8 Pages Essay Samples

Good research paper on the laramie project

Although the topic is not being talked about so much in the town, homosexuality does exist, and residents in the area follow the same pattern of realization with regards the supposed reputation of ' gays' and ' lesbians' in the community as rejects or minors. The second theme that the movie presents the public with →

Community book festival

The most customary way to fundraise a non-profit organization is through a variety of grants. The most general ways to fundraise a book festival is through community events and activities.

Free research proposal about the implementation of an automated dispensing system in a community pharmacy

Introduction - Pharmacy and technology The use of up to date communication technology in relation to software and hardware components is gradually becoming a vital role in the evolution of the community pharmacy from a business perspective. In 1980 tablet counters such as Electrocardiogram machines and Prestel Data terminals were invented and they proved to →

Affirmitive action: reverse discrimination

Says Glazer, " Affirmative action has become a matter of setting statistical goals or quotas by race for employment.the expectations of color blindness that was Baker 3 paramount in the 1960's has been replaced by a rigid frame of numerical requirements." Those who oppose quotas and goals are said to be opposers of the Civil →

The pacific war in history and memory: nuclear bombings essay

The 1995 cancellation of the original planned display of the Enola Gay, the plane that dropped the Hiroshima bomb showed how significant such a memory was in the history of war. Every memorial for the bombing is a constant reminder to the victims of the horrors that the Japanese faced during the incident.

What is meant by a double-blind randomized controlled trial essay sample

Double blind randomized controlled trial is among the simplest, most influential and a revolutionary tool that is very common in the field of research especially in the field of psychology. Despite of the method being one of the best suitable in research designs, it is not a guarantee that it is a panacea to answer →

How does discrimination affect people with mental illness?

This article explores the attitudes and beliefs of the general public towards people with mental illness, and the lived experiences and feelings of service users and their relatives. Future research should investigate the experiences of service users and their families to understand and measure the impact of stigma Stigma can pervade the lives of people →

Organizational behavior essay sample

For a business like Xerox, the differences of in a way of thinking and idea contribution by diversity of workforce are valuable for the company innovation. Workforce diversity in IBM policies perspective; The employees of IBM represent a talented and diverse workforce.

The effects of sleep deprivation on various

Only in the last century have the psychological and scientific areas of study began to investigate and explore the nature, purpose, and properties of sleep. The purpose of this essay is to analyze the value and effect of sleep deprivation on cognition.

A deeper look into today’s electronic health record

A critical issue to information technology and electronic health records is the privacy, confidentiality and security of all health information. Another critical issue to information technology and electronic health records is the privacy, confidentiality and security of all health information.

Metaphors go beyond comfort by veiling the corporate factor in medicine

The intent of using the metaphors on the part of the medical professional is to aid in the understanding of the ailment in common vocabulary. The use of metaphor does not change the outcome of what happens to the donor.

Work stress

There are other factors that can cause high level of stress in a job for example high demands on the part of an employer, and low control on the part of the employee and low rewards for effort can increase the chances of having serious health problems such as anxiety, use of prescription or over →

Leadership principles for healthcare

A role is informally negotiated between each member of the work group and the leader, and an active exchange of inputs and outcomes occurs between the leader and each follower. According to Graen and Uhl-Bien, the development of a leader-member exchange relationship " is based on the characteristics of the working relationship as opposed to →

The impact of culinary arts on the consuming convenience foods

The purpose of this study is to evaluate if taking a culinary arts course in high school has an impact on a student's decisions about purchasing and consuming convenience foods. In addition, this instrumentation will ask if students have purchased breakfast and or lunch from the school cafeteria for that period of time.

Factors affect the rate of the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide essay sample

Therefore the lower the concentration of hydrogen peroxide, the lower the rate that hydrogen peroxide and manganese oxide decompose. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 8.6 9.2 8.9 7.2 7.1 7.2 4.5 4.5 4.5 2.5 2.6 2.

The effect of substrate on the rate of respiration on yeast essay sample

The height of the area filled with gas was measured, after thirty minutes the test tube containing the cofactor MgSO4 revealed the higher amount of carbon dioxide evolved, which is one of the products of cellular respiration. In the second experiment, Smith fermentation tube method was used to test " If the nature of substrates →

Determining an equilibrium constant essay sample

57 Volume of HCl added /cm3 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5. 53 Volume of ethyl ethanoate added /cm3 5.0 5.0 4.0 4.0 2.0 2.

