4 Pages Essay Samples

The impact of social media on today’s society

Social media sites are certainly corrosive to the real community as it detaches us from the real world and creates an illusionary experience for users. In our world today, there are countless amounts of social media applications that have enhanced our ways of communication. This shows that people have been able to establish modified images →

Writing a high-quality literacy narrative essay

It was because of this book that I had learned how to write better at the time. It was at this point in the class that I had realized how important writing is.

The theme of identity in chang-rae lee’s native speaker

He is an alien in America, although he was born here, he does his best to be a true American. He does not admit this fact even in his mind but starting thinking about his parents and his origin he understands that it is true. Henry becomes a native speaker of his self and that →

Youth music as a tool for display of american values

So what they mean by saying music is contradicting these values is basically that music gets away from those things and it replaces those with sex, drugs, and violence, which in my opinion is not correct because not all music is the same. According to my grandma, music is the blame for the " supposedly" →

Different social groups in jumping monkey hill by chimamanda ngozi adichie

The Ugandan is represented as being stuck between the two social groups because he is the workshop leader, but also African. When running the workshop, Edward and Isabel's privilege, stereotypical behaviour, and ignorance show their discrimination and maltreatment of Africans. The African writers are represented as quiet and oppressed, showing how they abide by Edward. →

Preconceived ideas in x-files and the peril of submitting them to fans around the world

Now to the viewer this seems as impossible and stupid for a story, but the story is only a small part of what is going on. This again, to the viewer, shows African as ignorant people not wanting to see what is really going on. We should all be able to see a problem with →

Television viewing habits of youngsters in india

While parents usually watch daily soaps and news, which most of the youngsters do not prefer to watch. IMPACT OF TV VIEWING HABITS OF YOUNGSTERS ON BEHAVIOR NDTV and Aaj Tak: The youngsters watch different channels on television to get knowledge from all the different fields.

Mary for direct advocacy in which knowledge

Mary Fisher is a Republican who decided to share her storyof HIV infection to spread awareness of HIV/AIDS to people in the UnitedStates. She believed awareness was the key to finding a cure. She does not want pity from the audience or to victimizeherself, but only for attention to the serious matter of HIV/AIDS.

Example of essay on chinese media culture

Despite the advent of the internet, television continues to reign supreme as the most influential form of media in the nation. On one hand, it may signify the end of the trend of " life spectacles" and on the other, it could give rise to a new form of media entertainment. New media in China →

Uses and gratification theory applied to religious programming essay examples

The research explained the high selectivity among the viewers of this religious stations Data from the research showed that the number of women who watch this programs are more than those of men. The research indicated that the viewing of this programs among the poor people, less educated, →

A reality tv text essay sample

The events and situations are planned by the program's creators but the impact of the experience and how the participants grapple to extract meaning from the experience and reconnect with others and the world around them takes them through an emotional roller coaster that few are prepared for. This deeply changes the boundaries that Raye →

One foot in the grave essay sample

This meant the BBC needed to create a sitcom of their own to try and justify the television licence, and ' One Foot in the Grave' was one of those sitcoms. Having inexpensive props , sets and costumes again draws our attention to Meldrew because our attention is not focused on props or the →

High definition television technology effect

The 1970s began to transfer research and in 1977, the society of motion picture and television engineers formed the first study group on HDTV. That same year, HDTV began to appear in technical Journals and the following year, the first experimental satellite transmission of high definition began (HDTV World Review website, 1990). Using technology In →

Compare how two television programmes you have studied offer comic representation of gender

I will be using an episode of Absolutely Fabulous and an episode of Keeping Up Appearances to provide me with examples to support my ideas and opinions. * Absolutely Fabulous- Eddie- comical features: Over dressed, flamboyant & eccentric appearance No sense of moral or political correctness (buying merchandise from African villages) Physical behaviour- poor co-ordination →

Book review on the simpsons and media literacy

In Douglas Rushkoff's article " Bart Simpson: Prince of Irreverence," he refers to the FOX sitcom The Simpsons as " the closest thing in America to a national media literacy program".Within this program, the Simpson family deconstructs memes and cultural landmarks of television at a breakneck pace, holding a lantern up to the way →

A study of how powerful words are as shown in the american animated sitcom south park

During the episode " The F Word" the meaning of the word fag takes on a transformation of meaning. Even through the years and the many changes of the meaning the word fag still comes to be a word of insult, but now it is just directed towards biker gangs.

