9 Pages Essay Samples

Anatomy and physiology

Review the structure of the cell and know the functions of each of the organelles.3. Review the structure of a muscle fiber.67.

Future approaches in drug treatment of alzheimer’s disease

This essay will review the currently approved and future approaches in drug treatment of Alzheimer's Disease, with a focus on the cholinergic, glutamate, and A hypotheses. Donepezil a major breakthrough in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.

Never back down methodology paper

Distraught at the outcome of the fight, Max comes to Jake's house to reopen the invitation to come train with his mentor Jean Roqua and learn Mixed Martial Arts. As a result, Jake declines to enter the Beat down, the stage where the final battle between Jake and Ryan was to occur.

Adventures of huckleberry finn dialectical journal essay sample

Huck decides he is going to do the " wrong" thin g and free Jim from slavery again. Even though Huck is not doing the " wrong" thing by freeing Jim, I like that he is conscience there is a right and wrong.

E-commerce chapter essay

E-commerce, in the popular sense, can be defined as: the use of the Internet and the Web to conduct business transactions. Universal standards: The technical standards of the Internet, and therefore of conducting e-commerce, are shared by all of the nations in the world.

Understanding the add and adhd

The limbic system which is a group of related nervous system structures located in the midbrain and linked to emotions and feelings then sends the messages to the frontal lobes. More recently, the way to diagnose ADD is the use of a PET scan, which measure the amount activity in the brain.

Functionalist perspective on social problems

Capitalism, the economic system which dominates the world today, is based on private ownership of the means of production and exploitation of the labour of the working-class. Therefore, poverty is studied on a macro level on the basis of the benefits it provides to society as a whole, rather than for the persons who are →

What we gain from machine learning studies in headache patients

In conjunction with progress in theories of the pathophysiology of primary headaches, the understanding of the mechanisms of action of acute and preventive treatments for migraine and cluster headache has evolved. In the future, the study of patients with different types of headache and patients with other chronic pain disorders using machine learning techniques might →

Editorial: molecular and cellular mechanisms in reproduction and early development

Editorial on the Research Topic Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms in Reproduction and Early Development The growth and division of gamete cells are prerequisites for successful fertility and have received increasing attention in research communities. In this issue of Frontiers, a comprehensive review addresses the importance of this in the male gamete and the changes that →

Management of pressure ulcers in elderly patients

Determining any other condition which an elderly patient may suffer from is important, because this needs to be considered in the patient's care plan and management of the Pressure ulcer as it could have direct impact on the healing of a pressure ulcer. Depending on the wound of the ulcer and the skin damage, often →

The history of old town white coffee

This corruption will hurt Old Town White Coffee and raise the costs of doing business in Vietnam. As mention earlier, the concept of Old Town White Coffee in Vietnam is selling coffee and food.

Heart of darkness

My purpose in this article is to evaluate the roles played by the women characters in Conrad's novel Heart of Darkness, and to show, contrary to the general view, that the women in the novel may and do serve to give more meaning to the text than they are supposed to do. The colonial adventures, →

Paternalism model of doctor- patient relationship

This model states that the doctor is the one in complete control, making all decisions on behalf of the patient, and the patient grants the doctor this responsibility, obeying any orders. What is crucial about this model is that it does not neglect the fact that there is an obvious difference in the degree of →

Strategic change and implementation of ibm

Gerstner helped IBM to turnaround as a dominating technology landscape player at the start of the current century, just as IBM was in most of the last century. The toughest challenge in the effort to change IBM's culture which Gerstner faced were the employees and management at IBM.

Long term effects of concussions in sports

Concussions in Sports and The complications Concussions may have on a Person This paper is going to discuss concussions in sports and the complications this may have on a person in later portions of life. Someone can be playing on the swings and falls off the swings and can receive a concussion if they hit →

In is an authority and direction of the

It is comparative chart of revenues and expenditures and over and above this it is an authority and direction of the competent authority given for the collection of revenues. Functions of the Budget Budget ensures the financial and legal accountability of the executive to the legislature.

