7 Pages Essay Samples

Environmental impacts of gas flaring essay

These information sources include, but are not limited to: " Brief Summary of the Nigerian Crude Oil and Gas Integrity" Group, 2012), IMPACT OF PETROLEUM DEVELOPMENT ON THE ENVIRONMENT: A CASE STUDY ON THE NIGER DELTA, and Gas Flaring in the Niger Delta: the Potential Benefits of its Reduction on the Local Economy and Environment.4. →

Free low self-esteem in adolescence term paper example

Due to this fact we can identify the issue of low self-esteem as unmotivated sense of inferiority and inability of handling the challenges of life. Orenstein describes the issue of low self-esteem as a consequence of the existing paradigm of education and pedagogy, which fail to compensate the gap between the growing and developing minds →

Rapid appraisal of selected sources of literature research paper samples

The increasing number of the elderly population globally translates to a very high economic and societal impact of falls in all countries in the coming years, thus, the issue of falls needs to be addressed. Falls are a major factor in the death of elderly people in the United States.

Term paper on academic writing

At the university level of education the most important critical aspect to be developed is the ability to exercise independent learning, reading and writing in addition to the development of critical thinking in one thinking skills. Percy, Ramsden and Lewin in their definition of content literacy explained that it is the ability to use reading →

Good research paper about technology and education (special education)

The observed global trend of sharp increase in the role of human factors in the development of post-industrial, information civilization, as well as national needs of society, the modernization and gradual integration into a single global community, make new, much higher demands on the person as an active and conscious subject of public, creative and →

What is fuzzy logic?

Fuzzy Logic is the answer to the grey area, which is the uncertainty between black and white. Membership functions: Just as there I a strong relationship between the logic of Boolean and subsets, with fuzzy logic exists a strong relationship between fuzzy logic and fuzzy subsets theory.http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu/Groups/AI/html/faqs/ai/fuzzy/part1/faq-doc-2.html The difference with the fuzzy subsets is when →

Example of essay on research response paper on the importance of being earnest by oscar wilde

Filling In The Gaps: A critical dialogue with the lacunas in Suchismita Hazra's article " Oscar Wilde's The Importance of Being Earnest: A Critique of The Victorian Society" This paper proposes to launch into an analysis of Suchismita Hazra's article " Oscar Wilde's The Importance of Being Earnest: A Critique of The Victorian Society" and →

Example of kohlbergs moral developmentname:institutional affiliation research paper

Another limitation to Kohlberg's theory is that the entire system of moral reasoning is based around justice. Kohlberg's theory is not a theory of the people but only a theory of the western people.

Iep research research paper examples

Arguably, the IEP must be modified to meet the individual student needs which are determined by the IEP assessment process and teachers should be able to use it to comprehend or rather appreciate the disability of the student and how this disability influences the process of learning. This should be undertaken on a regular basis →

Developing countries’ educational barriers

For example, research in Africa showed that children in the household actually help with resources, and a study in Kenya found that the amount of siblings did not affect the " children's probability of enrollment". The diets of children in developing countries can be enhanced by properly addressing iron deficiency and iodine deficiency.

Good how people will motivate and change essay example

The story of Michael is a perfect example of a woman who looked beyond colour and class just to motivate positive change in the life of a hopeless young man. The fact however is that in as much as people want to succeed in what they do especially if the consequences of the contrary are →

Military leadership essay sample

Currently, the military leaders have opted to adaptive leadership, which is used to train leaders to meet the challenges of the contemporary operating environment. Adaptable leaders will be in a position to scan the environment, establish the main traits of the situation, and be aware of what it will take to perform in the changed →

Morphology of the english language research paper examples

Part of that evolutionary process concerns the morphology of the language the way words are formed and the rules that govern their formation; an important element in pedagogy, facilitating the teaching / learning of the language in part by understanding those rules and utilizing them as elements of the instructional framework. In the case of →

Developments and training

The company is usually run by people known as the directors they ensure that the operations of the company are run effectively, incase the companies receive profits at the end of their financial periods they can distribute the profits in form of dividends to the shareholders and in other cases their can retain some of →

Fashion designers and history essay sample

Her trouser from the pirate collection was a replica of a design of the 18th century of males' pair of shorts that she found in the Art Library of the National Museum. Her designs of the 1970s and the 1980s were mostly an inspiration from the wrappings of the Egyptian mums and the feathers of →

