4 Pages Essay Samples

Pharmacy from my childhood

As I had always wanted to pursue my career in medicine, I was captivated by the working of the pharmacy. I consider pharmacy to be a rapidly- developing career and distinguish that pharmacists are a great deal occupied in the initiation of new drugs for all sorts of diseases, and I find the thought of →

Critique law and order

I think that even though they strive to be different and stand on their own, these shows know the advantage of using the Law; Order brand in their titles. Another thing that I think lends to their success is the fact that they seem to rotate actors in and out of the series with some →

The notion of duality of the human soul in william

The Notion Of Duality Of The Human Soul In William Blake's Songs Of Innocence And Experience Tembong Denis Fonge Blake's Songs of Innocence and Experience generally subscribe to the main stream appreciation that they present the reader with two states of the human condition the pastoral, pure and natural world of lambs and blossoms on →

Obesity and government control

The government should have some in not all control or regulations on what the people of the country decide to eat. Because of the increase in the amount of people who are being diagnosed with diabetes, the amount ofmoneyspent on health care costs is a surprising one hundred billion a year.

The reader

The other defendants had united together to place the blame against Hanna, accusing her of writing out the report that lied about the events that took place that ultimately led to the death of the prisoners, And accusing her of single handily preventing any of the other guards from saving any of the prisoners. When →

Introduction his; this will only show his

With lack of experience and non-conformity with the seas, the young captain, who is the main character and narrator of the story, is at an awkward position. This situation further reveals the naivety of the narrator as he later is unable to come into terms with one of the riskiest episodes of his leadership on →

The good, the bad, the way to craft an effective speech

To Recap: Audience: Scientists who study solar energy Topic: Solar energy Step Three: Hone in on a Central Message The speechwriter needs to know more than just who is in the audience and the basic topic: the writer has to determine the focal point of the speech. With the scientists example, the writer knows who →

Running head: 255 3abc essay sample

Illegal Immigrants Immigration continues to provide new energy to the country's economy as well as strengthens the American culture, as several of the leading industries in the United States are dependent on immigrant workers. Analysis of the IACP report " Police Pursuits in an Age of Innovative and Reform".

Significant moment

Instead of trying to finish my speech, I went back to my seat and glued my head to my desk for the rest of the day. He held my hand and told me that I reminded him of himself when he was young.

Palermo and genoa assignment

For the full-scale of culture application to business environment cognitive competencies, this assignment will discuss the culture characteristics, analyze the culture for international business operation, study the culture synthesis, and then give recommendations according to the applications of business environment in particular. The Background of Italy Italy is a unified peninsula country in the south →

Ch 17 education credits

Taxpayers who meet any of the following may not claim the AOC: The taxpayer is filing MFS. For purposes of the AOC, who is an eligible student?

The play and movie of hairspray

I am going to be zeroingin on one scene, scene four of both the movie and the play, more specifically on the similarities throughout the scene. In this scene, in the movie and the play, Tracy gets sent to detention by her teacher.

Editorial: potential of extracellular matrix molecules in pharmaceutical development

In this special issue of Frontiers in Pharmacology, Ahmad et al.contributed a minireview that manifests the current understanding of the major ECM components in muscle-associated conditions and their therapeutic potentials. Thus, Lin et al.provided an overview of the function of multiple types of bone ECM and the applications of both ECM-modified and decellularized ECM scaffolds →

Class in “the hunger games”

The novel portrays the Capitol as that which is highly stratified along the social and economic lines; the rich are entitled to all sorts of privileges and opportunities while the poor are bound to languish in abject poverty." The Hunger Games" give that true reflection of the American society considering the Capitol and the neighboring →

Time value of money essay

Calculation of Future Value: Formula for the calculation of Future Value is: FV = PV t Where FV is the future value after t periodsPV is the present or initial value.i is the rate of interest per period.t is the time in years Using this formula in the question: a) $500 if invested for five →

Gender, sexuality and families on mars

In the past years, the media and popular culture have changed what is known about sexuality. In the United States, much of the sexuality has been shaped and influenced by popular culture, in particular, the mass media.

