400 Words Essay Samples

Case study on garment industry

So, in France of the 19th century the garment industry appeared which promoted to the mass production of clothes and textiles. One should improve his knowledge on garment industry and get to know about the process of production of textile, leather and fur for different purposes.

Transamerica oil corporation

A jury in the United States District Court for the District of Kansas found in favor of the plaintiff and awarded Transamerica Oil Corporation $196, 577.62. Defendant claimed that the action was barred by the statute of limitations and that Brown expressly agreed to a limitation of liability and a limitation of remedies based on β†’

What are the problems associated with rapid urban growth? essay

Because governments have less revenue to spend on the basic upkeep of cities and the provision of services, cities have become areas of massive sprawl, serious environmental problems, and widespread poverty. Urban sprawl is responsible for changes in the physical environment, and in the form and spatial organization of cities.

Anti-transcendentalism in the scarlet letter essay sample

Anti-transcendentalism is focused on the limitation and the potential destructiveness of the human spirit rather than the possibilities of the human spirit. It is clearly anti-transcendental novel that shows the evils of humanity and the change between characters.

John steinbeck

College: The Grapes of Wrath John in his book The Grapes of Wrath pointed out the failures with the American society and the world as well during the period of Great Depression and eve of World War Two. The difference is perception and perspectives of how the current generation approaches issues and natural disasters due β†’

The hard truth of immigration

As a result, this issue makes a great impact on how the native locals of the nation are able to perceive the effects of immigration in their country. This creates a rather uncanny situation between the immigrants and the local residents of the nation as the entire situation makes it hard for both parties to β†’

Use of e-books in an academic and research environment

E-mail questionnaires were sent which facilitated the survey of researches in the academic and research environment, specifically in the Indian Institute of Science and Technology about their use of e-books on their line of work. It is, therefore, safe to say that the comparison of the usage of e-books with the numbers of students and β†’

Texas government

Due to the aforementioned challenges in the partisan elections, it is significant for the Texas State to adopt a system in which the governor appoints the judges. Question 3 The nomination of the city candidates to run for the office in Texas State is essential in facilitating the electorates to know and analyze the ideologies β†’

Obama: the best choice for president essay

Not even a decade into the twenty first century, and a woman and African American have tried for the nomination of the presidency of the United States of America as well as a woman for vice president. It is clear that in this new and changing times, the country needs a man that is not β†’

Mike and sweatshops labor essay sample

In a pure capitalist economic system employers will seek to pay workers as little in cash and benefits as possible and will locate his plant in the location that incurs the least cost. I think Nike's should try to improve the environment in their oversea facilities.

Hay corporation’s

Record the journal entries for 20X8 and 20X9 for Marty Rentals Co pertaining to the lease. Record the journal entries for 20X8 and 20X9 for Hay Corporation pertaining to the lease.

Heuristic fail in the process, are too slow

Perhaps, one of the more remarkable advantages of Heuristics is the limited amount of infor-mation that the algorithm needs to operate. In order to reach the desired solution within a reasonable timeframe, Heuristic Algorithms sac-rifice certain factors such as the accuracy and precision of the results.

Language in our lives

Just as most things in the world are becoming more and more technologically advanced and efficient, its languages are also becoming more efficient. This is why technology is a huge part of people's lives and in very high demand.

Young teens and sexuality

YOUNG TEENS AND SEXUALITY: Why many aged 12-15yr olds are having sex Many teenagers have already had sex by the ages of 12, 13, and 14. The dangers of having sex at an early age such as 12 and 13 years are many.

Are the ads used to promote people to get their yearly flu shots effective?

The audience for this ad was to reach the young adult group. The campaign used the association to connect health with the young adult group, and music to relate to what the young adults are into.

How do we approach intrinsic motivation computationally

But what is the set of possible goals Focusing on the reinforcement learning framework, this question is addressed in the article " What is intrinsic motivation A typology of computational approaches" by Pierre-Yves Oudeyer and Frederic Kaplan. A fun example is Schmidhuber, which would be classified as " Learning Progress Motivation" in the article of β†’

The problem of climate change assignment

Four the victim, two to hold his arms and one to pour it down his throat.' This joke elaborates the common held opinion about the quality of English wine at the present day, but this will change as a result of climate change. Climate can be defined as ' the statistics of weather over a β†’

Rivers in nepal

Among these rivers in Nepal Koshi, Gandaki, Narayani and Karnali are some of the biggest rivers which flow from the Himalayas all through the year. They are Rivers and Nepal; therefore we have to show the relationship in between them.

