7 Pages Essay Samples

Effect of technology on public transportation

The following will discuss the evidence or otherwise of the social shaping of technology with regard to public transport in London and Paris between 1820 and 1990. Linked to the spread of the railways was the adoption of underground systems in both London and Paris.

Our day out, by willy russell – review

However Mr Briggs is the opposite to Mrs Kay and is portrayed at the beginning of the play as ' the bad guy' and ' nasty' man. This is a significant ended, as the trusting Mrs Kay returns home and so does Briggs.

How appropriate is the description of alexander ii as the ‘tsar liberator’ essay

Peasants had to ask the permission of the Mir to leave or to marry, and the Mir was also in charge of administering justice. Emancipation of the serfs was not the only reform under Alexander II, he reformed local government, the legal system, the education system, the economy, the military, and there were reforms for →

What ridesharing on halloween can teach you about incentives

As they strive to match the number of cars on the road with the number of passengers seeking rides, they rely on computer algorithms to guide drivers and keep customers updated in real time. Halloween is one of the busiest nights of the year for Lyft," a Lyft spokesperson said in an email statement to →

Water pollution

My goal is to educate you on what is in our water, what we need to keep our lakes healthy, what we do to make that happen, and the effects of what could happen if we keep polluting. Zebra Mussels are a big threat to the animals and us.

The oprah effect essay

Oprah effect introduces her leadership characteristics as evidenced from her shows, The Oprah Winfrey Show, O, The Oprah Magazine, and The Oprah Winfrey Foundation. Oprah had a mountain of obstacles already in front of her as a newborn baby, she was born to unwed teenage parents, and she was a black poor female.

erik peterson and biometra essay sample

The most significant of these concerns was the fact that Peterson did not have any experience dealing with new product launches and his boss did not have the leadership skills and knowledge needed to be able to offer assistance. Although Peterson did everything that was required of him to make the launch a success, he →

Female seahorses essay

Of the many fish of the sea, none is more interesting and unique than the seahorse. Another interesting fact is that seahorses show displays of courtship to each other in the mornings and evenings and they spend the daytime hunting for food apart from each other.

Maxims and masks: the epigram in “the importance of being earnest”

The characters are given to hyperbolic conviction in their brief speeches, a fast-paced technique that magnifies the play's distant relationship to vaudevillian humor and reveals another duality within homosexuality; Algernon is perfectly happy to be gay, while Jack is repellent to the idea, perhaps even to the point of self-loathing. The meeting of Gwendolen and →

Development of mental health care in modern society essay

This paradigm could be explained and analyzed with the use of the medical model which is the base and key treatment pillar for every psychiatric condition these days and thus highlighting the critiques of the medical model with personal experience as evidences, concepts and theories. How the disease began or the symptoms, the variety of →

Theology and spirituality in counseling assignment

The purpose of this comparison paper is to detail the model of the author through several segments that expound on the foundational constructs and implications of the authors' theory. The first step to change is to identify the emotions that exist in response to the problem resistance.

Drugs in the urban community

The ghetto is filthy and nasty looking; drugs have caused the used to be new, to look like a complete city that needs to be rehabbed. The city lacks funding to demolish the properties and the homes are often used for the production, sale, and use of illicit drugs, with drug gangs such as Young →


The branch of knowledge that deals with the study of the physical world.4.industrial revolution SThe rapid development of industry in Britain in the late 18th and 19th centuries, brought about by the introduction of machinery.5. Bourgeoisie is a word from the French language, used in the fields of political economy, political philosophy, sociology, and history, →

Threats of the film industry

Strengths and Weaknesses are considered to be internal factors of the organisation and Opportunities and Threats are considered to be external factors. IKEA educates its customers to support recycling and reusing of the products and also aims that recycled products are not used in developing a new product.

Obstacles to organizational communication

A good time to use deep breathing is right before you go to the front of the audience to begin your presentation. What action do you want your audience to take at the end of your presentation?

