11 Pages Essay Samples

Difference between takaful and conventional insurance economics essay

The concept of Islamic insurance which is known as Takaful was first introduced in Sudan in 1979 and the main concept is an alternative to conventional insurance whereas according to principle of Shariah. Takaful as a concept compliant the principles of Shariah which is Islamic law thereby it is essentially to a system of mutual β†’

Literature review discussing british petroleum’s environmental effects

At BP, this definition is extended to include the " renewal of assets, creation and delivery of better products and services that meet the ever-changing needs of society, attracting successive generation of employees, contribution to a sustainable environment and retain the trust and support of their customers, shareholders, and the communities in which they operate"[14]. β†’

Aids and you essay

In this situation, one is infected with theAIDS virus and one's immune system is compromised, but not somuch so that one gets the cancers orpneumonias of the AIDS disease. This is on the basis of the fact that antibodies to the AIDSvirus are found in their blood.

The historical development of tort law in england

THE HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF LAW OF TORTS IN ENGLAND INTRODUCTION Tort law is a body of law that addresses and provides remedies for civil wrongdoings not arising out of contractual obligations. CATEGORIES OF TORTS The two basic categories of torts are Intentional Torts: An intentional tort is a category of torts that describes a civil β†’

State regulation in the modern market economy

The functions of state regulation of economy Theoretically, the concept of the state economic regulation is broader than the concept of state regulation of economy, since it can be based on the principle of laissez-faire in economic life. Possible economic objects of state regulation Estimating the abovementioned mechanism of state intervenience in market economy, we β†’

Limitations of change management models

In this context, the prior exploration of the business and the market environment is necessary in order to develop appropriate plans of action regarding the retrieval, the process and the distribution of knowledge within any modern organization. Moreover, The change faced by Power Co at the start of the shifted from civil engineering projects of β†’

Health essays – myocardial infarction mortality

To assess the prognosis of patients below the glucose cut off threshold for DIGAMI treatment and whether or not this borderline category falls in to the highest risk group in terms of mortality and morbidity. The clinical course of myocardial infarction is frequently complicated and carries a higher mortality rate in the diabetic than in β†’

Milgrams and gamsons studies of obedience psychology essay

The teacher, being under the false pretence that the experiment is a study of memory and learning, was instructed to give electric shocks to the learner for every wrong answer he gave.'The question was at what point, what level of shock, would subjects disobey the scientist and refuse to go on' because as the voltage β†’

Who were the robber barons? essay sample

In 1881 Rockefeller and his associates placed the stock of Standard of Ohio and its affiliates in other states under the control of a board of nine trustees, with Rockefeller at the head. During the late 1800s and even after the turn of the century, much of the country's industries were in the hands of β†’

Accepting the holy ghost

For the larger part of Baptists, Christian absolution is the inundation of an adherent to water for the sake of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. It is a demonstration of submission symbolizing the devotee's confidence in a killed, covered, and risen Savior, the adherent's demise to sin, the entombment of the old β†’

Job satisfaction among ghanaian mental health nurses

1 Background Study The main objective of this research is to evaluate the attitudes of Ghanaian mental health nurses and the level of job satisfaction in the three government psychiatric hospitals in Ghana. The focus of this study is to address some of the gaps in mental health concerning stigma and job satisfaction mental health β†’

Marketing plan for led firefly lamp

The Rapid developments that are emerging in the solar cells, the lighting that is being supplied through LEDs is creating a lot of cost reduction in many of the developed countries. The technological environment for producing the product is again in the favor of the product.

Managing communication knowledge and information marketing essay

Strategic management provide taken as a whole way to the project and is personally interconnected to the countryside of business study. In the playing field of company organization it is helpful to chat with reference to " planned arrangement" flanked by the business and its surroundings or " tactical uniformity".

Conceptual and operational definitions environmental sciences essay

To identify the relationship between environmental knowledge and households' intention to save energy. To identify the relationship between environmental knowledge and consideration of future consequences with regard to energy saving.

