8 Pages Essay Samples

Economic profile of dongguan

The city is planted at the mouth of the Pearl River on the Southern seashore of the country. 800 small and big companies in Dongguan, which operate at the market of computer and information technologies and produce more than 25% of total industrial output of the city.

The apple and the tree: family ties in the namesake and fences

The play does not specify the details, but with slavery's abolition in 1865, the probability that his dad is actually a previously freed slave, as opposed to being born free, is very likely especially given Troy's story of how he left his father, " The only part of the world I knew was the forty-two →

Employment regulation issues and how the problem can be solved

Although it is difficult to cover every single type of employment relationship in the regulation, the regulation should aim to cover as many relationships or to enact a new law that covers more relationships in order to avoid uncertainty and to resolve the issues that exist in the current law. Based on the current law →

Globalisation in india essay

This opening of the Indian economy has exposed the nation to both the positive and negative effects of globalisation. In the past, the Indian Government has been unable to guarantee the implementation of infrastructure projects, however as a result of privatisation, many foreign investors are now ensuring the completion of projects.

New venture creation

SimVenture ran for three virtual years with five members on its team- each with a different role in the company.[pic] Home Screen for Genesis on SimVenture This report accounts for the working and performance of Genesis in financial and operational terms with the key decisions taken in running the organisation, and my involvement in the →

Is there democratic deficit in the eu?

Supporters of the wouldemocratic deficit' argument, argue that the European Parliament, as the only elected and democratic element of the European Community, should exert more power over the legislative process and that the current situation means that the legislative process is controlled by the non-elected Council. It is argued that one of the major problems →

Imparting or acquiring general knowledge

" The supposed purpose of education, as marketed by the education industry, is career advancement, higher pay, and empowering a college graduate's job search.[However, this should be considered only as] the current personal importance of education" and the result of being educated for the selfish benefits of the individual instead of the society instead of →

Strategies to tackle money laundering

The Bank Secrecy Act According to the International Revenue Service, the Bank Secrecy Act was passed by Congress in 1970 as the first laws of its kind to fight money laundering in the United States requiring businesses to keep financial records, file reports for payments received over $10, 000 in one day, and alert law →

The dasani scandal the facts

The origin of UK Dasani came to light when a complaint was made to the British Food Standards Agency over Coke's use of the word " pure" in its Dasani marketing. France Telecom S.A.is the main telecommunications company in France, the third-largest in Europe and one of the largest in the world.

How demagogues work in politics

Demagogy is the rhetoric of the demagogue; and Thesaurus defines the demagogue as a leader who obtains power by means of impassioned appeals to the emotions and prejudices of the populace. He used the propaganda theory to tell the Germans that the Jews were responsible of the great depression, and they were the friends of →

Business culture in the hospitality industry

The relation between the company and the customers has become more sophisticated due to the competitors. Communication is important to connect all the department of a firm to make them understand the goals and objective of the company.

Regulation and control of the pharmacutical industry

The costs of research and development are substantial, but at the moment they are far outweighed by the profits of the drug companies. Nevertheless, the drug company involved was still the one to patent the drug, and the one who made most of the profits.

A five star restaurant media essay

It is Chinese food culture and the special festival must use the special food for prayer. The popular and special food in Chinese New Year is Yu Sheng.

Science physics essay

The higher the trolley was from the base of the ramp, the higher the impact speed was. The number of deaths on Thursday increased again, compared to the rest of the week, and from the hours of 2 am to 4 pm there were only 37 deaths, whereas that night there were a total of →

Postmodernism has been described as “illusion-breaking” art

The word " deceptive" used here is the most important because, it does not mean that we necessarily believe the illusion presented to us it means that we have been misled and because of that we are not sure whether to be sceptical of the illusion or let ourselves believe it despite the truth of →

Apple’s mission statement

Due to its recent success, reflected in its no.position in BrandZ's 2011 list of the 100 most valuable brands in the world, Apple has amassed US$98 billion, and has therefore decided to pay a quarterly dividend of US$2. The research and development department is relatively small, with most staff employed in general and administrative roles →

The contribution to economics of each of the following

He also advocated the " Laissez-faire" approach, which means that the government should only get involved in the economy in order to raise monies for the upkeep of infrastructure, to sustain the legal system and to defend the country. In Smith's book ' An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations' →