Second reflection paper essays example

When you put down the Twin Towers and the Pentagon, I saw the fear and sadness in the eyes of America. In all of these unfortunate events that both your country, your people and the American people have experience, I, with my teaching, would like to support you to" become the change you want to →

Free research paper on reversible inhibition of sperm under guidance risug vasalgel

The problem lies in the quantity of mature sperm produced on daily basis thereby making it more difficult to target male reproduction as compared to the one egg developed once in a month of the female cycle. The development of a polymer that can be injected to cover the inner surface of vas deferens and →

Free reflective learning research paper sample

According to it, the reflective learning process is necessary for both the students and the staff. The development of the reflective learning system is the primary responsibility of the teachers.

Free public health research paper example

The research questions being asked include: the effects of exposure to violence to human health; the general influences on children welfare and classroom studies, and the co-relation between social status and the presence of enhanced violence amongst others. Public Health: The Ecological Model on Individual Health The Ecological Model on Individual Health The ecological model, →

Report on group work project

The scope of my understanding about the symptoms of this condition further widened because I have to learn other symptoms which some of the group members had researched on. Being the leader of a group will also do me good since most of the time I will be in control and most of the things →

Free the treatment of family in a good man is hard to find and the rocking horse essay example

Similarly, the grandmother in " A Good Man is Hard to Find," tries to find love in her family, but in the end she faces disrespect and opposition from her family. It is the The events that lead to the two scenes of death show the shortcomings of the family as a unit and craft →

Sample essay on group development

However, it is imperative for the members of the group to understand each other in order for them to enhance cooperation and in turn grow the group to full maturity. Through the interactions and bond built in the group, the group is still existent because of the long-term goals of the group.

Media convergence research paper examples

It is also referred to as the unpredictable interaction between the power of the producer and the consumer. Similarly, despite the power of the organizations and the media distributors, every individual has the power to control and to influence the information as evident from the latest hype about the social networks and blogs.

Business communication skills

3 Summary First, the writers of the article begin with the information on how the chief executive of Citigroup suffered a loss because of lack of its shareholders' support on their " pay package". The text type of this article seems to be argumentative as the writers raise an query to the readers on whether →

Government efforts and public involvement to regulate the internet for fake news

Based on the premise that Country X regulates the Internet via the Broadcast Regulation as Singapore, there is still a limit to what the government alone can achieve in the face of fake news. Given that information on the Internet travels so quickly, it is imperative that Country X is able to prevent the spread →

Communication is your foundation essay sample

Sometimes it is easy to get caught up in the world around you, but you may find that by allowing yourself a chance to listen freely with nothing burdening you, your communication with your spouse will be open and honest." Making a connection and partnering in a profound intimate relationship is critical, as it supports →

What are the unique challenges to managing a virtual team? essay sample

Virtual team management faces several new and complex challenges in overcoming time, distance and cultural boundaries, in building trust, collaboration and team cohesion, in supporting and controlling team processes and outputs, and adapting to technology driven communication. These boundaries are the basis of the definition of a virtual team, and are also the basis for →

Free research proposal on affiliate institution

Some school of thought are of the opinion that the short message service is a curse since it negatively affects the communication skills of students, specifically writing skills; another school of thought agrees that short message service texting is not harmful to the literacy of students but it rather betters it. Another ongoing survey in →

Transfer of learning

In add-on, for bettering instruction non merely this transportation of larning construct is of importance but besides the development of the teaching staff is indispensable The subject of this survey is to look into if instructors within the module of wellness medical specialty and life scientific disciplines of the University of Maastricht besides are cognizant →

Identify barriers and opportunities essay sample

The rationale for multi-agency work, different types and models of multi-agency working and the factors which may impede or facilitate its effectiveness are considered There has been volume of literature written on multi-agency collaboration and each studies have tried to present different opinion including the advantages and drawbacks in working in multi-agency fashion. In other →

Aspects of data communication in costa rica and united states

Telecommunications were introduced in Costa Rica in late nineteenth century, with the advent of telegraph and telephone services. Internet services in Costa Rica fall under the control of ICE, and as with most monopolies, it is said to have poor customer service and charge higher prices.