Impacts of an ill child on the family

There are many impacts of chronic childhood illness because depending on the illness that the child has, the child may experience symptoms of discomfort and pain and this may affect the parents/carers of the child as they may feel upset when they see their in this position where the is child is in pain and →

Ash reducing measures during combustion of ash rich fuels engineering essay

The properties and composition of ash content in coal depends according to the type and origin. After conducting as many leaching experiments using hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid and sodium hydroxide it is analyzed the coal of size fraction

Southwest airlines employee branding strategy

This form of branding is such since employees need to grasp and experience the values s they are taught and practiced in the daily operations of the business. This is a very effective example of sustainable competitive advantage since employee branding in a large organization such as Southwest with thousands of employees create a positive →

Marketing assignment

Store Image Chapter 13 Store Layout and Design Store Image is the overall perception the consumer has of the store's environment. Elements That Compose the Store Environment Objectives of the Store Environment Tasks to create desired store image and increase productivity: 1.

Rome – college essay

The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire The City-state of Rome became a republic in 509 BC. The Roman army was the largest of the group though.

Basic concepts of economics

NOMINAL pricing The real price of eggs in 1970 dollars is calculated as follows: The real price of eggs in 1970 dollars is calculated as follows: The real price of eggs in 1990 dollars is calculated as follows: Public Policy - * Great impact on Economics * Can change course of the market Chapter 2 →

Charismatic leadership style of mahatma gandhi

It was due to rule of British in India which made him to fight against them and for this he needed to guide the Indian citizens to fight against them this made him to become the absolute leader and to use evil practices against the British. Since Mahatma Gandhi was very devoted towards his home →

Customer relationship management technique of lenovo

The report will focus on the B2B relationship of Lenovo with its business customers and its stakeholders. Lenovo has used branding as a tool for creating relationship with its customer because they believe that a customer gives more value to the attributes related with the product name in the market then the price value associated →

The rise of nationalism in europe history essay

The main reasons for the rise in nationalism are the economic crisis by the EU, unemployment and illegal immigration. Germany was in a bad position since the building of the wall in 1961 by the communist to put a " stop" to the people of the East to move freely to the West.

Akenaten the hymn to the aten history essay

At a stage when the successful military campaigns of his predecessors into Asiatic territories had brought the Egyptian Empire to the height of its power, Akhenaten's abandonment of the military in order to focus on a new monotheism, the cult of Aten, led to his initial description by modern eulogists as a pacifist visionary, eager →

Effects of advertising on sales

The first fragment of the paper discuss about the methodological oreintation and in the second portion it focuses on the argument whether there is any effect of advertising on sales. Esteve and Requena tires to examine the relationship between advertising and sales across the market segments of the UK car industry over the period of →

Taoism college essay

This indicates that the Tao is the path toward virtue, and the highest virtue of these is conforming to the Tao. This means that the Tao is the source of all reality and that the Tao is inseparable.

Chlorhexidine gluconates role in the treatment of periodontal disease

There is science that suggests other alternatives are explored due to a study published in the Journal of Applied Oral Science that uncovered chlorhexidine's ability to kill bad as well as good bacteria in the oral environment and the discovery of chlorhexidine's toxicity to beneficial cells. In a study conducted between chlorhexidine and curcumin mouth →

Structure and properties of ibuprofen

The major action of Ibuprofen and all other Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and is the inhibition of the cyclooxygenase enzyme or the COX enzymes and hence inhibiting the synthesis of prostaglandins. Therefore, inhibition of the COX-II leads to the anti-inflammatory, anti-pyretic and analgesic activity of ibuprofen and whereas on the other hand, inhibition of COX-II is →

The highline: a new destination essay sample

According to the " friends of the high line", in 1934, " the high line opened to trains. It was hidden in the darkness, to be completely ignored and representative of a very difficult New York City." Then the line just sat.

The function of haitian voodoo essay

Thus, the institution of Voodoo and its rituals serve the necessary function of defining and reinforcing the morals, culturally accepted norms, and even the reality of those who actively participate. In the story of the Virgin of Ville Bonheur, Hurston tells of the woman who " lit in the fronds of a palm tree" and →

Political culture of north korea

During his training period under his father's tutelage in the 1970s, he was often referred to as the " Party Center," and he launched a number of campaigns to take over the daily operations of the Party. In my point of view the personality of Kim Il Sung was a fragment and extension of Stalin.