Editorial: pathogenic advances and therapeutic perspectives for eosinophilic inflammation

Editorial on the Research Topic Pathogenic Advances and Therapeutic Perspectives for Eosinophilic Inflammation With the recent approval of the first eosinophil-depleting therapeutic agents targeting the Interleukin-5 pathway for treatment of severe eosinophilic asthma, eosinophils, and eosinophilic disorders are in the limelight. Recent progress in the understanding of eosinophil biology and heterogeneity is reviewed, as well β†’

Investigating the organizational turnaround at ibm

In July 1993, Gerstner indentified four major strategies for the recovery of IBM- Keep the company together- This strategy was implemented in order to help IBM to utilize its competitive advantage and offer integration services to clients. He was also instrumental in making a new board for IBM which comprised of all the external directors β†’

Example answers to questions on lvmh

The management of LVMH has divided different business operations into five zones globally; following are the five zones of LVMH business France America Europe Asia Pacific and Japan To achieve the business standards and improved organisational quality the LVMH uses different approaches at different business zones, but the most common and most widely used is β†’

School kill creativity

One is the extraordinary evidence of human creativity in all of the presentations that we have had and in all of the people here. The teacher was fascinated and she went over to her and she said, " What are you drawing?" And the girl said, " I am drawing a picture of God".

Bournemouth as a seaside tourist destination tourism essay

In the UK the demand of trips to the seaside increased among the rich and middle classes by the end of the 18th century. By the 1950 s Bournemouth entered the third phase of Thurot s model due to the development of affordable flights to Mediterranean destinations which resulted in a decrease of demand for β†’

Theoretical foundations of purchase intention

In addition, in Kriwy and Mecking study, health consciousness which is referring to the attitude has a strong positive relationship on the purchase of organic food products. As a result, the attitudes of health consciousness and environment concern have a positive relationship with the intention to purchase organic food products.

The senior management of general motors corporation management essay

It has become inevitable for organisations to align and integrate its jobholders to the centre of focus or the frame of reference, which is the vision, values and strategies of the organization for business strategies to be successful. The GM vision is as follows: " Our vision is to be the world leader in transportation β†’

Barriers to effective communication

Other distractions that could cause a physical barrier in an organization are the environment, background noise Language Inability to converse in a language that is known by both the sender and receiver is the greatest barrier to effective communication. Feature and Benefits A good way of building the reader's desire for your offering is to β†’

What is personality? assignment

A brief definition of personality would be that personality is made up of characteristic patterns of thoughts, feelings and behaviours that make a person unique that means that the personality of an individual rarely changes and someone's personality will not completely be the same as the person next to him/her because they are individuals and β†’

Mission statement, swot & pest of woolworths & primark

In order to complete this assignment and making the final conclusion about strategic analysis first of all I would like to start my work with definition of strategic planning and I will analyse the Woolworth and Primark strategic plan on the basis of which I will evaluate that which company has used the strategic planning β†’

Why is perception an important aspect of survival

Gestalt said, " The whole is greater than the sum of the parts," which eventually led to the focus on the relationship between the parts and the whole of a composition. According to the dictionary, Perception, in psychology, is described as the mental organization and interpretation of sensory information.

In ways to the viewers which therefore means

I will also be looking atconsumption and how the contestants are presented to the audience and this willlink to how the audience should be inspired by the contestants. This supports the point that The Apprentice is considereda reality show because it features the daily life of the contestants and notjust the task.

Kraft’s latin american marketing vs. united states

To understand better the use of different marketing strategies in different markets by the same firm, this research focuses on the Kraft's marketing strategies in Latin American market and the United States market. There are similarities and differences in the marketing strategies used by Kraft in both markets The paper compares and contrast the marketing β†’

Is the american dream achievable?

The achievement of security for all has also become a mirage with the United States topping the list of countries with the highest crime rates in the world. Faithfulness in what the nation stands for, for instant obeying the rules or the constitution of the nation and being a good citizen rather than being an β†’

Impact of educational technology in teaching learning process

Educational technology is the embodiment of the practical information which is the out come of the application, science of teaching and learning to observe it practically in the classroom together with the aids and teaching strategies developed to give a feed back in its application. Venkataiah: " The teacher has to play a fundamental role β†’

The critical perspective of knowledge management systems commerce essay

Knowledge management is a set of processes to identify, create, represent and distribution of knowledge so that it can be used to repeat and to improve the processes. That knowledge which is in the mind of the employee is called tacit knowledge and the knowledge which is being documented is called explicit knowledge.

Ethics in group counseling essay

There are certain ethical conditions that should be upheld in the panel session from the initial phases of the formation of the group to the working stage of the group. It leads to a critical ethical subject that must be addressed in the every guidance group that is the issue of com fidelity.

