1800 Words Essay Samples

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Religion and the state in the us

Although this arrangement is widely known in the United States as the " separation of church and state," owing to the predominance of Christian churches, it also applies to mosques, synagogues, and indeed all religious institutions of any sort. First right in the bill: " Congress will make no law respecting an establishment of religion, →

Identify and discuss three examples of important criminal justice assignment

The Criminal Justice Act is one of the major public services In England, with some of the main changes In the criminal Justice Act 1991, was carried out by an unprecedented number of planning, research, consultation and training, but the Hampshire magistrates' courts carried out a unit fine and extreme training to those that enforce →

Gay parenting in the media

When present in a courtroom environment, one is subjected to the arguments and views of both the prosecution and the defense. The portrayal concerning gay adoption in the media is actually a topic that affects many people both directly and indirectly.

Differences between essentialism and perennialism

For Perennialists, the aim of education is to ensure that students acquire understandings about the great ideas of Western civilization. The Perennialist values the past but he or she likes the back to basics movement inasmuch as the basics are the learnings of the great minds of the past.

Economics essays – channel tunnel economy

Another Frenchman, Thome de Gamond was the first to explore the viability of the Channel Tunnel by taking votes to agree on the depth of the water and by collecting samples from the sea. The purpose of the supplementary ventilation is to supply proactive control of the smoke that would come from fire, so the →

Here is no economic case for having any targeted benefits essay sample

In addition, the nature of the targeted benefit influences the proportion of consumers who are distorted, which in turn influences the size of the dead weight loss. In addition the size of the targeted benefit relative to the price and expected consumption of the targeted good is also important.

Treatment planning system software reflective essay

There was a change in the schedule plan in week 1 as compared to the schedule plan in the action plan because I realised in the first week that one week was insufficient and I needed more time to learn the software. The results from the assessment would determine my next step, which was to →

Investment analysis and lockheed tristar essay sample

87 All the projects are acceptable because all the NPVs are positive Looking at the net present value of each project, build a new stand Is the project with the highest NPV The difference between the IRR and the NPV ranking is made by the scale of the investments, an investment of $1, 000 here →

“silas marner” and “to kill a mockingbird” essay

The claim has some measure of truth in that, at the beginning of the novel, Silas Marner is very much an oppressed victim in the town of Raveloe, another example that backs up the claim is Boo Radley from ' To Kill a Mocking Bird' he is introduced as a rejected and isolated outsider and →

Political dynasties in the philippines

Tuazon, the director of policy studies in the Center for People Empowerment in Governance; " The concentration, expansion, and consolidation of political dynasties over the past 100 years attests to the continuing hegemony of feudal politics, the absence of any form of real democracy, and the continued powerlessness of a vast marginalized majority in the →

Advertising and sex assignment

I intend to use many examples of sex in advertising and various studies to show how this strategy is not only over used, but is improperly used and viewable to all consumers, including young children. It's a beautiful model in a swimsuit washing a car." The APT is very concerned about this matter considering this →

Kennewick man controversy

The ethical argument from the position of the Northwest Indian tribes to claim the remains is that harmonizing to their apprehension of NAGPRA jurisprudence they had " cultural affiliation" to the Kennewick Man, doing those folks responsible for the traditional religious and cultural attention of those remains - and moreover going their belongings. They had →

Good research paper on engineering ethics

It is the duty of an engineer to uphold the well-being of the public health, safety, and the welfare during the course of execution of the professional duties. PROFESSIONAL OBLIGATIONS: It is the obligation of an engineer to hold principal the well-being of the public- health, safety, and the welfare of the people in the →

Novel college essay

Dualism is most often discussed in context of religion and philosophy, but also can refer to moral dualism the conflict between good and evil, mind-body or mind-matter dualism Cartesian dualism or physical dualism the Chinese Yin and Yang From the psychological point of view, the characters in the novel can be seen as representatives of →

The application of orff music pedagogy education essay

The basic issue at present in China is entrenched pattern of music education that means the Chinese music experts and teachers do not accept the new concepts of music pedagogy, instead of that, they still employed the traditional music pedagogy owning to the personality of the Chinese. In the later part of this essay, I →

The columbian exchange

The Columbian Exchange is one of the most significant results of the Age of Exploration and the First Global Age. The " Columbian Exchange" a phrase coined by historian Alfred Crosby describes the interchange of plants, animals, and diseases between the Old World and the Americas following Columbus's arrival in the Caribbean in 1492.

