11 Pages Essay Samples

Final project multinaltional marketing

The example of Avoidance's approach to conduct business in Japan shows that the roper understanding of cultural circumstances is essential to succeed in a market that is dissimilar to home and other markets. Consequently, as consumers differ in terms of culture it is the challenge to know and understand the differing needs, preferences, perceptions and β†’

Purchasing a small business 1676

Location is key." Location of the target can be a major determinate in both the financing of the deal and probable success in managing the business after closing. The final step in acquisition of a business is the closing.

Ebay case study essay sample

With previous experience of extending their business in Europe, North America, Latin America and failure in China and Japan, eBay was once again struggling to compete in the Asian market. In addition, the protection of customer interests was focused in eBay from the very first day, with the desire to create a fair and open β†’

Good essay on marketing mix description

Just after the investigations of the fundamental audience, it became important for McDonald's to fulfill the creation of the elements of the marketing mix including product, price, promotion, and place in order to address the objective to attract the attention of identified clusters. An investigation done by McDonald's UK 2012 revealed that the vital aspect β†’

International marketing management

Ratan Tata, who is the chairperson of the Tata Group, came up with the idea of designing this model of the car. Ever since the domestic establishment of the Nano in India there has not been a noticeable progress in terms of the output and the market.

Caprise restaurant and catering services business plan examples

This is based on the fact that unlike many other industries across the world, the hospitality industry is highly affected by changes as a result of the internal and external factors that influence and affect its existence; this is based on the fact that the industry is characterized by highly perishable products and services, this β†’

History department research paper examples

The assembly of keg is simply a process of few steps such as collection of the keg components, sanitizing the collected components, sliding the ring on the deep tube and inserting it into the keg, sliding the ring on the deep tube into the ' in port', installing O-rings on the posts, screwing the plugs β†’

Branding: marketing and answer

The purpose of the _____ is to provide a current, comprehensive profile of how all the products and services sold by a company are marketed and branded. Your Answer: voice of the customer 7.

J.m. smuckers external environmental analysis assignment

Smuckers company are likely in the form of substitution in the specialty segments due to the emergence and growth of CSAs and farmers markets providing locally grown organic foods, and the threat to profit margins are due to the high degree of rivalry among food manufacturers across all product segments. The ability to understanding the β†’

Marketing plan essay sample

These factors and the small-front investment for the product will enable to company to offer the products at the lowest possible cost in relation to similar products in the market. The price of QWell Air Purifiers is competitive and the quality is differentiated and better from other products of the same classification in the market.

Blue water spring final project assignment

Product Strategy We are in the final stages of designing a 5 liter bottle with a water dispenser unit that will be rented to office buildings and available for sell to the home user. Product Strategy We are in the final stages of designing a 5 liter bottle with a water dispenser unit that will β†’

Marketing management mini cooper mba te

There was it where the Marketing for MINI came in to action and launched probably one of the most successful and widespread marketing campaign, MINI - NOT NORMAL and MINI - THE ADVENTURE STORY. It was a daunting task for the marketing agencies to salvage the brand identity of brand MINI in the eyes of β†’

Marketing models and explanation for each

The " PRICE" details all the choices and actions that affect the price of the product: Price policies: skimming policy is to charge high prices to address a high-end clientele or who wants to stand out, the penetration policy is to charge low prices in order to impose on a market in the face of β†’

The creative thinking in marketing assignment

The Product Satisfying the needs of the target market To start with, the new m-commerce product is perfectly designed to satisfy the needs of the target market. The Need to Be Ahead of Others In addition to everything mentioned above, our creation will satisfy the need for a targeted person to be ahead of others, β†’

Good example of essay on employability and developing the self

Rao suggests that the employability reflects the graduates' soft skills, rather than their hard skills, observing that most if the times people are hired for their technical skills and fired for the lack of the non-technical skills. Because the roles specific to Marketing are dynamic and require " initiative and enterprise", I also need to β†’

Research of effect of product placement in different movies research proposals examples

3Objective of the study The fundamental goal of the research is to determine product placement has been used in various movies and how both directors and viewers benefit from product placement.1.1. The movies that showed the product replacement included the washing day in Switzerland and the parade of the 8th Battalion.