Pro terrorist torture

As a result of this unthinkable attack on our country, the lives of thousands of American Soldiers and their families would soon be affected as well The war that 9/11 spun Americans and the rest of the world into was not a regular war in a regular country with regular soldiers. Therefore, the United States →

Palliative care for cancer patients | literature review

According to this study, Medew aimed that; the findings would change the views of both the patients and the doctors on the quality of palliative care. In addition, most cancer patients are not used to palliative care in most countries and this unfamiliarity calls for the need for providing information to patients, their family members →

A fitness center where every body benefits marketing essay

This report contains about the company, identification of the target market, strategies to penetrate in the target market segmenting it to different locations, the industry analysis, marketing plan and positioning of the company, effective pricing strategy, how to promote it to clients through different strategies of advertising and promotion, the operational plan for the early →

Annotated bibliography on learning and teaching

The book describes standardized testing as being outdated in this era, and it calls for an educational program that caters to the needs of all students. Consequently, this book is practical to both teachers and educational reformist as it not only highlights the problems in the existing educational testing programs, but it also recommends alternatives →

Laura mulvey and her relavance to contemporary cinema essay

According to Mulvey, women are always the objects of the gaze, never the possessors of the gaze. In the case of film, control of the camera and therefore the control of the gaze is almost always firmly settled in the male sphere.

Understanding rejection in “disabled” and “refugee blues”

This effective beginning informs the reader that the soldier has lost body members and is as a result physically disabled, but it also sets a gloomy, pessimistic tone; the use of caesura emphasises the soldier's disability by interrupting the flow of the poem in order to let the image sink into the reader's mind. Indeed, →

Sylvia plath’s work

She takes herself as the Jew and her father as the Nazi, who she wants to punish for leaving her in this world. She refers in a way to her own suicide and in fact, she is proud of the fact that she knows about her death.

Off the beaten path

The portrayal of this landscape, and in particular the roads that Jim and Antonia use to navigate it, mirrors the state of mind and the maturation of both the two friends and of the pioneers as a group. Cather uses descriptions of the characteristics of these paths and how they change to represent the path →

The significance of business development in hospitality

The essay mainly focused on the significance of business development in hospitality, Business Development analyses and evaluates the different aspects of business growth routes and development processes in the international hospitality industry. Victorious hotels are individuals who regularly involved in developing new product that can catch the attention of consumer, for the reason that client →

Challenges in reverse logistics

Thus, the issue of control becomes associated with the formal development and implementation of written down policies, rules, and procedures related to reverse logistics. First, the formalization of the reverse logistics program can serve as a foundation for developing and implementing a solid monitoring system.

What factors influence the decisions regarding marketing essay

Factors which influence the decisions regarding the opening and closing of stores includes the dominant location strategy which 7-Eleven is following to maintain its positions as the market leader, 7-Eleven aims to provide customers with what they want, when they want it. 7-Eleven should use clustering in the areas of its stores and provide more →

Inside the multicultural workforce essay

Good and effective communication is a vital for the success of Worldwide Telecommunications. This is especially true in a multicultural workforce because in a multicultural workforce, cultural differences and backgrounds can affect the communication process in a large way.


Coverlet needs to address the other 3 of the 4 As of a marketing mix that are not about the qualities of the product. Shaved needs to find a way to make itself stand out in the eyes of new customers and the best way to do that is to first determine whom they are →

Consumer reactions towards product placement in movies media essay

A review of trade and popular press over the past few years quickly reveals the interest in and growth of the product placement industry. Interestingly, these studies found that, in general, the majority of people in the United States do not object to the practice of product placement.

The rise of the american mafia history essay

Introduction Prohibition has long been thought to have been the cause of the Mafia in America, though in reality it was the catalyst for bringing the mafia to the public's perception. From 1876 to 1890, the Italian government was seemingly split on the issue of the mafia till Representative Diego Tajani called out the Right →

Review the lenovo group limited commerce essay

Get downing from its functional sections Lenovo selected a group of cardinal professionals to have preparation in direction and sit for the PMP enfranchisement. In footings of the market consequences, Lenovo 's version of undertaking direction has improved the company 's nucleus fight with improved bringing and client satisfaction.

