6 Pages Essay Samples

Navis swot analysis

The instance means that the firm delivers products that in the eyes of the consumer no other company is capable of performing. Appraisal The resources and the capabilities tend to be unique. The ability to be reliable makes the firm top of its class in the industry. A competency map and agenda The →

Marketing of services

Of late, the institute has ceased to offer the CEQ programmer among the small and medium enterprises in the interiors of the state of Restaurants and elsewhere. The centre is contemplating launching these programmers in the latter quarter of the ear and first quarter of the next year.Dry. Chowders problem is the pricing →

Essence of empowerment 1772

This has its advantages since all members of the organization, then, have a feel for what it is they are actually doing. Since the utopian result of empowerment is the transference " of decision making and ownership to those individuals [at the lowest possible levels] who have the knowledge and ability to make the most →

Chapter as we understand limitations. the use of

In the event that we add to this the way that in viral correspondence it is people who expect the " cost" of spreading the battle or message, the marvel winds up plainly one of colossal enthusiasm to firms. If we add to this the fact that in viral communication it is individuals who assume →

Marketing bmw assignment

Promotion Strategies BMW partake in many events and various other promotional activities in order to boost the knowledge of BMW but also to increase its reputation amongst the worldwide public. One of the sporting events BMW have bought the naming rights to is the BMW VGA championship.

Essay on royalties

In the end, it would likely earn her more to take the 7% and allow us to give as many people as possible the word about the book. CONTRACT SIGNING BONUS For her signing a contract with us, we will give her a $10, 000 signing bonus. We would prefer to give her the →

Analysis of mother dairy company culture and production sorting process

In this department all the fruits and vegetables are brought from the farmers and kept in crates. After sorting the fruits and vegetables are packed in the in packets of different capacity.

Marketing case report

Discussion: Situation analysis: Before a company, such as SASS, engages in how they are to market a product, they deed to gather knowledge on things such as the features and benefits their product has the potential to provide. A situational analysis is the base knowledge needed to be gained before even thinking of →

Sales management essay sample

Purpose of the Paper The purpose of the paper is to help understand organizational buying behavior as well as the decision making process through careful analysis of the case study. This need can be categorized as an internal factor, which lead to an active behavior.In this situation, John Goodman should make use of this →

A case study on impact of bird flu on the sales of helvetia fast food shop assignment

Analysis of Strategic Decision on Business Crisis A Case Study on Impact of Bird flu on the Sales of Helvetia Fast Food Shop Sales in the city's fast food shops have marked a sharp fall as customers continued to ignore chicken items out of bird flu fear, hitting hard the booming fast-food business.reports UNB, →

Free article review on importance of entrepreneurship in developing countries

Based on this, the intent of the paper is to identify the impact of entrepreneurship on developing countries like Egypt. Entrepreneurship involves efficient utilization of the available resources or opportunities hence providing the market with new goods and services. The business owner's faces market forces, and are in obligation to formulate strategies and measures to →

Marketing ad sample

Success comes through: Systematic exploration ND analysis Strong diamond mining experience and expertise State-of-the-art diamond processing uniquely focused diamond technology World leading research and development " Cutting diamond Is both an art and a science." J Charleston. In the Integrity of diamonds They have been among the world's leaders In advocating and developing →

Integrated marketing communication system

Everything Sends a Message: What happened to the Cola companies and HULL dramatists the point that message consistency is a systemic problem, as well as strategic. It has to be approached from the viewpoint of the whole company and its total business operations, not Just from how the company executes its marketing communication →

Impact of environmental factors on marketing decisions

These factors usually cannot be controlled by the businessmen and therefore, a careful analysis of the environment is essential to discover the problems and find their possible solutions. The economic condition of Cost Wholesale Corporation mainly remains consistent, as the growth rate of the sales of the company is consistent. This is because; →

The current marketing environment of the airline

In the leisure market, the availability of large aircraft such as the Boeing 747 made it convenient and affordable for people to travel further to new and exotic destinations. Distribution channels In all areas of marketing links must be made between the customer and the product. About 40% of all airline tickets in the →

Free complementary and alternative medicine essay example

This form of medicine is referred to as alternative if it substitutes conventional methods, complementary when used together with the conventional method and lastly, integrative when both conventional and complementary are used together. Because of its lack of scientific evidences, research and tests, it has been highly disregarded throughout history and has only been used →