Goals of linguistic essay

Approaching the issue The task of setting out the goals of a human activity may be approached in a variety of ways depending on conditions such as who is involved in the activity and who has the power to determine the goals. In such a discipline, there is a necessary interrelation between the elaboration of →

Introduction religion has occupied academic discourse in

The other tenet is to be seen in the mutation of religion in a post-modem society and the influence that religion espouses on other sectors of the society. Taylor notes that, with the advent of debates regarding the correlationship between culture, religion and the natural environment, with the analysis, assumption is based on the notion →

Corpus analysis on violence in video games

On checking the results, we see that different forms of the word are counted as different word types, eg ' game' and ' games' are different word types and are counted separately in the Word List. After applying the stoplist to our corpus, the number of word types is 11200 and the number of word →

Understanding a businesses operational goals in the market

9 Duties of Financial Hifin Strategik Management Consultant ' s end is to offer the quality of fiscal and revenue enhancement adviser services to the full clients. For the big concern is most frequently a fiscal analyst, reexamining the consequence of operations, construing the consequence, and showing information to direction.

Research paper helicobacter pylori

This bacterium is the human-adapted Helicobacter primarily found in the gastric mucosa and areas of gastric metaplasia in the duodenum and occasionally in Meckel's diverticulum and the rectum. In the latter instances, the viability of the bacteria is in question.H.pylori also have been found in nonhuman primates and cats.H.pylori detection in animals is not common →

Evaluation of a winters tale

I find at this stage that I should raise the tension to a high 9 and shout at Camillo due to the shortening of words used in the iambic pentameter and obvious inclinations in the language which would suggest that Leontes was getting considerably upset. At this point I was planning on breaking the plastic →

Media in jamaica analysis

The Media in the Country of Jamaica Cory Marshall Jamaica is the fifth largest island country in the Caribbean and is home to 2. However, in the 1970's and 1980's, the technology and ability to control the company and all of telecommunications in Jamaica became very difficult.

Andreia and the battle of thermopylae history essay

The clashing of swords, the scent of fear and desperation in the air and the looks of pure determination in the eyes of the Greek army are what I envisioned as I read about the Battle of Thermopylae. The story of the 300 can be looked at as both courageous and cowardly in the ways →

A review on communication and collaboration education essay

In unfolding the collaboration and communication practices, and skills that one would employ as a year level coordinator to boost collaborative planning timeline devotion and a combined collaborative focus on segregated learning for students with special needs, the following are the phases plus the communication and collaboration skills that would be very useful in this →

Aleatoric music of the 20th century music essay

Over the course of this paper, the reader will be able to discern that aleatoric music is a definitive musical genre.ii Aleatoric Music of the 20th Century: Compositions of John Cage An Art Form, Not Noise Introduction Aleatoric music refers to musical compositions where some aspect of the music is left to chance. THESIS: By →

Mother tongue – based multilingual education

With the demand of a high-quality education today, this research paper therefore aims to attain the following objectives: To discuss the purpose of Mother-tongue based multilingual education To state the nature and effects of Mother tongue To tackle as a form of comparing the advantage and disadvantages of MTB-MLE. In supporting the first language it →

Greasy spoon or five star media essay

In addition, five stars also will more curious about quality of food but also the neat and clean of the environment and cost of the food buy by five stars will be a standard price because they want gets good quality of food. Most of the cultures there have different religious and some of the →

Jamestown – a civilization that changed history

From the creation of the excellent government commonly known as the House of Burgesses to the creation of tobacco plantations in colonial America to the creation of ideas about slavery, the development of Jamestown proved to be one of the most influential events in history, affecting society in social, political, and economical aspects. It was →

New-onset nephrotic syndrome in a child associated with covid-19 infection

His mother presented with symptoms of chills, cough, and shortness of breath, and his father presented with symptoms of fever and congestion, leading to the diagnosis of COVID-19 infection. To our knowledge, this was the first case report of new-onset nephrotic syndrome reported in a pediatric patient associated with COVID-19 infection at the time of →

Prevention of adductor muscle contraction during turbt

Since Obturator nerve stimulation during resection of tumors is located in the inferior portion of the bladder and lateral wall of the urinary bladder would Increase the risk of bladder rupture. The obturator nerve block was done in two patients of the spinal anesthesia group due to severe adductor muscle jerking and severe underlying diseases.