Computers in 2020 essay

Essential Computing Intel Quantum Computers 2020 Future of Computing Optical Computers The super-fast future of computing DNA Computers Microsoft Research Offers Behind-the-Scenes Look at Future of Computing [pic] Computers to be ' oxygen of the future' Moore's law The Future of Computing Visit any site on the web writing about the future of computers and β†’

Cruise shipping

With the steam engine, the cruise shipping continued to flourish in the 1800s and the early 1900s as the number of passengers traveling for business or leisure grew. To some extent, this is contributing to the increase in the number of cruise passengers.

Chapter whether it may be the driver or

However, on the research of the different classifications of road accidents in the turn of centuries, motorcycle accident is the prominent reason for the motorcycle driver and the back rider to encounter a cataclysmic mishap on the road while on travel. Review of Related Literature In the view of the foregoing, this section presents the β†’

Global pharmaceutical industry

It takes 10-15 years on average to experiment drug to travel from lab to patient consumption, as patent protection is fixed that is only 20 years but companies has to spend 15 years on experiments by the time it reaches to the market the patent will be almost comes to expired and which will result β†’

New technology essay

One of the best solutions to preserving the environment is the use new technology that would divert attention from the call for humans to actually make individual commitments to changing lifestyles that are more in favor of the environment. Various adaptations of the technology involve the tweaking of various aspects of the technology and the β†’

The production option (pob sba guideline) essay sample

The resources are the inputs to the production of goods and services and these resources are referred to as the FACTORS OF PRODUCTION. It also refers to the people who must provide the funding, organize the factors of production, set the targets to be met, and monitor what is being done to ensure that the β†’

Marks and spencer essay

Indeed, the desire of the company to become the leader in the industry has transformed the organisation differently. Moreover, the marketing team needs to reconcile the attributes of products perceived to be ideal by the consumers and the attributes of the products as developed by the company.

Evaluation freud, another well-known psychoanalyst, psychologist, and the

Freudian theory stressed conflict between the id and the superegoand focused on sexual development, while Erikson emphasized conflict that cantake place in the ego itself and focused on the role of society on growth andsense of self. Without a sense of identity and fidelity to buildupon, Erikson believed an individual in young adulthood is not β†’

Impact of environmental regulations on industry

This project will look in to the environmental impact on the aviation industry and how it will affect the future of the industry and it will also investigate where the aviation industry stands presently when it comes to environmental regulations. Altering the project plan if needed Regulations on the aviation industry How the industry act β†’

Human organisms from the class mammalia all share

Mammalian diversity gradientin North America The diversity of mammals allows them to live uniquelifestyles in all the corners of the Earth. One group of mammals, themarsupials first evolved in North America and spread to South America, Australia, and the Artic.

Chapter 2 : developing marketing essay

Once the firm's positions are delineated in the mission statement, marketing can begin the process of setting its priorities, goals, and objectives derived from the stated priorities of the firm. The structure of the marketing plan must take into account each of the five primary activities and each of the four support activities.

Tools and techniques for enterprise essay

ON Company, Centrica Energy and also Iberdrola will possible take on the wind power market in the UK by coming out as the leaders in the industry in relation to adding new wind power capacity. ON's Market plans for the 2008-09Putting in mind that the UK is the windiest nation in Europe, whist Wind energy β†’

Singapores green building programme construction essay

Of all the major sectors in the economic system, the edifice sector histories for near tierce of the planetary energy- related C dioxide emanations and two-third of halocarbon emanations. The enhanced version of the strategy now covers a hard currency inducement for upgrading and retrofitting that co-funds up to 50 %, capped at $ 3 β†’

Uses of vegetable cooking oil environmental sciences essay

In this type of frying operation, heat is transferred to the nutrient surface by conductivity from the hot surface of the pan through a thin bed of oil. Therefore, there is the demand to command the usage of cooking oil in the catering industry to guarantee the safety and quality of fried nutrient merchandises for β†’

Speaking out about malt

Ralph Jenkins, CEO of Whitewater, writes to Mary Davis to express the company's views on her behavior and to ask her to first clear all further comments with the business. In a higher position Mary is more an emissary of the business and as such expected more to promote the business image.

Agriculture industry

Agriculture is the backbone of economy of most of the countries of the world. To examine the agricultural activity of man in the world, it is necessary to know about the natural and physical factors of the world, which are as follows: 1.