A study of customer preference towards various stock brokerage

Alternate Hypothesis, : There is a relationship between age of the customer and preference to the Stock-call precision.2. Null Hypothesis, : There is no relationship between age of the customer and preference to the Personal assistance. Alternate Hypothesis, : There is a relationship between income of the customer and preference to →

Partnerships term paper examples

I have gained invaluable lessons on the management of risk, development of research to aid in the trading, Communication in the most clear and concise manner and most important the necessary skills that are requires for associations with interested parties such as clients, financial analysts and other stakeholders in the firm. Partnerships have been very →

Time warner cable

Installing cable lines is an example of the high cost of starting a business in the television industry and a " first come, first serve" mentality for natural monopolies. Implementing the cable lines is considered a sunk cost and is one reason why there are such overwhelming difficulties to entry in the cable →

Marketing is a science for the management of a value delivery

While others are also of the view that Marketing is a science because the most moon question is " How much money should I spend on marketing? " The business owner and the accountants want the answer to this question. This organizations to rely on science, not " gut feel." So, the question is: Are →

British airlines

Moreover, the airline has increased the internet usage thus creating awareness and interaction among the customers (British Airways 2010a; 2010b; British Airways 2010c). For the threshold capabilities and resources, the company has tangible assets of a fleet of 245 aircrafts, which access more than 550 destinations worldwide (British Airways 2004b; British Airways 2004c; British Airways →

Dollar general

This hiring of less skilled managers to Dollar General's store resulted to inefficiencies in aligning the operation of the company to its target customers; and to make things worst on the stores of Dollar General, its managers did not even know who their customers were. At the end of the day, tremendous →

Ethics vs profit

If they are really not satisfied and they run out of gifts and incentivesthey will not purchase the products anymore, and the company will never know that the clients are not satisfied because the sales representative really does not care if the clients are satisfied or not, as long as he/she meets his/her quota, he/she's →

How to measure brand equity

In essence, using CLV, the company is capable of predicting future revenues, and thus, be able to change marketing strategies in accordance with the demands of the market and the goals and objectives of the firm. In essence, this can be used as a strategy to market the company's services and products in the future.

Coca-cola marketing report

1 Description of Coca-Cola Co.and its history Coca-Cola started as a cure for the addiction to morphine. 2 How the marketing environment affects Coca Cola's market strategy Thegoalsof Coca-Cola are to maximize profitability and growth to create greater value for the shareholders.

Pricing essay examples

The supply chain of this store must also include a fast courier service in order to deliver the sports goods to customers within the deadline. The most challenging marketing function of the supply chain of Sports Authority is " buying" sports goods from the suppliers while choosing from dozens of quality suppliers available in the →

Allbirds as the world’s most comfortable shoes

In this paper, I will examine the story of Allbird's founders, the history of the company, the company's mission and execution of social responsibility, and discuss what I have learned from their story. Allbirds founders, Tim Brown and Joey Zwullinger, set out to help save the planet by making it greener, one lace-up at a →

Marketing atl btl

We believe that the metaphorical " line" separating marketing philosophies (often doted, but never precisely defined) is reflected in three key qualities that separate today's emerging promotional methods from the top-down advertising monologue of the past. Acting in concert, they embody the universal elements of successful below- the-line marketing efforts: ; Perception - →

Paradigm shift essay example

In addition, the investors that I approached could not give the capital that I needed because my business plan did not give clear details about some important business information. In order to move forward, I had to ask why I kept on failing all the time even when I gave my best. In addition, my →

Good essay on subprime lending

The third common characteristic is explosion of the government debt sometimes rising to an average of 86 percent. The diagram below shows how U.S.households and financial businesses increased borrowing in the years that were leading up to the crisis Source: Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission Report The subprime mortgage crisis or the mortgage meltdown →

Customer service and marketing at mm

We chose to allocate 90% of our sales force to the large customers since nearly all our sales volume were attributed to them whereas only 10% was allocated to small customers to provide space for our distributors to implement their own marketing and sales efforts. As we progressed, the volume we received from →

Customer’s needs

However, I believe that receiving tips from the guest is not a crime if it does motivate them to provide the highest level of satisfaction to customer needs. I would say that it is a chain reaction as one satisfied guest generates future potential customers to the hotel.