Effect of macro-economics on companies flashcard

This report examines and provide an insight on market Structures in which Brayer Operates, the impact of the macro-economic of Germany and China on Brayer's economic activities and the monetary, fiscal and foreign trade policy and their impact on Brayer. Given the size and importance of the German economy to both the Rezone and to β†’

English literature the metaphysical poets assignment

Those poets shared a philosophical point of view and strongly opposed the mode of the idealized human nature and of physical love which was a tradition in Elizabethan poetry At the beginning the name of this school was intended to be derogatory expressing the opposition and hard criticism that it received. In his poem " β†’

Festival and event in sustainability of tourism

Opportunities for sustainable tourism development and protection of its competitiveness, is generally affected by the nature of the earth, to protect and alluring common and cultural heritage and different qualities, merchandise and assets. Consequently, the advancement and advertising of events is a key territory of investment, and the inquiry in the matter of what motivates β†’

Analytical comparison and contrast of behaviorism and humanism

With the increased concentration of the way that the mind adapts to the environment, Comparative Psychology was developed. In his most famous study, with Little Albert, Watson would look at the stimulus and response that the child had in regards to the emotion of fear.

Narrative voice in sons and lovers

The disintegration of the singular narrative enables the reader to acknowledge the dynamic nature of points of views being represented while looking at the complexities involved in what the text ' tells' and ' shows'. The reader is asked to ' trust the tale and not the teller'[1], but even this is complicated by the β†’

Comparison of washing powders: blood on clothes

Blood will be placed on each sample of the materials and then the blood will be left to dry on the materials for varied time lengths e.g.wet blood, blood left to dry for three days and blood left to dry for one week. The materials will be left to air dry and then the presence β†’

Examining disordered offenders within the prison system criminology essay

Diversion, in terms of mentally disordered patients, means diverting the individual in question to the health services and seeking treatment, rather than prosecution and entering the criminal justice system. Also, mental health in regards to the law is often not fully understood by the police, including Section 136 of the Mental Health Act 2007, which β†’

Risk factors for c.v. case study

HECTIC A ethicize diuretic and first-line drug therapy to manage essential hypertension, is the " most frequently used of the ethicize diuretics and the prototype of this class". Despite challenging barriers, " the patient needs to be educated to be his or re own advocate and to take steps to avoid medication errors".Mrs.

Case study assignment


Managing in a global environment

There were a number of criteria that is mentioned in the interviewees answer for what are the personality traits that is looked for in the bosses, subordinates as well as people of the same managerial role, the interviewee mentioned that bosses must have clear foresight, understanding, willing to share and has the leadership qualities. The β†’

Choosing a career in computer information systems assignment

Considering Salary and Benefits Working in the field of computer information systems gives you many opportunities to choose a path you would like to take. I have provided you with a bar graph in Figure 1 to give you a visual of the salary comparison between web development and computer forensics.

Resenting dickens

This theme of imprisonment gives rise to, and is inextricable from, its emotional response, a feeling of victimization and resentment, an element that lends the novel a suggestively subversive uneasiness that extends beyond the bounds of the novel, to the very heart of Dickens' literary form. The novel's central prison, the Marshalsea, and the Dorrits, β†’

Introduction unilever pakistan history marketing essay

In Pakistan most of the brands of unilever are more usage Pakistani people. The popular name in the world of FMCG is unilever brother in the market due to his idea.

Social cognitive theory of learning assignment

Bandura's Theory of Social Learning Social cognitive learning theory highlights the idea that much of human learning occurs in a social environment. Bandura began building his theory of social learning by identifying 3 areas of weakness of Behaviorism: a.the limited range of behaviors possible for research in a laboratory type setting b.the fact that these β†’

Coca cola stakeholder report

For whom will be the customer of organisation and in non profit organisation the community at large. Values are important part of organisation and it sets organisation traits, its actual and required competence and quality of work.

Destruction of the first nations culture by indian residential schools

The Indian Residential Schools non merely were the cause of much agony to the First Nations people during the 18 and 19 100s, but they have besides extended this agony to all coevalss that have followed. This was non the lone manner that the Indian Residential Schools managed to deprive First Nations kids of their β†’

Development of weapons and armor history essay

Through the course of history the development of weapons went through changes that allowed the welders of the weapons to use them more efficiently. The flail is used by swinging the handle to cause the centrifugal force of the ball at the end of the weapon to build up.