Role of behavioural theory for addiction studies

He shifted the work of psychology from the viewpoints of the mind to the facts of behaviour. He also established the Law of Exercise that stated, " Any response to a situation will, other things being equal, be more strongly connected with the situation in proportion to the number of times it has been connected →

British citys musical style

Its development of the Cultural Industry Quarter as a reaction of the declination of steel industry and prosperity of local music bands prompted the City Council to think of cultural industry as a new growing sector. Developing music industry is a strategy for many of the British cities, such as Manchester, Newcastle and Birmingham, and →

Personal report on internship in charter communications

I was a part of the Network As A Service team of the Advanced Engineering, where the mission of the team is to implement network automation using forward thinking concepts such as Software Defined Networking, and intent based to reduce operational expenses and improve reliability and security. The different attributes of the dynamic query include →

What was bps strategy prior to the accident business essay

Environmental and social impact assessment is an inherent part of BP strategy which analyses the potential risk to environment and on human in the neighborhood of such establishments, though the state-of-art technologies BP failed to assess the risk of this oil-rig. MNCs and government need to join hand to invest on the study of this →

Taylor occupation

These works, The Religion of China, The Religion of India and Ancient Judaism, contrasted their respective religions and cultures with that of the Western world by sighing the importance of economic and religious factors, among others, on historical outcomes. The law is a system of abstract rules which are applied to particular cases and administration →

Short term significance of marshall plan politics essay

The year 1947 holds a great significance for the history of Americans and Europeans alike due to a very controversial pact that was signed as part of 20the European Recovery Program, a.k.a." The Marshall Plan" was founded 4during the Harry Truman presidency by the U. The Marshall Plan helped the U.S.economy gain an extensive amount →

Comparative the brand barista vs cafÉ coffee day

The brief timeline for the growth of coffee, cafes and Everything related is given below: First discovery of coffee berries. The Coffee Cafe day organization is currently one of the biggest and fastest growing Sectors in INDIA.

The importance of investment appraisal

73 years As this is a constant stream of cash flow, the payback period for Project B = 115000/43000= 2. 74 As the NPV of Project B seems a profitable one, it can be accepted.

Emile durkheim – division of labor

Durkheim argued that the division of labor is not necessarily " bad" for it " increases both the productive capacity and skill of the workman; it is the necessary condition for the intellectual and material development of societies; it is the source of civilization. For Durkheim, the result of Division of Labor is positive for →

Prevention of pressure ulcers: nurses’ sole responsibility

The search engine used the terms for search were pressure ulcers and nursing, nurse and bedsores, nurse and hospital, pressure ulcer and patient, and nursing management and decubitus ulcers to search out the articles. Maylor and Torrance supported the value of the attitude of nurses for preventive practices of pressure ulcers in clinical practice.

Hamptonshire express

The simulated function given in the Excel spreadsheet " Hamptonshire Express: Problem_#1" allows the user to find the optimal quantity of newspapers to be stocked at the newly formed Hamptonshire Express Daily Newspaper. The stocking quantity and expected profits are higher in the second scenario because of the extra time spent to improve the quality →

The history and culture of the sioux native americans

The Lakota which means? friendly or allied? are one of the seven tribes related to the Sioux Native American Tribes and they speak Lakota, which is one of the three dialects of the Sioux language. The elder passed his the vision on to the people of the Sioux tribe and they now use the dream →

Photography representation of reality

In Barthes model, in addition to the two levels of meaning of denotation and connotation, that is the sign, which is composed of the signifier and signified, which is the concept evoked by that word/image.in the Benetton ad, one interpretation could be that the burning car is the signifier and terrorism is the signified. In →

Connectivism theory | an analysis

The connectionist models of cognitive science are a part of the movement that focuses on explaining the abilities of the human intellect using artificial neural networks, also known as the neural nets. The functioning of the connectionist models has been found to be similar to that of the network of the brain and there is →

The birth of venus: background, controversy and similarities

The ensuing interpretation controversies will also make up part of the analysis of the paper to show the reception of the art and the criticism confronting it. The renaissance was a return of the interest in ancient roman and Greek knowledge which is the reason why The Birth of Venus was, according to, a modeling →

