8 Pages Essay Samples

Analysis of job quality

Introduction Job quality is a multi-faceted and worker-centered concept that consists of the set of job characteristics fostering the wellbeing of workers. However, because of the paradox of Job quality and diversification of labor force, it is hard to standardize features of Jobs with good quality.

Analysis of social factors affecting tesco essay

This is the amount a business like Tesco will have to pay to the any of their employees absent for the reason of having a newborn or an adopted child from the 5th of April 2015. Tesco will benefit from this opportunity because the economy will affect them in the way that they will have →

Performance evaluation of sainsbury’s analysis

The current ratio and the quick ratio for the years 2009, 2008 and 2007 are 0. 9% in the years 2009, 2008 and 2007.

Why do we dream?

The activation component of the activation synthesis theory relates to the regular switching on of REM sleep as part of the stages of sleep cycles. When the REM mechanism that is based in the brainstem is activated, it produces the paralysis of the REM sleep.

What do dbs group holdings do commerce essay

Because of a monolithic amplitude and complexness in operation as an international largest organisation, and endeavoring for an adequate-content study, it is uneffective to look into whole facets of DBS in the attempt of implementing Knowledge Management. Furthermore, DBS concern is in banking and finance industry where multiplicity of information and cognition is created and →

The portrayal of women as consumable in tina howe’s ‘the art of dining’ and laura esquivel’s ‘como agua para chocolate’

This essay aims to examine this truth, principally asking the question, ' are women's bodies consumable?' specifically in reference to the play ' The Art of Dining' by American playwright Tina Howe, and to the film ' Like Water for Chocolate' directed by Alfonso Arau and based on the novel of the same name written →

Low-interest great recession, other countries such as

By comparing the changes of increases and decreases of interest rates by the Federal Reserve relative to the equity markets, most notably the S 500, there's a strong relationship between the two. The significant of discussing the bond yield curves is the fact the Federal Reserve dictates and influences the short-term end of the curve.

Thai immigration in united states

This paper will cover three parts which are the history of Thai immigrants in US, Thai immigrant lifestyle in US, and Thai culture represents by immigrant group. This is a great chance to give visitors and locals to experience the diversity of Thai Town, and also to support the local economies in the area.

Understanding fact from fiction regarding sparta in literary sources

When looking at literary sources pertaining to Spartan history, there are five issues that must be analyzed and understood if we are to attempt to depict the fact from the fiction regarding the truth of Sparta from both modern day and ancient Greek literary sources. Lastly, how the Spartan mirage continues to distort the evidence →

The duty versus charity

In The Drowning Child and the Expanding Circle and Famine, Affluence, and Morality, Peter Singer argued that people in affluent countries have the duty to help people in need in countries suffering from famine and other disasters. Perhaps the strongest argument that he gives for this claim relies on the claim that donation to developing →

Communication in multinational corporations

As the world is going to become a global village the communication process is becoming difficult due to difference in the language and cultural. Though the companies are expanding their business in all over the world, they need skilled persons who have ability to communicate the ideas and the information of the company.

The effects of kaizen to improve productivity

This paper tends to obtain results and analyse the effects of Kaizen on improving productivity in the automotive industry. The main purpose of this cycle is to iron out abnormalities in the resulting work process and bring it back to harmony before moving to a new improving cycle.

Consecutive numbers investigation

Gap 2 3, 5, 7 3*7 = 21 52 = 5 5 = 25 Difference 4 5, 7, 9 5*9 = 45 72 = 7*7 = 49 Difference 4 17, 19, 21 17*21 = 357 192 = 19*19 = 361 Difference 4 It would appear that it would work every time. Gap 3 5, 8, →

Arbitration – paper

Most types of arbitration have the following in common: - Both parties must agree to use the process - It is private - The decision is made by a third party, not the people involved - The arbitrator often decides on the basis of written information - If there is a hearing, it is likely →

Equality and difference amongst indigenous australians

Data from the 2002 NATSISS also indicated that Indigenous Australians were twice as likely as their non-Indigenous peers to be a victim of violent aggression, with 24% of Indigenous Australians reported being a victim of violence in 2001. Groups can play a large role in improving equality in society, particularly for the state of Indigenous →

Materials for constructing a multi-storey bulding

Every material has Strength this is the ability of the material to resist the forces set up within them by the applied load, when a load is applied movement is made so therefore Stability is needed stability is the ability of the structure to resist overall movement, any load tends to move to a downward →

Michael porters five forces model for starbucks

To cushion this, Starbucks capitalizes on the advantage of having more buyers and the benefit of their network in the market. The bargaining power of Starbucks customers is not very high due to a few factors put in place by Starbucks.

