6 Pages Essay Samples

Characteristics of bullying behavior psychology essay

Balducci et al.[10] demonstrated that bullying is a prevalent behavior in a workplace, and study of Norwegian workforce by Nielsen and colleagues [11] have show that almost 5% of people see themselves as victims of bullying, with nearly 7% report that they are exposed to a high degree of bullying behaviors, and 1% are exposed →

Prior restraint essay sample

The clear and present danger in this case is the capture, torture and assassination of the three spies named and a violent or tactical reaction by the Iranian government. The Congress has the power to create laws and regulations for the defense of the citizens of the United States and this restriction is a valid →

Designing a database for type a flight travel agent essay sample

I can also do this task by asking the customers about the travel agency but I will not do this because it is time consuming and people will have different opinions about the travel agency. I will do this task by going to the agency directly and interviewing the agency manager because it is more →

Move and position individuals in accordance with their care plan essay sample

It is also important to move and handle correctly to ensure nerve fibres are not damaged as they are delicate structures and also important as they send impulses to muscles which enables the muscles to contract and relax. If you are assisting an individual to move it is joint responsibility of yourself and your employer →

The importance of replication in comparative psychology: the lesson of elephant quantity judgments

In contrast, elephants' accuracy in discriminating quantities was reported to be unaffected by numerical ratio in the range of 8 13 items, a true exception to the results found in the literature; a similar conclusion was previously suggested in a study that tested five elephants with the range of 1 6 items. A wider replication →

19th century welfare provision history essay

The introduction of the Poor Laws was the first legislative attempt to ensure that the poor had the means to live. In the period between the fall of the Roman Empire and the enactment of the first Elizabethan Poor Law in 1601 philanthropy was characterized by various hierarchical relationships within the feudal structure.

Enthalpy change essay sample

0 g cm The aim of this experiment is to determine the Enthalpy Change of a Reaction. Reliability of the two experiments:* Weight of CaCO 2.42 0.

Functionality of bios 247 essay

The reason I chose the BIOS research was so that I would learn more about what BIOS is, and now I realize that the setup is not the BIOS, but only a part of it. Basically, the BIOS is an integral part of a computer.

Examining the god particle philosophy essay

The four forces of the universe: the weak force, the strong force, electromagnetism and gravity, and the tiny particles that made up those forces had yet to separate. The discovery of the God particle plays an important role in the Standard Model of particle physics and with the discovery we would know why particles have →

The reflective report audit trail nursing essay

It was not my first time to speak in the public but I still felt nervous and resulted in me left out some parts that I was going to say. I believe that proper planning is the key to managing my time well.

Michigan with the incongruity between revisions in state

As a citizen and as the future Governor of the state of Michigan I will fight to insure that every we protect the rights of all citizens. I support universal healthcare and would like to see it become a reality in Michigan.

Once upon a time in the west: a critical response

But an analysis of the four levels of characterization of the two main characters will afford the viewer a greater understanding of the subliminal message of this story set in the Wild West during construction of the transcontinental railroad. The antagonist of Once upon a Time in the West is a character wielding a sorrowful →

Office administration

Thompson Flemmings Topic: An investigation of the effectiveness of the auditing procedures used in the accounting office at the Portland Parish Council. The topic is an investigation of effectiveness of the auditing procedures used in the Accounting Office.

“telephone conversation”, “on the subway”, “on an afternoon train from purley to victoria” and “homecoming” essay sample

The essay must show * Awareness of the " distinctive cultural context" of the poems that is, the way in which the poems reflect the 20th century concerns with ignorance, racism, prejudice, urban alienation, violence, and the inheritance of colonialism and slavery.* Your understanding of the writer's purposes in writing the poems.* The writer's use →

John locke and land ownership

The first of these is that land ownership is obtained through labor and that items on the land have no value until labor is applied and the second describes government's role in land ownership as simply being that the labor applied to land precedes government and government cannot dispose of the estates of the subjects →

External communication

External communication should be interactive and work in both ways External communication should be sensitive to the needs of both the organization and its stakeholders with whom the organization intends to communicate. The form and the content of the external communications should be appropriate to its objectives and serve the needs of the intended audiences.

