7 Pages Essay Samples

Lady audley’s secret: the duality within lady audley’s character

She insinuates that Robert is attracted to her and is giving her more attention than Alicia which causes Michael to become defensive and ask him to leave. That is why she goes through such lengths to persuade Michael because it is the only way she can keep him from her with his constant tormenting of β†’

Marketing strategy for zoo

It is a way of conveying the messages and changes the behavior of the people to have a better environment in the society. The purpose of marketing is to improve the perception of the society towards the zoo and transform it into a recognizable zoo worldwide.

Sonsdeath will bring his downfall upon himself

His failure to recognize the fruitless outcome of his own idealism will seal his fated suicide and have a determining effect on the failures of his two sons that when adolescent, idolized their father as a guide and model. In the end, although the dept of Willy's strive for success sustains a refusal to acknowledge β†’

Healthcare organization: strategy for pressure ulcers

If a patient is admitted with a pre-existing pressure ulcer, it is vital that the patient is repositioned to promote blood flow to those tissues and the removal of wastes from the tissue. This is very important in the healing and prevention of pressure ulcers.

Class conflict in kenya assignment

The Traditional view, which reigned in the sass's and sass's held the idea that conflict was a negative feature Of society and was evidence Of dysfunction brought about by inadequate communication, and a lack of trust and openness between different groups in society. In the pursuit of interests, resources are scarce and this leads to β†’

Tax revenue, total expense, gross domestic production and budget deficit: a study in sri lanka

The main aim of this study is to find out relationship among tax revenue, total expense, gross domestic production and budget deficit of Sri Lanka. Major findings of this study were existing income tax policy leads to increase in the tax revenue of the country in every year and income tax had direct association with β†’

Loneliness in the era of covid-19

More generally, this pandemic may adjust our appraisals of others as they relate to our perceptions of loneliness as it has also served as a reminder of the importance of maintaining health and the fragility of life. 1562 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Imrie, R." The lonely city": urban infrastructure and the problem β†’

Phonetics in learning english

Vowels are usually described by reference to five criteria, and these are adequate as a basic point of reference, although some vowel sound require more specification: the height reached by the highest point of the tongue, the part of the tongue which is raised, the shape formed by the lips the position of the soft β†’

Frank abagnale essay

He was also a pediatrician and he would try to talk to frank about medicine. He was able to pass the test and become a lawyer for the state of Louisiana at the age of nineteen.

Investigating rate of transpiration essay

AIMS The aim of this experiment was to investigate the effect of temperature rise on the rate of transpiration of a plant by measuring the plant's water uptake in a period of time. 5 The rate of transpiration from experiment 1; Final distance initial distance= 0.

Burial practices throughout the ages

From the early civilizations to the present, burial rituals have told us a great deal about the social behavior of the population. In fact, the Neanderthal buried its dead in a painstaking ritual that occurred in stages with the consumption of the deceased person's body parts.

Analysis of the civil conflict in sri lanka politics essay

With the danger of being insensitive, it must be stressed that the discrimination experienced by the Tamil people at the hands for the Sinhalese, was not a sufficient justification for the devastation caused by the Tamil's terrorist methods. The Sri Lankan Civil War was the result of ethnic conflict between the Sinhalese and the Tamil β†’

The significance of the gunpowder plot for catholics during 1605 – 1620 essay

This false plot was designed to create fear amongst the protestant community, it replicates the gunpowder plot of 1605, this print and the idea of a second plot increased the division in society for Catholics, a significant impact on the treatment of Catholics after the plot as even 80 years later the puritans still printed β†’

Jonathan swift

The first adventure that Swift takes the reader on is to the island of Lilliput. Swift uses Gulliver and his journey to the Lilliputians as a way to represent the present political and religious events that were occurring in the eighteenth century.

The reality of an unnerving dream: analyzing theodore faron’s nightmares within pd james’ the children of men

While the initial nightmare stems from significant feelings of abasement, the succeeding nightmare that Theo encounters seizes similar feelings in a differing form that when comparing the two instances reveals Theo's development as a character, as well as the pivotal aspect of both nightmares timing. Primarily, the initial nightmare is utilized by James in order β†’

Effects of cocaine and crack cocaine

Cocaine in its purest form is a white powder, whereas the colour of crack cocaine varies based upon the origin of the cocaine and how the baking soda is added. This paper is going to compare the history, administration, effects, and legal aspects of cocaine and crack cocaine.

