8 Pages Essay Samples

Leadership skills for affiliate marketing

The industry has four core gamers: the merchant, the network, the publisher, and the customer. The general public of comrades is awkward and features the social consciousness of a potato.

Evaluation of the ute indian culture

The Utes were concentrated into seven bands before the Europeans came and include: The Mouache band of southern Colorado and New Mexico almost to Santa Fe, the Capote band of the San Luis Valley in Colorado, the Weeminuche of valley of the San Juan River, the Tabeguache of the valleys of the Gunnison and Uncompahgre →

One flew over the cuckoo’s nest

During the subsequent staff meeting, the doctors attempt to identify McMurphy with everything from concealed homosexuality to schizophrenia; the single thing that they can agree on is that he is an abnormal man, and indeed may be dangerous.on the other hand, Nurse Ratched asserts that McMurphy is not an abnormal man and is put through →

Product and market analysis of hong kong cafes

1 Products and services Cafe as the public code name, witnessed the changes in Hong Kong for half a century, it was full of civilians in the atmosphere, and carries the local culture, giving the consumers an intimacy of " neighborhood". 3 Analysis of competitors The competitor of the cafe is OBUN CHEF, which is →

Pre-gloablist & anti-globalist assignment

The proof of this can be seen from the fact that most of the governments had some kind of regulation that forced the companies to either. Setting of offices in these countries will also mean that foreign exchange will be flowing into the there economy to cater to expenses owed by the office in terms →

The need for the emergence of mathematical neuroscience: beyond computation and simulation

The ultimate objective is to provide an understanding of how the organism takes in sensory information, how such information is integrated and used in the brain, and how the output of such processing results in meaningful decisions and behaviors by the organism to allow it to function and thrive in its environment. This is subject →

Relationship between violence and schizophrenia

It is the latter type that is most prone to overt physical aggression and it is also the latter subtype that is of concern when researching the link between schizophrenia, drug abuse and violence. Available evidence in the form of research and studies indicate that there is a relationship between schizophrenia and non-violent/violent crimes and →

Journal critical essay

We sell most of our product to retailers and a slim margin over the internet. Through the economic climate we are reducing the amount of water consumed in the manufacture and consumption of our products.

Executive addition, the report provides an analysis of

Despite its effort in ensuring that its employees' welfare is well catered for, the company still needs to make some adjustments concerning employees' motivating factors to emerge the leading organization in addressing the needs of employees. Humana Insurance can introduce intensive training and development programs in its company to increase the effectiveness of the employees.

Sensorial education

" The training of the senses must begin in the formative period of life if we wish to perfect them through education and make use of them in any particular human skill." Discuss the difference between sensorial impression and sensorial education. The development of the senses precedes that of the higher intellectual powers, and in →

Editorial: evolution and functional mechanisms of plant disease resistance

The past two decades witnessed a tremendous growth of studies focused on the abundance, origin, and evolution of the NBS-LRR R genes, facilitated by the advancement of information technology. This Research Topic on Evolution and Functional Mechanisms of Plant Disease Resistance offers recent advances and insights in the field of plant disease resistance.

Broadband access wired mediums

In the telephone exchange this ADSL can be implemented with special equipments and in the customer side it can be obtained by connecting a the phone connection to ADSL modem and ADSL modem is connected to the computer. In RADSL depending upon the length and the quality of the line, the modem can adjust the →

Health informatics—ambitions and purpose

The current transformation of the digital health landscape is not only technological, it's also social, cognitive, and political, with the end goal participatory health a partnership with digital devices collecting data and generating insights with new models of care evolving through partnerships of clinicians, patients, and carers. How then can we use new technologies to →

Changing roles

Shakespeare's comedy, The Taming of the Shrew, focuses a great deal on the character of Kate, the " shrew" of the story, and her transition from an unlovable, temperamental harridan into the picture of a perfect wife. The first change of roles, which gives a taste of what is to come in the main story, →

The different forms of internationalisation theories

The theories of internationalisation that are to be discussed are as follows: Michael Porter's Competitive Advantage of Nations Theory John Dunning's Eclectic Paradigm Theory Learning Theory The chosen company for the purpose of the research in is one of the successful UK retailing company, Marks and Spencer Group Plc. The industry mainly emphasises on production →

Illustrious feathers

Through the theme of religion, this 1955 short story displays a false piety that many characters exhibit, by bringing to light the effects that the old man's wings have on the behavior of the surrounding people the author shows the public's insincerity, and through the remainder of the story he illustrates the common cruelty and →

Personal experience: a caring occurrence

As a nurse, the relationship is between the nurse and the client, and sometimes involves the client's family as well. The experience in which I cared for Blanche was more connected and personal in terms of the one-on-one time I was able to spend with her.