How to improve competitiveness of cashmere industry

Although Chinese cashmere industry owns unique resource competitive advantages, however, with the development of economic globalization, the industrial competition among countries is intensified and the dimensions of Chinese cashmere industry dilate rapidly, due to which a great number of serious problems have been exposed to the Chinese cashmere industry, These problems have become the restricting β†’

Importance of tourism authorities in developing festivals

The Hornbill festival in northeast India, the Songkran Festival in Thailand and the Dragon Boat Festival in the city of Lianyungang in China will be used as the focus of study, followed by a discussion on issues relating to authenticity in tourism. From the official statement of the Nagaland Tourism, " Heritage Village serves as β†’

Employee satisfaction and its relevance to an organisation

There are a figure of challenges in the western states which require the serious attending of HR directors to 'find the right campaigner ' and construct a 'conducive work environment ' which will be good for the employees, every bit good as the organisation but employee satisfaction has a heavy weight on administration performance/growth. It β†’

Lipid entry of small organic and inorganic molecules.

In addition to the effect of NPA motifs, reentrant loops also help to maintain the configuration of the bipolar water file, the two-helices generate two electrostatic dipoles which point toward the center of the channel, forcing water dipoles to orient in the opposite direction. This review extensively discusses the distribution of AQPs in male reproductive β†’

What sustainability issues will arise from the large scale adoption of electric cars

It is the sustainability issues of the common car's Internal Combustion engine which sparked the need for the development of a new way to travel, the electric car which has come out on the top of the list for new more sustainable transport methods. Production of the electricity to power the cars In order to β†’

Analysis of the commercial agents law essay sample

The law defines the responsibilities of the agent and the principal, the duration of the contract and the general outcome or consequences of termination. Analysis of the Regulations Statement The key issues identified in the 1993 Regulations governing Commercial Agents are the issues of Compensation, location of operation and Interpretation of the contract.

Defining assessment and the importance of assessment nursing essay

" Assessment is the first stage of the nursing process, in which data about the patients health status is collected and from which a nursing care plan can be devised" As found in the work of Barrett et al assessment is a procedure in which the nurse will need to gather information from questions that β†’

Mitochondria are potential targets for the development of new drugs against neutrophilic inflammation in severe pneumonia including covid-19

In the serum from patients with COVID-19 the concentration of cell-free DNA correlated with the content of neutrophils, the marker of the acute phase of inflammation C-reactive protein, and the marker of thrombosis D-dimer. 20200652 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Bozek, A, and Winterstein, J.

Psychological contract and motivational problems management essay

Some of the staffs believe the new management has broken the psychological contract and this can be supported by Parks &Kidder who suggest that when the psychological contract is broken, staff reduce their commitment to the organisation and some of them are less willing than ever to give their all for the good of their β†’

Transcranial direct current stimulation in sports training: potential approaches

The result of this stimulation is modulation of excitability of the region of cortex lying directly under the electrode. For example, Hummel et al.found that tDCS in stroke patients resulted in improved scores on a test reflecting motor activity related to daily living and that this effect persisted beyond the time of stimulation.

Evaluating the facilitation of client centred care plan

To adhere to the laws of confidentiality, as stated in The Code of Professional Conduct, the client's identity will be changed to that of a pseudonym. As it was Mr B's first day of attendance, it was suggested that a member of the team could ask Mr B to accompany them into a private room, β†’

Explain and highlight the impact integrated resorts tourism essay

In Singapore's case, the Singapore Tourism Board noticed early that Singapore's small size might cause a decrease of international travellers to Singapore as the city-state simply cannot compete with other countries in the region in terms of natural attractions. According to a statistic by the Australian government's Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism, nearly half β†’

Assignment semester essay

There is a built-in conflict between the universality of human rights and the particularity of religious perspectives. Concepts of Justice and law, the legitimacy of government, the dignity of the individual, protection from oppressive or arbitrary rule and participation in the affairs of the community are found in every society on the face of this β†’

Using e-learning systems in the workplace

Globally, the e-learning market has been growing rapidly, and e-learning is beginning to emerge as the new model of training and education across a wide range of different sectors and industries. It has been reported that the lack of consensus over the typology of e-learning in an organisational setting, the vagueness of the terminology used, β†’

Hassan al banna and the muslim brotherhood

Their anguish was in large part a reaction to the collapse of the Ottoman Empire[1], the end of the Muslim Caliphate[2], the British occupation of Egypt[3], and the resulting exposure of Arab society to western values. But in al-Banna's estimation, the creation of a state for the Arabs of Palestine was less vital than the β†’

While focus on these elements anymore. director laurence

The presentation of the Ghost in the film builds the main theme of revenge and tragedy. This did not clearly pick up the picture implied by Shakespeare in the original text, but they demonstrate the importance of the Ghost in the film.