Marketing analysis of god

The mission of GOD has always been " to define a new Hong Kong identity" - by exploring age-old oriental traditions and updating them with modern consumers in mind, their demonstrations of the techniques and wisdom of past generations in the east still has a place In the future world. Most of the furniture of →

Lenscrafters strategy essay sample

The organization takes after JIT and other operational methodologies with the goal that it encourages them to build incomes and increment customer satisfaction Operational strategy at Lenscrafter Operations alludes to the everyday working of the organization, it includes the backend operations and the data stream among different divisions. The organization made the items →

My new restaurant essay sample

Therefore with reference to what my restaurant preference is, a business concept about the restaurant will be discussed below. My family style dinners will be the best in my area since it aims at large platters of food, conversation and sharing good company. This has enabled me sell different variety of foods that the locals →

Essay on national ad campaign for chipotle restaurant

The principal goal of initiating the restaurant advertisement is to enable Chipotle to brand and identify itself with every household that consequently would create an appeal to its target customers. Objectives Chipotle's advertising goal is the desire to get the customers flocking their restaurant. The advertisement will also help in the highlighting of the →

Marketing process overview

The marketing mix and market research Having identified its key audiences a company has to ensure a marketing mix is reared that appeals specifically to those people. The marketing mix is a term used to describe the four main marketing tools : product price promotion and the place through which products are →

Advertising for kids

The product has to be loud, colorful, and interesting or they need to be able to do something with it to make them want it. For example, the study concluded the talking Chihuahua in the Taco Bell ads were the most popular out of thefast foodads, but the most popular out of →

Supply and demand and economist view prostitution

People usually believe that it's mostly woman in the prostitution market but when in reality, men are the ones that are considered to be the more important part of the high demand. The reason for prostitution increase and growth in a large scale compared to previous years has to do with tourists that are seeking →

Customer satisfaction and loyalty definition of consumer satisfaction

In spite of taking many attempts for measuring and explaining the satisfaction of customer, there is not so much consensus conducting in relation to the definition of the satisfaction of customer. The typical definition of customer satisfaction can be provided as the evaluative judgment of post consumption in relation to the certain →


2 Problem issue The problem they have facing now days are:- a) The cost is high b) The food of restaurant is not HALL c) More competitors in Mir d) Do not have related web-site Environment analysis also known as external environment analysis. External environment analysis is referring to PEST analysis. Other those →

The adoption of critical reading english language essay

According to Barnet states, " Critical reading helps student to interpret a text by working through a sequence of steps in order to attain a particular understanding of what is being read".Academic reading of a student should become efficient and effective if he/she would brain storm while reading academically. Efficient reading would help →

Influence of multiculturalism in australia

Impacts of Multiculturalism in Australia Department Impacts of Multiculturalism in Australia Introduction Multiculturalism in Australia has a distinctive edifying significance. It also deems to outweigh and tackle the benefits over the disadvantages of Multiculturalism in Australia.

Fast food vs. home cooked food

Fast food offers convenience and other advantages over home cooked food but the benefits of home cooked food and the disadvantages of fast foods identifies the need for consumption of homemade foods. Due to a huge workload of urban people, they would prefer to use less time to get the similar food, so the dependency →

Peer feedback

Then give feedback to a second rough draft. Writer's name: Rachelle Ellis Reviewer's name: _________________________________ Present the author's thesis in your own words and discuss whether it is persuasive and whether it provides an accurate guide to the direction of the paper. The thesis of the author is that alternative medicines are effective →

Non-us business marketing essay

To attain this goal, the company has to base its value creating activities at the most favorable low-cost location anywhere in the world and offer a standardized product globally in order to ride down the experience curve as quickly as possible. In contrast, responding to pressures to be locally responsive requires that a company differentiate →

Nationalisation crunch led to a shortage of

The nationalisation of Northern Rock was essential to itssurvival at a time of panic and instability it provided reassurance and helpedto restore confidence in the bank, it gave the perception that since it wasbacked by the government the government would not let it fail. Nationalisation of the bank was funded by the tax payer, eventually →

Pubs in the uk

The Palmerston, a pub turned gastro pub, will be referred to, to illustrate these findings and profitable recommendations will be made for the sector and The Palmerston Although the report focuses on pubs, statistics used represent bars and nightclubs as these are commonly perceived to be the same sector. According to statistics from people 1st →

