8 Pages Essay Samples

Force of nature: storms in hardy’s far from the madding crowd

In Far from the Madding Crowd, Hardy uses parallel episodes that pertain to nature, such as fire in the hut and hayricks and rain on the farm and at the grave to compare and contrast character motives and development, as well as to accentuate the overall themes in the novel. Gabriel's protectiveness is shown through →

Modern warfare and its effects on 21st century medicine

This is because the types of wounds found in warzones are typically on the more severe and extreme end of the spectrum of injuries due to the hostile environment and the manner and weaponry with which modern warfare is now fought. This has resulted in the development of new techniques in cleaning wounds Tranexamic acid →

The reasons of using games for learning

The purpose of this research is to investigate the extent of effectiveness of using games in English grammar teaching for children. The research will take a look at the reasons of using games as a teaching method for young learners; advantages of using games in language teaching and the application of games in teaching English →

Thyroid. taking place throughout the body. there are

The dysfunction of the body leads to the production of uric acid and pains in the joints and may even arthritis. This mechanism aids in the proper functioning of the psychological processes, immune system and even the nervous system of the body that results in the changes in the thyroid-releasing hormones' levels.

Determination and the rocket boys essay

The intensity of his desire to build and launch rockets was, in fact, the reason for his intellectual growth that followed his pursue of the dream. The indifference shown on the part of Homer with respect to knowledge about his environment; and the indifference shown on the part of Homer's townsfolk on the subject of →

Guilt, responsibility and coincidence in mulisch’s novel, the assault

The context of the work is set between 1945 -the end of the Second World War- and 1982 -around the end of the Cold War. Anton, who had been forgotten in a car by the Nazis during the burning and the execution, was taken by one of the Germans and moved to a cell where →

Information systems and automobile industry

The corporate mission of the BMW is to enhance the trade of BMW Group vehicles through services offered to consumers and to BMW centers and BMW Motorcycle centers all over North America. The company is well aware of what they have to represent and how they have to sustain in the automobile market.

Achieving operational excellence with jit (just in time)

There is a range of planning and control techniques that can be implemented along side JIT to enhance the approach and can be fundamental to the overall success of JIT. Nissan utilises JIT and many of the methods mentioned in the introduction which will all be investigated to allow the author to evaluate how they →

Changing role of women in the uae

Due to the modern changes like the economic reforms, feminist movements and the demands for equal opportunities, women in many parts of the world have right of entry to careers apart from the role of traditional homemaker. In spite of this, a few people could not recognize women as a power and as an agent, →

Education via facebook benefits and challenges education essay

The objective of this essay is to present the benefits and challenges that face students and educators in practicing their role in education in the light of using Facebook. It is my belief that social networks like Facebook will continue to evolve and optimize the education channels in the context of human communication.

Issue of military force in counter-terrorism

For this reason, no two examples of terrorism are the same, and thus the effectiveness of military intervention varies according to the situation and context that it is employed in. The war on terror, portrayed as a global threat, started with the invasion of Afghanistan in response to Al-Qaeda attacks on the US as Bin →

Admart case study essay

In contrast to the freewheeling and competitive image of the Hong Kong economy, they were commonly perceived to be operating a cosy duopoly. Van Gorp, adMart's failure to lure shoppers to the Internet was a significant factor in the decision to close the business.

Perspectives on home and housing sociology essay

In contrast, the private place of the home is seen as a space that offers freedom and control and security. And that for Bachelard, home is " a key element in the development of people's sense of themselves as belonging to a place".

Study of green energy bricks construction essay

Energy brick is fire resistant because of the non-combustible Calcium Silicate skins along the sides of the brick and the PIR foam core having the self-extinguishing property. Test Results are one of the most important aspects of any product and the same applies to the Energy Brick.

Problems and future approaches for assessment of periodontal disease

A systematic review of the periodontal literature has been conducted to assess the extent of reporting of calibration of probing. Recently, a test kit for simple assessment of occult blood has been developed in Japan, and found to be effective for screening of periodontal disease, with a sensitivity and specificity of 0.

