7 Pages Essay Samples

Good do violent video games cause aggression research paper example

This study discovered that the violent behavior in individuals was not linked to the violence in the video games; rather, the frustrations arise from the failure to accomplish the goal of the video game. The same comparison is drawn between the violence in people and video games but according to the researchers, the impact in β†’

Do violent video games promote aggression and intolerance in childrens behavior essay example

Discussion3 Stand 1: Video Games Cause Aggression and Violence4 Stand 2: Video Games Do Not Cause Aggression and Violence5 Reasons that Prove the Relationship between Video Games and Aggression6 Conclusion7 Introduction Video games are a form of entertainment. Willoughby, more than the content of the video games, it is the level of competitiveness and frustration β†’

Bagobo tagabawa beliefs essay sample

Among these is Tiguaima, the creator, assisted by the lesser gods like Mamal-e, creator of the earth, Macoreret, creator of the air, Domacolen, creator of the mountains, and Macaponguis, creator of water. The blacksmiths call on the spirits to accept the offering and to watch over them in the field.

Feasibility study business plan examples

After an examination of the organizational structure as well as the structure that will be used in the pregnancy center, a discussion will be carried out to determine the age of women that will be targeted by the pregnancy center. A discussion of what will be required to start a venture and the expansion plans β†’

Re-examining the β€˜step-and-slide’: sex differences in pedestrian collision avoidance

A chi-square test found a significant made a number of observations including that people tend to form two lanes whilst walking upon the pavement, with one group walking on the inside, away from the road and the other group walking on the outside and close to the road. The predictor variable was the sex of β†’

How can a sociological approach to examining sport and leisure help us to understand differences, patterns and trends in gendered sport participation?

And this is a historical trend that shows that femininity has limited the number of opportunities that are available for women to play sport, in comparison of the number of opportunities that are available to male sporting players, due to the smaller demand for gender specific sports for example, A women's Football league is not β†’

Single sex classrooms

It also expands ideas of educational opportunities and core values for both boys and girls, and the classes generate custom created learning strategies and instructions to better learning. Girls at single sex schools are more likely to take nontraditional classes such as physics and advanced math because they have the opportunity to excel in them.

Best age to get married

On the other hand, when you get married later in life; in your 30s, you have the advantages of have lived your life, enjoyed it and done all the things you wanted to experience, maybe travel, or simply not having to give any explanation to anyone of where you are, and when you are coming β†’

Application of statistical concepts in the determination

Precision refers to the closeness of the values when some quantity is measured several times; while accuracy refers to the closeness of the values to the true value. Significance of the mean and standard deviation The mean is used to locate the center of distribution in a set of values [2].

Cognitive development theory

Equilibrium- assimilation and accommodation are constantly working together to produce changes in a child's conceptualization of the world and reaction to it. There are 3 kinds of techniques Piaget use to study this stage; first is the Egocentrism it is the children's assurance that the world thinks like they do.

The phenomenon of bipolar affective disorder

The onset of Bipolar disorder usually occurs between the ages of 20 and 30 years of age, with a second peak in the mid-forties for women. In a majority of bipolar patients, it lessens the duration, frequency, and severity of the episodes of both mania and depression.

Is baptism necessary for salvation

Holy Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit, and the door, which gives access to the other sacraments. The doctrine of original sin is the identification given to the concept of the entrance of sin into the world through the disobedience of Adam and Eve.

To what extent was bismarck responsible for the unification of germany? essay sample

The aim of this essay is to firstly examine the importance of Bismarck in the unification of Germany and then to look at other factors which played a part, to eventually reach a balanced conclusion. After the failure of the Frankfurt Parliament in 1848, he believed that idealism and talking were not going to result β†’

Weimar republic – political, social and economic issues

The bitterness at Germany's defeat in the Great War and the humiliation of the Treaty of Versailles had not been forgotten but most Germans appear to have come to terms with the new Republic and its leaders. The Chancellor and the Cabinet needed to be approved by the Reichstag and needed the Reichstag's continued support β†’

History of the us essays examples

The policy of isolationism must have contributed to the rise of aggressors in the 1920s and 1930s. The Germans also attacked the US and the federal republic was forced to repeal the neutrality act to protect its territories and allies.3.