A catalyst of change assignment

Somehow, they cannot really hide what and who they are with what they are trying to wear on the outside because the truth will still subside at the bottom line. It was even shown at the end of the movie that Manual brought him the sword and the gift of the emperor as a proof →

Reviewing the psychological effects of teenage pregnancy psychology essay

On my journey to find a piece of art for my term paper, I was excited because this was the first time I had gone to the Museum of Modern Art and I felt it was going to be a experience to last a lifetime. After this, many ideas came to mind, such as →

Every individual has a specific way in which

Stirling states that it is important to group a learner into one of the many learning styles, this is because once the learning style is realized there is lots of information and resources they are able to which may improve the way they learn. There are multiple online and offline tools that can be used →

But what of the chickens: jacob’s room and the masculine martyr narrative

And she will also attempt to reveal to us the real victims of this war not the dead, but the women who must pick up after the dying and soldier on. Instead, we see the world through the eyes of a multitude of other characters, many of whom are only tangentially related to the so-called →

Tetanus toxin: structure and purification

It also inhibits the action of synaptic nerves and thus exhibits an important role in the toxicity of the toxin. It was therefore concluded that the toxin contains six sulfhydryl groups and two disulfide bond [r] Mode of Action: Rossetto et al.in 2001 reported that the neuroparalytic syndromes of tetanus is caused by neurotoxins produced →

Protection of biodiversity in state of uttar pradesh essay sample

The flora of the state is composed of a total of 3987 species of which 2711 are higher plants representing 18% of the countries angiospermic flora. Protected Areas: Uttar Pradesh is one of the pioneering states in the national movement for conservation of flora and fauna.

A background on emotional intelligence and iq

Emotional intelligence in the other hand is the capacity, skill, ability or in the case of the trait emotional inteligence model it is a self-perceived ability which helps in order to control, access and identify the emotions of himself/herself, of others and of different groups. In the same manner Howard Gardner in 1983in his book →

The performance of the greggs bakery chain

1) Manning made a set of assumptions about the contemporary concept and ideas of strategy, and in relation to Greggs plc they are: The strategy Greggs develops must be designed in order to allow the organisation to deal with an uncertain future. In prescriptive, the executives of Greggs set the objectives, and design the organisation →

Introduction organized efforts of society in human

The emergingdiscipline is revolutionising our understanding of the cause of illness and hasrecently become recognised within the domain of public health. This example demonstrates how an understandingof adaptation is vital so that the appropriate measures are taken byresearchers in EMPH to improve global health and prevent disease.

How positive and negative psychological affects on performance

An example of intrinsic motivation in a sporting situation can be a 40 year old who takes up on marathon running and trains three night a week and at the end of the week he/she is likely to be motivated by intrinsic rewards such as feeling fitter or the satisfaction of a faster finishing time →

Adaptive market hypothesis and behavioural finance

Herein lies the intellectual crux of the debate, which has continue to shape the study and practice of economics and finance. Thus, in evaluating the relationship between AMH and behavioural finance, it is essential to consider an empirical test of how AMH differ significantly from the efficient market hypothesis, which the behaviourists seek to discard.

International promotion strategies: the push pull mix

It seems to be the conclusion that in order to gain a greater market share in face of tough competition the employment of the push strategy along with advertising is a major success factor for the company. The theme of issues that plagued society around the world not only gave it a chance to expose →

Introduction to doyle (2002, p.29), “marketing is

The third part of Doyle's definition, "...developing relationships with valued customers..".implies that the customer is the focus of the marketing process. This is based on the fact that the demand reflects the wants and needs of the customers.

Example of understanding lifestyle modification: my personal experiences in managing chronic creative writing

When the opportunity to make lifestyle modifications that are consistent with general recommendations for healthy living came along in the form of schoolwork, I made a genuine and serious effort for the duration of one week as suggested in the assignment. I did not include exercises that reduce back pain in my routine due to →

Comparison of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells

The nucleus contains all the genomic DNA which is the genetic information carried by the chromosomes and is different from the nucleoid in a prokaryotic cell because the nucleoid holds information in a circular double stranded DNA. In the head there are enzymes which help the sperm break through the outer layer of the egg →

The importance of quality management

In the process of enterprises' development, the quality is the key to success or failure of any companies. Effective quality management can contribute to the success of enterprises, and more and more enterprises realize the importance of quality management.

