Genuine Accomplishment Essay Examples

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Theodore roosevelt – life, accomplishments & presidency

Most refer to Theodore Roosevelt as being a strong president who was the first to stretch the boundaries of politics, and for being the first modern president. As a result, Roosevelt was voted governor of New York in 1898 and is the only president in history to receive the medal of honor.

Accomplishments of black rights activists

He allocated some of his time to raise money for the school in addition to promoting it and the importance of education and the influence it would have on their development. Washington that believed educating was the best way to uplift people of color.

Accomplishment as an acquired skill in life

I have a wealth of things I have accomplished, however, I am modest but I do strive to always perform at my very best. I believe it is through my strength and willingness to learn and improve my life in all aspects that has made it possible for my dreams to come true.

Isaac newton – facts and accomplishments

Once he became the age of twelve, his mother returned with the death of her second husband and pulled Newton out of school to have him become a farmer like his biological father. Newton's contributed to the development of math and science.

Harvey milks biography and the major accomplishments history essay

Even though Milk was already aware of his homosexuality by the time he was a teenager, he chose to keep it a secret to himself. Milk was instrumental for the passage of the gay-rights law when he was a city supervisor.

How to improve scholastic accomplishment education essay

Little control in the students' in analyzing and reasoningLimited ability in guessing correctlyNot well implemented encouragement to learnExcessive dependence on the professor for the learning processNon-sufficient knowledge of the types of intelligence the students possessNot well directed self-evaluationConsequencesHuge doubts and confusion of the students at the time to be evaluatedThe students find difficulties to understand →

Strengths, areas to develop more fully, 2 important accomplishments

However, there are areas that I have to develop more fully to further my success in life and to achieve satisfaction. Aside from this, I feel that I have to further improve my sense of meaning.

Accomplishments within my career

I learned a great deal from this because I had never actually been behind the desk of a pharmacy before. Furthermore, I had the opportunity to work with a couple of representatives of other medical companies.


I was excited to hear it from my master because, getting a guitar for my own was a priceless gift for a child like me. It was the beginning of my career as a guitarist and the journey to fame.

Weekly accomplishment report in tourism department

Date: May 16, 2013-Thursday For this day I was assigned to answer phone calls and we Joined the route of Mr. Date: May 24, 2013- Friday I was assigned to answer phone calls and inquiries for the whole day.

Excellence is not an accomplishment

In order to develop excellence as a leader we must be willing to acknowledge that developing it is not an accomplishment - it's a never-ending process. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.~ Aristotle

Martin luther his life and accomplishments essay examples

As a monk in this order he journeyed to Rome where he was very disappointed to learn of the corruption that existed in the Vatican as well as the many activities within the church that he felt were contrary to his interpretation of the scriptures. This was the beginning of the Protestant Reformation and the →

The accomplishments of magnus walker, the british designer

His head gear hides a hoard of massive dreadlocks, what he calls beard is a mixture of blond and silver strands, with his weird appearance, you would be forgiven for handing him your change with the belief that he belongs to the dregs of the modern society. The Porsche fanatic built his collection to 40 →

The life and accomplishments of amelia earhart

When she was in the seventh grade, she was sent to a public school in Iowa. Brave Amelia was scared on the flight that she even sent a will to her parents.

The notable accomplishments of george danton during the french revolution

George Danton was one of the most influential figures of the French Revolution. He moved from Reims to Paris Bought a venal office in Paris Danton volunteered in the National Guard During the summer of 1789, he launched the Cordeliers club, the most revolutionary political club during the French Revolution.

Cesar chavez: the hardships and accomplishments in the fields essay sample

Cesar Chavez: The hardships and accomplishments in the fields Throughout Cesar Chavezes life he witnessed the discrimination of his people in the area of farm work, which lead to Chavezes forming of labor unions, nonviolent protests, and in turn was looked upon as being a hero by the Mexican American people. The strike was a →

Hellen keller’s accomplishments essay

Helen Keller was able to see and hear until about 19 months after her birth and she was believed to have gotten Scarlet Fever, a fever of the brain, which causes damage. I bet without her in this world, we would not have some of the tools inspired by Helen to be mad for today's →

William tecumseh sherman, the second most known union general’s life and military accomplishments

During the start of the war, William Sherman had some troubling moments during the First Battle of Bull Run but made a good comeback in the campaign of Vicksburg. During the start of the Civil War, Sherman was having trouble during the First Battle of Bull Run but later made a strong comeback in the →

University accomplishments

I want to build nice relationships with my University fellows so that I can get help from them whenever I want. This is one of my biggest aims that I want to accomplish during my University time.

