7 Pages Essay Samples

American collectors, david hockney essay

It can in some sense be compared to works such as Botticeli's Renaissance ' Annunciation of 1485 if one is looking at proportions, and even some of the shades used as well as the long straight lines and the separation of the two figures. Hockney Hockney is often considered, and described as, a pop artist →

Economy essay

Microeconomics Homework Problem 1: C = 100 + 20Q + 15Q^2 + 10Q^3 ) Fixed Cost = 100 b) Variable Cost of producing Q = 10 units: 20*10 + 15*10^2 + 10*10^3 = 200 + 1, 500 + 10, 000 = 11, 700 c) Total Cost of producing Q = 10 units: C = 100 →

Traditional techniques used in teaching vocabulary education essay

Costikyan defined games in comparison with puzzle, toy and story that " A game is a form of art in which participants, termed players, make decisions in order to manage resources through game tokens in the pursuit of a goal". In this thesis, the sort of games the writer wants to mention is educational game.

Fredrick hale: viewing north and south from a transatlantic lens

Through Fredrick, the conflicts in the novel are replicated on a transatlantic scale that is made possible by the advent of industrialization and capitalism; Fredrick's narrative, along with his various conflicts not only mirror the context of the " Milton revolution" but also conflict in the United States and abroad. Fredrick's introduction to the novel →

Cf report assignment

The MME case Is Intended to serve as an engaging introduction to corporate financial policy and themes in managing the right side of the balance sheet. Objectives The case serves to accomplish the following teaching objectives; Introduce the topics of financial policy, such as dividend policy and debt policy; Motivate the tension between investment policy →

The theme of relationships in silas marner

The flashback where Silas's life his old religious community in Lantern Yard effectively provided more information on Silas and gives insight into why Silas is a social recluse in Raveloe in the first section of the book a linen weaver from a foreign place; The structure of the book, divided into two parts, develops both →

Who should feel guilty?

This idea ties in with the ' Ram of Pride' mentioned in The Parable of the Old Man and The Young. In Inspection the feelings of guilt as being felt by Owen are more vivid to the reader.

Negative effects of media on youth: causal effect analysis

Flaws in the " Effects Model" In response to traditional media effects studies, Gauntlett discusses the flaws of media effects studies, outlining why it cannot be used to prove that media causes direct harm to young people. In examining some of the flaws that Gauntlett presents, it is clear that it is difficult to research →

Stakeholder their importance and engagement

The objective of this analysis is to find out which potential group or individual stakeholder is more likely to affect the company. This could lead to project success and also the failure of any project.

Emerging technology

Furthermore, while building models from the user's profile, both systems make distinctions between implicit and explicit data collection, such as asking a user to rate an item on a sliding scale, ranking a collection of items from favorite to least favorite, giving two items to a user and asking them to choose the best one →

The orion shield project analysis

Not only did Gary not have the experience, he failed to research and prepare himself, prior to the project's inception, with the proper project management tools and techniques that are pertinent to the success of a project. In the case of newly appointed and inexperienced project manager Gary Allison's attempt to manage the initiation, process, →

Cuban missile crisis sources questions

The source suggests that the crisis occurred not because of the missiles on Cuba, but because of the US response to this. Source E gives the reader the impression that the USSR was the victim in the crisis, because the writer was the Soviet Foreign Minister at the time.

Factors affecting customer satisfaction

Cost, mode of payment and social networks will be the independent variable and will be bases for the decision on willingness to use the application. Cost, mode of payment and social networks will be the independent variable and will be bases for the decision on willingness to use the application.

Communication campaign “raising people’s awareness of climate change” in vietnam

The impacts of climate change are unpredictable; however, it is certain that the climate change is a serious risk to poverty reduction and the achievement of the millennium development goals and sustainable development in Vietnam. In this regard, the use of communication campaigns, by which a series of messages are designed, will be the best →

Writing course for advancced english learners

Of course, the focus of the course will be on what you can write with what you may learn from your readings that is, on the essays you write yourselves as English learners and non-professional writers. The course is hopefully intended to help you break out of a conventional way of approaching the world, through →

“mother deluxe” from li young lee’s behind my eyes: using a card game metaphor to come to terms with life experience

This begins with the title where Lee alludes to the fact that he is playing the " deluxe edition" of the game, jabbing at both his life and, to a lesser extent, card game culture in the sense that he's poking fun at the commercialization of card games with the term deluxe. Only in the →

