7 Pages Essay Samples

Climate on our planet. when climate change occurs;

In the past 35 years, warming has begun to occur more often, and 16 of the 17 warmest years have occurred since 2001, 2016 being the warmest year on record.** Another example of how we know that this is happening is the warming of the oceans, and the melting of Arctic ice. What is happening →

To the other two sources believe the

The global significance of factory farming to society is that this way of farming is used worldwide, affecting an abundance of the human population, while being compared to humans in countries that use alternatives to factory farming. Zingula also counter argues to the argument of factory farming is harmful to the environment." Just the use →

The government vs. the enviroment essay

This is what people do not understand when it comes to these votes, the main idea of the bill is great for the environment but the amendments have nothing to do with the environment and the whole bill is not passed. Unfortunately the environment is what suffers from the ludicrous way our government works and →

Nutritional analysis paper

Many of the foods I eat are simply because I have to follow a gluten free diet to manage my Celiacs Disease. I will try to aim for seven hours of sleep a night in order to give my body the chance to rest and recuperate that it needs.

Partial fulfillment of strategic formulation management

This project is as the part of assignment for the partial fulfillment of Strategic Formulation Management course of fourth trimester, where the objective is to know and analyze the various strategic concept of Mahindra & Mahindra tractor. The tractor industry in India has developed over the years to become one of the largest tractor markets →

Reflective placement log report – international coffee organisation (ico)

On the company website, under the ICO's " mission statement", the organisation has described itself as the " main intergovernmental organisation for coffee"; claiming that they bring together exporting and importing governments to tackle the challenges of the international coffee sector. To carry out this mission, the ICO: Enables governments and the private sector to →

Review of literature related to composite materials essay

The usage of glass in India is besides really high and is used largely in every edifice and with the addition in the commercial edifices like promenades and office edifices, the demand of glass increased manifolds. It is besides used as an infill in the doors and the Windowss.

The impact of economic growth in china and india research paper example

Despite the high population of the country, China is able to meet the economic needs of the high population with ease. The education system of the country is effective in that the country has been able to meet the education requirements of the citizens.

Lean six sigma implementation industry essay sample

Quantifying the variability with objectives and advantages of reducing it in the manufacturing process is the prime activity of the process management. Process Capability refers to the evaluation of how well a process meets specifications or the ability of the process to produce parts that conform to engineering specifications, Process Control refers to the evaluation →

Fair play in sports essay

While the drug tests are designed to detect and deter the use of performance-enhancing drugs, there are a number of banned substances that are not detectable through the basic procedures of the drug testing required by athletic industries. Taking a look at the current most prominent professional sports leagues which comprise of the ML, NAB, →

Colloidal processing of ceramics

Throughout all the steps involved in colloidal processing, the focus has to be given to the stability of the material to form components with the desired properties. The paper will cover the chemical process involved, the design elements of reactors involved in colloidal processing, preparation of the colloid, product separation and purification, limitations of the →

An analysis of the jewelry industry’s corporate culture and code of conduct

In view of the different corporate cultures that exist in different business set ups it is difficult to ascertain as to the type of culture that is best suited for the jewelry industry in view of the varied circumstances faced by the industry in different countries and regions. All employees need to share a common →

Rogers chocolate

The issue facing Rogers' Chocolate is how they will be able to gain new customers and sustain their current customers. Rogers' Chocolate will need a strategy that will help position them to be able to grow the way they want it to.

U.s. economic warfare during world war ii essay

On the other hand, it became favorable at the time of the involvement of the Americans in World War II that triggered the elimination of unemployment and beginning of the build up of the warfare mass production that molded the U.S.economy to become a potent and robust economy. The fall of the stock market, depreciation →

Good securing america’s railroads and passengers essay example

The most immediate threat to railroad system security happens to be the people employed to work in them. Monitor and strengthen the security of any remaining connections to the SCADA system is important to carry out a vulnerability analysis associated with SCADA networks.

Eutrophication of the baltic sea essay

During the life rhythm of every organic structure of H2O, it will be inevitable that it will, at some phase, receive an inflow of chemicals or foods, the volumes and nature of which will find whether the possible effects are damaging to the ecology of the H2O system. Eutrophication is the enrichment of a H2O →

Farm tools

Third, a plough is another farm tool and it is used to till the land so as to aerate the soil for planting purposes. This equipment is also used after the plough has been used and the need for it is to break up the soil.

