2 Pages Essay Samples

Analysis of nike’s “dream crazier” advertisement

The ad promotes that idea of committed, passionate people reaching heights thought to be unobtainable and of people initiating or even being the change they want to see in the world. The purpose of the video is to encourage viewers to believe in themselves. Everything is earned". The intended effect of the video was to β†’

Group marketing plan

Students and those who would like to follow the event, will be required to purchase Hop Valley Brewing company products as their tickets to the event. This event will play a significant role in promoting the company's products. Organising for a games day will be another viable program to implement the marketing strategy of the β†’

Cover letter prompt

The group members learned from the group and also helped other members of the group also to learn. The group members worked until each member of the team understood and completed the task thus creating an atmosphere of the achievement. The collaborative learning created situations where the student were required to discuss various perspectives and β†’

Discussion 7

She analyzed from head to toe, the three women who were present at the conference and she came to the conclusion that women always try to be " marked". Marked is the term which is used in the essay to highlight the fact that women always try to make their presence felt and they try β†’

Communication – team leardership

This article is a worthwhile read because it focuses on current trends in team leadership and looks forward to what the future will look like in this area. It is not beneficial to an organization to simply give a task to the team and then provide no direction.

Practice analysis with whistlers mother

The woman is wearing a longdress in which shows that the painter did not want to expose the leg or to include the painting of the legs. The painter used different colors in order to differentiate between the background and the image of a woman.


The competition is getting stiffer that the qualities and information being asked from the donor also escalates. The ideal quality of a man which many women prefers is embodied by Donor 1913 who do not only possess the qualities of good looks, high education and being nice, but is also charming and funny to the β†’

The propaganda of commodities

English February 28, Topic: The Propaganda of Commodities The main idea of the article, " The Propaganda of Commodities," by Christopher Lasch: Propaganda is one of the important weapons used by the modern advertising world, for its relentless war in the consumer market to get a firm foothold for a particular product or for β†’

Human is by dick

Human Is From the reading ' Human Is' by Dick, I get to understand more of the essence of being human. From the reading, I get to understand how kindness is a fundamental part of human life.

What do you see as maryland s biggest transportation issue and how would you solve it

Maryland Transportation Issues Maryland officials charged with the responsibility of rectifying the transportation crisis in the state continue to struggle with the vast challenges. This discussion focuses on the inadequate public transport facilities that link rural areas to urban areas within the state, and congestion on the highways. Statistics from the U.

Dominant characteristics of the best inaugural speech

An effective inaugural speech must be brief but concise and is capable of captivating the attention of the audience by starting with a powerful opening statement that makes them want to hear more. The message of the speech is not well structured and does not focus on a unified theme.


Panelists: FOR thesis - Anas Altikriti and Mustafa Ceric, AGAINST - Feisal Abdul Rauf and Ramzi E. Mustafa Ceric said war against terrorism imply a war against Islam, because terrorists proclaimed they were acting on behalf of Muslims.

Evaluating source material

The authors have also supported their point using a citation that recognizes the authors who argued that for the development of mutual relationship between the society and businesses. Question 3 What I would Ask the Authors I would like to ask the authors to identify the model of business ethics that they promised to β†’


The took the readers on the exciting journey that explain the existence of habits and how they change. Additionally, some visit the neuroscientist to explore how their habits work and how the habits reside in their brains.

The royal tenenbaums -movie

inserts his/her The Royal Tenenbaums -movie In the last few months, I heard my friends talk about their experience of watching The Royal Tenenbaums, which so to say, was not very encouraging. The movie showcases one of the best in the art genre with perfection abound in everything ranging from dialogue delivery to the sets β†’

Personal response

It carries motifs such as prosperity and symbols namely; wings and the spider woman. The story does examine human response towards the weak, the dependant an excreta in moments of cruelty and harshness and callousness in the entire story. For example, upon Elisenda and Pelvo's child recovering from ailment the parents resort to unkindly send β†’

Preliminary research: formulating ideas for the rhetorical analysis assignment

The feature in the scene that captured and drew my attention was the type of food that the chefs were preparing. The used rhetoric question was " Do you know how to prepare this type of food?" The chefs were using the rhetorical question to capture the attention of the audience by asking them if β†’