Frederick ii of germany

Members of these groups are said to be recruited after a meeting of the church council in France where the Pope had called upon " knights" to go to the Holy Land and free the Christians from the Muslim rule. That was said to be the start of the eight crusades in the next 200 β†’

Good article review on renewable energy resources in turkey

The lopsided statistics on non-renewable versus renewable energy market has been ascribed to: insufficient cost effectiveness of renewable energy technology; possibility of imbalance in the system of technology; and the lack of government support. Current Situation of Renewable Energy Sources in Germany and Turkey Germany's location limits the generation of renewable energy, but their existing β†’

Bismarck’s foreign policy 1871-1890 events

Bismarck's Foreign Policy 1871-1890 Events 1873 Formation of the Dreikaiserbund 1878 The Congress of Berlin 1879 The Dual Alliance 1881 The renewal of the Dreikaiserbund 1887 The Reinsurance Treaty. The Dreikaiserbund In 1873 the formation of the Dreikaiserbund between Germany, Austria and Russia was an example of Bismarck's policy of isolating France.

Parenting styles

There are many variations between parents on how, and to what extent, they exert control over their children; however, " it is assumed that the primary role of all parents is to influence, teach, and control their children". Certainly there is more to parenting than simply the parent and how they choose to raise their β†’

Fordist to post-fordist production

The basic feature of capitalism is the 'financing of economic activity by the investment of capital in the expectation of profit'. His theories were published almost a century before Fordism became heavily used in industry, yet his predictions as to the future of capitalism seem eerily prophetic with regards to the apparent alienation and conflict β†’

Working capital

It measures a company's ability to replace its working capitalIt measures the working capital support to the revenuesIt measures the liquidity position of the companyIt measures the profitability position of the company Q8. In the case inventory & cash balance both relate to current assets of a business.Q13.

Capitalism a love story essay sample

It is clear in the film that the poorest, uneducated, and hardworking middle class are the most likely people to be taken advantage of by the unscrupulous corporations such as the home loan industry, and many others business out there. One more example of unethical and criminal abuse of Capitalism that Michael presents in the β†’

Sociology & consumerism

Similarly, people were encouraged to buy within in the market as a way for money to be exchanged for goods and services, otherwise known as the " Mode of Production." " This mode of production must not be considered simply as being the reproduction of the physical existence of the individuals. On the contrary to β†’

Is christopher columbus a real hero?

It is believed that Columbus was promised 10% of all the worth of the treasure that he was to find in the New World. Christopher Columbus was also believed to have been a very religious man, and another one of his main goals was to implement Christianity in the New World regardless of what it β†’

Brett fields

In the process of exploiting India, the British improved the transport system through construction of roads and railways to ease the transportation of manufactured goods such as textiles and machines. Rise and fulfillment of British rule in India.

Westmead international school

Roaming armies killed a tenth of the nation's population, but the Revolution freed the peons from the system of large haciendas that had originated with the Spanish Conquest. When the Aztecs finally laid siege to the palace, Cortes and his men snuck away in the middle of the night and ran for the coast.

The unredeemed captive essay sample

John Demos wanted to write a story, and in this story the main focus is figuring out how to adapt to your surroundings and the circumstances that you have cannot control to best survive. The minister's house, the house of Reverend John Williams was specifically targeted as he was a precious character to the town's β†’

Cultural immersion project report sample

Secondly my best choice of this place was based on the fact that I rarely go to coffee shops and that I am also not a coffee-drinker and lastly, my friends have always described it as serene and cool place which offers variety of beverages; I definitely had to second their statement by visiting the β†’

Application for online shopping

The application will provide a platform to the sellers to sell their products with their own identity and price the products accordingly. We will describe the design, development, and evaluation of an app that will help people to buy products that are made of 100% organic things and of herbs.

Book review on the best intentions

PAUL COLLIER'S CONDEMNATION OF INEFFECTUAL AID AND RESOURCE ADMINISTRATION AMONG ' THE BOTTOM BILLION' A REVIEW OF ' THE BOTTOM BILLION: WHY THE POOREST COUNTRIES ARE FAILING AND WHAT CAN BE DONE ABOUT IT' Paul Collier's assessment of one of the worst humanitarian disasters in modern history explains, in practical terms, the social, economic β†’

Economical and political situation in peru

The wealthiest in Peru were the mestizos and those of a Spanish bloodline. They lived near the coast and had control of most of the money in Peru.

