2 Pages Essay Samples


These affairs include: sharing balance sheet and income statement with employees; encouraging them to utilize financial information in their day to day official work; training them in understanding financial figures; and sharing financial results of the company. There are a number of benefits that exist when a company or hospital share its financial information with β†’

Literature review

The two main external factors vis- -vis social and economic, offer threats and opportunities as below Social Opportunity Multicultural society offers huge opportunities for nurses to improve their professional competencies by cross cultural understanding. Threat Racial discrimination is major threat to the treatment of the patients. 2. Economic Opportunity Globalization offers the β†’

Chronic renal failure and dialysis

A graft is usually the access of choice when a patient needing dialysis has small veins. Several health care providers are needed in the care of a patient undergoing insertion of a dialysis graft. A laboratory technician is also of importance in the care of such a patient to carry out blood tests so as β†’

Phenomenological, ground theory and ethnographic differences

Both approaches enhance the validity of the findings by analyzing data from the perspective of the participants. One of the differences is based on sources of data and method of data collection.

How might developments in e-mental health influence mental health nursing practice in the coming decade

That though such technologies continue to easen the collection and the dissemination of information, which e-mental health is all about, the impending implications for this very unique health sector remains largely unknown, for the developments would have to undergo satisfactory experimentation to ensure absolute safety. References Christen, H., & Petrie, K.. State of the β†’

Registerd nurse interview analysis

Sometimes they can be demanding and grumpy but as a nurse, she has to understand the situation of the patient that they just want to feel better. Analysis The resource person narrated that nursing is not just an eight to five job where you punch in and get paid. A nurse has to understand β†’

Corticosteroids use

The nurse should be prepared to educate the patient regarding the inevitable side effects of corticosteroids and how to deal with them. However, the nurse should be prepared to guide the patient in the usage of the drugs to minimize the side effects. References Burke, S..

Healthypeople 1

Out of the many goals of Health People 2020, health policy framework two of them relates to consumerism that is public infrastructure and determinants of health. The spirit and intention of Healthy People 2020 policy was to ensure that every citizen access quality healthcare regardless of the social and economic status. Another fundamental point that β†’

Reply to this student post

In this post, a number of significant facts are provided concerning the work of Lillian Wald before her demise. According to the post, Lillian would be shocked by the current healthcares systems considering the efforts she made in trying to make healthcare accessible and affordable to all without biasness. However, I fail to agree with β†’

Nursing research

Nonetheless, careful planning of the research methodology ensures that the effects of unanticipated variables do not influence the findings of a research study. In order to establish the validity and reliability of the instruments of research, it is important to carry out reliability and validity tests.

I chose hospice

Ethical issues in cancer management affiliation As a health care professional who is working in the hospice department, I usually face new influences of legal and ethical issues in my practice. The broad ethical dilemma that I face is the ability to predict and accurately define the patient prognosis and to what extent the hospice β†’

Ethical dillema

In the culture that she belongs to, it is believed that the males in the family have the right to take all the decisions regarding the family members. Moreover, the patient can succumb to the pressure from the males in the family and decide to say that her health is improving even if she does β†’

How would scholarship funds help you

A scholarship fund will help ease the anxiety of not being able to finish my nursing studies because of lack of money. Scholarship will remove the burden of finances in my studies and will enable me to focus in school. Being able to take care of the patients' well will also be good to my β†’

Free organ transplantation issues article review sample

Kutner reviews the development of organ-transplant technology and then discusses key issues surrounding organ transplantation and the lack of a regulatory system to better manage critical components. One obvious weakness is the age of this article; a follow-up profile of current organ transplantation issues and regulations would be an invaluable resource. Works Cited β†’

Ethical dilema

Schiavo's parents sentiments are also shared by Arabjanov who argues that death should only take place after a natural calamity takes place, and that human life should be respected. For the case of Dax Cowart, he wishes to die as opposed to going through painful experiences in the hospitals. Dax's case brings a β†’

Jehovah’s witnesses and refusal of blood products. describe an encounter that demonstrated the importance of diversity to you

Such discretion is all the more necessary in a country like the United States, where there is such diversity of race, religion and cultural background. In this regard, it is a prerequisite for healthcare professionals to take into account the cultural restrictions and religious doctrines of individual patients before deciding on a course of treatment.