Brain atrophy as a measure of neuroprotective drug effects in multiple sclerosis: influence of inflammation

Here, we discuss the potential factors related to the presence of inflammation that could influence brain volume evolution in MS, both in the short- and long-term, and explain, at least in part, the conflicting results on the neuroprotective effects of DMTs. The effect of disease modifying therapies on brain atrophy in patients with relapsing-remitting multiple →

Compare and contrast okonkwo and unoka essay sample

Moreover, He was poor and his wife and children had barely enough to eat, which implied Unoka is incapable of taking care of his family, the task considered the most important for the father of a family. It is because of Unokas failure that causes Okonkwo to possess a personality very different from him, he →

Media role in everyday life

The whole point of a media text is that it moves and flows: the meaning is never 'there' at a given moment, but in juxtaposition and sequence, in the tension between one moment and another. 2000: 11 One of the strengths and also the challenges of media studies is precisely that it asks you to →

Iop spike control after intravitreal anti-vegf

The failure of lowering the IOP spike was implicated to be due to the inability of these medications to counteract the volume-related mechanism of the IOP spikes after anti-VEGF injections. The mechanism of action is to reduce IOP by decreasing the production of aqueous by inhibiting the production of cyclic adenosine monophosphate in ciliary epithelium.

Much ado about nothing

And while the romance and obstacles to the union of Claudio and Hero form the main plot, the action in " Much Ado About Nothing" is mainly about Benedick and Beatrice, and their relationship. According to Cahn, "...in many comedies of Shakespeare, love is influenced by perception" and in " Much Ado About Nothing" in →

Sickle cell anemia: treatment and effects

The genetic aspect of the disease is as such; one gene for the illness must be inherited from both parents for that person to be determined to have sickle cell disease. In understanding the genetics of sickle cell anemia, it is important to recognize the role in which the mosquito born disease malaria played in →

E commerce use in the tourism industry tourism essay

Abstract: The aim of this paper is to present the impact of Internet on tourism, highlighting the main benefits and limitations of e-commerce in the tourism industry. The cumulative effect generated by the following factors: the progress made in the field of the ICTs combined with the fact that technology became largely available; the digitalization →

Effect of insecticides on honey bees biology essay

These colony loses in honey bees disturbs Agricultural economy of the country, so scientists try to explore that chemicals that are less or not harmful for the pollinators and they started performing different experiment by using different chemicals to check their efficacy against honey bees activities and pollination. In the same way different experiment with →

Table manners essay sample

The soup spoon should never be put into the mouth, and soup should be sipped from the side of the spoon, not the end.[3] The knife should never enter the mouth or be licked.[1] Food should always be chewed with the mouth closed.[4] Talking with food in the mouth is seen as very rude.[1] Licking →

Rabbit, run

The drowning death of a newborn baby challenges the religious beliefs of many of the characters, and even provokes her father to dream of founding a new religion, based on " the truth" about life and death. He would spent the night in a motel and the day trying to catch a glimpse of Ruth, →

Treatment intervention to improve sleeping habits

Moreover, through recording my sleeping time and wake up time, I can know the amount of my sleeping time that I slept in a day and mostly what time I go to bed. I had set up the hours that I have to sleep which is eight hours a day and I set the alarm →

Dell company is a global leader case study

Porter's Five Forces are the popular strategies used to valuate the competitiveness of a market and it is attractiveness to the new entrants. This is due to the wide availability of a variety of computer products as well as the dynamic nature of the technology industry.

Marriott international generic business level strategy marketing essay

A current example of this strategy can be seen in the Marriott's introduction of new brands to appeal to new investors and serve unique guest segments. The company has managed to establish a presence in all of the major continents of the world.

Sperm & egg donation essay

They should be able to have their questions answered, that's why records should be kept for a child to access when he or she becomes an adult, so that he or she will be able to have some information about his or her background. When the child is of age, he or she should be →

Awareness of anti smoking campaigns health essay

Of these, around 70% of them start before the age of 18 and 86% by the age of 19 years and more. Research studies indicated that, the younger the age of smoking uptake, the higher the harm is likely to be.