The core business functions of food chain commerce essay

The customers are intelligent and are sensitive to the changes in quality and price and compare the prices with the other supermarkets. FOOD CHAIN's website has the prices of the products marketed by their supermarkets and is being updated regularly which could be a boon to the customers.

Old man and the sea code hero

From allowing himself to e pulled far out to sea, to struggling to land the fish, and then battling with the sharks, he accepts that he may be destroyed in the process, but he will not allow himself to be defeated. Another characteristic Santiago possesses which leads to calling him a Code Hero is being β†’

Research paper puerto rico

The week this story was published, the people of Puerto Rico were shocked to learn that the first U.S.invasion of Puerto Rico did not occur July 25, 1898 by the town of Guanica but that it happened on May 5th on the coast of the village that no longer exists called Seva. Many refused to β†’

Commentary on henrik walter’s “the third wave of biological psychiatry”

I think there are at least two points that justify further critical examination points that Walter belabors extensively: the role of the mind and the role of the medical model of mental disorders in biological psychiatry. The third wave of biological psychiatry.

Imitations as part of child development

They are doing this by informing parents and adults that what they are exposing their children to are going to affect their social development, motor and cognitive development as they get older. The people and things that infants and children are exposed to affect their social development, motor and speech/language skills, and cognitive development.

Tesco’s recruitment and selection process

External recruitment helps to pull a wider range of talent and provides the chance to bring new experience and ideas to the company. For any business it is vital to have right staff or people to run the business in the competitive world to be ahead.

Organization theory and design essay

In this paper, some of the discussed organization theories and design include organizational culture by Edgar Schein, the resource dependence theory by Jeffrey Pfeffer and Gerald Salancik, the competing values framework by Cameron and Quin, Scientific Management by Fredrick Taylor, the functions of management by Henri Fayol and the balanced scorecard approach by Kaplan and β†’

The squandering of wit

Taking on the role of a matchmaker, queen of her social circle, and Lord of Hartfield, allow her to extend her reach of influence and control beyond that of her given role as a single woman. The unnamed Lady of Haywood's Fantomina discards her well-bred role in exchange for the power of freedom in pursuing β†’

Ace hardware analysis

The Threat of Substitute product The availability and the cost are the most reason for customer to find the substitute product. The same concept of the store, which provide the same services, sell the same kind of products are exist in the market.

Commentary: free will and neuroscience: from explaining freedom away to new ways of operationalizing and measuring it

Whereas topics like the definition of the most relevant sources of neural activity for different types of P-states are getting more and more accessible, matters like the neural coding of symbolic representations and the principles guiding the interactions between these and the computation of environmental clues in the emergence of intentional states of affairs remain β†’

Textual analysis of international financial markets

Geopolitical risks and investor sentiment Before moving on to discuss textual techniques utilised to analyse geopolitical risks and investor sentiment in foreign exchange markets and other financial markets, it is important to define and have a better understanding of these two terms. The Journal of Finance and Data Science, 2, pp.

Does queen mary 1st deserve the title “bloody mary”

The heir to the throne was Mary, daughter of the discarded Catherine of Aragon and a devout Catholic. The title was more due to her decreasing popularity because of other events such as the famine and wars with France.

Case study: on costing systems and cost control

The analysis uses a number of examples to highlight the significant differences in costs between the two systems, and the Impact that these variances have on the cuisines. General advice is also provided as to the extent to which further breaking down of he department into a larger number of cost centers would be useful, β†’

Classroom discourse analysis

As a result of their research, Wills and Edwards concluded that children quickly become familiar with the use of IRF within the structure of classroom discourse, and will automatically begin to participate in it. We can see clear evidence of IRF in our example, but what we cannot gauge is the extent to which the β†’

An overview of japanese management theories

Japanese management theories have not developed into a general theory of Japanese management, that is, a theory drawn from the e mutual mediation of historical and theoretical studies of local business management. This is how numerous Japanese management theories have evolved.[1] Japanese management theory has not yet arrived at a general theory of business management β†’

Is seed and soil theory suitable for metastatic spread of pituitary carcinomas?

