9 Pages Essay Samples

Business law assignment

The trial court tries the facts to determine a verdict, the Jury making the decision on facts if the defendant does not ask for the Judge to hear the case. Those courts ill initially see written arguments on the legality of the Judges actions and rulings on the law or the prosecutor's, the effectiveness of β†’

Nirala supply chain management

After wrapping and final packaging of those products by the pre-supply department, they are transferred finally to the Supply department with the help of carriers e.g.trucks and vans owned by the company which delivers the final products to different branches of Nirala. They use voucher system for this process, vouchers are send with the products β†’

Organizational communication concept and skills research paper sample

Communication is the process of informing, giving direction, regulating, and persuading the recipient of the message to act in a certain way. Organizational communication as a field of communication is concerned with the analysis of the role of communication in an organizational context.

Alderfer’s erg theory and maslow’s hierarchy needs theory essay sample

The above state of affairs questions the significance given to the Human Resources role in the Hotel sector in Harare. The Evolution of the HR Function All scholars agree that the role of the HR function has evolved over the years, and should therefore be viewed from the newest perspectives in organizations.

Evidence-based management research paper

The first step of applying evidence-based management in decision-making is to demand evidence. The final step of application of evidence-based management in decision-making is balancing decisiveness and humility.

Is inverting in csr profitable or not

At any juncture when an organization goes past simply legitimate compliances and emphatically engages in activities that seem to more extensive social good which is for the most part outside the diversions of the firm and is more customized towards the more extensive socialresponsibility, the firm Is said to have embraced the concept of Corporate β†’

Example of essay on managing disability at work

The employees in return are able to feel the sense of belonging to an organization and as a result, they work diligently with a main aim of achieving the organizational goals and objectives both in the short run and the long run. The paper puts particular emphasis on the theories and principles applied to promote β†’

Museum management research paper example

An efficient mission statement is a reflection of the strategic thinking of the leaders of the organization in defining a suitable role for the organization. The economist is of the opinion the museum should be open to the community, in order to make art accessible to broad masses of people.

Decision making in groups: advantages and disadvantages

Some of these features that serve as major advantages of decision making in groups are as follows, Group Deliberation and Judgment The most important advantage of group decision making is the availability of group deliberation and judgment through it. It is because unlike individual decision making, the group decision making requires a number of stages β†’

Breadth-frist base web crawling application essay

Each crawling loop involves picking the next URL to crawl from the frontier, fetching the page corresponding to the URL through HTTP, parsing the retrieved page to extract the URLs and application specific information, and finally adding the unvisited URLs to the frontier. Frontier The frontier is the to-do list of a crawler that contains β†’

Media reaction paper essay

The recent shooting of the deputy sheriff underscores the growing problem of violence and mayhem spilling over from the Mexican side of the border," he says. The conflict is in our current state and the need to protect the citizens of the United States.

Content management systems

In the Drupes community, the term " core" means anything outside of the " sites" folder in a Drupes installation. The distributions offer the benefit of a new Drupes site without having to manually seek out and install third-party control modules or adjust configuration settings.

Bstract: widgecorps’s management team

Hypothesis Testing and Multidimensional Scaling: When in the research and development stage of our new cold beverage line, it is important that we are able to successfully test our hypothesis. Du, R, & Kamakura.

Sap: a renowned market leader

The perks of becoming a member is that you are able to attend SAP events, conferences, and seminars as well as getting free software licenses for education and research purposes. The School of Business hosted a faculty training session to familiarize them and prepare them for the usage of the SAP software in the spring β†’

Gabon the institutions entrusted with implementing those principles.

For these reasons Gabon has a sincere and profoundinterest in the success of the reform initiative, and is keen to work togetherwith member states to achieve real results, both to restore and bolster thecredibility of institution and to bring real benefit to the citizens of memberstates. Discussion about reforming the UN Security Council began with β†’

Management information system

Select one of the Electronic Data Interchange linkages that Margaret identified in the meeting, the one you believe will benefit the company the most and be the most feasible to implement. These new idea of forming linkages to the hardware and software vendors will also be the primary means of the company towards gaining competitive β†’

Operations and system management of a car garage

Dependability is the ability to produce goods and services in accordance to the promises made to the customer. The capacity of Powell's garage is simply the amount of motor vehicles that can be held in the garage at one time.