Control and reducing construction and demolition waste construction essay

The chief aim of that survey was to analyze the chief causes of material waste in the edifice industry in order to suggest guidelines for commanding it in building field. The purpose of survey is to place the causes of material waste on building site and the research workers were responsible for site visit and β†’

Identifying individual preferences in the airline industry

This essay will discuss the theories of consumer economics and their applications in the real consumer issues in airline industry, mainly on the factors that changing the consumer demand of airplane ticket, as well as the underlying reasons of why consumers prefer some particular airlines to the others. Therefore, the total effect of a change β†’

Geographical origins of eragrostis tef

The common name of the crop in Ethiopia is tef. Due to the fact that several widespread and non-widespread species of eragrostis, some of which are considered the wild relatives of tef, are found in Ethiopia.

Fashion triggers eating disorders essay

Do you believe that fashion triggers eating disorders? " Specialists in eating disorders warn that the focus on fashion implies that certain illnesses such as anorexia and bulimia are primarily caused by the desire to look like a model". The key of it all is, to be yourself and become happy with the person you β†’

Was it possible for a woman to be successful in the victorian age?

In the very beginning of A Room of One's Own, we already see the female narrator being told that she is not to be walking about on the turf because she is a woman. There is more communication regarding this in To the Lighthouse than in A Room of One's Own.

Kafka on the shore essay

The lyrics to the song are very obscure and surreal, such as," You sit at the edge of the world, I am in a crater that's no more. This is also one of his amazing metaphors in the novel.

“inconceivable” by ben elton essay sample

I read a bit of several of the books and thought that " Inconceivable" would be a good one to read purely because of the name of the book, the illustration on the front cover and the quotes from people and newspapers saying how good and funny they found the book". I read the book β†’

Literature analysis of a passage to india by e. m. forster

Orwell suggests that the change is merely the taking on of a role and that the colonizer is an actor required to play the part of the British ruler. It is the acceptance of this role is the change that affects the characters in A Passage to India, and if this is the accepted norm, β†’

The wars by timothy findley essay sample

The complexity of Ross's character is identical to the complexity of the structure of the novel. In a similar manner, The Wars imitates real life and the flow of the story is occasionally interrupted by the activities of the researcher who is engaged in investigating the life of Robert Ross.

Free history of present condition report sample

These people are at a higher risk of exposure to ethylene oxide because of the concentration in which ethylene oxide is used in their work environment and the elongated period of time in which the gas is actively used. Farm owners and farm workers who use ethylene oxide as a pesticide are also at a β†’

Measuring the balance between teacher efficacy research paper example

Being able to take note of such truth pushes the teachers to become more aware as to how they make sure that they are able to reach out to each individual in their class and take note of the fact that they are learning as much as needed from the lessons they are being presented β†’

Example of research paper on social cognition and moral development

The study in moral development gives focus on the part of parents and peers in the development of moral behaviors of an individual. Self-reactiveness on the other hand, is the ability of a person to create and normalize the proper developments of action.

Good example of blanket therapy: response-based therapy, brief therapy and family therapy essay

The concept of open dialogue and the principles of the family therapy, response-based therapy and brief therapy will be employed in the development of the said psychotherapy. The History of Professional Marriage and Family Therapy.In A.S.

The future of cloud computing literature review sample

One factor to consider is the number of users involved, the extent of need and use of the applications, and whether the cloud application is to be used internally or is to be shared externally. Key drivers also play a role in determining the benefit of adopting cloud computing, especially scalability and the time it β†’

Multicultural and multilanguage exposure term paper example

At the turn of independence of the country in Kenya, the Royal College was named the University of Nairobi after the country's capital city since independence. The periodic clashes witnessed in Kenya between the country's ethnic groups, specifically between Kikuyu and Kalenjin in the 1990's led to the development of sociology in the country.

Data compression report samples

This has been widely used in the compression of data so that the transmission of the data cannot bring constraints to the network. One of the challenges that come with Run Length Encoding is the fact that the results of the data compression will depend on the sources of data that has been found on β†’

Key principles of email language use case study of an individuals emails in different essay examples

The discussions will explain qualitatively the relationship between the emails and the perceived identity of the subject and how it influences his responses. The context of the communication may limit the individual from full self expression, but one way or other, a close study of the use of language can reveal distinct characteristics of the β†’

Cultural difference across virtual teams

These novel and convenient forms of communication might however create some other problems on the ground of cultural differences, especially in the early life of the virtual team. Lack of the technology needed to communicate effectively is a problem with an easy solution and should be addressed in the early stages of the formation of β†’