Energy drinks

Should the FDA do more investigating into the safety of these so-called energy drinks? These are questions I had going into this as a consumer of energy drinks myself, I was interested in how harmful they are too the consumer. These are just a couple of the things in what seems to →

Chrysler-fiat strategic alliance essay sample

After the merger, Chrysler emerges from the bankruptcy and starts to restructure and Fiat gains a brand in North America and technology from here. Chrysler was doing badly, and although known as the " Number Three" car in North America, it was not able to keep up and had to declare bankruptcy and was told →

From tend to involve more than one

The American Civil War was one of the of the most traumatic and fatal Wars to ever take place in the United States. One of the key drivers of progression in the field of prosthetics, was the availability of new materials with which to make the artificial limbs.

Research paper on decline of honeybees

Honeybees are extensively used in the US for the production of honey and pollination of a wide-ranging variety of farm grown crops including vegetables, fruits and nuts. There are several factors contributive to the decline of honeybees and taken into consideration its effect on agriculture and food chain, it is imperative to seek solution for →

How you would identify and treat thallium biology essay

In the early portion of the last century, a merchandise known as Koremlu was marketed in the United States for the intervention of tinea every bit good as a depilatory agent. Trace sums of Tl are used as a contrast agent in the visual image of cardiac map and tumor.

It in financing industries

Information technology in the banking sector : opportunities, threats and strategies. Banking in the Age of Information Technology. Regional Review.

Education barriers towards receiving an education, many begin

Education had been subjugated in Afghanistan by the restriction of educating women during the Taliban's brutal reign, and the access to education today encompasses many obstructions for women including poverty for the masses, lack of government enforcement, as well as a lot of danger on the long journey to faraway government schools. The multitude of →

The problem of human’s dependence of gas

The reason behind rationing gas is to accommodate to high priority gas users and also create a price ceiling as to not over spend on gasoline, while also avoiding not over using gas because of the low gas prices, creating a shortage in gas supply. People lose the ability to rely on themselves. If you →

Unethical actions of tobacco companies

Moreover Weiss mentioned that, the main aim of business is to make profit but to make profit companies should not make harm or be the reason of making harm due to their activities. If this kind of activities takes place for the focusing on individualistic pursuit of profit, human's social needs became ignored →

Injection is not solely based on the desired

It is important to know all about the materials processing parameters in the injection molding process, included injection pressure, mold pressure, ejection temperature and cycle time. It is important to remember that the selection of material for creating injection molding parts is not solely based on the desired properties of the final part. In a →

Comprehensive overview of the banana industry

Although banana cultivation is carried out in the Lao region, a large proportion of the staff and investors are from China or have some relationship with the Chinese among them. However, there will also be some social and environmental problems, such as the situation in the banana fields of Chinese investors in Laos.

The form the financial crisis. the following

On the other hand, there areoften uncertainties regarding the legitimacy of claims that ICT is actuallysuch a determining factor in the recovery form the financial crisis. 3The economic crisis The financial crisis in 2008 has been the worst financial crisissince the Great Depression in the 1930s.

Effects of binge drinking in college

College students appear to have higher rates of binge drinking than other young adults, and rates of binge drinking among college students appear to be on the rise. Some contributing factors of binge drinking are the targeting of students by the alcohol industries, false or misleading statistics, and the raising of the legal drinking age →

Free guide to contemporary nutrition research paper sample

The unionization in fast-food restaurants and its history is also highlighted and the perceptions of the teens in Colorado Springs on the same who would rather quit their jobs and wastefully spend their money on status-oriented items. Websites - www.safetables.org - an activist group that battles for proper food safety measures. - www.hrw.org/reports/2005/usa0105 watches the safety →

Aggregate and prime measures essay

These activities center on three broad categories referred to as Business Domains in the Framework description. The three business domains are: Demand Management All the actionable activities involved with generating demand for the products and services offered by the organization. Activities measured by Ma Responsiveness are distinct from the other aggregates within this buss →

Safety of transporting different commodities together by voyage charter and its advantages and disadvantages

It will not be stored near the oil as to prevent spillage on the package because it is necessary to deliver the consignment to the buyer in a pleasing condition as well as avoiding loss of income from dissatisfaction and the cargo being returned. Brown is able to take advantage of negotiated rate and the →

Business tourism

The present aim and objective of the conference center is to be the leading and foremost choice of conference center for every local business through the provision of excellent service in a relaxed environment. In the case of the conference center, the challenges government policy presents to the center are in form of licenses and →

Entrepreneurship – mamma mia case study examples

The industry has seen various growths in the figure of professions and the viewers of the films. In addition, the performing arts give much benefit to the industry as they improve the locals and employees quality of life.