Remembering hockey

The hubris in the locker room was through the roof, everyone thought we had this game in the bag the team we played was known to be weak. I did not say a word, the sad and worried expression on my face and the action of me grabbing my arm would be enough for her β†’

Who’s to blame? the obesity epidemic that has swept the us

Research from " Parental Influence of Eating Behavior" reveals that " the extent to which fruits and vegetables are present and readily available and accessible in the home correlates positively with the level of consumption in school-aged children". From Orlet, Fisher, and Birch's article, we know that the types of foods parents expose their children β†’

The overuse bone injuries health and social care essay

Stiffness of the bone decreases quickly in response to little alterations in bone porousness. An addition in preparation volume has been linked to an addition in stress break incidence in smugglers and concert dance terpsichoreans, and 86 % of jocks can place a alteration in developing prior to the oncoming of the break.

How does bronte use this extract to reveal the characters of edgar and heathcliff

From the sheer structure of the extract the reader is able to identify who the most important character was to Catherine and how the character is feeling after the death. Bronte wants the reader to love Heathcliff, to understand his character and by the death of Catherine and the display of emotion that he shows β†’

Human trafficking and the tvpa

Human trafficking is the " recruitment and transportation of a person for the purpose of exploitation", any kind of movement of people where there is a victim who feels helpless and is manipulated, and an offender profits from the victim feeling this way, to a degree that the victim feels going to authorities will not β†’

The united fruit company in guatemala politics essay

I argue, the establishment of a banana republic in Guatemala by the United Fruit Company has created a detrimental and lasting impact to the country both economically, politically, and in regards to the standard of living. The economy has been created for the benefit of the large companies and the United States, not for the β†’

Mechanisms underlying firing in healthy and sick human motoneurons

In an address to the British Association for the Advancement of Science in Cambridge, Professor Sherrington introduced the terms " motor neurone " and " the final common path," the latter term implying that all motor commands converge onto the motoneuron which integrates the incoming information and passes the net information to the muscle for β†’

Life then before edgar allan poe

Edgar Allan Poe grew up there and started to develop his poetic skills that by the age of 13, he was a very creative writer. It was so mysterious that a lot of people speculating and trying to figure out how Edgar Allan Poe died.

The definition of community development sociology essay

This chapter starts with the definition of community development, general concepts of community development and explores the community development framework. As a result, the concepts of community and community development adopted in this study consist of a shared territory, a local society, and the process of community autonomy and empowerment for a general purpose of β†’


Children, however, are prone to being influenced by foreign o they are still in the process of accumulating experiences to their bottle Soon after television had been invented, the different television genres spread rapidly to capture the attention of the society and the new buss Although the shows may entertain the audience, it affects us β†’

Gram negative unknown lab report

The issue is that this obliges various tests with the end goal that I should have the capacity to identify the microorganisms. For this test I basically got my loop and was able to stab the media and find out my gram positive unknown.

Repercussions of childhood trauma

On the other hand, Holden Caulfield, the main character in JD Slingers' controversial novel The Catcher in the Rye, has parents who are persistently absent but however they try as hard as possible to care for him but from a distance, this is mainly due to their hectic lives in the working world. Children also β†’

Globalisation: an economic phenomenon

This argument is also evident in many of the problems the world faces today; terrorism, environmental disasters and epidemics, no longer affect nations in isolation rather affect the world as a whole, such is the varied and diverse nature of the phenomenon of globalisation. This has been exemplified through the ' Washington consensus.' Although this β†’

Full strategic analysis of caribou coffee company inc marketing essay

The volume of coffeehouse chains has increased in the recent past with the new entrants in the renowned specialty product category. The firm has witnessed a shift in consumer habits in various markets where brand switching has been popularized by the existence of a variety of specialty products offered by similar players in the market.

The psychoanalytic theory on esther’s dissatisfaction with society in the bell jar

Additionally, the depression and struggle to fit in to society which Sylvia Plath faced as a young woman is symbolic of Esther Greenwood's character and the depression she endures within the novel. As Esther's mother symbolizes the major conflict of Esther's dissatisfaction with society, this ultimately leaves Esther stuck in a chasm it is because β†’

Implementation of diversity and inclusion council in lutheran world relief

An article on the Society for Human Resource Management website, defines this mindset as, " openness to and awareness of multiple spheres of meaning; a complex representation of cultural dynamics; and the integration of ideas and actions oriented both to the global and to the local". In most of the countries, the norm is for β†’