Privatisation on life insurance corporation of india economics essay

The Development Officers were contacted to know their observations about the impact of privatization on their life insurance business and their views as how their life insurance business has been influenced by the opening of the sector. With the privatization of the insurance sector, efforts have been made by the government to regulate the business →

“the woman in black” and “the withered arm” essay sample

Thomas Hardy's " The Withered arm and Susan Hill's " The Woman in Black" are both texts set around the turn of the century and share the theme of women in society. Through these characters the writers help the audience to understand the roles of women in the early century and late 19th century by →

Educational theory of jean jacques rousseau education essay

He believed that people were noble savages, innocent, free, and uncorrupted by socioeconomic artificialities and the goal of his education is " to create learning environment that allow the children innate natural goodness to flourish which closely related to the nature that children experience". According to him the source of all social evils is to →

Brazil as a neo slave society history essay

The movie tries to trace the progression of slavery in the country from the 18th century times. The author presents the decrease of repression along with the entry of democracy, Catholic's church policies revamp, and Indian links to the land's promise as some of the contributors to the demographic upsurge.

International marketing investment strategy: a three-stage model

The complexity of the environment and the strategic nature of the decisions which need to be made in order for a firm to function competitively in that environment make it necessary to critically examine existing strategy models for their applicability in the international arena. The IMISM is intended to serve to guide the decision-maker toward →

Drivers for internationalization in aerospace management essay

The entry of big international players in the Chinese local market in recent years has shown that China is the new gold rush for global companies looking to expand their share of the market. The global grocery retailing industry is just one of the many business sectors that have come to China to make the →

Impact of global economic recession on oil industry economics essay

So they are a very important instrument for governments to mitigate the up-and-down oil price and the volatility of the energy sector. In other words, a hard CO2 price promotes investment and reduces the cyclicality of the industry.

Ballads essay sample

The first type of ballad is broadside, this type consists of topical or controversial issues and came about in the time of the industrial revolution. For example, in the ballad ' Tyburn Fair, the ballad of Ned Ludd' the topical issue is the industrial revolution.

The impact of reverse logistics in retail industry

Reverse logistics is the process which involves planning, implementing, cost effective flow of stocks and machinery, finished goods, in-process inventory and related information from the point of supplying to the point of final consumption. According to the Reverse Logistics Executive Council, reverse logistics is " the process of planning, implementing, and controlling the efficient, cost →

Palliative care: clinical experience

I chose this model of reflection because it is clear and cyclical model which allows the reflector to revisit the same problem and also to examine my practice which will help me to develop and improve in the future. Nurses can explain that the person is not alone in the experience as fatigue is an →

Case study ethics guide dialing for dollars marketing essay

In the case of " Dialing for Dollars", a salesperson finds himself in quandary when the sales forecasting system predicts quarterly sales to be " substantially under quota", prompting the salesperson's boss to suggest that the salesperson " start dialing for dollars. In the case of the company, the company's bottom line shows hearty sales →

Max weber sociology

The ultimate value and pursing of the goal is for its own sake and not because of the possibilities of success, ends are above calculation, for example, protestant asceticism encourages protestants to devote all their lives in the way of God this type of action is oriented in gaining salvation through self-denial and devoting ones →

George w bush and barack obama’s foreign policies

This essay will compare foreign policies of Bush to that of Obama and will weigh up their difference in many respects, compare Bush intervention on Iraq to that of Obama's intervention in Libya and will conclude that Obama engaged well with the outside world including the Muslim world. Neoconservatives has been one the most controversial →

The marxist critique of capitalism

In the eyes of Marx economic factors are based on the idea of exchange, and that exchange in capitalism takes form in the exchange of property. For Marx the relationship between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat is one of irreconcilable conflict, in that the proletariat is necessarily and systematically exploited under capitalism.

Transnational corporation motives

In this case, it is the techno-structure itself, defined as the number of managerial and control levels in the TNC, that determines the overall direction of the TNC, with limited influence from top managers and owners. The first is to coordinate and monitor the activities of the different aspects of the techno structure of the →

Illusion and disappointment in madame bovary

For example, a later attempt of Emma's to perfect her life is her encouraging Charles to operate on the clubfoot of Hippolyte, a stableboy at the local inn. For Homais and Emma to think the procedure has a chance of working is sheer fantasy, rooted in ambition for success." Emma had no reason to think →

Analysis of the apollo hospital’s business environment

Over the past 30 years, India's Apollo Hospitals has 37 hospitals distributed around the world, according to the introduction, in the total amount of the medical services market in India, Apollo Hospitals will occupy more than 50%.they not only became one of India's largest integrated healthcare group, but also to promote the success of the →

Abstract six buddhist realms. the realm that one

Life is permanent but death is the transition of a human soul to either one of the six Buddhist realms. The purpose of this paper is to explain the concept of death from the Buddhist point of view.