Women in american sitcoms of the 1950s and 60s essay sample

The entire series centered around the person of Betty White, who was not only performing the main character but was also 28 year old creator and producer of the show, because of which she could be considered " one of only two women to have creative control both in front of and behind →

Ques 1: name some key approaches to television study as discussed by burton essay sample

Most TV markets are bound by the local definitions and have to follow the national and international regulations. Ques 3: Define and discuss news agenda and news values. News Agenda: An agenda is a list of things prepared usually in order of importance. There is a very strong link between media agendas and the perception →

Does watching television make you smarter essay sample

The claim that 24 has a lot inferences and complexity is wrong since today's culture can comprehend the multithread and the complex themes. Television shows depict the reality on what is happening in the society and trends of the popular culture in the society. The media continue to provide the popular culture with life lessons →

The continued popularity of grey’s anatomy series

With a whopping 14 seasons, 317 episodes, and over a frame of 13 years, Grey's Anatomy is the longest-running drama in ABC's records. Denny is in need of a heart transplant and without the transplant soon, he was expected to die.

The impact of television

White who wrote " I believe that television is going to be the test of the modern world, and in this new opportunity to see beyond the range of our own vision, we will discover either a new and unbearable disturbance of the general peace or a saving radiance in the sky. Even the thought →

Blog, video, podcast critique research paper sample

Further, the author points out towards a fact that, the cause of increase in obesity is the cultural change and the increase in the calorie intake. At the end, the author has introduced a view of an obese expert, who has said that grasping the common sense firmly and staying grounded will help in the →

Comparing food at home and outside essay sample

Bhardwaj samples the cost of meals at a chain restaurant and concludes that the cost is less in comparison with a home-cooked meal. However, the difference might lie in the quality. Quality In terms of quality, home-cooked food is of a higher quality than outside food.

The controversial atkins diet

The Controversial Atkins Diet The Atkins diet is a controversial topic to discuss. Furthermore, the majority of obese people that are studied are unhealthy beforehand, and therefore a high consumption of carbs is not the only factor linked to obesity; having no exercise can make a person obese too.

Reasons of television appealing to many people

For this essay, you will want to do the following: Choose 1 or 2 shows that can help strengthen your argument (focusing on too many shows will cause you to lose track of your main point) Incorporate outside sources that agree and help strengthen your position in the essay (a minimum of 2 sources are →

Free hypertension essay example

Kingston's hypertensive condition, the physician and the patient will have to set blood pressure goals that will target certain reduction rate considering the patient risk factor simply because of the complications that are likely to be related to the patient's condition. The drug is the thiazide diuretics the first line of medication I will prefer →

The influence of charlemagne on european history

From 774 until his death in 814, Charlemagne was recognized as king of the Franks, king of the Lombards, and emperor of the Romans. In a way, the conquering of the Saxons initiated the vast and relatively rapid spread of Charlemagne's empire. While being a warrior came natural to Charlemagne, I believe the diplomatic side →

Women and opportunity in colonial america essay sample

Women who chose to have children as part of their family are making a decision that will affect their personal and professional opportunities in ways that do not affect the men involved, and during the course of history, this difference has served to define many of the traditional roles for women and men. Of course, →

A governer’s to the island with analysing the international law and trade issues term paper samples

It is apparent that the lack of investment opportunity in the island has caused the people tremendous economic hardship in terms of improving the quality of living due to the limitations in productive opportunities. This is because harmonized and free trade in which our island is looking forward for economic improvement through international cooperation opens →

European debt crisis research paper example

The crisis has virtually made it impossible for some of the countries of the Union to repay their debt without the appropriate assistance from third parties including other members of the union or bodies like World Band and IMF. The crisis has affected many countries in the European Union in a number of ways. Greece →

Annotations essay

Summary of The American Fugitive in Europe Summary The American Fugitive in Europe is a presentation of the accounts of American abolitionist William Wells Brown on his experiences in travelling to Europe. Furthermore, the success of Wells Brown in his lectures before the British people attributes to his shocking expositions →

Crusaders vs. invaders

What they did imply was his aspiration to educate the people and build an unbiased government system that solely functions towards the well-being of the whole empire. Moreover, the major cause behind the conquest wars led by Charlemagne against the German tribes was to announce the revival of the Roman Empire as →