Based on analysis of autopsies in 735 fatal cases of breast cancer, Paget suggested that the spread of metastatic cells was organ-specific and not merely anatomical and involved interaction between the cancer cells and the host organ and that metastases developed only when the seed and soil were compatible. The purpose of this commentary is β†’

Gm foods

Genetic modification has been defined as the alteration of genetic make up of organisms either through addition or even deletion of gene, in a manner that such changes will be will be inherited in a fashion that has been defined as being Mendilian. This is based on the fact that, food production level has never β†’

Gender identity during the gold rush essay

Brian Roberts book American Alchemy: The California Gold Rush and Middle-Class Culture looks at how the gender role for men and women were evolving during this time, including women taking over the role of men back in the homestead and how the lives of the miners in California were. The letters exchanged between the men β†’

International strategic marketing, syngenta case flashcard

This paper will analyze and discuss the role that R&D plays in the product development process for Syngenta by focusing on how Research and Development can show the way to the successful development of innovative, products, starting from their introduction stage until the supposed declining stage under the product cycle concept. With that view in β†’

The paris peace settlement

But the more he promised in the way of reform, the louder grew the demands for an overturn of the whole monarchical regime, and to such demands the counsel of the American President, Woodrow Wilson, gave point and cogency. The history of the German Empire of the Hohenzollerns was thus almost exclusively the history of β†’

Paul jackson

The Neanderthal skull is more similar in shape to the Homo sapien than that of hominids before it; which would make it reasonable to believe that it was able to speak using language. The hyoid bone and larynx position of the Neanderthal compared to Homo sapiens is the most explored aspect of this debate of β†’

Opportunities for women-owned businesses

First, there is the growing popularity of certification among women-owned businesses; next, there is increasing federal procurement opportunities for women-owned businesses; and third, a web site was created to assist women business owners obtain federal contracts. Hurst added that with merely 5 percent of women business enterprises obtaining government and corporate contracts yearly, there is β†’

Ufo research paper

By using analysis of the research and examining photos and articles as well as listening to the radio reports of the events, I intend to show that indeed: aliens did have contact with humans in 1947 and the government did not made the fact known to the public. This project was called SIGN, and it β†’

The problems with the american anti intellectualism movement politics essay

Anti-intellectualism is a result of a failing education system, the integration of church into state, and the ease with which political " pundits" can drive the media. America is a secular nation, and as a result, religion should not have a place in the political sphere nor in the realm of education.

Historiography, representation and the history of buganda flashcard

In the conclusion, the task is to assess the corruption to the history of Buganda and the constraints to resolving the problems of the history of Buganda through historiography and representation. Problem of Buganda History The problem of historiography and representation in the articulation of the history of Buganda is historical.

Microcontroller pin configuration is shown engineering essay

RA0 to RA4 pins of porta and RB0 to RB7 pins of portb are used as input output in microcontroller. In lab1 our first task is to use microcontroller RB0 to RB4 pins as output which are connected to leds and RA0 to RA4 pins as input through programming in MPLAB.

The sense datum theory philosophy essay

For the subject, it sensibly appears to be the case that something has the quality of being gold and according to the phenomenal principle if this is the case, then there really is something with the quality of being gold. In the car example, if the car which is in fact red looks gold to β†’

History of news papers

The Statesman is a founding member of Asia News Network The Statesman has distinguished itself through objective coverage of events, its value as an honest purveyor of news highlighted at times of crisis such as the Bengal Famine of 1943 and the infamous internal Emergency of the mid-1970s. In 1986 it began the printing of β†’

To be and not to seem in much ado about nothing

This use of contrasting the apparent versus the real is put to very good use in Much Ado About Nothing, a play that greatly concerns itself with how human beings must struggle through life by dealing with the question of what is genuine and what is false. Much Ado About Nothing is a work of β†’

Approaches to recording and recording in post primary schools in ireland

The NCCA report concluded that the examinations had to change and that the change needed to completely reform the students school experience and the way in which they were assessed, so began the Junior Cycle reform and included in this reform was the guidelines for assessment and reporting. It is built on the formation of β†’

Should seating arrangements be permanently changed education essay

Factors that should be considered when accommodating seating arrangements in a classroom are the size of the classroom, the location in which the students are at present, the age group of a teacher's audience and considering where students adopt a position may affect their grade. Factors that should be considered when accommodating seating arrangements in β†’

Reflection essay on huck finn

Throughout the book, Twain uses Huck, the Duke and the King to compare and contrast different forms of lying, and to illustrate how context plays a large role in the moral weight of a deception. Unlike the more serious and character damaging lies of the King and the Duke, Huck's deceptions are, for the most β†’

Ryan’s daughter

The key thing to remember about their relationship was that she failed to recognize all of the signs in the beginning. Though she was not able to pursue a relationship with the Major, she experienced love in a way that made her come alive, and that is admirable.