Differences in gender and education sociology

By being educated for the interest of household and society which needed educated female parents to bring forth knowing and responsible male citizens, it was expected by work forces and society that adult females were to hold kids, raise those kids, and to be the best housewife. They are taught to read, so, and possibly →

Marx, weber, and rousseau

That is why work is so important to the development of society, in addition to acquiring things in society. Rousseau makes a point in writings to analyze the role that personal property had on the development of human beings and as such, the development of modern society on the whole.

Potential role of metabolic intervention in the management of advanced differentiated thyroid cancer

As previously alluded to, the presence of GLUT1 receptors on BRAF and KRAS mutated cells promotes this prooxidant effect of vitamin C in cancer cells. In summary, promising outcomes of vitamin C described in the management of KRAS and BRAF mutated colorectal cancer cells opened a new insight into treating aDTC.

A global ppr network for field staff

The value of such networks for PPR control and eradication, as well as collaboration between laboratories in general, encouraged two meetings of the Global PPR Research Alliance after which the FAO and the World Organization for Animal Health established a Global Research and Expertise Network as an integral part of the PPR-Global Eradication Programme. The →

On the role of government in the development assignment

The day-to-day activities are like the actions of the participants in a game when they are playing it; the framework, like the rules of the game they play. These then are the basic roles of government in a free society: to provide a means whereby we can modify the rules, to mediate differences among us →

The era of british romanticism essay sample

Romanticism was a reaction against the order and restraint of classicism and neoclassicism, and a rejection of the rationalism which characterized the Enlightenment. Many of the libertarian and abolitionist movements of the late 18th and early 19th centuries were given rise by the romantic philosophy the desire to be free of convention and tyranny, and →

The criticality of retaining skilled employees management essay

Purpose of the report: The report is intended to analyse the key factors involved in employee retention and also focus of the measures to be taken up by the employer for reducing the attrition rate of skilled workers. The summary of the report discusses about the means and ways the employer can practice to hold →

Crafts, trades and smes need better access to finance

Higher risk awareness in the credit sector, a stronger focus on profitability and the ongoing restructuring in the finance sector change the framework for SME finance and influence the accessibility of SMEs to finance. The most important changes are? in order to make the higher risk awareness operational, the credit sector introduces new rating systems →

Major concepts of training development and learning

I have linked the whole report with the major concepts of training, development and learning while the consequent paragraphs have been elaborated on the facts and information availed and presented in the initial stages and thus all important and relevant elements have been woven the way that give an apparent picture of the chief concepts →

Socioeconomic status inequality and smoking

This essay will consider inequalities in smoking-related health issues, the influences of socioeconomic status [SES], and various measures of SES and health. Health inequalities are differences in the distribution of health determinants between individuals or groups in the population.

Critique of person centred approach and psychoanalytical theory

Use of client centred therapy, as opposed to the continued use of its popular predecessor, became desirable not only due its effectiveness in helping to deal with the problems of patients, but also due to economic factors; in treating the psychologically scarred veterans of World War II it was recognised that Psychodynamic therapy was neither →

Is income per capita the best measure of human welfare?

It is the development of human welfare that is at the core of the working of various development organizations including the UN and the World Bank. The market exchange rate measures GDP at the local exchange rate of the economy vis-a-vis the US dollar and the PPP, calculates the ratio of domestic expenditures on goods →

The global leadership of carlos ghosn at nissan

A decisive factor to the successful turnaround of Nissan was that Carlos Ghosn's was the right man for the job, since he was able to do things the right way and with the right approach. Some of the underlying causes of the resistance are fear of the unknown, fear of poor outcomes and fear of →

The beauty myth: how images of beauty are used against women

One of the pioneers of the liberal feminism movement, Naomi Wolf described in the book her viewing of the women's role in modern society and how females are oppressed with beauty impositions in the modern society. Naomi Wolf claims that all the beauty standards that are vigorously promoted by the modern mass media and different →

Mental development of children with down syndrome

The group comprised of adolescents with Down syndrome generating outcomes consisting of a 50% failure in development throughout the preoperational stage measure against the group of children without the disability. Adolescents affected by Down syndrome occasionally require the development of a connection in diverse ways compared to unaffected children.

