7 Pages Essay Samples

Society and it’s status quo

G Bissinger's novel, Friday Night Lights, the desire to win can obscure the importance of instilling other important values." There seemed to be an opportunity in Odessa to observe not simply the enormous effect of sports on American life, but other notions, for the values of Odessa were ones that firmly belonged to a certain →

Case study examination pallative care

In addition, each one of them has different experience of pain and the meaning of quality of life. Quality of life is the maximize comfort to the patient and family through four main areas the quality of physical, psychological, spiritual and existential.

Calculus: a brief history essay

Also the Greeks, particularly the names of Antiphon and Eudoxus were the first ones to use the method of exhaustion, which made it possible to compute the area and volume of regions and solids by breaking them up into an infinite number of recognizable shapes. Aryabhata made an important step in the development of integral →

Southern am. lit. midterm story summary

After the house is flooded and about to sink into oblivion, he offers to trade the plantation for the small complex. The man desperately attempts to become one until he eventually does and realizes that it is much harder than it seemsLife of an American Slave- Frederick DouglassThe story of a slave who learns that →

Reflection essay on jeffrey dahmer

I bought a large suitcase to transport Toumi's corpse to my grandmother's basement, where I had sex with, and masturbated on it, before dismembering it and disposing of the remains in the rubbish. I was always careful to select my victims on the fringes of society, so that it was less likely for the police →

Earl babbie

In other words, they undergo an investigation with the expectation to replicate the same or similar results based on the subject matter of the research as a starting point according to the details provided. An example of inter-subjectivity is a performer, whether a professional on a stage or someone telling stories in a bar, finds →

Study on disadvantages of dota essay sample

One of which what the researchers is going to discuss deeper in this research, particularly, the game called Defense of the Ancients. Body Defense of the Ancients is one of the hottest and most popular games in the world of video games.

The analysis of psychological phenomena

Each offers somewhat different account of why individuals act the way they do, and each can make a contribution to our perception of the total person and a deeper understanding of a person's overt and covert behavior. The study of these activities and the standards to which theory are taken to conform, is cognitivepsychology.

The recognition of the tesco supermarket brand commerce essay

Highlighting this concept enables the company to be sensitive in meeting the demands of its market, employees and stakeholders, thus, sustaining the goals of the company. From this relationship, it is then appropriate to conclude that the function of CSR and HRM in a firm is not totally focused on hiring employees but to their →

Reggae college essay

In the beginning, the DJs played American R&B music, but as time progressed and more local music was created, the sound migrated to a local flavor." This local flavor brought rise to the musical sounds of ska and rocksteady. The ska sound is popular for the arrangement of the guitar and piano rythyms on the →

In people life there are a lot of leisure events media essay

And one of them which one of the important for UK and their citizens is to show all the world who we are and what we have. This way to promote the events is one of the best, because people are spending a lot of time there and they can see which events are attending →

Free essay about medical profession critique in the yellow wallpaper and wit

In some situations, the health and wellbeing of a person is placed in the hands of a medical professional, and if the medical professional does not do his duties efficiently, death may result. She shows how the lack of sympathy, as well as the lack of emotional relationship between the health practitioner and the patient, →

Role of prosody in language acquisition

Many studies in linguistics and psychology demonstrate the multiple roles that prosody plays in the acquisition of language from prenatal infants to adults with fluency of their native language. While research continues to explore the implications of prosody, there is no denying that it plays a vital and fundamental part in human language.

Intro to medical technology

Appreciate the important role of the Medical Technologist in the saving of lives and relate that to the role of Jesus in the saving of souls.2. Possess an introductory knowledge of the scope of testing performed in each of the following sections of the Clinical Laboratory: a.

Black power movement

The movement was prominent in the late 1960s and early 1970s, emphasizing racial pride and the creation of black political and cultural institutions to nurture and promote black collective interests and advance black values. We will conclude with the effectiveness of the artifact and its representation to the movement.

Othello as a tragic hero and his downfall

Othello was an easy target for Iago's plan as he was already seen as an outcast in society making it easier for Iago to attack him and use him as his plan Not only is Othello doomed from the start but his judgment from the way Iago used Othello's insecurity of race allowed him to →

Does race affect treatment within cjs?