Japan culture essay

The majority of the population therefore is both Buddhist and Shinto. This link can be traced to feudal times, and the concept of one's " ie," or household.

Operation strategy of toyota marketing essay

TOYOTA OPERATION STRATEGY: The success of Toyota makes it the largest company of the world even their competitors were losing out although it is the matter which is need to be seen very crucially in order to achieve that respect and recognition. The kaizen is the key element of Toyota production system and it works →

Overview of public administration organizations pt2

As a reflected in Popper's theory of open and closed societies, the following characteristics demonstrate the distinctions between Centrica and Xstrata organizations. The mission and ideals of charismatic leaders in open systems of organization need to be respected and achieved by all the employees.

The printing press in renaissance era analysis

The northern humanists were chiefly interested in the problem of the ancient church and the question of what constituted original Christianity. Prosperity - the result of peace and the decline of famine and the plague - led to the founding of schools and colleges.

The land of vietnam: advantages and disadvantages to the war

The Land and Climate of Vietnam gave many disadvantages and advantages to the war. The " rice baskets" are deltas of the Red River in the north and the Mekong River in the south.

Introduction offered (plummer et al, 2007). challenges of

Current marketing strategy is highly based on social networking websites or social forums in websites, since the sites have a number of benefits for due to high levels of online social-Interaction. The strategy is preferred due to huge number of the websites users and the high number of transactions that social network marketing generates.

Stress management/ reaction module 5 slp

The crux of the matter lies in the way the person manages stress. Stress may be explained as a force which poses as a challenge to the well-being of a person.

A theme of motivation in flowers for algernon by daniel keyes

During the book, Charlie was faced with 3 main stages of life to make it to his end goal which is becoming smart so people will like him, at first when Charlie was first told about the experiment when he made it to his end goal but it was not how he thought it would →

Singapore tourism vulnerable to climate change

The overall aim of this research is to understand the ways in which tourism in Singapore is vulnerable to climate change. Therefore, the need for mitigation strategies in Singapore to reduce the trend of future climate change impacts is a pressing necessity.

Transcendentalism: civil disobedience essay sample

" All men recognize the right of revolution; that is, the right to refuse allegiance to and to resist the government..".. In the end though it was the man who had the choice of whether he wanted to obey the government or rebel and have his own beliefs.

Rugby team story

I do believe that when it would have come down to the issue of eating other human beings for survival, I would have at first been hesitant to do so. I do believe that I probably would have been traumatized for the rest of my life due to the accident.

The lovely bones essay

The alternative path that presents itself to Susie is her ability to spy on the activities of her family and friends. The novel's end, however, signifies that Susie's transformation is not yet complete even if she has already reached a certain understanding and acceptance of her situation.

A guilty or innocent way: a look at clytemnestra’s actions essay

The issue is that Clytemnestra does not see it this way and that is what causes the future events that make us to question her innocence. Agamemnon is the husband of Clytemnestra, father of three and the leading General in the Trojan War.

Editorial: digital skills and life-long learning: digital learning as a new insight of enhanced learning by the innovative approach joining technology and cognition

Editorial on the Research Topic Digital Skills and Life-Long Learning: Digital Learning as a New Insight of Enhanced Learning by the Innovative Approach Joining Technology and Cognition Digital skills represent enhanced learning abilities within which cognition and technology interact to model the knowledge processes in aging populations. The Research Topic aimed to elaborate the benefits →

My intention to pursue undergraduate study in the area of molecular biology & genetics

In my STEM curriculum, I was exposed to numerous subjects its branches like, biology, Ecology, biochemistry, chemistry and physics and I was provided eulogized groundwork for my study and that sharpen my lab skills in these areas. I hope to the disclosure and challenge of my field.

