40 Pages Essay Samples

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A field-based approach to determine soft tissue injury risk in elite futsal using novel machine learning techniques

Perhaps the lack of available valid screening models to predict LE-ST injuries could be attributed to the use of statistical techniques that have not been specifically designed to deal with class imbalance problems, such as the LE-ST injury phenomenon, in which the number of injured players prospectively reported is always much lower than the non-injured →

Stock records accuracy assignment

4 Defining Accuracy There are a number of ways by which the accuracy of a group of records might be defined, and the choice of a preferred method depends on the purposes to which the accuracy figure is to be put. It is common for the accountant to express records accuracy in this way, since →

Pursuing advances in dna sequencing technology to solve a complex genomic jigsaw puzzle: the agglutinin-like sequence ( als ) genes of candida tropicalis

Starting in the pre-genome era and extending over a period of approximately 20 years, projects moved from identification of the first ALS gene, to the recognition that the gene was part of a larger family, to characterization of the family, and the relative abundance of specific Als proteins on the cell surface under a variety →

Gene editing in rabbits: unique opportunities for translational biomedical research

In the late 1970s, rabbit models provided insights into the molecular and cellular mechanisms of atherosclerosis and contributed to the development of Statins, the most potent class of lipid-lowering drugs prescribed annually for millions of patients worldwide. In terms of application categories, while a quarter of these reports are about the development and optimization of →

Marketing fashion to china assignment

Enormous passion for golf in China during the last few years, testifies to this need to belong to a group and the consequent conformity of attitudes of individuals to the group expectations. The consumption is often ostentatious as witnessed by the explosion in the number of luxury cars in the Peoples' Republic of China, as →

Potential and challenges for the clinical use of -serine as a cognitive enhancer

In a landmark study, Hashimoto and colleagues discovered the presence of a substantial amount of d -serine in the rodent brain. Given the contribution of d -serine to LTP, and the fact that LTP is considered a key mechanism underlying learning and memory, it was no surprise when studies confirmed the importance of d →

Mechanisms of therapeutic resistance in cancer (stem) cells with emphasis on thyroid cancer cells

In thyroid cancer, as in other tumors, such defense strategies include the reactivation in cancer cells of early developmental programs normally active exclusively in stem cells, the stimulation of cancer stem-like cells resident within the tumor tissue, and the recruitment of bone marrow-derived progenitors into the tumor. The purpose of the present review is to →

Ebay – ecommerce platform a case study in scalability assignment

In 2010, we will remain focused on driving consumer and merchant adoption of PayPal on eBay and across the Web, as well as expanding our open platform initiative and ongoing integration of Bill Me Later onto eBay.eBay continues to be one of the most popular shopping destinations on Earth, and we made great strides in →

Colorectal cancer screening: tests, strategies, and perspectives

Overall sensitivity of FIT is higher than gFOBT both for CRC and for AA and the test has a comparable specificity. FIT is the test of choice in Spain, the Netherlands, and in most Italian programs.

Binary theorizing does not account for action control

These and other theoretical developments indicate that the systematic replacement of the will/habit concept by the controlled/automatic concept has tempted at least more cognitively oriented theorists as cited above 2 to refocus the theoretical attention away from the possible causes of the impact of the relevant information on action control to the consequences away from →

Forex management assignment

The business in foreign exchange markets in India has shown a steady increase as a consequence of increase in the volume of foreign trade of the country, improvement in the communications systems and greater access to the international exchange markets. At these physical markets, the banks meet and in the presence of the representative of →

Counselling: overview

The first phase of the study, completed in May 2000, indicates that youth would like access to HIV testing and counseling services if the services are confidential and inexpensive and if the results are reported honestly. Given the focus of the study on services that youth had received, regardless of their HIV status, the research →

Beggary: poverty and chief commissioner

In France and Britain, by the end of 18th century, an estimated 10 percent of the people depended on charity or begging for their food." THE SURVEY OF A MAJOR ISSUE Associated with the problems of poverty and unemployment, is the problem of beggary which is a social problem of great magnitude and grave concern →

Martin luther

The biographer ought to record all the known facts of a man's life, important the unimportant, pleasant and unpleasantand then it should be the task of the reader to form his own judgment on the character of the man who has been described to him. Satan become, in consequence, the dominating conception of his life"." →