The digital world

Widespread Use of Internet Appliances The introduction of internet appliances in the market is seen to be another avenue by which producers could increase their revenue According to the study made by Hambrecht's and Quist's Internet Group, the development and production of internet appliances will increase in the 2000s. As a means for increasing their →

The hardship of vietnamese students education essay

However, parents use that reason to push the poor children beyond their threshold, for they think that the kids are a tool for them to fulfill the wishes they could not complete when they were young. Most students do not have the chance to choose their paths, and it will lead to many bad consequences →

Caterpillar essay

Clearly due to the nature of the products being manufactured it would not be practical for them to carry out the entire manufacture process overseas then to have to import large construction vehicles at a high cost back to the US however the possibilities were resent for the smaller parts and components to be manufactured →

The stages of multimedia project computer science

The stages of a Project: Most of the multimedia and web projects are undertaken in stages. Multimedia Designing:- the look and feel of a multimedia project should be pleasing, inviting and engaging.

Tata nano – a study on business challenges in india

TATA NANO A STUDY ON BUSINESS CHALLENGES IN INDIA Introduction Tata Nano, pet project of the chairman of the Tata Group Mr. Also, the initial marketing and promotion of Nano gave the average consumer the idea that owning a Nano would somehow be a confirmation of theirpoverty, and not a way to get out of →

Light-fi wireless data communication

As mentioned above, the distinguishing characteristic of LI-FI as wireless communication technology is the use of the visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum to transfer data. In light of the above advantages of the Li-Fi technology over Wi-Fi, the technology is suited to a number of applications.

Effectiveness of exercise programme on balance score

The primary purpose of the intervention is to improve the balance score among elderly people in the age group of 60-80 years. According to the age group in the 4groups, majority of the subjects were in the age group of both and years that were about 30%.23.

What is correlational research?

It also means describing the relations and assigning them a " correlation coefficient" that describes the direction and magnitude of the movement of variables to one another. The more hours I spend at the office, the less time I spend with my family.-No Correlation or Zero Correlation: If there is no relationship between the two →

In or estate in the property as

Vakil Ahmad,' the Privy Council explained the right of retention thus: the possession of property being once peacefully acquired, the right of the widow to retain it till her dower-debt is paid is conferred upon her under Muslim law. The implications of the right of retention are: The widow is liable to render full account →

Campaign objectives and strategies johnson and johnson

In the advertisement, the main targets are the mothers, although the advert was intended to appeal to other audiences that could form potential customers of the company's products. The people responsible for the administration of these drugs to the patients are the nurses.' Johnson and Johnson' advances campaign strategies to ensure the nurses are aware →

Rhetorical expressions of canadian identity essay

The rhetorical expression of Ernest Renan in his article entitled, " What is a nation? " begins with a proposal; a proposal that delves deeper into the subject of " nation" and re-defines the word in a manner that a nation is not an entity but rather a part of humanity. The tone of Ernest →

The connection between man nature and architecture philosophy essay

An environment is divided in to two particular types which are: The natural unit consists of all the plants and animals and micro organisms in an area that function together with all the non-living physical factors of the environment and their movements. Hence, the relationship of man and the natural environment is rooted in a →

Jobs for the boys and yossers story essay

The first time we see his sarcasm is when he is in the DOE office and is talking to one of the clerks. But in the end of the play he hardly says his name, this is because he does not want it anymore.

What did kant think enlightenment was essay

Another key element of Immanuel Kant's study on enlightenment is that Enlightenment, is the final stage in the continuing progress of mankind which leads to the liberation of the human mind, which he thinks is stuck in a state of false consciousness and it cannot break free from because of man/woman being ignorant in wanting →

Discussing the practice of manually measuring blood pressure nursing essay

Making sure the valve of the bladder was closed I inflated the blood pressure cuff until I could no longer feel the pulse, this is the estimated systolic pressure I then deflated the cuff. Conclusion I am pleased that I was given the opportunity by my mentor to improve my practice in performing the skill →

Automotive essay

According to my research, I have come to a conclusion that the best method in the interest of time and competition purposes is the percentage of completion approach. For example, before a given number of sales is done, a rough estimation of the total sales for the day and other expenses are estimated so as →