Essay on project report

Specification: The specifications for this research project are as following: Objective: To find out the best quality control tool from the seven basic tools for quality in the context of various sector of manufacturing business. 3: Recommendations: For controlling the quality in manufacturing of in food and beverage, control chart will be best tool.

Integrated marketing communication plan for herbal fit marketing essay

Thus, there is a demand of ready-to-drink healthy drink in the market. In the market, there is a lot of healthy ready-to-drink product, it of them have its special functions.

Can franco be described as a truly fascist dictator?

The main themes which will be assessed are Franco's rise to power, Franco's style of rule, Franco's social policy, Franco's economic policy and Franco's foreign policy. Overall it is clear to see that Franco implemented an authoritarian form of government and adhered to the concept of 'anti isms' which are both key components of a →

The reign of terror in the french revolution

The Reign of Terror was not the course of the aberration itself, but was rather the effect of the symbolic conflict between the Revolution and Ancien Regime. In explicating the relationship among reign of terror, violence, and the Revolution, it could be stated that the chain started with the aberration of the Revolution in which →

Human resources management in organisational context business essay

The construction is as follows: A brief background to the administration; specifying what is meant by STEEPLE and how it is utilized; look at each portion of the theoretical account and associate how this may impact the concern and eventually to come to a decision as to what the chief job countries for the company →

The tendency of sedition is to incite

The objects of sedition generally are to induce discontent and insurrection, and to stir up opposition to the Government and bring the administration of justice into contempt, and the very tendency of sedition is to incite the people into insurrection and rebellion. Any act within the meaning of Section 124A which has the effect of →

The title is “the cold war” assignment

It is widely accepted that the intense rivalry of the Cold War begun in the years to follow World War II, more precisely the aftermath of the Yalta Conference. The ambitions of the North and the Soviets were very clear, if Korea was to be united, it would in a way the Soviets see fit.

The global business environment analysis

Rather, Porter proposed that management must select a competitive strategy that will give its unit a distinct advantage by capitalizing the strength of the organization and the industry it is in. In the near future, market makers will look first to the quality of a company's talent and talent management as the keys to their →

Comment on the positive function and dysfunction of social policy in hong kong. assignment

It aims to allow elderly to gain access to health care services in the private sector with subsidy and hence minimize the number of patients on the waiting list in the public sector. In Hong Kong, Education Bureau's Vision is to provide quality school education for our students to develop their potential to the full →

Prevention of catheter associated urinary tract infections

For this qualitative study, the concept was to understand the experience of hospitals implementing the Bladder Bundle program. At the time of the study survey, 54 of the 103 responding hospitals in the state of Michigan were implementing the Bladder Bundle and served as the sampling frame for the qualitative phases of the study.

Amul supply chain management

The distinctive features of this paradigm involves managing a large decentralized network of suppliers and producers, simultaneous development of markets and suppliers, lean and efficient supply chain, and breakthrough leadership. GCMMF ensures that the product mix and the sequence in which Amul introduces its products is consistent with the core philosophy of providing milk at →

Business plan for a water bottling plant

Its operations will run throughout the subcontinent of India and will be one of the leading bottled water supplying companies of India. The name of our product itself says that we have the organization which is the manufacturer of the Mineral Water Bottles." The fountain of all life".

Promotional objectives- cadbury’s

For my assignment the company I have chosen to investigate is Cadbury's, I am going to talk the aims and objectives of Cadbury's and how they are presently developing with their company. Cadbury's main aim is to improve their customer service in order to improve the customer service for the Cadbury's Dairy Milk bar, Cadbury's →

How to crack pre-registration: toward transparent and open science

For example, the practice of hypothesizing after the results are known involves the reconstruction of hypotheses and stories after results have been obtained and thereby promotes the retrospective fabrication of favorable hypotheses. Pre-registration is a remedy for this problem that involves the submission of research papers for which experimental and analytical methods, including researchers' motivation →

Physics case study – do sunbeds cause skin cancer essay sample

The basal cell layer, is the deepest of all the layers in the epidermis, it is here that cells continually divide, supported by blood vessels in the dermis, producing millions of new skin cells every day. Melanoma is the most serious type of skin cancer; around 7000 people a year are diagnosed with it in →

Human agency and divine providence: conflicting worldviews and perspectives on identity in shakespeare’s richard iii

He challenges the notion of divine providence and attempts to take on the role of fate itself, predetermining the death and destruction of others and creating his own history. While Richard is confined to the scope of his own play, Margaret's sense of the bigger picture allows her to prophesize on the fates of the →