The decentralization in canada politics essay

There are different forms of decentralization- decentralization, de-concentration, privatisation of devolved functions, interest group representation, establishment of paratstatals and quangos, and privatization of national functions.[1] Factors that pressure for decentralization includes: the replacement of appointment sub-national officials by elected ones, the owning and carrying out functions at the lower levels that they are more capable →

Pollution prevention assignment

The following is a table showing the possible outcome if people start to think about population and the environmental impact by cooperating with the policies and guidelines. The " more-developed countries roducereduce% of the world's hazardous wastes, and the United States is the largest producer." A change in the way the public thinks is the →

Concept of citizenship to a global view politics essay

Global citizenship aims at bringing the concept of citizenship to a global view.it is a term used to cover political, economic, environmental and social actions of global minded people, as well as communities on a global perspective. According to McIntosh, global citizenship is the ability to view oneself with regard to ones role in the →

Prevalence of refractive errors in school children

So on October 12, 2006, the WHO has revealed the magnitude of visually impaired people due to uncorrected errors of refraction to be 153 millions either blind or of low vision, with at least 13 million children Blindness is defined in terms of visual acuity as 3/60 in the better seeing eye and low vision →

The signalman by charles dickens – college

The opening of the story is straight to the point. However, the fate in this story is almost impossible for the reader to figure out until we reach the last section of the story.

Doctrine of constructive notice

Royal Charter: The issue of the charter was for the purpose of creating a legal existence for the entity, to permit it to either operate as a monopoly or to own land. It begins with the preparation of an application for incorporation that sets out the name of the proposed corporation, the address of the →

America and the world in the years to come

Sustainable energy strategies are essential at this point if there has to be a security in energy supply for America and the world in the years to come. The needs for energy and power in the time come forecasted to keep growing America and all developed and developing nations need now more than ever before →

Technical brief on cyber security

The issue with this scenario is that instead of the instructor taking necessary precautions to protect the student's data and other information relevant to the course, they have exposed valuable information to the public. As such, it is important to identify the characteristics of a potential attacker before attempting to exploit them and then to →

Single stage selective tendering

This is a good way of selecting a contractor as you can gather a wide range of input from the first two discussions; it also allows the client to meet all potential candidates allowing him to make a sensible decision. There are a number of different objectives you will set for yourself in the tendering →

Hematological values in young adults

Aims and objectives: The aim of this study is to measure the various hematological values in the young adult male and female subjects and then to compare their results. The relationship of white cell count, platelet count, and hematocrit to cigarette smoking in adolescents: the Oslo Youth Study.

The everglades americas wetland heritage

There are many natural wonders in the world such as the wilds of the Serengeti, the Tasmanian Wilderness, and the Rain Forests of the Amazon possessing the legacy we bequeath to our children. As the largest subtropical wilderness in the United States the Everglades ecosystem encompasses two million acres of marshlands and swamps beginning at →

A literary analysis of night

Although Wiesel uses tone as a depressant for the majority of the novel, he does also cleverly use it throughout the story to express the strength of his relationship with his father even in the face of hardship. This is the final line of the book, and leaves the reader with the everlasting image of →

Dante alighieri assignment

In this circle the gluttons have to lie in mud and are showered with excrement and filth. In the ninth circle Dante and Virgil are in the frozen lake of Cocytus.

Anaesthesia and associated infection: an unrecognized source

Preventive measures should be based on the likelihood of an infectious agent being present, the nature of the agent and possibility of dispersion. A microbiological study of contamination of the syringes used in anaesthesia practice.