Blood brothers theatre evaluation drama gcse student

All the scenes were set in the same location; and the set design remained the same for the whole performance, even when the backdrop changed however, the insides of houses, occasionally descended from the ceiling to show the insides of each home. The characters were spot lit when they were singing or during a dramatic →

Doing business in russia essay sample

On the basis of constant economic development and reforms, the international credit rating agency " Standard and Poor's" upgraded the rank of Russia among the fastest growing economies of the worlds and the United States also asserted that Russia has achieved the status of " market economy" in the year 2002 The capital of Russia, →

How is big brother watching us media essay

Since the publication of Nineteen Eighty-Four, the phrase 'Big Brother' has entered the English language, to describe any attempts by governments to use mass surveillance.[1] The main surveillance tool described in Orwell's novel is the imaginary 'telescreen', a cross between a television and a security camera[2], and in the past decade growing comparisons have been →

Rio bravo iv – operations management case study

Packard, however underestimated the need to be customer oriented at the first place and, therefore the result was a reject of the shipment. In order to decrease the defect of the products, Packard needs to implement safety equipment that would identify the faulty product and stop the manufacturing.

Just deserts essay sample

However, accepting that a crime has been committed, the first problem with this approach is, who is to judge the severity of the crime, the victim as the judge is likely to consider the crime more horrendous than a friend or like minded companion of the criminal would, and an " unbiased" Judge is likely →

The critical legal studies movement

Like CLS scholars, legal realists rebelled against accepted legal theories of the day and urged more attention to the social context of the law. He claims that this received wisdom is challengeable as wrong, and to do this one should rely on a normative theory of a branch of law supplied by the CLS.

Case analysis of the ann taylor corporation

Based on the results of the study, there are three recommendations that have to be addressed in order for the company to continue to grow and regain staying ability in tough economic times and the recent changes in consumer behavior. The sales force must also be willing to step up and assist in the plan →

Technology affect the automotive industry

This was the period of many developments hat included the implementation of independent suspension, fuel injection and the increased focus on safety for the design of cars. Security of automobiles is highly important and technology is needed to prepare the layers of security and implement them effectively in the system.

The black panthers

The party of the Black Panther got to the national and the international fame when it participated deeply in the black power movement and the politics of the United States in the years 1960s and 1970s, during a period when there was so much of the racism in the United States. The African American studies →

Insomnia and psychological causes in adolescents

Insomnia is the most frequently occurring sleep disorder in which the whole body and brain are in a conflict between the desires of wanting to fall asleep and not wanting to go to the wakening status. We will also discuss the causes and circumstances that could lead to the progression of insomnia and some possible →

Definition of the informal sector

The following definition prepared by ILO and UNDP, 1972 refers " to the non-structured sector that has emerged in the urban centres as a result of the incapacity of the modern sector to absorb new entrants". They involved the provision of incentives, training in entrepreneurship, and the addition of units relevant to the informal sector →

Urban utopia

There are problems that arose in cities of every generation and these problems have sparked the minds of the greatest thinkers, planner, architects, and theorists of the 19th century. Frank Lloyd Wright was similar to Howard, in the sense that they both despised and wanted to change the urban fabric of the city.

Writing on gender in popular culture essay

Much of the humor comes from the tension of the relationships between Carrie, Doug, and Arthur, as well as the general stagnation of the main characters. This is in contrast to Doug's close male friendships, which are often a part of the plotlines.

Gullivers travels-satire w/bibliography essay

As Swift leads Gulliver on these four fantastical journeys, Gulliver's perceptions of himself and the people and things around him change, giving Swift ample opportunity to inject into the story both irony and satire of the England of his day and of the human condition. However, the present king's grandfather once cut himself breaking the →

Case study on the ethics of the police law essay

The decision to keep the Ipod is the wrong decision and is an unethical decision. The third decision that I will critique is Constable Black's decision to not report the misconduct of her partner Senior Constable Cullen.

