7 Pages Essay Samples

Rights of prisoners in kenya

The number of prisoners in the 115 prison facilities is almost triple what the prisons are meant to hold. This provision is inconsistent with the Constitution which provides that every person has the right to freedom and security including the right not to be subjected to corporal punishment.

Rosa parks essay sample

Rosa Parks was the " first lady of civil rights" she made a name for herself in history on the first of December 1955 while riding on the Montgomery Alabama bus. Rosa got named the " mother of the civil rights movement" for not giving up her seat on the bus." I did not get →

Malaria essay samples

For instance, the long lifespan as well as strong habit of biting human of the African vectors is the key reason for over 90% of the global malaria deaths being in Africa. Malaria is currently prevalent around the equator, in regions of the Americas, several parts of Asia, as well as much of Africa.

The history of education in south africa

The start of the Boer-War in 1988 forced the Boers to open concentration camp schools to ensure that the people were educated. Sargant also opened government schools in school to ensure the conditioning of children to the British ways and education was done in the English language only.

Radical feminism versus liberal feminism

Ritzer indentifies feminism as that board of theories which analyse the social world of the point of views of women and other minority groups and the major objective is to investigate the situations and experience of women in diverse societies. This idea distinguishes the Radical theory from the Liberal theory as the later concentrates on →

Feminism and anti-feminism in the caterbury tales literature review examples

In addition, the essay gives an analysis of some of the differences between men and women in the Canterbury Tales. Due to the equality of women in the society, the following discussion draws a conclusion on feminism and anti-feminism in the Caterbury Tales.

Gender and feminism in ‘why i want a wife’ research paper examples

In all of these instances, one group holds all the cards, and it is up to the agency of the lesser group to make the necessary changes in society to make it better. Because of the husband's natural expectation to not have to do work, and for allowing the wife to be the economically independent →

The a sign and instrument both of

Since the Church is in Christ like a sacrament or asa sign and instrument both of a very closely-knit union with God and of theunity of the whole human race, it desires now to unfold more fully to thefaithful of the Church and to the whole world its own inner nature anduniversal mission. As for →

Effective listening

It is difficult to define listening, but generally it can be defined as " a receiver orientation to the communication process; since communication involves both a source and a receiver, listening consist of the roles receivers play in the communication process". The next element that helps to improve effective listening is analysis and evaluation.

What is the future of human geography

As a result of different approaches to geography emerging from the 50s, physical geography had grounded its roots in the universities of the UK and human geography was also doing well with a similar level of success. Overall, I feel the future of geography needs to define and ground itself, as a discipline whilst at →

Youth aging out of foster care essay sample

Summary of Article #1- Transition to Adulthood for Vulnerable Youths: A Review of Research and Implications for Policy The article Transition to Adulthood for Vulnerable Youths: A review of Research and Implications for Policy begins with a brief explanation of the effects of youth who have "...spent large parts of their lives in substitute care...generally →

Reading among youth

If I compared the youth today from the youth before, I can say that the youth before is more into reading than the youth today. That is why I recommend these kinds of books to teenagers since we are the people of tomorrow and as people of tomorrow, it is good that we already know →

Good example of motifs of desire in toni morrisons beloved essay

Finally, the shared human desire for love in the individual, personal sense, as well as in the broader, more abstract and communal sense drives the action of the main characters while it also gives form to the theme of the novel. This is a critical understanding: because the connection of the individual to and within →

Free essay on culture, history, and literature

The setting of the story is the 1950's and Frank is travelling across country to get to Cee. The back of the bus, this is where a black man was supposed sit in the 50's, even in the North where racism was not suppose to be as rampant as the South.

Good research paper about alternate living environment

He candidly discussed the research in the field of gerontology that might affect the future planning and the challenges of the new technology, and the nursing staff that supports the services. The CCRC's offer varying levels of care from the independent that has individual condominiums, the assisted living that has apartment style, and the skilled →

Idle no more movement in canada and lgbt movement in russia research papers example

The arguments of the paper are based on the presumption that the concepts of freedom and equality are sometimes being suppressed in some parts of the world including the Middle East, Russia, and Canada. The history of the movement has it that the creation of the movement was a response to the Bill C-45 which →

The civil rights movement

In order to do this, we must compare the situation for blacks in USA currently, to that of blacks many years ago. Free education was introduced and the system of having to own land to be able to have the right to vote was also scrapped.