The to bring his ideals right into

A mental scientist has summed up the entire secret of Character-Building in this valuable advice on Objective Concentration: the simple task of mental concentration on whatever task, business or profession a man is engaged in is the beginning of the mastery which is the perfection of Objective Concentration. If a leader in any department of β†’

Organic chemistry assignment

Emphasis in the paper should be on the organic chemistry associated with the subject. Papers will be due May 3rd two days after the final exam.

Learning outcomes evaluation

Some of the methods that will be used in evaluating the learning outcomes and providing feedback to the students include demonstration, oral presentation and written work. One of the questions that will indicate outcomes of the learning is the ability of students to accurately interpret medical diagnosis data and appropriately administer the right dosage of β†’

International advertising case study

The biggest problem of international advertising is the lack of knowledge about the culture and way of life in other countries where the product is planned to be promoted. The student has the opportunity to improve the background knowledge on formatting and professional research of the topic following the free sample case study on international β†’

Extensive affects the solubility of various proteins

Sunflower is one of the important components of oil seed crop and it is differentfrom the metabolism, physiological, and methods of regulating the etymology ofreproductive stress metabolism. Expression of OsDREB2A and OsDREB1Fenhancement increases drought stress and salinity stress in rice and Arabidopsis36.

Islam and christianity: comparison and cotrast assignment

The Ten Commandments and moral teachings are important to both the religion's core beliefs and they have strong conviction that all people should live by the standards provided in the commandments and teachings. The " capital" of Christianity is claimed to be founded by God and fulfilled by his Son, Jesus Christ.

Week 7 didcussion 1

Week 7 Discussion How the courts perspective on the crime of sexual assault or sexual battery has changed over the years and what might be done to improve convictions and enforcement. Charging Children with Child Pornography-Using the Legal System to Handlethe Problem of " Sexting".

Since the world trade centre attacks of

The issues with the morality of drones, however, in my opinion, has little to do with the so called " PlayStation mentality," though, in my opinion, that certainly is a big deal. Perhaps the issue on drones include the use of surveillance.

Social security act of 1935

Families of men, and then to those belonging to certain occupations, were entitled to the money in case of the death of the man. Of course, this clearly suggests that they thought a woman was to be subservient to a man and it was the duty of the man to provide and for a woman β†’

Answer 2

Each member of the team completed research on the surveyed users through the internet, desktop research, software research, and research on the microphone. Audience and problem statement: Research on technology of video conferencing in the country.

How do organizations balance labor supply

Part-time employees are generally a good source of employees for organizations to staff their peak hours. Organizations use contract workers because their labor cost is fixed and they incur none of the costs associated with a full-time employee population.

Ben johnson

After he had a family his son slipped away from him in the form of death which probably influenced Ben Jonson to write the poem " The Hour-Glass". The poem " How He Saw Her" was probably written through the inspiration of his wife and how he wanted to hook up with her.

Writing deficiencies

Writing Deficiencies The majority of the employers in the United s are not satisfied with writing skills exhibited by their employees. The context-based approach puts emphasis on what students are writing and reading.

Earthquake san francisco- 1906

The city was in the middle of a great economic boom and almost all was lost on that day. A road across the fault ended up 21 feet north of the road to the east same with the rivers and creeks.

Crisis of the third century

The crisis of the third century would ultimately lead to the fall of Rome. These all led up to the fall of rome.

Exercise physiology and cardiovascular endurance assignment

As the aquathon is quite a decent distance, Aerobic and Cardiovascular endurance need to be improved. Cardiovascular endurance is another component that needs to be used to complete the aquathon as your body does not tire as quick when you have a large lung capacity and good heart rate.

Personal biography

In 1999, I began to pursue a career in finance by joining the team of London Life as a financial security planning advisor. I take joy in my great and small achievements as these give me a strong sense of satisfaction.

The history of sauces essay sample

With the advent of fire, sauces and seasonings became more widely used to flavor, moisten and mask the flavors of meat that became dry, burned, and chewy. It soon became a classic among sauce makers and chefs of the time and one of the most popular sauces used for meats like steak, chops, and roasts.

Ethics of migration and immigration assignment

Ethics of Migration and Immigration Is a key question for everyone Migration Is the beginning of the human race to this present time. According to Stalker, he alls it the " human capital" approach, because it Is evaluated on the level of education, skills, and health Investments In a person.