Information systems strategy

The International Accounting Standards Committee Foundation was brought into practise after an increase in the importance of the international accounting standards by the IASB in 1999. The main objectives of the IASC Foundation are: to develop a single set of high quality and comparable accounting standards that would help users in making economic decision; to →

The shrewsbury cemetery

But it was politics as usual at the town hall in the city centre, and the board of which I was a member, had come to the decision that any allocated money for upkeep of Shrewsbury cemetery would be better spent elsewhere. I had kept my promise to Granny and the others and I was →

Discuss the way heresy was viewed in the fifteenth century?

The Catholic Church believed in baptism and any catholic who had been baptised and then went against the teachings of the Catholic Church were considered to be a heretic. These accused are taken to the church where they will be confronted with the Catholic Church hierarchy and depending on the seriousness of the charge the →

What is a learning journal psychology essay

Self and Identity The aspect of this topic that caught my interest would be " development of the social self" I have found this topic aspect very interesting as it explains and reflects on how people see and identify ones social self. This also demonstrates how each individual is looked upon and how their roles →

Indias tata steel company analysis

Contents TATA STEEL C0MPANY:- Tata Iron & Steel Company Ltd.is the iron and steel production company associated with the Tata group of some 80 different industrial and other business enterprises in India, founded by members of the Tata family. CORUS STEEL COMPANY:- Corus Group was created in October 1999 through the merger of British Steel →

Benefits and drawbacks of social media marketing essay

The idea is to make the costumers part of the social media community, to get them involved and get a deeper engagement with the brand. Foley, Brand Manager of UnME Jeans, is faced with a challenge as she reconsiders her advertising media plan due to the increase of social media options on the emerging Web →

Process implemented in shell pakistan management essay

It also highlights the issues of necessity to change, the risks faced during the transformation and the effectiveness of change management. The behavioral responses and attitude of stakeholders towards change management in the industry have also been covered in the report with a comprehensive analysis on the features that have helped or hindered the changed →

Four criteria for an organisation’s core competence

This process of exploiting the unique combination of resources and capabilities has given rise to the term of core competencies which have been defined by Prahalad and Hamel as the ability of an organisation to coordinate all its technologies and production skills in order to deliver its strategy. Leveraging core competencies This is the process →

Syllabus for cmp assignment

COURSE MATERIALS You will need the following materials to do the work of the course. Include your name at the top of the paper, as ell as the course name and code and the semester and year in which you are enrolled.

Ostracism and identity intertwined: sherwood anderson’s winesburg, ohio

Riddled by the doubts of his neighbors in Winesburg, young Jesse aspired to usher in an era of industrialization that would create a great shift " in the lives and in the habits and thought of [the] people of Mid-America". In the deepest fantasies of his mind, Enoch was an orator and a socialite.

Nurse’s professional role in advocating for others

Using the 4 Ps to underpin your essay and using legal, ethical and professional issues discuss the nurse's professional role in advocating for others and how personal knowledge, skills, values and beliefs contribute to your professional identity and development. The aim of this assignment is to research legal, ethical and professional issues in order to →

Gatekeeping in politics: enoch powell

Crowd-sourcing of labor, technological advances in materials and mechanization, and the liberalization of finance produced a very quick shift in the lives of the common person. At the story level, factors like geographic proximity to the story, visual features of the story, intellectual capacity of the story, and social aspects of the story define the →

Record keeping in the nursing profession

It is important that the records are written with the patient or carer and identifies the difficulties that the patient is having and the actions that are being taken to help the patient to overcome these difficulties. The records must show evidence of the care which is planned for the patient, decisions that were made, →

Employee engagement and methods of measuring it

There is evidence which shows that engagement and commitment leads to the employee retention. But, there is no such research or study that is being undertaken on the employee engagement in an Animated and Production Company like Creativemine.

The reality of terrorism and the western myth

The purpose of this paper is to inform individuals of the conflict between Western norms and Islamic beliefs, Muslim discrimination in pop-culture and propaganda, and psychological and environmental factors that extremists use to gain a following in their terrorist organization. Pop-culture and propaganda's negative attention on Muslims has caused the Western society to stereotype the →

A case report on alzheimers disease biology essay

Symptoms of Alzheimer ' s disease: Normally, the oncoming of Alzheimer ' s disease is gradual and it is easy progressive. The hazard of developing Alzheimer ' s disease is increased two to three crease in Persons with one transcript of the E4 gene.

