2 Pages Essay Samples

Discussion 2

The former functions in a software system is merely confined to addressing the requirements needed to design, implement, and monitor the software system; and does not require ensuring that the software system is effectively interconnected to other users in the organization. The persons involved in the activities include the systems and network engineers, IT personnel, β†’

Cryptographic failures and challenges

In this case, private information is compromised and it can lead to disclosure of crucial data to the public. A recent such occurrence was witnessed in Taiwan, where scientist unearthed a flaw with the country's secure digital ID system. The scientists revealed what they termed a ' fatal flaw' in the hardware random number generator β†’

Computer forenscis

Linux in Forensics Linux has various distributions that are very popular mainly because of the stability, better security and open source nature. Linux has distinct advantages in a forensic lab setting; they are; availability and accessibility; the software is readily available on the internet.

Draw class diagram for the situation

An abstraction of entities with common characteristics is represented by classes while the relationships between classes are represented by associations.In class diagrams, classes are represented by rectangles divided into three compartments with the first partition indicating the class name, the class attributes on the second partition and finally the class methods on the β†’

Creational and behavioral design pattern: commands in the function

The square view model is related to the composite class in the algorithm which in turn is related to the color background and the square state of the game. The square view model object is able to position the board which is then passed to the composite class which sets the required state of the β†’

Data mining as the process

The airline employed data mining process in order to increase the responses from the customers and also to increase the value of the response. This will increase the response rate as the offers are planned based on the results of customer preferences. Other Sectors: Data mining can be widely applied to many industrial sectors.

Ethics in it assignment

Software's are designed for the purposes of meeting a specific need either in the business or entertainment world. Once an engineer has designed software for a given purpose, it will not make sense to discriminate on the type of warranty that it can be given. It will be senseless to distinguish software as the same β†’

Objects and object oriented programming: classes & objects, classes & functions, classes & methods

Objects in a certain class are the instances of that class. Abstract class This is a class that states explicitly virtual methods and it is labeled as abstract and thus no objects can be created in it. You also show the visibility mode of the parent class as either private or public. Methods β†’

Society is dead, we have retreated into iworld by andrew sullivan

Editor of Andrewsullivan.com, an essay writer at Times and an analyst, Sullivan in this essay describes his visit to the once known as city of lights and life, a city which never sleeps, New York and record his observation in a beautiful way by describing how the city has changed with technological advancements and generally β†’

Train go sorry: inside a deaf world by leah cohen

These challenges are portrayed in this book " Train Go Sorry: Inside a Deaf World", through the application of the New York City School Lexington School for the Deaf as the case study, by Leah Cohen, who grew in a deaf people's environment and states, " our family's home was a school for the deaf". β†’

Ethics article summary

The author seems to create this sort of injustice by imposing unfair burden on the South African employers. According to the Belmont report, the question of justice is created when the people conducting research fail to give the credit where it is due or impose an uncalled for burden on one party.

Quiz 5

Political science Domestic issues in the forefront of national agenda in the USA elections differ according to the yearly changes. Trade Policy in the Asia-Pacific the Role of Ideas, Interests, and Domestic Institutions.

Analusis of what is it about 20-somethingsarticle by robin marantz henig

Instead of following a course of life in stages, people are beginning to find confusion in the fact that stability cannot be defined during adulthood anymore in fact an increasing number of people are going back to school regardless of the age. People ages 18 to late 20s have similar actions of continuously seeking their β†’

The article jihadi john and london’s culture of gang violence

The author reckons that gang experience, Islamic identity, and the alienation faced by young Muslims living in London motivates young British men to join London's gang culture and later radical Islamist groups that offer a sense of brotherhood. Description Recently, many young Muslims living in London had joined ISIS. The radical Islamist groups seek β†’

The role of rand corporation in solving the soldiers psychological problems and other assistance

With RAND Corporation's dedication to high-quality service, objective research, and analysis, RAND engages the community to create knowledge, information, and solutions which are effective and enduring. RAND's community policing in Oakland was geared toward curbing the rising crimes. The community's participation has also been effective. Since the 911 terrorist attacks on the USA, the RAND β†’

Developing leadership skills through soccer

Even though it is traditionally a European sport and may not be the most popular sport in the United States, I think that it has helped me grow to be a better student and a better man. It taught me how to be a good sport and to accept defeat as a part of the β†’

Federal minimum wage

Opponents of the government's increase of the minimum wage argue that raising the minimum wage will reduce the competitiveness of the U. The government performs a fundamental economic and social role by raising the minimum wage.