Learning the language of addiction counseling. ch 5

Harm reduction can be viewed as a barrier or bridge by the counselorPHASES OF HARM REDUCTION IN THE U.S.in the 1960s, the FIRST PHASE focused on health problems related to nicotine and alcohol; in the 1990s, the SECOND PHASE focused on HIV/AIDS prevention in injection drug users; and the THIRD PHASE, in which we are →

Advertising in the media assignment

The methodology used was researching, analyzing, and observing magazine ads, plus watching commercials for a full three hours to help In exposing the advertising in the media and how it seems to characterize our society today. In review of the television viewing of women and men, it is easy to forget that the hours they →

Editorial: heart rate variability and other autonomic markers in children and adolescents

The normalization of HRV for the prevailing HR liberates HRV from the influence of HR and thereby allows for the objective assessment of the cardiac autonomic influences on this variability, separating mathematical from physiological changes in HRV. It is the purpose of this monograph to provide a comprehensive assessment of developmental changes in both HR →

Asselt’s views of the kyoto protocol

The Emergence of Fragmentation in International Law Wilfred Jenks was one of the first to highlight the issue of the 'fragmentation' of international law as early 1953, stating that " In the absence of a world legislature with a general mandate, law making treaties are tending to develop in a number of historical, functional and →

Virtual private network

The method has been proved to be the most convenient compared to the other methods that are used to solve business communication problems within the organization. From the above stated methods used to solve communication problems within an organization, it can be concluded that the best method is the use of Virtual Private Network.

The three certainties

If the words are imperative and thus raise a trust and the objects ascertainable but the property is not specified in terms of identity, then there will be no trust, for there would be nothing to hold and administrator of a trust property. The case of Re Beadmore Trust also went on to illustrate this →

Pathophysiology analysis of hyperthyroidism

Thankfully, the treatment of hyperthyroidism is easy to utilize and in many cases, it can bring a great amount of improvement and better quality of life for the patient. TSI cause the thyroid gland to enlarge and there is a great increase in the levels of T3 and T4.

Review on user generated activism content media essay

A comprehensive study showed that " groups with transnational ties enabled transnational exchange of various kinds by producing newsletters and websites that provided information about the work of activists in various countries as well as by bringing activists from different countries for speaking tours and other forms of direct transnational contacts". A very important idea →

Statistics in mauritius for motor insurance business essay

To achieve the specified aim, it will be necessary to: To identify the gaps that exists between the service delivery and the customer expectation by using the SERVQUAL model. The bargaining power of customers is very high and the shifting rate from one insurance company to another is very high.

The rise of secularization in 19th century

The demise of natural theology led to a series of publications and conferences that took away the church's predominant role in the field of science and society. Thus, it is clear that science to a far greater extent led to the secularization of nineteenth century England.

Never let me go: analyzing and evaluating the film adaptation

Romanek's film adaptation of Ishiguro's Never Let Me Go somewhat deviates from the novel's portrayal of the necessity of hope in accepting reality, thus developing the relationship between hope and reality to a limited extent. In altering the narratology of the novel, the film ineffectively communicates the cassette tape's significance to Kathy as symbol of →

Leadership skills: calvin klein case study

As well as lack of skills to tackle problems and work as a team to make a workplace an efficient and motivational environment. It is vital for a strategic leader to have a plan and a mission statement that relates to the company's mission statement as well.

Negative body image and self esteem issues in combination with prepubescence

Education Education is a field of study central to the development of children and emerging adolescence. A further reason to improve understanding about the link between early puberty and emotional problems is the empowerment of young girls everywhere.

Medical textile

The extent of the growth is due to the constant improvements and innovations in both textile technology and medical procedures, 2008) Combination of textile technology and medical sciences has resulted into a new field called medical textiles. The range of products available for healthcare and hygiene is vast, but they are typically used either in →

Captain corelli’s mandolin essay sample

The wide variety of narrative techniques that de Bernieres has chosen come together to create a hybrid form that portrays both his anti-war feeling and the miracles of humanity, from the story as a whole, and each individual character.de Bernieres' link to the greatness of humanity, love and miracles is done through constant comparison to →

Digital video made everyone into a movie maker media essay

A movie is no longer just a movie, but exists in a social world of understanding and exploitation from the ordinariness of the fast-forward to the invasiveness of the remix. This has been a progression in the organization of the " time and space of spectatorship" as D.N.