The police have been known to be institutionally racist, In the criminal justice system it has become apparent that different ethnic groups are treated unequally, a recent report called Race and the Criminal Justice System showed that " members of the Black community are seven times more likely to be stopped and searched, three and →

Introductoryin control focus on physical protection of information

File-level security is the permission to access resources and how the resources can be accessed while process-level security is the user's capability in accessing the system. The system checks the ACEs in the resource's DACL when it is being access to determine whether to allow access to it.

Updike and vonnegut by hemingway analysis

Characterization - the creation of the image of imaginary persons in drama, narrativepoetry, the novel, and the short story. For the old man at the foot of the bridge, this Easter brings only inevitable death and the destruction of all that is meaningful to him.

Media bias in the election of 2008

Connie Zhang Media Bias Against Hilary Clinton in the Election of 2008 The election of 2008 was monumental in many respects, the most significant being the fact that there was a chance that the first woman or African American would become president of the United States. Although the press unnecessarily focused on these negative aspects, →

Mass media: the terrorist’s force multiplier

Any terrorist attack is newsworthy, and the media's wide coverage often ensures that the terrorists' agenda of stoking fear to the general is attained. Terrorism and the media.

Canadian art

Some also play the role of bringing the people together with the aim of making them interact with each other due to their interactive nature e.g.the federation bells found in Melbourne is an instrument of music played by the members of the public at their own discretion. Lots of other commemorative public art pieces are →

Sex determination simplified essay

Aristotle postulated the sex of a child is determined by the temperature of the semen due the act of copulation. This involves the extraction of blood from the vein in the arm and the blood is then put into a high-velocity equipment called the centrifuge that separates the white from the red blood cells in →

Freedom of speech and media

Advocacy for freedom of speech has taken centuries of soldiering on in the background of repression by authoritarian regimes, culminating in the UN General Assembly adoption of the ' Universal Declaration of Human Rights' in 1948. Mass Media and the Freedom of Speech Freedom of speech is one of the basic human rights commonly contained →

Government guidelines on food and nutrition for children

Birth to 6 months 30 mg 30 mg 7-12 months 75 mg 75 mg 1-3 years 80 mg 80 mg 4-8 years 130 mg 130 mg 9-13 years 240 mg 240 mg 14-18 years 410 mg 360 mg Recommended Dietary Allowance for Selenium. Age Male Female 0-6 months 2 mg 2 mg 7-12 months 3 →

Global public relations and multicultural world

Nowadays one of the principal tasks of public relations professionals consists in reflecting the complexity of the environment and understanding the different attitudes, values and expectations of its interlocutors, possibly through a one-with-one dialogue. Most definitions of the term public relations originating in the United States and Europe recognized that communication is the foundation of →

An introduction to microsoft corporation management essay

Besides, most important for a company is customers and partner experience, so that Microsoft in order to satisfy their customers and partners and make approach as well as to focus on improving the experiences of customers and partners that including listen to customer and partners, feedback and customer and partner ready. As employees of Microsoft →

Women offenders offenses punishment and treatment

In fact, the man reason of doing this is to change the perception and attitude of the offenders so that they do not commit crime again. In spite of their acts of crime, female offenders have to be cared for as a show of love and concern so that they do not harbour the feeling →

Journal critique: “money, sex, and happiness: an empirical study” assignment

For this study, Oswald and Blanchflower then applied statistical analysis techniques to the previously gathered survey data to determine the correlation between aspects of sexuality and happiness. This is the first published study to prove a positive correlation between the frequency of sexual activity that a person has and their level of happiness.

Comparison with blood brothers and educating rita essay sample

In Educating Rita, Rita would not go and speak to the students because of the divide, but by the end of the play, when Rita has changed in class, she goes and speaks to them. In Educating Rita, Rita comes across as the person people are laughing at because she is in a university, and →

Achieving energy efficiency in commercial buildings

The energy spent on construction constitutes a significant part of the total amount of energy consumed in the world. This means that the level of energy used up in the building has to be lowered to the point that the demand of energy by the building can be sufficiently met by the installed photovoltaic cells →

Face recognition

Bruce and Young proposed a top down approach to face recognition in which they argued that recognising a face is a highly complex process involving stored knowledge of semantic and emotional information and is therefore much more than adding together the sum total of a face's features. According to the Holistic approach a face is →

Stages of pregnancy

Some major changes are seen by the end of the first four weeks: the entire major systems and organs begin to form and the shape of the embryo looks like a tadpole in the pond. The neural tube becomes the brain and the spinal cord, and there is also the formation of the digestive system →

Obesity: causes, effects and treatments

In Australia, it is estimated around 28% of men and 30% of women are obese, and in UK is about a quarter of the population are obese.[ Refrence 1, 2 ] There are mainly many risk factors of obesity. In orlistat way of treatment, the fat is absorbed and digested into body.