Specificity and sensitivity

However, Tappen further noted that these tests are dependent on the limiting value above or below which the test indicates positives results. According to Lovallo et al , sensitivity of a given clinical test refers to the ability of a test to accurately classify those patients with disease while specificity refers to β†’


Issues and questions pertaining to the service learning site/experience: The walk was quite a success; however, the experience from it is what is vital. Reflection of the experience as it relates to the values of the professional nurse A number of nurses participated in the event.

Childhood immunizations

In particular, the contribution and impact of nurses has been increasingly realized in immunization-related practices. The nursing fraternity has increasingly created awareness and supported childhood immunizations over the years. This has subsequently made childhood immunizations a traceable and effectively and efficiently managed health issue. In conclusion, the role played by the nursing fraternity in addressing β†’

Discourse communities

An example of this would be comparing the discourse communities of anursingmajor and aneducationmajor. According to the Sacramento State Course Catalog, " Nursing is a caring discipline with a foundation of nursingscienceguided by the application of moral and ethical principles of care andresponsibility" and " The professional educator brings together subject matter β†’

Respons post

There appears to be a connection between obesity and Type 2 diabetes specifically, and since Type 2 diabetes seems to be on the rise, I think it is fair to link the high fat and high sugar diets of Americans to the rise of this disease for the most part. I think that what you β†’

Open system theory in nursing

Application of Open System Theory in Nursing of the The open system is a theory that seeks to explain the dynamics involved in the running of an organization. The system in the case study is the hospital and the subsystems are the various departments.

View hartford institute video:

The diagnosis of delirium is basically clinical and is founded on cautious bedside observations of major signs, but its recognition is the first step. An implication for nursing practice Nurses and other health providers find it difficult to assess delirium in older adults who have dementia and in hospitalized ageing adults because of overlapping β†’

Assignment medicare/medical

He had greatly appreciated the genuine care and psychological support extended by the nurses and doctors. Answer 2 Medicare includes emergency hospitalization, nursing care, inpatient care in hospital, including critical access hospital, hospice care and medical prescription at the time of hospitalization. The healthcare had covered all types of medical prescription, emergencies, dental care β†’

Public health report

Public Health Report: Santa Ana Residents Unite Against Proposed Homeless Shelter al Affiliation Public Health Report: Santa Ana Residents Unite Against Proposed Homeless Shelter Introduction Prior to Senate Bill 2, the search of a location for homeless shelter was a daunting task. With Senate Bill 2, location identification is easier as is in β†’

707 discussion 2

In addition, tethered PHR also offers patients' access to medical information and can therefore promote self-care for better quality of health. PHR influence health information exchange though provision of data bank on a patient's information, from a patient's records. An electronic health record, however, is a maintained database by healthcare facility that uses electronic systems β†’

Nurses’ uncertainty article review examples

The study is " Recognizing and Responding to Uncertainty: A Ground Theory of Nurses' Uncertainty" (Carnley, Doran, Tourangeau, Kushniruk, and Nagle, 2012). The study was conducted to develop a substantive theory to help understand nurses' experience and respond to uncertainty in practice. The aim was to explain how nurses seek information when uncertain and β†’

End of life care

End of life care The main goals of end life care are to promote the quality of life and to relieve suffering among the dying patients. This is because of failure to promote the significance of home based care among the family members of the dying patients. Most patients do not die in their homes β†’

Advanced nursing role

Advanced nursing role due: Differences of Nurse Managers, Nurse Administrators and Nurse Executives I agree that Nurse Managers, Nurse Administrators and Nurse Executives are connected in the management of nursing care of clients. Upper-level managers are specialized in management and administration of the healthcare organization; by establishing goals and strategizing plans. Nurse Managers versus β†’

Quality of care for diabetic patients in a large urban public hospital

They concluded that diabetes clinic provided the highest quality care while clinic staffed by internal medicine residents provided the intermediate and the other clinic staffed by faculty physicians provided the least amount of care (Suwattee, Lynch and Pendergrass 566). Validity: As it was mentioned by the authors, the research was mainly based on documented reports β†’

Movie review: jaws essay sample

Determined to stab the shark underwater while the ship Orca is dead in the midst of the sea, Hooper eventually manages to escape into the seabed from the violent attack of the shark. Another way in which the element of classical violence can be reflected from the movie is the scene wherein Martin Brody β†’

12 angry men

At the beginning Rose uses the alienation of juror 8 to depict certainty to be an easier state of mind but as the story progresses the readers are shown negative changes in attitude for the jurors that are certain therefore showing doubt is an easier state of mind in the long run. β†’

Edward scissorhands theme analysis

In Edward Scissorhands the main focus of the film is the character Edward himself. However, since Edward is different and mistaken as harmful he is shunned out of the town after trying to save Kim's little brother off the street.