The goodness in the situational ethic

Aristotle's view of goodness is far more realistic to the actual world, and it disproves Plato's belief that goodness is eternal, essential, and universal. Plato's goodness is universal and independent of society, but Aristotle reveals how goodness is completely relative to the situation.

Billy and winnie: breaking the boundaries with rhythm, rhyme, and repetition

By working within the established structure of poetry and the English language it allows the reader to enjoy the breaking of these rules and the gleeful childlike experience of thinking and imagining outside the bounds of the adult world. The second stanza is a repetition of the first replacing the word " dad" for " →

Men and women are equally valuable sociology essay

Although men and women having a set different roles in the society, with men more often accomplishing roles in the public sphere, and women more often fulfilling roles in the private sphere. The major dilemma in the developing countries is that the economic activities of women are sidelined as minor roles like farming and other →

Ethical theories in international business

Two main reasons that are able to explain the expansion on global business are the degeneration of trade barriers since the end of World War II in conjunction with the sharply increasing in development of the technology in various fields such as communication, information processing, internet and transportation. The teleological ethical decision-making process can be →

Obsessive–compulsive disorder and memory-mixing in temporal comparison: is implicit learning the missing link?

A combination of normal explicit learning and a deficit in implicit learning would suggest that an OCD patient's perception of the current trial's signal duration would be less influenced by the context of prior signal durations. Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Droit-Volet, S, and Meck, W.H.

The future and the female academic leader: advancing student engagement

Here, it is clear that the unique collegial and social manner of a female style of leadership that is often seen with managers in industry is an ideal trait for leadership within academia especially with regards to the most important aspect of academia, and often the most overlooked, and that is the student. Gender and →

Effects of technology change on sony corp

There are certain threats associated with the technological change that can be Technological change might need to change the structure of the company, if the company is attuned to the changes or are unwilling to change it can become obsolete. The base for technological shift is to improve the research and development department of the →

Case law essay

Case Background The complaint of the mayor for violation against the councilman for violation of the former right to Freedom of Speech arose from the fact the her rival councilman has resented the editorial published by the mayor that the army recruiter was making false or unrealistic promises to the high school students that enlisting →

Rights of transgender americans: religion and the state

Therefore, the notionof separation of church and state is not continuous in reality and, withoutsecularization of the state, the anti-trans rhetoric of religious conservativescontinues to effectually discriminate against the rights of trans people in policymaking. As the visibility, acceptance, andinclusion of trans peoplerises in religious and secular spaces across civil society, trans people and their →

Neuman system model: adolescent depression

Intervention The nurse will assess the client's definition of health and wellness and major barriers to health and wellness. The nurse will assess the client's level of anxiety and encourage the client to use positive self- talk.

Inhaled salbutamol: effects on the body

The efficacy of the two methods of salbutamol delivery were analysed by comparing the bronchodilator and cardiovascular effects of salbutamol in subjects taking the MDI and MDI-spacer. To inhale a single dose of salbutamol, the subjects attached the MDI to the end of the spacer, breathed in deeply through the mouthpiece and then held their →

Rossums universal robots: the morality of machines essay

Although some critics may argue that the ending of the play is a hopeful one and one that suggests the rebirth of humanity, a cynical viewer could easily see the rebirth at the end of the play symbolic of the continuous and never-ending mistakes made by humanity. And second, what does this reintroduction of the →

International economics assignment

The market can become either more competitive or a monopolistic one in which the TNT can exploit its market power to raise prices and make an adverse impact on the consumer ii) They enhance the productivity through introduction of new technology which in turn benefits the host economy only. Advantage of Macs is below mention →

Hess’s law lab essay sample

The law states that the total enthalpy change during the complete course of a reaction is the same whether the reaction is made in one step or in several steps. The equation to calculate the heat capacity is Q= mc T, where M is the mass, C is the specific heat capacity and t is →

The dana-farber cancer institute

As David Nathan, CEO of the Dana- Faber since 1995, explained, " The problems of the patients would be brought up to the labs and ideas from the labs would go down to the patients." The history of the Dana-Faber is intimately tied to history of its funding. In 1974, the institution's name was changed →

Engineering and construction: helmets

Uniformity: the design of the helmet has to be specific to the initial design solution, for a particular product such that all the helmets of a design are similar and as close as possible to the suggested solution. The purpose of the helmet is to protect the head from injuries, but it is specific to →