The electricity sector in germany engineering essay

Though the substantial development made in the power sector in the country, most of the regions in the country are suffering from shortage of electricity. In Germany the share of electricity created from the renewable energy has increased from 6.

Music of the black lives matter movement

This comes as a result of whiteness in the society whereby the blacks are perceived as inferior as compared to the whites; moreover, the song perpetuates the issue of racial injustices in the society by showing how the African Americans are demeaned by the society and the role media has played in it. In spreading β†’

E-ticket reservation

At the same time, our report includes the innovation of security system that gives easier way to control the entering to the cinema. The way of creating special ID cards and diagram with all hardware's will be also involved to the first part.

Compare and contrast two sociological theories essay

To understand any part of society, such as the family or religion, the part must be seen in relation to society as a whole' A common analogy coined by Herbert Spencer, a prominent English sociologist, is to label important parts of society such as norms, traditions and family as ' organs', contributing to the overall β†’

A standard costing and variance analysis

If a difference between the actual cost and the standard cost is observed, an investigation is required since it suggests the inefficiency in the calculation of estimates. Definition of standard cost: " a pre-determined cost calculated in relation to a prescribed set of working conditions, correlating technical specifications and scientific measurements of material and labor β†’

Children and young people developent

All these Issues can feel overwhelming to a child and If the transition Is not handled or dealt with sensitively then this could lead to insecurity issues and affect their feelings of self-worth and confidence. The thought of going to live with potential strangers, often only being able to see their family periodically and contact β†’

Cango week 4 analysis assignment

He explains that they should look at the long term strategic impact the AS/RS and change will have on the future of the company. Liz listened attentively and stated that they should present it to the board for final input and she hoped they found it beneficial and was ready to move forward with the β†’

Problems faced by the agricultural sector economics essay

The word agriculture is the English adaptation of Latin agricult " ra, from ager, " a field", and cult " ra, " cultivation" in the strict sense of " tillage of the soil". Laws and legislation for the agricultural sector guarantees a sustainable environment but the problem is in the implementation of procedures.

Using hustle as a cogent business strategy business

It is the occupation of direction to bolt together the day-to-day actions of the administration to supply a way for the administration instead than to supply a stiff program of outlooks.' Hustle as Strategy ' is underpinned by several premises about the environment and administrations. A farther failing of emergent scheme is related to the β†’

Is mrs birling wholly dislikeable essay

She is without a doubt the mistress of the house For example, when Arthur talks to Gerald, he passes a comment about Russia, in which Sybil's response is," Arthur!" and on another occasion " Eric!" Another noticeable fact is that Mrs Birling leaves the room quite early in the play, and does not return for β†’

A mir kiss essay sample

On the eve of the millennium a very violent fight broke out between two of the original participants in the experiment and afterwards the Russian commander of the crew tried to force himself onto Judith Lapierre out of sight of the cameras. Problem Recognition The problem of the experiment had been recognized by the International β†’

Krispy kreme objectives

In this case, we will discuss about Krispy Kreme strategies, the reason why Krispy Kreme need to revamp its own strategy plans as well as the environmental factor that influence the company. This is the opportunity of expansion: in the final quarter of the year 2003, worldwide sales of Krispy Kreme doughnuts increased nearly 29% β†’

Restorative justice: benefits and limitations

This apparent shift in the thinking of the true efficacy of restorative justice raises many more questions that will need to be addressed with the primary question " what is restorative justice?" Until a comprehensive and unified definition is developed and all studies and reviews are truly comparative, there may only be limited reliability in β†’

Development of zostavax

In order to alleviate any misconceptions of the vaccine or the disease process, a discussion of the disease, effectiveness of the vaccine, proper administration, safety precautions, complications, and immunity process will be highlighted by utilizing evidenced based studies and practices. The reaction is concentrated to the nerve root, also known as a dermatome, that is β†’

Functionalism, conflict theory and symbolic interactist theories for wage discrimination

The nature of the labor market, including the number of firms and special qualities of workers, influences the wage determination process. The wage rate determines the quantity of labor supplied and demanded prevails in a competitive market to the number of individuals the firm wishes to hire.

