9 Pages Essay Samples

Burberry market position and competitor analysis

Burberry has received awards for the Contemporary Design Collection of the Year and the Classic Design Collection of the Year. Changing the name from Burberry's to Burberry and a contemporary logo and packaging was introduced.

Examining the explanation for juvenile delinquency criminology essay

Researchers agree that family plays a large part in delinquency; thus understanding how the family and how the juvenile within the family works gets to the core of delinquency. Among social circumstances which have a hand in determining the future of an individual, I suggest that out of the many environmental factors researchers have developed →

Digital communication in business

The fundamentals of digital communication is stated as " in a digital communications system, data is transmitted from one location to another by mapping bit sequences to symbols, and symbols to sample functions of analog waveforms The analog waveform passes through a band limited analog channel, where the signal is distorted and noise is added. →

Tok essay

Christianity and Judaism are the other religions in practice, but the non-Muslim population declined in the early 2000s.[1][2][3][4]Turkey is officially a secular state with no official religion since the constitutional amendment in 1924 and later strengthened in the Kemalist Ideology, alongside the Ataturks reforms and the appliance of laicite by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk at the →

Basic principles of japanese management management essay

In order for employees and employers to perform together as a successful and productive unit, the employees must understand how they might fit into the overall management system alongside the supervisors and managers who must have a clear understanding of how they can maximize the outcome of productivity by supporting and improving their employees through →

Boeing case study

Origins of the EWE Project In 2003 the Boeing Company stated plans to build and sell a new, " super-efficient" commercial Jet called the EWE, also known as the " Adrenaline". Boeing Integrated Defense Systems is a unit of The Boeing Company and is responsible for the defense and aerospace products and services.

Commentary: the ethics of realism in virtual and augmented reality

There are many questions arising in regard to the regulation of XR applications and XR research from the perspective of drug consumption. As important and relevant the investigation of the influence of drugs on XR is, there is to date very limited work published in this area.

A literary text needs to be understood in relation to its historical context essay sample

This literary movement believes that historical context is key when interpreting a text:" For new historicism and cultural materialism the object of study is not the text and its context, not literature and its history, but rather literature in history". A historicist critic believes that the best way to interpret these issues is to place →

Major discoveries in modern biology

Many discoveries are emerged in this area and the focus of this paper is on major discoveries of modern biology in the field of DNA, biotechnology and cell biology. Cell biology is the investigation ofcellstructure and function, and it rotates around the idea that thecellis the essential unit of life.

The term burden of proof law general essay

On the part of judicial deference, it is necessary to consider the will of the courts and the will of parliament. One example is a theory made by Paul Roberts[5]whom was of the opinion that by having the burden on the prosecution it would 'lawfully sanction the power of the state to intervene in the →

Economic importance of nigeria to west africa

India's strength and capability in the realm of Information Technology sector can be used by Indian IT firms to explore the opportunities in IT sector in Nigeria. Energy deficit in Nigeria which is a direct result of irregular and limited investment is a serious challenge for the overall development of the nation as it has →

Federalist paper #10, 47, 51 (summary, analysis, & key points)

Before the first Congress, Madison said on June 17, 1789, that the principle of the separation of powers " is to be found in the political writings of the most celebrated civilians and is everywhere held as essential to the preservation of liberty; and if in any case they are blended, it is in order →

Affirmative action debate and economics

Yuching Lin ECON 395 The Affirmative Action Debate Affirmative Action has recently become the center of a major public debate in the United States, which has led to the emergence of numerous studies on its efficiency, costs, and benefits. Nevertheless, there is much to learn from the research that has been conducted as of present, →

The history of the inuit people

Over the years, the Inuit have been able to adapt to the cold and harsh Arctic climate, allowing them to have a unique lifestyle. Later in the 1700's, the Inuit that lived in Alaska faced the arrival of the Russians and a few Europeans.