Free essay about presenting to an unseen audience

Remember that your audience is much more interested in themselves than they are in you, by and large, so you want to create a presentation that addresses them. A good rule of thumb for his is that you will include one slide for every 30 to 45 seconds in your presentation.

Verizon communications and sql slammer/sapphire

The GTE-Bell Atlantic merger, effective on the 30th of June, 2000 as a result of a definitive merger agreement recorded on July 27, 1998, is considered one of the largest mergers in the history of US business, with the initial exchange rate of 1. The corporation's computer system was in a " slam," and the →

Good term paper about syntax is only found in human communication

The goal of the author is to explore the human neural autapomorphies' evolution that is involved into language, with the focus on syntax. Thus, the phenomenon of human syntactic communication is a subject for further research that may lead the researchers to the single approach in the future.

Who should be considered for the promotion case studies example

The same can be said of LT Coffer, who is the other candidate for recommendation to the position. Therefore, if CDR Smith is to use the trait approach to recommend one of the two candidates for the position of LCDR/04, the most qualified candidate is LT Brown despite the fact that she is female.

Concept of phytoremediation

The pollutant can be stored in the plant, volatized by the plant, metabolized by the plant, or any combination of the above. The vapor can either be the pure pollutant, or the plant can metabolize the pollutant before it is vaporized, as in the case of mercury, lead and selenium.

Organizational communications analysis women’s resource center at norman, oklahoma

They learn how to effectively communicate for the situations that they are in where there is a high risk to the women that they are talking to. Without this they are not able to give back to the organization what is needed in order to be effective in their management and other skills.

Applying bowenian and structural theories essay sample

When this theory is applied to the family in focus, these goals, techniques, and expected outcomes emerge. Each approach has a unique perspective on the family and how to help improve the overall wellness.

Good essay about foundations of law

Under that principle, the obligations to the contract are binding to the parties that actively participated in the formation of the contract. Under the prevailing precedents in the postal rule, it is the postulation of this paper that the contract so entered is binding and legal and that failure by any parties to meet their →

Principles of communication in adult social care essay sample

Reasons why people communicate in different ways is to make sure that they can be understand it what is trying to be said, the point that is trying to be made or instruction that need to be told. 5- There will be lots of different types of support and services that can help you and →

Brief history research papers example

The invasion of the digital devices and digital technology is so complete that every domain of our daily life is being run and influenced by the presence of the digital equipments. The Sonar and other means of finding the distance in the form of usage of Radars are another gift of the modern technology.

Polygraph research

The NAS reported that contrary to the APA's pride in their more than 80% accuracy in detecting deception, a majority of the research was unreliable, unscientific, and biased. The APA responded that the NAS findings were confined to a review of the research on polygraph testing in particular, and how it relates to personnel screening.

Texting vs. calling

As a person you choose whether to text or call that is the way you recognize as the best way of communicating, the best way of communicating is by calling someone. If you want to express your feelings in a way that's not confusing then texting is the way to go because you can use →

Goal setting in medicine essay

I tried to practice in my clinical placement and let the facilitator to assess my communication skills. After I spoke to the facilitator, I realized the need to improve my medical terminology skills and to make a plan for studying.

Analysis of effective group communication essay sample

The purpose of this portfolio is to reflect and analyse a critical incident that occurred while undertaking the group task of BSB124. Two of the members did not turn up, so the rest of us had to delegate the roles to each member and upload the file to our Facebook group, recording the day we →

Good essay on ultra wide band

The definition of the term " UWB Ultra Wideband was first introduced by DARPA agency of the Ministry of defense of the USA in 1990 and was amended by the Federal Communications Commission in 2000. This is due to the fact that the dispersion of electromagnetic radiation in the air leads to a significant distortion →

Analyzing an accepted nursing theory essay examples

The relationship between the nurse and the patient is described in this theory. The theory focuses on the relationship that develops between the nurse and the client based on the interpersonal and therapeutic relationships.