Investigating the rate of reaction between peroxydisulphate (vi) ions and iodide ions

The transfer of charge between the iodine and the starch and the spacing between the energy levels in the complex formed corresponds to the absorption spectrum, and so, the complementary colour, a blue-black solution, is observed. Affect of concentration on the rate of reaction For many reactions, including this one, increasing the concentration of the →

Polystyrene facts essay sample

It comes in many shapes and forms, from foam egg cartons and meat trays, to soup bowls and salad boxes, from coffee cups and utensils to CD " jewel boxes," and from produce trays to " peanuts" used in packing and the lightweight foam pieces that cushion new appliances and electronics. Fast Fact #6 The →


2)What is the relationship with sodium and water balance, and how is that relationship monitored as well as maintained in the body? Therefore the amount of water and salt excreted in urine and the amount of urine excreted is adjusted to meet the needs of the body.

Priscilla omai

Emphysema is a lung disease, a kind of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in which a person's ability to breathe easily and deeply is steadily weakened over time by the destruction of lung tissue. When breathing occurs, the air travels from the nose and mouth through the windpipe and then into the right and left bronchi →

Good the nation essay example

The Republic of Ireland, more commonly referred to as Ireland occupies five-sixths of the island of Ireland, the second largest island of the British Isles. The National Parliament is headed by an elected president and consists of two houses: The House of Representatives or ' Dail eireann' and the Senate or ' Seanad eireann.' →

Free research paper on natural resource policy wetland issues

The act also calls for a continuous inventory projects by the National Wetlands in relation to the preparations of mapping wetlands for all the states by the year 1998. The act requires the Department of Interior to submit reports to the Congress regarding the status, trend and conditions of the wetlands and to gauge how →

Insulation experiment essay sample

Key factors In my investigation the things I can change, which are the dependent variables is the volume of water used because this will depend on how fast the water will heat up and lose heat. I will also need to control the starting temperature of the water, even though it will be hard to →

Flood paper essay sample

A flood is an overflow of water that submerges land which is normally dry.[1] The European Union Floods Directive defines a flood as a covering by water of land not normally covered by water.[2] In the sense of " flowing water", the word may also be applied to the inflow of thetide. Flooding may occur →

Economic, environmental, physical and social benefits of scuba diving

Most of the people must agree that scuba diving is one of the most popular and exciting sports activities and it is truly amazing.this is helped to improve skills through enjoyment and sometimes it is also worked for economy benefits. At least 7 days need to stay to do scuba diving because climate of ocean →

African american racism in the past historical era research paper examples

Investigating the origin of the African continent, the demography, the cultural, economic and institutional aspects derive great strength and notion in value. The following are the sources from where critical information and details of the African American slavery has been found.

Racism in antebellum south

The non-availability of cheap labor and impractibility of the wage-earner system led to the adoption of the institution of slavery. The terms of the indenture were enforceable by the courts and no slave was allowed to leave the master.

How racially biased the system in usa

It also continues the cycle of oppression of the black community because our children are left without male role models, effective rehabilitation does not exist within the American justice system and therefore re-offending is constantly increasing at a negative rate, add to this a lack of voting rights for felons, and the black community is →

Dubois and his critics: my intervention

First and foremost, it is vital to argue that Dubois does transcend the nineteenth century definition of race. Williams argues that Dubois's sociohistorical and stated definition of race draws it motivation from a theoretical belief in the possibility of nonbiological explanations of spiritual differences between the races.

Example of discrimination in the workplace critical thinking

Further, the subtle forms of discrimination in workplace has crept in due to change in the nature of employment relationship and workplace structure as can be seen from the ongoing reorganization of American workplace. Viewed from the human rights policy, it is an employer's duty to create a respectful and discrimination-free workplace.

Good the pasadena tournament of roses parade and its cultural significance essay example

The name Pasadena means " valley" in the Indian language Chippewa and it is located northeast of the City of Los Angeles. Most of the earlier inhabitants of Pasadena come from the East Coast's City of Boston, and since the climate of Pasadena ranges from 49F-75F, the wealthy considered it a favorite winter destination.