Accessibility of centres to the road networks: lagos island

THE ACCESSIBILITY OF CENTRES TO THE ROAD NETWORKS: THE CASE OF LAGOS ISLAND, NIGERIA Mr.A.O. They attributed the larger catchment areas to urban schools to travel distance to school and to population of urban centres.[Bardi also investigated the relationship between growth of road network and accessibility of urban centres in Bendel State, while Abumere tried →

Comparison: emeror nero and atreus essay

A Comparison of Madness: The Emperor Nero and the Character of Atreus Introduction It is certain that the characterization by Seneca of Atreus in his tragedy entitled the Thyestes is influenced by Nero and the close relationship Seneca had with the emperor. The Character of Atreus The character of Atreus was, in the Greek tradition, →

Effect of obesity on children

Therefore, the aim of this study aims to estimate abdominal and total fat among Jordanian adolescents and its relation to blood pressure. Relation of trunk, waist circumferences and visceral fat with blood pressure were considered predictor indicators in children and adolescents for cardiovascular mortality.


When a change is introduced, criticism is bound to be there, irrespective of whether the change is for better or not. If you learn to expect and accept criticism, you are far more likely to remain in control when you are criticized.

Women’s education in rural africa: the case of ghana

Women's Education in Rural Africa: The Case of Ghana A woman's right to formal education is defended absolutely in international law, however in developing parts of the world, many women still lack access to even the most basic of education. In this essay, I will attempt to explain why there is such disparity between the →

Role of international institutions: effects of globalisation

Intensity: the " growing magnitude and concentration of interconnectedness and flows of trade, investment, finance, migration, culture, etc" Velocity: " speeding up of global interactions and processes, as the evolution of world-wide systems of transport and communication increases the velocity of the diffusion of ideas, goods, information, capital, and people". The role of international institutions →

Problematic discourses: sexual violence and women press correspondents essay sample

By conducting an in-depth analysis of two of the most controversial and salient examples of online mass media content as well as the discussions that emerged within the comment boxes, I illustrate how the popular social and media discourses about sexual violence towards women and the sexual division of labour were simultaneously challenged and sustained. →

Business law – 4 steps process assignment essay sample

It must be identical with the offer and communicated to the offeror by the person to whom the offer was made. It is, when the parties intend to have the acceptance communicated by post, the offer will be accepted at the time a properly addressed and stamped letter is given to the post office, and →

Nescafe brand: an analysis

The strategy of the Nestle is guided by several fundamental principles: Innovation and renovation are the basis for the growth of the product balancing the geographic activities and product lines Never sacrificed long term potential, for the short term performance Regardless of the geographical barriers, Nestle's priority is to bring the best and most relevant →

The relevant motivation theory commerce essay

It is this combination of culture and leadership that, according to Peters and Waterman, differentiates the ' best-run companies' from the also-rans. For Marx and those influenced by his thought the problem of motivation needs to be understood on a wider canvas.

Financial and market analysis of premium economy business commerce essay

With the prosperous economic development and the increasing demand in air travel, the idea of premium economy is introduced and it is now being widely accepted by the airline industry. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the current performance outcomes and the market potential of premium economy business.

Glass menagerie dysfunctional family essay sample

Laura, who is the fragile one, represents the hopelessness and absurdity of the society, and smashes the charms of the idealist. Because of the heavily autobiographical nature of The Glass Menagerie, the first volume of Lyle Leverich's authorized biography, Tom: The Unknown Tennessee Williams, might almost be said to be as much the story of →

Del monte foods company

The leaders of the company should ensure that the needs of the stakeholders, be it investors, employees or consumers, are met. Although the company is faced by challenges in organizational leadership in ensuring that the needs of its stakeholders are met, there are ways that leaders of the company may put in place to come →

Pathology arises out fo the ex

Existentialism is the title of a set of philosophical ideas that emphasise the existence of the human being, the lack of meaning and purpose in life and the solitude of human existence. In this essay I will give a brief outline of the history of existential thinkers, then discuss how the existential challenge emphasises one's →

Historical background of the company milkpak

In line with this objective, Nestle Milkpak envisions to grow in the shortest possible time into the number one food company in Pakistan with the unique ability to meet the needs of consumers of every age group from infancy to old age, for nutrition and pleasure, through development of a large variety of food categories →

Women in “the awakening” essay sample

Edna failed to realize that one of her children was sick, even though part of her motherly role is to guarantee the children's fitness and cheerfulness. Her function in the marriage is to keep her husband satisfied, and his, is to make available for her and the children.