Reducing death penalty costs

Another way to cut costs for death row inmates is to shorten the time in between sentencing and execution. Another way to cut costs for death row inmates is to shorten the time in between sentencing and execution.

The death penalty: to be or not to be…

The death penalty, or as it is sometimes being called " capital punishment " is the hardest punishment that could be received when a person is convicted of a capital offense. The answer is in the statistics: it turns out that the violent crime rates in New York State did not go down for the β†’

Example of report on nursing

It explains; the different indications for oxygen therapy, the effect of unsafe oxygen therapy for patients with COPD, patient assessment during oxygen therapy, the various oxygen therapy devices and eventually highlights the complications resulting from inappropriate administration of oxygen. Increasing the respiratory rate is the second indication for oxygen therapy discussed in the research; accurate β†’

Free research paper on default and dispute

Under the termination for convenience, the government has the right to terminate a contract either partly or in whole especially when the termination is within the interest of the government. In this case, the Contracting Officer terminates by delivering a Notice of Termination stopping the Contractor from working as specified in the notice while they β†’

Case brief: miller v. alabama (2012)

In the case of Miller v. In Latin, the term actus reus means a " guilty act," and it is the legal term for an act that is in violation of the law.

Detection of diabetic retinopathy

ABSTRACT: Diabetic retinopathy is a serious sight threatening complication of diabetes which causes damage to the blood vessels of the retina in people. Diabetic retinopathy is the most common cause of blindness of the eye.

Myra levine’s conservation model essay example

According to Levine's theory of conservation, the concepts of the patient and the environment include adaptation, response, and conservation. Nursing care in this case has to conform to the fact that the patient must be cared for to promote adaptation and maintenance of wholeness through conservation; hence, the care will focus on influencing the patient β†’

The effects of social media on teenagers essay sample

These are some of the serious negative effects of social media on teenagers and issues that are arising with kids often addicted to Facebook. Parents have the responsibility to protect their children and be aware of what is going on in the online world.

The rise of social media

If the internet gave birth to a revolution in the way we stored and sought information, then social media has brought about a revolution in the way we exchange and use information." Social Media" is a term that is relatively young of age. Some of those roles being " the social animal", " the global β†’

Political bias in social media

The relevancy of political play on digital and social media to a digital media and society course is obvious. One of the positive effects that social media has on politics is the opportunity for voters to interact more easily with candidates and elected officials.

Research paper on chernobyl disaster

The Nature of the Environmental Problem The accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant is the destruction of 26 April 1986 of the fourth unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, located on the territory of the Ukrainian SSR. The accident is regarded as the largest of its kind in the history of nuclear power, β†’

Good essay on wind power

The wind's harvestable kinetic energy increases with the wind speed to the power of three, but turbines can only capture a fraction of the available energy, depending on the number of blades and the rotor diameter and the tower height. The controller starts and shuts off the turbine to ensure it operates at wind speeds β†’

Post-conflict peacebuilding in afghanistan

In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of 9/11, the US and a Coalition of other states to initiate a ' war on terror', a result of the Taliban's refusal to cooperate in the apprehension of Al Qaeda's leader Bin Laden. Following the re-capturing of the capital by the Allied forces and the dispersal of β†’

Compare existing documents from three different banks

The layout for the booklet is kept identical throughout the booklet; however, there is only one image in the body of the booklet, which makes it different from the rest of the booklet. The layout of the site is much like the layout of a newspaper, in that the " headlines" are in bigger font β†’

Free report about impact of uk financial and banking crisis

However, the root causes of the problem could be traced to the 1970s and the 1980 when the US and UK governments when UK and US deregulated their financial markets. This is true considering the gifts received from the public, the funding received from foundations, and the amount of public grants and contracts given since β†’

Femininity in the age of now? would plato and aristotle approve?