New business plan

This is where we want to take the opportunity to capitalize on the situation and provide accommodation services which is going to be much cheaper and affordable for the tourists and other potential local customers. The business: Description of venture The New camp we want to identify it is a camping site that we plan →

10 reasons why same-sex marriage is a bad idea essay sample

If the state is to deny gays and lesbians, on this basis, the right to marry the partner that they love and have made a commitment to, then the state should logically deny divorced persons with children the right to remarry the person that they love.3. Rebuttal: The essence of this argument is that because →

Argument on an issue of the novel a personal matter by kenzaburo

Bird had been saving money to go to Africa since he was a child and the arrival of the baby would force him to forego his dream and stay at home fulfilling his duties as a husband to his wife and a father to his child. He is overwhelmed by the fact that firstly, his →

Analyse the legal issues raised by the case of airedale nhd trust v bland (1993).

The legal issues at the heart of Bland have been the subject of debates which have echoed through the centuries and the issues of the sanctity of life, autonomy and the best interests of a patient were argued by Ronald Dworkin to be the three main contentious issues when deliberating euthanasia and will be the →

Example of essay on aristotle

In plain words, Aristotle's definition of tragedy was: " Tragedy, then, is an imitation of an action that is serious, complete, and of a certain magnitude; in language embellished with each kind of artistic ornament, the several kinds being found in separate parts of the play; in the form of action, not of narrative; with →

Love and hatred in romeo and juliet

The protagonists Romeo and Juliet in the meeting scene and the balcony scene portray love. The use of the simile helps the audience to perceive that her love for Romeo is deep and profound like the sea.

1 (nda) has been established based on diagnostic

According to the World Health Organization, depression is the fourth cause of reduced functionality and disability in the world, and is projected to be the first in 2020. 3 The hypotheses of neurotransmitters in depressionA basic hypothesis on the pathophysiology of depression, the case of monoamines, revolves around the position that depression is caused by →

How workers attitude and job satisfaction affect their work.

It is therefore imperative for a company to understand the attitude of its workers and measure the job satisfaction of its employees, as job satisfaction is essential for productivity. This is a way for the management to ensure that they have an upper hand towards the employees.

Good research paper about sexuality study

This is because of the way pornography portrays men in comparison to the way it portrays women. Sexual scripting is also very important in understanding human sexuality and to a very large extent the concept of pornography.

Good research paper about contributions of dust exposure and cigarette smoking to emphysema severity in coal

Nowadays, and especially in Third World Countries, insufficient cooking and ways of heating are a key factor for the disease with lasting exhibition that can produce an fiery reaction in the lungs causing in a tightening of the small airways and slow collapse of lung material that is more familiar as emphysema. Ways for the →

Good example of research objective case study

The main objectives of the smoking ban are fire safety and protection of health smoking. We will discover, how the effect of banning affects restaurants attendance and income There are three hypothesizes in our research work:- The total level of satisfaction before smoking banning was lower than after.- The average restaurant attendance before banning smoking →

Smoking report

3 The aim of this pilot survey was to find out the understanding of patients about the no smoking rules and how this has affected the patients' experience of being on the ward, and whether they had noticed any impact of the policy on the ward environment.2. 4 The objectives of this audit were as →

Women redeemed from sexual addiction book reviews example

Little is thought about the predominance of sexual compulsion in ladies, yet clinicians say the marvel is true and just now getting the consideration given men." No Stones" is a thorough methodology to recuperation for female sex and affection/sentiment addicts. This book looks at the issue of sex and adoration enslavement in ladies by taking →

Puck and bottom: the artist as interpreter in a midsummer night’s dream

I mention this because after replacing the word " comedy" for " tragedy" and allowing a little latitude on the meaning of the word " actor" Joyce is subconsciously giving A Midsummer Night's Dream's argument about the role of the artist. He is an artist, and it is his duty to bring meaning to the →

Example of essay on paper due date

They say that Shakespeare hints that Hamlet is in control of all his faculties, that he is aware of the plotting and the side missions, and that Hamlet is cleverly devising his madness to take the evil new king off guard. Some of these critics add that Hamlet's madness is just as silly at times →

Good themes in shakespeares novels research paper example

The way Shakespeare highlights the event of marriage as if this is the solution to all the problems that arise in relationships. The violence and feeling of hatred is a common theme of William Shakespeare that can be seen in his every play.