The it is clear why these brands are

When itcomes to UK awareness of virtual reality, the data shows that surprisingly only8% of respondents were confident to say they ' knew a lot' about the technologicaldevelopments in VR compared to 23% that had never heard of virtual reality.apparel brand Merrellis one example of a business trying to get to grips with this immersivetechnology. →

Enzymes in the dairy industry

Especially in the diary industry, some enzymes are required for the production of cheese, yogurt, and other dairy products, while others are used in a more specialized fashion such as improving texture or flavour of the product. In the enzymatic phase, the resultant milk becomes a gel due to the influence of calcium ions and →

Dissimilarity between commodities and gifts

The root of the so-termed commodities vs.gift argument rises from the notion of Marcel Mauss that argues that two kinds of trade associations exist: gift associations and commodity associations. In their observation, the dichotomy between the traditional society's socially entrenched, ethnically determined present-market system and the Western society's impersonal, logical market financial system is founded →

Analysis of the similarities and market access between ceta and eujepa

This in order to ensure the same treatment of foreign investors and the developing of the foreign enterprises in the respective markets. Scope The scope of this agreement is in broad lines very similar to the scope of the previous agreements.

Classroom debate script essay

Of such events, it makes the most manufacturers and large supermarket must have certificate that the food product and the ingredients used in the manufacturing process are free from genetically modified. Reduce the amount of chemical pesticides in the soil and in the air.

My as my career. whichever industry or

I also found the time and inclination to fullyparticipate in a host of extracurricular activities. Duringmy graduate study, I would like to strengthen my concepts and knowledge in thefield of industrial engineering and engineering management.

Social media strategy – retail boutique

You want to use Social Media to be able to communicate with your customers much better and to be able to dynamically interact with them on a daily basis in order to really build those relationships. Like Box is a social plug-in which you add on your website so your visitors are able to like →

Manufacturing plan for wing of pav

The skin is then located in between them which is fixed with the tooling holes previously opened after stretching and a hand router is traveled around the tool to shape the skin to its final contour. The skin is positioned with the aids of vacuum assisted columns as shown in Figure -4 and tooling holes →

Good research paper on ahmed k. ahmed

The beat to the song was epic and had a great tune to it that will make you jump out of the seat, and the combinations with his vocal skills made the song amazing. It's a complete headache to see a bunch of unknown artists show up with a good song using auto tunes, and →

Introductionplanning is an innate nature of human

Dickinson;-" Economic Planning is the making of major economic decisions what and how much is to be produced, how, when and where it is to be produced, and to whom it is to be allocated by the comprehensive survey of the economic system as whole". In the case of India, Planning Commission of India was →

1 addition climate change has changed temperature and

2 shows that the final adsorptionpercentage of nitrate ion decreases with increasing temperature and in first 5minutes the rate of sorption process is higher in warmer temperatures. Hchanges indicate that the process is exothermic and the products areenergetically stable with a high binding of nitrate ions to the adsorbent sites.

Are cellular phones dangerous research paper sample

Near field plumes generated within few inches of the center of a cell phone antenna is a factor of the amount of power required to carry the signal to the base station, and the more power is required, the further the plume radiates and the more harmful the radio waves carrying the information. According to →

Therapeutic actions of gamma-oryzanol as a novel food supplement

This takes place in a co-ordinated fashion, such that the relaxation and contraction of the muscles propel the food in the right direction. Several factors such as alternations in the nerve control to the muscles, changes in the control of sensations to the muscles, intestinal dysbiosis, hormonal problems, etc.

Ford motor co. and the electric car essay

These figures are critical to taking decisions on how the Ford Motors can compensate for the losses it have and are encountering due to the slowdown in the sales of trucks and sports vehicles. The option which I think is the most feasible for the company is that of transforming the existing range of new →

Evaluation of pest analysis of the general motor company essay

A definite decision is later deduced showing the possible grounds which have led the company serious lacks in the past five old ages, the company being one of the oldest and undisputedly top most automobile makers all over the universe, and the possible determinations taken by the company heads which led to such ruinous results. →

Tiger energy drink marketin plan

Although Energy Drinks market is considerably small, its annual growth rate is around 30% and the market is the most profitable segment of the non-alcoholic beverages market. Finally, the fast growing and profitable structure of the energy drink market would be the biggest opportunity.2.2.1.