Interest groups

Politicians are well aware of the popularity of interest groups and their ability to sway public opinion, which is very important to their election success. The political process dominated by the political parties but kept in check by the presence of interest groups is more favorable than the reverse. Politicians are best positioned to lead β†’

Machiavellianism – dissertation example

He further noted that moral corruption assists in the realization of social benefits like security and stability. Machiavelli asserted that Private Morality and Public Morality must be evaluated differently in order for the Prince to rule effectively. The leaders should act immorally in order to eradicate resistance and political rivals.

The lesson by toni cade bambara

Though the Constitution of America guarantees equality to all its citizens, in real terms, the privileged society practices all sorts of inequalities, and the African Americans face hurdles at every turn of life. The story " The Lesson," by Toni Cade Bambara elucidates the situations of trials and tribulations in the life of blacks. The β†’

Edward snowden: the inside story

Reporter's privilege or the protection given by the law to reporter's not to divulge their source or be compelled to give out confidential information must not be abused. Reporter's privilege should not be therefore abused because it is the reporter's defense against the tyrannical tendency of the government not to be mention that it is β†’

Ethical decision making and ethical leadership

I understand your current dilemma, and I am glad that you are seeking further insight into the issue. The Kohlberg Model is of critical importance in this situation as it can help you analyze the level of ethics you should exhibit. Therefore, I hope you will reconsider the company's code of ethics as well as β†’

Cultural exploration

Hence, the US culture promotes equality among the gender and give them equal expectations. Similarly, India and US are different in terms of task relationship. For instance, women are expected to rear children and pay dowry to the husband.

Young childrens exposure to electronic media

The paper " Young Children's Exposure to Electronic Media" is a worthy example of an essay on social sciOverexposurexposure to television, video games and other electronic media give a negative effect on the children's behavior, physical and emotional health, academic skills and social development. The violence shown on TV and on other electronic media is β†’

English only: press no – editorial in los angeles times

Although proponents of English becoming the official language of the United States would say that it helps to unite a diverse group of people, the action of making English the only language to be officially used in the United States would only turn immigrants against native English speakers. Although forcing new immigrants to only use β†’

Car accidents in saudi arabia

These figures show that traffic accidents in Saudi Arabia are a real tragedy. Research Question: owing to this alarmingly high rate of traffic accidents in Saudi Arabia, the pertinent question is, what is the main cause of road accidents in Saudi Arabia and how can the tragedy of road accidents in Saudi Arabia be overcome? β†’

Impacts of the internet

The Internet is also used professionally as a tool for information management, sharing and receipting of information. The Internet would apply to my future career in many useful ways. The Internet will also be useful in boosting the general awareness of the public to the services offered and the quality of the service, thus offering β†’

Supreme court

Supreme Court Data of Supreme Court In the United s, the court is considered to be the highest tribunal in the land that is expected to exercise justice to all the citizens. It being the final arbiter, the Supreme Court is entrusted with the ability to provide equal justice through the use and interpretation of β†’

The saints and the roughnecks

The paper " The Saints and the Roughnecks" is a great example of an article review on social science. The article on Roughnecks and Saints created a general perspective of the modern day clicks and gangs. This may be the reason as to why Isabella had more success in achieving her mental prowess. From the β†’

Federal regulations and federal agencies

This suggest that even in the absence of legal factors, social factors such as moral principles can regulate organizations and I believe that in such an environment, pharmaceuticals would consider ethical manners for quality service delivery and for competitive advantage. The pharmaceutical industry identifies intense competition and its companies ensure measures for competitive advantage. The β†’

Political-economic resentments in gulf

POLITICAL-ECONOMIC RESENTMENTS IN GULF Iran and Iraq are the two most dominant countries in the gulf region with conflicts. In fact, the war overstated the oil production all over the Gulf area. The " Tanker War" was expanded to the extent of involving the tankers that were used to transport oil to the Gulf since β†’

Sex education in the united states

Thus, they gain diversified knowledge about the attitudes and views of society regarding sex-related issues like socially-accepted gender roles and social taboos like abortion, birth control, etc. "...cultures around the world socialize boys and girls through both, direct and indirect means, to understand their gender roles in society".Thus, children and adolescents develop their social and sexual β†’