Custom power devices and the benefits of their application

The footings of usage power devices are complementary to the entity terminal usage equipment at low electromotive forces ( such as UPS ( Uninterruptible Power Supply or standby generators ). Need OF CUSTOM POWER DEVICES At present power quality is considered as one of the major concern. Distribution system is placed at →

Comparative analysis of the economies of germany essay

The sharp rise in 2009 was as a result of the government increasing spending to subdue the global financial crisis. Government expenditure for the AJAX takes a small percentage of the GAP because the country is tax-free, smaller in size and less populated than Germany. The specific application of the GAP deflator is to take →

Introduction was broken up and separated into

The bill was designed tocoerce Great Britain to let American companies into the Middle Eastern oil fieldswith them when the initial drilling and excavation of the region's oil reservesbegan. Today's posited US interests in the Middle East can be broken down into fiveareas: ensuring the free flow of oil; preventing nuclear proliferation; fightingterrorism; maintaining the →

Case 6-1 browning manufacturing

00 198, 000. 00 522, 000.

Wireless industry

By not competing effectively with the major players within the market, it can be very easy to fall behind and eventually out of this very profitable industry. In order to keep up with Canada's rapidly growing wireless industry the need for better regulation and easier entry into the industry is a must. Consumers' demands are →

A of the micropropagation is dependent on

Antioxidants are functional in protecting againstharmful diseases as they prevent injury to the blood membranes, they can lowerthe risk of Alzheimer's disease, show optimization in the blood flow to theheart and brain and prevent the damage of DNA. . Most of the extracts of plants that contain saponins arewidely used for many commercial applications like for →

Most hour and 340 million hens are raised

In the article " The welfareof animals" by the Humane society of America, the author describes the crueltyanimals face in farms by stating " animals are viewed by industrializedagriculture as commodities and suffer myriad assaults to their physical, mental, and emotional well-being, typically denied the ability to engage intheir species-specific behavioral needs". Inthe article " →

Man utd – swot and pest

Introduction The football industry in UK has become popular because of the first successes in the industry, an attribute that made it a viable business. The main aim of this report is to analyze the SWOT and PEST analysis of Manchester United. This means that whenever the company raises any merchandise in the market, indicating →

Businesss – electrical and electronic sector essay

This declaration contains 27 cardinal rules, two of which are shown below: " Human existences are at the Centre of concerns for sustainable development. They are entitled to a healthy and productive life in harmoniousness with nature".[ 2 ] " All States and all people will collaborate in the indispensable undertaking of eliminating poorness as →

The general characteristics and application of synthetic nylon fibre

It can be used as a strengthening or stretching material or as a coating on natural fabrics. Nylon is used in making socks since it is cheap, easy to wash and water repellent. Nylon socks wick away moisture and dry quickly hence keep our feet dry. Machine knitted socks will always contain nylon as it →

Can soda tax prevent obesity essay

It would be a serious mistake to impose a tax on sugar-sweetened beverage because sugar-sweetened beverage is not the main cause of obesity, the tax wrongly attributes a large portion of responsibility of obesity to the consumers, and the tax cannot ensure a decline in consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages. Before taxing the sugar-sweetened beverages, there →

Introduction: economy, or even an organization to depend

With all these massive infrastructure logistic projects and with theestablishment of all other relevant facilities to support that , Oman start toplay a great role in terms of logistics in the region and globally and thelogistics start generating huge revenues to the government and become analternative non-oil revenue to the government. The laws of Oman →

Commercialising from the bottom up: onions in central tanzania

Farmers are reluctant to co-operate in production or marketing; yet the irrigation depends on local water associations and these function. Government and donor roles have largely been keeping the peace, a stable macro-economy and investing in physical infrastructure the roads, and upgrading the irrigation intakes. The studies are designed to understand and explain the role →

Bc connect expo reflection essays examples

In a more precise way, the paper focuses on comparing and contrasting aspects of management tools used in the hotel industry, the challenges facing the sector, and the growth patterns. Just as the Leading Edge Hospitality points out that hospitality and tourism is experiencing as a rapid change in trends, →