The purpose of theory in international relations philosophy essay

Robert Cox's ideas on the purpose of theory in International Relations, is not a search to find the truth but it is a tool to understand the world as it is, and to change it through the power of critique. The other kind of theory is the critical theory, and the purpose is to become →

Implications of the policy ineffectiveness proposition economics essay

This in turn implies that the sacrifice ratio, which is basically the loss in output for a reduction in inflation by one percentage point, should be equal to zero. In this literature, the costless disinflation result extends to a world of staggered wage contracts with forward-looking expectations.

A comparison of japan’s butoh dance and ireland’s riverdance essay sample

Rejecting the existing dance styles of the West and those of his native Japan, and equally uninterested in ordinary movement, Hijikata attempted to create a dance of ritualistic quality that would transform the human body and mind. The chicken symbolizes the sexual and the sacred, the phallic and the sacrificial.

Design of a pipe climbing robot engineering essay

These robots consist of mainly two mechanisms, one to power the robot to move and the other to grip the surface of the structure. The compression springs tends to expand the arms, if the outer arm reaches the surface, it exerts a force normal to the contact of surface thus proving the traction for gripping →

International trade and investment concepts

The answer of the question " Will you buy a house in new few years, what will be the cost of the house?" will give us the idea of the housing market of that period of time. The trade-off will occur and the questions will be raised and to be answered for allocation of the →

The impact of ict on records management

Oliver sees ICT as the science that investigates the properties and behaviour of information, the force governing the flow of information and the means of processing information for optimum accessibility and usability. The ultimate aim of both record management and ICT is to support, protect and enable the business of the organisation in a cost-effective →

International trade theories assignment

In An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, Smith attacked the intellectual basis of mercantilism and demonstrated that mercantilism actually weakens a country. The Heckscher-Ohlin theory presents the issue that international and interregional differences in production costs occur because of the differences in the supply of production factors.

Counseling theories

It is important for the counselor to know the advantages and disadvantages of the theories that they are using where they can use it flexibly and discriminatingly. The counselor strives to be empathic with the client and hopes to see the world as the client does.

Graphic design

Before the mass production of goods in the Industrial Revolution, graphic designs were primarily involved with the practice of designing, Illustrating, and printing books, which brings us to one of the most Important revolutions of our time, the invention of movable type and the printing press. The overall history and progression of movements Is far →

Gender disadvantages in education education essay

These showed that the spread between male and female attainment was widening in the favor of females in humanistic disciplines and humanistic disciplines topics, and in the scientific disciplines the traditional advantage of males over females was contracting. The reading that male childs are falling behind suggests that it is non merely that females are →

Introduction to me when i started college. i

Even if house music is quite old, it managed to remain a very important genre and is still in the process of evolution. It is safe to say that house music is still going to be a very important genre in the future and an important base for new types of styles and genres.

The pervasive influences that drive change

The concept of organizational change is in regard to organization-wide change, as opposed to smaller changes such as adding a new person, modifying a program. In that case of group change, he argued that, interventions such as sensitivity training, survey feedback and process consultation are some of strategies the management can use if it targets →

Disraelis’ reputaion and promises

The Labour Legislation and the amendment of the Conspiracy and Protection of Property Act in 1875 were other legislations that lived up to the promises of Disraeli, because they both attempted to change the law in order to make it more fair and even for the workers so that they could negotiate on equal grounds →

Aspects for a post-brexit trade deal

Brexit, the abbreviation of the two wordsBritain and Exit, is the result of the June 23 rd referendum in 2016 which decided the fate of Britain and its position to leave the Economic and political union the European union. The unexpected result led to the sudden turmoil and uncertainty of the future of Britain and →

Case study on dell computer corporation

To talk about Dell or origin of the Incorporation, the concept of the company was developed and founded by Michael Dell in 1984 as in the name of PCs limited. Dell is chasing the diversification strategy by developing a lot of new products to its range.

Hnc management – leadership at work outcome 1 flashcard

Managers set targets and goals and monitor the outcome whereas Leaders develop and motivate staff to achieve the targets and goals set. It is then up to the Team Leader to ensure their staff are aware what is expected of them and ensure the team commit to the job in order to achieve the overall →

The east indian presence

But the person who owns the name has absolutely nothing to do with the Scottish, This Is a common scenario for the many that Inhabit the small Island of Trinidad and Tobago. They were accused of being lethargic and detrimental to the country despite their contributions to the economy of the Pacific Coast.