The role of outsourcing customer services commerce flashcard

The primary thing is to understand the organisations ends and aims and to take the determination about outsourcing in footings of the overall scheme the company wants to prosecute. This type of outsourcing is by and large done when the company feels that the best place can non be filled by person in the locality →

Negative effects of mass media assignment

In this and the next few issues of Guide to Harmless Hacking I will tell you several ways to get logged on as the superuser in the root account of some Internet host computers. Yet it is also so weak that with only a little bit of instruction, it is possible to learn how to →

Themes in tom jones

The inclusion of prostitution and sexual promiscuity in the plot was also original for its time, and the foundation for criticism of the book's " lowness."[2] Themes The main theme of the novel is the contrast between Tom Jones' good nature, flawed but eventually corrected by his love for virtuous Sophia Western, and his half-brother →

Web design and development practices

The Web design and development patterns, the reappraisal of the wed design and what are the engineerings we are used and the besides the reappraisal about the effectual web site design patterns, and the is the good pattern. The purpose of web design is to make a web site that presents content to the →

The c programming language

The growing popularity of C, the changes in the language over the years, and the creation of compilers by groups not involved in its design, combined to demonstrate a need for a more precise and more contemporary definition of the language than the first edition of this book provided. Appendix A, the reference manual, is →

Hue city – college

The hills are lower, between 20 to 200 meters, with some points at 400 meters, and occupy a third of the area of the province, between the mountains and the plains. He ruled from the city of Hu? for the rest of his life and established the dominion of the Nguyen Lords in the southern →

Patterns of organization

If the interruption to the flow of the sentence is but slight, the writer may safely omit the commas. The word walking refers to the subject of the sentence, not to the woman.

Role of media in the correct projection media essay

In that the armed forces attempt to manage the media to report and project their point of view, while the media attempts to get to the bottom of the issue to ferret out the truth. In spite of the recognition of the role of the media in winning wars, the handling of the media by →

Crime and punishment through time

The longevity of the Empire and the infrequency of major revolts are testimony to the stability of Roman rule and must to some extent demonstrate that the Romans handled the local population in a reasonable manner though with the proviso that their principal concern was the cultivation of local dignitaries. Justice became the responsibility of →

Morality of human development: a case for african moral humanism assignment

Ethical experience and reflection are about human conduct but, what is omitted is the problem of evaluation, of judging by reference to the right and the good; the fundamental principles of the moral law. The second observation to make about the experience suggested in the illustration is that the issue of choice and the outcome →

Contracts outline essay

The definiteness of the proposal itself RULE: If a proposal is nothing more than an invitation to the person to whom it is made to make an offer to the proposer, it is not such an offer as can be turned into an agreement by acceptance; it is merely an invitation to trade.1. Counter Offer →

Media law: defamation, copyright, etc assignment

In respect of a photograph, it may be necessary for the defendant to establish that the plaintiff had consented to use of the photograph in the context in which it appeared. Innocent Publication It is a defence to the publication of defamatory matter if the defendant proves that: the defendant published the matter merely in →

Obligations-and-contracts philippine reviewer

Negative obligation not to do QuickTime and a TIFF decompressor WHEN OBLIGATION TO DELIVER ARISES GENERAL RULE: From the time of the perfection of the contract EXCEPTIONS a.when the parties made a stipulation as regards the right of the creditor to the fruits of the thing b.when the obligation is subject to a suspensive condition →

Introduction to aeronautics: a design perspective

The obstruction of the flow reduces the area of the stream tube and forces the fluid to accelerate in order to maintain the mass flow rate. Forces on a Fluid Element Applying Newton's second law to the motion of the particle along the streamline, the sum of the forces in the streamwise direction, is equal →

Examples of public private partnerships economics essay

This paper deals with the analysis of the issue of whether government stockholding in private organizations is beneficial for the citizens of the country or state. But such cases are the ones in which the control is solely or mostly in the hands of the government, and that in today's world is quite rare.

Online advertising trends in educational institutes assignment

Prepared for the Mumbai University in the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree in... Along with the results of the study, this report also gives an insight into the current scenario of advertising in the Indian educational sector, a brief about GlocalEdge and their portal, glocalstudy.com and some information on →

Urinary incontinence in the elderly nursing essay

Studies of SNS have shown significant decreases in the number of incontinence episodes and in the number of incontinence pads used in up to 90% of patients. Behavioral interventions are first line for treatment of UI in the elderly and a patient with moderate cognitive impairment would require caregiver assistance to participate in behavioral methods.