Government regulation of corporate business assignment

The purpose of the act is to provide potential investors with sufficient information about the securities and the sure and to prohibit misrepresentation in the sale of securities. 413) The Securities Acts of 1934 The Act established the Securities and Exchange Commission and gives the SEC power to police the sale of securities in the →

Report to president on gun control legislation

As mentioned above, the persons who are in favor of the introduction of more gun-control laws claim that the laws that require waiting period as well as the background check of the persons who are willing to hold firearms can help in keeping these firearms away from the reach of criminals. However the basis of →

Product placement in movies as a marketing tool has many advantages assignment

Although some people argue that product placement has many negative effects on the consumer such as endorsement of tobacco and alcohol shown in the movie, there is strong evidence that product placement carries a big benefits such as increasing of sales of products and services, enlarging brand awareness of the products or services and attracting →

Advertising in a modern world marketing essay

The truth as most of the writer emphasis that the outcome of advertising is untrue and not realistic its success and failure is dependant on the products, the market and the aim of the advertising which makes e every scenario different from the other. The Strong theory argues that the consumer through advertising can be →

Features of oligopoly and case study hotel oligopolies economics essay

Market share As per the definition of Oligopoly says that it is a market with a small number of large players. Concentration ratio in hotel industry is high which proves the condition of Oligopoly among the industry.

history and development of stylistics essay sample

Verbal expression involved stylistic choices involving the choice of words, the ordering of those words, the collocation of words on the basis of their meanings, figures of speech, and the rhetorical devices at the level of sentences. In the 17th and 18th centuries, the novel emerged and the rhetorical devices became part of the style →

The impact of shrm on performance business essay

The metaphor of a tapestry is hence used to show the manner in which its significance is constructed from the interweaving and common influences of premises deducing from the basic perceptual, epistemic, philosophical and ideological places. The function of Human Resources, hence, becomes one of identifying and deriving senior direction committedness to a set of →

Solar tracking system essay sample

More energy is produced by tracking the solar panel to remain aligned to the sun at a right angle to the rays of light. This is programmed to detect the sunlight through the Light sensor and then actuate the motor to position the solar panel where it can receive maximum sunlight.

Exploration on consumer tribes

For instance, people in mix like the member of family; they share the passion and emotion. Therefore, people would share the experience in the Mix to other tribes' member, so the members of Mix are becoming more and more, like the " Snow Ball Effect".

Functionalism: a detailed look

However, in terms of applying the theory to the idea of Artificial Intelligence, and the prospect of machines being able to think, I will argue that the functionalist theory does not show that artificial intelligence is a plausible idea. The functionalist holds that mental states are translatable into functional states of the brain; however, functionalists →

Journal article review about sigmund freud

In Freud's interpretation of the theory he links it the development of the superego " which uses guilt to prevent continuation of incestuously oriented relationships." Taylor-Smither then relates this to Elizabeth in that her being unable to complete the process she constantly uses the said guilt as a way of remaining out of conjugal relationships. →

The declaration of independence on 1776

The introduction of the Declaration of Independence illustrates a broad picture to encourage the colonists to refute against Great Britain. Jefferson ensures to the colonists that by signing the Declaration of Independence, then the colonies would declare their freedom from Britain.

Whether history is an art or a science philosophy essay

In answering the question of whether history is an art or a science, the very nature of the subject is at stake. This is shown in the parentheses at the end of the definition, seeming to justify why the historical debate has continued over time; it believes that art is unable to co-exist with science →

Introduction an international organization that dwells in the

This strategy can be applied in various capacities incase one intends to advance and diversify the market of GM. In addition to increased marketing of GM's product and services, market penetrations can also boost the company's competitiveness in the market.

Business mission statement

The mission statement puts the vision into words and sets the tone for the business's goals. Impact of business objectives on team objectives and targets Business objectives are set at a strategic level to reflect the aims and mission statement of the organisation.

Baroque era assignment

It was a fad of sorts, the hip place o see and be seen, and sometimes since they were there, some people would even listen to the music. In either case, the 18th Century French were the first to use the term to describe the art and music of the previous generation, and what they →

is cultural diversity proving to be compatible with social unity? essay sample

70% of the poor in America are part of ethnic minorities, in a country where over half the population is white, and so a relatively rich white American will not be able to relate as well to the poor ' foreigners', who he sees as different, and be unwilling to sacrifice half his income for →

Ncsbn- post test a-l

Status of the eyes and the tongueA nurse from the mental health unit is reassigned to the pediatrics unit and will be caring for a child with asthma. Which assessment is critical for the nurse to include in the plan of care?