The wash: a play by philip kan gotanda

Hence in Nobu's place, the following props will be set up: 1) a TV set in the lower center part of the house facing, 2) a traditional Japanese center table where a kite frame will be seen all throughout the play, 3) a brown-colored, couch where Nobu is usually seen most of the time, 4) →

Novel dental materials for root-end applications: a review

5 In lieu of MTA's potential drawbacks, the search for superior materials has resulted in the emergence of newer materials in the market; the majority of which, bear resemblance to MTA with minor alterations in their composition. The presence of a gel-like calcium silicate hydrate as the main component, resulted in improved strength, hardness, and →

Victoria’s secret term paper

Upon the spread of the issue of child labor in the cotton program of Burbank Fast, news soar and the public reacted curtly: against Firetrap International, the world's arrest labeler of goods marketed for the benefit of small-scale producers in emerging markets, and Victorians Secret." If this allegation is true, it describes behavior that is →

Non extraction treatment in class health and social care essay

Anterior and posterior arch breadths in the eyetooth and molar parts from the most labial facet of buccal surfaces the eyetooths and the grinders were measured with the aid of digital caliper on the survey theoretical accounts and compared statistically to find whether the dental arches were narrower after extraction intervention. The extraction intervention does →

Capacity of minors in contracts

The law require that the other part to the contract to prove that the contract that they entered into with the minor is for necessity. This is the reason why employment and analogous contracts are enforceable on the minor provided that the contract as a whole is beneficial to the minor.

Vulnerable population essay

Although the influx of immigrants to the U.S.may cause some challenges and controversies, it keeps the U.S.industrious and innovative." In 2006, the number of immigrants in the U.S.hit a total of 37. They risk drowning, interdiction and their life to get to the U.S." Census data from the year 2000 indicated a 117% increase of →

Impact of economic competitiveness on wages

In particular, the power of the union movement and the entrenched conservatism and resistance to change of management in the traditional industries such as coal, rail and manufacturing led to conflict and industrial disputation which were ruinous to the economic health of the nation. Deregulation, privatization, the restructuring of the handling of labour disputes, and →

Positive effects of exercise essay

In this assignment, I will be describing the benefits of exercise in the short and long term on physical, social and mental health including the benefits of exercise for each life stage; children, adolescence, adulthood and old age. The long term benefit of exercise on children is that helps the brain to function better and →

Theories of adolescent risk taking

The result of this study is in contrast with the popular belief that adolescents perceive risk less than adults do and that adolescents also see themselves as invulnerable. This study is in contrast to the above studies that adolescents have a higher risk perception than adults.

Existence boundaries and organization of the firm

This is summarized by Coase in a simple rule that a firm will be likely to enlarge until the costs of organizing an additional transaction inside the firm become the same with the costs of the same transaction outside the market or the costs of executing the transaction in another form of organization.repeated this as →

Proceedings of healthy buildings 2000, vol 1

The questionnaires were answered by occupants across various work grades and tasks and were designed to elicit: background information about the organization and the workplace how much the environment and the job cause dissatisfaction the feelings of the subject about their current working situation the principle causal factors influencing health symptoms of occupants which factors →

Magnetic storage devices

Magnetic storage and magnetic recording are the term that refer to the storage of data on a magnetized medium. In the case of magnetic discs, the dots are arranged in circles on the surface of a plastic, metal or glass disc that has a magnetisable coating.

The psychology of mental health

The following theories would be applicable in the case study to give an explanation of the causative factors of the mental illness in the question: humanistic therapy and cognitive behavioural therapy. In this case the diagnosis of the mental disorder is that Jane is suffering from anxiety, sexual response to violence and personality disorder.

