7 Pages Essay Samples

Back to the future? sustainability and futurism in the communist manifesto

At a certain stage in the development of these means of production and of exchange, the conditions under which feudal society produced and exchanged, the feudal organization of agriculture and manufacturing industry, in one word, the feudal relations of property became no longer compatible with the already developed productive forces; they became so many fetters. →

What’s so bad about a boy wearing a dress

Our society is socially constructed to identify boy names versus girl names and gender and identities based on the genitalia of the child; although for some it is not a simple choice to follow the social norms of gender. The article could give encouragement to parents who have a child that is gender-fluid and they →

Applying political theories to us politics

The majority of the people decide whether the government is protecting the rights of the people. That is to safeguard the rights of mankind.

Case study lg samsung refrigerator

The market has been divided in three segments Economy, Standard & Premium. The comparison has been made among tangible features, prices & capacity of LG & Samsung.

Always a reason to rise: the message of “the weary blues”

The presence of syncopation changes the meaning of the beginning of the line. Repeating the line adds to the rhythm of the stanza and makes the meaning of the line more evident.

Is it feasible for philips to launch a games console

It is clear that competition is high and consumers are purchasing more of the playstation than any other games console, if Philips is going to launch their product into the market then they must be very cautious and require the budget to promote effectively in order to create awareness. This is rather concerning and difficult →

Cross-culture adjustments assignment

Developing the model of cross-culture competence in 1B The knowledge dimension The knowledge about the culture helps out in the understanding and also culture has a positive effect. Cultural Adoption It is a social process which reduces the uncertainty and helps to increase the effectiveness of operation in the foreign culture.

Analyse the political factors involved in the unification of italy up to 1861 – essay

Analyse the political factors involved in the Unification of Italy up to 1861 Italian Unification or Italian Risorgimento is known as the chain of political and military events that produced a united Italian peninsula under the Kingdom of Italy in 1861. The second most important factor towards the unification of Italy would be the Nation →

The count or monte cristo

Analysis: Monte Cristo is here setting the stage for Calvacanti's entrance to Parisien society where he will be instrumental in the downfall of Villefort, Caderousse, and Danglars. Her stepmother is opposed to the idea of her marrying in general for it means that Madame de Villefort's son will have nothing to inherit, for valentine will →

Toyota motor corporation is a multinational corporation marketing essay

Toyota motor corporation mission is to provide high quality goods and services, more innovative and safe in order to meet the worldwide demand of the Toyota customers. In 2008 when Toyota Motor Corporation was on the brink to overlap the general motors' to become as the world leading automaker organisation the executives were busy in →

Pestle model for dth industry in india marketing essay

In 2010, Tata Sky launched Tata Sky+, a premium set-top-box, HD-PVR, with the facility of video recording which has 500GB hard disc space and can record up to 625 hours. The next launch of Tata Sky was in June of the same year, which was Tata Sky HD, which had a special feature of casting →

Get the best out of b2c

General Introduction to B2C There are 4 distinct categories can be identified O2: business-to-business, business-to-consumer, consumer-to-consumer, and consumer-to-business While the term e-commerce refers to all online transactions, B2C stands for " business-to-consumer" and applies to any business or organization that sells its products or services to consumers over the Internet for his/her own use. They →

Solar power in meerwada india essay sample

Although only a village of four hundred people, Meerwada proves to India and the rest of the world that solar power is truly the new, sustainable source of energy. India and the rest of the world needs to look at Meerwada as a glimpse of hope.

Mobile phones: impact on interpersonal relationships

Additionally, the report of ITU in 2013 revealed that over one third people in the world use the web. Meanwhile, one can easily observe that no matter in restaurants or on the road, there being a group of people who always lower their heads addicted to the mobile phones; one can easily observe that some →

Foxtons was founded by entrepreneur jon hunt in 1981

Foxtons believe in encompassing alteration and disputing traditional positions with the desire to better the manner industry operates."[ 1 ] 1995 saw the production of the Foxtons leases magazine to advance the huge scope of belongingss available both for sale and to allow within an country together with in deepness and enlightening inside informations associating →

Government policy for tourism development

The planning system works for the best interest of the public and wants to ensure that nothing is damaged for the future generation to inherit and hope the future generation continue of the work of preserving the natural environment whilst making the developments here sustainable for a long time. The aims of strategic planning policy →

Business ethics essay sample

BP is known as one of the largest energy organisations worldwide, and is also known to be in the heart of the climate change debate. It is a serious crime and is the offering of an item of the value for the actions of a person in charge of something to change their decisions.