Axa group – a worldwide leader in financial protection and wealth management

As the company continues to expand its presence across the country with a large network of distributors, it continues to provide innovative product and service offerings to cater to specific insurance and wealth management needs of customers. They are committed to the company's vision and goals and the development of Bharti AXA Life Insurance.

Veronica guerin-the one who stood up

Veronica Guerin-The one who stood up Veronica Guerin was an Irish journalist who was murdered on the 26th June 1996, on the Naas Road, Dublin, as a result of her work as a crime journalist specialising in the drug world of Dublin. The work she was involved in was obviously extremely dangerous and her life →

Consequences of escaping punishment in dostoevsky’s roman

In the end Dimmesdale does confess that he is the father of Hester's child, and dies immediately thereafter. In the end, Raskolnikov with Sonya's help realizes what he has become, and that the only way to end his suffering is to confess to the police.

Patient confidentiality in nursing practice research paper samples

In regard to nursing professional confidentiality, this is the duty of nursing professionals to hold in secret the information that is revealed to them in trust of the professional relationship. This code makes it clear that it is the ethical obligation of a nurse to maintain the confidentiality of patient information.

The role of family in preventing juvenile delinquency and behavioural patterns of children

In the development of children, family plays a very critical role in determining the behavior of the young ones as they continue to develop. In the same spirit, a child raised in insecure environs where vehemence is the order of the day is not likely to be gentle, as they believe that violence is the →

The power of the badge: a controversial issue essay sample

The serious problem here is that police officers have too much power; this power needs to be limited in order to get things back to the way they should be; fair. Another way to interpret this poem could be that the phrase " its all just play" refers to the beginning of any arrest, any →

Youth gang prevention

This program is focused in the six communities adjacent and next to the Norfolk State Campus, and is designed to support and enhance community organizations and families in their effort to address youth at risk and reduceviolence. We will most likely need to meet with them most likely in their habitat so as to explain →

Hate crimes toward sexual orientation

The racial spree killer Benjamin Smith, the ragging death of James Byrd, and the humiliating murder of Matthew Sheppard, all stand as reminders that the bigotry that kills is much more than the few unfortunate reminders of the United States history. Intimidation of other members of the victim's community, leaving hem feeling isolated, vulnerable and →

Reflective journal: leadership and management

To meet the needs and the demand of clients who come to the clinic, investments in the latest technologies for improving and treating skin imperfections have been made. I have learned to adopt that attitude and be determined to be and do the best, not settling for the mediocre.

The world’s greatest leaders

This time period created a negative image for Lincoln as the people realized that he was not the strong leader that they needed in the time of war and caused many people's support for the war to decrease. In spite of the many challenges that she had to overcome, Elizabeth was able to unite the →

Free term paper on history

It was a turning point in European civilization that marked the end of the 19th century - the century of conservatism, education and stability, and the beginning of the 20th century - the century of the great revolutions and world wars, mass terror and rapid technological development. The rise of the national and liberation movement →

Sample research paper on edfs 309: scholarly personal narrative writing

The rich variety of flora and fauna along with the aesthetic appeal of this conglomeration of islands country had attracted the British colonial rulers to The Bahamas. The topic I choose for this research paper is the process of independence for the Bahamas and the team players that lead the Bahamas to that great moment →

Female genital mutilation research paper examples

Female genital mutilation or female circumcision/female genital cutting, pertains to the partial or total removal of the person's female genitalia and the injuries in the genital organs. Today, female circumcision or female genital mutilation is still a trend that serves as a tradition for many African tribes and in some communities around the globe for →

How the jamestown settlers of 1607 overcame the research paper samples

In 1606, a group of settlers boarded three ships, ' The Susan Constant', ' The Godspeed', and ' The Discovery', financed by the King of England, King James, and they headed toward what they had deemed, ' The New World', supposedly filled with prosperous land to farm on and most importantly, gold. Chief Powhatan's tribe →

The battle of cowpens essay samples

Cornwallis, in the wake of gathering solid safety in the Carolinas, chose that a way to reduce that opposition was to thump Virginia out of the war. With Charleston in British hands Clinton came back to New York, leaving Cornwallis in summons in the South, and in August of 1780 he moved Horatio Gates' guard →

Free mahatma gandhi research paper example

This paper intends to elaborate the reason as to why he is recognized as an important figure in India and the impacts that he made to the Indian region as well as the whole world at large. This indicated that he was from a lineage that was categorically wise owing to the fact that his →

The constructionist perspective of obesity

The belief in the importance of individual's freedom to choose the types of food they consume and to have a more active lifestyle is embraced by most people. Both groups validate obesity is an epidemic and therefore a social problem however these groups battle the way we are to combat this problem.