The two approaches of accounting research

The positivist approach and the critical approach are the two approaches of accounting research. The positivist approach and the critical approach are the two methodologies of accounting research.

Case study: partnership for lebanon and cisco systems

The case study delves Into the FL program by reviewing the management, Impact, challenges, and successes of Cisco and Its partners from the formation of the FL In 2006. It would have been easy to focus on the successes of the FL project and even congratulate themselves on the tremendous success of the program up β†’

Delay in the malaysian construction industry construction essay

The main objective of this study is to identify the causes of delays, effects of delays, method of minimizing of construction delays in the Malaysian construction industry. The contractors commonly would be involved until the whole project have been completed To investigate delays pertaining in construction projects in Malaysia To identify the major causes of β†’

Collagen structure and evolution of multicellular life

The role of collagen fibres in the extracellular matrix of tissues could be compared to that of cellulose in plant cell walls and the steel bars of reinforced concrete. The structure of a collagen subunit is analogous to that of a rope; each subunit consists of three polypeptide chains wound around each other to form β†’

Burying the cadbury’s

Cadbury's Response When the news first came out, Cadbury denied any of the allegations that they were involved in the salmonella outbreak. In the Community.2007.

Blue leds get the nobel prize while red leds are poised to save lives

M, and Garlid, K.D.cGMP signalling in pre- and post-conditioning: the role of mitochondria. 1124 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar O'Rourke, B, Cortassa, S, and Aon, M.A.

Role of triage in emergency care

The decision is made to prioritize who had the best chance of survival, and what level of care for the survivors In the last 20 years, this concept has become applicable in response to the increasing traffic to the emergency rooms and several tools have been developed to assess, prioritize and sort patients coming to β†’

International marketing groupassignment assignment

Specific tariff fixed amount of money per physical unit of the imported product easy to apply and administer Disadvantage: degree of protection it affords domestic producers varies inversely with changes in import prices. Consist of consumption and production effect ii) trade-diversion effect welfare loss import from a low-cost supplier outside the union b.

The topic of breast feeding health essay

The World Health Organization and the American Academy of Family Physicians recommends that breastfeeding continue throughout the first year of life a recommends mothers to of developed and undeveloped countries to exclusively breastfeed infants for the child's first six months. Moreover, the American Academy of Pediatrics acknowledged the health and developmental benefits for the child β†’

Research strategy essay

In this section the information from the research question will be clarified, and the limitation for the data collection will be set, as well as the main reason for the choice of the particular participants. SAMPLING To answer the research question and achieve the objectives of the research there is the need to collect data, β†’

Japan: economic and environmental analysis

Japan, the land of the rising sun, has experienced a devastating history of turmoil, but nonetheless, the nation has redeveloped itself into one of the most important and influential markets in the world. Japan is home to some of the largest and most recognized firms in the world.

Why did the roman army deteriorate

The Roman Military decayed because of over spending, military anarchy, the use of foreign troops, and a drop in the dedication of soldiers to the empire. The Roman Emperor was the backbone of Roman stability and therefore the strength of the Roman army was crucial in ensuring the empire's stability.

Impact of declining inflation rates

Inflation In this article, the author explains that; Inflation tends to slow across the urbanized world in spite of the ultralow interest tariff and the unparalleled money-laundering activities which poses a quandary for the central kitty and the rest of the major central-banks as they plan their subsequent policy moves. That was a problem for β†’

Analysis persuasions patrick henry essay

One truth he would have to show to the House of Representatives was the undisputed fact that war is the seed that becomes the tree of independence. This gave the reader a hint on what henry is trying to transmit to the audience " The speech to the Virginia convention" it's stating that the war β†’

Infant mortality rates and importance of them

Infant mortality rates are of import indexs to direct the focal point of a state sing the betterment of its health care. Specified to the efficaciousness of a state 's medical engineerings and interventions, infant mortality rates provide intelligent grounds of the quality of a health care system.