Commentary: obesity and weight gain in pregnancy and postpartum: an evidence review of lifestyle interventions to inform maternal and child health policies

The World Health Organization, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, the Australian Medical Association, the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council Obesity Translation Committee and the US Institute of Medicine, have unanimously called for targeted efforts to improve lifestyle behaviors during pregnancy to optimize gestational weight gain, prevent postpartum weight retention and improve →

Response: commentary: elimination of left-right reciprocal coupling in the adult lamprey spinal cord abolishes the generation of locomotor activity

A commentary on Commentary: Elimination of Left-Right Reciprocal Coupling in the Adult Lamprey Spinal Cord Abolishes the Generation of Locomotor Activity by Cangiano, L, and Grillner, S. Third, the previous commentary stated that in our study, the presence of rostral muscle burst activity prior to a more caudal spinal transection was not a convincing test →

University and study area assignment

The course is to demonstrate a general knowledge of the basic concepts in chemistry, and to prepare the student for Chemistry 1411. However, to synthesize the conclusion and discussion of your result in the report, you can use " Lab Report Assistant" that comes in the CD with the KC-I kit from Labial.

Ethics, case scenario assignment

Collins tells Roma that he has discussed the matter with the doctor and the speech therapist and is aware of the risks. Collins is that of a strong one and it is quite clear that despite the risks associated with Mr.

Pros and cons of crowdfunding essay

Retaining significant control of the business Unlike in selling of equity where the investor relinquishes power and control of the business to the shareholders, for the case of crowd funding control is maintained by the Entrepreneur. This would help to generate interest in the project and therefore the higher probability of funding being raised faster.

How important was the strength of opposition between 1933-37 to the new deal? essay sample

Though the Supreme Court removed the act on the grounds that it went against the constitution, it was also as a reminder to Roosevelt of the limits on his power. The ' Thunder on the Left' was the strong left-wing criticisms and alternatives to the New Deal that threatened Roosevelt, and affected his experiments moving →

Advantages and disadvantages of social capital

In this essay I explore advantages and disadvantages social capital, which relates to social networks, the people we trust and mutual exchange of favours, the main feature here being social networks as they can be valuable to both the individual and the community, allowing information to be shared as well as promoting individuals and communities →

Hunger games power of appearance

By carefully controlling the things she says and does, Katniss aims to present herself to the audience the way she wants them to percieve her. She aims to appear in love with Peeta in order to capture the hearts of the audience and the capital.

Pneumothorax: mechanical ventilation and medicine net essay sample

A pneumothorax is a collection of free air in the chest outside the lung that causes the lung to collapse".. Spontaneous pneumothorax is caused by a rupture of a cyst on the surface of the lung.

Levi’s is hiking up its pants essay

The immediate action that will be taken by Levi's is to educate all management in the areas of SWOT and deliver the new vision to the marketing team. This prevents the cultivation of talent and the introduction of fresh ideas.* The expansion of the casual clothing line Dockers and launch of dress clothing line Slates →

Editorial: unifying insights into the desiccation tolerance mechanisms of resurrection plants and seeds

In the light of this, we entitled the call for this follow up SI " Unifying Insights into the Desiccation Tolerance Mechanisms of Resurrection Plants and Seeds". In light of the universality of DT among plant taxa, and indeed variation among seeds in precise mechanisms of DT, the view that DT in angiosperms evolved through →

Father figures, reason, and gender roles in the playboy of the western world

Christy's motivation for doing so, explained in a noticeably more dramatic version of the tale later in the play, is to avoid an arranged marriage with the Widow Casey who is a woman significantly older and larger than Christy and ' of noted misbehaviour with the old and young'. As Christy and Old Mahon leave →

The systematic phonics case education essay

Harmonizing to Pearson, " Man-made phonics was the chief method of learning since the beginning of twentieth century, this type of learning comprises exercising of larning missive names, sounds of letters and after so intermixing of these ". The interviews conducted gave wide scope of future considerations to schools since students shared their likes and →

The complicity and explicability of mother courage

East Berliners in 1948, the date of Mother Courage and Her Children's first performance on German soil, likely needed no theatrical reminder of the atrociousness of war, the universal suffering of innocents, and the horrendousness of militant nationalism. The play's outcome suggests that in acting as a beneficiary of the war and profiting off corruption →

The politics of global energy security politics essay

Given example shows that in order to intensify the energy security, it is highly important to adopt national policy and strategic document to regulate energy sector as nowadays, energy accessibility is the primary part of the national security of any countries, especially to small states like Mongolia. As it has been discussed above, following the →

Russian literature

In the long run, Christianity marked the character of the Russian literature. Golden Age of Poetry The 19th century was probably the most fruitful period in the history of Russian literature.