Analysis of the river of no return by cleveland sellers

The racial discrimination, the harsh violent treatment, and the separate but equal, were just more of the reasons for African Americans to fight back for a change. The autobiography paves the perspective of a visual of the many struggles faced during the 1960s.Dr.

Nonviolent movement

This was the case in the campaigns of the Indian National Congress for independence from Britain in the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s. One more difference between Gandhi and King lies in the paradigm of their activity.

Free equal rights for women term paper sample

One of the greatest hurdles that women must overcome to achieve equal rights is domestic violence, which is one of the harshest and most frequent examples of sexism that persists in American society. The culture that facilitates this kind of sexual assault must be addressed comprehensively and aggressively in order to secure equal rights for →

Communist society

In fact, it is just that, the observation of problems and the intense will to attempt to fix them which has caused the deaths of over 100, 000, 000 people in the past century alone. The offshoots of the Leninism are the most well-known of these and have been a driving force in international relations →

Communism and fascism in europe essay

The differences notwithstanding, it is essential to appreciate the fact the all the fascist and communist nations in Europe were ruled by dictators some of which remain in records as the world's worst known dictators. In fact, it is recorded in history that Mussolini as a member of the Socialist Party vehemently opposed the participation →

Ffar 298: mid-term exam essays example

It emerges, therefore, that the kind of conflict that exists in Invasion of the Body Snatchers involve that of the individual against his community precisely the standpoint author Jack Finney and director Don Siegel might have had in mind in creating the novel and the movie. The fact that professionals in Invasion of the Body →

Prescribed subject 2: the emergence and development of the people’s republic of china (prc), 1946 to 1964

Purpose: The purpose of this book is to inform the general public and academics of the history of China in that era. Source A conveys Mao's desire to keep the party and the masses in a state of perpetual revolution and based on this viewpoint, Mao's Great Leap Forward was an initial political success.

1. as to learn what it means

EU and UK agreements: current situation The leaders of the 27 countries of the European Union, meeting on 15thDecember in Brussels, acknowledged that " sufficient progress" wasmade on the three points of the negotiation on the exit of the United Kingdomfrom the EU. A solution for the UK government can be the replacement of fundingallocated →

Thesis on causes of not keeping personal budgets

The main function of personal budgeting is to recognize where the income and expenditure exists in the household unit; it is not forecasting future purchases. One is the insurance, another is the investments in the IPOs of the companies, and the third one, the Banks.

Hist 17c lecture notes

HIST 17C Lecture Notes Lecture #3 4/5/13: Missing: The Range of Prosperity The 1920s: Era of Big Businesses Technological Growth Separation of Ownership and Management Spokespeople for Big Businesses Calvin Collidge * Was famously rich, also known for being a great spokesperson Bruce Barton and The Man Nobody Knows * Jesus as a businessman * →

The leadership of pres kennedy and johnson

Another one of President Kennedy" s crime Bills to be passed in 1961 having to do with crime was Bill S1656. The Federal firearms act of 1961 was a major bill passed for President Kennedy in 1961.

Bill clinton’s doctrine of enlargement of foreign policies

Since the American troops showed little effect on solving the situation in Somalia, Clinton withdrew the entire force next year, which the embarrassment led to the resignation of the Secretary of Defense Les Aspin and damaged Clinton's reputation. In his remarks to the U.N.general assembly in the White House on October 22, 1995, Clinton gave →

Mass media influences the way people live culturally

From the same person buys a daily newspaper local or international to have a look of the headlines and see what is happening in and around the environment we exist in. What we need to be aware of is that most of our beliefs, discussions and values are based on what we know for a →

Advertising in american airline industry

Advertisement helps the business to develop trustworthiness which is essential to kindle growth as one will able to cherish the business name among consumers due to frequent advertising and finally the word of mouth will spread which also acts as an advertisement. Advertorials An advertorial is a method of advertisement that is intended to appear →

Beauty and media essay sample

Hundreds of studies confirm that media influences attitudes and behavior in which the influence of the media on the proliferation of eating disorders cannot be refuted. With the influence in the media, many of the young women think the women shown throughout the media are the ones they want and have to be.

Crime control versus due process essay sample

The primary goals of the American Criminal Justice system are simply to enforce the law and maintain social order, while protecting the people from injustice. In essence, this group argues that the rights and safety of the whole supercede that of any individual.