Quotes about education

The minor act of stealing from a freight car without education can be improvised into obtaining a legal hold on the entire railroad with education in addition to acquiring a stronghold in foreign policy. The author was a lawyer and a politician by profession and therefore was in a better position to understand the significance β†’

Angel response

As time progress we find Gurov confusion and his selected chauvinism being replaced with mature understanding and a deeper view of not only Anna but also, all the women he slept with previously. " In his appearance, in his character, in his whole nature, there was something attractive and elusive which allured women and disposed them β†’

English composition

Instead, the objective of arguments should be to make clear the issues and weigh the pros and cons of the considerations presented by the participants. Moreover, they also get the chance to improve their verbal communication and develop new strategies in articulating their arguments and counterarguments. The statements above describe an ideal scholarly argument but β†’

Answer three question

In " Legacy" a pregnant lady gets attracted and falls in love with a hunchback and " when they went to sleep, she spooned the man right from behind, her ballooned belly found way and fitted into the created spaces by the hunch in his back". Answer 2 The theme on " Drunken Mimi" β†’

Summary/recommendation of “a long way gone memoirs of a boy soldier”

Summary/recommendation of " a long way gone memoirs of a boy soldier" 15 April Summary/Recommendation: " A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a boy soldier" ed by Ishmael Beah is not just a book which a reader casually goes through page by page and then forgets after putting it somewhere on the book shelf. β†’

My story – why i need to study

The photographs were of me and my parents in which I was very young, but I realized so were they. My parents loved me and it was because of this, that they did not want me to struggle like them to make ends meet.

A time that you communicated well

This made the two of us approach communication from a view of wanting to exchange ideas and reach a mutual understanding. I made listening activity important in our conversation as I received information about the university he was representing. It was a sign that I was listening and had an interest in his contribution to β†’


The aspect of essay writing that proved to be a challenge was getting started of what to write in the opening sentence and then the opening paragraph. How did these comments on your work affect your thinking and writing of your essay? I believe this question relates to the other question of having a feeling β†’

Clime letter

However, my pizza was delivered very late and was lacking a few of the other food items that I did place with my order. Enclosed is a copy of my receipt for the transaction in question. I am looking forward to your response and resolution of this situation.

Academic report on video game addiction social responsibility

The article goes on to present the argument that there should be a certain amount of social responsibility involved in keeping video game addiction at bay through government regulation, particularly when it comes to overly violent games. The article would be helpful for a research paper on the topic of video game addiction and social β†’

Not a sunny day

Furthermore, should she allow things to fall apart, she may no longer be interested in working and interacting with groups of people in the future. Interpersonal relationship becomes a vital aspect in this situation that Veronica is in. Working out each other's differences would be easy if they talk to each other and set each β†’

Response # 2

However, I decided to give the paper a chance and wait until I had read the whole paper before passing final judgment, Unfortunately, this sample paper from Jane Doe only went from bad to worse and, as far as I am concerned, deserves to get the student an F. The title was wrong for the β†’

Is a new walmart a good thing for a community

A number of positive attributes make the company suitable for the community, as the company is identified to be offering products and services at economical rates. The company also engages in Corporate Social Responsibility on a regular basis.. Despite such advantages to the community, Walmart is engaged in a number of problems such as exploitation β†’

Global issues

Global Issues The Ones Who Walked Away from Omelas The issue of pursuing happiness in the presence of cruelty, pain, and evil is impossible in the contemporary society's culture. It is apparent that the city's culture upholds the challenges faced by the disadvantaged and unfortunate children as necessary to the creation of happiness, a practice β†’

Gourmet review about great wall chinese food (experts review)

Gourmet review about Great wall Chinese food The Great Wall Chinese Food Restaurant specializesin Chinese cuisines and has its branches in several locations in the US. Its food has been modified to include healthy menu which encourages people to be healthy while enjoying great food at the same time. I liked the food provided in β†’

Wiiliam grimes dough a la mode

High Cost of Corporate Cheating William Grime's article " Dough a la mode" helps acquaint the reader with the varying levels of response that the author has received over the years with regards to the fact that his job is to sample different varieties of very expensive foods the world over. Even though the author β†’


My response The point of view that the uses is that of the first person, that is in the perspective of Katniss. The story begins with Katniss seeking Prim's warmth only to find that she is absent since she had a bad dream because " this is the day of the reaping".