The emphasis here is more on auditing committees and board of directors of the company who must participate and work without any prejudicial interest, with the fact that Board of Directors are the fiduciary officers of a company who work and intermediate between shareholders and management of the company whereas Auditors are the representatives of β†’

Abstract several challenges that are related electric

Abstract To save our environment is a prime concern of the government in all over the worlds due to the increment in the usage of automobiles in few decades. It will run on clean power with the flexibility to recharge the battery by the help of charger and provide a comfortable ride with the help β†’

Performance management assignment

In the report I have analyzed the organization from the perspective of its ' Performance Management System' and how the organization uses its ' Teams and Groups' effectively. The sales department of the Square pharma is led by the National Sales Manager, who is accountable to the General Manager.

Managing organizational change case study example

The change management project plan for the ERP will be necessary so as to provide the International Hotel Groups with a method to monitor and control the whole process of introduction of the ERP. The change management plan below will have the following objectives: to identify any changes in scope before they happen and to β†’

Report on justification of the project

Following a structure suggested by the same authors, the following business case analysis is comprised of:- Set of outcomes and clearly defined business objective - Beneficiaries and stakeholders of the project - Evaluation of project benefits - Evaluation of project costs - Evaluation of project risks - Definition of the project - Management commitment and β†’

Evolution of production and operations management essay sample

The Industrial Revolution began in the 1770s in England and spread to the rest of Europe and to North America during the nineteenth century. THE SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT ERA AND POM The scientific management era brought widespread changes to the management of factories.

Analysis of ethical policies and practices management essay

Business Ethics is also referred to as Corporate Ethics and is a form of professional and applied ethics which examines the moral and ethical problems and principles arising within the business environment. It is the duty of the stakeholders to see that their business incorporates sustainable and responsible business practices in its daily operations.

Example of discrimination in the workplace impacts and strategies term paper

Discrimination has since crept into the workplace and the nature of the discrimination is equally as varied. It goes without say that instance of discrimination significantly curtails the productivity, efficiency and effectiveness of the employees in the workplace.

Pros of project management essays example

The schedule of the project should allow achievement of all the objectives of the project without straining. In the case of development of the IT suite, this would include the formulation of the idea of developing the suite.- Planning processes; these are the most vital processes in the life cycle of any project.

How hr functions work in the valspar corporation

Managers would be trained on how to organize and prepare for conversations like the year-end review and compensation discussion, both in terms of how to structure the discussion and the resources that would be made available. Second, managers have to link the attainment of goals with rewards in a timely and honest manner.

Participative management and management of change

Taking a risk in order for change to be implemented and with the hope that it will impact the organization in the best way possible. Sometimes, leaders want to be in the center of attention, but that is a heroics technique that is not much appreciated by the team.

Knowledge management innovation report

A number of scholars assert that not much is known as far as the creation of knowledge as well as management of knowledge creation process, even though there is much awareness on the significance of knowledge in management. The conversion of tacit knowledge to explicit knowledge is a means of defining the indefinable.


1 Background Growing complexity of business decision-making process due to changing business environment and market conditions, increase of the need to use economic logic, basic theories and tools of economic analysis in the business decision-making process and rapid increase in the need of professionally equipped managerial manpower in every field has caused the emergence of β†’

Career management and professional development education essay

Like most people I am able to offer accomplishments such asCommunication&A; Literacy be it written, ocular or unwritten, an application of numeracy due to the fact that I am an comptroller and as a consequence have to utilize Numberss on a twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours footing, and an application of IT skills due to β†’

Performance management of public sector

The concept of performance management has come a very long way from just measuring the past performance of the employees to a more novel and practical approach of improving the potential output and future performance of employees and groups by integrating the management mechanisms into the planed, predetermined evaluation exercise. Institutional Theory proposed by Meyer β†’

Learning and development exam revision assignment

You attach a piece of information you have to learn to different place and objects to help you remember it.4. The more specific you can be when planning your study schedule the better because you will know exactly what you need to do each time to study.D.