Case study: the ford pinto

This is exemplified by the company's refusal to use in a new design in the production of the car despite their accessibility in favor of the unethical design. This regulation covers the terms of supplying of goods to the market and services.

Mandatory sentencing

One example used by Walker is that of the mandatory sentencing programs so near and dear to the hearts of law-and-order conservatives. The fragmentation of sentencing and corrections in America.

The manufacturing sector in malaysia

Since the 70s, the government as well as economic diversification has emphasized a more rapid growth of the industry to meet the requirements of the job and the New Economic Policy. Although overall industrial development of the country in the years of the 60s, 70s and early 80s is satisfactory but a lot of problems →

Haematopoiesis located in bone marrow section biology essay

Haemopoiesis also known as haematopoiesis located in bone marrow section of an adults and lymphatic tissue is the process of production of blood cells and platelets which continues throughout life, replacing aged cells which are removed from the circulation by which immature precursor cells expand to mature blood cells. Leucocytes is a conditions of an →

The importance of place in “the red room”

Go through that and down the long corridor to the end, and the red room is on your left up the steps.tension and anticipation is being added, as it starts to mirror the rhyme " In a dark, dark house, there is a dark, dark." we read as a child. It is here that the →

Literature review: medical research on schizophrenia

This study was carried out during 20 different studies in Western Europe and at the end of it Gattaz came to the conclusion that the longer a person living in that kind of environment is exposed to urban residence the higher their risk of developing schizophrenia was. However during this investigation one of the major →

Joseph stalin’s great terror

Robert Gellately, who wrote Lenin, Stalin and Hitler' argued that economic policies influencing the famine and the peasants who were starving and potentially could have begun an uprising against Stalin due to the lack of grain and the forceful nature of the collectivisation being implemented in farms and on the peasants in the Soviet Union.J. →

An aspects of discharge planning nursing essay

It will examine the characteristics of COPD at end of stage in the first section, because this is what Mr Smith suffers from and will therefore determine the discharge package of care to be used for him. At this point, it should be kept in mind that Mr Smith is the first person to be →

Enhancing reading comprehension skills

When a person begins to read, the brain is using its understanding of individual sounds in language, phonics and the ability to construct a meaning from what you are reading, which is the essentially the end result: comprehension. Reading comprehension is the ability to read text, process it and understand its meaning.

Bad tristan and jolly good king mark

A pattern emerges in which Broul repeatedly reveals Tristan's inefficacy to the reader, but because the other characters in the text do not see Tristan's flaws, he remains the hero. They have no knowledge of who actually committed the murder, but because the baron is identified only in relation to Tristan, Tristan becomes the one →

The buddhist no self doctrine philosophy essay

There is no difference between you and your life: you are your life history.thoughts were the thinker and experiences were the experiencer The Buddha taught Ksanika-vada which is an anti-substantial doctrine that the world is in a continuous flux and is impermanent. Everything that we experience is a result of a cause and the nature →

Analysis of dutch lady milk industries berhad finance essay

The name of the company was changed from Pacific Milk Industries Berhad to Dutch Baby Milk Industries Berhad in the hope to avoid the confusion in the trade and marketplace surrounding the name of the company. In the same year Dutch Lady had the production of pasteurized milk in their production.

Advanced strategic thinking; how to apply chaos and complexity theories in strategy? essay

Chandler, Jr: " Strategy can be defined as the determination of the basic long-term goals and objectives of an enterprise, and the adoption of courses of action and the allocation of resources necessary for carrying out those goals". To complement this definition, Johnson and Scholes define it as follows: " Strategy is the direction and →

Mental disorders and crime

The USA is said to have the highest incidence of people diagnosed with mental health problems in the developed world. The leading cause of mental disability in most of the developed world, such as the US, the UK and Canada is major depressive disorder, mostly effecting adolescents.

Life on the arabian peninsula

The coastal plain is surrounded by the Red Sea, the Arabian Sea, and the Persian Gulf. The mountain ranges line the western edge of the Arabian Peninsula.

The assessment of a breathless patient

The patient, who the author will refer to as Mr Tom, has given his permission to use details of his condition and treatment. To the relief of Mr Tom and the author there were no significant changes in Mr Tom's ECG.