Report on leading a tribe

In a tribe the leader will have to make key decisions and in achieving this effectively he or she should have a good knowledge of the members and strive to ensure that the decisions that he makes are in the best interests of the members. The leader should also ensure that unity is upheld in →

Analyze the interpersonal communication essay

These are but a few of the tools that we use and I find that I am no stranger to most of them. I have to say to this, at times, I must be subjective, sometimes, objective and to the best of my ability I try to be as self-disclosed whenever possible, so they may →

Hamletgood afternoon ladies and gentlemen critics and esteemed

In Branagh's version of Hamlet, the staging of the scenes throughout the glamorous expanse of an Elizabethan palace differs from the impression I had when reading the play Hamlet. His experience shows in the cinematography of Hamlet's confrontation with Ophelia, the camera circles around rapidly to convey the swirl of confusion and emotional chaos in →

About the author e b white english literature essay

In the essay where he is talking of an afternoon of an American boy, he chooses how he takes this girl to a dance and what really transpires.E. He is flexible and fits the requirement of the competitive world.E.B.

The history of the primary sources english literature essay

Cox, Jeffrey N." Keats, Shelley, and the Wealth of the Imagination". The Journal of English and Germanic Philology, Vol.

Hamlet vs othello

Hudson 316-317) This child-like and gullible thought process unveils to us the true nature of Othello, the expert at war but the novice at life, who like a mirror believes and acts on the will and impressions of others rather than contemplate both the true reality of things and the people who speak against them. →

Theme essay: beowulf

The epic Beowulf is the epitome of how fate always lurks behind the scenes of what happens. Finally, the dragon's fiery breath catches a patch of Beowulf's skin, and this is also a manifestation of the workings of fate.

Shakespeare succeeds

Shakespeare uses this technique to show the personal progression of Macbeth and shows him gradually turning into a tyrant, that he becomes later in the play. The fact that he has gone from the loyal soldier to this fearless murder makes Macbeth still seem a good man, because it has not been his entire fault →

Hamlet (shakespeare): “mad,” “sane,” or “none of the above”?

Most notably, in Hamlet, the audience can accept information in particular soliloquies, the play-within-a-play, and from the ghost of Hamlet's father as accurate representations of Hamlet's and even the ghost's own perceptions. The text of Hamlet did not even provide enough information to form a reliable conclusion about his thoughts and behaviors prior to his →

Is lady macbeth a fiend-like queen

Macbeth is a play set in the 12th century, which focuses on the trials and tribulations of Macbeth a Lady Macbeth. This is more proof that she is a " fiend-like queen." The audience would have been disgusted and gob-smacked at Lady Macbeth being so nice to the person she is planning to kill.

Western self and the eastern other english literature essay

The romantic Oriental poems of Coleridge, Shelly and Lord Byron present the colonial relationship between West and East that was abundant with over-fertile stereotypes." According to the Stereotype, the Oriental subjects have no power over their will, and live in an exotic, timeless never-never land closer to the realm of mythology than history. Orientalist is →

Hamlet theme analysis

Claudius attempts to make it look like everyone is friends in the eyes of the court by trying to sympathize with Hamlet but ends up just telling him to suck it up and deal with his father's death like a man." Take it to heart? Horatio tells Hamlet that his father's ghost had been spotted →

Glenn devries

Overall, I wanted to know what in George Orwell's life inspired him to write the novel 1984 and what experiences in his life helped him write 1984.______________________________________________________________________ Who is George Orwell and what was his life like? He joined the Home Guard soon after the war began in 1941." Eric was later awarded the Defence →

Gibran shahzad

Since the pigs are manifestly the cleverest out of the rest of the species on Animal Farm, they are the ones who take the leadership role, in order to get Animal Farm on the right path. Hence, Snowball and Napoleon are similar in the matter of desiring Animal Farm to prosper.

Sanity insanity and conformity english literature essay

The apparently sane reader will be aware at the start that they are reading the narration of someone who is paranoid and delusional, but at some point during the story this conscious awareness disappears and the difference is no longer questioned. In his perception the hospital is somewhere that those who do not conform are →

Wuthering heights by emily bronte narrative essay

As this classic begins, the evil villain in the book Heathcliff appear to be following the path of the good-hearted hero. Yet, Heathcliff is the fuel that drives every other character as they act and react to Heathcliff and his evil ways.

The use of heroes and character types in jane eyre

Through the use of classic Victorian heroes and character types such as: the heroine, the tragic hero, the anti-hero, and the double; Charlotte Bronte is able to demonstrate Jane's growth as woman who is able to take her rightful place in Victorian society. The Victorian Heroine A woman in the Victorian era was expected to →

To what extent does baz luhrman succeed in engaging

In the beginning the first few lines of the film are said by a news reporter on television showing that the situation of the rivalry is dominating the thoughts and news of the city Verona. This gives the audience the image that Romeo is a " fish out of water" in terms with the character →

A refutation of gilbert and gubars anti-christian perspective of jane eyre

Sandra Gilbert and Susan Gubars The Madwoman in the Attic is the seminal analysis of Jane Eyre, particularly with regards to feminism. To pluck the mask from the face of the Pharisee, is not to lift an impious hand to the Crown of Thorns.