Johny violante p.2

The past years before this one, (well during Christmas, as you can already presume) I felt the Magic that it had to offer, you know like from the days leading up to the grand day, you feel this Anxiousness, because you know that your going to get what you have wanted the whole year, But β†’

The hard to reach loch ness monster’s myth

The author is explaining how the tiny thought that we may find something looking for a monster kick starts our brain and tempts us to look for the mythical monster. Undoubtedly the possibility of finding a creature is slight, but the chance still exists.

Has human curiosity had an overall positive or negative effect on the planet?

According to dictionaries I read, Curiosity is a strong desire to or learn something. They say curiosity kills a person but for me being ignorant can kill you or you can kill someone. It's helpful since if you will be in some situation that allows you to demonstrate the things that you learn through to β†’

Adam and eve – biological meiosis

She produces a certain number of egg cells through the process of meiosis. Meiosis then produces another set of egg cells for the next cycle. When Adam's sperm cell and Eve's egg cell meet, a process known as fertilization occurs.

The effect on the cargo molecules

The paper therefore looks into the nature of the effect on each of the cargo proteins and gives an analysis of the effect on the proteins which are apparently of the same class. . The hypothesis in this case is the fact that the compatible protein carriers were less affected by the mutations. The essential and β†’

Muscle injuries essay sample

Elevating the strained muscle and putting ice on the injury helps to slow or stop the swelling that can result from a strained muscle. There can be pain, swelling and distortion of the muscle with this injury.

Prep 7

The difference between broad sense and narrow sense heritability is that the general sense shows the genetic contributions to the phenotype variance of a population and the strict sense does not reflect genetic contributions. Heritability is measured by coming up with the relative contributions of non-genetic and genetic differences to the total phenotypic variation in β†’


They also discuss available alternatives for treating hypertension and the alternatives' goals that are in line with the provisions of Joint National Committee on the Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure. According to the article, hypertension is an important risk factor of coronary heart disease, alongside stroke and heart failure and many β†’

Non biodegradable

Non-biodegradable waste made up roughly one-third of the municipal solid waste produced in the U.S.in 2009. Recycling saves space in landfills and reduces the amount of virgin materials that must be mined or manufactured to make new products, saving energy and reducing globalclimate changein the process. Combustion β†’

A third of life summary essay sample

Paul explains that sleep is a form of behavior natural to all complex living organisms in which we humans will unavoidably spend a third of our lives. According to the essay much of the industrialized societies do not get a proper amount of sleep in our daily lives which can cause devastating effects on β†’


Until stem cells can be collected in a more ethical manner, they should not be used for medical advancement. Many supporters of stem cell research agree that the stem cells obtained from abortions would be destroyed anyway. This means that the cells also should die and it is not ethically correct to use them as β†’

Innovation and sustainability

In the past two centuries, urban sprawl has surfaced as one of the outcomes of industrial revolution, as more people have moved to the urban areas in search of better opportunities and improved lifestyle. Timber is also used as support for raising tents and fixing the wooden framework for concreting slabs. Habit 2 Urban β†’

Statement of purpose

Though I admit it has not been an easy road to get from that little boy with dreams to where I am at present, I have to say that the hard work and efforts that I put into reaching this point have definitely been worth the struggles as today, I not only hold a Bachelor's β†’

Zoology: master’s degree and technician maintenance technician

Education: A job in the field of zoology will require at least a Bachelor of Science in biology or a related field like wildlife biology or zoology. If you want to conduct your own research, you will need to have at least a Master of Science degree or a Ph.D.in biology or a related science.

The evolution of the “franco-papal alliance” and its importance to both parties involved

Pepin decreed that these lands would be returned to the control of the Roman Church, the origination of the Donation of Pepin and a solidifying factor in the Franco-Papal alliance. Had Pepin not sought the advice of Pope Zachary in the matter of his role, the outcome of this alliance could have been entirely different.