Have force” in which people can also arrange

In the book spacesspeak are you listening Blesser and Salter recognized the sense of hearing " as a means by which humans sense the events oflife, aurally visualize spatial geometry, propagate cultural symbols, stimulateemotions, communicate aural information, experience the movement of time, buildsocial relationships, and retain a memory of experiences". I wanted the visitors to β†’

Place of woman in a society

But from the very beginning, there has been a big question mark on the status of women in our society. They have been exploited and ill-treated right from the beginning of the creation.

Vikram patel: mental health

s Mental Health for All Vikram Patel's TED talk highlights one of the biggest disparities between mentally stable and unstable people, which is the difference in the quality of the health care services provided to them in developing countries. SUNDAR can definitely be used to expand the scope of treating mental illnesses by giving the β†’

Strategy recommendation

Firstly, even though Newell and Rubbermaid were both selling a lot of household basics products to the same customers, the two companies had fundamentally different bases of competition. Thus, I think Newell and Rubbermaid were actually in two different businesses and both company's strategies would not work for each other in the long term.

Lean on me persuasive essay

The first disturbing aspect of this movie is Joe Clark's personality; although he changes around the school, he does it in a bizarre and vicious manner. The song goes from a piece of garbage, to a song that is sung in harmony and tune by the students.

Fast food – should we ban it? essay sample

First of all, the advantages of fast food are that it's popular and convenient. Thirdly, fast food is important for the development of the city.

Analysis of the novel “the awakening” by kate chopin

Ramos states that their paper argues that the actions of Edna reveal how dangerous it is to remove oneself from the social roles of society by destructive means and they question the value of realism and naturalism as representation. Many critics of the time found Edna's end as fate and cosmic justice.

Does afta create or divert trade

With the creation of the agreement, there has been a boost in the ASEAN trade. The statistics reveal that there has been an increased amount of trade within and outside the member countries.

Fuel price increase in malaysia

It was announced that the raise of price were planned to bring fuel prices in line with the global market cost. Back in 2008 when government announced the increase of petrol price to RM2.

Red balloon english school: a horrific promotion approach essay

Though sex and children individually are great means to sell a product, but the combination of two is a very bad idea. Art: Though I dislike the approach and promotion idea of the ad, the visual appeal is nice.

Poverty and hungry man

In some cases it is not only the state of having income that is below the line of poverty but it is also the inability to sustain a specified level of well being. The solution to all these antisocial activities is in the creation of a sound economic and social structure.


The ontological argument is an argument for the existence of God it is an a priori argument, and reflects the meaning of the word God. For Descartes the essence of God is that god exists and existence is a predicate of God, therefore God exists because existence is a predicate of a perfect being.

Am i or are the others crazy?

You decide to present your idea to the public, however, you are taken as a crazy person and sentenced to death. To open our minds, remove the blindness and to question everything, that's the type of crazy we should all experience.

Walt – college essay

The Walt Disney Company Please responds to the following: The Walt Disney Company is in the following businesses: theme parks, Disney Cruise Line, resort properties, movie, video, and theatrical productions, television broadcasting, radio broadcasting, musical recording and sales of animation art, Anaheim Mighty Ducks NHL franchise, Anaheim Angels Major League Baseball franchise, books and magazine β†’

Quadratic equation

It is written as follows: - In this notation, A is the total amount accrued plus the interest, P is the starting amount, r is the rate of interest charged and n represents the number of times the compounded interest occurs in a year while t is the time in years. For g, it means β†’

The interlopers

The dispossessed family has never accepted the ruling of the courts and continues to poach on the land. Throughout the course of Ulrich and Georg's lifetime, the feud has grown into a personal, bloodthirsty one.

Family and issue

He was the enemy of the Lava Goddess Pele who lived in Kilauea.-The second Issue is the story of how his mother was born and kapu would for the king but she fell in love with the King's brother and gave birth to 3 children and a pig child. That is where the fifth issue β†’

Corrigendum: ebola vp40 in exosomes can cause immune cell dysfunction

In the subsection " Identification of Potential Phosphorylation Sites in VP40 Protein," in the first paragraph, the first sentence should read as follows: " Mass spectra for VP40 was obtained for this manuscript as previously described in our analysis of VP30 from EBOV virions. MP and AM contributed equally to generation of data and writing β†’

Characterization of lady macbeth

In this essay I will attempt to delve into the character of Lady Macbeth and attempt to shed some light on her actions and role in Macbeth's climax, and downfall. When Lady Macbeth learns about the witches' prophecy, she begins doubting that Macbeth has what is necessary to take advantage of this.