The perception she gives through her art of women's struggles allows others to relate and vent out their emotions, that they would not be able to otherwise feel. He would see the beautiful art displayed in this woman's suffering and struggle with her menstrual cycle as something that would just bring up unnecessary emotions that β†’

Sexuality and gender politics in post-war era as depicted in judith butler, angela carter, and michel foucault’s works

Postwar prosperity, a decline in pre war collectivism, the shift of many western countries towards greater individualism from the 1970s onwards, and the growth in the influence of psychoanalysis and linguistics over most areas of academic discourse following the post 1956 and 1968 decline in the popularity and influence of Marxism, saw sweeping changes to β†’

The philosophy of education: dewey vs. counts

Counts wants students to be critical thinkers and find the purpose of why we do things. Other than that, these are the goals Dewey and Counts aim to reach through their educational philosophies.

Good on the road by jack kerouac literature review example

One of the most important novels in 20th century American history, Jack Kerouac's On the Road is an influential novel about the need to discover one's meaning in life, and often acts as the thesis for the Beat movement of the 50s and 60s. The road in the title is the primary setting and metaphor β†’

Land rights and the global land rush essay sample

A global land rush sparked initially by a dramatic rise in global food prices and now driven by a variety of factors including increased demand for food and biofuels, carbon markets and speculation is remaking the face of agriculture and land use in the developing world. Accordingly, interventions to address the global land rush cannot β†’

Genetic manipulation: a myth or a reality?

The most controversial subject of genetic engineering deals with the impact that the manipulation of humans will have on the earth. The woman who gave birth to a clone of Rodger Federeer would be no more genetically related to the clone than she is to the original A major social consideration of genetic engineering deals β†’

Teen pregnancy issues in america

Also, teenagers who are doing poorly in school and have few plans for the future are more likely to become parents than those who are doing well and have high educationsl and occupational expectations. Children whose mothers are age seventeen or younger are three times as likely as their peers to be poor, and are β†’

Terkisha loyd

Parents should talk to their teens without scaring them away and schools can provide birth control, condoms, and abstinence groups to help teens understand the types of protection and cover what some parents do not know how to answer. Parents that do not want their teen to have condoms, or birth control, they have the β†’

The ruler who was not a king

My grandfather's betrayal which made me the respected king that I am now happened when I returned back to Anshan and was given a package of a hare, that I was told to open. I am a conqueror, I could not let anyone even my grandfather, threaten that, my rule of Media, I know is β†’

The autobiography of the dalai lama

He was, " a man of tremendous zeal and energy, a real leader, who drove the people under him extremely hard." For the Dalai Lama, then, there seem to be two elements to leadership, one is the ability to bring a tremendous amount of effort to the task in question, and the second is an β†’

Vincent van gogh – his biography and paintings

He was not recognized until his death and he sold only one painting when he was alive. He was very stubborn and he refused to take one of the exams.

Lecture 10

The Equal Regulations 1984 established the right to equal pay for work of equal value. The Employment Equality Regulations 2005 The Regulations made changes to the Sex Discrimination Act including the following: a) Redefinition of indirect discrimination.b) Specific definition of sexual harassment c) Pregnancy and maternity Sexual Harassment see note in text.

Abortion: the responsible decision

The decision or choices to terminate a pregnancy can be a difficult one and not well accepted by many people around the world, but aborting the child will be a smart and a responsible choice for a mother who is going to have a child with severe disabilities. To many parents this is not a β†’

Task 1 (601.3.2-05)

The quality of educational services provided to students with disabilities must be equal to those provided to non-disabled students.- to ensure safeguards by defending the rights of parents and their child with a disability.- to aid states with early intervention for infants and toddlers along with their families.- to provide the necessary tools and support β†’

Machiavelli and more essay example

In utopia, the focus issue is not even the discussion on power but rather the relentless pursuit of ethical and acceptable ideals that elevate the entire society to a higher paradigm of existence as opposed to the elevation of a single person or entity at the expense of the greater society. The punch line is β†’

The european chivalry: the ideals and practices

I will be delving into the true meaning behind the principles and what it means to be a knight devoted to the ideals of chivalry. While knights were required to defend the church, they were also expected to defend the weak, according to the Code of Chivalry.

Social classes of england in the victorian era

The Great Exhibition of 1851 took place in London, lauding the technical and industrial advances of the age, and strides in medicine and the physical sciences continued throughout the century. The dress of the early Victorian era was similar to the the Georgian age.