Global issues

For the correct decision regarding foreign policies to be reached, the following steps should be taken; Step 1: Examining the political environment internationally and locally For the best policy, the political environments for the two should be well understood. Step 2: Goal setting The goal that affects international and local political environment is determined. Step β†’

Analysis of an animals place article by michael pollan

In a profound investigation of the arguments of people who plead for animal liberation, the author maintains that the most difficult animal rights challenge is posed by the killing of animals for meat and clothing. Strictly speaking, this is true of other humans, too, but since humans are all basically wired the same way, we β†’

Selfie and self-portrait

Selfie and Self-portrait People do not comprehend the major difference between a selfie and self-portrait because they like to misuse the term selfie to mean self-portrait. When a person takes a selfie, the eyes look bigger and shinny because of the closeness to the camera but self-portrait the artist produce every part of β†’

Population and migration

Population and Migration The world's mega cities are emerging from the huge mega-regions, which have become home to the growing population. Cities that which are polycentric and well managed have invested heavily in the infrastructure are able to contain problems that may arise upon a mass of people and industry. The development of the mega-cities β†’

Week 4

The various versions so present differ on account of the manner in which the basic principles of this theory may be incorporated but all together the function and motive of each is the same- making the world a peaceful place to live in. While one of the version calls for absolute use of the peaceful β†’

Group membership

People from the military follow a strict discipline to the point that it is almost stereotyped. The reason is that it holds more personal use for me with regard to having a strong self-conduct.

Justice & institution building in the uae

Justice and Building in the UAE Justice and Building in the UAE The tension between the western ideologies and the Islamic perception of the judicial systems and the nature of the legislation has been in existence since time immemorial. The paper seeks to analyze the Zayed's conception of justice with the aim of establishing whether β†’

Talk in the intimate relationship

She incorporates verses and examples to make her article a persuasive one. WHAT THE AUTHOR PURPOSE OF WRITING THIS STORY? The purpose of the author in writing this story is to inform about the existence of communication differences between men and women that exists because of the social difference in their maturing and gaining communication β†’

Aristotelian and confucian virtue ethics philosophies aristotle and confucius

One of the similarities between the views of the two philosophers on virtue ethics is functional holism and perfectionism. Review of the ethics of Confucius and Aristotle: mirrors of virtue.

Against the patenting genes

Gene patent should not be legalized so that more knowledge can be created for the benefit of mankind. Myriad Genetics Ic.used the patents to determine the typical nucleotide sequence of the genes. It is, indeed, sad, that " some genetic tests cannot be done in Canada because U.S.companies hold patents on the tests and the β†’


As a result, every organization has a mandate or ensuring that part of the revenue collected through sales is taken back to the society to help in improving the living conditions of the people through supporting noble programs such as education and environmental conservation. Explore I find it absurd that a company can outsource β†’

Graffiti as a spatial practice

College: GRAFFITI AS A SPATIAL PRACTICE According to walking in the interesting practices such as graffiti would be used to pass across messages between members of a certain group or even belonging. Graffiti cannot be related to a given group of people because it's universally applicable across the globe.

Polsky’s “presidency at war”

Presidency at War The thesis ment of Andrew Polsky's " Presidency at War" is the role of the congress, judiciary, andpublic, in relation to presidential decision-making concerning military intervention. Polsky criticizes the " two presidency thesis" that separates presidential decisions on domestic and foreign policy. A careful scrutiny of historical wartime events shows that the β†’

Visit to mission district working with latino, chicano, central, and south american immigrants

Each of us did some research online in order to find out about more about the different centers which help immigrants in the urban community. We then decide to go further with this and actually visit the centers in order to get a more personal account of life for these immigrants. Immediately we looked the β†’

As the material in this unit reveals, there has been a constant struggle between the states and national government over the proper balance of power. based on your studies, what are 2 areas of government that should be the primary responsibility of the na

Executive branch of government oversees the function of various departments of national government to ensure that the government is functioning and that the necessary social services are delivered to the people and is therefore should be the responsibility of the national government. Given the implication of its function to the national government, the legislative department β†’

The life of an outsider in new york

The paradox of the situation is that while the poor people make the wealth for the rich people, the wealth is retained by a smaller part of the population. It is essential to highlight that immigrants usually provides the highest population of workers.

