hughess poems

Comely says, " He became both a model and active helper in the careers of other black writers". Hughes' sense of improvisation and his originality have helped him in capturing the historical and artistic development of the black people in a superb manner.

Advocacy project

Based on the audience targeted, the objective of the advertisement and the nature of the problem, there is compatibility in the advertisement leading to effective communication of the intentions of the advertisement. When considering the complexity of the campaign, the message is portrayed simply, and the intention of the campaign is clear to the target →

Role of community and public health nurses

Role of Community and Public Health Nurses The article ' Outbreak Investigations' by Maria J Sistrom and Patty J Hale attempts to highlight the role of community and public health nurses in eliciting community participation in the early detection and control of disease outbreaks. The article presents the advantages of involving members of the →

Application for head teacher position

As a headteacher, I will make sure I capture the imaginations of customers by enhancing the services, products, and brand of the institution to retain and attract them across the market. I will achieve this by reviewing and simplifying the customer-facing processes.

Leukemia: bone marrow transplant essay

Leukemia is a type of cancer of the blood or bone marrow characterized by an abnormal increase of immature white blood cells called " blasts". Signs and symptoms Common symptoms of chronic or acute leukemia[14] Damage to the bone marrow, by way of displacing the normal bone marrow cells with higher numbers of immature white →

Some aspect of theater essay

Several forms of entertainment take place in a theatre, the art of theater is considered as one of the oldest type of entertainment. For instance, when a man carrying a big box gets in the way of a dog walker with about 4 dogs on leashes, the focus is not on the safety of the →

The smugglers essay

It was almost one in the morning and there was a fog settling over the river when Cecil, Ceddy and the two lovely senoritas departed to the strains of " The Lonely Bull," as performed by the solo trumpet player. He would then drive down to river with the plastic container and the girls inside →

Medicalization for understanding shifting ideas about health and illness essay

It is the procedure by which human conditions and jobs come to be defined and treated asA medical conditionsA and jobs, and therefore come under the authorization of physicians and otherA wellness professionalsA to analyze, A diagnose, A preventA orA dainty. Conrad criticised and disputed that the development and growing of medical authorization into spheres →

H.g. wells`s time machine critical essay

The initial events: The novel begins as the Time Traveller invites his friends to inspect his new invention - a time machine. The Epilogue: The Time Traveller then returns to his own time and to his friends.

Bel canto essay

They learn to love something or someone because they are around it all the time or it's what they are told to love. Love in a pressure cooker situation makes people be more spontaneous and do the things they have forgotten about or want to do rather then what they have to do.

The portrayal of katherine, the conflictual character, in shakespear’s play henry v

His masquerade as a solider as opposed to a king is played to lower Katherine's defenses and his transition to speaking to her in French is a maneuver to show Katherine he intends to marry her. The romance of Katherine and Henry is central to the final fifteen minutes of the film.

Effect of cultural and racial identity on self-image

This is because I have certain responsibilities and standards to live by as a result of my upbringing as a child. The way I see myself is also as a result of a combinations of all these factors like how other people see me and judge me.

Narratives and memory work by nick rowe | analysis

Students will choose a chapter or article from one of the prescribed texts, and write a review of the content, as understood by the student in terms of: the writer's intent, the psychodramatic theory, and its application to practise. Drawing on research in the fields of psychology, philosophy and psychotherapy, Rowe intends to compare and →

Strawson has shown russells theory of definite descriptions philosophy essay

Consequently Russell contends that wouldenoting phrases never have meaning in themselves, but that every proposition whose verbal expression they occur has meaning.' In other words whilst the sentence may appear to be of a subject -predicate form, it is in fact not in virtue of the logical proposition concealing the quantifier of the expression and →

Major role in successful resistance against apartheid history essay

The trends of music in South Africa during the 1940's and 1950's reveal the common experiences and grievances of the black South Africans and serve as a amirror' reflecting the political sphere of the time. The documentary was chronological and this was useful as it demonstrated how the music of the times varied according to →

Leadership in a health organization

The development of existing and future leaders is significant to driving the innovation and change essential to the continuity and sustainability of the healthcare system in Australia. The HWA stated that the " quality of leadership in the health system directly and indirectly affects the quality of patient care, and is shown to be →

Who’s to blame

Many believe that the characters of Iago and Krogstad played a major role and are mostly to blame for the disintegration of the marriages. Although Iago and Krogstad play the roles of adversary in the respective plays, it is Othello and Torvald that are to blame for their marriages falling apart.

Design of a bicycle frame

The next great transportation innovation and evolution - aviation, was in many ways a child of the bicycle industry in the sense that most of the early inventors, pilots and builders were previously a part of the bicycle industry. The frame is the mall body of the bicycle and Is the framework which all other →

Education and assessment standards

OBEY strives to enable all learners to reach their maximum learning potential by organizing everything in the educational system around what students must be able to do successfully at the end of their learning experience Whole school development planning This is a process whereby all the stakeholders in the school consider all the activities and →

The last 20 years have brought many changes to the teaching of mathematics, as well as to the content, the tool/strategies, and the focus of maths/numeracy lesson’

Do learners need to understand the concept behind their numerical world or just be able to interact functionally with it? * As learners differ in the innate genetic mathematical intelligences, how can maths knowledge and skills be taught so that all students are able to access the curriculum? * As the chasm widens between the →

Classifications of drugs and their effect on the body

There are many different types of drugs and they do different things to the body. They are substances that are inhaled to cause a change in brain chemistry.

Manifest destiny u.s history ap assignment

The idea of manifest destiny held that the United States was a superior nation chosen by God to be the best of the best. Their cocky attitude is what led to the expansion of the asses, which later on cause d the Americans to believe they deserved the right to the territory of Mexico.

Comparative criminal justice assignment

The Sunnah, the second factor in Islamic Law deals with the issues not addressed in the Qur'an, yet is still in the word of the Prophet." In a few Islamic countries, including Iran, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and Sudan, it is proclaimed as the basis for all law, including the harsh Islamic criminal law based on →

Business ethics case study assignment

The role that Corporate social responsibility has in the approach to business is that they are a company the really gives back to the environment, costumers. With being an employee you need to realize that it is important that the show you put on for cutbacks is everything to the costumer.

Fear and duty in going after cacciato essay

As he gushes out in the final pages of the book, Paul Berlin fears running away, going into exile, the thoughts of those he loves, the loss of reputation, and most of all cowardice. Finally, he realizes that the duty of a soldier is not to fight well, or to be a hero, but simply →

Specialized patrol functions

The members of these units are trained in drug identification as well as knowledge of the drug business in a regional area. The perception of a specialized enforcement unit within a community will be dependent upon the nature of the crime involved and the threat of repercussions on the community.

Liberal art studies

When considering Lenin's principles it's clear that there are a number of elements related to them that contain truth. In considering whether absolute loyalty and unquestioned obedience would be useful in a modern professional community, it's clear that the answer is no.


The project was started in 1964 and the last installation was closed in the year 2000. Multics Influences on the Future One of Multics remarkable features was that the OS was written in a high-level language.

In motion globalization

Q Research in Motion or RIM is one of the leading smartphone providers in the world offering of the art Blackberry smartphone capable of allowing users to check their emails, browse internet besides completing some of the official tasks such as reading spreadsheets on the go. However, it works in an industry where the basis →

Child development through sports

In recent years, experts are trying to investigate the social, physical, and psychological needs of children, so that efficient steps can be taken to ensure their proper development. In this regard, a number of social, physical, and psychological needs are essential and important to enhance the process of personality development in children around the globe.