Red cross report

The legal objects of the British Red Cross, as laid out in its revised Royal Charter, are to provide assistance to victims of armed conflicts and to work for the improvement of health, the prevention of disease and the prevention and alleviation of human suffering in the UK and throughout the world. The British Red →

Employment torts: information guide

HELD: -The employers were not liable to D for the injury caused to him by the defective drift, because they had fulfilled their duty to him as their servant, namely, a duty to take reasonable care to provide proper appliances, and were not responsible for the negligence of the manufacturers, who had no contractual relationship →

Harlot. haughty. heretic.

The severed head was then raised by the executioner, holding it in the hair, not for the crowd to see it but for the head to see the crowd and its own body. She was the key figure to the English Reformation and was famous for her death.

Corporate finance – concept questions assignment

4 = ) 2 where T is the number of periods, Rt is the period return and R is the sample mean. The cash cycle is the period of time from the cash payment for raw materials to the collection of cash.

Emotivity in the voice: prosodic, lexical, and cultural appraisal of complaining speech

While the role of prosody in communicating the emotive involvement of complainers is heavily suggested, most of the literature on complaints comes from the pragmatics field, based largely on descriptive and qualitative analyses of conversations. As mentioned above, the emotive involvement of the speaker is often more important than the object of the complaint, meaning →

Naturalizing phenomenology: a must have ?

Both philosophers and scientists pay increasing attention to the perspectival nature of perceiving, the question of veridicality of the percept, the scope and limits of psychophysics for the analysis of mental facts, and the qualitative aspects of experience. Today, raising the question of the nature, relevance, and role of appearances in our subjective experience immediately →

A meaning-aware cultural tourism intelligent navigation system based on anticipatory calculation

According to the report of the nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the main contradiction of China's society has been transformed into " the contradiction between the growing needs of the people's life and the development of imbalanced development". The protection and dissemination of intangible cultural heritage is significant for the →

Health-oriented leadership and mental health from supervisor and employee perspectives: a multilevel and multisource approach

Thus, the development of healthy workplaces is of central importance, as it is assumed to improve the health of employees, increase the productivity for the company and contribute to the wellbeing of the community at large. To address these research questions, the first aim of the study was to test the relationship between supervisor and →

Practice without theory is blind finance essay

The author of the study is obliged to all those who have helped in the completion of study. The assigned topic for which I have gathered the data from different sources and references to accomplish and to fulfill the requirements of the thesis titled as " MURABAHA AND ITS CHALLENGES" In chapter first, I have →

Sinensetin: an insight on its pharmacological activities, mechanisms of action and toxicity

Aside from chemosensitizing, sinensetin aided in the reversal of MDR phenotype in aspects such as decreased accumulation of the drug and enhanced efflux of anticancer drugs. However, the effect of sinensetin was negligible in the aspect of antiproliferation in HT29 cell and this was supported by expression data of BICR5, CDKN1A and CCNA2.

Cost implications of sustainable building construction essay

The report ' Cost of Building to the Code for Sustainable Homes' wanted to identify: The solutions that home builders typically adopt to achieve credits under the various Code issues and the costs associated with each issueUnderstand the approaches typically taken by home builders to achieve each Code level and how these approaches are influenced →

Nephrotic syndrome: oedema formation and its treatment with diuretics

Oedema is one of the four defining features of the nephrotic syndrome and is the symptom most commonly requiring intervention. Changes in the capillary basement membrane akin to aging exist in nephrotic syndrome, with thickening of the basement membrane, altered protein composition and increased stiffness; the thickening of the basement membrane increases protein permeability.

Italian and german fascism comparison essay sample

Finally, at the turn of the century, came a leader, in the form of Giovanni Giolitti, who was willing to do what he could to repair the divide, handle the changes, and do whatever it took to bring Italy the success that it was capable of. At the beginning of the war, he was a →

Part one wednesday

But it was all finished, all over, the trips in the car and the rowing and the talking to the local newspaper. Simon had intended to open it and check that it was what he had paid for, but a growing sense of his own imprudence overrode the desire.