Political system

The role of oil and Islam in Arab countries Islam constitutes a source of both legitimacy and illegitimacy to some Arab regimes", discuss this statement" The established role of Islam in Middle East societies has contributed towards most regime's desire to control the religious sphere. The regimes acknowledge the probable danger of Islamists movement and β†’

Q (ve1) or q (ve2)

In terms of the definition of ethics, which is itself a mean, ethics (how we are trained to handle any situation) is plainly the cause of the achievement of the ' average' feeling of happiness (happiness does not have a measure but either a lack or presence of it). Some of the moral virtues that β†’

Preventing nuclear capacities in north korean or iran

There are a number of measures that I would have taken to this end if I were the president of the United States, these include: Possible Measures to Prevent North Korea from obtaining Nuclear Capabilities Pressure North Korea to Return to Six-Party negotiations The United States can possibly employ the use of economic β†’

Us intel community

Therefore, the confederate and the union leadership valued intelligence and thus established spy networks. Over the years, both the legislative as well as executive arms have devised committees and commissions that have proposed for the reorganization of the US Intelligence Community. Foreign intelligence refers to the information about foreign government's activities or the activities of β†’

Political science

Subordinates have the liability to determine any course of action and leaders get along with their ideas and plans. Innovative leaders are quick to change and adapt new ideas, their teams are in a constant process of progressing and changing.

Hot topic

Winning the case followed a series of unethical market based policies in the past. Topic 2 A shocking Lack of Common Sense Milligan reports the most shocking unethical practice by a Republican senator. Shock faces allegation of office abuse by the in appropriation of the public money. Topic 3 Porter β†’

Policy debate: secrecy and openness in the war on terrorism

It becomes a delicate balancing act for the government because on one side, access to information may be used against the people it is supposed to protect, and limited access may directly or indirectly infringe on the peoples rights. Conclusion Many people will argue that bureaucracies are necessary for ensuring quality provision of services β†’

Actions speaks louder words

Of the two kind of sports, I enjoy playing individual sports more than team sports because I can play it anytime compared to team sports where I have to wait for other people before I can play. 6. TOEFL is a wonderful test because it allows me to know my level of knowledge in the β†’

United nations

Here, several countries have come together to combat and find solutions to common global world problems, for instance, preserving security and peace. Even though multilateralism has been viewed as a valuable tool in diplomacy for the US, it has faced various challenges at the UN due to divergent schools of thought derailing some of its β†’

Stuttering damage helps thousands

The device also has a way of setting it to alter the speech it hears to make the person talk more enthusiastically or more authoritatively. The entire video consists of the inventor explaining the basics of what the device does as he demonstrates it. The speech seems to be based on fact because β†’

Mexico economy

Currently, monopolies markets are crippling the economy coupled with insecurity. Development: The growth of the economy has been in an ascending trend. Although the country successfully overcame the 2008 financial crisis, the emergence of monopolies and cartels are threatening to take Mexico back to the dark days.

Substance abuse in youth

It has been observed that substance abuse and other psycho-social problems have peaked within them in recent years. OUTLINE Youth gangs and substance abuse have long been identified as prejudicial to both youth and to societal progress and prosperity. In the pursuit of putting an end to these social evils, immediate steps and efforts β†’

International relations major

In addition, the country's relationship with other nations is at its peak due to various factors such as the terror war, oil trade, politics, and sports. The issue of Islam and terrorism, as well as the position of women in the Saudi Arabian public, is essential motivators to study International Relations. I also engaged my β†’

Timing mediation initiatives

In determining a stalemate, and making a decision on whether it is ripe for mediation, there is a need of assessing the costs of the conflict, and analyzing the losses that both parties have suffered. If these changes occur, chances are high that the new leadership would embrace peace, and hence there is a need β†’

Foreign policy towards russia

The main focus of the book, conflict and cooperation is to acquaint students with the basic principles of theory of international relations. In addition to that, it also acquaints the students with different treatises which have been published from the ancient days to contemporary readings which offer a balanced view of theory of international relations.