Italian renaissance essay

The Renaissance period began in the middle of the destruction of the Black Death, where the most effected part in Europe was Italy. The entire Renaissance era can be divided into three phases: first from 1350 to 1400 where historical texts were discovered and a new approach was given to art, second phase from →

The authoritarian challenge: russia’s transition to democracy

During his term, he introduced new policies like Perestroika , glasnost , and other political guidelines. In the book, Russia's Unfinished Revolution: Political Change from Gorbachev to Putin, McFaul stated that Gorbachev's new political changes consisted of free speech, elections, and a new relationship between the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and →

Good essay on age of reasons

Historical changes in belief and thoughts, which changed institutional and social organization between the year 1500 and 1700 and led to the unfolding of Europe; is what is referred to as the scientific revolution. There was a call of change and inventions of machineries to speed up the work especially in the textile industry.

Medieval europe essay sample

The power of feudal monarchs was limited by the church, the military strength of the aristocracy, and the development of urban centers. 4. Hanseatic League: An organization of cities in northern Germany and southern Scandinavia for the purpose of establishing a commercial alliance. E.

Example of timeline essay

First recorded raid by Danes in Anglo-Saxon England-787 Otto crowned emperor in Rome-1962 William the conqueror defeats the last Anglo-Saxon king-1066 Capture of Toledo from Muslims-1085 Death of Basil II, emperor-1025 Terms, people, events Carolingian Renaissance: this refers to the period under which the ancient literature, education, art, →

Imperialism and the mexican-american war essay example

Texas had earlier revolted against Mexico and became part of the United States in 1845. Historical Event: The Mexican American war The events that led to the Mexican American war, as graphically presented by the video, show that different perspectives would result in a war. As regards the second item, the US intends to →

A person with a weak heel

The central theme around which Homer revolves his story is " The Wrath of Achilles". Achilles, a man in search of personal glory and consumed by his pride and his might undergoes a chain of emotions from feeling his honour being questioned to rage to indifference and finding his way back to rage. He instigates →

An interpretation of love in chang-rae lee’s “a gesture life”

The bulk of the narrative was mostly about how Hata expresses his love for the other characters in the novel. Interestingly, " A Gesture Life" is certainly not the kind of story that portrays love in a typical manner. He wanted a low-profile life in his neighborhood because he has this assumption that he will →

Literature review on the happy family

The story features two snails that believed they were the most outstanding creatures in the whole world and that the entire forest of burdocks was built for them. They are similar to the great Chinese proverb " the frog in a well" in the sense that they lack understanding and vision. The other side theme →

Love’s last shift

It appeals to the sentiments of men and women both as it is the same old story through the ages - It is between him and her. The play does not depict that the interests of men and women need to be at the loggerheads always and they should ever remain at war. The suspenseful →

A defense of the prideful

Do not cry reminiscing on the past, for the past is what you look to and raise your drowned feelings. The prideful man was not once prideful, for pride is the consequence of a desperate soul.

Analysis of first love by john clare

The opening of the first stanza only shows how sudden and unexpected the feeling was as he was never ' struck before that hour'. This is followed my sibilance alliteration ' so sudden and so sweet' further emphasizing on the shock and bewilderment of the overwhelming feeling confirming it is a new experience. The love →

The oval portrait

Also the old book with the story about the room and the painting is a kind of ancient prophecy which is a very normal and strong element in a gothic story. It is a story that takes up the themes eternity and mortality.

Comparison and contrast of sappho’s poems with egyptian love poems

Comparison and Contrast of Sappho's Poems with Egyptian Love Poems The ideas of love in the Egyptian love poems are almost similar to Sappho's idea of love, but there is a difference in the way they approach it. In the Egyptian love poem, love is portrayed more erotic and passionate and the reader sees things →

Lets love sport

The answer is clear; sport means the regular movement of the limbs of the body in a proper manner. According to scientists' researches, during playing sport body produces Endorphin which actually it pushes out the toxic materials and keeps the heat of the body in balance. The other advantage of playing sport →

Love and passion

Love sss ss ssss sssssssssssssss s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s →

Written task

The next day, in his path to the Ministry, he saw a woman, but not just a simple woman. It was a page of the diary he was recently thinking about it.