The light of the black death

The Black Death is also known as the " Black Plague" or " Bubonic Plague", as the main symptoms of the plague were the blackening of the buboes, or, bubbles on the skin. Population decreases were not the only effect of the Black Plague, but they were certainly the most drastic and had the most β†’

The american dream: walt disney’s cinderella and ron howard’s cinderella man research paper

This is attributed to the fact that the original ideas and the fundamental principals that founded the dream are quickly fading away given the changing fortunes of the average American. It is the people's imitation of Disney world and their unwavering desire to attain and live the dream that compels them to work so hard.

Online submission assignment cover page

HSDD is the deficiency or the absence of sexual fantasies or the desire for sexual activity, which ultimately lead to distress or interpersonal difficulty amongst a person". One of the main causes for Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder can be linked to a previous history of child abuse.

Research paper on impact of child abuse on the quality of life

Despite the existing elaborate research, the specific impact of emotional abuse and neglect is not studied in a greater depth as compared to the commonly studied consequences of other forms of abuse. Apart from the social, behavioral and psychological impact of child emotional abuse and neglect, it is also true to state that child abuse β†’

Child abuse and maltreatment

While the definition of child abuse and neglect changes from state to state, it is defined by The Federal Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act as, at minimum: Any recent act orfailureto act on the part of a parent or caretaker which results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse or exploitation; or β†’

Example of literature review on the internment of japanese americans

The primary document ' The War Relocation Authority and The Incarceration of Japanese-Americans During World War II" from Truman online Library indicates that after the attack on the Pearl Harbor which took place in December 1941, the attitude of the Americans towards the Japanese changed significantly. The War Relocation Authority and The Incarceration of Japanese-Americans β†’

Book review on name

John Lukacs is the author of the famous work ' the End of the Modern Age', which garnered him the Pulitzer nomination, and other notable books such as ' The Hitler of History' and ' The Last European War'. Winston Churchill had opined in his book ' the history of World War II ', that β†’

Visit to court – court report essay sample

The Subject Matter of the CaseLayout of the Court and Roles of Court ParticipantsInteresting ObservationsDegree of formality in the court proceedingHow the evidence was presentedUnderstanding the Happening of a Court Room8Understanding Court ProcessReflection of Court Experience9Reference ListIntroduction: This is a report describing an observation of a criminal court proceeding that I attended at Brisbane District β†’

Global warming

Global warming is the heating of the earth. The rapid burning of fossil fuels is just one of the ways that causes the pace of global warming to dangerously increase.

Free research paper on ethical issues in counseling drug addicts

Marlatt & Gordon views the drug abuse counselors as a key player in the education, therapy and treatment of a drug abuse patient. Informed consent: the objective of informed consent is to build respect and autonomy on both ides of the client/patients and the drug abuse counselors.

An investigation into the rhetorical devices and language features used by barack

An investigation into the rhetorical devices and language features used by Barack Obama in his acceptance speech to assert power and to influence peoples' thoughts Barack Obama is a name that many citizens can recall of, especially after he became the first African-American candidate to be nominated by a major party, and the first to β†’

The crisis of the pakistan international airlines p.i.a essay sample

This research is done to identify the reasons for the crisis of the PIA. Reasons for the crisis of PIA: The reasons for the present conditions of the Pakistan International Airline are numerous, but the most essential of all is the weak management.

What is project management body of knowledge management essay

The PMI Research Program, the most extensive in the field, advances the science, practice and profession of project management. The purpose of the PMBOK is to provide and promote a common vocabulary within the project management profession for discussing, writing, and applying project management concepts.[1] A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge was β†’

Fish anatomy critical analysis

The following illustration of a largemouth bass shows some of the common external features that are used to describe the differences among fish species. This is the part of the fish that is usually eaten, and Measuring a Fish of the fish with the mouth closed and the tail fin aying along a tape measure, β†’

Global warming effects on spring flower budding in prairie regions research papers example

The flowering of a plant is a central event in its life-cycle, especially in plants growing in temperate regions of the world. Long term data of plant flowering during the past century suggests that the flowering season is extended due to the advance of first flowering in spring and a delay in dormancy in autumn β†’

J.b. priestley create dramatic tension and mystery throughout an inspector calls essay sample

The tension in the play increases when the unexpected visitor interrupts towards the end of the engagement party after the announcement of Edna, ' sir, an inspector's called'. There is a big contrast of the lighting between at the start of the play and when the inspector has arrived.