What differentiates academic writing from other types of writing

Other forms of writing either emphasize on providing one side of the knowledge or offer a deep critical analysis while academic writing informs, educates and persuades all at the same time. Other forms of writing might not explore the hidden meaning and present the information as it is.

Do violent video games cause behaviour problems

People say that they are an excellent form of entertainment, can be enjoyed from the comfort of home and are a perfect way to kill time. However, the recent slew of video games which have been launched, like Counterstrike, Black Ops etc.are extremely violent in their make and nature. Also, the game makers at large β†’

Simple 1 page journal entry on kate chopin

Chopin revealed that women of that time had less freedom and they used to fulfill their desires using unconventional means. A Respectable Woman In this story, Chopin revealed that women of the late 19th century although had sexual desires but they used to keep their desires hidden because of the respect and esteem they β†’


He established Provident hospital, which was also the first hospital to have interracial medial staff and train nurses from different races. Tribute to Daniel Hale Williams I vividly remember the day I met Daniel Hale Williams, the physician who performed the first open-heart surgery in the United States. You never pursued but compassion for β†’


7 Ways to Boost Leadership EQ According to Casey Mulqueen, senior leaders of organizations appear dismissive to the importance of Emotional Intelligence. The Future is Uncertain: Plan on it! In this feature, Frank Kalman discusses the benefits of planning ahead despite the uncertainties typical to the future.

Should women be allowed in combat

To start with, the skeletal system of the women is less dense and is more prone to fracture (Journal of the American College of Nutrition Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 2011). The fear to be in the front-line of combat might drive women to get impregnated so as to avoid being in it, β†’

What is your experience with writing, both in english and in your first language

Effective and precise communication in writing is affected by various factors that include the mastery of the components of the language and the articulation of both the tenses and the vocabulary. With that, there is a laxity in the perfecting the first language and making it useful for official communication.

Prayer in public schools

However, Schools will greatly benefit from prayer because it will not be a hindrance in achieving academic excellence; instead prayer is believed to be one of the tools in reaching academic excellence. The United States was established on freedom, and one of the freedoms was the freedom of worship or religion. Whereas, the Union of β†’

Food customs in saudi arabia and differences in the u.s

Food Customs in Saudi Arabia and Differences in the U. The paper seeks to analyze food customs in Saudi Arabia and differences in the United States. Saudi food customs are unique in nature.

Executive summary on bee farming business

Type of Business Nature The nature of the business is bee farming. Apitherapy is the use of bee products for treatinghealthdisorders.

The benefits of implementing 3d technology for e-commerce

Be it scenic or white background shots, 3D modelling for ecommerce business outwardly represents your mechandise in the most ideal way possible. Test new furniture designs before producing them and changes can be effortlessly managed The Internet has retired old methods for testing new designs, and 3D modelling for ecommerce has helped this trend β†’

A bit of the challenges in the e-commerce industry that araw is solving

According to ask about, most of the back and dealing with a record industry is depended upon to move to the blockchain and along these lines allocation rate of blockchain over all endeavors will increase in the coming years. ARAW compose has especially been made to change the micropayments business while keeping an eye on β†’

Good example of essay on obamas deal

This documentary takes up the swearing in of the president during the March 21 vote that seals the final health care legislation. One can appreciate the political maneuvering that ensures the entire process prior to the bills passage. This documentary tells of ethical, political, and moral choices to ensure the β†’

Junk modelling for children-child development

Aims for parents: To encourage their children to use small/large equipment and use language such as, STRONG, FIRM, GENTLE, HEAVY, STRETCH, REACH, FLOPPY Weeks 8 Creativity Aims for children: To show curiosity and interest in finding objects to put in their treasure box. Weeks 9 Preparing for celebration Aims for children: To be confident β†’

Sample essay on feminism and psychology

They disagree with the categorization of some diagnoses such as sexual and mental disorders which they consider to be demeaning of the status of women. According to Landrine and Russo , the number of feministic ideologies in the medical profession has been on the rise in over the years.

Free essay about employee training

Training gives the employees an opportunity to prepare for the jobs which require handling of modern technology and to get familiar with the tools and strategies of the company. Training is necessary for the development of skills while education is related to knowledge.