Indian fertilizer industry essay

In spite of increase in cost of fertilizers, the Government has completely kept the farmers insulated from this increase in cost and have ncreased the subsidy allocations to meet the consumption needs of the farmer at subsidized level of prices. 3 The steady increase in fertilizer subsidies over the years has largely been the result →

The input matters: assessing cumulative language access in deaf and hard of hearing individuals and populations

But this raises a third problem: using observational language samples to understand the nature of a child's input is only a valid approach when both the input and the child's access to it have remained fairly constant throughout the child's life. In order for LENA data to be a valid representation of the child's auditory →

Studying social interactions through immersive virtual environment technology: virtues, pitfalls, and future challenges

Also, the degree of immersion in the virtual world and in the interaction with virtual humans can be manipulated by providing more or less sensorial information to the participants. Using a standardized simulation of a social interaction with virtual humans and IVEs provide the opportunity to subtly manipulate something in the virtual environment or the →

The comfort of approach: self-soothing effects of behavioral approach in response to meaning violations

In this review, we will provide an overview of the neuroaffective and psychophysiological processes that have been linked to the typical compensation behavior of the threat-compensation literature, and suggest directions for future research in this field. As we have discussed, the initial response to threat is the activation of the behavioral inhibition system that increases →

Contracts outline assignment

The Agreement Process INTENTION TO BE LEGALLY BOUND Mutual Assent: an expression of agreement or among the parties Agreement: a manifestation of mutual assent on the part of 2 or more Bargain: an agreement to exchange promises or to exchange a promise for a performance or the exchange performances A. The definiteness of the proposal →

The importance of human emotions for wildlife conservation

It promotes the intensification of emotions such as danger and disgust, especially for species that are unattractive to people. This review aimed to discuss the role of emotions in the conservation of species which a have been transcendent for the human species throughout history and that in many cases are currently threatened by extinction.

After the storm: inter-disciplinary dialogic discourses with a post-fishing community

Stephenson had a long history of research in PI communities in relation to the conditions of their decline; female activism during and after the 1984/5 miners' strike; and the value and importance of the performance of shared cultural and industrial heritage. The aim of this paper is to examine the degree to which this unique →

International trade assignment

The bank remits the documents to the buyer for the purpose of clearing the cargo from the discharging port. The contract of sales not only mention how goods are to be delivered by the seller and the price to be paid by him, but it will also have to include other matters such as the →

The influence of taste liking on the consumption of nutrient rich and nutrient poor foods

In order to increase the consumption of nutrient rich food and to decrease the consumption of nutrient poor foods, it is important to understand what affects the consumption of such foods. In order to understand the high levels of consumption of nutrient rich foods and lower levels of consumption of nutrient poor foods, we will →

Improving the adherence to antiretroviral therapy, a difficult but essential task for a successful hiv treatment—clinical points of view and practical considerations

The current chapter reviews the concept of adherence to ART, practical obstacles to a high level of adherence and the appropriate solutions. The new terminology was the result of a 3 year-research started by the European research groups in the field of adherence to medications and finalized through the ABC project.

Problematizations in assisted dying discourse: testing the “what’s the problem represented to be?” (wpr) method for critical health communication research

By engaging with the illustrative example of the legalization of medical assistance in dying in Canada, the step-by-step breakdown and analysis of the questions demonstrates how WPR gets to the crux of this complicated issue. This gesture reframed the right-to-die issue by positioning it as a violation of the guarantee of " the right to →

De bai task 2

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? - - - You should write at least 250 words. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.- - - You should write at least 250 words.

Oral storytelling as evidence of pedagogy in forager societies

In a performance of a Xhosa tale in which a woman defends herself against a monster by throwing her possessions at it, " repeated gestures accompany the words: the demands of the monster, the woman's fears and deepening terror, the throwing of the bits of baggage, the eating movements, the flight all are mimed". And →

Media, gender and identity, assignment

As well as noting that ideas from self-help books go forth into everyday culture, we can assume that the approach of the books? and the most successful ones in particular? is in itself a reflection of the changes in society and the needs of readers. In the introduction to The History of Sexuality volume two, →

How to grow marajuana essay

Hang the lights with two inches of the soil and after the plants appear above the ground, continue to keep the lights with two inches of the plants. As time goes on, the amount of salts produced by the breakdown of fertilizers in the soil causes the soil to become increasingly acidic and eventually the →

The function of the nmda receptor in hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy

At the early stage of development, the GluN2B-containing NMDA receptor is dominant, and the expression of the GluN2A-containing NMDA receptor gradually increases in the later stage of development and eventually outnumbers the GluN2B-containing NMDA receptor. Furthermore, the overexpression of Fyn enhances the phosphorylation of GluN2B in neonatal HIE and exaggerates the neuronal damage, suggesting the →