Economic challenges faced in a globalization commerce essay

The rapid development of the developing states encourages the developed states to turn with the kineticss and besides provides chances to the investors and exporters to research new market for new supply concatenation and seek to supply cheaper goods to be delivered to the consumers. Giddens, 1990 ) as " time-space contration; as " the β†’

Work and the workplace in the context of contemporary human resource management

Introduction and Aims In the majority of organisations, including the company in question here, the Co-operative supermarket retail store, the interaction between staff members and the public can be fundamental to the long-term success of the company and the willingness of customers to return on a regular basis. The purpose of this paper is to β†’

Arthur miller’s play “death of a salesman” essay

After all, it is not only that the themes and motifs, contained in the play, are utterly humanistic, but also the specifics of how Miller conceived it to be staged suggest that Death of a salesman can be discussed, as such that marks a revolutionary point in the development of Western dramaturgy, as we know β†’

What are the main differences between classical realists and neorealists essay sample

For Waltz, it is not the human nature that should be blamed for the conflict in international system; rather it is the anarchic structure of the system. The second principle of political realism laid out by Morgenthau is the notion that power is an end in itself, as opposed to the belief of neorealists that β†’

Marijuana and sports essay sample

Professor Elizabeth Jacobs has performed research on the amount of marijuana usage in the states that have legalized medical marijuana compared to Amsterdam where the use of weed is completely legal. The results of this study show that it is likely that the legalization of marijuana has no measured differences in the extent to which β†’

Bondage and discipline: the mystique behind bsdm essay

Bondage ex is a relative of the BEDS family, with the " B" standing for of course Bondage. Understanding that the usage of this may be limited due to the age of its o it is safe to say that most children are not entertaining the idea of having B and Discipline sex with their β†’

Good earl y childhood program checklist for families essay example

The kind of discipline measures to be taken by the teachers and the kind of offence that attracts the discipline measures are outlined, the program's rules and regulations that the children are to follow are also clearly out lined in simplified language and placed in the class notice board for the children to read. The β†’

What are the important characteristics of an effective ghost story essay sample

The use of odd characters is made plain and obvious and keeps the reader captured in the ghostly feeling.' Farthing House' also starts with a sense of mysteriousness because the character starts by telling the reader that she has ' never told you any of this before' and that ' you will be prey to β†’

The discourse of colonialism in the tempest essay sample

It is through the use of language, relationships and events that the discourse unfolds, and the purpose of this essay is to set out and discuss those aspects of the play that contribute to the making of this discourse. It is this inferior other that is an essential part of the colonialist discourse, that component β†’

Good an exploratory analysis of senate bill 863 thesis example

The research will investigate whether or not the perspective of the labor unions and injured workers is similar to that of the state government and the medical community. The aim of the research is to organize the complexity of the issue in order to clearly understand SB 863's impact on the people who depend on β†’

Museum public program plan essay example

The visiting group will be required to contact the museum booking officer through their teacher or supervisor in order to make all the necessary arrangements, and also have a chance of examining the specimen and familiarizing with the museum staff who will be responsible for guiding the group during their visit. The students will be β†’

Roe v. wade essay

Wade Essay " The Court today is correct in holding that the right asserted by Jane Roe is embraced within the personal liberty protected by the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. Accordingly, I join the Court's opinion holding that that law is invalid under the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment." On β†’

Structure of the novel the mayor of the casterbridge essay sample

The characters could represent the theme of the novel, that is, Henchard and Farfrae. In relation to the characters above said, the fall of Henchard and the rise of Farfrae motivate the plot of the novel.

Professor right or wrong. in this paper,

According to a research study conducted by theIPCC, "...most of the global warming changes are attributable to humanactivities; the Pew Center on Climate Change has noted that globalwarming is largely the result of emissions of carbon dioxide and othergreenhouse gases from human activities, including industrial processes, fossilfuel combustion, and changes in land use, such as β†’

Shakespeare’s presentation of kingship in richard ii essay sample

During the play we see the character of Richard presented as vain and tyrannical; as a man who is attempting to escape the responsibilities that Kingship brings such as succession and leadership. The repetition of the " o" sounds and alliteration of the " f's" also brings a certain finality to the speech, perhaps hinting β†’

Free research paper on the problem of bureaucracy

Department of Education completely attributed to the budget and how to best allocate the Government's money to the various states for supporting the education programs and policies. Department of Education's Race to the Top Assessment.