To what extent are nicholas and absolon courtly lovers? essay sample

Absolon's misuse of the language of courtly love makes him all the more ridiculous, and his affected manner means that the reader has little sympathy for him. Perhaps a lot of Nicholas' success in wooing Alison is that he woos secretly, as a traditional courtly lover would. This highlights his intellect and his cunning, →

Essay on the tell-tale heart

Poe is very economical with the details simply to intensify the narrator's obsession with his claim of sanity, the old man's horrible eye, and the heartbeat. Nevertheless, the narrator is mad in the sense that he fails to link his narrative and the content.

An exploration of the different types of love in shakespeare’s twelfth night

The main part of his speech describing his love for Olivia is consists of refined and eloquent language, which seems to be used to impress rather than to express his feelings, he also talks more of love its self than Olivia which makes you doubtful of his sincerity: " O spirit of love, how quick and →

Charlotte bronte’s jane eyre essay sample

Rochester to become his mistress, the integrity and compassion for her family which she shows in her decision to split her inheritance with the Rivers , and the unconditional love she feels for Mr. John misunderstands her excitement of her uncles death and Jane explains to him how fortunate she is to receive a family →

Narrative techniques chapter 19 enduring love

This is shown when Joe says, ' in memory, all thefoodthey brought us first was red,' the use of a colour to remember a part of Joe's memory gives the reader the impression that the colour symbolises a feeling or emotion that Joe may have felt.' Red' in this case could represent danger, blood, anger, →

Love you forever analysis

In Love You Forever Munsch uses words like " crazy" and " zoo" to add the effect of comedy but the overall theme of the story strikes chords that are much deeper than exaggerated expressions. Robert Munsch started Love you Forever as a song: " I will love you forever, I will →

Summar of “the radical idea of marrying for love, ” by stephanie coontz essay sample

Summar of " The Radical Idea of Marrying for Love, " by Stephanie Coontz Essay Sample Author Stephanie Coontz writes about the ideas of love and marriage through out history in the article " The Radical Idea of Marrying for Love". Love, for some societies, was first and foremost meant for the →

Essay on trauma, history and truth in the passion

The themes of trauma, history and truth are omnipresent throughout the novel and combine together to shape the destinies of the two protagonists; Henri and Villanelle. Henri in The Passion suffers from the trauma of having partaken in the Napoleonic Wars, and witnessing the deaths of many comrades and friends due to the

Love is important in a family essay sample

Love is important in a family, Colin who was bereft of love was hurt deep inside but had to put up a happy fa ade as if he has got over it just to not upset his mother. The relationship between Roy, the beard and Dumpa also shows that love is important in a →

The song of love

The lyrics of the song is the best part, it expresses the joys of being in love through the act of the lovers' kiss. Through it, we can feel the love is so pure and attractive, it leads us to the extreme happiness, and let us moving away from the center of the normal world, →

History of architecture beauty of building

In this paper, I will seek to discuss the architectural and aesthetic attributes of three of the greatest architectural masterpieces of architecture in America today, namely the Empires state building, the Walt Disney concert hall building and the Chrysler building. The empire state building is at present the third tallest building in America, the quadric-faced →

Tapping the surface of architecture

In another kind of practice where the eye draws from observations of cultural and historical contexts, the architecture of Studio Advaita taps into the essence of architecture with structure, skin, and details that are individualistic and inspired. Reflecting on the past, there still exists a recollection of a time where good architecture was once identified →

Free essay about computer architecture

However, to reduce the Von Neumann bottleneck and increase speeds, memory systems are designed to support caches capable of burst mode access. The system bus and why it is needed: The system bus is a data communications channel between major components in a computer, including the CPU. The complex Boolean expressions can be expressed as →

Good essay on comparing raleigh amphitheatre to roman amphitheatre

The same is the case with the amphitheaters in North Carolina that are a symbol of the delight that emanates from music, dance, poetry and drama. The trees that surround it are strategically and evenly dispersed around the place and manage to give it a greenness that was probably the idea behind the architecture of →

The campus sculpture relocation

In this article I am going to consider the relocation of the Class of 1913 Fountain in the University of Oregon. The fountain should be relocated to a place where it is visible to most people and suitable for the purpose it serves.