Sample report on political science- surveys and questionnaires

With respect to the publishing industry, it is true that this is a reader's business and so the books, authors and literature have to be as per the current trends and preferences of the readers. Through surveys, one can collect relevant data from which review of the financial growth and social position of the state →

Chapter 2 outline and key terms

Agriculture is the second great human process after settlement of the globe.1.started about 12, 000 years ago 2.often called the Neolithic or Agricultural Revolution 3.deliberate cultivation of plants and domestication of animals 4.transformed human life across the planet B. Variations 1.the Fertile Crescent was the first to have a full Agricultural Revolution a.resence of large →

Food inc evaluation paper

Diversification Economy in Las Vegas " Las Vegas is lagging behind many cities in the recovery because we were in much worse shape than most cities," David Christianson, who is a TCA 449 professor in University of Nevada, Las Vegas who is a knowledgeable international tourism professor said so in my personalinterview, " Since we →

Hunger and food insecurity

This thesis will focus on the causes and effects of hunger and food security in the case of the underlying causes of food insecurity and hunger in societies havingoverpopulation, poverty, drought and conflicts which affect the production and distribution of food. Food insecurity is the lack of accessibility to nutritious and healthy food mostly due →

An overview about food allergy

Besides, It discusses the implicit in mechanisms and the most of import symptoms of the both types of IGE mediated and non IGE mediated nutrient allergic reaction it gives two illustrations of clinical instances one is IGE mediated and the 2nd is non IGE mediated, the appropriate direction of both. Severe, generalized allergic reactions to →

Two stage fm transmitter

The electret microphone should be inserted with the pin connected to the metal case connected to the negative rail This is marked with a '-' sign at the MIC on the circuit board printed overlay. Output from the collector is fed into the base of the second transistor where it modulates the resonant frequency of →

Feasibility study sample food cart

Included in the variations in flavor is the taste of the consumers, like in the Philippines where there are a lot of tourist visits the country, the need for different kinds of cuisines is in demand. The DTI is the agency that monitors the prices of the products to maintain fairness in between the buyers →

Briefing document on autonomous-vehicle powered food delivery

The scale of autonomous driving is from 0 to 5, with level 0 being a car where a human must be in control all times and level 5 being where the car is equal to or exceeds the performance of a human driver. This proves it is a viable idea that autonomous vehicles could be →

Business organizations in a global world commerce essay

Business houses strive to last by the resourceful usage of the factors of industry and other comfortss of the society. The purpose of carry oning EIA is to analyze the consequence of concern operations on the environment and take steps to forestall environment debasement.

Entertainment in the hotel industry

It is, after all, the ultimate purpose of the hotel industry to provide the best accommodations and other value-added services that goes along with it, in the utmost quality to their clients. Perhaps this is one of the most important reasons why it is highly relevant to discuss the issue of entertainment as it pertains →

Mark bittman: man v. meat

Mark Batman's argument, on how eating as much meat and Junk food as we do is negatively affecting the health of our planet and ourselves, is accurate and credible, because of his extensive background in the food Industry and the valid evidence that ties his claim altogether. I feel safe, and feel as if it →

Tavaris jones essay samples

The music group The Temptations has paved way for the future of R&B and pop artists across the globe. The group, The Temptations was the first Motown group to ever receive a Grammy Award, and they changed how pop and R&B music was viewed in the society.

Observation of a student participating in a reading exercise case studies example

When the reading exercise started, I noticed that the student did not take time, for instance, to even try to look at the title of the book and was very fast in jumping to the first page of the book and commencing to read. After a particular reading session, I noticed that the student was →

Violence in hemingway’s the sun also rises and indian camp, and west’s miss lonelyhearts

This essay will compare and contrast the way violence is portrayed in both of the authors, Ernest Hemingway and Nathanael West's works. In both of his works The Sun Also Rises and In Our Times, the " Indian Camp," he recruits one protagonist in each story; Jake Barnes in The Sun Also Rises and Nick →

How to adapt melville’s “bartleby the scrivener” for film

The reader of " Bartleby" is made to feel that she has missed something, that there is some clue to the secret of Bartleby and " Bartleby" that has been overlooked and which would resolve the pervading feeling of dislocation. Giving a name to the narrator is not the solution to this problem, as that →