Keats’ romantic eco-poetics

He does not believe that nature only funds the aesthetics of his poetry, but rather that his poetry forces readers to recognize a deeper meaning to existence.' Ode to a Nightingale' is an excellent example of Keats' use of nature in developing the poet's assumptions of consciousness andphilosophy. This pattern of cycles which can be →

“everyday use” from an antipatriarchal perspective

In " Everyday Use," Mama takes on the roles of the man of the house and is praised for doing so, reflecting antipatriarchal ideas in the text. She takes on the role of the head of the house and tends to stereotypically masculine duties, embodying the traditional gender roles of a man.

International negotiation

It is however important to use deductive reasoning as it has the ability to reduce uncertainty as well as uncertain. In addition, it is important to value the face as well third party application.

Runaway jury ethics paper assignment

Vicksburg Firearms, the company that allowed the gun to get into the killers hands. That is why someone trying to swing the vote is wrong.

One flew over the cuckoo’s nest, the source of mental illness essay sample

Billy Bibbit lost his dignity by " flubbing" the proposal to the woman he loves, Chief lost his self-respect by being ignored in the past, and Harding lost his man-hood because he can not satisfy his wife. Chief's lack of self-respect by being ignored in his past is the source of his mental illness by →

International trade and protectionism

Protectionism is the policy of restricting trade between the nations by resorting to restrictive regulations by the government of a state to discourage imports and to prevent the entry of foreign players in the local markets. Vying for protectionism in such tough times could give way to a vicious spiral in the international trade in →

Steve prefontaine research paper

What is considered one of the greatest races of all time, Preparation was pitted against the greatest distance runners in the world. Preparation combated what he believed was highly unjust in the world of sports.

Dunlap v. tennessee valley authority: overview

Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit was to determine if the plaintiff, David Dunlap Dunlap, had met the burden of proof that the Tennessee Valley Authority was liable under Title VII of theCivil RightsAct of 1964 by intentionally discriminating against him under both disparate impact and disparate treatment analyses and whether the TVA appeal →

Can we improve patient safety?

However, there has been a slow uptake of the basic concepts of these costly lessons in surgical practice and the incidence of medical error as reported above may in fact be an underestimate. The process of " Time Out/Surgical Pause" is a series of objective checks to improve patient safety and empower all staff to →

The changing nature of the relationship between elie and his father in night

At the start of the text, Elie's father is very distant from his family and seems to be ' more involved with the welfare of others that with that of his own kin.' At this stage of the story Elie and his father's relationship is very distant and disconnected. Elie starts to realise that it's →

Transactional analysis

The Parent [pic] The mother and father become internalized in the Parent, as recordings of what the child observed them say and do. An inappropriate ego state is activated, and the lines of communication between people are crossed.

Review questions

25 Direct labor cost per unit = direct-labor hours * direct labor rate = 0. 50 June cost = Direct labor cost per unit * Number of units = $ 0.

How i became me

Even though the novel The Catcher in the Rye is set in the fifties, I can still relate to the protagonist, as well as others around his age, because of the lingo. The reason this novel is so good is the incredible insights the author uses, which connects the reader to the characters in a →

Poe’s “the fall of the house of usher” essay

At the start of the story, the narrator is able to paint a vivid picture of the Usher's family setting. The incestuous portrayal of the Usher family is Poe's way of condemning the place of incestuous relationships in the society.

Samsung group is a large south korean company

Due to recent changes In the market and entrance of new competition, Samsung needs to re-examine Its strategy and ask- what Is the best course of action considering the new threats. In addition, Samsung is a cost leader, as Exhibit 6 specifies that Samsung has the lowest production costs of all competitors.

Can war bring peace

War is considered as a particular branch of a specific philosophy, with Carl von Clausewitz being considered as the " only philosopher of war," stated in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Once a person looks at the war involved, the war when it is done, or the war that is developing they will find that →

Benefits of using hypnosis

The aim of this paper is to identify the benefits of using hypnosis in various fields. This study of Mesmer started the propagation of hypnosis towards the end of the first half of the 19th century.