Ethics and moral values in professional context assignment

In this modern electronic era there is a long queue of candidates aspiring to become one professional or the other it may be technical or non technical and are considered to be on a higher edge over the traditional means of livelihood. Tell the story of the diversity and magnitude of the human experience boldly, →

Nature vs nurture, heredity vs environment

The argument above that states the genetic factor in developing aggressive behaviors by which can be developed into criminal behaviors have been supported by Plomin which states that: " suggests that behavioral genetics must become a prime component within the study of psychology in the future, not in the traditional and much criticized sense of →

Causes of the great seattle fire and lessons learned

The entire party did escape in time, but the proximity of the buildings and large quantities of alcohol from the nearby saloons proved to be too much to quell the flames. At the time of the fire, the City of Seattle only had a volunteer fire department, and many of volunteers quit after the disaster!" →

Exploiting consumer markets

If there is a market for something to sell then the internet is the place to advertise it. They want to have the Internet work for them.

The volunteer and henry v essay sample

He is making the men feel that they are superior to those who did not fight, and that men in England would give anything to be them right now. He goes on, in the second stanza to illustrate the reaction of the men to the cries of: ' gas!

Time series analysis – arima models – basic definitions and theorems about arima models

It is however possible to remove the intervening correlations between Xt and Xt-k by defining a partial autocorrelation function The partial autocorrelation coefficients are defined as the last coefficient of a partial autoregression equation of order k It is obvious that there exists a relationship between the PACF and the ACF since can be rewritten →

Hobbes notion of pride leads to giving all authority

Hobbes understanding of nature and the creation of God reveals the harshest of nature and this serves to provoke pride in the human art. Hobbes's pride is only a way to control the people of commonwealth and leads to giving all authority to the commonwealth.

Why do you want to study this course education essay

Having spent the last few weeks studying in the Access to Higher Education Early Years course, I have come to realize that I can take this challenge of working with children. I have been living in London for the past two years and I have spent nearly all my life in Pakistan.

Leveraging change through leadership processes

Garc a-Morales, Jimenez-Barrionuevo, and Gutierrez-Gutierrez studied the impact of transformational leadership on the effectiveness of an organization through the lens of organizational learning and innovation. Based on their analyses the researchers found four significant or positive correlations between transformational leadership, organizational learning, and organizational innovation: a positive relation between transformational leadership and organizational learning and →

Characteristics of fordism and the impacts of post-fordism on the economy

From this, a new age of production developed, changing both the economic and the political landscape of manufacturing globally, and establishing the progression to a new form of capitalism. This essay will first aim to describe the key aspects of Fordism, how these aspects manifested themselves socially and spatially from the early 20 th century →

Communications sector infrastructure

Communication connections are mostly run by the private sector in the presence of Continuity Guidance Circular which offers directions to the Non-Federal Governments on how to ensure the effectiveness of the program. One of the greatest risks a private sector should be aware of is the ability to lose some of the stakeholders.

Samsung electronics usa’s financial mechanisms essay

3 billionEarning per Share$65 billionSource: Samsung Electronics Financial Reports 2004 As of the latest records regarding the Debt-Equity Ratio of Samsung Electronics in 2005, the Debt-Equity Ratio of is 0.3%. Therefore, the growth of Samsung Electronics in 2002 is due to the certain amount the company is liable into.

Apache case study

We will seek to answer questions regarding the risks Apaches faces, how and should they manage risk, is risk management valuable, what are the potential hazards to manage risk, how could Apache manage risk, and what is the goal of hedging. Field Risk: * This area became a risk as Apaches strategy and size as →

“the crucible” by arthur miller. act 4 analysis. “what is your final impression of proctor?” essay sample

Proctor's morality and righteousness are also evident in the play's entirety; for example, his abstinence from further lust for Abigail in the beginning of the play, " No, no Abby that's done with," and his restrain from confession in order to save the reputation of his friends. And it is my face and yours, Danforth!" →

Remittances for developing countries | research proposal

According to the previous studies of remittances, there are many scholars have been studied on the relationship between remittances and economic growth in developing countries in general, especially in Asian countries, has not been enough studied. Vargas Silva et al examined the potential of remittances for promoting economic growth and reducing poverty in Asian countries.

Communication proficiency

When a Syntactical noise verb is used to indicate verbal communication, factors from both the source domain of the verb and the target domain play a role in determining the argument structure of the sentence. In the field of communication, noise refers to the distortions that takes place in communication during the process of communication.