Is there water and life on mars?

The search for life on Mars has become more urgent thanks in part to probes by the two rovers now roaming Mars' surface and another spaceship that is orbiting the planet. The best and largest example, photographed by the Mars Global Surveyor, is at the end of a valley network that drains into Eberswalde Crater →

The north face inc accounting essay

During the planning phase of the 1998 audit, Fiedelman convinced the new audit engagement partner that the prior year workpapers were wrong and that the previous audit partner had not concluded that it was not permissible for North Face to recognize profit on the 1997 portion of the barter transaction that involved strictly trade credits. →

The role of the purchasing department commerce essay

The failure to pull off this passage has resulted in opposition in terminal users to accept procedural alteration in procurance The function of quality section post the amalgamation between Aventis drug company and Sanofi Aventis drug company has changed well. The waltloo maker site maker and battalions both with store merchandise and Sanofi-Aventis merchandise The →

The life and times of frederick douglass

From the invention of the cotton gin in 1793, both Missouri Compromises, the Dred Scott Case, the Civil War and Reconstruction and the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments, the issue of race was being wrestled with by very different factions in this country. Douglass witnessed and later identified the hypocrisy that came from a country →

How cultural adaptation influence professional belief?

Lee and Rice and Dee and Henkin point out that in this society, the worldview of racial and ethnic minorities is different from that of European Americans. Propose of the studyThe main purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between cultural adaptation and factors that influence the professional beliefs of international students from →

Indonesia and its past economic crisis economics essay

The country is the world's leader in the export of coal. The combination of all the above-mentioned factors leads the country to the status of one of the best-performing economies in the world.

Examining the historical development of criminology criminology essay

Although it there is some debate on the historical development of criminology, there is agreement that by the beginning of the 1960s there was a recognisable academic discipline in the form of modern criminology in Britain. At this stage in criminology, the emphasis was on the criminal act rather than the individual committing it, so →

Act of supremacy 1534 essay

His first divorce, from Catherine of Aragon, was opposed by the Pope, leading to England's break with the Roman Catholic Church In the establishment of the protestant faith in England, the English Reformation, there were several Key changes during the 1530s. The break with Roman church was catalysed with the Act of Supremacy in 1534 →

Stigma toward the mentally disabled

The ideas present in the article coincide with the events of Flowers for Algernon, in the sense that Charlie Gordon, the main character, struggles to achieve a higher status in his workplace at the fault of his handicap. This misunderstanding deepens the stigma around mental disability and leads more people to believe that they are →


TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page................................................i Approval Sheet........................................ii Dedication..............................................iii Abstract...................................................iv CHAPTER I BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY AND ITS SETTINGS Background of the Study Statement of Objectives General Objective Specific Objectives Conceptual Paradigm of the Study Scope and Delimitations of the Study Significance of the Study Definition of Terms CHAPTER IIREVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES CHAPTER →

Personality theory for violence

The increasing area of cognitive science, the process of moral development, and diseases of the mind built the personality theory. The highest rates of severe violent offending in males diagnosed with personality disorder was found to be related to a triple comorbidity antisocial personality disorder with concurrent borderline personality disorder and psychopathy.

The snow storm essay

In corporate negligence, " the hospital owes a legal duty directly to the patient, and this duty is not delegable to the staff". A contingency plan should have been in place for employee shortage along with policies to remind the staff of their obligations to the hospital and the public as a health care professional.

Competition in the sportswear industry

The objective is to understand the aggressive level of competition within the industry and also how firms try to dominate the market, through cost cutting and innovation. The mission of Nike is: ' to bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete* in the world'.

E-commerce: business logic and amanda jane

The issue that has been identified is ways e-commerce will boost the sales and direction that should be taken.eCommerce Systems The meaning of eCommerce Change in economy and business process in present is known as e-commerce. Understanding and implementing e-commerce in the right way is important for a business success.