Motility control of symbionts and organelles by the eukaryotic cell: the handling of the motile capacity of individual parts forges a collective biological identity

The re-activation of the genes responsible for bacterial motility is a crucial aspect of the disassembly of the EPS matrix, and therefore, the destruction of a biofilm and the re-appearance of the planktonic state. Therefore, since the presence of flagella is unnecessary and energetically expensive, it has been suggested that the re-functionalization of the flagellar →

Mechanism of resistance in mungbean [ vigna radiata (l.) r. wilczek var. radiata ] to bruchids, callosobruchus spp. (coleoptera: bruchidae)

Although many sources of resistance to bruchids have been identified in Vigna subgenus ceratotropics, most of them are wild species belonging to the Angulares group and are cross-incompatible with mungbean, which leads to the incorporation of undesirable traits. Development of biotypes has led to the breakdown of resistance in mungbean against bruchids.

Genesis of the heroin-induced addictive process: articulation between psychodynamic and neurobiological theories

Accordingly, it is in the historical constitution of narcissism, or its double, the self, that it is undoubtedly necessary to look for one of the causes of the recourse to this behavioral solution taking in place to protect oneself from the psychic traumas previously undergone. Moreover, Grunberger and Winnicott emphasize the role of the environment →

English speaking

For this activity all the talk flows from the students making the sentence blocks from the starting sentences and wh- questions on the board or on the handout. The aim of this test is for the teacher to find out what vocabulary the students can remember from the previous lesson and to get an idea →

Radical embodied cognitive neuroscience: addressing “grand challenges” of the mind sciences

In the currently proposed version of RECN, " radical" refers to the rejection of the " mind as computer" metaphor and the central role of mental representations in guiding actions." Embodied" refers to the non-brain-centric treatment of cognition." Cognitive" refers to the target of investigation within this framework. Solymosi refers to this as the " →

Chocha college essay

And how can a man at the extreme limits of ectomorphy and cerebrotonia ever put himself in the place of one at the limits of endomorphy and viscerotonia, or, except within certain circumscribed areas, share the feelings of one who stands at the limits of mesomorphy and somatotonia? Of course the Dharma-Body of the Buddha →

An integrative review of social and occupational factors influencing health and wellbeing

To understand the significance of occupation in the lives of humans and the relationship of occupation to health and wellbeing, it is useful to describe occupation as a meaningful synthesis of doing, being and belonging. There is a dimension of " being" that goes beyond introspection and relates to how we are situated in the →

Why most research findings about psi are false: the replicability crisis, the psi paradox and the myth of sisyphus

This leads to the following paradoxs: if the existence of psi is proven in a classical scientific setting, then it demonstrates retroactively that this setting is inappropriate because psi implies that there is no clear " cut" between the observer and the observed. Not so, because even if this experiment was replicated 50 times with →

My antonia summary

The narrator adds that Jim, wanting to title the work, wrote " Antonia" across the front of the portfolio before frowning and scribbling " My" before " Antonia." Summary: Chapter I As the narrative begins, Jim is ten years old, newly orphaned and making the trip west from Virginia to stay with his grandparents in →

Voice, (inter-)subjectivity, and real time recurrent interaction

And so the foundations are laid for the perplexing observation that language seems to have appeared not so very long ago in an evolutionary timescale, and to have immediately enabled the development of the whole of human culture, technology, and all the institutions of all societies. The solipsistic prison of Descartes' fancy is not so →

What have we learnt about bcg vaccination in the last 20 years?

Other countries have never given BCG, in order to retain the use of the tuberculin skin test as a means of assessing infection or because the risk of infection is low. The impact of prior sensitization, as detected by tuberculin skin testing, on the protective efficacy of BCG against pulmonary TB has been shown in →

Could the induction of trained immunity by β-glucan serve as a defense against covid-19?