Documentary films as a tool of governmental propaganda media essay

Documentary films as a means of propagating the spread of war propaganda tend to vilify the enemy and at the same time assert the amazing qualities of a country and its people and allies. This marked the first time in the history of the United States of America that the government had the opportunity to β†’

Summary business. failure to satisfy the customer is

This is in terms of the environment impacts of the project, resource conservation and efficiency, impact of the project to the local economy and industry, impact of the project to the equity holder's value and project returns. This includes the staff of the organization, the innovative capability of the project, knowledge management, and the growth β†’

Sustainability in hospitality industry environmental sciences essay

Building and infrastructure, ski lift and ski piste, and snowmaking are the three main contributors to the impacts. This report looks into how the three main factors: building and infrastructures, ski lift and ski piste, and snowmaking process of ski impact the ecosystem, environment, and communities.


As the lights come up in Act I Scene I we see that Frank is alone on the stage giving the audience the impression that Frank is a main character, which he is. The door handle being a struggle to open also reveals something about Frank, that he is trapped in his office, and is β†’

Marketing plan for the salad bar

In a quest to create customers for the products or services, this paper will highlight the actions that help to in the management of the marketing process. The empowering of the public with the knowledge of the inherent benefits of The Salads Bar salads as a result of their natural production will act as the β†’

Ikea management style flashcard

That's not surprising, considering that Kamprad's saga and the subsequent rise of the Ikea empire are enshrined in a small museum in the basement of Ikea's offices in Almhult, the site of the first store. The biggest of these problems is best summarized in the question " Should Ikea's culture run the business or should β†’

School based assessment for learning essay

It sets the discussion in the context of ' assessment for learning' and the literature on students' learning in general and raising students' achievement in particular. This paper therefore examines / aims to highlight significant aspect of school based assessment or learning and the lapses in existing practices." Assessment for learning is the process of β†’

Media’s portrayal of men and women in sports essay sample

Through this research paper, media will be made aware on the general observations of the populace in the way they treat female athletes in their news coverage as well as the recommendations/suggestions on how to avoid such since this is a great violation for the practice of objectivity among mass media practitioners. SIGNIFICANCE OF β†’

What makes bill gates an entrepreneur marketing essay

Says: " Entrepreneur is influenced by the society [he recognizes needs and fulfils them through organizing and managing resources] and he also influences society by creating new enterprises". Richard Cantillion: " Entrepreneur is the agent who buys means of production at a certain price in order to combine them into a product that is going β†’

Aldi australia is a new entrant marketing essay

However, the globalization and concentrated structure of Australia grocery market are the growing threats for Aldi. Introduction Privately held by brothers Theo and Karl Albrecht, Aldi Group is Germany's leading grocery store chain and a top competitor in the global retail food industry with more than 7000 stores over 18 countries and has β†’

Job design and analysis of asda commerce essay

The content of job is affected by the purpose of the company, the structure of the company, the processes and activities carried out in the company, the technology of the company, environment in which the company operates. Therefore the job design has two aims: first, to satisfy the requirement of the ASDA company for productivity, β†’

The community participation services social work essay

Solutions to the problem of disability took the form of government and wider society helping to fix or accommodate the problems of those afflicted individuals in New Zealand. 2) Themes of change The following historical overview and timeline comes from two sources: a 1996 article by Margaret Tennant in the New Zealand Journal of β†’

Bp global: future strategy & sustainability

Main aim of BP is to manage environmental and social risk during every phase of its operations viz.launching new projects, carrying out day-to-day operations and bringing a project to a close. BP strives to minimize the impact on the environment by identifying risks during the project set-up and using technology to reduce or remedy any β†’

Introduction formulate measures that would avert future crises

While numerous claims have been put forth to explain the causes of the 2007-2009 financial crisis, there is almost a universal agreement that the major causes of the financial crisis was the combination of a credit boom and a housing bubble that took place in the United States. Through literature review, the research paper analyses β†’

Remote sensing platforms to remote sensing systems

The means by which the remotely-sensed data is received, transmitted, and processed before delivery to its end user must be designed. All of these decisions are made based on knowledge of the target and the information about the target that is in demand, balanced by other factors such as cost, availability of resources, and time β†’

Household consumption analysis in rawalpindi

In nominal, means the money spent on the purchase of goods and services, and in real, means the deriving of the utility of goods and services for the satisfaction of wants e.g.using up of consumer goods both durables and non durables. 1Objective of the study: The objectives of the study are as follows: To analyze β†’