Cloud operating system architecture

It also discusses how we will be able to design, implement, develop and innovate in the future with cheaper costs, better efficiency by the use of powerful systems on the cloud almost anytime and anywhere around the globe. A world with incredible virtual systems being made affordable for everyone. A hypothesis such as →

Formal analysis – foundling hospital brunelleschi essay examples

Located in Florence, its original purpose was that of a children's orphanage, and exists as a prime example of the tenets and forms of the architecture of the early Italian Renaissance. The uniquely classical design, the low height and the sprawling facade are used to convey a rare sense of →

Roman architecture: the colosseum

The structure is built of stone and concrete and was the largest amphitheatre in the reign of the Roman Empire. For that reason, in relation to the environment, using the structure would be better on the days when the weather conditions was friendlier. The cost of building the Colosseum is not known, but the treasures →

The over the river tyne by pons aelius

As you walk in, you first enter the nave, a place toaccommodate the majority of the congregation before reaching the chancel. It isalso likely the small recess on the left-hand side of the chancel was used bythe priests as a vestry. Examples of the influence can be seen in the arches, formed in a semi-circularshape →

History and construction of the buckingham palace

This paper will attempt to shed light on the history, structure, and use of one of the most important houses in Britain- the Buckingham Palace. History and Construction The site that is considered the Buckingham Palace today was, in the beginning, three sites: Buckingham Gardens, Goring House and Arlington House. As the need for →

I) the world. it represents a more democratic,

It represents a more democratic, egalitarian and respectful economy, destined to transform and replace the old economy based on the maximum exploitation of natural resources and on the scares attention to the impacts of human activities on the environment and society. The low-carbon economy represents an almost anthropological change that can change our society from →

The cultures essay

Therefore, it is a framework of the behavior patterns, assumptions, experiences, and values that are shared a group of people who are socially connected. Being aware of our cultural conditioning and having knowledge about the other cultural systems build a foundation of cross cultural training and at the same time pave the way towards cross →

Lives of the artists

In his " Lives of the Artists", Vasari discusses the biography of Brunelleschi and his contribution into the sphere of architecture and art. Brunelleschi managed to create new forms on the basis of Classical Roman architecture which he combined with the achievements of Tuscan and late Gothic architecture. Unlike his predecessors, Brunelleschi introduced the concept →

Statement of purpose in architecture

It is a frustrated process because of the unknown and the fear of change. However, the solution as part of the change can also bring many new problems and finally take us into a death loop. For example, what I learned from the structure class in the third year is what kind of relationship exists →

Gothic literature essay

It all started with Horace Walpole, who wrote the first gothic novel, called The Castle of Toronto, subtitled " A Gothic Story." The plot included the basis of Gothic literature: a threatening mystery and a curse, as well as hidden passages and heroines. An example of this is Nightmare of Elm Street. The fifth is →

Every person is an architect of his own future

Doing everything with love Second, person and only person can create favorable conditions in his or her life. Experience of successful people However, some people argue that no one can manage the future. The destiny Life circumstances Conclusion →

The impact of a well-designed open space on campus construction

This article will focus on the impact of open space , have on the construction of campus such as, a more attractive image increasing social skill and repair of students' mental health Main body: An excellent open space not only enhances the impression of the school but also makes the school more attractive. This →

History and evolution of shopping malls

History and Evolution of Shopping Malls This paper aims to investigate the history and evolution of shopping malls which have now gained significant position in human lives. The History and Evolution of the Shopping Mall.

Zaha hadid

She herself makes the experiment, and she herself tests the experiment in making a lot of possibilities and never stays at the same point. Gaza Hade's idea is that everyone can experiment but it is easier to experiment when you are younger because you have many questions and by that, you make experiments →

History of architecture global cultures

One of the two prevalent theories, attempting to debunk the purpose of the Stonehenge, suggests that it served as a prehistoric astronomical observation tower. Proponents of this theory also indicate that other prehistoric structures close to the monument also adopt a similar solar alignment, offering additional support for the construal of the monuments as an →

Design principles and methods: research design approaches

The below design principles will always be considered Circulation. Space organization. Sustainability. Aesthetics. Ergonomics. The Methods used for creating a design are The site Analysis. Research. Concept / Sketches. Brainstorming. A Designer needs to be always clear on the structure alterations, the placement of the furnishing, the fixtures and fittings, the lighting and →

Example of nyc architecture essay

In essence, the modernist school of architecture is argued to rob cities of their unique personality, and therefore offer nothing to the citizen to give back or contribute to the conversation. The trend that Jacobs was noting in modern architecture at the time was to create open spaces for nonspecific and all-purpose buildings, that could →