Thirsting for power

It was at this time that he was beginning to gain more and more of a following and put into the peoples' heads how magnificent of a leader he would be." In 58 BC Caesar left Rome for Gaul; he would not return for 9 years, in the course of which he would conquer most →

Analysis of marxist theories of crime

According to Karl Marx, crime is as a result of the social structures and the economic system that is implemented Karl Marx is a renowned scholar who came up with different kinds of theories to explain the various situations in the world of sociology and economics. Deviance therefore, is as a result of incompatibility of →

Leadership skills flashcard

I am not afraid to own up to my mistakes and I understand the essence of criticism and how to use it to my advantage.4. I was not able to manage and control the negotiation in a way that is more advantageous to my part.

Jane austen: romance and finance

This shows us that Miss Bingley has few of the same interests or indeed the same superior mind as Darcy, making the match unsuitable, for in Jane Austen's view a couple should generally not only have equality in status but in mind as well. This shows the practical side to Austen's view of marriage, sometimes →

Imf: theories in international relations

The first step on analyzing the character of the IMF itself and its behavior when it comes to granting loans should be to do so in accordance to the given commonly approved theories in the field of research on international institutions. Another point leading to another approach suggests that the struggle for power in the →

Being gay in fillipino

This essay is entitled " Being Gay," the same title as that of the said article I have read to parallelize the contentions of what should the parents do to their gay child according to the perspective of a " noted psychologist" who speaks of the word of her god rather than the word of →

Proposal for a halfway house from the program director

In doing so, the Program Director will discuss several factors for the carrying out of the program such as the need to reduce the County's operating budget which eventually results into the loss of a number of personnel. Since obstacles such as the ones facing the California County Probation Department should, in no way, pose →

Case study on childrens families intervention

Currently intervention focuses on the service user being the centre of the work with a personalised process. The Process of Social Work: Assessment, Planning, Intervention and review in M Lymbery & K.

The north and the south – “antebellum” differences

The population of the South was made up of Europeans and enslaved Africans. The growth of trade, manufacturing and transportation brought many changes to cities in the North.

The digression of vivian’s power within wit

Edson addresses Vivian's passing through the use of intertextual references in order to align Vivian's experience to her studies in poetry, and give her play an extra dimension for the audience to explore. As a result of Kelekian and Bearing's mutual respect, the audience is able to feel comfort in the fact that although Vivian's →

The ritual of sati in hindu religioun

The practice of sati, the immolation of widows, is the most tenacious example of religious customs. To fully grasp the concept of sati one must look into history of the ritual and not only in India but in other countries as well; search for examples and reasoning in sacred texts; and discover the attitudes both →

Intravenous medications in the nursing environment

As this patient is at risk of both hypovolaemia and hypokalaemia the doctor should be notified to thoroughly assess the patient and implement therapy for a suspected urinary tract infection.b)Cranberry juice can be effective in helping to reduce pain when urinating and also prevents the bacteria adhering to the wall of the bladder, this method →

A day which i will remember for the rest of my life essay

I decided that I had no choice but to listen to the conversation and soon after I had started listening, I found out that she was talking to my dad. She was telling him all the things she was not happy about, and I could tell he was trying to say that he would change →

Edwards and the indescribable religious experience

In the specific pieces " Personal Narrative", " A Divine and Supernatural Light" and " Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God", Edwards establishes that his willingness to record the failure of language actually exposes his devotion to his faith, despite the fact that his technique simultaneously limits his purpose and expands comprehension. One →

Differentiation between respiration and breathing

Report: The differentiation between respiration and breathing and an explanation of the adaptation of the alveoli and their role in gas exchange. Air moves into the body through the mouth and nose, which warms and also wets the air.