Total knee replacement bilateral vs. unilateral

The author's focus was to provide an analysis of the benefit of simultaneous bilateral total knee arthroplasty versus unilateral staged total knee arthroplasty for the treatment of osteoarthritis. Length of hospital stay is reduced with simultaneous procedures and the patients benefit from having additional need for postoperative rehabilitation because of the bilateral surgery.

The product brand line of maggi marketing essay

The product brand line of MAGGI Culinary products is the product brand line of MAGGI. For example, MAGGI can increase the selling price when they increase the quality of products to the consumers.

Hobbes vs the fool

Hobbes sees the right of the one-by-one to manage anything is essential to endure, not less than while dwelling inside a State of Nature and Ware, ethics in a sense non-existent. In the 'natural' state worry is glimpsed as essential for the reasonable and tired to sustain protecting against of their life.

Acts is the period during which the fundamental

It seeks to answer the following questions; Is it a good thing that girls are more violent and does that mean we have achieved same level of fairness in the difference between boys and girls? He reckons that the overall towering figures of violence in the girl child is an inadvertent result of the conventional →

History of discovery in classical genetics

Johannsen also invented the terms ' genotype' and ' phenotype'.' Genotype' is the totality of all the organism's genes.' Phenotype' is the organism's physical characteristics, which are products of both the underlying genes and the effects of the environment. In a single night, Sturtevant plotted the first map of genes in fruit flies by using →


Some Courts have observed that by denying the plaintiff to approach to the court for redressal of his grievances is the denial of his constitutional rights and is more analogues to a rotten odour which is irresistible to the body diplomatic. The survey established that more than three fourth of business have utilised the arbitration →


This paper is all about the use of nanotechnology in electronics The aim of Nanoelectronics is to process, transmit and store information by taking advantage of properties of matter that are distinctly different from macroscopic properties. The former is related to the difficulty of making a profit in view of the exorbitant costs of building →

Concepts in communication

With a heightened sense of urgency, Dan formulates another plan, and makes a final pilgrimage to Colorado with a scheme to put an end to the remains of the True Knot once and for all. At the conclusion of the story, Dan advantageously uses the mental connection between himself and Abra to defeat Rose and →

Plato and machiavelli essay

The similarities and the differences between the conceptions of the two authors are revealed through an analysis of the concept of " virtue" and its connection to the individual's happiness and the well being of the state in the works that were mentioned above. One of the main similarities between the conceptions of Plato and →

The economic values of social media

With companies' cooperation and social media's buying power, better products have come to market for the purpose of maintaining a positive image. This Article is about the implications of social media and small business.

Dr king vs malcom x

To his admirers, he was a courageous advocate for the rights of blacks, a man who indicted white America in the harshest terms for its crimes against black Americans. In the debate of Malcolm X and Dr.

The laramie project essay

But despite the fact that the basic elements of the play are based on actual events with their own inherent drama, Kaufman's talents as a playwright were used to enhance the emotional impact of the events and thus create an atmosphere that ultimately stirred his audience more than just the reading of the actual events →

Discovery and development of yoghurt essay

Lactose could be one of the reasons that necessitated research and development of the industrial microbial production of yoghurt. The graph below is a representation of the statistics in the study; The rate of elimination of H.

Comparing identities on social media platforms: ouyang nana

Due to the rapid turnover of information on the Internet and the emergence of different social media platforms, celebrities are likely to be forgotten if they do not try their best to appear in the audience's daily lives, which leads to the need for them to establish a solid and sustainable persona and social presence →

Age discrimination in the workplace essay 2

However, a maximum hiring age, of say 35, is proscribed age discrimination if applied to a person over the age of 40. Companies, corporations, and organizations must develop innovative and sensitive programs to address the issue of age bias and discrimination in the workplace.".