American history: the 1960s

During this decade, the United States was rocked by political scandal in the form of the Bay of Pigs incident and widespread terror and fear in the form of the Cuban Missile Crisis that followed in its wake. In retrospect, it is amazing that the Bay of Pigs invasion was given approval by the President →

Impact of the manhattan project

I believe therefore that it is my duty to bring to your attention the following facts and recommendations: In the course of the last four months it has been made probable through the work of Joliot in France as well as Fermi and Szilard in America that it it may become possible to set up →

Final paper

Despite the developments and changes, many fiscal and visual characteristics of African Americans at the end of the nineteenth century did not differ from that of the mid-1800s. Later the 54th fought along with the 35th United states Colored Troops at the battle of Olustee, although entering the battle Late in the day the Union →

The care of a patient with breastcancer and lymphoedema essay sample

Irene would so be advised.pre-operatively.of what may be expected.in footings of hurting after surgery.and that hurting may happen in the surgical country.in this instance.the thorax.arm and shoulder. Mallett and Dougherty besides suggests that the nurse will frequently hold to take the most appropriate method of hurting alleviation for the patient and that Patient Controlled Analgesia →

Case study on the california high speed rail system

The computation of the benefits directly utilizes the latest ridership and revenue forecasts for the high-speed train service and the procedures are consistent with guidance provided by the Environmental Protection Agency and the Federal Highway Administration. The costs are evaluated from the year 2011 the proposed time of starting the project, while the benefits are →

Who am i? psychology essay

The self has a deep rooted capability for self-preservation, and self-protection, and uses cognitive abilities to maintain and support stability to its essential character.affirms that the self-concept is made up of schemas, which are beliefs about the self which guide and organize the processing of self-relevant information. I need to understand the significance of self-concept, →

What often engage in co-operative acts that elicit

The first example of an observational study is Denham, who aimed to examine prosocial behaviour in children in response to peer emotions and the effect of this on the children's own emotions. The use of event sampling in this method is a strength of the study as it produces quantitative, numerical data that is easy →


In his keynote address to a conference of linguistics, Joel Sherzer argues that language is changing and disappearing in some regions of the world because of the social and linguistic changes that are occurring. The problem, as he first outlines when discussing the Francoprovencal dialects of Italy, France and Switzerland is that the speakers of →

Gender stereotypes as a reflection of women

A change in the traditional images of women portrayed in commercials has also been discovered in the area of physical activity, which " suggest that it's acceptable for women to be powerful and aggressive". If the advertising media and comics are reflecting reality and these traditional images of women have yet to diminish, it has →

Jewish service

The first service of payer is in the evening and it is referred to as Ma'ariv. The Torah is mainly composed of the first five books of the Bible and the Prophets and is divided into 54 sections corresponding to the total number of weeks in a year.

Cannibalism: as sanctioned by a cultural norm

And the most common reason for cannibalism is the insanity of people." It was considered a great triumph among the Marquesans to eat the body of a dead man. It is an example of survival cannibalism." Anthropologists have made no serious attempt to disabuse the public of the widespread notion of the ubiquity of anthropophagists....in →

Late development and the challenges facing late developers economics essay

Such inequality leads to the poverty experienced by the populations of the undeveloped and developing nations of the word, causing millions of needless deaths every year around the world. Using industrialisation as the pathway to growth and development has the disadvantages of exposing a nation to both the good and bad aspects of globalisation.

Analysis of mobile communication communications essay

Furthermore, the more a technology is interactive, and the more it is likely that the users become the producers of the technology in its actual practice. In a mobile communication system at least one of the transceivers is mobile.

Case study of selected enterprises in terms of entrepreneurial strategies

Wooten's passion to become entrepreneur never died down and he analyzed the causes of the failure which he found the major reason of failure of the company. There was high cost in the transportation of the product from Maine to another part of the state and consist demand for the product requires increase in the →

An analysis and interpretation of allen ginsberg’s america

The confusion that Ginsberg evokes in his poem is necessary to give the reader a sense of how the poem came to Ginsberg in thought. With reference to Ginsberg's emulation of Walt Whitman's content, the Norton Anthology, Postmodern American Poetry, states that, " Ginsberg proposed a return to the immediacy, egalitarianism and visionary ambitions of →

Abel assessment of sexual interest

The questionnaire is also comprised of elements that assist the clinician in determining if the client is faking, " if the client exhibits a mental distortions regarding having sex with children, or if the client matches the statistical profile of individuals who have sexually abused children" The second part of the assessment measures the clients →

Beyond the falsehood: a comparison of post-truth and lies in politics

To discuss post-truth, it is worth starting from the importance of " truth" in the political field, where the concept of " post-truth" is most frequently mentioned. The implication is that the person needs to be aware of the truth-value of the statement.