Problems and challenges faced by small businesses commerce essay

On the other hand, Entrepreneur in English is a term applied to the type of personality who is willing to take upon her or himself a new venture or enterprise and accepts full responsibility for the outcome. The scope of what entrepreneurship involves will continue to change and evolve as the world continues to change →

Death in venice as a window to modernity essay

Mann notes that the rich talent of his main character is highly estimated by the contemporaries: Aschenbach is a national writer, an " author of the lucid and vigorous prose epic on the life of Frederick the Great; careful, tireless weaver of the richly patterned tapestry entitled Maia...; creator of that powerful narrative The Abject; →

Timothy leary’s: “turning on the world” and its movement essay

This paper finds that the basic idea, the uniqueness of the movement that Leary spawned can be found in the internal orientation of the revolution, the idea that this revolution, unlike all others, would be about the liberation of the psyche from the bonds of materialism and competition: this revolution was to start from within. →

Factors affecting seed and seedling vigour essay sample

Seed vigour is a term encompassing the sum total of those properties of the seed that determine the potential performance of the seed or seed lot during germination and seedling emergence. The effects of priming and ageing on seed vigour in tomato.

Jump street assignment

The filming of this movie was thought of as a risk since the television series was a hit in the sass, audiences were curious as to how it would be transformed into a vie without damaging the true content of the show. The song was popular before the film, and having it featured in the →

Review of related literature essay

The student then pays the specified amount in the cashier and presents the receipt to the registrar. In a preferred form, the newsrack is equipped with an electronic mechanism which recognizes the coins deposited and if at least the correct amounts of valid coins are deposited, permits access to the interior of the dispenser.

Baby abandonment in malaysia

In our opinion, government should play an important role as to reduce the cases of abandoned babies by classify the abandoned baby cases as murder and attempted murder or enforced the law in our country. In other ways of it is cruel to deal with the issue that way and the babies is paying the →

The wild side of north american prehistory

The American public's interest in the fantastic secrets locked away in the new found North American was at it height in the early 1800s. It was said that the Stone was taken out of the mound.

Zhang early 90s) differ from the recent

In the Red Sorghum, the culture of the people can be seen in the way the main character got depicted by the director. In the film, Raise the Red Lantern, marriage and polygamy can be said to be emphasized considering the way the young woman became one of the wealthy man's concubines.

Examining the crimes of the powerful offenders criminology essay

These types of crimes have many characteristics: Offences are invisible, they are very hard to detect, this also makes them hard to be prosecuted, offenders are often legitimately present at the scene of the crime and mostly the victims are slow to realise wrongdoing has been caused, the crimes are carried out under the cover →

The history of glass making

These cities became the hub in which merchants and sailors were the main transmitters for the spread of glass artifacts and the trade itself. It is important to discuss the history of glass and how it ultimately became the craft we see in the Islamic era of ancient Syria and the surrounding areas.

Personal counseling theory essay

We must guard ourselves against the negative impact that the temporal systems can have on our psyche and that have the potential to change the person God created us to be. Motivation The health of the body, the soul and the spirit must be looked at as a whole to understand how any illness can →

Introduction to science

These 2 assumptions relate to: the role of the internet in actual terrorist activity; and the association between combating a global " AY-Qaeda and combating al-Qaeda In Iraq". Assumption 1: The role of the internet The first moderately unfamiliar assumption requiring in depth research concerns the function of the internet in the dynamics of al-Qaeda, →

Relevance of strategy in the ‘wars of annihilation’ 1939-1945

This is the idea of ' total war', which is defined by the Oxford Living Dictionaries to be " A war that is unrestricted in terms of weapons used, the territory or combatants involved, or the objectives pursued, especially one in which the laws of war are disregarded".[1]An extension of total war incorporating a war →

Effects of the tourism sector on employment rates

Therefore total employment in a country is influenced by tourism via the general employment effect in the economy. The perception of tourism seasonality can be described as temporal lack of balance in the phenomenon of tourism which can be signified in their expenditure, in the number of visitors and employment.

What you see is what you (don’t) get: a comment on funke’s (2014) opinion paper

On the basis of task analyses, Funke claims that the type of causal cognition, the heuristics, and the strategies required in CSMs and MCSs differ substantially and, thus, do not allow for direct comparisons between the two. Indeed, reports such as the one by S have led to a notable decline in the number of →

That’s just selfish

If they are not a good parent to your children and let selfishness get in the way of raising their children the right away it can have a large impact on the children's lives in the future. The story is told by Jeannette Walls and is the story of her life and the ups and →

Recruitment of a star essay sample

Economic: Investment Behavior: Investment behavior of the people largely depends on the economic condition of the country and this might affect the compensation of the analysts. Technological: The new technologies keep on coming in the industry which makes it difficult for the company and its employees to get acquainted to the new technology.