Cellular communications

Engineers discovered that the interference effects were not due to the istance between areas, but to the ratio of the distance between areas to the transmitter power of the areas. The following three types of MSUs are available: the mobile telephone the portable the transportable The mobile telephone is installed in the trunk of a β†’

Gather facts interview

The finding shows the challenges facing the manual system of inventory management system; the manual system requires everyday counting of items in the inventory, human errors are very prevalent during counting and recording and in case of disaster like fire or flood or poorcommunication, all the manual inventory records will be damaged and irretrievable. 3 β†’

Communication gap among the generations

Integrating the different communication styles across generations will improve the effectiveness of communication in organizations, bridging the communication gap to create a more driven, cohesive, and successful organization. Once organizations find a way to integrate the communication styles of the different generations the organization will be able to motivate their employees to be more driven β†’

Feminism through the dual voice of charlotte bronte and jane eyre

She is a character who presents a vast amount of complex understanding, at too young an age to comprehend, which forces us to look at the voice of the author, who is speaking through Jane to present a different and stronger picture of what it means, to be a woman. This is a powerful idea β†’

Eccentric and highly energetic man english literature essay

It was clear to the entire crew that no matter what, even if it meant that none of them would live to see what would happen after, they had to get this information to the public fore it might mean the final push to bring everyone, oppressed and privileged, to arms in outrage against their β†’

Autobiographical history in yeats english literature essay

In this phase the poet's life come to be involved more and more and the urgency and importance of the personal experience manifests itself in the form of allegorical maintain of the particularity of the moment. Certainly, the poetic " I" is the same as the " self" and the poem in these terms stands β†’

Chapter 34 priori incantatem

Perhaps another little dose of pain?" Voldemort raised his wand, but this time Harry was ready; with the reflexes born of his Quidditch training, he flung himself sideways onto the ground; he rolled behind the marble headstone of Voldemort's father, and he heard it crack as the curse missed him". It was the sound of β†’

Deceptive appearances in british literature

The theme of deceiving appearances is a lasting and universal theme that appears in many works of literature throughout several centuries, and is evident in Hamlet, The Silver Chair and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, three British works that span 400 years of history. In conclusion, the theme of deceiving appearances is a very β†’

Myocardial infarction and autism english literature essay

The objective of this paper is to use MOHO to analyze the occupations of two individuals with disabilities, and the impact on their occupational identity, competence, and adaptation. The theory of OA will be used to explain, compare, and contrast the relationship between personal and contextual factors, and the effect on human performance.

An overview of pancreatic cancer nursing essay

Pain may be due to a variety of reason, initially the pain may be due to the irritation and edema of the inflamed pancreas, and as the disease progresses increasing tension and obstruction of the pancreatic ducts contribute to pain. Camilleri is also encouraged to keep a daily dairy with the onset and details of β†’

Good research paper on cognitive depression

Further sections analyze depression and cognitive outcomes, the negative cognitive triad, faulty information processing, the ways depression produces cognitive deficits, functional and structural abnormalities of the human brain caused by depression and associated with cognitive deficits, depression cognitive symptoms and cognitive abilities affected by depression. There has been a direct interrelation between the severity and β†’

Future of skilled nursing facilities

An even more important problem for the U.S.economy in the next couple of decades is the unequal distribution of gain from growth in the economy. As people born during the baby boom of 1946 to 1964 reach retirement age, the percentage of the population that is retired will increase sharply, while the percentage of the β†’

Good example of essay on what is depression

The major difference between the Unipolar and the bipolar depression is in the way the people are receive treatment and how they feel on the inside and the behaviors that might come out. The reason for stating this is because of the feel of helplessness that an individual feels in depression that causes the person β†’

Social model of health dahlgren and whitehead nursing essay

The next layer to this is the influence created by the society and the community that helps in providing of the mutual support for the community members within any unfavorable conditions. The beginning of the appropriate and quality health appears to be in the early life.