British literature

Which of the following was the abyss of Beowulf's hero's journey? a. Beowulf's bragging of his heroic feats to the watchman is an example of a.

Laertes and ophelia as character foils in hamlet

In ' Hamlet', there are numerous characters, many of whom belong to either one of two families focused upon in the play: there is the royal family, consisting of Hamlet, his mother Gertrude, the Queen, and his stepfather Claudius, the current King of Denmark; and there is the family of the King's chief counselor, Polonius, →

Rebellion against conformity

The narrative, more experienced Jane recalls, " I was not heroic enough to purchase liberty at the price of caste"; because Jane reveres the glamour and comfort of the upper society, the prospect of poverty for the sake of freedom is too formidable to consider. To the reader, it is obvious that Rochester is imploring →

Expectations and blindness in king lear

The main character, King Lear, is the object of universal identification with his obliviousness as to who people truly are, and the discovery of truth. The issue of vision and insight, and the absence of it, is a major theme in Lear.

The tragedy of vengeance in shakespeare’s masterpiece

William Shakespeare's Hamlet comfortably fits into the genre of the revenge tragedy as it opens with the melancholy Dane in the depths of human misery, at the center of a topsy-turvy world where his uncle is now his father. One of the great ironies at work in Hamlet is that even though these elements are →

Macbeth was basically a good man lead into evil ways

At the end of the scene we know that they are going to meet Macbeth and we are anxious to know what is going to happen to him. So we cannot say that Macbeth was forced to murder King Duncan by the witches as the encouragement of Lady Macbeth is shown greatly in scene 7.

King lear and the drawer boy comparative essay

The role play portrayed in Shakespeare's King Lear and Michael Healey's The Drawer Boy is best defined as the acts or attitude of a person differing from normal in order to attain a better point of view, social interaction, or a goal. In King Lear, Edmund is described by his father as the " bastard →

Essay on hamlet vs othello

The first of these plays, Hamlet, speaks of a young man, Hamlet, seeking revenge on his uncle for the murder of his father and the taking of his father's throne and wife. Hamlet in this way designates his revenge to be interpersonal and impotent for the time as he determines his course of action, instead →

The gift of free will

Humans have the will to act freely, and both Erasmus' and Shakespeare's works can be seen as supporting the same side of the controversy between fate and free will, regardless of the author's original intention. The way that the characters in Romeo and Juliet view the role of fate as a supreme power differs greatly →

Ambition overrides morality in macbeth

Macbeth's ambitious nature shows in the first act when he and Banquo encounter the witches, who prophecy that Macbeth will be heralded as the thane of Cawdor in addition to his title as thane of Glamis. Macbeth is a complex character because of his desire for power and because of the conflicting morality in his →

Warnings against social castes and contentment in brave new world

The highest caste, the Alphas, is the dominant class both in intelligence and status, and contains the leaders of society both through the government and in the various sciences. Through the use of soma, the society of Brave New World was ensured to eternally have comfort, and the basic contentment that comes with it, but →

Hamlet the rest is silence english literature essay

I feel as though there is not a real purpose for the two of them, instead if Hamlet only had one school friend, the betrayal of them taking sides with the King would be even greater, which would further aid to Hamlet's feeling of being alone and his portrayal of madness may be more extreme. →

Nursing theorist grid

The nurse must explore these behaviors with the patient to determine the needs that must be met to resolve the problematic situation that the patient presents with. Validating the behaviors with the patient ensures that the nurse can fulfill the function of nursing, which is to find and meet the patient's immediate need for help →

Ways for enhancement of career plans nursing essay

The age was the obstacle in order to bring the knowledge and experience and the career plans were affected by this age in the case of getting health insurance in organizations. I need the support of this organization in order to mitigating the challenges in career plans.

Example of essay on comparing two nursing theorists: florence nightingale vs jean watson

Watson model of caring supports the massive paradigm shift in the nursing profession while nightingale's approach befits the traditional and conservative approach to nursing. Watson and Nightingale contributed to the modern paradigm of nursing.