A comparison of two literary works that share the same theme literature review sample

Some of the best examples of which include but may not be limited to Country Lovers by Gordimer, the Welcome Table by Walker, What it is like to be a Black Girl by Smith, Child of Americas by Morales, the Secret Life of Walter Mitty by Thurber, and The Story of an Hour by Chopin. →

Great expectation coursework

The first visit Pip had to Miss Havisham's house frightens and intimidates him 'the passage were all dark, and that she had left a candle burning.' Dickens uses dark imagery to show a bit of clue to the audience the kind of person Miss Havisham is and it emphasises the dark side of Miss Havisham. →

The detrimental impacts of colonialism in the god of small things

With Roy deriving the reference of India as the Heart of Darkness from Joseph Conrad's novel titled as such, it is apparent that the God of Small Things mirrors Conrad's criticism on the detrimental and lasting impacts of colonialism. The watch's defiance of the passing of linear time communicates the permanence in the atrocities of →

Describing the lighter side of iran in persepolis by marjane satrapi

It was not just Satarapi but the whole society had to face the changes and were forced to like the way that was imposed on them by the law bodies on them. Mehri was a nanny of Marjane's and was a maid of her family.

All quiet on the western front 15

All Quiet on the Western Front " The first bombs, the first explosion, burst into our hearts." This is what the soldiers felt like in Erich Maria Remarque novel, All Quiet on the Western Front, Paul Baumer, a young man serving in the German army during World War One, is constantly being faced with the →

Free essay on though my eyes

I went to the camp to attend a usual theoretical training under the supervision of Mr. I went back to the pitch for a practical training session under Urban.

The black cat -tete-a-tete for the observer

Even amongst most of Poe's works ' The Black Cat' shows the human capability of regarding the mental deterioration of one's self and the inability of the mind to stop it from happening. This becomes a relevant to the story when the second cat is assumed by the narrator to be the reincarnation of the →

Symptoms of mental disorder in don quixote novel

Throughout the text, Don Quixote is convinced that many of the negative events that he encounters can only be attributed to the sorcerers that are determined to destroy him. Furthermore, the first chapter of the text states that for a long period of time prior to his journey, he was engrossed in the delusions of →

Different demonstrations of love theme in the odyssey, the end of the affair, and viper’s triangle

The second inquiry is into the effects of love on a person; that is into what happens to a person's identity when they are in love. To better consider these aspects of love, an analysis of the love demonstrated in the books The Odyssey, The End of the Affair, and Vipers' Tangle will be helpful.

In cold blood: the must-read for the students in school

Another reason that In Cold Blood deserves to stay on the bookshelves is that Capote portrays the mind of the lesser respected character: the murderer. Nevertheless, this is not a valid argument as to why it should not be allowed in schools because the benefits of reading Capote's unique, journalistic writing style outweigh the controversy →

Example of critical thinking on death and life of great american cities

In the latter publications, the authors demonstrate detail that the civil servants have used the urban plans to exercise their power instead of helping the people living in the cities. The Death and Life of Great American Cities.

”ode on the death of a favourite cat, drowned in a tub of gold fishes” by thomas gray essay sample

The production of " Ode on the Death of a Favourite Cat, Drowned in a Tub of Gold Fishes" initiated from an occurrence of events that resulted in the untimely death of a much-loved house cat. Yet, Gray's preference for the male gender and the growth of the unsuspected reign of female poets and their →

Analysis of the absence of a proper connection as described in f. scott fitzgerald’s book, the great gatsby

The most functional relationship is thought to be Jordan and Nick, but they still do not manage to be successful as a couple and the least functional appears to be Tom and Daisy, the only two who stay together after the end of the novel. Gatsby cannot comprehend this because he is stuck in the →

The battle between good and evil in east of eden

Although it is evident through her manipulative ways and wickedness that Cathy is the satanic ' Eve' of this retold religious story, by the end of the novel her monstrous nature is questioned and Steinbeck opens the possibility that Cathy is much more vulnerable than she originally appeared. The murder of her parents is Cathy's →

Briar rose essay narrative essay

The curse that she mentions in the story is actually the curse for the Jews from the Nazis, she says l curse you and your father and your mother the queen and all uncles and cousins and aunts. The rose of the title is the symbol of love, which survives through the thorny briars, and →

Power of one word

He is a part of it and the people. He can finally understand what Jefferson's aunt wanted him to do, and explains to Jefferson that he can die a man, that Jefferson can go to the chair with so much dignity that he strengthens the whole community.