Stones, bones, and tar: the legacy of migrant workers

Stones, symbolic of the migrant workers' history and tie to the earth, are ancient like the bones that ache, provide the labor, and eventually become the tar oil that supplies fuel and energy for America. Through their prevalence in the novel, these images leave a trail the way migrant workers leave behind a trail of β†’

Reviewing the annual report of hutchison whampoa limited

It is important for HWL to prepare the annual report as a basis of linking the conceptual framework in order to provide most useful information to satisfy the users all over the world. Financial information is comparable as accounting policies are consistent from period to period in compliance with accounting standards, and the change of β†’

Psych101: chapter 4 learning

It is believed that animals revert quickly to instinctual behaviors when the new tasks they are learning have a strong association withobtaining food._________ is the disappearance or weakening of a learned response following the removal or absence of the unconditioned stimulus or the removal of a reinforcer. In a ________, the occurrence of reinforcement is β†’

Neuroendocrine mechanisms that connect feeding behavior and stress

These data suggest a strong interaction between the systems that regulate feeding and metabolism and those that regulate stress and ultimately mood. This review also highlights the importance of circulating levels of glucocorticoids, ghrelin, and leptin to the fluctuations in feeding-related behaviors associated with seasonality, and discuss in detail how metabolic stressors like restricted food β†’

Blessings and curses: the introduction of horses to plains indians

This paper seeks to show that the domestication and heavy use of horses ultimately led to the downfall of the Plains Indians, as they were too divided and weak to resist takeover by whites from the east. The horse did not create Plains economy, but simply intensified it.[2]Indians made great use of horses upon their β†’

Australian law

To range the extent, it is important to understand the source of law, the Australian legal system, the history of the Australia, the formation of the Australian legal system and the relationship between Australia and British law system. Also the Constitution was approved in a series of referendums held over 1898 1900 by the people β†’

Analysis of construct traits in personality theory

DEFINITION In considering the importance of the construct traits in personality theory, the author will look closer at the definition of personality and that of the construct traits.2.1. On returning to the question, and considering the above definition of personality, it would appear that for the construct traits to play a significant role in personality β†’

Application of observational learning

For example, to study the cause of children's identification with adults, Miller and Dollard conducted a series of experimental studies of social modeling, which they described as a form of instrumental conditioning in a book entitled Social Learning and Imitation. And in 2005 he received the Distinguished Alumni Award from the University of Iowa.

Embedded journalism

Correspondents had " never...worked alongside U.S.military units...in such numbers [or] in such an organised fashion" and the magnitude of embedding was " unprecedented for a conflict involving the U.S".2. What if there was more nationalistic spirit in the hearts of the people of Iraq and a majority of the population fought us block-by-block?[iii]" 4.

Sony corp

Areas of Consideration Strengths: PDA Cycle can offer Sony clear identification of the problems and metrics, a prototyping of the solutions, evaluations of the business changes and subsequently, a full-scale implementation of the business success. In short, strategy is long-term action plan for achieving the mission and vision of a company.

Home care for patients under 65

The researcher's main goal is to bring to light how home care for patients is done, the characteristics assocated with the concept, advantages and disadvantages, challenges facing the approach, general goals of home care for individuals and finally the attitudes and perceptions of the patients, health care professional as well as family members of the β†’

Murri two, midwifery care assignment

I would first liaise with the aboriginal health worker on staff for suggestions on how to approach the subject with respect to cultural considerations and wording, then I would utilities the rapport that has developed between Rona and myself to facilitate a conversation about the test results and the relevance to her feelings of fatigue, β†’

Feminism in crime fictions – agatha christie as a feminist writer

The majority of the detectives have always been men, and women have usually been the victims or the implementer of the felony, but they have even in stories written by women rarely been the main investigator of a crime. There are several reasons, why a woman cannot be a detective, but the most obvious one β†’

12 angry men: art of persuation

After the first round of vote, he calls into question the accuracy and reliability of the only two witnesses to the murder, the rarity of the murder weapon and the overall questionable circumstances. According to these truths, Juror Four finally admits that there is reasonable doubt in the case and changes his vote as " β†’

The nature of russian society in the early 20th century

The revolution was going to happen sooner or later, and WW1 was the final straw, it sped up the reactions of people and made them realise that a revolution was needed due to the incompetence of the Tsar. The road to the Russian revolution began with the end of the Crimean war in 1855, it β†’