The principal function and goals criminology essay

The above quote emphasises the importance of the functions and goals of imprisonment for any individual who commits a deviant activity and is then incarcerated in prison. In Conclusion the principle functions and goals of imprisonment are to punish an individual who commits a deviant criminal activity by the method of imprisonment, thus leading on →

Prefrontal cortex vs criminal behavior

Despite evidence that the prefrontal cortex in rodents and non-human primates regulates cognition and behavior in ways quite similar to that of the human, we are the most ' frontal' of species, insofar as the frontal cortex is its largest, in both absolute and relative terms, in the human. Most individuals have experienced severe and/or →

Free causes of xerostomia essay sample

Xerostomia Xerostomia is a medical term used to describe the dryness of the mouth resulting from thickening of saliva, reduction in the usual volume of the saliva or complete absence of saliva flow. The dryness of the mouth manifests through the cracking of lips, splitting of the corners of the mouth and soreness of →

Teen drug addiction: a chronic ilness

Drug addiction is a brain disease because the abuse of drugs leads to changes in the structure and function of the brain. Teens that are addicted feel a loss of control and are overwhelmed with the urge to search for and continue the use of drugs and alcohol despite negative consequences.

oratorical analysis paper essay sample

Mary Fisher's " A Whisper of AIDS" was created not only to raise awareness on the issue of HIV and AIDS, but to get rid of misjudgments and stereotypes as well. Her goal is to bring out the reality and to shine the light on the horrible truth of how HIV and AIDS are affecting →

Drug war: failure or success?

The people from the another side of this argument begs to differ, as they claim that the drug war is an utter failure, ex-presidential candidate Ron Paul explains, " This war on drugs has been a detriment to personal liberty and it's been a real abuse of liberty". In retro-spec of Ron Paul's previous statement, →

Research paper on schizophrenia

It is seen that in acute stages of schizophrenia students do not feel the urge to go to school, workers do not feel the need to go to the place of work and so on. Most of the medication of schizophrenia puts the patients to sleep for long hours, resulting in an increase in this →

The broken spears: the aztec account of the conquest of mexico

The book has as mission, bring the voices of past to the audience: present the indigenous people to the rest of the world; contribute to the global history with this review of struggle. The object of study during those years is the arrived of the Spaniards, the resistance of Aztecs and finally, the surrender.

Antony’s rhetorical superiority analysis essay

Most importantly, however, Antony's greatest ability was the way that he presented himself almost simultaneously as both a common man and the mighty noble that he was, using Ethos to its utmost effect and connecting to the mob in ways that Brutus and even Cassius could not. Using parallelism, and continuing to juxtapose the incontrovertibility →

Ancient greeks and romans.

The Greeks and the Romans are similar and different in many aspects including religion, social/political aspects, influence of geographical factors and the lasting effect they have had on later civilizations. The Greek and Roman civilizations were some of the greatest civilizations to evolve.

The ancient city of uruk

Low entree to these stuffs led to the desire for trade and the formation of extended relationships with other metropoliss, which, along with other factors, led to the enlargement of Uruk, an event which can be displayed by a rapid population addition and drastic societal alteration. As Uruk's influence, as the trade Centre of the →

The tragic hero of julius caesar

Because Brutus is the character who has a tragic dilemma, as well as the many other elements of a tragic hero, Marcus Brutus is the tragic hero of Julius Caesar. Therefore, Marcus Brutus is the tragic hero of Julius Caesar.

Shay’s rebellion by leonard richards book review examples

In his eyes, it is misleading, that the rebellion was much more widespread than formerly thought, and that those that were involved in the rebellion and their supporters essentially symbolized entire communities the poor and the wealthy, the powerful and those that were weak, even associates of some of the greatest Massachusetts families. By means →

Our constitution

The movement culminated in the formation of the Dominion of India on 15 August 1947, along with the Dominion of Pakistan. The federal structure of government, provincial autonomy, a bicameral central legislature consisting of a federal assembly and a Council of States and the separation of legislative powers between the centre and states are some →

Summer assignment critical analysis

The diversity of the regions was remarkable, although what would be more remarkable to the common eye would be the way they all bound together despite heir differences in the face of a common enemy, the British, in the years to come. One of the most unifying principles of Awakening thought was that all denominations →

Personality theories

Furthermore the essay discusses the relationship between personality and job performance and the relationship between personality andmotivation. It is suggested that personality is the term used to describe the overall combination of characteristics or traits that reflect the nature of a person and the way they react to and interact with others.