Informative essay on research proposal

The first couple of sentences should explain what the general issue is, as well as the purpose of your research. Also notice that you use the word " and" to separate the last author from the rest, then the year is placed in parentheses after the last author.

The importance of game theory

Game theory is the study of the choice of strategies by interacting rational agents, or in other words it is a interactive decision theory. In case of two player game, the action of first player from the rows, and the actions of the second one in the columns of given matrix.

Solutions cost accounting chapter assignment

20-6 The steps in computing the costs of a prediction error when using the EX.decision model are: Step 1: Compute the monetary outcome from the best action that could be taken, given the actual amount Of the cost input. A straightforward approach to the requirement is to construct the following table for EX.at relevant carrying →

“suicide” by emile durkheim – labelling theory

If deviance is afailureto conform to the rules observed by most of the group, the reaction of the group is to label the person as having offended against their social or moral norms of behavior. This is the power of the group: to designate breaches of their rules as deviant and to treat the person →

Bolanos final exam

He compares her to many things and say the things are better than her but at the end of the poem he says he loves her and that it is misrepresented by ridiculous compare. He says he prefers one who is simple on the outside and beautiful on the insideTo the Virgins, to Make Much →

Why are us veterans becoming homeless?

Later on, in the 19th century, the Veterans Administration was expanded to include benefits and or pensions not only for veterans but for their widows and dependents if something were to have happened. There are many factors that can lead to an individual becoming homeless and that is the same for veterans.

Assessing selective human genetic engineering selective genetic engineering

They also used studies of rats and mice to show that anxiety is a genetic condition and could be treatable using genetic manipulation techniques Opponents of human genetic engineering further turn to natural selection in their opposition to the practice. They find in the works of Miller, Powell, Gillespie, and Gordon and Hen an exciting →

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (pahs)

In order to test the reliability of the method used for preconcentration and separation of PAHs, the PAHs were analysed from spiked and un-spiked seawater samples. The HPLC method used in this instance to determine and separate the PAHs consisted of gradient elution with a fluorescence detector.

The development of sociability and peer acceptance

The large amount of time and effort devoted to these students provides abundant opportunities for teachers to transmit their liking and disliking of these students and their behavior. The aim of this paper is to examine the mediating role of teacher cognitions about students' and teachers' behavior toward students in the link between student behavior →

Effects of gender discrimination and harrasment on motivation

This not only brought attention to the organizational costs of sexual harassment and also to the seriousness of the problem as well. However, this study concludes that increase in the proportion of females in the military would increase that part of the total costs of harassment associated with females and as a result the cost →

Marketing and pic flashcard

I the products sold at the I the I there is a lot of competition in the computer power cord segment.5. I [pick] I mass market I I [pick] I tangential market I I [pick] Market aggregation I I [pick] I target market I I [pick] I product grouping 6.

Action plan for diabetes care and management

She feels a lot of her negative aspects in her life have been addressed she is working through them and she wants to lose weight and try to get her diabetes under control What action will the patient take and when? She also indicated she was happy to consider more medication to control her diabetes →

The 1964 mississippi burning

The civil rights movement held many of the nation's pivotal turning points in opening the eyes of the American people. The people were used to racial offenses and saw the severity in them, but the crime was taken more seriously due to the demographic of the workers.

Government guidelines for child nutrition

Milk is still the major food, it is very important to remember, when baby starting solids, that milk is still the best and most natural food for growing babies. It is important to recognise and cater for differing dietary needs and this should not only be the case if you are caring for a child →

Platoplato plato the father of western philosophy. he

In the Republic, Plato outlines the normal education of a Greek boy, which he also received learning to read and write and study the poets. In the the later stages of the education, the boy can go to university like the Platon's " academia" which lectured by philosophers and rethorics, is usually the child of →

Effects of advertisements on children

The knowledge and understanding of advertising develops gradually and children are simply born with no knowledge and understanding " ready to be evolved and manipulated" as stated by Furnham. Knowing this the marketer use their advertising to develop a foundation when children are in their early stages of learning and development.