Listening exam – music history 1

The singer is accompanied by a lyre or other plucked string instrument The music follows the rhythms of the text The poem sung is an ' epigram' Uses vocal notes of the diatonic Iastian tonos There are major 3rds that begin or end the last 3 phrases There is a rising fifth at the opening →

Importance of human capital in economicdevelopment

Human capital formation: Human capital formation as described by Professor Harrison as "the process of acquiring and increasing the number of person who have the skills, education and experience which are critical for the economic and political development of a country." Human capital formation is the act of increasing the productive qualities of labor force →

La guillotine: dickens’ philosophical use of figurative language

Lasting from 1789 to 1799, the French Revolution is characterized by the uprisal of the lower class and the bloodshed associated with it. The bloodthirst of the society Dickens describes celebrates death, looks forward to executions, and cares little about the lives wasted at the hands of the guillotine.

Oranges are not the only fruit

In Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit, the narrator, presumably Jeanette as a child, presents a view of the world from the eyes of a child, perhaps the most humorous perception of life available to a writer, as a child is a being untainted by life. It is a gentle mocking of the self importance →

Visa europe territory

We own and manage the Visa brand, which provides the assurance of acceptance at tens of millions of merchants and 2. Core Products Visa provides consumers, businesses, financial institutions, and governments with access to the world's largest retail electronic payments network through a range of Visa-branded products and services that deliver choice, convenience and security.


IBM would find out the hard way that the PC would rapidly transform the world into the Information Age in the business arena and in that of our personal lives. Abercrombie & Fitch was calling itself " The Greatest Sporting Goods Store in the World." It boasted the world's largest and most valuable collection of →

Framework for job analysis understanding of different roles management essay

Analysis of job is the method used to accumulate information regarding the duties, responsibilities, compulsory skills, outcomes, and work environment of a particular job. Job specification: A bundle of document which is included with organization information and document which identifies the qualifications needed by a job.

Personal development plan assignment

In order to capacitate myself to progress my career I think MBA could afford me the opportunity to acquire the relevant business skills and hence I decided to complete my MBA at Henley as a priority. To develop and confirm my success as a good Business/Divisional Manager I need to have a broad range of →

Boston consulting group matrix (bcg) explained

The four cells classified in the BCG are: This category holds the market leaders which also have greater market share. Some of them are: The foremost and important problem is how to define the market and collection of data regarding a products market share.

The origin of the writ of certiorari essay sample

The writ of certiorari is also one of the oldest writs in the world defining the relationship between the supreme court and other courts ni the land on legal proceedings. Origin of writ of certiorari The writ of certiorari is a writ or a an order which is sent by a higher to a lower →

The very concept or idea of god philosophy essay

This means that the premises of the argument contain the conclusion it reaches and the argument is structured in such a way as to make the conclusion the only possible one that can be deduced from its premises. Malcolm's argument is an essential idea of the ontological argument because it is a development of both →


However many people are of the thought that the customs and traditions affiliated with the festival of Christmas pre-date the birth of Christ. The Christmas history mistletoe sheds light on the fact that the early church stalwarts were against the use of mistletoe in the Christmas festivities.

Youth aging out of the foster care system

This usually results in an unsuccessful adulthood because of the following; youth living at home with their parents have the extended supports that youth in care do not, foster youth lack the skills that are needed in order to achieve success in the transition into adulthood, and finally youth in care bare the scars of →

Wv strikes: future teacher perspective

Although she has not had the time to stand on the picket lines with West Virginia teachers, she remains proud of their willingness to take a stand for themselves." I have never seen a better up-close example of a community rallying for change than the one I am seeing right now, right in my back →

Education, culture and commerce exchange between belgium and china

Many of the topics are dealt with the problems of cultural contact and the exchange, of acculturation and enculturation, the transmission of scientific knowledge, etc. Chinese citizens are familiar with these brand which represents the long term relationship of the two countries, which Of course those relationship between China and Belgium can represent the China-EU →

Think negative experiences

He thought it was a blessing for him to be able to listen in his classes and walk going to school despite the lack offoodin his yester. It was a blessing for him to graduate as Valedictorian, but even more of a blessing to be offered ascholarshipin Misaims University and did not have to pay →

The impact of gender and race in criminal courts

They wanted to research the correlations between the defendant's attractiveness, and the juror's gender, and the defendant's race and the juror's race. Each participant was given a different version of the vignette, varying only in the description of the defendant's attractiveness and the defendant's race.