Development of culturally sensitive treatment plan

With the utilization of using the CRM in a high stage of support, the therapist can help identify a solution that can help work with the couple's needs. The therapist usage of SFBT in premarital counseling is to help reflect on all part of the relationship.

Main cause of german unification

Additionally, the essay explains the three main wars culminating in German Unification: The Danish War, The Austro-Prussian War, and The Franco-Prussian War. Bismarck utilized this war to build a stance for himself in Prussia and to explain to the world that Prussia is on the rise.

The armenian genocide

The organization that committed the genocide was the current leading party of the Ottoman government, and took over the country during a coup d'etat." In 1914, when the war broke out, Talaat was Minister of the Interior and the most influential leader in the Committee of Union and Progress, the secret organization which controlled the →

What were the key changes in welfare provision under margaret thatcher (1979 – 1990) and what political ideas influenced these changes? give examples from specific social policy areas.

As Thatcher was in charge of the education side in politics, it was her duty to manage the funds and expenditure to stick the budget. It was one of the most radical and influential moves she made during her time in politics and was another step in the direction the Labour Party had moved to →

Portrayal of footbinding in snow flower and the secret fan

In the 19th century China, the custom known as " footbinding" was prevalent; it was traditional that young girls had their feet bound as early as age three and the goal was to achieve a pair of perfectly bound feet, which made a girl more marriageable, since it showed her discipline, obedience to the natal →

Introduction he was going to persecute the christians.

The book of Philippians is a letter that Paul wrote to the church in Philippi and specifically addressing the saints, overseers and the deacons. When writing the book of Philippians, he was well known as a true follower of Christ and was in chains for the sake of the gospel.

How do listeners locate sources of sounds?

In a study by Smith and Price of previously published data by Mills and Schmidt, it was found that the sensitivity of relative sound localization depends on just noticeable differences in ITD and the rate of change of angle with ITD. Interaural level difference, measured in dB, is a difference in sound pressure level between →

Socio cultural analysis of malaysia

Even though the city of Putrajaya is considered as administrative capital of the Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur is the most populated and capital city of Malaysia which is also recognized as major economic hub of the region. As a result of the booming of the Malaysian economy, most of the features of the western culture highly →

Tun dr mahathir of malaysia history essay

While in college, he was a student who works hard and diligently in lessons, active in the sport of rugby and is always concerned about the welfare of other students. In 1953, he was conferred the degree of Doctor of Medicine from the University of Malaya.

Primary qualitative characteristics

Financial statement of Unilever shows changes in the basis to segmentation and changes accordingly to the prior year comparative figure gave the reliability to compare the performance of the company. All the financial information should be made on time to avoid these difficulties keeping in mind that importance of reliability.

Cerebral oxygenation in health and disease

For example, a reduction in S c O 2 is reported with use of phenylephrine and noradrenaline at rest in healthy subjects, during anesthesia in non-cardiac and cardiac patients and during cardiopulmonary bypass in diabetics. Perry et al.studied the impact of 30 and 90% of subjects' maximal VM mouth pressure on MCA velocity and S →

Language development in early childhood

The object of this research was to determine what and when language is learned, what variables explain the process of development, and the complexities of language. The nativists and the cognitive developmental perspectives emphasize the contributions of nature; whereas the behaviorist and interactionist perspective focuses more on the contributions of nurture.

Support children & young people’s health and safety essay sample

The space and height of desks/work area would need to be checked to ensure that it was suitable for the task to be carried out. 2Explain how Health and Safety is monitored and maintained and how people in the work setting are made aware of risks and hazards and encouraged to work safely Health and →

Scientific management and human relations movement

The aim of this essay is to bring out the differences and similarities between the theories of the Scientific School of Management Thought and the Human Relations Movement. The basis of contrast and comparison will be ' the worker' and the views of these schools of thought on handling and controlling the workforce as well →

Service marketing assignment

The inside of the aircraft is also well planned and the ambiance created inside the aircraft is also pleasant. Also blankets and pillows are provided to the customer during the flight duration.