Thus oxytocin causes rhythmic contractions of the strong uterine muscles and helping in easy birth of the birth and prevents chances of post-partum hemorrhage (Odent, 1998. Milk production after the birth of the child is initiated by another hormone called prolactin. Blanks, A and Thornton, 2003." The role of oxytocin in parturition", BJOG: An International β†’

Country paper 2

The species in the island have to adapt to the climate for survival. There are a number of endangered species in the present island with different causes for their threat of extension. The habitat of the white dolphin is the sea, which is bordering the island.

Local ecology and environment

There is a presence of large varieties of insects, birds and monkeys in the vicinity of my home. I can envision that the, balance of the local ecology is in tantrums and each living being including man is struggling to live in a pollution free environment.

“the beginning of a mechanical and human venture”

French structure association Colas has seen its Wattway star clearing advancement put in inside the U.S.A., with a pilot fix of landing zone secured with control creating tiles inside the territory of Georgia. An aggregate of fifty sq m of star clearing were set in inside the vehicle parking space of the Georgia voyager β†’

Discuss the mechanism of replication

DNA polymerase is capable of catalyzing the chain growth in the 5 to 3 direction as a result the DNA formed in one strand is continuous and is called leading strand while in other strand DNA is formed as fragments called Okazaki fragments and this strand is called lagging strand. This protects the lagging strand β†’


Biology Assignment The company Red Dog OPS is the top polluter in the United s, the company produces 481578816 pounds of toxic wastes to the environment. The top chemical released in my county is Hydrochloric acid, of which 11024228 pounds are released. 7.

Thesis on the activation of secondary metabolites in streptomyces spp

Bioactive compounds derived from the natural world are responsible for many of the therapeutic effects that our ancestors experienced, and today, these compounds serve as the framework by which scientists develop novel drugs. It is the vastness of the variety of molecules in the natural world that presents a fundamental research β†’

Coral reefs in the philippines and the trophic levels and organism localization and interaction specific to this area

Coral Reefs Ecology in Philippines of Affiliation: Coral Reefs Ecology in Philippines Philippines happen to be the home of world's richest marine life, with a chain support of more than 500 species of coral and 2, 000 species of fish. In the secondary consumer level mostly plankton consumers such as parrotfish common in the Philippines β†’

Modeling cancer biology

The article points out that the mathematicians' works are rarely referred to or put to use by the biologists and stresses the need for collaborative work between them in the light of the benefits revealed by the cases cited. Natalia Komaroa models the inactivation of APC tumour suppressor gene, the initiating event in colon cancer, β†’

History and taxonomy of the fusarium genus of fungi

It belongs to the order Hypocreales but the teleomorphs of Fusarium species are generally categorized into the genus Gibberella along with the least number of the species belonging to the genus Albonectria and Hemanectria. It is known to be the members in the genera Eumycota which is the most capable of adapting to different environmental β†’

Anthropology essay examples

Post Industrial State and Capitalism - Industrial state is that which relies on mechanization and large-scale manufacturing of commodities in industries. - A post industrial state is the one which relies on services provided by human resources. - A capitalist economy is made up of different classes of people consisting of the bourgeoisies and proletariat each β†’

Classifying chihuahuas and saint bernards

Species ification of the Saint Bernard and the Chihuahua The dog, canis familiaris, is among the 38 species ified as members of the Canidae family and the Carnivora order and is believed to have descended directly from the wolf, canis lupus (Galibert, Quignon, Hitte, & Andr , 2011, p.191). This creation, although leading to different β†’

The diathesis-stress model essay sample

The Diathesis-Stress Model shows that it is the combination of stress and a diathesis which leads to abnormal behavior. Each one has a different dynamic between one's stressors and diathesis; and the influences of protective factors varies from individual to individual.