Multicultural curriculum essay

Since the lessons are designed to remind the students of the importance, the advantages and the disadvantages of the cultural differences that the students have throughout the year, it would be helpful to consider several factors that could be helpful in the implementation of the lessons. It should then occur to the teacher or instructor β†’

How successful was the government of king philip ii of spain essay sample

In order for Philip and his government to be defined as successful they would need to conform to the following characteristics: Philip would need to be a strong figurehead, efficiently overseeing all aspects of administration, but having the ability to delegate; communications should be proficient between separate areas of Philip's supervision, and implementation of policy β†’

Global crisis, recession & uneven recovery

Central banks have been central in the management of the crisis and therefore, Dr Reddy's book provides a central banker's assessment of the crisis and its impact. The book " Global Crisis, Recession and Uneven Recovery" provides an experienced policymaker's understanding of the genesis, progression and impact of the financial crisis, and of the lessons β†’

The yellow wallpaper

When her husband took her books away from her, she started to read the wallpaper because she likes to read and analyze and is very good at it by the way she describes the room and the wallpaper. The narrator is disgusted with the room she's in but tries to make the best of it.

Data base and nursing care plan

Multiple sclerosis is a chronic disease of the central nervous system in which the myelin sheath are destroyed in regions of the brain and spinal cord. 5 mg/dL N Needed for activation of vitamins and enzymes, forming ATP, and assisting in cell growth and metabolism, as well as, acid-base balance and calcium homeostasis.

Free essay on perceiving human resources beyond the aspect of instrumental training and task-oriented

This statement reaffirms the need of the changing requirements of the human resource department of the organizations to be equipped in order to face the challenges posed by the contemporary work culture. With the advent of the concept of knowledge work, there arises a conflict between the traditional techniques of dealing and managing the human β†’

Essay on my unique gifts, passions, and circumstances

While in leadership, I have a role to ensure that fairness and equality exists in all the operations of the company. In addition, as a leader, I have to link the employees and the top-level management.

Machiavelli- leadership essay

The notion of the contingency approach is that a leader who wishes to maintain himself must learn how not to be good and use this knowledge according to the necessity of the case.2. In the case of our ' Prince' text, we see that the leader is supposed to form an opinion about the servants β†’

Foreign workforce in the united states argumentative essays examples

Groups that oppose the issuing of visas to foreigners who seek employment claim that the foreigners pose a threat to the workforce in America. The high number of illegal immigrant who comes to offer low-skilled labor in America poses a threat to the security of the Nation.

Context of othello

Also a ' barbary' horse is a horse that ethnically originates from the Barbary Coast of North Africa, which would create the effect of the black origins being the link between the violent nature of the horse and Othello. Also the fact that Othello is referred to as an animal relates to how in the β†’

The day after tomorrow by roland emmerich as the disaster film

As the main point of the movie is to entertain the masses, the film comes across as over-the-top and cheesy. The cinematography and directing in this sequence is superb and adds to the excitement of the film.

The economy in saudi arabia

Nitaqat, the Localization System for Jobs in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: cause for denial of job opportunities for expatriates Guiding Principle In order to reduce the unemployment rate among the Saudi citizens, the Saudi government issued a new system for the localization of jobs in Saudi Arabia under the name of " Nitaqat". The β†’

Stretegic analysis of starbucks marketing essay

It's very convenient to drink coffee in Starbucks. 0http://investing.businessweek.com/businessweek/research/images/px.gifhttp://investing.businessweek.com/businessweek/research/images/px.gifhttp://investing.businessweek.com/businessweek/research/images/px.gifhttp://investing.businessweek.com/businessweek/research/images/px.gifGain on Sale of Investments

Monitoring & evaluating marketing comm

The pre- test is an evaluation method but can be seen as a monitoring method in assessing whether the campaign at that time matches to the expectations of the set objectives for the campaign, objectives should be measurable in order to quantify the effectiveness of the marketing communications, the post-test could then help evaluate how β†’

Personal selling and sales management assignment

Designing the Sales Force Based on analyses of current and potential customers, the selling environment, competition, and the firm's resources and capabilities, decisions must be made regarding the numbers, characteristics, and assignments of sales personnel. Training for International Marketing The nature of a training program depends largely on both the home culture of the sales β†’

Digital marketing plan

But that does not seem to be the problem as they are trying to get to the majority and not the minority. If an extension in warranty is made then they might have an upper hand as compared to their competitors, and it could reinforce the promise of good quality.