Ambiguity of a written contract in australia

An objective approach must always be used in the interpretation of a commercial contract and the meaning of terms determined by what a reasonable businessperson would have understood those terms to mean if it was in the position of the parties at the time the contract was made.[1] The process of interpretation may require an →

Editorial: foot-and-mouth disease in swine

This research topic features nine studies supplementing the state-of-the-art of the knowledge on the pathogenesis and epidemiology of FMD in swine. The economics of foot and mouth disease.

The labour cost advantage and china

In 2006, the average wage of employees in primary industries was only 786 Yuan, which is a quarter of the average wage of employees working in financial services and one-fifth of those working in the computer industry. In 2007, the Banking & Insurance sector had an average wage of 50.

Pygmalion and the dissolution of class barriers

Through the transformation of Eliza Doolittle, Shaw reveals to the audience that amongst the ' draggletailed guttersnipe[s]' of the lower class, there lies hidden an intelligence, honesty and tenacity that exceeds the virtues of the upper class, and that the way in which they are treated by their apparent social betters is unjustified. However, Shaw's →

Conflict resolutions, cultrual differences assignment

The two sides of the conflict were the supporters Of the Western government model and the Old, Chinese model." The people who had fought for the old regimen were not punished but invited to join the new government." The Western supporters won, but the supporters of the traditional, Chinese model maintained their respect and dignity; →

Nuclear a large share of the world’s

Nuclear power hasbeen a great advance in the field of electrical production in the last fiftyyears, with it's clean, efficient and cheap production, it has gained a largeshare of the world's power supply. The engineers performed a standard teston the turbo generators At 1: 20amthe operator turned off the emergency cooling system." The sharp temperatureincrease →

Social work and law

It must be noted, however, that despite similarity in the issues presented in this case and in the case of Addington, in the case at bar, the Court focused more on the interest of the parents and their ability to decide what is best for the safety and benefit of their child. In overturning the →

Menu analysis

With a casual formal dress code and thorough table service the restaurant caters to the higher end of the market with options of both table d'hote and an a la cart menus. The menu is also the key element in producing a profitable restaurant and therefore precise and extensive planning is necessary to ensure the →

Drug abuse in malaysia statistics

14% For the month of January to July 2008, statistics show that ethnic Malays are the largest number of drug abusers which is 5992 people, this is because of ethnic Malays are the largest number of population in Malaysia, when the number of population is increase, the drug abusers will also increase greatly. Besides that, →

Creative thinking and research skills essay examples

The world is different than it used to be; today, in the industrialized world, all the information an individual could possibly need is available at the click of a button. It is common for people to draw distinctions between the artist and the scientist, or between the poet and the mathematician, the artist and the →

Similarities in competition between real world and markstrat marketing essay

According to analysts, there is a firm correlation the standard of living of a nation and its usage of soap and detergent products. For surviving in the coming years, the company needs to take a lot of steps in developing the products by doing research and analysis, introducing innovations and new technologies, producing different varieties →

Quality management of aviation companies

The manuals are what make up the basis of the organisation and are meant to detail all the aspects of the organisation. For the airline to be effective in terms of performance and competitiveness, it requires a set of organised compliance and maintenance rules that allow the competitive nature of the organisation to be brought →

Top shop marketing mix

They include being nominated as a 'Cool BrandLeader' in 2002 and 2001 to 'The most glamorous place to shop on the High Street' from Glamour and a 'Best Stores in the World 2003' Award from The Face. Initially the menswear chain Burton was the company's principal brand, but the launch of Topshop in the 1960s →

Treatment of paediatric acute pain

Combined with the fact that pain is the most common symptom in the emergency setting, it is fundamental that we understand and improve the care for all patients in pain. The study found that there was no significant difference between the effect of intranasal fentanyl and intravenous morphine sulphate in pain reduction.