Overview of the solar panel industry

Solar panels capture sunlight and convert It Into electricity, In one of two forms; industry, due to the large market share dominated by a small number of players, furthermore, the solar panel industry not only cooperates with, but also competes with other industries such as power production and component manufacturing industries. The Solar →

Abstract all the electronic control units (ecus)

Each carhas approximately 100 to 150 ECUs which have more sensors and actuatorsattached. Oneof the main parts of the vehicle is the internal vehicle network. This is going to reduce accidents and todecrease gas consumption by letting vehicles communicate with each other andhave more control. Some of the major features of V2V technologies are todetermine →

Indian construction industry and risk assessment construction essay

A consistent dual digit year-on-year growing of 12 % is recorded in the Indian building industry for the period of 2000-2005 and the outlook is that it will turn at 25-30 % for the period of 2005-2010.the lifting investing of authorities in substructure creative activity and the demand for existent estate in the industrial and →

Subsistence agriculture

Agricultural systems and techniques that have evolved from ancient times to meet the special environmental conditions of the humid tropics include the paddy rice of South-East Asia, terrace, mound, and drained field systems, raised bed systems (such as the chinampas of Mexico and Central America), and a variety of agroforestry, shifting cultivation, home garden, and →

Eric schlosser

Contaminated Meat Every Step Of The Way Eric Schlosser's bookFast FoodNation, Michael Moss' article The Burger That Shattered Her Life and the documentaryFoodInc.all come together to inform people on the facts about the food industry's contamination issue. The food industry has many slaughterhouses and meat packing industries in the United States. The sanitation of our →

Internship and colleagues at jetquay and the

I am thankful to have the chance to meetthese people without them I would not have come this far. Firstly, I would liketo thank the supervisors and colleagues at Jetquay and The Haven for theirpatience and continuous guidance which helps me to contribute to the companyeven better. Recommendations for improvementState and elaborate ways to improve →

Organizational change at shlar of newton

The new equipments installed in the facility also were insured to cover for accidents and unforeseen events. The steam table system required a more robust power supply to meet the added power requirements. Merits of Steam Tables The primary advantage of implementation of the steam table system is the availability of fresherfood, →

“product analysis : pond’s teens” essay

Just six weeks before the Wall Street Journal article was published in summer 1999, Ballmer (the President and COO of Microsoft) had announced a package of changes that increased the salaries, more frequent promotion and softened the working pressure which had been the company's culture since it was found. Many of the senior managers argued →

Describe the size and structure of the food retailing sector

Task1- in this task I will be looking at the current structure and size of the UKfoodretail industry and writing a summary of the information that I find out, in more depth I will be looking at the different types of food retailers that are operating in the UK and including the size and →

George well with one’s fellows, the so-called human

Initially, when Mayo started with the textile mill experiment he observed that the high rate of turnover had a big influence on the mental abnormality of the workers, and through this, he developed the idea of providing rest breaks to the workers for better results.. After this experiment, it was observed that, there was a →

Etihad airline creative brief

On 12 November 2003, Etihad commenced commercial operations with the launch of services to Beirut, and has gone on to become the fastest growing airline in the history of commercial aviation.? The new routes are in addition to the services that were part of the initial codeshare agreement, which commenced in March 2009 and include →

Al ahram beverages essay

Threat of new entrants i. Government promise no more entrants for 2 more years ii. Interests alignment of employees with management and stakeholders.d. Brand i.

Toms shoes

TOMS one-for-one business model is based on giving a free pair of shoes away to kids in third world countries when someone buys a pair of their shoes. The first problem challenges the fact if the model actually solves a social problem. Giving a free pair of shoes to a third world →

Study on nutrition for students with disabilities

In this lesson, we will look at the following countries of learning program: The activities for teaching and steering pupils with acquisition and behaviour jobs and the instructors ' perceptual experiences. The kids support in constructing their principal and their collegial interactions The value of their success in the instructions Teacher's efficiency is →

Nissan planning new fuel-cell vehicle

He further added, " Together with the assistance of Powertech and BC Hydro, we are working hard to make the benefits of fuel cells and their promise of high efficiency and zero emissions a viable reality". A fuel cell vehicle is in consequence an electric vehicle, using a fuel cell →