Personal statement on job title

I instantly took to the intensive study of philosophy, methodology, theory and practice that allowed me to develop analytical skills and contribute to treatment. I was also able to develop communication skills through deepened understanding of the mentality of patients and their functioning within society. Although I like my work, I realize that, often, face-to-face β†’

Stem cell – short essay

Another explanation of cognitive development IS ; the process by which individuals acquire a more sophisticated and complex knowledge of the world around them' These processes include attention the ability to focus, perception the individual interpretation, memory, thinking and problem solving. Constructivist or Cosmogonists believe development is the ' process by which individuals β†’

Culture-environment interaction essay samples

The environment one is born and grows has profound effects on the culture the person. In addition, the economic practices such as farming and industrial activities, such as mining leave great changes in the environment.

Developing skills for business leadership

This research is mainly a qualitative study that explored different theories, and investigated several methods and techniques: diagrams, tables, and peer-reviewed studies that assisted the author to reach the important findings in the conclusion. It is identified that the team members' roles need to be re-assessed in addition to a critical need for β†’

Essay on administrator training program

Adult Education Advance Placement Fee Reimbursement Arts and Music Block Grant Bilingual Teacher Training California Association of Student Councils California High School Exit Exam California School Age Families Education Center for Civic Education Certificated Staff Mentoring Charter School Categorical Block Grant County Office of β†’

Free article review on discourse on colonialism

The discourse on colonialism is a text that probes us to look into the differences between colonization and civilization brought about by Europeans. I have particular interest on the benefits civilization intended to bring and their realization so far; the hope for culture, security for the people and effective governance gave way to brutality β†’

Developing an aaa strategy

The diagnostic Imaging Industry has been growing rapidly and has concentrated globally in the hands of three large firms, which together command an estimated 75% of revenues in the business worldwide: GEE, with 30%; Siemens Medical Solutions , with 25%; and Philips Medical Systems , with 20%. This high degree of β†’

Training for development

INSTRUCTIONS: * Students to submit a hardcopy of the assignment to the facilitator or the faculty administrator on the due date.* Use double space and 12-point of Times New Roman font.* The assignment to contain 2500-3000 words. Outline the processes and documentation your organization or any other organization of your choice would need to have β†’

The influence of culture on professionals working essay

The culture of a country greatly influences interpersonal relations between local and expat employees and even the way in which business is conducted. American people constantly change things their images, homes, products, services, and the way they do things. There is however, one difference in the perception of American and Asian β†’

Example of the spectrum challenge essay

However, in the competitive tournament, two teams sought domination of the spectrum, with the winner being the first to transmit all its files within three minutes from the source radio to the destination radio. The main aim of this tournament was to seek the possible solutions to the problems encountered in wireless networks in the β†’

Example of comments to some postings on succession issue essay

Steps that the PPP Project Officer can take to ensure that his or her successor has a thorough understanding of the history of a project, and the agreements made between the institution and the private party at a stage when he or she was not yet appointed. Proper continuity of a project, in cases β†’

At to predict the accident occurrence per

By this accident study the rate of accidents at a particularpoint or zone or location where study is made will make it quite easy topredict the accident occurrence per unit time with a good rate of precision orsafety of road user in that particular zone. 628million estimated population in 2017 andAs per a report of β†’

Example of essay on weight loss program

Alex and I have agreed that the target will be for him to lose at least two pounds every week for the next one month. So I sat down and came up with a program that will involve seven major ways. - Eating only food that is low in carb- This β†’

Neural rehabilitation article review sample

Detecting change is important for the selection of the best instrument for research and sample for clinical studies. Responsiveness is influenced by treatment, specific sample and the type of change captured. Researchers have identified three types of change in the taxonomy of their responsiveness, i.e.observed change, important change and detectable change. β†’

The mind of walt disney admission essay

If his consciousness were to be revived today and placed into another body, he would almost certainly be interested in all the latest developments in computer graphics and animation, which his company continued to develop in the decades after his death. Even by the standards of the 1920s and 1930s, β†’

Good essay about education

This paper will delve into the issues of curriculum and curriculum development in the context of societal needs and political implications. Discussion Many stakeholders are involved in the development of curriculums. A curriculum should be sensitive enough to the problems and the needs of the society.