Leadership styles and conflict resolution

This makes the employees lose respect for the leader and tend to withdraw the existing respect they had for the leader. This type of leadership is used when the errands of the group are at a standstill.

Case study for the feedback on the powerpoint presentation

The presentation showed the steps taken and how the progression in making the decision took place. The actions taken in the analysis of the dilemma and solution was clearly effective.

My class assignment

You will not have time to ask questions, nor will you have time to react in case of the unforeseen if you are not completing assignments on time. I advise oh to correct your essays as you get feedback so you are not swamped for the Final Portfolio.

He had a dream, and it came true

There are at least five different elements used in this speech, they are; emphasizing phrases by repeating at the beginning of sentences, repeating key " theme" words throughout the speech, utilizing appropriate quotations or allusions, usage of specific examples to " ground" the arguments, and of course the use of metaphors to highlight contrasting concepts. β†’

Study behaviors assignment

In this essay I will be talking about my test results from different test we took in class, study behaviors, and what I plan to change to improve my study skills. We also took a test for learning styles which are visual, auditory, and kinesthetic in my test it showed that I am a kinesthetic β†’


In Building 3 for the college students also have 4 Computer Laboratories rooms and each room have 50 PC in the 1st floor of the building and in Building 4 for the High School students have 2 Computer Laboratories and 30 PC for each room. I am planning to device 700 PC in every main β†’

Nationality themselves or a portion of themselves

It serves to indicate the totality of the natural qualities that characterise the nation, without the idea of legal status which is connected with the term nation. Barnes says that nationality " is the collective name given to that complex of psychological and cultural factors which furnish the cohesive principle uniting a nation".


The customers were more willing to buy the products of the company. In 2014, the company received the highest income but the costs incurred increased considerably, and the level of income decreased thus causing losses.

Science in my world

If the pitcher's momentum through using his legs to push off of the mound is at a greater force, so too should be the force and speed at which the ball is released as long as the arms, shoulders and hand release the ball at the optimum position during the movement. Another key component to β†’

The use of surveillance cameras in a riyadh shopping mall

On the other hand, the attitudes of the observers played a crucial role in monitoring visitors at the mall especially the women who wore veils. In addition, the strategies used in the resistant were many and varied from one individual to the other.

The grand budapest hotel

From the elegant purples used in the hotel outfits to display the establishments ritziness, to the eerily dark outfits worn by the antagonists whos minds were corrupted by greed, every moment was greatly influenced by the colour theme chosen and guided the viewers emotions consistently throughout. The beautiful cinematography in this film is testament to β†’

Their in sharp contrast with the weak and

So the people were ready to yield to the authority of any power who could give them sufficient to eat and stable and efficient government respected at home and abroad. The recent history of Russia, Germany, Italy, Turkey and Spain is the history of marvels which a determined dictator can bring about in the national β†’

Case study on pr policies

The negative side of PR policies is the use of advertising among broad masses for the personal enrichment of the individual or groups of people who serve as the owners of the certain company which applies PR technologies to make the product popular and sell it to the great number of consumers. After that it β†’


Mason's hierarchy of needs was first articulated In 1943 by Abraham Moscow which is often portrayed in the shape of a pyramid with the largest, most fundamental levels of needs at the bottom and the need for self-actualization at the top. It can be concluded from Herbage's theory that It Is Important for managers to β†’

Biodiversity, as well. they provide a wide

Wilson, " is meant to be allinclusive- it's the genetic based variation of living organisms at alllevels, from the variety of genes in populations of single species, throughspecies, on up to the array of natural ecosystems". In the video, during the drought, the side of the field with a morediverse environment held stern as the β†’

Mental disorder

Mental Disorder: Major Depression The essay aims to address a two-fold objective, to wit to briefly describe a specific mental disorder; and to identify and describe treatment modalities for the mental disorder chosen. Among all the mental disorders, major depression is the most responsive to treatment.

The lottery – irony and imagery essay sample

With the introduction of the black box the overall mood of the town's people begins to change, the air is uneasy and nervous. Upon further reading the town's people begin to go up to the black box and pick a piece of paper from it.