Horror film term papers example

In the first major work of horror, Mary Shelley's novel Frankenstein, it is the tension between the time before the creation of the monster and the time after, when Dr. In one of the first major horror tales of the Gothic era, Poe's " The Tell-Tale Heart," it is the tension between the narrative present, β†’

Analysis of amores perros

Story I: The Working Class The first story opens with a chaotic car chase, and we are introduced to one f this story's two main characters, Octavio, who is driving, and his dog Cofi, who is bloody in the back seat, while Octavio's friend Jorge desperately attempts to stem the bleeding, as the three flee β†’

Comparing film versions of macbeth essay sample

The rest of the play shows how Macbeth is deposed and the " true" heir to the throne is restored. The last time the witches were seen they provided clues as to what was going to happen later in the play so the audience will be interested in what they have to say and how β†’

Ken kesey’s book, one flew over the cuckoo’s nest vs. anthony burgess’, a clockwork orange

Kesey demonstrates the suppression of human instincts through the mechanistic dynamics of the ward controlled by authoritative figures through the absence of freedom of expression, individuality, and the right to choose. The value of this evidence is that it gives us a clear illustration of the dynamics of the ward, allowing us to see the β†’

The re-enactment of two documentaries: the cove and bowling for columbine

After the release of the film, it was emerged as the trend to include subjectivity into films to represent the idea that the pure truth in the documentary is a covered-up belief. Throughout the film, the director has introduced different filmmaking techniques to add a real sense to the film and to connect this documentary β†’

Marvel case

Here we discuss in detail about the reason Marvel file for bankruptcy, the evaluation of the restructuring plan, equity worth per share under restructuring plan, its influence on the debt rising ability to other firms in the group, and why the portfolio managers choose to sell their zero coupon bonds. According to the plan, $365 β†’

Gender roles resistance and response in thelma louise

By highlighting repressive gender roles and the lead characters' ultimately futile efforts to resist them, the revolutionary film launched a nationwide conversation, and spurred a cult following of women feeling seen for the first time in their lives. Her hair is not done, she is not dressed, and there's a feeling of entrapment due to β†’

Are the reasons for using licensed songs within a contemporary

The relationship between film and popular music has been a very successful one for over a hundred years: From musical accompaniment in silent films to short film clips of musical performances to the Hollywood musical and finally to the importance of popular music on TV and in films from the 50s, Hollywood has always taken β†’

Term paper on asian horror movies

However, for the themes to be effective in captivating the audience, it is essential that the film should have adequate cinematographic features to complement the inclination of the film. This approach enables the film to show the essence of time in life and the fear, which is, realized when the dead are manifested to the β†’

A comparative analysis of jane austen’ s novel emma and the movie clueless

Emma was written in the Realist period of English history and this is reflected in the representation of the characters and themes. The introduction of Emma to the reader is quite prolonged and is followed by a brief synopsis of class structure, the society of the time and Emma's place in this rather complex world.

Easy rider

It could be argued that the end scene, when Fonda's character is killed and his bike, the Captain America, explodes, that it is a metaphor for the death of America itself and is a blatant representation of the burning of the American Flag, seeing as the motorcycles gasoline tank is painted with the stars and β†’

Term paper on tokyo cyberpunk

This genre of science fiction involves the envisioning of a near future that is characterized by scientific advancement in the form of cybernetics an information technology. The 1980's is the period that saw " cyberpunk" become a full-fledged genre of science fiction and many authors and filmmakers started writing and filming on the subject.

South boston city’s role in the state history research paper

In this paper, we will discuss the history of South Boston, starting from the very first arrival of the colonists, and ending with today; we will also stress the role that South Boston played in the history of the region and the state. However, a number of racial conflicts arose in Boston during the war β†’

Would improving relationship with cuba and the united states benefit the cuban-americans?

These included " the forbidding of making treaties with third power which might compromise the independence of the nation, the cession of the United States of sites for naval station, the investment of the United States to maintained orderly government and all its accessories and the limitation of debt contracting powers of government to obligations β†’

What the u.s. government wants essay

Joseph Kony, the leader of the Lord's Resistance Army in Uganda, was accused of terrorism and mass murder by the U.S.and its allies. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1963.

Carbon capture technologies: opportunities and future report samples

There are opportunities, however, that with the advancements in the technology, there can be opportunities to lower the impacts of the operation of the technology and its integration into the financial outlook of the company. These strategies the enhancement of the efficiency ratings of energy conversion technologies as well as end-use, additional use of renewable β†’

Solutions to the china-japan spat research paper

The trade between these two countries has also been favored by the fact that the two countries are neighbors and hence it is easy to transport goods and services between the two countries. The Chinese citizens argued that the Japanese undermined their sovereignty by taking over islands they believed to be in the Chinese territory.