Strategies of pressure groups

Pressure groups are divided into the following sub-groups: Causal groups, Sectional groups and also how close they are to the government known as either Insider or Outsider groups. Sectional groups represent and further the interests of a particular part of society and as a result the members of these groups are more directly concerned with →

Advanced counselling skills essay sample

Any disclosure in client's confidences should be undertaken in ways that best protect the client's trust and respects client autonomy Time Boundaries During the opening of the session I informed the client that it was a 50 minute session and that I would give a 10 minute warning that we would then be coming to →

Illicit drugs in australia and problems caused criminology essay

The results of this research have opened our eyes to the direct link and the magnitude of the illicit drug problem. In short, the main aim of prohibition of drugs is to implement legislation and laws as a common means of attempting to control drug use.

Understanding the human resource analytics model commerce essay

Human Resource is defined as the division of the organization that deals with recruitment which include the hiring and firing, setting the organizations' salary scale and other related benefits, staff performance, staff training and general issues that concern the employees of the organisation. The main objective of human resource is to assist the organization to →

Great expectations and the color purple

The vivid descriptions used allow the reader to achieve a specific, pictorial image and because the language used is so complex, we can already deduce that this scene was of great significant to the narrator, Pip, due to the fact that years later, he can still remember the finest of details"....the dark flat wilderness beyond →

Humanities analysis essay

For the sources used please, refer to the box in the bottom Toward a World Economy Europe's entry into the Atlantic and Pacific created an international exchange of goods, created a new world-wide economy including the Americas, and paved the way for the establishment of colonies. The latter in the form of a so called →

The history of internal and external analysis business essay

Management also enhance the internal performance of the company such as improve the employee skill, develop new way of business related to the core business, expansion on the Mc Donald company strategies and research on the new product to offer the customer. And Mc Donald committed to serve the best to the customer and let →

Organizational commitment among public employees in malaysia

In the organizations also there are many types of attitudinal and attitudes that influence the performance of the organizations, this is related to the organizational commitment, other than that loyalty and give more effort behalf of the company is also commitment that must showed by the employees in every organizations. The efficient of the public →

Punishment and rehabilitation in the community criminology essay

Critically evaluate the use of the prison as a sentence of the court in England and Wales over the last 20 years. A synopsis of the 1991 and 1993 Criminal Justice Act highlight the use of the prison by how serious the crime is.

A seminar report

For the purpose of transparent change of the RATS by the mobile terminal, we introduce so-called Policy-Router as node in the core network, which establishes IP tunnels to the mobile terminal via different available RATS to the terminal. The selection of the RAT is performed by the mobile terminal by using the proposed user agent →

Internet addiction’s effect on today’s society

In societies where Internet usage is prevalent, the excessive use of the Internet, typically referred to as Internet addiction is recognized globally as a mental health issue as well as a social issue. With the rise of prevalence of the Internet in todays societies, the number of users that end up becoming Internet addicted have →

Analysis of memory erasing pills philosophy essay

Vital information could be lost in the name of erasing bad memories and perhaps criminals could use the pill to wipe away any form of evidence that is likely to assist in investigation procedures. This was so because of the experience they got from the past events Eye-movement Desensitization and Reprocessing is a form of →

A strategic plan and analysis of google

After conducting PEST and Porter Analysis for Google, we have derived at the following: Political: The expansion of Google was obstructed by the government such as US and Chinese authority. We think that it is important for Google to diversify into a new business with its existing products as it offers the potential to strengthen →

Powerade marketing flashcard

The first year that Powered was in the market, it made a good hit to Storage, at least 10% of the sales, and this was because Pepsi Co was seeing Storage as a drink to have at home, Just a beverage. With a new competitor in the market, well, the only competitor in the market →

E commerce on marketing strategy of hotel industry marketing essay

Direct link with the customers through e commerce gave ideas to the hotel industry to change the customers expectations like when, how they want their needs and what is the budget of the customers for their product. It is easy to see that how this can happen, as the older communication system such as the →

Latin america, overview of economy, business and challenges

The region is enjoying sustained current account surplus for the first time in decades and reduction of fiscal debt and increase in international reserves, this more stable macroeconomic environment and the less vulnerability to external shocks has lead to a negative trend on the risk analysis of the region. One topic pointed by the World →