Personal quality, talent, accomplishment, contribution essay sample

Everything I had been working for had paid off.' I just marched in the Rose Parade.' The only way I would be able to participate in the Rose Parade was if I attended every single rehearsal and if I played a brass instrument. Once in a while, there were stops, and I was able to →

Alexander the great and his great accomplishments

The essay will also talk about the accomplishments and conquered lands of the army of Alexander and his early life and late life. In the spring of the same 331 BC, Alexander made a pilgrimage to the temple and the oracle of Amon-Ra, the Egyptian god of the sun.

Asian pacific americans, accomplishments and tribulations essay

The United States began as a nation of immigrants in the seventeenth century, but citizenship was limited to only whites." In 1868, the Fourteenth Amendment included all persons born in the United States and aliens of African nativity and persons of African descent. Many workers died in the process because of cave-ins and various accidents, →

My greatest accomplishment

Helen Keller had to overcome the obstacle of not being able to communicate. Much like Helen Keller overcame the obstacle of not being able to communicate, I too overcame the obstacle of breaking my arm.

Learning accomplishment profile- three

That is now the Learning Accomplishment Profile- Three for the 3rd edition and this is an on-going appraisal tool. In decision the Learning Accomplishment Profile seems to be a really elaborate appraisal tool for immature kids, easy to administrate with step-by measure instructions and list of activities to assist you with administrating.

Level of accomplishment in writing

Prior to taking the course, I can consider my way of writing to be less focused based on the fact that I write in a manner that somewhat disregards any form of attachment to either personal emotions or that of the audience. Upon examining my progress through the course, I have come to a conclusion →

The accomplishments of cardinal richelieu

This establishment of France would begin to occur prior to the religious wars, and would be spearheaded by a strengthening of the centralized government through the development of royal absolutism. The result of this dual respect was the ability of Richelieu to stay in power, and be able to influence the shaping of France into →

Accomplishment report essay sample

On the day of the first operation, the Proponents decided to visit their prospective customers that they have interviewed during the survey process to inform them that their business implementation begins the next day. The operation begins when all the Proponents meet at the Supplier's location at 2: 00am in the morning to purchase →

Research paper on marco polo major accomplishments

Marco was later promoted to the post of a governor of a Chinese city and after that an official of the Privy Council. Marco Polo stayed in the company of Kublai Khan for 17 long years when he attained vast knowledge as regards the Mongol empire. He shared the stories of his travel with Rustichello →

Gathering performance and gathering accomplishment

With a particular true objective to screen the work or the development, a gathering contains a gathering pioneer and associates. The fundamental piece of a gathering pioneer is to screen the gathering and report in like manner. Since principal portions are constrained to watching out for a specific execution, just the individual level measures of →

The life and accomplishment of madam curie: her contribution to science

Her early years were know to be sorrowful, losing her mother and a sister, Marie was an early pioneer in the field of radiology, as well as winning two Nobel prizes and founding the Curie Institutes in Paris and Warsaw, she was noted for her diligent work ethic, she turned downfoodand sleep in order to →

My personal accomplishment version 2

Knowing that people trust me with these responsibilities and that I am able to perform these responsibilities gives me a sense of accomplishment and allows me to believe in my own abilities as a debater, a thinker, a team member, ateacherand a leader. Another experience that I value the most is doing volunteer work for →

Accomplishments of ancient rome

In the 3, 000 years that make up the ancient history of the emergence of Western Civilization, Rome's contributions to society include the construction of bridges, domes, and temples. The Ancient Romans were the first to construct the dome.

Accomplishment report

For these, the following are the endeavors of Daan Sarile Elementary School for CY 2011. Trainings/conferences attended- PublicAccountabilityand Values Enhancement Seminar- March 23-25. t2t Orientation Training Program for Teachers and School Officials-Oct 11-14, 2011. Pupils Development Registered 55 GSP →

William faulkner’s accomplishments in literature

In 1948, Faulkner was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Letters. One of William Faulkner's brilliant and best novels was The Sanctuary. His last book before he died was The Reivers and it received another.

What were the accomplishments of reconstruction and why did it finally fail what essay

What were the accomplishments of Reconstruction and why did it finally fail? what were the political, social, and economic sources of its demise? After the devastating Civil War the government of the US had a very hard task of southern Reconstruction. The military defeat of slave-owning plantators and the emancipation of slaves was only →

Example of my accomplishment essay

This involves the learning of the English language, aligning oneself to the American customs and culture whilst adhering to the old religion and food. One who is in need of studying English in the USA colleges is required to make an application for a student visa. When the application has been accepted, the student can →

Significant accomplishments of theodore roosevelt essay examples

From a general perspective, his key accomplishments are the emphasis on protection of public interest, expansion of the involvement of the United States in world affairs and social and economic reforms. Roosevelt always considered himself as the people's steward and felt obligated to take any necessary actions for the public good. In order to protect →