Managing work life balance

This leads to extrinsic motivation as the managers makes the employees in the organization participate in an activity because of the benefits and rewards associated with the activity. Flexi-time is beneficial to employees as it gives them a greater degree of freedom to balance their work and personal life, which helps in reducing stress.

Exploring and sharing youth work practice

The purpose of youth work is well defined in the Youth Work Manifesto 2011, and is as follows: build self-esteem and self-confidence develop the ability to manage personal and social relationships create learning and develop new skills encourage positive group atmospheres build the capacity of young people to consider risk, make reasoned decisions and take →

Nike and child labor

The Issue Nike has been accused of using child labor in the production of itssoccerballs in Pakistan. Gender and other forms of discrmination plus adding to the lack of political will, gives the clear picture of the existence of child labor in Pakistan.

Affirmative action at the university of selkirk and portrait of a canadian advisor

In the case of the University of Selkirk, a bias was also demonstrated by the Halo Effect, while stereotypes and the Golem Effect were exhibited in the case of the Canadian advisor.#2) Learning Program My program would be the same for both cases. Cultural Awareness To eliminate the ethnic bias in the case of the →

Green it at city university – city green monitor

For the purposes of this research and in looking at the areas of Green IT projects within the City University, it is important to consider how the success or otherwise of the initiative may be judged. In reality, and for the purposes of this analysis, a combined definition is to be pursued, with the suggested →

University parking essay sample

The rationale for this is that the job function of these individual is essential to the teaching and research mission of the university and therefore no barrier to the performance of their function can be tolerated. The rationale behind this is to recover the costs of building and maintaining the entire parking system for the →

National university of singapore personal statement

I am also strong willed and assertive in the sense that when I know that I am on the right track, I am never afraid to go and pursue it. I weigh the pros and cons of every circumstance that I am into in which I am task to decide things with.

This 1840, in new jersey. after her

It is important to recognize the contributions women made to the civil war because without the support of women of the time, the outcome and events of the war could have differed greatly. The scope of this investigation focuses on the years of the war from 1861-1865 and focuses on the roles women played not →

The principles of mercantilism essay example

According to this theory, the world contained just a fixed amount of wealth and therefore to increase the wealth of a nation, such a nation had to take over the wealth of another country. He went on to explain that money was just one of the many elements of wealth and performed in facilitating the →

Toy r us analysis: five forces essay sample

The degree of competition within the industries looks at the external environment and the number of firms, size of firms and concentration in the industry. The CEO can next look at the life cycle of the industry in respect to the environment.

Strategic marketing cases: caterpillar inc. essay sample

There are a couple of strategies Caterpillar could pursue to increase growth in the domestic market:* To stimulate demand in the U. However, students should be asked to consider the impact on the U.S.economy and Caterpillar's labor force if jobs continue to go overseas.* The company may also consider increasing the percentage of overseas manufacturing →

Dementia case study essay sample

The exact causes and the mechanism behind the development of dementia remain unknown and is the main focus of current research, alongside early detection and diagnosis. The British government is seeing the value of improving the delivery of primary health care and management to people with dementia, including the design of standard models of care →

Dementia essay example

In the extreme case, the individual who is suffering from the symptoms of psychological illness is unable to meet their personal needs on their own and can also cause harm to themselves or others. It is observed that people in the lower and middle income nations, sharpest increase in the number of dementia patients are →

The history of schizophrenia

The word " schizophrenia" comes from the Greek roots schizo and phrene to describe the fragmented thinking of people with the disorder. Schizophrenia in Recent Times The start of the twentieth century saw, for the first time in schizophrenia history, a practical schizophrenia definition and the birth of effective treatments.