The stages of dying and subsequent bereavement nursing essay

By Genieva Barfield When approached with this case, your first instinct should be to look at all the given facts, determine what palliative care is being provided, the age of the individual, the stage of the illness and what treatments can be provided. The palliative care team works with and supports the patients and their →

Nurse client relationship

Due to the loss of her significant others, most of the time she is subjected to anxiety and that grieving and bereavement, hence leaving her with delusional thoughts and hallucinations. Secondly, by the end of the therapy, the client is supposed to understand that there is the relationship between her substance abuse and the problems →

Advanced nursing

Credentials for a specialist require current licensure as a registered nurse, at least a master's degree in nursing, current national certification in the advanced practice area, and approval by the board of nursing,". Unfortunately, inability of government to establish in a timely manner guidelines for advanced nursing practice results in a conflict between the roles →

Hypnosis research paper

While these media descriptions of hypnosis is somehow true given hypnosis' definitions, many are left unaware as to the true nature of hypnosis and how beneficial it is to the public in terms of therapy and understanding how the mind works under a trance-like state. With psychologists showing the capacity of hypnosis to target the →

The shannon and weaver mathematical model of communication nursing essay

The Shannon and Weaver mathematical model of communication consisted of five key stages; an information source produces a message, this is then encoded into signals by a transmitter, which also sends the message through a channel, the medium through which the message is sent to the receiver, which then decodes the signal and reconstructs the →

The history of bioimpedance spectroscopy nursing essay

The aim of the present study is to determine the prevalence of pulmonary congestion in hemodialysis patients, to measure the effect of standard ultrafiltration dialysis on ELW, to investigate the relationship between WLW, body fluids volume status, and echocardiographic parameters of cardiac performance and to test the prognostic value of extravascular lung water. The sum →

Nursing sociology : how class affects health

The change of scale reflected the changing nature of occupations, the growth of middle class professions, the levels of social esteem that these jobs attracted and it ranked the occupations according to the level ofresponsibilitythat the job entailed. It demonstrated that although the health of the nation had improved since the introduction of the Welfare →

Understanding obsessive compulsive disorder essay example

There is a general agreement that both biological and psychological factors are causative in OCD although the degree to which they are causative may differ from one patient to another. Patients with OCD are found to be under stimulated that is the transmission is not at a normal level.

101 reasons to become a family care nurse practitioner

101 Reasons to Become a Family Care Nurse Practitioner Abstract Family Care Nurse Practitioners are advanced practice nurses with a specialty in family care. The daily functions of a Family Care Nurse Practitioner include providing care to people of all ages.

Psycho, the greatest film of all time?

This essay will attempt to show you the brilliance that is Psycho and how Alfred Hitchcock managed to create a film which even today grabs and retains the interest of any audience. The camera angles and lighting in Psycho are arguably the cleverest and most effective ever used in a film.

Free movie review on cool hand luke

Stuart Rosenberg, the director of the film, Cool Hand Luke, is one of the most noted filmmakers in the history of world cinema. The article talks about the " unforgettable" opening scene of the movie in context and then gives a brief description of the plot of the movie.

Concept of spiritual lessons in attar’s the conference of the birds and ramis’s groundhog day

In ' Attar's The Conference of the Birds, the birds that follow the hoopoe on the journey to find the Simorgh, their " leader," learn spiritual lessons along the way, metaphorically discovering the Sufi Way of life: realizing God's true nature. In this case, the hoopoe's answers to the birds' questions and the descriptions of →

Fences research

As we already know, in his prime, Troy was a great baseball player and he strongly believed that he was not given the opportunity to play in the major leagues because of the color of his skin. According to Gerald Weales, the author of Review of Fences in the Commonweal, " Troy not signing the →

Censorship laws and cultural norms

The claim of Psychor's ability to capture the integral aspects of a slasher film is based somewhat on the fact that Psycho holds the title as the probable first slasher film to be produced, giving it the automatic advantage of setting the stage for what is known today at the hallmarks of a good slasher →

Cinematography: american beauty essay sample

The colour red is also significant as a central motif in the film as shown with the red front door of the house. Interestingly, the Burnfarm's family is dressed in black and white in the entire movie to externalize the isolation and loneliness between the society and the family.