The history of equity and common law law equity essay

Since 1875, the common law and equity are applied under the same roofIn the eyes of equity, those for whom the property is held are the real owners of the property. It is the trustee's personal obligation to carry out the trust according to the terms with respect to the property, but then it is →

Bannerbriefly state the function of berninis baldacchino inside st. peters basilica. over critically important christian relic does this edifice stand?

The main function of the baldacchino is to mark the high altar and the tomb of St. As in example, the painting showing the Conversion of Saint Paul the spotlight on the fallen Pharisee is dramatized by the use of shadows in the painting.

The catharsis of prose: a strategy employed by goethe and chamisso

While the Chamisso to whom the novella is narrated might by the alter ego of Schlemihl, it is apparent that the author created Schlemihl after his own identity, and von Chamisso spins a narrative that projects the sense of not belonging, as well as manifests his opposing loyalties between his French and German nationalities. Due →

Social and legal issues concerning wikileaks

For the timebeing the Central Intelligence Agency is not only facing the severerepercussions of the leaks published by the WikiLeaks and one of suchrepercussion to answer the companies like Apple and Google for violating theirfundamental rights. TheEspionage Act-1971 is likely to be levied on the founder of the WikiLeaks as itwas deemed once before as →

Poverty and population case study commerce essay

Third universe states are confronting mega issue of pollution.people populating in 3rd universe states have polluted air to breath, contaminated H2O to imbibe and polluted Earth to populate in.they even don & amp; acirc; t have clean air to breath in.a transitional survey reveals that 100s of million kids have to breath in so →

Arundel partners: the sequel project 1

By valuing the rights of the movie sequels and offering them to investors like Arundel, the producers of the film can obtain financing for the early stages of the original film. If indeed a movie becomes a sequel then the value of the option will increase and Arundel will either exercise the right to make →

Mass media and the fashion magazine media essay

Following a tremendous increase in the volume and complexity in the information produced by modern society, the role of the fashion magazine as a medium of presenting, analyzing and evaluating factual fashion material has increased significantly in the recent years. In the 1724 the title of the Nouveau Mercure gallant was changed to Mercure de →

‘a fool i’ th’ forest’ – jaques’ relationship to the concept of a fool

By wishing to only dress as a fool, he attains the right to free speech without compromising his opinions and ' sinking' to a level of intelligence in which he would maintain the incoherent thoughts of the fool he met. He addresses Orlando and Touchstone as such, believing them to be foolish in their pursuit →

Medical case study essay sample

The areas of reflection on this essay mainly is about the causes of psoriasis, whether lifestyle, smoking or excessive alcohol intake can exacerbate psoriasis and the difference between attending this patient in the home and in the hospital. As to the issue on the difference between attending the patient in the home and in the →

We have decided to investigate the land use patterns in a central business district (cbd)

In theory, as there are a greater number of stores with high sphere's of influence, such as department stores, chain store etc, it is likely that a greater number of people will be drawn to that area of the CBD than the outer frame of the CBD. I would imagine the public's opinion of the →

Stress corrosion cracking of brass in ammonia

Localized Corrosion damage at the stressed area observed back of the sample Stress-corrosion cracking may occur with further exposure to the solution. Stress-corrosion cracking of the sample.

Iso 9000 college essay

I will also mention some of the changes and elements of the Quality Management Systems, financial issues, pros and cons of being certified, and the relationship ISO 9000 has with ISO 14000. The ISO member body in the US is the American National Standards Institute, which has worked through the American Society for Quality Control →

Mission command military utility leadership management essay

E) Employees will have the autonomy to decide how to use the resources and when is this appropriate in order to be successful. In order to build trust managers have to be aware of their behaviours and attitudes, basically because they need to be the example to follow in terms of showing values, becoming a →

The resolution of phenylethylamine biology essay

1 The direction and degree of rotation of the plane depends on the nature of the substance. Though, the magnitude of direction of rotation by the enantiomers is the same, but the direction is opposite of each other.

Bullfighting & history

The object is for one of the bullfighters the matador to kill a wild bull, or toro, with a sword. From then on the commoners took on the sport, facing the bulls unarmed, dodging and taunting the bull then eventually placing small spears into the bull, the origin of the banderillas of today's bullfights.