Clinicopathological session for the purpose of a case of chronic meningoencephalitis by coccidioides

A detailed and careful history and examination is required along with CSF parameters to guide a clinician towards the aetiology of the problem. In the absence of risk factors or clinically orienting in the etiological, in a subacute or chronic meningoencephalitis, evaluation of the CSF whose appearance is clear must include: cytochemical examination, Chinese ink →

Tuberculosis, infectious, sickness, patients, control, airborne, transmission. dissertation example

Yet, despite the present day scourges of HIV/AIDS, diabetes, and multidrug resistance all of which add to weakness to Tuberculosis worldwide control of the sickness will remain an impressive test for quite a long time to come. A study on the spread of tuberculosis in families.

The scalpel and the silver bear

Note that all of the styles for this template are available on the Home tab of the ribbon, in the Styles gallery.] Keywords: [Click here to add keywords.]The Scalpel and the Silver BearThe Scalpel and the Silver Bear is theautobiographyof Dr. The Navajo believe in the beauty of the body, the sacredness of the body, →

Clinical findings and management of hereditary optic atrophy

Currently, she has bilateral myopia and her best-corrected visual acuity is 20/300 in the right and 20/125 in the left her prescription in the right eye: -3.50-0. Temporal optic disc pallor in right eye and 360 optic disc pallor in the left eye to extent viewed given the diagnostic possibilities of bilateral optic atrophy.

The financial service sector of india

In the course of the most recent couple of years, money related markets have seen a huge expanding and developing of administration bushels with the presentation of a few new instruments and items in managing an account, protection and capital markets space. Because of ascend in interests in the Common Assets and other money related →

Free research paper on why east asia did not become an economic bloc

3 The U.S.has contributed to the lack of concerted efforts of the East Asian regional nations to form a regional trade bloc. 4 The U.S.also recognizes the fact that closer economic integration of the regional powers like Japan and China is difficult to achieve.

Developments in mongol-ming china essay examples

While the Mongol empire was continuing with its advance of trying to take over the China, he was able to make adjustments in the reforms in that he was able to separate the powers of the military and the civil. He was also able to make a lot of changes for the Mongol people.

The republic of china: history, tourism, food, ets.

The culture of China is very rich, and it's a positive. There is not a single country that can compare to the methods of transportation that China has.

Economic and strategic implications of xi jinping’s flagship foreign policy for the chinese economy

China has never been so aggressive in its foreign policy and the economic returns domestically and internationally of this goliath project are huge to the optimists and minimal to the pessimists of the world. Before the analysis of the economic implications of this project begins I believe it to be necessary for the reader to →

Good essay about surrounding islands and chinese international relations

The most important problem is the issue of South China Sea, the Diaoyu islands in the East China Sea dispute. The focus of the disputes over the South China Sea is the Spratly islands.

Introduction the enzyme will also remain active.

The name bromelain refers to either stem bromelain or fruit bromelain, depending on which part of the pineapple it is found in. It is the most common symptom of Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency and it is used to diagnose EPI.

Power and politics in film essay example

The concept behind the notion on power is the impact o influencing the actions or the decisions of others within the society. The indicated approach in relation to the respective effects of power and the influence reflected by the leaders to the followers stipulated the implications that the leaders provide within a given community.

Example of essay on engl 105

Muller presents a brief history of the global climatic change from 1850 in order to present the case for the possibility that human activities may not be the cause of the increased global temperatures. Muller concedes that the greenhouse effect may be responsible for the heating up of the planet, and presents a clear explanation →

Essay on a critical thinking handbook

Critical thinking is a system of judgment that is used for the analysis with the formulation of valid conclusions and correctly apply the results to the situations and problems. Basic parameters of critical thinking, filled with content and defining the goals of education, the perception of the modern world, knowledge of the world in combination →

Good qsen – sepsis research paper example

The treatment of sepsis includes antibiotics to treat the infection that lead to sepsis, administration of intravenous fluid to reduce septic shock, drainage of infected fluid collections and specialized support for the organs which have failed. To improve the quality of care for sepsis patients, it is important to provide patient centered care and evidence →

Research paper on alternative or complimentary medicine

The main source of challenge for homeopathy has been and still remains to be the issue of safety of its application since there is utilization of the causal agent to cure the body. According to Food Facts, it has been argued that the dilution of the extracts can be compared to one drop of that →