The impact of culture on healthcare nursing essay

Cultural desire is the stimulator in the eruption of the process of cultural competence and the nurse must seek and be open to learn and accept others, understand the process is lifelong, and set aside personal feelings to effectively treat unique patients. Unlike Americans, who believe touch is a sign of friendliness, Asians view the →

Commentary: meditation effects within the hippocampal complex revealed by voxel-based morphometric and cytoarchitectonic probabilistic mapping

Since the first morphometric study of the effects of meditation by Lazar et al, a number of findings have been made showing increases in the volume and density of gray matter, and in the axonal connectivity of white matter. 061 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Lutz, A, Dunne, J, and Davidson, R." Meditation →

Utilitarianism theory summary and evaluation

What is right is what brings about pleasure and Thomas Carlyle raised the criticism that it is a " doctrine worthy only of swine" as a direct criticism of this. I would argue that this charge against Bentham's theory is not undeserved as it seems foolish to be basing a code of morality on the →

Clinical psychology assignment

In this paper about personal models of helping, the following topics about cognitive behavioral therapy will be explored: How and why my viewpoint was formed from the following personal models, my view of helping, the relationship between the clinician and the participant regarding this model, quenches or approaches to change, and a coherent model that →

Contrast womens position in the mauritian sociology essay

Women continue to aspire for leadership positions in all spheres of governance in both the public and private sector. Various factors are at work in limiting women's potential to aspire to positions of leadership both in the public and private sector.

Dell’s business ethics assignment

Dell's code of conduct adheres to the values and beliefs of the Soul of Dell. The undisclosed key to Dell's corporate accountability is the pride that the employees take in the company.

Crime and violence as an economic crisis criminology essay

The financial crisis and high unemployment rate are no doubt the main contributors to the high crime rate and growth of gangs. And in the popular perception of tourism industry by Dunn and Dunn it was found that crime and violence were perceived to be the number one problem affecting the tourism industry.

Invertebrate biodiversity lab essay sample

Pitfall traps were used to compare populations and communities of invertebrates in two different parts of the Nyabweya region, Uganda, with the hope of finding out whether human activities would decrease the biodiversity of an area and the number of invertebrates. Controlled Variables The sizes of the plastic cups, the depths at which these pitfalls →

Emerging technology

The Advantages of Computers and the Use of Computer Technology in Investigations In order to paint an accurate picture of the advantages of computers and technology relating to investigation we must start as close to the beginning as possible. This is where the President made the announcement " to bring the most advanced technology to →

The social and cultural implications of the internet media essay

An evaluation of the evidence will assist in the conclusion of the essay.' In 1973 American computer scientist, Vinton Cerf contributed to the invention of the Internet and its development of transmission protocols. These are a variety of orthodox Jews, which according to them the highest good is the obedience of God's law which has →

Democracy and the development in uganda politics essay

It is, therefore, to be noted that the functional practice and presence of democracy, or the profound lack of it, or presence of the same, in diluted unconventional forms and content, in a developing country, such as Uganda, in the defined aspects of human corporate, political, social and even cultural endeavors, does also connote, as →

Academic and employability skills report assignment

To distinguish if a source is academic can be done by ensuring that the source is reliable and the author is creditable and the information implemented is accurate, likewise the date must be considered the more up to date a sources is the more reliable this is likely to be for instance if an another →

Visual merchandising: shop window displays essay

The male window was a seasonal display to promote Christmas, and Primark's window appeared to be presenting an understated seasonal display, using party wear to promote the Christmas party season, and glittery background panels to add to the festivities. Topshop's female and male windows were both asymmetrically balanced, the female display aided by the suspension →

Regent hotel: case study on pricing and weaknesses

A final factor to consider is the potential for risk to the hotel, such as the likelihood of cancellations or damages, which can be mitigated to some extent by including cancellation and attrition clauses in the terms and conditions, provided these are made clear to guests at the time of booking. However, it is important →

Rolls royce erp case study

The planning team decided that the best way to deal with this was to illustrate the changes/improvements included in the new system to the company as a whole, and training seminars were organised. It is mentioned in the text that implementing an ERP system into a business process as large and complex as that of →

Political and economic analysis: the netherlands

Important cities: The important cities of Netherlands include: the Amsterdam, the Rotterdam, the Hague, the Utrecht. The members of Council of states are appointed by the Queen on advice of the prime minister.