Factors motivating companies to promote workforce diversity

Generally speaking, the term " Workforce Diversity" refers to policies and practices that seek to include people within a workforce who are considered to be, in some way, different from those in the prevailing constituency. Because many of the beneficiaries of good diversity practices are from groups of people that are " disadvantaged" in our →

Absorption costing: advantages and disadvantages

Furthermore having the systems in place will allow overheads to be charged to services." Absorption costing is a method of costing that, in addition to direct costs, assigns all, or a proportion of product overhead costs units by means of one or a number of overhead absorption rates". Cima " Absorption costing systems is a →

Artifical pumping of heart using transcutaneous transformer essay sample

TET System: The TET system allows the non invasive transmission of energy to the inside of the body. The half of the annulus ring of the coil that is inside the body was buried under the hypodermis, and the remaining half was wrapped with the skin and thrust out like an arch.


The bio threats related with the aerosols are dependent upon the character of the hazard, the concentrate rate and the size of the particles. This is responsible for determining the amount of time it is suspended in the air, the ability to stay alive and transmit illness inside the body and the allergic response to →

Modernity in spain and latin america

However, it is to be noted that not all of the problems in the country were as a result of government opposition: many of the problems arose due to the countries being so vast and infrastructure being so poor, meaning it was hard to communicate with, and so govern, the people living outside of the →

Biography of charles darwin

The people began to question the traditional ideas of the church. Charles Darwin played a huge part in the creation of criminology and continues to do so.

Budget recommendations of zimmer holding, inc

Focusing on its strengths, key customers and the underlying values they need, Zimmer Holdings, Inc will increase the provision of surgical products and drug products to more than half the market in the world in the ten years, while improving the gross margin on sales and cash management as well as working capital. Swansburg says →

Enlightenment, romanticism and the american declaration of independence

At the same time, in the light of the triumph of Newtonian science, the men of the Enlightenment also argued that experience and experiment, more than a priori reason, were the keys to true knowledge. Two major revolutions in the name of progress and freedom, the French and the American, would get underway in the →

A close encounter essay

I got out of bed and strolled towards the bathroom, which in my case was attached to the bedroom I was in. The religious part of the wedding was taking part upstairs and the party was going to take place in the hall downstairs in the evening.

History coursework ben talbutt c11 essay

It was also made in 1915 which was the high point of the war whereas Source A was from a novel, was written after the war and talks about the situation in 1914 which was at the very beginning of the war.2. I would not say that there is any evidence in this Source to →

Problems with cheap food

Casey Vorfa Food fight: Worldviews on food production and consumption Cheap Food Is Simply Unaffordable During the past few decades, the Food industry's productivity levels have skyrocketed and our food system is now able to produce large quantities of food in very short time spans. However, the amount of food that is produced is much →

The gift of the magi essay

In its turn, this can be explained by the fact that, while exposed to this story, readers become enlightened of what accounts for the actual qualities of a truly loving relationship between both spouses and what can be considered the discursive significance of the act of gift-giving. Given the fact that, as it was implied →

Gagne’s nine events

Gagne's Nine Events of Instruction are a series of steps to be followed during the instruction phase, often said to be necessary for learning to occur. Prior to the development of the Nine Events of Instructions, Gagne performed an in-depth examination of learning and its conditions.

Lori l. vande zande v. state of wisconsin department of administration

When she discussed the idea with one of her supervisors, he told her that she would only be able to work at on a part-time basis and that the rest of the time she was unable to work would come out of her sick leave. This was due to the accessibility of the bathroom sinks →

Pulsed radio frequency energy as physical therapy

Studies on patients with chronic leg ulcers have reported the average duration of these ulcers is around 12-13 months, around 60-70% of patients have recurring ulcers, 24% of patients are hospitalized because of the ulcers and most people suffer from the condition for an average of 15 or more years. This study investigated the efficacy →

Design of business research project

As a result of the research workshop and the subsequent further reading I made on design and construction of questionnaires, I gathered the important concepts on designing a good questionnaire. Learning about questionnaire design and construction allowed me to make a strong connection on the importance of surveys in market research.