Vengeance and loss of humanity in the interlopers

Though Ulrich could not care less about the piece of land and trees, he is willingly open to the idea of manslaughter due to his prolonged feud with Georg, his loathing for George has corrupted and darkened his judgement and ethics. Nonetheless, as the two men bond over a mutual dilemma, they start to show β†’

Managing information technology

Privacy Issues in relation to Internet During the last few years the massive use of computer technology has been observed. Retrieved May 19, 2011, from http://www.e-businessethics.com/internet.htm Lawrenceville Press.

Grinch: psychology

The Grinch lived on the top of the mountain, isolating himself from all the Who's his only companion was his dog max. The Grinch behavior was do to his bad nurture he had a plan to still Christmas.

Taking action

In todays society the next big space mission will be to Mars but before all of the advancements in technology the most amazing accomplishment was putting a man on the moon. While many people had heard about the attempts made by NASA no one thought that it was actually possible except for the thousands of β†’

From touch labour to knowledge workers essay sample

Advanced technology tends to reduce the number of jobs that require little skill and to increase the number of jobs that require considerable skill. Customers One of the most important assessments a firm can make is identifying the needs of its customers.

The poem patriotism by sir walter scott

The poem is addressed directly to the audience since it does call the audience to action in order to go and mark such a man since the end of such a man would be ' unwept, unhonoured and unsung' as per the last line of the poem. For example, the first point where allusions come β†’

Charles darwin

The scientist behind this theory is Charles Darwin. That is the story of Charles Darwin.

A novel approach to quantum gravity

He observed that the force of gravity is proportional to the mass of the objects that are attracted by gravity. Special Relativity in such a curved space-time is called General Relativity and is a more general approach to quantum gravity.

Strategic-alternative bundles

Lastly, the strategic-alternative bundles need to be worthwhile. New York: M.E.

Global warming (wikipedia)

Global warming is the increase in the average measured temperature of the Earth's near-surface air and oceans since the mid-20th century, and its projected continuation. Remaining scientific uncertainties include the amount of warming expected in the future, and how warming and related changes will vary from region to region around the globe.

Bel canto essay

They learn to love something or someone because they are around it all the time or it's what they are told to love. Love in a pressure cooker situation makes people be more spontaneous and do the things they have forgotten about or want to do rather then what they have to do.


The project was started in 1964 and the last installation was closed in the year 2000. Multics Influences on the Future One of Multics remarkable features was that the OS was written in a high-level language.

Mixed occupancy

When a building is going to be designed according to the code, the basic plan is to determine the protection of the adjacent building. 3- Occupancy separation is present and the building comes under the category of a truly mixed building.

Philosophy 4

The statement uses the word think to express different psychological activities that Descartes wanted to identify his body and mind with. Skepticism allows for the coherence of logic and empirical evidence in academia today.

Sol y canto essay

Sol y Canto define its business by creating " music and performances that move, delight, excite and connect connect that audience to the richness of Latin American culture; connect individuals, Hispanic and non-Hispanic, to each other through shared experience of music, poetry, humor and a joyful, playful vibe; and connect us all to our hopes β†’

Cnpc and petro china

Different business units for different elements of corporate strategy 9. Related corporate strategy- diversification d.

Ec cs111technology in action chapter 1

Digital DivideThe gap between the levels of Internet access and the availability of technical tools in different regions of the world. Affective ComputingA type of computing that relates to emotion or deliberately tries to influence emotion.binary digit A digit that corresponds to the on and off states of a computer's switches.

Funny in the minds of those still puzzled

Matthew Collings documentary called ' Hollow Laughter' as part of series called ' This is Modern Art', it is an examination on the jokes used in modern art. A lot of modern art jokes are about the loss of quality in modern art.

Pols 102

However, since 1995, the Supreme Court has limited the reach of numerous federal laws and regulations passed by the congress thus curtailing their power to make unilateral decisions about the federal states. The Supreme Court has come in handy to provide guidelines on how provision of rights and liberties has been spelt out in the β†’

The get fit. task culture also allows

The main wayswhich BFGym can use to foster the task culture is socialisation; the managementat BFGym can slowly implement task culture by selecting certain employees whoare feeling unmotivated, then they can slowly branch to all the other employeeswhich will normalize the task culture, Citation 2: First, the culture must be valuable: it must enable a β†’

The structure of human lungs

The lungs occupying major portion of thoracic cavity, leave little space for the heart, which excavates more of the left lung the two lungs hold the heart tight between them, providing it, the protection it rightly deserves. The posterior border is thick and ill defined.it corresponds to the medial margins of the head of the β†’