To rule the night

He also talks about what happened when he got back to Earth, about all the interviews, and the famous Postage stamp incident that occurred between the crew and a German stamp dealer."...to show that our good postal service delivers any place in the universe, I have the pleasant task of canceling, here on the moon, →

A doll’s house: summary

When Nora was trying to deny his influence on her husband, Krogstad tried to blackmail Nora and said that if she will not help him then he will have to inform Torvald of the debt that Nora incurred from him. Torvald then appeared and Nora asked him to help her prepare the tarantella that she →

Eroticism as displayed by romesh gunesekera essay sample

Triton designs his expression of eroticism in the sense of a revolt within the precincts of the house and the world outside. The knowledge of her presence is useless in the exchanges made by the two Mister Salgado and Triton through the cake.

Abstracts xue chen simulink book wiley

Equipped with the necessary fundamental knowledge and prepared for more advanced modeling and simulation tasks, the readers are dead to learn linear system modeling and representation methods where L IT Viewer based linear system frequency domain analysis and numerical simulation methods are presented. In this chapter, advanced techniques of command-line modeling and application are presented →

Free essay on cultural anthropology

I just read the preface of the book and I think that Fadiman's story is one that is interesting because the author immediately talked about the conflict around which the story evolves. Fadiman's analysis of the way that the Hmongs responded to the description of medical care in the US.

Reading books is better than watching tv

This lassification was made in the light of the characteristic influence of the religious and cultural orbits which the Turks entered. In the social life of Turkey, citizens used to be respectful and have a good fellowship.

Jean-jacques’ production of 1993 that denounces by paul simpson contemporary stylistics

Perusing and getting a handle on the message of the content is the initial step in light of the fact that resulting parts of the examination will be identified with the achievement or disappointment of the author in passing on the message. In any case, what is totally integral to our comprehension of dialect and →

“the triple mirror of the self” by zulfiqar ghose

The purpose of this thesis is to locate the identity crisis in the novels of Zulfiqar Ghose, find out the socio-cultural and political reasons for the crisis and throw light on some grey areas which were either ignored previously or could not be discussed sufficiently. In his autobiographical account Confessions of a Native-Alien, he narrates →

Race in america in the souls of black folk, how it feels to be colored me, and recitatif

A connection between the poem and the song is that the poem was written by a white person and the song was created and sung by Negro people. The putting of the poem and the song also shows how similar the poem and the Negro songs are.

Analyzing the house on mango street

However, because of theirfinancial difficulties, she is bound to swallow her pride and just accept the dilapidated new house. This is just the way things are on Mango Street, but the narrator will not give up her dream of the promised house and she is determined to pursue it.

Example of cognitive development: piagets theory of cognitive development research paper

It also involves the emergence of the child's ability to comprehend the events in the surrounding environment. It focuses on the ability to process information, learn a new language, problem solving ability, the process of mental development and the perception the child has towards the world.

Example of recommendations research paper

Ethnic adaptation is the acquisition of a child considering the fact that the adopted child is of the same ethnic background as one or both of the parents. It has been observed that many parents who seek to adopt children seek to know the race and ethnical background of the child and they prefer the →

Abstract is involved with. without lactate dehydrogenase anaerobic

Introduction The objective of studying lactate dehydrogenase is to learnabout the structure, function, and importance. The goal is to become familiarwith the enzyme and the metabolic processes that it is involved with.

The future of robots essay examples

In an article for Interactions magazine, Norman suggested that a built-in kitchen robot might be able to not only communicate with all the different elements of the kitchen but might be able control the passing of items and utensils around as required. Reed, P, J." The Future of Robots in Hospitals"..Web.