Keystone XL Pipeline Project 22 February The so-called Keystone XL Pipeline Project was started in 2010 which had aimed to deliver oil from the tar sands of Alberta, Canada to the United States of America. It was done in four phases with the first three already finished and the fourth phase is the β†’

Biology in everyday life

This Perspective from Penney Gilbert and colleagues from the USA and Sweden focuses on adult stem cells found in skeletal muscle, also known as satellite cells. They address the problem that, once extracted from muscle and placed into culture, satellite cells quickly lose their ability to self-renew, complicating studies into their biology. β†’

Create a new animal

The water bear is a unique creature with high level of intelligence that can sense impending danger two kilometers away and prepare for a reaction. It is the only water animal that hisses like a snake and can stay underwater for more than thirty minutes yet it breathes using lungs.

Gustave caillebotte

Gustave Caillebotte was an artist distinguishable from his impressionist colleagues as he could freely move back and forth between impressionistic and academic art style in the ingenious mathematical design and arrangement of the modern capital Paris in his painting " Rue de Paris; Temps de Pluie". The painting also known as β†’

Why artist exaggerate certain body parts and ignore others

Body parts that appeal to the audience are exaggerated to create an impression that the artist is the best fit for the particular context. Whatever the reason for articulating body image, the ultimate result is to create a positive impression on the target audience. References Allan P & Pease, B..

Manet’s “olympia” and monet’s “les nympheas” (the water lilies)

But his erotic painting of a nude woman differs strikingly from what we used to see in the similar artwork of the ancient Greeks and Romans. A spectacular painting The Water Lilies was created by Claude Monet after the death of his wife and the death of his son in the decline of his years.

Find a web site about a vernacular dance forms. it could be anything to do with ethnic, folk, ballroom, jazz, or tap dancing

It incorporates a wide variety of material in regards to this particular topic, everything from information on how to learn the dances, variations on the dances, how to do the basics of each dance, offers dancing lessons, has a shopping section, a classifieds section, a directory, and a forum, as well as a members area β†’

Romanticism and liberty leading the people

Romanticism and Liberty Leading the People Overall characteristics of European romanticism In the past, romanticism referred to romances' characteristics, but in the eighteenth century people used this term to refer to the feelings of pleasant melancholy. This, in turn, help in the determination of a person attitude and response to different situations.

Michelangelo and mannerism

By the end of the High Renaissance some of the younger artists felt that everything difficult to be done to prove yourself in the art world had already been done, thus the development of a new style, Mannerism. Another piece of art that exemplifies the Mannerist period by Michelangelo is his sculpture of David.

The function of working colour space in colour management

THE FUNCTION OF WORKING COLOUR SPACE IN COLOUR MANAGEMENT Management is defined as the control of a Colour management can similarly be defined as the control of colour in an art. An artist must therefore be able to control available colours in order to " improve colour match" and to " reproduce colours as precisely β†’

Live performance

The atmosphere was just as fun as the performance because it was mostly filled with women and a lot of them were laughing so hard that they had tears coming out of their eyes which made it that much funnier. There were some good laughs but I kind of thought that there were parts of β†’

Peter doig

The solitary figure and the magnanimous audio system seem to contrast in meaning because the speakers manifest a party life while the lone figure projects a reflective pose. However, since the lone character places one's hands in the pockets, it seems he is in a relaxed mood.

Itec 9 activity

The data obtained from skimming is used in the manufacture of counterfeit debit and credit cards. Electronic breach is the common security breach as a result of the increased internet access. The use of a strong, up-to-date anti-spyware or antivirus and anti-malware software is a way of preventing the security breach.

Itn 267 class discussions

Children's Internet Protection Act has played a significant role in ensuring that children are enlightened on the ethical use of the internet. Generally, is oriented towards enlightening children on online wellbeing. Legal features expected in a commercial e-mail It is vital to note that protection in commercial e-mails is a key subject in ensuring β†’

What is the importance of the project management framework explain the key elements

Importance of project management framework: Key elements: Project management framework is a holistic overview of the entire project which enables going about the processes of the project in desired manner. The frame work ensures addressing all the essential functions, thereby facilitating the overall process of a certain project. This framework allows knowing what to do β†’

Apple pay at walgreens

While card payments are still widely used, the momentum is fast moving towards mobile payment due to their convenience and retailers are taking note. The Walgreen Company, the largest drug retailer in the United Stated is one among many companies which has implemented the latest payment solution in the world and the results are clear. β†’

Game to learn it security crime

The program, called, CyberSecure, is designed to use the in-game avatars to simulate and safely test and improve the outcomes of the staff as a whole. Avatar game makes it security training less painful. InformationWeek-Healthcare, 1.