Relationship between narcissism and social media

Summary of aims, methodology and findings of the target paper The aim of Ong.et.al 's study was to examine the relationship of narcissism and extraversion on adolescents' self-presentation on Facebook usage.Ong.et.al especially focused on four Facebook profile features: profile picture, status updates, social network size and photo count. Participants rated the items on a five-point →

Are the cultures of the world becoming more similar or more different essay

This report will be divided in to the three main areas of culture identified by Johnson, value and norms, cognitive elements and beliefs and signs, symbols and signs which relates to language. Defining culture can be difficult, an approach taken by Max Weber is: "...culture to be a part of the ' cultural sciences', concerned →

The child-like scientist: a study of the similarities between jonathan swifts’ gulliver’s travels and voltaire’s candide in reference to satire developed through naivete

In this way, the foolish scenarios stand out in the context of " serious" discourse, and when taken in on a satirical level, the narrator's carefree consideration of dreadful events suggests a desensitizing of society. In the " Introduction to Gulliver's Travels" this sentiment is also expressed.

Technology in the travel and tourism industry

This project is based on the description of the analysis importance of delivering quality services in the hospitality industry, what is community base tourism, the pros and cons of community base tourism, alternative type of tourism that can be used to diversify the Jamaica tourism product sand the impact of technology in the development of →

Problem that further repairs are needed on

There is a need for real time monitoring of multiple performance indicators of bridges, handling and processing the data and using the data to intelligently and proactively predict failure points and maintenance needs. Background Information: The following are the main components of a bridge: Foundation: The foundation of a bridge is the element that connects →

Resource analysis on seafood sector business essay

Myanmar represents the largest country in mainland Southeast Asia and has the population of over 60 million makes largest population in the world. 1m tonnes of seafood and the total for 2012 is expected to reach 4.

Causes and effects of traffic congestion tourism essay

The next part of this essay illustrates many causes of traffic congestion in different cities around the world, and the effects of these causes on the environment. Furthermore, the solutions that solved the traffic jam problem, and the suggested solutions that could help to reduce the congestion in some cities.

“group minds” and solomon asch’s experiment essay sample

The students are instructed to choose the line on the second card that is the same length as the line on the first card. What the dissident does not know is that all the other members of the group were told before the experiment to give incorrect answers as a unit throughout the experiment.

The tough guy case study

This case study is about the management and leadership methods of the vice president of a middle market investment bank, Hudson Smith Gordon and how these methods affected the employees of this firm working directly with the UP. Drive, honesty, emotional maturity and flexibility are the critical traits a leader should have in order to →

Romantic jealousy in men and women

White jealousy is defined as:" a complex of thoughts, feelings, and actions which follow threats to self-esteem and/or threats to the existence or quality of the relationship, when those threats are generated by the perception of a real or potential attraction between one's partner and a rival". The importance is to exist one and from →

Toyota case study assignment

INTRODUCTION ABOUT TOYOTA MOTORS As a joint venture between Kirloskar Group and Toyota Motor Corporation, Toyota Kirloskar Motor Private Limited aims to play a major role in the development of the automotive industry and the creation of employment opportunities, not only through its dealer network, but also through ancillary industries. For example, Toyota in Japan →

Prisoners’ families have been referred to as the forgotten victims of crime essay sample

The study took 411 males and established a strong correlation of 59% that children who were separated from their parent, usually the father, to prison, was more likely to be to be a delinquent up to the age of 32. The possibilities for the prisoners to maintain this relationship depends on the stance taken by →

Life in a metro essay

LIFE IN A METRO Life in a metro is a term used for life of people in a metropolitan city. The pollution of the city increases due increase in use of vehicles and the atmosphere is ruined.

Poe: gothic genius or raven lunatic?

In one of his most famous short stories, " The Fall of the House of Usher," Poe weaves a tapestry of melancholy revolving around the narrator's old friend, a sorrowful man who has recently lost his twin sister and is himself dying of a disease that can be described only as psychosomatic. Poe ingeniously weaves →

The nature based attraction

When the destination managers attempt to attract the growing market, they are faced with a double paradoxical task; in the beginning, there is the need to preserve the resources that attract the tourist and provides a quality travel experience; Backman et al. A tourist preference appears to be more precise and is the ultimate decision →


Kirsty glanced at a patch on the floor next to the emerald green coloured cupboards in the kitchen, that was were Kirsty had taken her first steps, and in the tarnished beige sofas in front of her was where she had learned to read. Kirsty had never been a superstitious person, that was more of →