Lab experiment: interference reports examples

In pattern A, we know the distance between the slits and we measure the distance between the slides. As pattern B had the higher distance, we can say as distance between slits increase, the width of the bands and the distance between them decreases - In both C and D, the β†’

Good understanding oneself essay example

Since the program focuses on emergency medical services, I would need to be oriented into emphasizing the effective use of time to plan. The genuine interest I have on this program would be the motivating force for commitment and determination to succeed.

Essay on health care information system technologies

Information technology enhances healthcare and in the recent past and it has really improved the delivery of the healthcare to the humanity. Another strategy that needs to be in place is to develop a common surveillance system that will allow the exchange of information between the health practitioners and the patients.

Example of essay on comment one

The cost of mitigating the risks resulting from obesity has been on the rise across the world. The article has successfully analyzed the different determinants of obesity and articulated their degree of influence. Comment two; This is a response to a previous post with regard to obesity.

Essay on energy discussion

S has been the forerunner in this race of decreasing the emissions largely due to the fact that it alone is responsible for the one-fifth of the annual emissions, which translates into roughly 6 billion tons per year. US is responsible for the most emissions and hence it need to take urgent steps to decrease β†’

Report on web-based payroll developing and debugging

The system will be used to manage the transactions and procedures that are undertaken during a pay. Software used In the development of the system, the software that will be used includes Java programming language. After getting the visual representation of the software, I was able to know which software and tools would be β†’

Did you know essay example

This research was directed to biology and medicine and resulted in numerous biomedical research centers in the United States in the late 1950s. Did you know that the development of health information systems started from the development of expert systems? It was until 1980s that programming languages was used for clinical applications. Did you know β†’

The some detail. plant extracts are a

The anodic reactions of steel electrode corrosion constrained with the development of the Annona squamosa extract concentration. The additional Annona squamosa extract restrained the cathodic reaction to a larger extent than the anodic one. In conclusion, Annona squamosa extract inhibits the corrosion of C38 steel in solutions and the expanding inhibiting properties that enlarge the β†’

Cardiff bay redevelopment

The construction of the barrage is one of the largest engineering projects in Europe. Completed in 1999, it has created a 500 acre freshwater lake with 8 miles of waterfront and it is hoped it will stimulate the future development of the Bay as a tourist and leisure destination. To re-unite the β†’

Economic indicators of development essay examples

The author will also show how these indicators differ in MLD and the LDC's countries. They include: Availability of jobs in the country; the increased employment rate in the country is an indicator of economic development in the country. Other indicators include high school graduation rate, increased industrialization among others. Social indicators of economic development β†’

Week four

Nurses understand that their close proximity with patients and their families is something that allows them or gives them the opportunity to influence the patients in regards the treatment they should take or even purchase. In hospital environments decisions that are concerned with staffing, salaries, and issues that have to do with the practice environment β†’

Nursing research

In line with this, the hospital relied on the principles of monitoring and reinforcement of planned change in order to ensure that the planned change was successful. Through implementing a process whereby the unit nurses supervised the handing over process in their units, the hospital ensured that there was an efficient way of monitoring the β†’

What are three differences between medical diagnoses and nursing diagnoses

Medical and Nursing Diagnoses A medical diagnosis is formulated by physicians to identify a client's specific disease, whereas a nursing diagnosis is made by a nurse to note how he responses to the condition. In the dominance of the medical model in healthcare, nursing is sometimes seen by society as subordinate to medicine.

Nola penders health promotion model as the theoretical framework

Specifically, the clinical question is " in women over 20 years of age identified as at risk according to the AHA's classification of CVD risk in women , how will diet modifications and physical activity compare to the physical activity alone in changing classification to Optimal Risk over β†’

What is the role of graduate education in preparing nurses to meet the needs of our society

Graduate education in particular play a significant role in preparing nurses to meet the needs of society. As mentioned above, graduate education in nursing equips nurses with research skills and hence their ability to learn the prevailing health issues in the society (American Nurses' Association, 1965).