Gender, work and organization

This article only concentrates on America marginalizing other countries. Doing, Undoing, or Redoing Gender? : Learning from the Workplace Experiences of Transpeople by Catherine Connell This article outlines the way of and impact of doing transgender and its repercussion for the experience of and transformation of gender imbalance at work. The writer only limits β†’

Connecticut local government

The program help high school and college students make great stories for their lives. It has been an issue in our community since the kids were not engaged and had some challenges and behavioral problems. I believe I feel this way because the program can help chronically low performing school rise. If I lived in β†’

Consumer incentives

The government may give economic incentives to healthcare providers through tax-free imports of medical facilities, tax holidays, and financial support with the aim of improving the quality of healthcare. The nursing home can signal the quality of its services to customers by hiring adequate number of nurses, ensuring nurses are educationally and clinically prepared, availing β†’

Informal fallacies

He is also very ignorant of what the scientists and other specialists have said and written on the subject; hence, his report cannot be considered as true. The Second Informal Fallacy The Congress of the United States should not bother to consult major colleges and universities on educational appropriations in the country. This is β†’

Human trafficking

It is a touching movie, which gives an insight about the modern world, and how even if he think that we live in an educated society, where people have freedom and there is no slavery, there are people who sell human beings, to earn profit. The way the three women were lured into the world β†’

The logic of suicide terrorism

On the other hand, the attached writing entitled " The logic of Suicide Terrorism: It is the Occupation, not the Fundamentalism" is an article written by Scott McConnell after meeting with Robert Anthony who wrote a book with a similar sub-title in regard with suicide terrorism. This article will specifically address the connections between the β†’

Threat analysis

At that point in time, Al-Qaida's major achievement was to incite other non-state actors as well as the wider Muslim community against the U.S. In fact, U.S.adversaries go beyond al-Qaida to accommodate the radical ideological factions, motivated to a certain extent by al Qaeda3; and the threat of Islamist extremism as well as β†’

What is true poverty

Especially now during the period of recession we are facing, and even much after that, the Census Bureau is not in a position to predict the existing level of poverty in the country and in addition to this, since regional disparities persist, it is no wonder that poverty is progressing at a steady pace. Globalization β†’

Ethnic diversity in the united states

In fact, in the 2000s, there were around 11 million Asians, Latin Americans, Africans and Caribbean people who came to America. The strength that diversity brings about is therefore in the sense of freedom and omniscience that it ascribes to the population. Among the various ethnic groups in the United States, the most dominant remains β†’

Corporate social responsibility theories: mapping the territory

Corporate Social Responsibility Theories: Mapping the Territory Summary Most CSR theories take into consideration 4 practical aspects: 1) Businesses are meant to produce profits, 2) Corporate power and its rational use, 3) Businesses and their social responsibilities, 4) Businesses as profit makers working within ethical domains. Based on the above concept, the theories can be β†’

If you could be anyone in history, who would it be and why

If you could be anyone in history, who would it be and why? There have been many important people in the history of the world who have left their mark and they will always be remembered in this world. This is because her services can never be forgotten and her name is linked with β†’

Opera market political analysis

Federal and state laws are some of the fundamental components of the political environment. This section presents a comprehensive analysis of the political environment that may affect the operation of an Opera house business operating in US state of New Jersey. The state of the New Jersey applies taxes to every business that operates in β†’

The federalist number ten

Madison is justified to argue that majority factions may oppress the minority for self-gain, prompting the necessity for a government to ensure fairness in a democratic society. Madison argues that two strategies are feasible to eradicate the effects of faction, in a democratic society. The second option is to discourage the passions and β†’

Pornography, oppression and freedom by helen e. longino

Furthermore, Longino describes pornography as the portrayal of women as demeaning and derogatory as the mere sexual object which is subjected to exploitation and manipulation. Moreover, it has been made clear that pornography intends to defame the chastity of women, condones crime against women and invites social, cultural and economic repression of women.

Training to prison staff in post conflict areas

It is also the mandate of the NGO during the process to develop proper and appropriate training curricula for prison law enforcing officers. Instead, it advocates the rule of law and justice to all.

The charlie hebdo shooting by muslim extremists

The Charlie Hebdo shooting by Muslim Extremists It is horrific as France continues to recover from the attack on Charlie Hebdo. Getting the killers may be a difficult task since they can easily cross the borders but reinforcing the wrong ideas will only do more harm than good to the people in France. I feel β†’


Science Violence There are some underling relationships of the existing variation in the belief in conspiracies investigated in a sample of Americans who have reached the required voting age including violent overtones of conspiracies. This results into the question the question of what factors account for variance in conspiracy theories?