Operating system software and application software

The paper " Operating System Software and Application Software" is an exceptional example of an assignment on information technology. Operating System software is the software of a computer system which guides one computer user to perform his computer functions from the time he switches on the computer until he switches it off. A β†’

Web site publishing process

Just host is arguably the best hosting website on the internet. " Every new website begins with an idea an idea that can potentially become a challenge to construct without a little basic knowledge and understanding of how web hosting and web hosting companies actually work. Whoever is planning to publish a new website should seriously β†’

Umuc haircuts stage 4

In addition, they are ubiquitous, meaning Services or data are available from anywhere. Research shows that cloud computing is beneficial to most companies because it is cost efficient, offers unlimited storage and is easy to maintain and upgrade. Embedding SaaS The recommendation for this organization is to embed many flavors of SaaS. SaaS model: β†’

Ms excel as a tool for interpreting data

However, in no way must its results be used to profile the future hires of the company as well as for the ideal employee of a company. Since the respondents in the survey came from different companies, their level of job satisfaction is based on different scenarios and factors. It will be discriminatory against men β†’

Security threats and defenses

Consequently, every company is at a risk of being attack by one of the many techniques in use. Preparing employees to recognize and respond to social engineering techniques will at help to protect the company in many ways, which include: 1. Use strong passwords. By using strong passwords in the computer network, they will protect β†’


Before outsourcing, the Data Manager needs to establish an internal assessment process in which they will evaluate the pros and cons of outsourcing for the organization. Project analysis The purpose of outsourcing this project is to reduce the costs, which may be associated with hiring IT managers within the organization. It provides the organization β†’

Your interest in security management

Topic: Security Management Understanding security management Prior to this I considered security management as the manner in which activities of keeping various aspects of an organizations are conducted to make sure that the organization or aspects of the organization remain protected from outside threats. In security management, the prevention of loss emphasizes on the critical β†’


There are various verity requirements that the management should concentrate on to acquire fruitful results. Purpose Brisbane Institute should ensure that the requirement specifications and models achieve the standard of quality that is necessary. Brisbane Institute of Art should validate requirements to ensure that stakeholders, solution, and transition requirements are in line β†’

Variables, expressions, and data types

Variables Expressions and Data Types Programming and mathematics share the use of logic and development of algorithms to solve or complete a certain action or solve a problem. Reference variables are declared to a specific type and used in accessing objects.

Drm and trusted computing

DRM AND TRUSTED COMPUTING The setup in which trusted computing when used to enforce DRM is vulnerable to man in the middle attacks because of the ARP spoofing. Computers that use unencrypted networks are vulnerable to attacks by the man in the middle because their network traffic is easily grabbed. In order to β†’

Storage and displays

Presently Solid Disks are finding attention from manufactures for number of reasons. 1-They are being considered more reliable in terms of their architecture. 2-Speed is always an important factor that is considered with regard to storage devices capacity.S.S. What do you prefer? Flat screens are in demand for the following reasons: 1.

Computer and network hardware

Additionally, these libraries acquire certain benefits that improve service delivery. The library realizes considerable liberty in providing Wi-Fi to its clients more so the students and other parties that obtain various services from these libraries. This category of Ethernet has considerable use in learning institutions to ensure that these institutions obtain reliable internet services, considering β†’

Estimation techniques – work breakdown structure

Each activity is represented as a block over time and the performance recorded as time and then related to the planned deadlines. Advantages They are useful in planning time scale for projects and estimating the required resources They are useful in planning, coordinating and tracking particular tasks in a project They are β†’

The internet: mainstream of america

Before you know it someone else out there could be overcharging credit cards, applying for loans, and even committing other crimes, all using something that does not belong to them: Your name! The internet is not the only place people can find information about you either. If some criminally minded person is working at the β†’

Information technology: history and practice

The paper " Information Technology: History and Practice" is an excellent example of an essay on information technology. The advent of the computer and the progress in the world of information technology has brought a major change in each and every industry. The objective of information technology is to make work easy for the organization β†’

Websites as an important aspect of the human life

In the first part, the author gives a brief overlook of the problem that is the extinction of language due to globalization. In the second part, the writer explains the symptoms of languages that are endangered to extinction.