Marketing environment of the loreal group marketing essay

The next step was the registration of the company in 1909. The company is ranked 8th in the list of most admired companies and is considered to be one of the first French cosmetic companies in accordance to an American magazine.

Organizational structure paper

An organizational structure is the specification of the jobs to be done within an organization and the ways in which those jobs relate to one another. The biggest advantage is that there is usually clear authority, since the project managers tend to also be the functional managers, and since the managers' duties are more specific →

The effect of section 3 hra law constitutional administrative essay

The interpretation obligation imposed to the judges by Section 3 HRA 1998This is the first time ever that the Parliament introduces a statute to impose a duty on statutory interpretation to the judiciary. This may lead to conclusions which depart from the ordinary meaning of the words used, and would not be produced by the →

History of atomic theory

So the hydrogen spectrum was very significant to the development of Bohr's model of the atom, because without the understanding of it, Bohr may not continue his work of the model. So the hydrogen spectrum was important to the development of Bohr's model of the atom.

Evaluate the impact of the ipad marketing essay

Until the Apple intervention the TMP industry was seen to have significant barriers to entry including; High entry costs Access to suppliers / distribution networks Product differentiation Economies of scale for existing market players Retaliation by established products The TMP industry is seen to be highly competitive because; there are a large number of competitors →

Employability skills within health and social care settings

To demonstrate that there are a lot of opportunities in Health and social care, this report is going to examine the variety of employment roles within the setting. There are many opportunities for one to be employed in health and social care settings.

Effect of the recession on multinational enterprises

Recession can led to decline in living standard due to the fact people depend on wage and salaries, this can have negative impact on stability of families and individuals health and well-being Multinational Corporation or transnational corporation, is an enterprise that manages production or delivered service in more than one country, multination cooperation has been →

Masculinity, femininity, and the western rape mentality in “m. butterfly”

Orientalism" is a term that refers to the study of Eastern cultures, but, according to postcolonial theorist Edward Said, " can also express the strength of the West and the Orient's weakness as seen by the West. Butterfly?" The inversion of the opening and closing lines indicates the dissolution of Gallimard's " Madame Butterfly" fantasy; →

Fertility and birthrate before wwi history essay

In developed economies such as Western Europe the reason for the fall in fertility was because of delayed marriage of women, forgone marriage. One of the reasons for the fall in fertility in the less developed economies in the late twentieth century was to avoid mass starvation.

Agriculture in ancient mesopotamia

The birth of agriculture was preceded by hunting and gathering which was the only way of surviving for the ancient occupants of the world. The early settlement of the cultivating activity was achieved through many steps such as the " Hassuna", the " Samarra" and the " Halaf" according to the Encyclopedia AMERICANA.

Introduction to kentucky fried chicken business essay

KFC was suspect for its role in the decimation of the Amazon rainforest and their ill-treatment towards chicken in poultry farm by PETA. KFC must investigate about their supplier's breeding and their process so that the quality of chickens is maintained.

Why did kristallnacht take place essay

The source explains how Goebbels told the party on the evening of 9th November that there had been ' anti-Jewish' demonstrations.' Fritz Hesse' who was a journalist that worked for the Nazis wrote source A. Along with the fact that the account was written at the time- making it a primary source, this makes it →

Capetian kings of france

Feudalism increased the power of these mini-states in the twelfth century, and was the tool used by the Capetian Kings of France to advance their influence and wealth. Suger, The Life of Louis the Fat, [ 14 ].

Attacks on the world trade center law international essay

The attack on the World Trade Center in 1993 and the subsequent attack that led to their destruction had a lasting effect on our county. First the investigation into the fragments of the truck that the explosive was carried in led them to Mohammed Salameh, " who rented the truck and reported it stolen".

Al kabeer group of companies marketing essay

The mission of AL KABEER Group of companies clearly states that the company is keen to provide a good taste of readymade food product to the customer to satisfy their needs and wants. In this report, our focus will be on designing business strategies for Al Kabeer group of companies in understanding the market requirement →

Ford value enhancement plan essay sample

The Ford Foundation pressured the company to create a public market for Ford common shares so that it could sell its Ford Shares and reduce its reliance on income received in the form of Ford dividends. The VEP has the feature of stock split and share repurchase.- For every share of Ford Common or Class →

Roles of leaders assignment

He or she should acquaint the team members with all the necessary approaches and tools and then select the appropriate ones with regard to the team at hand and the situation. A high performance team leader should also be able to define the vision and communicate it to his or her group.