Expression levels of artemis in taxane-based chemotherapy

To gain insight into the functions of Artemis in gastric cancer patients treated with chemotherapy taxane, we retrospectively observe the expression levels of Artemis in SGC-7901 cells of 110 patients who treated with taxane-based chemotherapy and non-taxane-based chemotherapy. There was no relationship in both survival rate and disease-free survival rate between patients with positive Artemis →

Primate observation – san diego zoo essay sample

The youngster springs into action using bipedal locomotion and his free left hand to swing from the available branches in the ground to go toward the central part of the exhibit. There was what I assumed to be a female in the upper part of the exhibit napping as well as a youngster towards the →

Editorial: brain-metabolic crossroads in severe mental disorders—focus on metabolic syndrome

Considering the role of these metabolic pathways on the functioning of the brain, it is not surprising that metabolic syndrome, which is highly prevalent in patients with bipolar disorders and schizophrenia and tends to increase over time, contributes to cognitive decline and brain ageing in schizophrenia and even interferes with the efficacy of cognitive remediation →

Perceptive fields and the hermann grid illusion

The study was carried out on 228 participants and after the study was completed it was seen that the first hypothesis was confirmed, and while the means showed a positive correlation in the second hyposthesis, there was not a significant difference between two of the levels of the IV. Because of this, the Hermann grid →

Relationship between filial piety and mother-child conflict

Dual Filial Piety Scale was employed to measure the reciprocal and authoritarian filial piety to mother and Parent-child Interaction Scale was administered to measure the perceived conflict frequency with mother. Due to the Chinese filial piety cultural values seems to put greater responsibility to children to avoid conflict with parents, this research aimed to examine →

Largest supermarket

In reaching the cheapest suppliers, the story of Walter in china has move to the center stage. Eleventh pillar: Business sophistication It's well known that sophisticated business practices are beneficial to higher efficiency in the production of goods and services.

Shakespeare’s,hamlet, and arthur miller’s, death of a salesman, on the issue of tragedy. assignment

With Arthur Miller's, Death of a Salesman, it is clear that tragedy continues to have many of the same features as it did so long ago and it continues to appeal to audiences today. By comparing Shakespearean Hamlet with Wily Loan in Arthur Miller's, Death of a Salesman, it is evident that the tragic hero →

The problem of unemployment in india

In this mission iam planning to do about unemployment in India, and how the government overcome the unemployment here, and what is the cost of unemployment, For more details, we can see the following: Unemployment in INDIA India is a country with massive unemployment problems. The effectiveness of the employer, sharply lower profits competitions etc.are →

Philosophy of sport

The YMCA was the main leader in inventing the sport of volleyball, having facilities and gymnasiums where people can come and play indoors whenever they want, and giving the people a chance to experience and play the game of volleyball. The USVBA was the main company to govern the championships and tournaments, promoting the sport, →

The relationship between our senses and architecture

Nonetheless the architecture of our time is turning into the retinal art of the eye: architecture has greatly become an art of the printed image." Instead of experiencing our being in the world, we behold it from the outside as spectators of images projected on the surface of the retina". The suppression of the other →

Pride of asia

The word Samsung is written in Korean linguistic communication Operation direction is the direction procedure to merchandise and distribute procedure and service. The quality of the merchandises and singular clients desired and satisfactions and Samsung trade names image on the worldwide market and original electronics goods is one of the beginning of their premium monetary →

Functionalist issues in sport essay sample

This can effect change in social mobility the effect of moving from one class stratification to another, enabling self-betterment, a state of classlessness and the equality of gender, race and ability as regards to access to sports, facilities and funding. Functionalist research in sport suggests that sport participation is related to a person? s abilities →

Example of article review on blog posts on technology and scent

The art and design of human health and the wellbeing cluster of the society aim to offer a center to provide motivation, development, and to spread new knowledge. With the glassy illustration of the human brain, the doctors and other stakeholders in the health concept are able to find cures and solutions to brain problems.

Role of auditors | free essay

The important role of the external auditors is to " perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the entity maintained effective control over the financial statement" and " reducing the information asymmetry in financial statement as well as mitigating agency problems between the managers and shareholders and between the shareholders and the creditors" →