Effect of growth factors fcs on cell proliferation biology essay

The aim of this experiment is to study cell proliferation by using crystal violet and MTT methods while using mouse Y1 adrenocortical cells under the effect of growth factor FCS. After that cells were washed with PBS three times and different wells of each plate were treated with different concentrations of FCS which is shown →

America’s reaction to the beginning of world war ii in europe us enters the great war of europe

By 1939, the United States had not fully recovered from the long-term effects of World War 1 and its devastation nor had she regained the level of industrial output of 1929, except for the boost to production it gave that pulled the US out of the famous ' Depression' in history. The re-occupation of the →

Muslims treatment after terrorism attacks

According to a publication in the Journal of Applied Social Psychology, following the 9/11 attacks, the number of anti Muslim crimes in America rose from 354 to 1, 501. These categories of people appear to be the Muslims, according to their attackers, and have been victims of anti-Muslim hate crimes and discrimination.

Evaluating post-apartheid south africa trade unions assignment

For Marx to believe in the success of the trade unions he saw that the unions had drive and they were in a positions where they needed the employees to give better working conditions and wages to workers. The unions were interested in supporting the workers to have rights in the workplace in the different →

Changes to the urban population in america

Washington and Education for Black People The Hallowed Halls of Ivy The March of the Mind The Appeal of the Press Apostles of Reform Postwar Writing Literary Landmarks The New Morality Families and Women in the City Prohibition of Alcohol and Social Progress Artistic Triumphs The Business of Amusement From the end of the Civil →

The withered arm analysis essay

At the beginning Rhoda's speculations about the marriage seems to be true, Gertrude is a young, beautiful blooming new wife, " Her hair is lightish, and her face as comely as a doll's, her eyes are of a bluish tint, and her mouth is very nice and red; and when she smiles, her teeth show →

What were the causes of world war 1? essay sample

One cause of WW1 was the alliance system, which involved two main forces: The Triple Entente, consisting of Britain, France and Russia and The Triple Alliance consisting of Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy. This is why it was the combination of each factor that led to the assassination and to WW1.

Financial performance of smes in mauritius

In light of the significant contribution of SMEs to the global economy, and to Mauritius in particular, the researcher would like to explore and describe the financial knowledge which manufacturing SMEs in Mauritius use to measure their financial performance. RESEARCH AIM OF THE STUDY The aim of the study is to explore and describe the →

Summary – of mice and men

As, the men navigate through the affairs of life, the pursuit of the American dream takes many twists and turns. His life was dedicated to the pursuit of the American dream " he wanted a plot of land to call his own," and the care of his lifelong friend.

Literary analysis of stephen king’s the stand

The book begins with the spread and origin of the plague and the toll it takes on civilization and the population. She is the safety and comfort of a mother's arms, the warmth and love of a good home: she is human in a way Flagg is not and therefore subject to the weakness of →

Student achievement in composite classrooms: the influence on educational and social outcomes

In light of my current research and having recently done placement in a school that takes pride in composite classrooms and tried to ensure that all grades are multi-aged, I have decided to further develop my ideas and steer away from the reasons as to why schools have composite classrooms. I will be focusing on →

“natural mosquito repellent”

For an insect repellent spray, add 16 ounces of vodka to the base oil mixture, pour into a spray bottle, and shake before using.III. And when we use it, the product is not successful.* In our 2nd trial, we use vodka, 1 teaspoon of citronella oil and fermented apple vinegar.

Hardy’s portrayal of both men and women in “tony kytes, the arch deceiver”

In the 19th century, prior to the contrasting views of 20th and 21st century, a man with any dignity and respect was expected to be loyal to the woman of his choosing and once either engaged or dating someone they should be loyal and faithful and certainly not a cheat. In Tony Kytes, Tony played →

Analysing an academic curriculum

With the continuous advancement in the field of Science and Technology and in the field of nursing itself, the College wants to provide not only the beginner but also the advanced professional nursing practice; 2) to advance nursing. They believe that when faced with disease or infirmity, the individual react better to the situation, with →

What effect does facebook have on democracy?

In this thesis, I will discuss the effect of Facebook on world's democracy and pros and cons of social media and its handling of personal data of users. The main idea of these social media apps was not to set people's mind on microblogging and sharing content and making a product to substitute the idea →

Emirates stadium

Islington, London; was before hand, a waning borough and the new stadium was seen as a solution to contribute to the regeneration of the area. One of the significant terms of this deal comprised of Emirates owning the naming rights of the stadium of which led to the stadium being known as the ' Emirates →

Interview with business owner essay sample

The reward for him; is knowing that his business is a success and it's very hard to build a successful business during this tough economical time. Subway has a set of standards when it comes to the product they serve in the store.