Introduction to the footballer wayne rooney history essay

In his First game he scored the winner against FC Arsenol through which he was the youngest goelscorer in the Premiership. His first trophy with United came in the 2006 League Cup, and he was also named man of the match after scoring twice in United's 4-0 win over Wigan Athletic in the final.

Financial ratio analysis essay

Similarly, the return on assets also initially increased and later declined in 2009; the decline was sharper compared to the decline in ROE as the ROA in 2009 of 1. The decline in the operating profit margins of HHL is largely attributed to the increase in costs associated with the expansion of the business.

An essay about orbits communications essay

The closest orbit of satellite around the Earth is called " perigee" and farthest orbit called " apogee". It is the speed of an object to break free from the gravity of the planet and enters into a certain orbit.

Editorial: high-level adaptation and aftereffects

Editorial on the Research Topic High-Level Adaptation and Aftereffects Adaptation, in sensory and perceptual science, refers to the action of a prolonged exposure of a receiver to an environmental stimulus. A general interpretation of aftereffects following adaptation of low-level vision is related to the phenomenon of neural adaptation, which is an extension of sensory receptor →

Woman warrior: an exploration on invincibility in the life of jesmyn ward

While many of the characters in the autobiography are devastated by the effects of drugs, Ward remains relatively unaffected, representing her overall disengagement with the racism that the other characters in the novel must face. In her memoir, Men We Reaped, although Ward often portends that the specter of systemic racism present in the novel →

How important are professional foreign correspondents today?

In addition to these influences, this essay seeks to deliberate ethical considerations, like the representation of marginalised communities, race and distant suffering, in order to conclude the importance of the foreign correspondents now. Foreign correspondents in a modern world: The past, present and possible future of global journalism.

Pfizer marketing strategy assignment

With this proposal we will explore the history of Pfizer, statistics demonstrating why the SASS campaign Is a social need for the community, a detailed plan of action, a proposed budget, and the benefits Pfizer will gain from this social responsible campaign. As a mean of promoting our products and contributing to the communities.

A. g. gardiner – on saying please essay sample

Invited to choose the name of a star as a pseudonym he chose the name of the brightest star in the constellation ' the Plough'. I can imagine that lift-man, denied the relief of throwing the author of his wound out of the lift, brooding over the insult by the hour, and visiting it on →

The balfour declaration:

For these reasons, the leaders of the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland with the additional help of Chaim Weizmann, they were able to receive a declaration stating specific land to the Jews. In the end, the Balfour Declaration could be said that it is the cause to the most enduring and explosive of →

Evolution of direct digital radiography (ddr)

This report will consist of the implications of evolution of DDR for both patients and members of staff; existing literature will review the progression following onto the recent developments within the technology. It removes the physical preparation of the exam of installing the grid and aligning to the completion of the exam with removal of →

Uk national minimum wage

The impact of the minimum wage on the UK economy will be investigated, and compared against the original goals of the minimum wage back in 1999. The principle argument against is that setting a NMW above the equilibrium point of the demand and supply curves in a competitive market will cause unemployment through an increase →

Ilab instructions essay

Double click on the diagram inside the orange box to select this template set, or click the " Create" button on the right side of the screen. Connect the other end of the relationship to the Orders entity in the same way.

An overview of tourist motivation tourism

Once the ends have been achieved the demand subsides and the single returns to the equilibrium-but merely briefly because new motivations arise as the last 1 is satisfied. Harmonizing to the ' push ' and ' pull ' construct, Crompton, push factors explains the desire for travel while the pull motivations have been used to →

Depression in early adolescence: contributions from relational aggression and variation in the oxytocin receptor gene

While there was no direct hypothesis in the article the researchers stated that their purpose was to examine whether a single nucleotide polymorphism in the oxytocin receptor gene would moderate the association between depression and relational aggression in youth. The journal article did not state a clear and direct hypothesis but it did state that →

Romeo and juliet, the hero and the soldier

Often love is presented as a positive emotion, however in the texts I have analysed I find love to be presented by the writers as the complete opposite; I actually find it to be a hindrance and a cause of great pain and negative feeling between the characters in the texts. I do not think →

India vs china essay

India being the next tree adjacent to the China in the forest of this world does not have such limit of family members, which contributes more population and makes India the most populated country in the world in a decade span. In spite of being a Socialist country, China started towards the liberalization of its →

Can leibniz satisfactorily account for contingency?