Instagram a planned way can be indicative

Portrayal of self in a plannedway can be indicative of suffering self esteem, especially based on the " follow"" like" and " comment" feedback features that the platform allows, and this cancause unprecedented declines in terms of mental health and rise in mentalillness. Interpersonal feedback and publicevaluations are publicly available on all members of friend →

Holden’s relationships with females in “the catcher in the rye” essay sample

Phoniness, for Holden, stands as an emblem of everything that's wrong in the world around him and provides an excuse for him to withdraw into his cynical loneliness. In addition Holden's encounter with Sunny, when it becomes clear that he is unable to handle a sexual encounter; the end of his date with Sally, →

Forces that shaped the mi’kmaq relations with the europeans

To the Mi'kmaq warfare was never used as a way to gain territory like their European counterparts but rather a way to seek revenge for wrongdoings.As the early European settlers and the Mi'kmaq people began to become familiar with each other, they found some common grounds in these values and learnt to peacefully coexist with →

Irony essay

In a way, it was all thanks to Mr Lensher that Matt was the head of the company now as it was that exact diploma that earned him a spot in this company, and the start of his path of being a CEO. Mr Lensher was like Matt's savior. Mr Lensher was at Matt's desk →

System and change in industrial relations analysis

First, the traditional model of systems-thinking set forth by John Dunlop, one of the pioneers of IR theory. Introduced in 1958, Dunlop's system theory of IR tries to provide tools to understand the widest possible range of IR activities and explains why particular rules are established in particular contexts. The relationship between these elements is →

Cross cultural relationships

Culture : Culture is thephilosophyof life, the values, norms and rules, and actual behavior - as well as the material and immaterial products from these which are taken over by man from the past generations, and which man wants to bring forward to the next generation - eventually in a different form and which in →

A competent nurse must have the outlooks,

With the rapid rise in the culturally diversepopulations, cultural competence training is considered as an effectiveintervention that empowers nurse to give culturally competent care thatincreases client satisfaction. According to Truong, Paradies, and Priest , there is a wealth of literature related to cultural competency and theeffectiveness of culturally competent training in improving client healthoutcome. Sixstudies →

Narrative essay

There is nothing to worry about. As I reach the top of the steps, I take a deep breath and hope for the best. As I held my Grandma's hand through a great deal of the procedure associated with the death, I came to a greater understanding of what life is really about.

Taming of the shrew and 10 things i hate about you essay sample

Although both stories work with similar plots, many aspects of the Ten Things I Hate About You, which is an appropriation of The Taming of the Shrew, have been altered to suit the teenage audience of the late 1990's. The film and the play also reflect on many values and attitudes of their time through →

Advantages of tinder plus application

The feature, referred to as Passport Feature makes it possible for the users to operate all over the world with the assurance of having a counterpart waiting to meet you right when you get to a new destination. Users of Tinder plus are able to go back and like a respondent that they may have →

The relationship between the roman authorities and the early church

As long as the Roman authorities think that the Christians were just a sect of the Jews, followers of Jesus enjoyed immunity much like the rest of them. But upon realizing that this supposed Jewish sect were up to more than being very fanatical about their monotheistic beliefs and that this " →

The gray area between relationships and marriage

Whereas, living together give a relationship a different to breathe in a new and exciting way; it helps a person to evolve himself/herself. A couple will not living in the same roof 24/ 7 while dating, so if they live in together , they will to know each other on a deeper and much more →

In translation studies with corpus, we must know

Before discussing about the relationship between contrastive linguistic and translation studies with corpus, we must know first the notion ofcontrastive linguistic and translation studies. While according to Holmes , translation studies is defined as the complex of problems clustered round thephenomenon of translating and translations.' Commonly, translation studies isthe academic discipline focusing on the →

In concern was the unbalanced and the

The concept of ' Proletariats and Communists' describes that the interests ofthe communists are not different from that of the proletarians. The Communist Manifesto effectively changed the ideology of people andmanipulated the political changes to form a social and a communist state inEurope.

My neighborhood cultural experience

Thebeauty is in the eyeof the beholder and most definitely in the eye of the visionary who created such beauty. I have chosen to discuss a building that was constructed in 1906 and is referred to as the Whitley Miller Building in the Anadarko downtown historical district.