Analysis of personality characteristics using different models

They are adventurers and eager to move out of their comfort zone and experience new things they prefer to come out of their monotonous routine. They are likely to leave people uncomfortable and usually blunt and negative.

Free essay about what is happiness

Since personality traits are thought to influence the level of happiness one experience, the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire Abbreviated was used to assess the levels of neuroticism, extraversion, and psychoticism among participants, with the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire Short Form used to measure happiness. Carl Jung was among the first in the field of psychology to hypothesize →

How conjoined twins develop their personality, behavior, and coping skills through exposure to numerous environments

Applying the definition and relating it to the present case study, the psychological category pertains to the different subthemes wherein the co-researchers of the case study elicited the strengths and weaknesses of their mental state. Relating to the study, it is the awareness of the conjoined twins on how they perceive an idea of their →

Global problems such as climate change greenhouse effect engineering essay

Harmonizing to the equation, mass depends on the volume and the denseness of the stuff: As it is seen from the equation auto mass can be reduced by taking the stuff with lower denseness or by cut downing the volume of auto parts. That is why the merely possible thing we can make is to →

Climate change effect on polar bears

Climate ChangeEffects on Artic Polar Bears Kenneth Halvorsen COM/156 09/30/2012 Jocelyn Henson Climate Change Effects on Artic Polar Bears Climate warming and ecological changes have caused a significant threat to the declining population of polar bears in the Arctic which is affecting human habitats Polar bears, the largest of the terrestrial carnivores, live on the →

Photography: saving nature

Photography is a combination of both art and science, and with the help of a camera, it gives one the ability to record a moment in time, forever. These photographs show that these photographers aimed for " close-up images of items from the natural environment" such as specific plants or pieces of wood." The chief →

How romanticism and photography shaped western modernitymodern

" Western modernity was shaped by cross-currents between Europe and North America in the 19th century and in the beginning of the 20th century." Neoclassicism was a movement which focused on the rediscovery of Ancient Greek and Roman values and style. Finally, the appearance of the documentary art of photography has in many aspects shaped →

Media’s views on women

In the 1950's the majority of magazine advertisements usually demonstrated the dominance of males, and the submissiveness of females. Some 69 percent reported that appearance of models in the magazines influenced their image of a perfect female body, and 47 percent desired to lose weight because of the magazine pictures.

Importance of building a relationship for a salesperson

If the salesperson is able to win the confidence and trust of the customers at the first instance, he is likely to enjoy a competitive advantage in the market over other business people. Teaching of presentation skills is done in the aspect of and in the context of creating a trustful and open relationship between →

The juvenile justice system

The movement that took place in the 19th century was the reason that led to the introduction of juvenile courts in the country. According to Zimring, the US is the pioneer for initiating the concept of juvenile courts with the help of the doctrine of parens patriae, which was passed in the late 19th century.

Study guide for 12 angry men

Were there any examples of the fundamental attribution error or the actor/observer bias in the film? - For the play: - Explain the term " protagonist." The protagonist is the main character of the play, usually containing a positive connotation, normally seen as the hero or heroine of the work.- Who is the protagonist in →

Good example of essay on a just society

The new group works in collaboration with the senate through providing suggestions for the amendment of the law to ensure that a just society is created. In this case, economic stability is central to the creation of a just society.

Juvenile justice critique essay

But, I think trying juveniles as adults should be consistently allowed because juveniles are mature enough to that murder is wrong; it reduces crime; having consequences harsher for violent crimes in juvenile act as preclusion to the youth; and trying juveniles as adults allows society to express a simple message Maturity ought to determine culpability, →

Citizens united case

However, through the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act, also known as the McCain-Feingold Act which " prohibits corporations and unions from using their general treasury funds to make independent expenditures for speech that is an ' electioneeringcommunication' or for speech that expressly advocates the election or defeat of a candidate", the United States District Court for →

Character analysis: iago in othello

The two passages in question, the first a speech Iago makes at the start of the play, and the second, a short soliloquy at the end of Act one, introduce the audience to the character of Iago and the feelings he has towardsOthellowhich will drive the action of the play and shape the tragedy. Iago's →

Analyzing iago in shakespeare’s othello

Here, the audience is able to see how Iago exaggerates things to a great level and it allows them to believe Iago will behave in this way for the majority of the play. This enables the audience to see how honourable and trusting Roderigo is to Iago as he does not question the latter of →

What techniques does shakespeare use to reveal iago’s villainy?