Since the publication of the Discourse, Leibniz's work has been subject to a barrage of philosophical criticism, the majority attempting to demonstrate the incompatibility of Leibniz's metaphysical principles with the desirable ideas of divine and human freedom and the contingency of some propositions. But it seems that this would eliminate the difference between contingent and →

Building customer loyalty through quality marketing essay

The thesis of this paper is the following: quality of the service is one of the main factors influencing on customers loyalty. The first stage of the research includes the definitions of the customer's loyalty and quality in tourism and hospitality industry.

First world consumerist role in third world sweatshops

This method of protesting sweatshops is not beneficial and the alleviation of sweatshops in Third World countries requires the cooperation of the workers and an intervening power. If any action should be taken to correct the use of sweatshops and the treatment of workers it should be to remove sweatshops from Third World countries and →

The jungle

6 Gives the main character a very bleak situation which allows the reader to see the punishments and how poorly they and families were treated Rhetorical question " He has no wit to trace back the social crime to its far sources-he could not say that it is the thing men have called " the →

Marketing mix assignment

StarHub wants to be ready today to support this anticipated trend," said Mr Chan Kin Hung, StarHub's Head of Products and Solutions." StarHub has extensively tested the compatibility of the microSIM card for the connection to its industry-leading mobile broadband network, and are excited to make available the product to our customers who constantly demand →

Delegation empowerment and team performance management essay

Thus concludes that the individual performance would ultimately influence the overall team performance.[Figure 1] In the report, I managed to spot that the empowerment would arouse the sense of obligation of finishing the task and also via the understanding the individual task significant would increase the self willingness to contribute positively towards the group work. →

Analysis of cost overruns originated in preconstruction phase in design-build projects

The main objective of construction management is the coordination of various construction tasks in order to successfully procure and deliver the project on time, in the budget and according to contract design-specification. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES This research will attempt to identify the root causes of cost overruns originated in the preconstruction phasein Design-Build projects.

Who does the republican party represent? essay sample

Since the Barry Goldwater conservative invasion of the 1960's, and the Reagan Revolution of the 1980's, the Republican Party espouses a basically conservative philosophy. BUSINESS AND CORPORATE INTERESTS A common and very serious complaint from the conservative grassroots is that the leadership pays little attention to the wants of the conservative base, which forms the →

Against concealed carry law

Turn on the news, the radio, read the newspaper, surf the internet and the topic of conceal carry will be discussed. Broadcast media sources were searched for recent broadcasts related to concealed carry and gun control, and for examples of recentgun violencewhere the assage of concealed carry was proposed as the solution to preventing future →

Nature in the old man and the sea: from transcendentalism to hemingway’s modernism

Throughout the novella, " The Old Man and the Sea", Santiago is constantly on the same existential plane as nature. Important to note is that, "...of all the Hemingway protagonists, Santiago is closest to nature feels himself a part of nature; he even believes he has hands and feet and a heart like the big →

Social justice

A socially just society is defined by its advocates and practioners as being based on the principles of equality and solidarity; this pedagogy also maintains that the socially just society both understands and values human rights, as well as recognizing the dignity of every human being.[1][2] The Constitution of the International Labour Organization affirms that →

Impact of ngos on food poverty

Hans Goder The Geopolitical of food is the human science that studies all the influences, the interactions, and flux that Food brings on earth on a global or local level. It is a really broad and imperative subject in a world constituted by 7 million mouths to feed. But in...

The raise of adult cancer rates

Some says that depression causes cancer while others explain the vice versa, cancer causes depression.in spite of the debates, we found that depression is to affect men and women equally in patients with cancer.II. It means that there is a safe and effective place to reduce depression in people with cancer: the positive thinking.

L’oreal swot analysis essay

The primary strength of the Company is the continuing research and innovation in the interest of beauty which assures that the L'Oreal Cosmetics offers the best to their consumers. Due to the many subdivisions of the Company, there is also the difficulty in the control of L'Oreal.

Developmental psychology; step parenting, is it for you? essay

The dynamics of the cohabitating stepfamily may mimic married stepfamilies in the way in which family roles are assumed and in the financial and emotional contributions that are made to the other partners children. As divorce rates among couples with children has stabilized over the years, the children of these divorced parents and of single-parents →