Major aspects if the marketing plan

Further, it is the intent behind the formulation of this plan to make positive use of all the negative publicity targeted towards McDonald's by criticisms such as those raised by the documentary film " Super Size Me" and the book and film of the same title, " Fast FoodNation", as publicity although negative brings with β†’

Introduction for human resourse management assignment

Aim and objective for the training course The aim for the training course was let the new baristas know more information about the company history and organization goals, through the training to enhance their working performance. Training methods and media explanations Referring to the 2 day training timetable in Cafe Co, it was use the β†’

Pulte homes in homebuilding industry term paper examples

ANALYSIS OF THE PULTE GROUP Analysis of the Residential Industry The assessment of the residential industry has been conducted in the previous section using three tools of Porters five forces model, key Success factor and Futures Trends for the short and near to short term. Core of the opportunities identified in the previous section β†’

Dhl marketing strategy assignment

Introduction In this era of rapid transformation in dynamics and competitive environment all companies need to formulate and assess their marketing strategy to get extinguished position in the market both in terms of business and socialistic aspect. Additionally DEL is one of the leaders of courier business and offers dedicated business to customer such as β†’

Good example of research paper on development economics

The policy does this with the aim of enhancing efficiency of the government, economic growth and development of the nation. With respect to the neoliberalism policy, the government is assigned to take care of limited range of sectors of the economy of the nation.

Auto part store crm database design thesis proposal samples

The model encompasses the analytical and transactional components to serve the analytical aspects such as the customer profitability and the transactional aspects such as the order fulfillment rates. Information requirements in the database are crucial to the development and implementation of the CRM strategy.

Good monetary policy research paper example

Adjustment of the amount and structure of the Federal Reserve Balance Sheet is done to counter the pressure, especially on long-term interest rates. A change in the lending rate has a huge impact on the amount of money circulating in the economy.

Trade in argentina research paper examples

The sectoral allotment demonstrates a slow decline in the significance of the services sector ever since 2001 - a outcome of the conclusion of the privatization course - however as well, and principally, of the amplification in the number of regulatory disagreements subsequent to the 2001 predicament. The significant growth-rates attained are mostly owing to β†’

Objectives of labor unions research paper

This was after the realization that labor unions sought to improve the working conditions for benefits of both the employer and employees. The union official and employer representatives meet to discuss the thorny issues in the work place.

Marketing creativity holt tesla final assignment

Definition of creativity: Creativity is, as many books and Journals announce, a vexed topic.' The concept of creativity has traditionally proved an elusive one to pin down'; it is ' a mystery, not to say a paradox'; and the title of H. Hence, the right way to view this is that necessity is the mother β†’

Nestea – marketing mix sample essay sample

The drink is available in a wide range of flavors and nowadays is one of the most well known's drinks in the world. This brand is so strong that they already that a fix price and it will be very difficult for them to change it without the complains of their members.

Subculture assignment

As for failure concerns of young people, it is the best to address to them an issue of fearlessness to be themselves, to react to any situations the way they want to, regardless any judgments. Therefore, it is rather hard to find a universal approach that would appeal to tastes and values of the majority β†’

Stp: segmentation, targeting and positioning in marketing strategies

Positioning is the act of designing the company's offering and image to occupy a distinctive place in the mind of the target market. With this in mind, it is also important to keep the position statement oversimplified, to be able to reach the mind of the prospects According to Ries & Trout, there are two β†’

Marketing place and space assignment

Managers of brick-and-mortar companies who now have come to understand the importance of e-business, but are not quite sure how to migrate from their existing business models to a combination of bricks-and-mortar and the Internet. APPENDIX A Barnes and Noble e-business Barnes and Noble offers a variety of marketing tools to enhance the online shopping β†’

The viability of expanding uk civil engineering business into nigeria and china report example

Civil engineering as defined by Narayanan and Beeby refers to a branch of engineering, which entails the idea, model, construction, and control of domestic and commercial structures and buildings, transportation systems, and water supply tools for products and individuals, alongside the management of the environment for the sustenance and enhancement of life quality. Civil engineering β†’

Marketing plan for cranium filament reductions. hair salon

Additionally, Cranium's storefront is in a centrally located area.* Customer Service: Serving the customer with superior attention is what the employees are trained to provide.* Competitive Pricing: Cranium offers pricing that is a bit more than a traditional barber but far less than a dedicated women's hair salon. Financial, Budgets, and Forecasts This section will β†’

Supermarkets analysis report examples

To achieve the objective, the analysis refers to the Supermarkets and food products with a focus on the UK market. In the UK, the big four supermarkets including Tesco, Asda, Sainsbury and Morison's face declining margins owing to the discounters growth in market share of the food market.