Pest analysis of mcdonalds in malaysia

The PEST analysis is a very useful tool to understand and analyze market growth, market position, future potentials and direction for a particular business so A PEST analysis can be termed as a business measurement tool. So, McDonald's has tremendous opportunities in Malaysia and the company can capitalize this harmonious political situation for further expansion.

The louisiana purchase: pathway of westward expansion

The Spanish were tolerated by the Americans and did not provide a major threat to the nation, however, a new threat of Napoleonic France laying a claim to the territory was not something that the Americans would have been able to contend with. During the Jeffersonian Era the purchase of the Louisiana Territory was momentous →

Women in business and emloyment

It is not up to this point Women were permitted to enter the workforce, and considerably more as of late that they were permitted the opportunity to increase administrative or official positions. Considerably more unfortunately, a great number of the official Women are there on the grounds that they began the organization, and substantially more →

Improved information sharing for cyber threats

Within this paper the writer will discuss the importance of sharing cyber threats and vulnerabilities and the need for improved information sharing between theses sectors to diminish these threats. The writer will discuss the importance of sharing information on cyber threats and why it is important in the protection of the infrastructure of these sectors.

Malindo air

The Study is specifically required to address three main components, summarized below: a brief overview of existing evidence, literature and research on the economic and carbon costs and benefits to an economy of Increased alarm connectively; a brief review of existing methodologies for assessing economic and carbon costs and benefits; an appropriate methodology is then →

New historic criticism of pudd’nhead wilson

The striking lack of agreement about the merits of Mark Twain's Pudd'nhead Wilson, is undoubtedly related to the equally striking disagreements over the interpretations and analysis of the novel. The recently increased interest in Mark Twain's " Pudd'nhead Wilson" is a text that turns the misapprehension of gender and race in a mid-nineteenth century Southern →

Social justice & individualism

However, when it comes to the nature of justice I think the strong sense of personal goals in individualism and the allocation of debate in Mill's ideals is what will bring the best for society. Through the formation of a political power a social contract is set up where people in a state of nature →

Understanding the context of securitization theory philosophy essay

The core hypothesis of the Copenhagen School rests with the designation of securitization as a discoursive process through which an intersubjective understanding is constructed within a political community to treat something as an existential threat to a valued referent object, and to enable a call for urgent and exceptional measures to deal with the threat.[1] →

Employability skills personal swot analysis and an action plan business

With the intent of doing ourselves go more competitory in the future occupation market foremost we should happen out what the employability skills the employer want for alumnuss, so harmonizing to the employability accomplishments do the personal SWOT analysis and do an action program to better ourselves.' Employability accomplishments are defined as accomplishments required non →

The grotesque in voltaire’s satire essay sample

Voltaire's signature work of satire is his novel Candide, which takes a hard look at the forced optimism that informed the worldview of the Enlightenment and the Catholic Church in the eighteenth century. The presence of the syphilis is a symbol of the sexual dysfunction that runs through the religious order of Voltaire's time.

Response paper mccloskey article (278.205 kb) essay

As regards the cosmological argument itself, McCloskey states that " all we entitled to infer is the existence of a cause commensurate with the effect to be explained, the universe, and this does not entitle us to postulate an all-powerful, all-perfect, uncaused cause." This is indeed true, there is no reason to necessarily infer a →

Digi is a cost leadership company marketing essay

The objectives of this report is to present the findings of the strategic analysis conducted for DIGI telecommunication company and recommend the key strategies that the organisation should embark in order to remain competitive. In order to compete in the pricing competitive market, telecommunication such as Digi will provide cheaper services and improving on their →

Mohandas k. gandhi: the story of my experiments with truth

In his autobiography The Story of My Experiments with Truth, Gandhi shares stories of his triumphs and falls while trying to free India from British rule, all the while trying to stay true to his vows to his mother and to himself. Seeing this the teacher tries to prompt Gandhi with the point of his →

Advantage and disadvantage of fixed budget accounting essay

The objective of the budget is to measure of the financial structure of the organisation and budget is a tool that forces management to be accountable in a structured and objective way. The fundamental concept of budget system involves estimating future performance of the organisation, comparing the actual performance to the budget and analysis the →

Study on serial position curve phenomena

The theory for the serial position curve is that people recall a list of pre-learnt words best at the beginning and at the end of the given list. Another area of taste memory that has been explored is the processing of Navon letters and wine recognition in a series of tests.