Example of essay on cultural changes in the late 19th and the early 20th century

By the time the Civil War ended, already many thousands of miles of railroad were laid and many cities of the east and west were connected. This essay will discuss how the industrial revolution after the Civil War brought about a significant change in the American society and culture in the late 19th and the →

Example of essay on the science of older and wiser; new york times

Most psychologists agree that if you define wisdom as maintaining positive well-being and kindness in the face of challenges, it is one of the most important qualities one can possess to age successfully and to face physical decline and death. Elkhonon Goldberg, a neuroscientist in New York and author of " The Wisdom Paradox," says →

Research paper on cataract and the corrective surgery procedure

Visual loss due to cataract is due to clouding of the lens of the eye leading to the inability of light to pass through it and focusing on the retina in the back of the eye; the vision loss can be partial or complete in the affected eye. Unlike the epithelial cells found in other →

Example of business plan on upfront

We want our clients to enjoy the comfort of the shoes and at the same time be proud and show off their new kicks. It will also help us to raise the public awareness about eco-green products and be beneficial for the general support for the brand.

bruce tuckman and the group development model essay sample

The first phase in Tuckmans group development model is Forming, as the name describes, this stage is the first stage to team building, where the forming of the team occurs. Not much usually gets done in this stage but it is very important as it sets ground to the future of the team and the →

Maxwell jc 1998 the 21 irrefutable laws of leadership nashville tn thomas nelson book review examples

The reader is also given a series of tips and instructions so as to apply the law of leadership in his or her life at the end of each chapter. Maxwell stresses that no leader can perfect all the twenty-one laws and this is how he enumerates the importance of nurturing others in the organisation →

“mirror image” and robotic development essay examples

While the twentieth century began in an atmosphere of optimism in the face of the technological promise of the twentieth century, the events that the new technology brought to pass served as a major impediment to the development of that optimism. Between the years 1914 and 1945, the world saw the advent of the armored →

Research paper on friendship in fried green tomatoes at the whistle stop cafe

The activities of the white supremacist group, the Klux Klax Klan are mentioned, and through the story, a change in the perception of the society is depicted through the use of narrations. The theme of friendship and its guiding principles is well explored in the book.

Will the use of ethical behavior pay off in long-run essay

Harmonizing to the three theories of the three bookmans, Heifetz, Burns and Greenleaf: The values in the workplace depend on the followings of the leader which involves certain authorization for public presentation and productiveness, in an organisation. It is really of import to keep the ethical motives and norms of the organisation to maintain it →

Sample research paper on brutality is never okay

In this, the police became not law-enforcers, but just another position where the strong take advantage of the weak In the 1950s and 1960s; the issues of police brutality became heavily associated with the Civil Rights Movement. No one wishes, again, to malign, all of the honorable and honest police officers that serve.

Politics of development

In a layman's interpretation, politics of development may be the politics of the State that implies involvement of all segments of the society, specifically its governance to focus on the shared goal to attain political transformation. Under the norm of politics of development, transformation could evolve in the framing of state policies that focuses on →

Good essay on empowerment theory and field theory

Empowerment theory is used in research as a way to explain and predict the character and behavior of a group or an individual within social constraints in decision outcomes. Field theory is a concept composed of forces that affect and encourage individuals to stick to their groups.

Example of creative writing on selection creteria

I had also obligation to establish and maintain a therapeutic relationship with the patients and families appropriate to the clinical setting and which is inclusive of psychogeriatric and cognitively impaired patients. Described different models of cars to the customers and also accurately explained the details and the care of the merchandise.

Its effects on personal development and relationships

Compared to PTSD, the stressors in an adjustment disorder are less severe and more within the realm of common experience. These factors include experiencing a traumatic event that is especially severe, intense or long-lasting; having an existing mental health illness before the stressor event; lack of support from family and friends; and having family members →

Benefits of taking vitamin d research paper example

Furthermore, vitamins are classified into fat soluble and water soluble where the former comprises the types of Vitamin Bs and Vitamin C which are easily lost in the cooking water and quickly flushed out of the body. The natural and one of the best sources of Vitamin D is sunlight.

Can love us and which we can love argumentative essay examples

But a sublime hope cheers ever the faithful heart, that elsewhere, in other regions of the universal power, souls are now acting, enduring, and daring, which The writer of this paper finds Emerson's claims to be logical and reasonable and is in agreement that indeed friendships are harder to find and establish as our standards →

The development of the rake- from man of mode

The imagery related to the mask pushes both the characters and the audience to reevaluate the " veneers" which we credit as true, while simultaneously commentating on the sexual double standards of the eighteenth century. The masks allow both the men and the women to shed their obligations and manners and take art in the →