Protestant reformation and nationalism

Nationalism is popular political ideology that developed in the 18th century and that it identifies " people" and the purposes that control an independent " state" the key to " nation" is the definition in the identification of a " nation" This definition originally came from France and Spain prior to the 18th century, it →

Double consciousness and the harlem renaissance

Double Consciousness refers to the idea that Black Americans live in two separate Americas: white America where they are forced to behave according to the social protocol of white America and where they must live up to the expectations non-Black Americans have for Black Americans and Black America, where there is an entirely distinct protocol." →

Machiavelli’s view of human nature and religion

As long as the ruler is providing the m the safety and the security that they desire that is the safety and security of them, their family and that of their property they are sated and to also protect from any foreign invaders, and if the ruler is able to do this the masses are →

Could the american war of independence have been avoided?

After 1763, when the war had been won in favour of Britain and the colonies, the colonists felt that the victory should partly be credited to them as many of their men had fought within their own Militia and also thought that the threat had gone, this led to the feeling that they did not →

Sources of risk facing starbucks

But on the other hand it also has experienced many problems to make a strong bond between Starbucks name and image within the millions of customers around the world and to achieve dominance over the market in a home market and new markets. In a very short span of time Starbucks had a global expansion →

The socio economic network in zambia sociology essay

The process of industrialisation has also been critical to the primary function of the family both in the modern and pre- industrial societies. The shift of roles from the family threatened the power and control of the parents on the family members.

Bacterial conjunctivitis treatment experiment

Conjunctivitis is categorized by the redness or swelling of the conjunctiva the membrane that lines the eyelid and eye surface. The viral and bacterial forms of conjunctivitis are the contagious forms and subsequently, the most common.

Case formulation on agoraphobia and social phobia

The formulation is based on the model of social anxiety which demonstrates the cycle of anxiety and fear which Jim is feeling. For Jim the social situation is a public place, he then may fear that something could happen to him which could be discovered by asking " are you afraid of something happening and →

The use of entry deterrence strategies

The first form of strategy that a firm can expand to successfully defer the entrance of a new firm in the market is the limit pricing, which may be expressed by two types: the contestable limit pricing and the strategic limit pricing. In that way the incumbent sets such a lower price as it may →

Examining race-related aspects of james cameron’s avatar

The problem I had with the film is the concept of a white male entering into a world of ethnic people, with the sole intent of using them for his own personal gain. In Avatar, the human scientists uncover that underneath Hometree, the Na'vi clan's dwelling, lies the richest deposits of the mineral that they →

Critical review of post-mortem sperm retrieval (pmsr)

Post-mortem sperm retrieval is a procedure that has given rise numerous legal and ethical concerns, including: consent for procedure, ownership and assignment of sperm as a possession, divergence on the inheritance of the offspring and conflict over the introduction of sperm retrieval in organ donation. With the advent of ICSI and IVF, numerous sperm →

Social groups and consumer behaviour marketing essay

According to Blackwell et al, consumer behaviour encompasses ' activities people undertake when obtaining, consuming, and disposing of products and services' This essay will focus on the psychological and behavioural inputs into consumer behaviour with particular reference to the influence of groups including ' tribes', ' reference groups', and ' virtual communities'. The influence of →

Salem witch trials essay sample

The fact that Irene was examined by a family doctor and reported no sign of assault or rape was never used to bring up in the trials of Duluth Lynching's. False accusations, no evidence, fear and motives were all a leading factors in the tragic historical events of the Salem Witch Trials and the Lynching's →

Freud’s theory of personality and the filchers scientific criteria

These critics contend that Freud's evidence is flawed due to the lack of an experiment, the lack of a control group, and the lack of observations that went unrecorded. To satisfactorily evaluate the strengths of Freud's theory of psychoanalysis, one need consider several qualities that make a theory of personality useful and worthwhile.