Othello is very clever in the way that he tells Iago, " yes, and went between us very oft" here he tries to get information out of Iago about what's going on because Othello had been incidentally reminded but Iago that Cassio has easy and frequent access to Desdemona so therefore senses that Iago is →

The short and long-term impact of cyber-bullying on people

Cyber bullying needs to stop and more awareness, education and laws need to occur and be created due to the fact that social media and bullying have a tremendous impact on teen's physical and emotional health and the way it affects people and the way society views cyber bullying as acceptable or as wrong. A →

Bullying in schools essay

In order to promote a schoolculturethat can seek to eliminate bullying and cyberbullying, the United States should reform and establish more effective bullying laws, support more programs that can assist students, and encourage students to increase confidence and participation to stand up against bullying. For example, the state of Georgia provides guidance to the bullied →

Free research paper on medical billing fraud

This incident in the Chicago area is not an isolated case of fraud and the crackdown by the authorities are part of the concentrated effort to address the problem of medical billing fraud which according to the Department of Justine and Health and Human Services amounts to about $233 million in false billing. The 5 →

Chapter i

The purpose of this system is to minimize the time required in computing the payrolls and lessen the errors. The Objective of the study is to improve the payroll system of Bollozos Trucking.

Example of essay on healthcare reform

The current healthcare reform generally addresses the need for affordability of access to hospitalization and medication, but there is an apparent lack of emphasis on the prevention of health risks in which healthy eating habit can be a practical remedy. Healthcare reform encompasses helps the public to gain access to affordable healthcare, but the cost →

Analyse reasons for zara’s success in the fashion retailing business essay sample

Zara has implemented successfully the majority of its projects to maintain its ethics throughout the supply chain with a few exceptions like Brazil in 2011 for that reason Zara had to success of a company; Zara needs to re-enforce the monitoring of suppliers and subcontractors carrying out 2300 audits on factories and workshops around world →

The palliative care approach in australia: a deeper understanding essay sample

Teams work directly with professional in the community and the facilities to coordinate care of patients receiving palliative care as they near the end of their lives. Pesut et al.feel the evaluation of palliative services is important for a rural context due to staffing constraints and access by patients to care.

Motivation to study master of business analytics in australia

I completed my Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics and Communication from Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University in the year 2014 with 74.90%. I have better understood the need and scope of IT Business in our society in these 3.

Paul hawked’s sustainable society and andrew dobbin’s ecological citizenship

From the reading, " Ecological citizenship deals in the currency of non-contractual responsibility, it inhabits the private as well as the public sphere, it refers to the source rather than the nature of responsibility to determine what count as citizenship virtues, it works with the language of virtue, and it is explicitly non-territorial. It is →

Barriers and drivers to sustainability

How to overcome common barriers and make the most of key drivers to sustainability About this guide This guide draws upon research completed in 2009 fo r the Urban Sustainability Support Alliance by the Institute for Sustainable Futures, Univer sity ofTechnology, Sydney, into the Barriers and D rivers to Sustainability in Local Government. The guide →

Self-concept: meaning of life and ideal self

As illustrative of this, the concept of self-identity is referred by theorists using a diversity of terms such as: the authentic self; the cohesive self; the core self; the saturated self; and the possible selves. He is aware that he is made up of both material and immaterial constituencies and, as a result, his self-image →

Good essay on plan for investigation

In a bid to evaluate this policy, this investigation will reconnoiter the core events that led to the policy to be valid during the Vietnam War so as to discern whether the war was carried out in concordance with the requisite effectiveness. The same will necessitate a detailed exploration of the objectives of the Vietnamization →

Vietnamese culture: vietnamese lunar new year essay sample

The authors clarify that " T t" is a word of Chinese origin and a phonetic transcriptiont of " Ti t" a Sino-Vietnamese term, which means " the beginning of a meteorological period of the year". Each year is " sponsored" by one of the twelve animals of the Vietnames Zodiac: the Rat, the Ox, →

Automatic number plate recognition using raspberry pi and image processing

This system is expected to eliminate the drawbacks of License Plate Recognition, a commonly used technology abroad, by utilizing a sensor which will switch the camera ' On' only in presence of vehicle and will hence reduce the power consumption and enhance the overall efficiency of system. For the detection and recognition of characters on →