Barilla operations case

Our overall recommendation is that a JITD delivery system is premature, and instead we recommend building a new information management system to resolve the information bottleneck between customer and the manufacturer and align incentives at each stage in the supply chain to reduce inventories. The causes of the fluctuating demand The underlying causes include customer →

Fortasse, pope, idcirco nulla tibi umquam nupsit (the rape of the lock)

His acclaimed poem The Rape of the Lock does support female passivity and subordination in marriage; however, the fact that they are endorsed in Pope's satirical world demonstrates his detestation of these ideas, and more importantly, of the society that upholds these conventions. This is meant to demonstrate the virtue and sexual purity a woman →

Role of cell signalling in regulation of homeostasis

Examples of homeostasis in the body include temperature control, pH balance, water and electrolyte balance, blood pressure, and respiration Homeostasis maintain a constant internal environment in the body. When the environment is cold the blood of these animals are will be at a higher temperature.

Fredrick douglass

When Fredrick was 12 years old Sophia started to teach Fredrick the alphabet even though it was against the rule to teach a black slave how to read and write. During that meeting, he was brought to the platform and given a standing ovation by the audience.

Socrates: the unexamined life is not worth living essay

After being sentenced to death for his controversial views and teachings of politics and religion to the youth of Ancient Athens, the historical philosopher Socrates was given an ultimatum to spend the remainder of his in exile. As a philosopher, this was Socrates way of life: to observe the world around him the workings of →

Mobile commerce

The Impact of Symbian on the Mobile Phone Industry Mobile communications and mobile information technology are at last starting to converge. As the owners of Symbian are major mobile phone manufacturers, Symbian is guaranteed to be implemented by the largest mobile phone manufacturers globally.

Privacy and young people essay sample

Why?* Yes its more objectionable than other because of GPS they can easily find the route that passenger wants to go and they can find the ways going to that route because GPS can also give direction on a particular destinations and also it can check some traffic reports and in the same time GPS →

Racial inequality as faced by asians and asian americans

Racism can be described as the belief in the superiority or inferiority of a certain race as compared to another inadvertently contributing to the presence of contemporary racial stereotypes. The choice of the photo was also considered inappropriate and raised some burning racial issues; this pertaining to the presence of racial stereotyping in American society.

Albert einstein research paper essay sample

From Einstein's theory of relativity, this changed our conception of the universe and our place on it, to his search for a unified field theory that would explain all of the forces in the universe. Albert Einstein and the frontiers of physics; Jeremy Bernstein.

November the eleventh essay

All I wanted was for someone to say it was all a dream, that everything was fine and I was fine. I was finally doing well in school, people were taking note of who I was at last and now I had to go, leave everything I had built behind, the friendships I had made →

Cardiology studies: conditions involved and services offered

Coronary Angiogram is carried out in the Cath Lab it is an invasive imaging procedure, used to; evaluate the presence of disease in the coronary arteries, valves or aorta and heart muscle function. Several catheters are inserted into the patient's groin, neck or arm and guided with the aid of x-ray equipment to the heart.

The american red cross

The employee commitment harmed the organization because of the mishandling of funds, the sudden resignations of the president and chief executive officer due to unscrupulous actions of employees. Following September 11, funds were raised in an astonishing amount, and was set up in a separate fund for the victims and the ARC decided it would →


This research technique is preferable in the assessment of diseases that pose as a burden to the population. Limitation of the technique Information collected regarding outcomes; exposure and disease is not reliable in drawing conclusion in reference to the health status of the sample population.

The military tactics used by both the usa and viet cong forces in vietnam in the 1960’s essay sample

The Strategic Hamlets Policy" was a complete failure as they tried to separate the Vietcong from the civilians and put them into fortified areas where they would be protected from the Vietcong, this failed because the- Vietcong would be mixed into the villages so when they were separating they would just be moving the Vietcong. →

What is the economic impact of the war in iraq on the us

What is the Economic Impact of the War in Iraq on the US The war in Iraq has a great influence on all spheres of economic activities of the US, itsdomestic and international trade. In spite of the US hegemonic position on the world's market and its great influence on the international economy, the country →

Karim zaky 1

And all it takes is an approval from the Jurors and the judge and then the case would be kind of closed and then he would be Zaky 2 died that kid will owe Juror #Eight for the rest of his life for giving him a new life, While Juror #Eight is getting criticized by →

Organization design

The company wanted to increase its business with companies other than General Motors and therefore pursued a strategy that established an identity separate from that of its parent company. In the case of Delphi, we see a company that is located in 41 countries around the world.