To investigate the factors of affecting the resistance of a wire essay sample

08mm2 In this experiment I am going to use the nichrome wire as a conductor and I will be measuring the resistance by using an ammeter and a voltmeter because electricity can pass through the nichrome wire and the voltmeter will give me the volts produced and the ammeter will give me the amps produce, →

Theater college essay

Because it is emotionless When you put on a mask you are not you anymore He does not wear it because of the way people feel about mimes Mime- behaving truthfully Putting hand to wall is called: " click" February 24, 2010 There are not really schools for mimes He studied with Marcel Marcela We →

Sindbad’s character traits: on contradicting and sympathizing with homo economicus

The story of Sindbad the Sailor, found in " The Arabian Nights' Entertainments" and filled with countless economic transactions, can be understood through the application of different economic models to reveal the motives and driving forces of the principal character. To apply these theories to the tale of Sindbad, we must acknowledge the academic conversation →

Gender inequality from a socological point of view

Which I will compare and contract with functionalist approach; who believe that gender roles fit the needs of the social system, and Feminist explanation; who argue women are unequal to men. However while these theoretical approaches seek to explain the persistence of gender inequalities this essay will then go on to compare two opposing views, →

Pros and cons of pharmaceutical patents

Pros and Cons of Pharmaceutical Patents Considering that patents were originally designed to protect the work of an individual, and that in the pharmaceutical industry it is usually the company that hold the patent rights, what is the theoretical justification of maintaining the current system. The second argument defends the rights of third parties such →

Fahrenheit 451, connection to current society

In the story, the firemen do the exact opposite of the firemen of today. This quote also demonstrates the opinion of the government in the story, and how there is no place in society for the books.

Criminal profiling

The study of the psyche of the criminal is the third wave. According to a survey sponsored by the New Jersey Office of the Public Defender, African Americans accounted for 13% of the drivers on the south end of the New Jersey Turnpike, 15% of speeders, and 35% of those stopped by the State Police.

Ethical approval and informed consent health and social care essay

Nutrition is one of the important components of health, functional independence and quality of life in elderly population1. Table 4: Dental caries experience of the subjects in relation to their nutritional status: Malnourished12.45 5.

Hector berliozs contribution to the symphony music essay

BERLIOZ'S CONTRIBUTION TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SYMPHONY Berlioz reconceived the symphony as a programmatic work and allowed it to be in an unconventional form to fit the program. Berlioz decided to integrate the music with a recurring melody known as the idee fixe which he used in each movement to represent the image of →

The hacienda in the film 24 hour party people

The film follows Tony Wilson the founder of Factory Records and the Hacienda and traces the effect the music scene had on the city of Manchester and the people of Manchester. 3' In the film all of the music is from the Manchester music scene at the time, this is an obvious strength of the →

Political philosophy in “of cannibalism” by michel de montage

Rousseau defies his beliefs by claiming the opposite, when a man is in a state of nature he is with peace andhappinessand society is what corrupts that. Hobbes believes that human nature is entirely greedy and ill without the stabilization provided by a greater power such as he establishment of a state to protect all →

Tv programs (or magazines) -marketing behavior class-

The trends that were in the magazines ranged from family and individual belief, such as health and dealing with some of the issues in marriages, and continued with social problems that most are looking at today. Consumer Lifestyles: The consumer lifestyle is one which is based on those interested in business, politics and the current →

Stress is a rising concern in corporate world

Source for Work-family Role conflict can be time-related, strain-related or behavior-related and the outcome of role conflict can be in shape of both psychologically and behaviorally stress. It can also be use as a guide line in prevention and control of the causes of job stress and role conflict.

Arithmetic vs. geometric means: empirical

The Ibbotson SBBI Yearbook took the first position that the arithmetic mean is the correct mean to use in valuation. 00 11.

Macroeconomic indicators between saudi arabia and uae

The multicultural nature of society and economy existing in UAE allows fir many of the foreigners to work there in well paid positions. Saudi Arab is a country that keeps itself technologically updated as it needs to cater a massive population of tourists and visitors from around the world.

Advantages and disadvantages of foreign aid

The advantages of foreign aid to development " Some people are going to have to starve, we are in the position of family that owns a litter of puppies, we are got to decide which ones to drown". Foreign aid from developed countries and international organizations has become an important solution to the development of →

What are the powers and limitations on the prime minister? assignment

It should be noted that after a change of Prime Minister or after a general election, all ministerial positions become vacant and are at the disposal of the incoming Prime Minister; presiding over meetings of the Cabinet; advising Governor-General on assignment of responsibilities to the different ministers, including transfer, promotions, and dismissals; exercising patronage; forming →