French renaissance: kings and architecture research paper sample

The paper will show the Italian Renaissance stimulated the beginning of the French Renaissance and how the elements of Gothic style in French architecture were slowly replaced by classicism as the years progressed as the three kings shifted in power. The flourishing of the French Renaissance was accompanied by the building and the rebuilding of →

Example of managing conflict: macroeconomic policies and measures of national income essay

The term " Macroeconomics" refers to the study of the aggregate performance of a particular economy. The general economic policy framework is made up of the following:- Monetary Policy - Monetary Policy is defined as the measure that the government performs or implements to influence the supply of money and credit in the economy →

Italy tax system

In the case of income from a salary, the employer is obligated to deduct the amount of tax payable on a monthly basis. A Self-Employed Individual is obliged to pay 100% of the tax forecast for a year, or an amount that is the equivalent of 98% of the tax paid in the previous year.

Q. critically analysis last year budget and suggest how you can improve it? note:

4% where as in respect of imports there was an increase of 14.7%.* The present government has taken new steps in the last four years.* 70% share of the divisible pool is now being transferred to provinces and specific area.* The amount in the 6th NFC award in the 2010-11 fiscal year was 999 billion →

Cigarette tax in america

From the first inhale of the tobacco from the cigarette damage is done to the body that can produce serious medical consequences. According to Smoking's Immediate Effects on the Body smoking 1-5 cigarettes a day is a significant increase in the risk of a heart attack.

Principles of taxation final notes essay sample

Capital property: depreciable property and any other property the disposal of which would result in a capital gain Capital gains = proceeds ACB Taxable capital gain = capital loss and gain are taxed at a rate of Capital losses are denied: depreciable property, personal use property, deemed dispositions Post V day pool Proceeds of disposition →

Essay on lean

Lean manufacturing is focused on doing the right tasks, at the right place, at the right time, in the right quantity to achieve perfect work flow while eliminating waste and with the ability and flexibility to change. Murk focuses on the preparation and planning of the process, or what work can be eliminated in the →

The external environment ( strategic management)

Human Resources: Nature of the Labor Market A firm's ability to attract and hold capable employees is essential to its success. So, the companies assessment of external environment is to anticipate the situation and condition of the company in current and future.

Mcdonald’s business process management

To achieve the good will from the customers McDonald's has gradually expanded the variety of food and drinks provided from the original offering of burgers, drinks and fries to include breakfast, sandwiches and salad. McDonald's becomes the successful to achieve the positive impact from the customers because of its food quality, the hygiene standards →

Main strategic issues facing coca cola company essay sample

Lack of innovation: The innovation and the introduction of new products that have the ability to respond the consumer change and the constumors trend is one of the biggest challenges facing Coca Cola company. The recommendation for Coca Cola is to: 1-stay in touch with costumers and shoppers 2-to understand and to recognize the needs →

Review on currency number recognition

The feature extraction of Indian currency notes involves the extraction of characteristics like consecutive Numberss, watermarking of currency. In the techniques for paper currency acknowledgment, three features of paper currencies include size; colour and texture are used in the acknowledgment.

A this spyware’s presence is typically hidden from

A computer virus is a type of a malicious software program, whenexecuted replicates itself by modifying other computer programs and insertingits own code, infected computer programs can include, as well data files andmost of the programs, generally affects the way that computers work, theability of a virus to spread and damage a computer depends on →

Bachelor of technology (mathematics and computing) essay sample

Tech Minor Project Report entitled " TECHNICAL ANALYSIS OF INDIAN STOCK MARKET", in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Bachelor of Technology in Mathematics and Computing and submitted to the Department of Mathematics of Delhi Technological University, Delhi is an authentic record of our own work carried out during a period →


Etiology: Cause of dua kha= trishna we desire things to be other than how they must be and how we know them to be 27 " Thirst" in Buddhism The desire for permanence; the attachment to things we like and the aversion from things we dislike 28 Four Noble Truths 1. Impermanence Reality as processes, →

Creative writing: national service

Due to my schooling I entered the army as captain, so I was in a better position that most of the soldiers. I was not able to hold it back any more, I had to lean over the side of the transport vessel and vomit.

Impact of violence in movies and video games on children

A report published by the surgeon general back in 2001 pointed to a steady increase in youth violence for a decade from 1983 to 1993 with a quote " The report found strong evidence that exposure to violence in the media can increase children's aggressive behavior in the short term and concluded: Research to date →