Environment engineering – topography

The data in the past decade is obtained from the Water Supply Company of Volvo and it would be inputted into the program to estimate the water demand in the next 1 0 or 20 years. In order to improve the quality of the water and increase efficiency of water management, Public Utilities Board was →

International migrations challenge to state sovereignty politics essay

Moreover, this essay will regard the impacts of globalization and its implications on states borders, pinpointing the example of the supervision and closure of American-Mexican borders to highlight the territorial threat and measures taken to counter illegal migration. Finally, this essay will apply the example of the French ban of the veil to argue the →

Position paper: corporate affairs vs corporate marketing assignment

5 Internal Communications6 External Communications6 Investor Relations6 Events Coordination6 The work of Corporate Affairs in a retail organization7 THE REALMS OF CORPORATE IDENTITY, BRANDING AND MARKETING8 SUMMARY9 RECOMMENDATION9 ________________________________________ WHAT IS CORPORATE MARKETING? " Corporate marketing is the marketing of corporations, government entities, non-profit organizations and so forth. Corporate Brand * There is an overlap →

Patagonia case study essay sample

In the article the writer mentioned Patagonia reduced the amount of the suppliers in order to show its company core value. And the company needs to have the control of the technology.

Parkinson’s symptoms and consequences of this neurodegenerative

The future research must focus on the analysis of the spiritual and emotional aspects of Parkinson's disease and possible ways to improve psychological, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing of elderly people with PD. Although neurological mechanisms predetermine and predict the development of PD in elderly patients, the emotional and spiritual aspects of the disease deserve particular →

Production of compressed stabilized earth block essay sample

Cost and Energy efficient through the lifespan of the building Earth Block building creates incredible energy savings for the owner throughout the life of the building. The natural colors of the earth can be used to enhance the warmth of the living environment.

Semen collection for animal reproduction

Unlike the koala, physical restraints in the form of straps are applied over the hind limbs of the elephant proximal to a secured tarsus on the walls of the chute as well as behind the bars of the shoot, secured to steel post at the front of the shoot to prevent movement from the elephant. →

Identifying an unknown bacterium

While the test tube is uncovered, the opening of the broth culture test tube is flamed by slowly passing it in front of the microincinerator, this is done to prevent airborne contamination and create a positive airflow. The tip of the loop is placed near the base of the slant and a zigzag pattern towards →

Mass communication law & ethics notes assignment

The problem: guidelines are voluntary The remedy: GRANTING A CHANGE OF VENUE, or moving the trial to a community less touched by pre-trial publicity, if news accounts in the area have created a situation in which It Is unlikely the accused can get a fair trial there. Supreme Court The Supreme Court affirms the order; →

Case study aldi from global to local assignment

In a first part we will present the origin of Laid, then the strategies and objectives of the company and finally, its international expansion. Furthermore they engage the employees in the development of the business and the products.

Gospels of mathew, mark, luke and john: the new testament assignment

Bible scholars and historians assigned the gospel names and their authors as Matthew, Mark, Luke and John respectively.[1] The three gospels, of Matthew, Mark and Luke are known as the Synoptic gospels.[2] The aim of this paper is to discuss the main themes and focuses of each of canonical gospels and show how they relate →

Nameless boys: communicating abuse in magariel’s novel

Throughout the book, the reader is forced to come to the conclusion that serving as " one of the boys" was the psychopathic agenda of the overbearing yet negligent fickle Father character, who is the only true antagonist in One of the Boys; this agenda is unmasked through rhetorical devices including hostile symbolism, direct parallels →

Youth culture in a young adults life

In this essay, I will discuss about what are the other factors leading to the violent behavior in youths and how internet benefits the youth. The violent behavior in the game like using a knife to stab the head of an enemy can be learned by youths and in extreme cases, to kill.

Effects of hydrocarbons pollutants on aquatic organisms

Aromatic hydrocarbons are the most toxic of the major classes of compounds in petroleum. The acute toxicity of crude and refined petroleums to aquatic organisms and mammals correlates directly with the concentration of light aromatic hydrocarbons.

Father son conflict in death of a salesman and all my sons assignment

It is a faith in the supremacy of the material over the spiritual. Shockley asserts: In competitive society the rewards of being successful for Wily is to be well liked and to be rich.

Food habits of the elderly essay sample

Definition of foodways: it "...generally refers to ways in which a distinct group selects, prepares, consumes and otherwise reacts to and uses portions of the available food supply" Objectives:* Analysis of the meaning of foodways for social actors in general * Significance of food for the elderly focusing on their marginalized social location * Implication →

The history about briefing and debriefing material business essay

A3- Best practice of the fast food industries are compared to evaluate and show the triggering element for franchise businessObjective:- Independent variableThe obejctive of the research to show on how the improved supply chain process and it's relation with customer. The successful supply chan will be focusing on the method of cusomer order from the →

History and formation of newton’s rings

These rings are known as Newton's rings and they arise from the interference of light reflected from the glass surfaces at the air film between the lens and the slide. The term " Newton's rings" is a ring formed by the glass of curved, typically a convex lens, is put in contact with a glass →

Coercive reward legitimate referent and expert power

The problem with this approach is that when you exhaust the available rewards, or the rewards do not have enough perceived value to others, the reward power of the person utilizing this type of power is weakened or possibly eliminate. The accounting manager is responsible for providing this power to Employee 2.