Ethics and the war on drugs

Fighting against drugs, I would continue the fight on the selling of the drugs so as to reduce supply and at the same time decriminalize drug use. The war on drugs and the politics of Failure.

Criminal justice, issues for judges and sentencing

The rules that are in the court do vary depending on the jurisdiction, but they possess several features that are common. Ethical codes are used in most of the states and are based on professional conduct rules that help in judging and sentencing. The judges guide the relevant people involved in the court and help β†’

Public transportation versus driving a car

Public Transportation vs Driving a Car Every day people use transport as the main means to get to the necessary place. As it follows from the above-mentioned, public transport appears to be more appropriate for use in terms of cost, safety, and harm to the environment.

A modest proposal by jonathon swift

The so-called modest proposal is given after considerable analysis of the general condition of poverty prevalent in Ireland, and the way in which children have become, in realistic terms, a burden to families. The very tone of the essay, which imitates serious discourses that substantiate points of view in a systematic manner, is satiric to β†’

The social media advantage

Argumentative essay about social media With the introduction of the computer age and the internet, the need for man to connect over the internet drove the search for the development of social media platforms. In this essay, the advantages of social media will be examined in details here. First of all, social media β†’

Easing the teasing strategies

For example, in its digest available on the site , it is easy to see that the author has researched well the literature on teasing and bullying based on the list of references. They too would find that the given information is easy to understand and apply.

Charging time

If Kevin takes the work home and completes it without charging it to the job, it will be that the firm will not charge the clients more. At the same time, the quality of the audit work will not be compromised and the partners in charge indicate that it is up to Kevin to determine β†’

Intelligence analysis as a profession

These agents go through observation, hypothesis, experimentation and conclusion processes as a means to collect the information they have collected on training, this processes are also done in other professionals such as medical training and even law, making intelligence analysis a profession. Like this other professions, intelligence analysts use technological tools to in assisting them β†’

Disadvantages of smoking

The paper " Disadvantages of Smoking" is a wonderful example of an essay on social science. Tobacco or cigarette smoke has ingredients that are chemically active. The risk of a stroke in smoking men is increased by 40% in men and 60% in women.

Pierson and the secret service scandal

Julia Pierson finally resigned from her position of Director of United States Secret Service, a position which made her responsible for the security of the President and the first family. Julia Pierson to quit from her position. It was not far away, 19 Sep '14 to be precise, when a man who was equipped with β†’

The liar, liar by gary paulsen

This short book by Gary Paulson generates laughter at every page and therefore he is the one amongst the finest children's book authors. The hero of the book, Kevin Spencer, is a genius liar. He has the good of everybody at heart and desires to make everyone's life better.

Compare the taiwan political system and the hong kong political system

Taiwan Political System and the Hong Kong Political System Hong Kong is a special administrative region under the people's republic of China under the one country, two systems principle. The region has a unitary government system and is globally accepted as an administrative region of the People's Republic of China. On its part, Taiwan β†’

Ethics and the impaired employee

Instead, the supervisor should have considered issues of personal emotional intelligence and also the basic psychological needs of Beverly prior to launching into such a dramatic punishment program. After Beverly states that she had four young children at home and had no other provider in the household to assist, the supervisor should have realized that β†’

Ethics in organizational leadership

Ethics in Organizational Leadership Ethics in Organizational Leadership Work performances and every operation in the organization require mechanisms and standards to oversight and regulate the manner and procedures in which tasks are carried out. The Virtual theory is based on virtues but these virtues may differ and a leader may have different moral values and β†’

The issue of social life in the everyday and everydayness by henri lefebvre

While the author does not explain how life differed based on the highlighted factors, he explicates that living presented a phenomenal diversity. Apparently, there were functions, forms, and structures that dictated the way of life and these structures are and will always exist in society. These kinds of forms and structures witnessed in the society β†’

Mapping an argumetnt

According to them, this law is not useful to the society since it has no value to add to the workers, labor unions, small-scale traders, middle class and the political economy. However, McElroy concludes by acknowledging that, as a victim of this crisis, autism really exists and even if CDC denies it, it will eventually β†’