Response to reading

In the first article, the point would be raised by the author, as it would pertain to the overall protection of the patient's privacy, against the need to make any valuable information available that would prevent the patient from receiving more treatment than needed at the hands of multiple medical professionals. As they observe the →

The heroes’ descent to the underworld essay

The heroes of " The Odyssey" and " The Aeneid" had to take a journey through the underworld in order to understand their fate. Teiresias instructed him against harming the sheep and cattle in the island of Thrinacia; according to the prophet, harming the animals would result in the ruin of their ship and the →

Management company flashcard

Notably, the company is seeing higher than the industry growth in its Asian operations, allowing it to increase the number of non-stop flights from the U.S.to Shanghai in China and Nagoya in Japan. From its simple beginnings, the company sustained its operations and began to expand its services with the purchase of a delivery van →

Kierkegaard’s idea of choice and self in ‘either/or’

Within the essay, Kierkegaard confronts the readers with a choice between two forms of existence: the aesthetic, which regards pleasure as the highest value of life, and the ethical, which views the world in terms of civic duty. Contrary to what the title might imply, Kierkegaard does not intend for the audience to make a →


The answer of course, is The Book of Enoch. The Book of Enoch chapter 68: 1 " And after that my grandfather Enoch gave me all the secrets in the book and in the parables which had been given to him, and he put them together for me in the words of the book of →

Dumber than a doornail essay sample

Paris Hilton is a good example of the dumb blonde. Everyone has the capability of putting stereotypes to rest, it is just a matter of having an open mind.

Sociology and social care worker

Be able to work in ways!"# Describe why it is important to adhere to the 1 The role of the health and social care worker that are agreed with the employer agreed scope of the job role In your working relationship, you agree to follow: Job description Outlines responsibilities, duties, to which the person is →

Apush chapter 20 terms

The referendum provided a method by which actions of the legislature could be returned to the electorate for approval. Roosevelt came to the support of the strikers.

Criminal , final exam

The data in this study is qualitative since each percentage of the data depicts the intensity of the problem; qualitative data is data does not involve behavioral study.6. Qualitative data example is the information that the analysts of the case study attained from the study that is what causes the high rates of violence; Qualitative →

The shinny glow

3The Shiny GlowIt was a normal school day like no other, with the sun shining bright and the sky as clear as blue as the water in the Caribbean and the trees dancing in the wind as if there is no tomorrow. In the classroom, Kevin said to James and Bridget?

To what extent was a slave a thing or person in classical roman law?

The focus of this analysis is to consider in detail the legal status of slaves under Roman law, particularly focusing on the development of civil status under Roman law and how the development of Roman law affected the rights of slaves. Roman property law began with the concept of ownership, and it mainly applied to →

Compare and contrast early 20th century china and japan as revealed in kokoro and the true story of ah q

As depicted by the happiness in the father due to the graduating of the son, this seems to be a transition period where more graduates are beginning to secure their graduation in comparison to the old system where there were few. This explains the story of Japan being quite ahead of China in terms of →

Girl with a pearl earring

For hundreds of years people have wondered who is the girl in the portrait Girl with a Pearl Earring, painted by a Dutch artist Johannes Vermeer in the 17th century and what is the connection between them. Griet had to deal with the nervous emotions of a young girl learning to cope with sexual predators.