The outcomes so no government officials could

Method: The method that will be used in this paper is a qualitative text analysis of relevant sections in the book " Seize The Time" by Bobby Seale and " The Black Panther Party and the Struggle for Human Rights" by Meredith Roman together with the support of articles and historical texts which concern similar β†’

Selectivity filter and conduction pathway biology essay

Different conditions and signals such as Ca2+ and G-proteins are responsible for the activation of the different types of K+ channels and these conditions also correspond to the various molecular subfamilies of the many K+ families that have been found. Much like the majority of the Kv1 subfamily genes, with the exception of KCNA7, the β†’

Double side band suppressed carrier biology essay

Demodulation in this case simply reduces to the detection of the envelope of a modulated carrier with no dependence of the exact phase or frequency of the carrier. As shown in Figure 19, the product of the modulating signal and the carrier signal is added to the product of another pair of modulating signal and β†’

Healthcare disparity in different race health and social care essay

In add-on, health care disparities has been regarded by the Health Resources and Services Administration as the differences that emerge out of the assorted population categorizations in footings of the manifestation of disease, wellness wakes, every bit good as the degree to which people entree health care services. Research Aims The general aim for the β†’

The advantages and disadvantages of herbal drugs biology essay

The use of herbal drugs due to toxicity and side effects of allopathic medicines, has led to a rapid increase in the number of herbal drug manufacturers. Some of the plants that make up herbal drugs are cultured and processed in the country and others are imported from around the world.

The evolution of english churches

Each and every period was landmarks of the architecture which influenced in the building of English churches within the cultural boundaries. All the earliest churches which were built here whilst Britain belonged to the Roman Empire and in the southern parts where the influence of the Christianity predominated for long afterwards were in the basilican β†’

Male patient with prostate cancer biology essay

1 One of the most common problems of prostate is benign prostatic hyperplasia whereby there is an enlargement of the prostate gland and can possibly leads to prostate cancer. Figure 2: Stages of prostate cancer 12In stage I, the cancer cells have not spread and found completely in the prostate whereas the cancer is more β†’

Medicinal plants and their antimicrobial activity

The frequency of the resistant bacteria and the number of drugs to which they are resistant is increasing at an unpredictable rate and has begun to compromise the efficient treatment of the patients. Several spices are studied and it is found that some of the spices also have antilisteric activity which prevents from listeria and β†’

Free detection and identification of bacteria in food

The following sections will discuss the use of five different detection methods, flow cytometry, the enterotube II system, chromogenic media, the Enzyme linked immunoassay and polymerase chain reaction and the necessity to balance the specificity and sensitivity of each technique, for the most accurate means of bacterial detection.2. The technique of FCM relies on the β†’

The history of the disintegrant concentration biology essay

After the analysis of the data was complete the powder was used for the production of the tablets and then underwent testing to find the effect particle size has on tablet properties, the results of which can be seen in table 5. It was found that the p value for the weight, thickness and diameter β†’

What is a cultural anthropology

The article concludes by saying what corporations think of the value that anthropologists add to the companies and that the role will continue to grow. In conclusion, I now realize all the studies and broad range of topics that are discussed by cultural anthropologists.

Atmospheric pollution is known to induce corrosion effects biology essay

The technique is finally applied to 12locations in GAA, which include some of the mostimportant archaeological monuments of Athens, andprovides comprehensive results for the estimation ofthe impact of atmospheric corrosion on the structuralmaterials of these archaeological sites. These corrosion maps can be considered auseful tool in predicting corrosion effects over theregion and can thus give β†’

Unknown paper

With the sterilized loop containing the organism we proceeded to transfer the organism to the plate of quadrant I in a zigzag movement. With our selected plate ready and available, the slant in the least dominated hand, we inoculated the loop till red, uncapped the tube, flamed the tubes, obtained the yellow organism from the β†’

Computational simulated artificial neural network ann biology essay

Response Surface Methodology was applied for the optimization of the process parameters responsible for the reduction of metal ion effect and to evaluate the effects and interactions of the process variables. 0 was used for the optimization of the process variables and to evaluate the effects and complex interactions of each process variables.

How will also inform this research and allow

The practice-led research will explore how the context of the sites usedto exhibit text-based art-work changes the meaning of the text used. The shareability of language is explored by Wittgenstein and is essential to the successful use of any language: Wittgenstein goeson to state the impossibility of a private language systems.