Human evolution: algae to primate and beyond

The population that is most likely to mutate more would be a large population but to get to a large population mutation had to occur to make the large population and then they can start to reproduce to make other large populations. There were many competition over food because food was the biggest thing that →

Healthcare management communication and ethics

The feedback in this communication is minimal because it is only use to provide certain information and the mode of transmitting the message is one way. The advantage of the face to face meeting is coordination and it will ensure the smoothness of the operation and it will prevent the issue that was happened with →

Phonological awareness scale of early childhood period | analysis

The researcher wanted to make sure that the tool was being used and was valid and reliable in the study of the article. In the norm study, the target population was composed of children that were the age of 5 to 6 years old.

Advantages and disadvantages of fiber optics

It takes hundreds of man-hours, at a pace of 1000 feet per day to install the fiber that will connect our schools and hospitals with resources on the other side of the planet with just the click of a mouse. Another tendency is to use this type of approach in national security matters where the →

Six commonly used types of electrodes in welding

Six Commonly Used Types of Electrodes in Welding Thesis: In welding, the six commonly used types of electrodes are E6010, E6011, E6012, E6013, E7014 and E6015. Figure 2: The Electrodes E6010 Welding Electrode Sacks says that E6010 welding electrodes is one of the most commonly used electrode it is used for welding root passes in →

Critical analysis learning goals

Reading Material Hunter Chapter 7 will not be permitted to appear for the examination in that term/academicyear and will carry " F" read in the course. If a student is noticed to be out of station for overnight thou any intimation to the Director BGP, disciplinary action will be taken against him/her to the extent →

Cholinergic system and cholinesterase inhibitors

There are both marked reduction and neuronal dropout in synaptic densities in the projections from cholinergic neurones located in substantia innominata of the basal forebrain, which includes the nucleus basalis of Meynert, which projects to all cortical areas, and the septal nuclei, projecting to the hippocampus. The main CYP2D6 which is a galantamine metabolite is →

Analysis of anne sexton’s poem “her kind”

Two voices, the voice of society and the voice of the speaker, duel about the issue of the stereotype of modern women. Yet, the reader can understand that she is not actually a witch; rather, the witch is merely the persona used to exemplify the role of women in society.

Public health core functions health and social care essay

The rise in attending to managerial competency has gone with the rise in involvement in tracking, quantifying and bettering the appraisal of wellness impact of authorities bureaus in the USA, in other states that are developed and all over the universe. Considerable advancement has been achieved in associating specific ends for the betterment of the →

How close are we to artificial general intelligence?

It will discuss the advances in the study of Artificial General Intelligence including the pathways one might took to create AGI, the dangers that may arise from one, how such dangers might be mitigated, how AGI is closer to completion than ever before, and how there is a scepticism about it. Human-level artificial general intelligence →

The moderates critique of colonial rule history essay

Firstly I will discuss the policies adopted by Indian moderate nationalism to understand to what extent moderates attempted to tackle and lessen the economic exploitation of colonial rule of the masses. Firstly I will discuss the moderates' economic critique of colonialism with the view that it was for the benefit of the Indian peoples and →

The challenger shuttle disaster engineering essay

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is a global leader in the field of space flight and space science. The motivation factor ranged from winning the SOVIET/US space battle during the 1960's, to becoming a leader in all the areas of spaceflight and space science at present.

Opportunities of non union forms of employee representation essay

It is hence necessary to give attending to the survey of non-union employee representation since a figure of administrations in the society are get downing to follow it but this signifier of employee representation has been enormously criticised for its premise that employer and employee involvements are homogeneous. For Marks and Spencer, in the words →

The voice of the other in wide sargasso sea

Throughout the novel, Rhys exemplifies Christophine's narrative as one of dual subjugation and subversion in order to depict her defiance of patriarchal colonial powers and illustrate the resistive power of subtle, marginal actions. By allowing Christophine to open the novel, great power is instilled in both her voice and her narrative; however, this power of →