Response to the critical thinking exercise

Response to the Critical Thinking Exercise No previous research is available to the nurse regarding specific dressing methods. Moreover, quantifiable study design, samples and data collection techniques can be borrowed from the already existent body of knowledge. Though a nurse might be faced with absence of previous research on a method that arose from nurse's β†’

Psychiatric nursing environment

In psychiatric nursing, the atmosphere includes surroundings, conditions, and controls that bound and influence the growth and behavior of the person. These abilities help to meet the goals of psychiatric care: control of symptoms, provision of therapeutic relationship, identification of nursing problems, and provision of nursing intervention that assist in returning the patient to β†’

Planning for evaluation

Planning for Evaluation Planning for Evaluation According to Holden et al " A successful evaluation is not only useful, practical, ethical, and accurate, but it is also informed by an understanding of the special characteristics and conditions of each particular program". In terms of the insights I have gained, focus on stakeholders way β†’

Herbs used to treat psychiatric symptoms essay

[University's name] Herbs Used to Treat Psychiatric Symptoms As the patients constantly need the effective treatment, the scientists have a rather difficult task of getting the information about all the aspects of herbalism. The efficacy of these herbs are questionable and some of them may have caused deleterious effects.

Nursing reflection on cardiac arrest essay sample

Once an emergency is identified, one staff must activate the local emergency call system and ring the switch board by dialing the code and stating that code blue or medical emergency, exact location, and name and designation of staff. One of the staff must collect the resuscitation trolley and transport it to the β†’


Specifically, the three most common disputes include debates about abortion, assisted suicide, and the use of restraining devices and sedatives on mentally challenged and elderly patients. Abortion debates continue to gain prominence in the medical boards and the media as individuals contemplate the ethics of the practice and the medical significance of the same. Principally, β†’

Journal e week 2

A nurse can serve a jail term if found guilty for violating the standards of the nursing profession. In teaching nursing students about the ethical and legal issues in nursing case studies are very important and effective. In this manner, the nurse will be able to apply the ethical and legal aspects of nursing in β†’

Discussion board post response

Hader posits that social sites within a department can be used to " Share information, dialogue, and receive feedback and input from others". Therefore, you could allow the nurses to give their input through social sites and then incorporate their opinions and views in creating the schedules.

What my reason is for wanting to become a nurse

Perhaps you will understand what I feel inside, and be inclined to honor it. I was a child who attracted stray dogs, a small turtle who would not eat for a week, a butterfly with a bent wing, and a runaway lizard I tried to comfort while it was re-growing a lost tail. My calling β†’

Respond to compass of pleasure: why some things feel so good by david linden

Basic neurochemistry behind addiction is that the brain of an addicted person has blunted dopamine systems, the result of which is that while others can reach a certain level of pleasure with moderate indulgence, an addict has to indulge excessively in order to experience the same level of pleasure. 2. After knowing how undergoing a β†’

Is black cohosh a safe and effective substitute for hormone replacement therapy

She tries to evaluate if black cohosh is an effective and safe substitute for hormone replacement therapy. According to the facts presented in the editorial, it is rather palpable that approximately 85% of women in the world experience night sweats and hot flashes, which are closely associated with menopause. Research asserts that black cohosh is β†’

Nursing school personal statement samples

My nursing experience includes activating as an assisting nurse within the Emergency Room in Brookdale, insuring patients' wellbeing, assisting with their transportation and other triage tasks, or providing comfort to both patients and families, as I consider it a mandatory requirement for the nursing activity. Volunteering for Home Health Aid, I had the opportunity to β†’

Institute of medicine framework for healthcare quality

These components included safety (the avoidance of patients injuries from the health care processes), effectiveness (the avoidance of overuse or underuse of facilities), patient-centeredness (the ability to provide care which is responsive to patients preferences and needs), timely (the time it takes to receive and give care to patients), efficiency (use of all resources to β†’

Nursing as a critical aspect of healthcare industry

She is like my grandmother and I regularly go her place to take care of her during evenings. I sincerely believe that the college would equip me with necessary knowledge and skill so that i can realize my dream of becoming a good nurse.

Licensed practical nursing

As an LPN, I work with a lot of elderly and sick patients requiring nursing care during terminal illness. Helping the elderly and the sick gives in whatever small way I can, gives me a lot of inner satisfaction, once I observe the reaction of the patient. I do feel that further learning, would enable β†’