Macbeth is a complex character essay sample

This is the start of the end for Macbeth as he is riddled with guilt after the deed. When he sees Banquo's ghost in act 3 scene 4 this shows how he is still soft and can be horrified even after the thing he has done.

Psychological contracts

Psychological contracts change over time considering the fact that the needs and expectations of employees and their organisations also change over time. Irrespective of the generation of employees that work in a company, management must continue to cater for the expectations of all its employees.

English contract problems in indian code and case law

This means that the offeror is bound when the offeree posts the letter of acceptance so as to be out of the reach of the offeree and the offeree is bound when the offeror receives the letter. The other reason is that the post office is considered to be the agent for both the offeror β†’

Business law case: oral agreement

The agreement here is oral and it is really hard to prove in the court that there was an agreement. In doing as such, there will be an onus to feature the key terms of the agreement and to demonstrate the presence of the fundamental components.

Notes on contracts in law

Without any learning of the terms and conditions, Nathan, unconscious of the three-year term contract he wishes to return the product and withdraw the contract. Under the substance of the agreement, the legitimate rights accessible to Nathan are; the attempt to sue for 1 misrepresentation, unfair contract terms or unconscionable conduct.

Case portfolio on business law cases: roe vs wade

The court in reaching this decision put into consideration the provisions of the constitution, which is the supreme law of the land. The statutes contravened the rights of a woman to privacy as provided for in the constitution and thus had to be declared null and void.

Solar energy research paper example

The Saudi Arabia is the oil rich nation and mostly they are using oil for generating their county power, but the as the cost of solar panel has been down the nation Saudi is changing the whole nation in to solar. The design was based on the concept that the unwanted frequency are divided in β†’

Working memory?

The visual and spatial working memory development are the Independent variables whereas the developmental trajectory is the dependent variable. The mean score of children on visual memory is 14.17.and that of adults is 14.42.

My personal experience essay

I passed through the kitchen avoiding the cupboard that I always seemed to knock into in the morning, sunlight shone through the window reflecting the brilliance of the kitchens woodwork, glasses lay shimmering in the light on the drying board beside the sink, I filled up the kettle to make myself a cup of coffee β†’

Continue to fund nasa

We are a race destined for the stars, and the formation of agencies like NASA were the first steps to that end. The initial goal of NASA was to make up lost ground on the Soviets in the space race, but on May 25, 1961 President John F Kennedy gave NASA its prime directive: put β†’

The savagery in this play excludes laughter

Perhaps the most obvious example of a scene that includes comedic and savage elements in either of the plays is the discovery of Polonius' corpse in H. This skull is the centre of both the savagery and the laughter in this scene as the duke is murdered in a very brutal and disgusting fashion.

Comparison of lamb to the slaughter and the adventure of the speckled band detective stories

It only becomes apparent when you have read some of the story that the title is referring to the murder weapon a frozen leg of lamb.' The Adventure of the Speckled Band' by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, however, is not as mysterious, because later on in the story it can be used as a clue β†’

The consequences of improper liquid waste disposal

Depending on the amount of waste that is not properly disposed of and the type of waste. The environmental evacuation is the transport of waste from one country to another.

Research paper on computer numerical control methods used in manufacturing

The focus of this paper is discussing the basic concepts of the computer numerical control as well as the hardware configuration used to develop the program. A computer numerical control machine is a soft wired or rather uses software to encode the machine functions into the computer at the time of manufacture.

School of mechanical & aeronautical engineering

Secondary containment is the protection of the environment external to the laboratory from exposure to infectious materials and is provided by a combination of facility design and operational practices. It is important for biomanufacturing companies to develop an understanding of the process as well as the product so to effectively design and operate the facility.

A significance of automated inventory management system

The aim of controlling and managing the inventory is to track the inventory to ensure they have been availed to the required departments as and when needed while in high quality and right quantity. PCACS inventory management and control system is considered one of the most advanced in the industry within the USA.

Example of analyzing the three presidential debates critical thinking

With the polls neck-and-neck and many of the registered American voters still undecided, the Republican Party and Mitt Romney brought their A-game to the table and eventually, and without any doubt, won the first debate. While this is the system with which communication operates by, another element to consider is the presence of sub-texts or β†’