Violence and sex in advertising assignment

Fashion ads are notorious for using violence and sex in advertising and they do it in a way that that it becomes more of a luxury element and glamorizes sexual violence. Bushman's study concluded that violence and sex in television might have the opposite affect of what most people think and that's sex and violence →

Factors considered in determining the choice of formwork construction essay

The purpose of determining the choice of formwork mainly is to reduce the cost of construction. The cost of formwork is occupying a big percentage in the total construction cost, as we do not allow to reduce the cost by changing other building components requirement due to they were all specified in the Contract Documents, →

Ian bruggeman

The success of The Bolshevik revolution was due to the lack of power in the central government at the time of the revolution, the Bolshevik's willingness to suppress any opposition even if violence was necessary, and the Bolsheviks aptitude to maneuver and swiftly change policy when necessary. The state of the country during the time →

Submitted to digitally add digital as 92%

The high cost of bankinfrastructure prevents the distribution of financial services out of a smallpart of the population. There is significant lack ofawareness of the importance of FinTech in Pakistan.

Public relations issues assignment

Although Moscow admits that codes of ethics are not at the forefront of her mind, she recognizes that " credibility and reputation is everything in public relations" and that any unethical behavior can have a detrimental effect on results.2. The weakness of this model is that it focuses on the obligations of institutions " rather →

Writing wk 9

Question 2 of 50 2. A stereotype Question 16 of 50 2.

Impact of influences and consequences for organisation

It was a finalist in the photo environmental groups NZ Design Awards Best ASB Brand Direction: " One Step Ahead" Vision of ASB: The vision of ASB is very unique like," Unbeatable Team and Unbeatable Services" Values & Culture of ASB: If the behavior of us every day is very important to achieve our vision. →

Joseph heller’s catch 22 and joan littlewood’s oh what a lovely war essay

Both texts are exploring the tragedy of war, the utter absurdity of it, the thirst for power and money war brings, and the ignorance of authoritative organisations. Another key theme of both texts is the portrayal of war as a game, or as something frivolous and light-hearted by those in authority.

Traditional budgeting and its criticisms accounting essay

In the yet, not-so-predictable environment, traditional budgeting has been proved to have limitations; A budget being a financial plan of all expenses and revenues of a business organization can sometimes be found to be unrealistic and unreliable and difficult to allocate these revenues and expenses especially in a business organization. When the world began to →

Innovations needed for effective implementation of ex vivo gene therapies

In this editorial for the newly launched section of Innovative Therapies in Frontiers in Medicine, I list and briefly discuss some of these often interconnected challenges, with a view to encouraging fruitful dialog with the readers of this new journal. The highly altered composition of the HSPCs in this disease explains the initial failure of →

The meaning and of managing change

According to Michael Armstrong, ' Change management is the process of achieving the smooth implementation of change by planning and introducing it systematically, taking into account the likelihood of it being resisted'. According to Gartner, operational change is primordial in the provision of a high IT service quality.

Leading and training the “modern operator” in the information warfare age

According to the authors of Genesis in the Christian Bible circa 4BC, the serpent used information to manipulate Adam's understanding of what was right and wrong, and thus led to the fall of man. The development of established TTPs should be a bottom up endeavor, and specific to the local information environment of the unit.

Clinical objectives of the operating room nursing essay

Duties of the Intra-operative Nurse Once the patient is ready for surgery, they are transferred to the intra-operative nurse. The intra-operative nurse is responsible for the patient during surgery and until they are transferred to the Post-Anesthesia Care Unit.

Mobile phone distribution comparison: us and myanmar

The purpose of this paper is to find out why there is a big gap between the mobile network system of the United States and Myanmar. MAIN BODY DISTRIBUTION AND SEGMENTATION OF MOBILE NETWORK IN MYANMAR AND UNITES STATES Distribution of mobile network in Myanmar The telecommunications sector in Myanmar is under developed.

Islamic finance – issues with securitization

One of the distinctive characteristics of the nature of transactions, and economy in general and Islamic economy in particular, was its ability to expand, renovate and develop. Accordingly, in this dissertation the researcher endeavors to know the legal position of such a company and to identify the legal Islamic ruling related to such a company →

Cash flow statements: indirect method

When the profit figure, which is the starting point for the cash flow statements, is calculated, the depreciation is taken into account based on the depreciation policies being followed by the company. Although cash flow and the liquidity of the company is vital in the overall health of the company, it is not the only →