History of trade unions essay

The history of the trade union can be seen to have begun in the Industrial Revolution, where the rise of factories and the deskilling of labour led to workers seeking security through collective bargaining agreements. Trade unions may also have the right to legally represent their members in any dispute with the employer, although this →

Marketing plan assignment

In order to reach the maximum efficiency, the marketers have to clear understand the needs of the customers, and develop different products to them, and this is called target market strategy. And if website is too early and costly for the new product, print a recipe in the back of the product is also good →

Invertebrates in biomonitoring of pollution biology essay

This reappraisal discusses the research available on the ways in which macro invertebrates are used in the biological monitoring of pollution. The truth and dependability of these consequences are non known as they are the work of other professionals with the expertness in this field of work.

The best ideology to achieve the common good politics essay

Unhappy with the liberal emphasis on the individual and with the socialist emphasis on contending social classes, the fascist provided a view of the world in which individuals and classes were to absorbed into an all embracing whole a mighty empire under the control of a single party and a supreme leader. Classical Liberalism is →

Andy goldsworthy: concepts of the landscape

Similarly, rather than use the language of signposts to designate a river, the use of more tactile cues reclaims the spectator's newness of vision: in Auge's words, the traveller is recapturing the landscape like it is " the first journey of birth...the primal experience of differentiation [6]". The energy and space around a material are →

A life in the day of susan sarandon essay sample

The main purpose of the article is to inform the reader about her life and we are able to learn about some of the work Unicef does. The overall structure of the piece is set out in a way so that we are able to get to know the life of Susan Sarandon as well →

The hydrostatic thrust acting on a plane surface engineering essay

The resultant hydrostatic force on the face can therefore be calculated from the value of the balance weight and the depth of the water as follows:- When the system is in equilibrium, the moments about the pivot point are equal: mgL = Fh Where, m is the mass on the weight hang, g is the →

The constitutions of the world

This is due to the fact that the intention of the Parliament while drafting the Constitution was to bring about 'social revolution' in the country. In pursuance of the same, Article 44 which was the demand to evolve a Uniform Civil Code, to govern the personal laws of every religion, was placed in the Constitution →

Optimization and production of siderophore

The aim of this study was to optimize the production of siderophores by bacterial strains isolated from rhizosphere soil. To study the effect of inoculum size on siderophore production was studied in succinic acid medium by inoculating the strain S-6, S-26 with 0.

Studies on non-hodgkin’s lymphoma

In the year 2018, Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma is the more predominant subtype lymphoma in the United States. Intensified chemotherapy with ACVBP plus rituximab versus standard CHOP plus rituximab for the treatment of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma: an open-label randomised phase 3 trial.

N. dacca, calcutta, and cambridge. he obtained

At the time of his death in 1961, he was head of the department he founded and Dean Faculty of Arts. He is best known for his theoretical interest and contributions in the field of social structure and sociology of economic development'.

Self esteem and adolescence

This description of self-esteem describes to us that self-esteem plays an immense role in the outcome of a person's life. Depression is a major influence on levels of self-esteem and is the result of not being able to regain that high level of self-esteem.

Government where the internal

The responsibilities of those working in the field include network administration, software development and installation, and the planning and management of an organization's technology life cycle, by which hardware and software is maintained, upgraded, and replaced. It is important therefore for the audit committee to distinguish between the role of management and that of internal →

Linguistics and speakers practice code-switching

yInitiation of Code Switching Code switching, that is, the alternative use by bilinguals of two or more languages in the same conversation, has attracted linguists' attention and been studied from a variety of perspectives. Sociolinguistic approach to code-switching Blom & Gumperz introduced two patterns of CODE-SWITCHING, namely situational CODE-SWITCHING, in which the speaker switches languages →

Marriage between the prophet hosea and gomer religion essay

At the centre of the Hebrew Bible in the book of Hosea chapters one and three, lays a controversy about the marriage between the prophet Hosea and Gomer the harlot. The names of the children born in this unfaithful marriage show that the time of God to punish Israel had come.

Cutaneous myoepithelioma | case study

Michalet al [7] reported 12 additional cases of myoepitheliomas of the skin and soft tissues in 1999, Hornick and Fletcherconducted a study of 14 cutaneous myoepitheliomas. Myoepitheliomas should be considered in the differential diagnosis of cutaneous and soft tissue tumors.