Which of wilfred owens poems do you particularly admire and why

Not only was World War One the first war in which the entire world was involved it was also the first war where the " young brave wives" saw actual pictures and footage of the war and its " carnage incomparable". Owen did not write to tell of the glory and honour of War or →

Discussing strategies of care for elderly dementia sufferers nursing essay

And due to his decline in his mental state, he has also been refusing access to his carer and was at risk of self neglect. He is to be monitored on his medication and a mental state in order for him to maintain optimum level of physical and mental well being.

5 functions of christianity and the church essay

The second area of Christianity and the Church is the function of proclamation. One of the biggest threats to the Church is that of power struggles and differences among denominations.

Kitchen appliances brand portfolio analysis

It is amongst the global leaders in the home appliance market it is one of the leading brands globally and the market leader in Europe. It has been the first to introduce a number of innovative products in the market which have gone on to become the way of life in the future.

International accounting

The issues that are addressed in international accounting include the differences in translating from one language to another, the rules in consolidation, segment reporting, the effect of inflation in accounting, different disclosure requirements, different auditing requirements, and the effect of taxation and finally comparative accounting. Regarding the same use of languages there maybe the issue →

The structure/agency debate: unemployment essay sample

These structural and cultural processes shape individual experiences of unemployment in an age of increasing individualism and inherent social isolation, where the ideology of individualism facilitates victim blaming, rather than considering the dual influences of both structure and agency. In conclusion, structure and agency are not mutually exclusive as both play a significant role in →

System approach essay

This means that the body of employees of the said organization is not completely focused in making amends with their personal pursuance and the goals of the organization. Indeed, among the primary goals of the management team is to help the people force realize that they are of great worth to the organization.

Promissory theories of contractual obligations law contract essay

The convention of promising create expectations in others and by virtue of the basic Kantian principles of trust and respect, it is wrong to invoke that convention in order to make a promise, and then to break it*. The rule on Privity of contract also fits with promissory theories as promissory obligations are personal obligations →

Strategies for diversification

The result found after analysing the prevailing market conditions and the company's problems is that the firm should consider diversification of their products to come out of this problem of decrease in sales and to re-attain its forecasted sales. Diversification is the riskiest of the four strategies presented in the Ansoff matrix and requires the →

Information technology research paper

Through the development and deployment of IC ITE services, the DNI has potential to provide to the Intelligence Community an automated, collaborative, secure, and dynamic environment with the necessary tools for IC integration and collaboration not previously experienced. The full implementation of IC ITE will improve analysis for IC members, and consumers of Information Technology →

The holocaust in rwanda history essay

The formation of the United Nations helped to legally define the concept of genocide and Fatsah Ouguergouz shows that Article II of the Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide " enumerates a number of acts which ' committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, →

Promote equality, diversity and inclusion in work with children and young people

The children act sets out the duty of local authorities and schools to provide services to meet the needs of all children and to make sure that their safety and welfare is always taken into account and is a priority. 2 Explain the importance of promoting the rights of all children and young people to →

Marriott international: an analysis

Economic Environment The growing economy of the Asia and other developing region is motivating Marriott International to invest more in these areas. Threat of Substitution Threat of substitution for Marriott International is low in the developed nations and premium market place.

marketing strategy of clear shampoo in china essay

As for clear shampoo, it is one of the most distinguished shampoo brands all over the world and belongs to Unilever. Customers' sense of brand difference is decreasing so that it provides more chance for clear to seize the market and attract customers.

How to reduce employee stress

This thus indicates one of the primary paradoxes in the management of stress, namely that a degree of stress is required in the form of pressure to perform and penalties for failure if employees are to be motivated to work hard, but above a certain level this stress can become destructive. In conclusion, the literature →

Strategic hrm typically helps to achieve strategic goals

It is related to the long term programs of the company. It invariably focuses on effectual execution and use of HR schemes, which has helped it to execute good in the market.