The reason of marshall plan

This essay will specifically argue that the main reasons of the launch of Marshall Plan are the threats of communism and the interweaving interest's network of America and Europe. Between the end of war and the announcement of the plan, there already were loan plans from America to Europe.

History of the new york times media essay

On July 18, 2006, the company announced that it would be narrowing the width of its paper by six inches which in turn would result in a 5 percent reduction in news coverage and lead to a target savings of $12 million a year for the paper. The developments of The New York Times has →

Bartleby the scrivener: the painful extraction of genuine compassion

The concept is explored throughout Bartleby via the narrator's description of himself, the bust of Cicero occupying space in his office, the narrator's handling of his regular employees, and, of course, his relationship with the troubled Bartleby. The cherished plaster bust of Cicero that sets behind the narrator in his office is referred to twice →

China s domestic tourism and hotel industry tourism essay

Meanwhile, the hotel industry is also driven by the development of domestic tourism and has been considerable prosperity and development. The Chinese government should further adjust and improve the statutory holidays and leave regulations, in order to promote the prosperity and development of China's domestic tourism market.

The giver by lois lowry – chapter summary

He went in and did his work in the bathing room at the house of the old. Chapter 16: In chapter 16 it was after Jonas had recieved the memory of warfare.

Freedom a comparison between durkheim and freud essay

Freud emphasizes that finding the balance between individual values and submission to societal expectations is as close to freedom as one is able to get. Once again, I agree with Freud that gender roles and societal expectations are important to consider when approaching the idea of freedom.


1 Data Production Part 2 The production of the source data 2 1.1. 1 Data Production Part 2 The production of the source data 2 1.1.

Entity ritual and power an anthroplogical

The course explores the role of symbols and rituals in the construction of culture. Culture and identity are frequently acted out or performed in ritual and other forms of public action, and the notion of ' performance' is introduced and developed in relation to the construction and demonstration of identity.

What effect does the word superiority have?

As theorised by Cattell when trying to recognise letters that have been presented as part of a stimulus, letter recognition is more successful if the individual letter is initially presented as part of a word rather than if presented as part of a non-word or as an isolated letter. Secondly it's hypothesised that participants will →

Community service as punishment under the ipc criminology essay

It can also be defined as ' A community order which requires the offender to do unpaid work in the community under the supervision of a probation officer.'[5]Moreover the work that the offender is required to undertake has some obvious relation to the nature of offence.[6] The first organized community service program meant systematically to →

Human sexuality assignment

This article was written in response to a study that was performed by the Centers for Disease Control and prevention to prove the casualty of young people and oral sex. COMPARING THE TWO The subject of both the scholarly article and the popular media is the main thing that both of these articles have in →

The fall of humanity essay

Augustine argued that as a consequence of Adam ' s wickedness, wickedness entered the universe, and because wickedness has entered the universe the remainder of humanity will incorporate an original wickedness. For Augustine, the philosophy of original wickedness, through the autumn of humanity is clearly stated in Genesis 1-3, his philosophy of original wickedness is →

Brecht’s the good person of szechwan is an apt representation of the theory of epic theater

The audience is never one with the actor, they are always aware that the play is not real and that whatever is being presented on stage is not reality but a depiction of a certain reality. The ' A-Effect' is also known as the technique of defamiliarization wherein the familiar is made strange through alienation →

World history: the worst dictator of them all

He rose to power from his position as a secretary of the party to Leader of USSR by using Lenin's cult of personality and pretending to be number one disciple. In this way he would always be on the winning side and his opponents never considered him a big threat, in this way he tricked →

Applications of ibuprofen

Stewart Adams and launched in the United Kingdom in 1969 as Bufrin and launched in the United States in 1974 as Motrin; ten years later ibuprofen was approved for over-the-counter sale in the United States by the Food and Drug Administration and became the second nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug after aspirin to be available in this →

An overview of critical legal studies

The myth of determinacy is a significant element of the critical assault on law.[4]To the scholars of CLS, law is far from being a determinate, coherent body of rules and doctrine, the law is portrayed as uncertain, ambiguous and unstable.[5] If American legal realism was ' jazz jurisprudence', Critical Legal Studies may be its ' →