Simultaneous rites of passage for mother and son

From associating her objective observations of her son's male friends with the memory of giving birth to her son and observing that his hands are as " thin and cool as the day they guided him out of [her]," Olds displays the obstacle to come to terms with the images presented before her, which is →

Smartphonrs hurting the younger generation essay sample

A lot of people spend majority of their time texting, on social media, or playing games on their phones while there is a whole room full of people to talk to and things to do that are well worth their time. The mix of emotions and fear along with access to smartphones is a concoction →

Environmental law essay sample

This paper seeks to analyze the various laws pertaining to protection of the environment during conflict and the role of various international organizations in formulating and enforcing environmental law. It also discusses Israel's liability in the oil spill, inefficacy of the international law and suggests the policy changes required to address the problem.

Factors affecting the stretching of springs and rubber bands essay sample

The "-" sign indicates that the direction of the spring force is in the direction opposite to the direction of the displacement. Thus, the force exerted by a spring is variable, specifically the greater distance it is stretched from equilibrium; the greater is the spring force attempting to restore the spring to its equilibrium position.

Poor leadership – james brudenell

A second outcome of the trial was that Lieutenant-Colonel James Brudenell was forced to resign his commission. It appears that when James was confronted with the stress of conflict he would revert to a free-child state.

The kelvin equation

The Kelvin equation relates the vapour pressure of a liquid to the effect of surface curvature i.e.a meniscus with radius. The vapour pressure of that over the droplet of water of radius r and inside a bubble in water at a specific temperature could be calculated using the Kelvin equation below.

The unemployment hawks in the united states

" The Fed's Unemployment Hawks" by Chris Isidore According to the article, it is the unemployment hawks in the United States, who are benefiting from the ongoing deliberations about the role of the Federal Reserve in stabilizing the US economy. According to Evans, the main focus of the Federal Reserve should be to reduce the →

Sox research paper

The most significant provision of the Act is the requirements in Section 404 the reporting on the effectiveness of internal controls over the financial reporting. It should also contain, an assessment at the end of the most recent fiscal year as to the effectiveness of internal controls and the procedures for financial reporting.

Conservative government welfare state: 1951-1964

The underlying consensus at the beginning of the 1950's, thanks to a growing sense of affluence, was that poverty was gradually being eliminated and levels of pre-war deprivation were something of the past that was reflected in a move towards fuller employment and the reallocation of resources directed towards the welfare state. On coming →

Entrepreneur interview assignment

Although not as famous or popular as the batik of Terengganu and Kelantan, Pahang batik has, nevertheless, thrived as a small industry in the periphery of the fame and popularity of the Terengganu and Kelantan batik. One of the most popular and famed Pahang batik producer in Kuantan is RM Batik, founded by the late →

Shit: figurative and literal meanings essay

An unspecified or collective occurrence of feces is generally shit or some shit; a single deposit of feces is sometimes a shit or a piece of shit, and to defecate is to shit, to take a shit and a new variant to leave a shit. To shoot the shit is to have a friendly but →

Hp final report

Enter HP: a company with an historic interest in mobile computing, tons of technical know-how, knowledge of design, a massive distribution infrastructure, lots of money, a strong brand, established relationships with both corporate technology buyers and consumers, and a marketing budget to push new products. HP has to have a device that is more attractively →

Meeting in the dark: solitude and union in d. h. lawrence’s “odour of chysanthemums” and “the horse-dealer’s daughter”

In the lives of the central characters, a precarious divorce from any true comprehension of mortality works to further complicate their confused isolation; each individual struggles mechanically in an obscure world, steeped in the burden of his " daily self", or appearing as Mabel does to Jack as a " small black figure moving in →

Ctlls – the principles and practices of assessment assignment

It can identify that a particular course is unsuitable for the learner, which is important to understand before the course begins to ensure a positive experience for the learner and to prevent withdrawals, which affects the institution's success rates. Formative assessment is the assessment for learning that happens as a natural part of the learning →

Relationship between personality and substance abuse

A person's environment and social environment can also be a factor in substance use and that person's personality. Personality and Substance Abuse The use and misuse of different substances is a huge problem in society.

Coca cola entering chinas market marketing essay

Human Resources: Coca-Cola Company is not one in the same as the Coca-Cola bottlers, which are the majority of the whole business model. Conclusion: Overall, Coca-Cola has been and for a long time will be a very successful company in China and the rest of the world.

The reciprocating pump engineering essay

The mechanical energy is been converted in to the pressure energy and takes place due to the suction of the liquid into the cylinder in which the piston is having a reciprocating motion. It is been known so as in the particular design the pump rod is a direct extension of the piston rod in →