Impact of roosevelt’s new deal

Based the following documents, Roosevelt's new deal has helped the US to recover from the great depression, enlarged the power of the government and helped to improve some flaws within the capitalist economy in the US. Judging from the implementation of the " New Deal," it made the United States reluctantly survive the special depression →

Analysis of products by infrared spectroscope and tlc essay sample

A closed system is in dynamic equilibrium when the number of gas molecules exiting the liquid phase is equal to the number of gas molecules entering the liquid phase. The vapor pressure of a liquid is the pressure that the gas molecules exert against the walls when they collide.

Performance enhancing drugs and the banned substances list

Evaluate the suggestion that performance-enhancing drugs should be removed from the IOCs banned substances list Performance-enhancing drugs refer to substances that are used to improve any form of activity: ranging from physical to psychological performance in humans. Research also indicate that the use of these drugs is related to self-esteem, academic performance, use of other →

Mcdonalds and starbucks

Brand value and marketing strategy: Revitalization the brand is the important work for the leadership." The focus is to improve the brand experience by increasing the power of the brand in the mind of the customer". With the basis of this customer inflow and positive financial outlook the company is also focusing on remodeling the →

Coca cola company review essay sample

It was painted in 1894 in Cartersville, Georgia.* If all the Coca-Cola Ever produced were to erupt from the geyser ' Old Faithful' at its normal rate of 15, 000 gallons per hour, there would be enough Coca-cola to flow continuously for 1, 689 years.* The Coca-Cola Company is the longest continuous sponsor of the →

The unequal treaties provoke in china history essay

The success in modernising the Qing army and the superior military power of the West made the government realised the importance in strengthening its military force to suppress insurgence in the future. Inspired by the success of Meiji Restoration in Japan, the Self-Strengthening movement marked the start of industrialisation, resulting in the rise of middle →

Communication skillsexample

2 I think that Speech, Language and communication skills helps support a child or young's person development in the following area's because: Learning: I think that learning is support by speech, language and communication because allowing a child or young person to express themselves by use of language this allows them to release their thoughts, →

Qualitative & quantitative research design assignment

It is the purpose of this essay to analyze these two research frameworks highlighting the positive aspects as well as the flaws and limits, and highlighting the rise of what is often referred to as the " mixed" method. Recently however, the divide between the quantitative and qualitative has diminished to the point of many →

Mass media and obesity

Children and obesity is a big problem." The rate of obesity among children between the ages of 6 and 11 in the United States has increased about five times compared with the rate in the 1970s". Parents should be the ones that explain to the children that the advertisements on television are not real and →

Sports biomechanics

By increasing the amount of red blood cells there is an increase in oxygen being delivered to the muscles. Blood doping is a wide area and more research can be done in this subject to determine side effects more aswell as anabolic steroids.

American imperialism in the 19th and 20th century essay sample

" Imperialism is the policy, practice, or advocacy of extending the power and dominion of a nation especially by direct territorial acquisitions or by gaining indirect control over the political or economic life of other areas; broadly: the extension or imposition of power, authority, or influence" American Imperialism has been a practice of the United →

The use and abuse of snowdonia, a glaciated upland region essay sample

The glacial features of Snowdonia Glaciers have had a major effect on the landscape of North Wales and towards the east of North Wales this is no exception. There is also moraine on the sides of the valley, this is called lateral moraine as it is carried at the sides of the glacier.

Criminal justice

The movie shows the dangers that justice faces if the people who are supposed to enforce it are involved in the activities of crime without any regard for the duties that they are supposed to discharge. The infiltration of law enforcement agencies by officers who are not ready to protect and serve is one that →

Education in the uk: social policy changes

The return of conservative government in 1979 alleged that change was necessary in other to raise the standard of the British education system. This means that the conservative government believe the possible way to revive the education system was to take control of the provision and policy of education from the hands of local authority →

Political legal environment of vietnam economics essay

To improve the localization rate of automotive production, the Vietnamese government has introduced a series of measures, including the low-interest loans for domestic enterprises and preferential tax policies, replacing the original tax reporting on the import of CKD on the basis of the import tax rates of different parts, proposing preferential mechanism concerning manufacturing projects →