While the excitement regarding the use of BCG as a prophylactic treatment for COVID-19 is warranted, considering that -glucan can be administered orally, has an extremely high safety profile, does not require a person to access healthcare to receive the treatment, and is known to act similarly to the BCG vaccine in terms of augmenting →

Overview of air transport industry tourism essay

The internet has effectively decreased the market power of booking systems and has reduced the market share of travel agents over the last ten years particularly in developed economies and those fast growing ones where the countries are well connected by the national and international network system of which most of African countries lag behind. →

Tata nano: the people’s car essay

4 Bulk of this growth was expected in the passenger car segment, especially the small car segment on the back of the reviving Indian economy and shifting preference to fuel efficient and low maintenance cars. The Ace, priced similar to a three-wheeled vehicle, cost 50% less than any other four-wheeled c The Maruti Zen, a →

An aberrant precision account of autism

This could be interpreted as a failure to expect the unexpected and further evidence for a failure to contextualize sensory processing in autism, in the face of uncertainty. This is consistent with acetylcholine increasing the precision of sensory prediction errors, resulting in a failure to attenuate overall electrophysiological response with stimulus repetition.

Decline of pan-indian identity essay

2, Special Online Supplement, April 2012The Decline of Pan-Indian Identity and theDevelopment of Tamil Cultural Separatism inSingapore, 1856 1965Downloaded by [UNSW Library] at 15: 54 06 May 2012John SolomonUniversity of New South WalesAbstractThis paper explores the rise and fall of pan-Indianism as the dominant identity narrative amongst the Indian diaspora in Singapore in the mid →

Consumer protection act 1986 essay

Short title, extent, commencement and application.This Act may be called the Consumer Protection Act, 1986.It extends to the whole of India except the State of Jammu and Kashmir. It will come into force on such date as the Central Government may, by notification, appoint and different dates may be appointed for different States and for →

The influence of plasma proteins biology essay

This is simply due to the vasoconstrictor property of adrenaline that slows the systemic absorption of bupivacaine and hence prolongs the action of the anaesthetic in the local desired site [12]. Passive Diffusion Concept of Passive Diffusion The movement of drugs across biological membranes is highly regulated by passive diffusion. These assumptions include →

Free thesis on creature of cluture

Never judge culture by one man and never judge a man by popular culture. - Anonymous Abstract In " The Death of the Author," structuralist thinker Roland Barthes suggested the notion of the author as a distinct identity in the creation and interpretation of a text was a thing of the past. Using →


Verbal Communication 50 Developing Professional Telephone Skills g 9781439041130_UnitC_pp2.qxd 5/4/09 11: 08 PM Page 51 FIGURE C-1: Choosing phone calls or e-mail messages Make a phone call when you: Expect to exchange ideas or questions Make a personal contact Are contacting someone who has expressed a preference for the phone Want to take care of →

What is Economics

SCARCITY AND ECONOMICS The scarcity of resources and the choices it forces us to make is the source of all of the problems you will study in economics. With a field this broad, it is useful to have some way of classifying the different types of problems economists study and the different methods they use →

Death of salesman

WILLY: You and Hap and I, and I will show you all the towns. WILLY : You are the best there is, Linda, you are a pal, you know that?

Industrial revolution assignment

One of the most widespread manifestations of the craziness of our world is leftism, so a discussion of the psychology of leftism can serve as an introduction to the discussion of the problems of modern society in general.7. We argue that a very important and influential segment of the modern left is oversocialized and that →

Twelfth night

Suggests a narcissistic personality.| Orsino | ' she purged the air of pestilence' | This unrealistic statement symbolises orsino's unrealistic love for Olivia, as obviously she cannot rid the air of plague.| Orsino | ' my desires, like fell and cruel hounds' | Orsino self loved is pursued by his own desires.| | ' please →

Economics summary notes

A single indicator of the state of the economy is usually the Gross Domestic Product , which measures the level of total production in the economy. The supply of money is allowed to increase at a rate commensurate with the growth of productivity in the economy.

Content page

Occupational health should aim at: the promotion and maintenance of the highest degree of physical, mental and social well-being of workers in all occupations; the prevention amongst workers of departures from health caused by their working conditions; the protection of workers in their employment from risks resulting from factors adverse to health; the placing and →

2 words and meaning

We then look at the implications of our theorising for language and reality and, to open up a multilingual perspective, we talk about the diversity of languages in the world and about the process of translating from one language to another.2. In this sense, meaning has a social quality, and while →

Exercises for microeconomics

Suppose the weekly demand for a certain good, in thousands of units, is given by the equation P= 8-Q, and the weekly supply of the good is given by the equation P= 2+Q, where P is the price in dollars.) Calculate the total weekly economic surplus generated at the market equilibrium.b) Suppose a per-unit tax →