Rejection discuss the theme of love and

On the contrary there are also a significant number of ways in which the poems contrasts for example the use of some poetic devices and more importantly the fact that Rejection conveys the after effects of a rejection whereas Years ago cherishes the recollection of what loves brings about and what the absence of " →

Theoretical case study -person centred therapy

The key concepts and guiding principles are based on the core conditions, which Rodgers believed a counsellor needs to bring about a therapeutic change with their clients.* Therapist Congruence or Genuiness: The counsellor is deeply involved with their client and does not intentionally or unintentionally hide behind a facade or front, that he or she →


One big thing about the Internet is that while it may be useful it can be dangerous also, " No doubt the Internet can be an extremely useful tool for young people. Finally, the Internet can be a very dangerous thing for people of all ages and it can have a negative effect on a →

One hundred years of solitude

The members of the family that choose to leave, either with the gypsies, for war, or out of curiosity are painted in a negative light and resented by the rest of the family, showing that leaving is considered shameful. Because of the descriptions given of the aftermath of the massacre, the book was very accurate →

Pcb design assignment

Power decoupling techniques can Improve the power supply of a PC and remission lines techniques are a part of the PC layout Journal 2). The rubber foot itself is mm in diameter and must be allowed for on the PC layout.2.

Officers perspective

Officer's Perspective As an officer, my biggest challenge is to make sure that the law and order conditions within my sphere of profession are adhered to in a staunch way and that any transgressions within this department are taken care of by me in a proactive manner. As far as the correction of the →

Rainsford and zaroff in the most dangerous game

General Zaroff and Sanger Rainsford are both skilled and intelligent but they also have something different and that is that Zaroff is insane while Rainsford is sane. In the story Zaroff proved how intelligent he is by knowing Rainsford will be intimidated when he tells him that he hunts men.

Why has the electoral college not been abolished politics essay

If the United States were to abolish the Electoral College it would mean trying to elect our President strictly through a popular vote system which would potentially lead to complete political chaos. The Electoral College is also a way to ensure that all states and non-voters are represented in an election.

the stuxnet case essay sample

The Stuxnet digital assault on the Iranian Nuclear facilities at Natanz is seen by a lot of people as the first genuine digital weapon. The ever-daunting question of keeping a check on the cyberspace privacy or security has been brought up in the world stage with Stuxnet.2.

A look into the event ‘notting hill carnival’ essay sample

The event itself had an objective of raising awareness of racism, cancelling it out and bringing about a more acceptably diverse society, the carnival also worked to raise awareness of the lack of employment oppurtunitities for the black immigrants as wel as the poor housing conditions. Due to the poularity of the event and word →

Summary watergate and the secret government assignment

Reason for this was mainly the public disclosure of the Pentagon Papers which exposed the lies about the Vietnam war " and its cynical disregard for American soldier's lives." Nixon was determined to fight the leak who exposed the papers to the public, namely Lesser, a disillusioned former Pentagon and state department analyst. He was →

Act 3 scene 1 is a major turning point in the play “romeo and juliet” essay sample

Because of Romeo's change of attitude and his exile, the romantic love of Romeo and Juliet clashes and they become desperate which also makes a huge difference and affects the following scenes later on in the play. Tybalt saw Romeo and intend to kill him, but it was the life of Mercutio that was gone.

Bigfoot: in search of the truth essay

There are three pieces of evidence supporting the existence of Bigfoot, the first of which is the thousands of eyewitness accounts. The residents of the area became well aware of the existence of a very elusive creature in the area, and it was they who first coined the term Bigfoot.

Internet security systems report

According to the report, which was developed by the ISS X-Force research and development team, there were 7, 247 new vulnerabilities recorded and analysed by the X-Force in 2006, which equates to an average of 20 new vulnerabilities per day. In addition, the synchronised release of new and updated third-party products that support new operating →

Product plan of nokia, how nokia reached the people, how nokia selected from thepeople

Nokiadecides not to go forward with Sanyo CDMA partnership and plans broad restructuring of its CDMA business June 22, 2006 Result of planned restructuring expected to have a positive impact on operating margins Espoo, Finland Nokia announced today that it will not be forming the new CDMA device company with SANYO it preliminarily announced on →

The stem cell divide essay sample

Bellomo's " The Stem Cell Divide: The Facts, the Fiction, and the Fear Driving the Greatest Scientific, Political, and Religious Debate of Our Time," is a fresh and quite comprehensive survey of the contemporary state of both stem cell research, proper, and the political, religious, and ethical debates which surround the issue of stem cells →