How does social media help public relation offices to increase awareness of their research proposal examples

If the primary mode of communication during the era of the old world was through writing letters and sending post cards, which was eventually followed by sending text messages and giving calls, voice mails, and then later on by the processing of electronic mails, one of the latest developments in the field of communications is β†’

Pest tesco pakistan assignment

Tesco's Global Presence Political Factors The following are the Political factors regarding the Pakistani government which are likely to influence the operations of Tesco when they decide to launch its store chain in Pakistan. Cost of Security: Tesco would have to spend a lot of money on the security because as Tesco is a foreign β†’


But Toyota is also concerned with the socio-economic aspects of its operations, such as the health and safety of employees, as well as that of the communities In which the company operates. By adopting a various methods, like planning, pricing, promotion and distribution of odds and services, a company promote the sales to the new β†’

Marketing strategy of samsung mobile phone.

Positioning Positioning is about the position a brand occupies in a market in the minds of consumers. In terms of brand development, by " first-mover" they mean that it is possible for the first successful brand in a market to create a clear positioning in the minds of target customers before the competition enters the β†’

Brita marketing

The report aims to identify a clear marketing strategy for Brita in order to address the current issues facing the company the associated falling sales. It is recommended that quality brands are identified and targeted in order to maintain Brita's brand image and support the growth strategy.

Coco cola a marketing perspective

The coca-cola company and its network of bottlers comprise the most sophisticated and pervasive production and distribution system in the world. NET Coca Cola vending machines were introduced in 1949 and a picture of red Coca Cola vending machine on the panoramic background calling: " Inviting workers everywhere to the pause that refreshes with ice-cold β†’

The answer key is at the end of this document

What is the merchandise inventory of Glaus at December 31, 2010? a.$400, 000.b.$500, 000.c.$900, 000.d.$1, 500, 000.24. The approximate cost of the ending inventory by the conventional retail method is a.$95, 900.b.$94, 920.c.$98, 000.d.$102, 480.

Chapter that can either be stifled or

This desire to be and do more is fundamental to the perpetuation of humanityand is rooted, primarily, in finding fulfilment fulfillment beyond the norm, having something greater than you to live for a constant thought that caneither be stifled or given expression. You cancreate and fuel the desire to achieve your goal by coming up β†’

Marketing communication through online social media assignment

The report concludes that online social media is very well suited for advertising and can be very effective because of the efficiency due to the ability to target advertisements and that online social media can be very useful for marketing communication. Following are the says in which some of the most popular social networking sites β†’

Essay on theoretical underpinnings of the psychology of marketing

Included in this discourse is a perspective of where marketing research and human psychological behaviour need further investigation for creating ethical, substantial, and logical marketing for sustainability of consumer loyalty for goods and services within the global marketing paradigm.psychology, marketing, consumer, behaviour, sustainability The theoretical underpinnings of the psychology of marketing, is multidimensional including evolutionary, β†’

Free essay on foreign exchange

The paper attempts to understand the foreign exchange markets, the process of determination of exchange rates, types of exchange rates and the related risks. Thus, the exporter is exposed to risk of foreign exchange rate.

Social media for business-an analysis of statistic data

Questioning in which there is a relationship between the kinds of social media is and the type of business. For the most part, this assignment shows that there is a relationship between the use of social media and their relation with customers.

Event description essay samples

It is estimated that 400 students will attend the event and the organizers estimate the number to be sufficiently accommodated in the bar. The event will be conducted with the following objectives:- While conducting the Winter Wonderland ball, the aim is to make a profit out of the ticket sales - First years are given β†’

Service marketing for budge hotels

In this report, one of the leading budget hotels Holiday Inn Express was chosen to be analyses in 1) the services they provided, 2) the marketing strategies that used to promote the services in economic downturn; and then recommendations would be provided for adjustment of service and relationship marketing. Brief Introduction of the Schooldays Inn β†’