Area evaluation for district registered nurse

The ODH goes on to state public health nursing includes the individual client, family and support system of the client, as well as the community in which the client lives to provide services. Carolynn states most of the buildings in the Greenon district need replaced and offers a metaphor of budgeting of the school buildings →

Factors contributing to popularity of lelong in malaysia

The factors used will be the people perception and view on Malaysia's e-commerce, webpage design of Lelong, popularity of online shopping among Malaysian, weakness and limitations of e-commerce and marketing strategies of Lelong to gain competitive advantage.2. 0 Research Objectives: To investigate the people's perception on e-commerce in Malaysia To find out how the complexity →

A red, red rose by robert burns

This is the way he sees his love, looking perfect, and she is the most beautiful person in the world to him. In summary, I would say that the poet was very good in the way he wrote the poem using the different similes and metaphors to their full extent to describe his love in →

Sections of people on important issues media essay

The blurring lines between the news or advertorials, or news or editorials, betray the trust of the readers and the presses ethics are questioned. In addition, some newspapers, magazines and news channels favour one party over the other.' The Times of India' favours the ruling party, while ' The Indian Express' is known to always →

A comparison between us gaap and german hgb

GAAP the income of a company from a basic agreement is to be distributed over the duration of the agreement while under German GAAP this income is to be considered in accordance with the economic useful life." Under German GAAP, gains and losses resulting from the termination of interest rate swaps are recognized in the →

Educational leaders in a globalising world

Bottery argues that a globalising universe is now the context within which educational leaders need to border their work proposing that an apprehension of the planetary nature of policy issues, and of their impact upon educational work, needs to be incorporated into a re construct of school functions and duties. Most surveies on educational leading →

Strategies for elderly care and dementia

Behavioural and psychological symptoms in Alzheimer's disease The Journal of Quality Research in Dementia, Issue 1 Alzheimer's Society.[online] Available at: http://www.alzheimers.org.uk/site/scripts/documents_info.php? documentID= 311 & pageNumber= 3[Accessed 19 Jan. Brain imaging in dementia The Journal of Quality Research in Dementia, Issue 1 Alzheimer's Society.[online] Available at: http://www.alzheimers.org.uk/site/scripts/documents_info.php? documentID= 311 & pageNumber= 4[Accessed 19 Jan.

Comparison of different modulation technique

As a simplified explanation, at the transmitting end, a telephone microphone was used to vary the strength of the transmitted current, according to the frequency and loudness of the sounds received. Each sideband is equal in bandwidth to that of the modulating signal and is a mirror image of the other.

Effects of conformity on the individual and the society

Zamyatin's We depicts the advantages and disadvantages of conforming to a small group of people, an authoritative society in general, and to the extreme totalitarian society of OneState. In the extreme case of OneState, " that is governed by its despotic and malevolent Benefactor," submitting to the tyrannical rule of the Benefactor and the dictatorial →

Literature oregano

Related Studies Oil of Oregano According to Scott Gavura, the less evidence that exists to support the use of a treatment, the more passionate its supporters seem to be. And while it is popular, there is no science to support the use of oil of oregano for any medical condition.

America’s and that the occurrence would promote reforms

The two main reasons for this are; democracy has been a key principle in the neo-conservative world view and to contribute to the peaceful resolution of the conflict in the region. In the final phase, the endorsement of democracy has indeed become a central part of a domineering US policy in the Middle East, as →

Ideological fracking, climate change, immigration, school vouchers, healthcare

In America, 92% of Republicans were to the right of the median Democrat, and 94% of Democrats were to the left of the median Republican in the year of 2014. Since the government is a reflection of the nation's people; hatred is prevalent within the government as well.

The power of five series essay

The librarian leads him to the Greater Malling Gazette to find articles on Raven's Gate.there he meets Richard Cole, a journalist from the Greater Malling Gazette, he shares his story, and to see if he can work out the mystery. Dravid tells Matt that he is a reincarnation of One of the Five and has →

Shotgun metagenomics of the human stomach

The result reported here was based on culturable bacteria and underlying information of the patients were not provide in order to have a complete view of gut microbial community. The predominance of Proteobacteria observed in the gut of two PUD, one NUD and one GC patients was unique in the present study.

Economics 5050 flashcard

Answer Selected Answer: a.$20 Correct Answer: d.$400 Question 9 0 out of 1 points A clinic uses doctors and nurses to serve the maximum number of patients given a limited annual payroll. Correct Answer: d.both b and c Response Feedback: What is the opportunity cost of using the building?

Sensation, perception and attention

This is a common problem with many people, as exemplified in the popular game where a group of people sit in a circle, one person whispers something to the person next to him, and each person keeps whispering the same thing to the next person until it reaches the original person. When I drive on →