Heublin case study

The deferral of this choice until after selection of the consultant was deliberate, to allow for development of interest and enthusiasm among candidates for this position and so that both the selected individual and the selection committee would have a clear picture of the nature of the program. The advantage to corporate staff of uniform →

Accounting and financial management

The number of visitors to the NGA would depend largely upon the cultural tastes of the general public and their interest in viewing artwork held by the NGA. To cover the cost of NGA's capital, the government would need to provide a subsidy of $180 to the NGA for each paying NGA visitor and $200 →

Barclays bank v quistclose law equity essay

The reason for the decisionThe House of Lords decided in favour of the lender Quistclose for the reason that such an arrangement for payment of creditors by a third party gave rise to a fiduciary relationship or trust in favour of the creditors failing, that is, in favour of the third party. He is of →

What is insomnia essay

The use of drugs as medication shows no indications for a permanent solution, but more as a temporary solution as they can cause a dependency on the drug, or over the time the drug will begin to stop working as the body begins to adjust and more of the drug is needed, accidental overdoses can →

Effect of simulation based education on medical knowledge

The present study was undertaken to assess an effectiveness of simple intervention in the form of ' Role Play Simulation' on the knowledge of undergraduate MBBS medical students of one of randomly selected medical colleges in Maharashtra regarding ' Epidemics Investigations.'Methods: A cross-sectional study consisting of pre and post test intervention was conducted at one →

Good will hunting essay

Given the opportunity to choose one piece of work to discuss, I chose the film " Good Will Hunting." Good Will Hunting is a drama film from 1997 that revolves around the main character Will Hunting. But I am of the opinion that I understand where Will is coming from in his disbelief that he →

Green conception vs. action essay sample

We predicted that the number of students considering their lifestyle as green, would be higher compared to the number of students actually living green. As to relate this to our main topic, conception vs.action, we can say, that the conception of our students was fairly precise.

Assignment: marketing channels and retailing assignment

Through customer interaction with the company it gives the customers all the information necessary about their product and their services, the quality of the product and the performance of the product this makes the customers better understand what hey are using and they are able to evaluate if these products and services are meeting their →

Pregnancy induced hypertension

Quickening was felt at 20/52 POA and it was increasing in the frequency and intensity. Several investigation was done in this patient to look for any complication of pregnancy induced hypertension in the mother and the fetus.

Sanitation facilities

In this essay I will analyse the economic benefits of sanitation, the economic disadvantages, the link between a rise in GDP and the access to sanitation in regions all over the world including Asia, Africa, Europe and North America. By looking at Figure 1 we can see that it is in the developed regions such →

The human impact on environment

Since the outbreak of technology and industrialisation humans have greatly had a negative impact on the environment, such as; air pollution, habitat destruction, water pollution, the burning of rainforests and land pollution. In this essay I intend to give facts and discuss the effects and causes on these topics and discuss the solutions being carried →

What makes a charismatic leader essay

This is to make the people appreciate the level of concern the respective leader has towards them; another way in which the charismatic leaders build a rapport with the public is by paying more attention to the environment surrounding them by investigating and by understanding the moods and concerns of the public. Some of the →

Pathological liar essay

Some of the clearest signs of a pathological liar disorder is that they always try to prove themselves to be better than someone else. They need to accept the fact that they are a pathological liar.

Anarchy, nihilism and liberalism in dostoevksy’s demons

The invocation of the Slavophiles and their ability to strip him of his lectureship demonstrates the divide between the nationalist Slavophiles and the westernizing liberals. In his descriptions of Pyotr's group, Dostoevsky directly parodies the anarchist organization and revolutionary violence of Nechaev's movement.

Ethics and corporate responsibility assignment

The stakeholders within the Pharmacy scenario are the patients who buy the drugs, their families, the management, the government, pharmacists, nurses, psychologists, activists, the general public, the competing companies and suppliers and the " healers" and people of Colombia. All of the above stakeholders have a stake in the activities of the company and its →

Shutter island essay.

In my essay I plan to write about how important the genre and the characters is to the film and how the film makers use it to create a successful film. This is important to the film because it gives us a twist of guilt for hating him and it also shows a whole different →