Determining the molar mass of carbon dioxide

The volume of the displaced water is equal to the volume of the gas produced in the reaction. So we will measure the mass of CaCO3 and HCl before the reaction and the mass of the substance in the beaker after the reaction + H2O ) assuming that the difference will be a mass of →

On culture, clashes, and kite running essay

On Culture, Clashes, and Kite Running In his novel, The Kite Runner, Khaled Hosseini depicts his homeland Afghanistan as a host to many different cultures and classes, such as Pashtun and Hazara, Sunni and Shiite, with this dichotomy of beliefs and attributes being powerful enough to shape diverse, sometimes negative relationships amongst the characters of →

Through my mothers eyes

If we did something we were expected to do it well and do it well the first time and not have to redo it. We had a big freezer in the basement because there were a lot of us in the house so my mom would always buy a lot of stuff on sale.

Law of contract: genuine consent essay

As separate issues to genuine consent, the law allows minors and others lacking legal capacity to be relieved of contractual obligations in certain circumstances; additionally, the validity of the contract is affected if the subject matter of the contract is illegal at law, or the contract is not in the required form under a particular →

Corrections trend evaluation

They are aware and informed of the overwhelming explosion of inmate population in the United States of America. With the voice of citizens being the center behind the progress in any nation, this may fail to receive a positive backing in eyes of the society.

Comprehension issues in japan

I would agree with the statement that no one familiar with the politics of the era would agree with the US-Japan security treaty was slightly revised. Why was the presence of US forces in Okinawa and the rest of Japan viewed as a threat by many Japanese?

Benefit of understanding of different cultures to learners in australian universities

Despite challenges of having to teach students from different backgrounds, interactions that result in understanding practices, beliefs, and values of different cultures make learners in Australian universities to be better placed in understanding the global world as technological advancement and increased international business take shape. Students from multicultural environments have a better understanding of international →

North carolina gubernatorial election

The election for governor of North Carolina proved to be tightly contested race; with Richard Vinroot the republican candidate gaining support in the weeks immediately prior to the election. However, during the final weeks of the campaign the advantage swung to Vinroot as undecided voters were swept up in a republican surge lead by the →

The relationship between harry potter and the sorcerer’s stone and economics

It actually relates deeply to the concepts discussed in chapter 3 of The Macro Economy of Today, on Supply and Demand and the weight a demand has and the different types of markets. So now it is easy to see that Harry Potter shows the elements of the economy in Supply and demand.

Bacteria identification procedure

According to, gram staining method reveals the cell morphology of various bacteria such as the rod, cocci and sh. Out of 10 organisms inoculated in this practical, one was observed to be mycelium and the rest were observed as rod shaped bacteria.

Understanding the globalisation of technology firms business essay

Globalisation of engineering is introducing and development of the new engineering in ain state every bit good as internationally and besides seems to environ in the cultural system, labour market, national institutional, authorities policies, jurisprudence establishments, school, houses, national concern Centre, MNCs, corporate institute, concern Centre etc they all are the comes under the globalization →

Introduction the jews, romani and the blacks. the

Cold war refers to the military and political tension between the United States of America and the Soviet Union immediately after the World War 2. They believed that the mass execution done by the soldiers and police was very normal as they acted in the interest of the populace.

Assignment: file system and master file assignment

Q4 a) Write short notes on: Inventory Control System Payroll System b) Differentiate between Master file and Transaction File Q5 a) Write a program to find the factorial of a number b) Write a program to print the Fibonacci series 01 1 23 58 -20 Q6 Write the output for the following: What will be →

Cell biology meiosis and mitosis assignment

There are two parts to the procedure of the experiment whereby the first is staining and observing mitosis in onion root tips and the second being observing and comparing mitosis between whitefish blastula and onion root tip. The conclusion is that all the objectives of the experiment have been met and it is recommended that →

Ethics of organ donation and transplantation history essay

In the Christian tradition, Saints Cosmas and Damian are famous for replacing the diseased leg of a true believer with the leg of a dark-skinned Moor, thereby becoming the patron saints of physicians and surgeons.[i] Many Roman and Chinese myths cite transplants of legs and hearts by saints and medicine men, but the first account →

Philosophy 103

According to dictionary.om, a " Marketer" is defined as " A person whose duties include the identification of the goods and services desired by a set of consumers, as well as the marketing of those goods and services on behalf of a company." This means that the job of the marketer is to convince the →

The role of intuitive judgement in strategic decision-making

Thus this study will fill the gap between Hambrick and Mason's ' upper echelons' model of organizations, in the field of strategic decision-making which mainly examined the demographic factors influencing top management team's decision-making and firm performance not intuition's role and team interaction mechanisms affect in the process of decision making and firm performance. J, →

An opinion on how the information received from guantanamo bay justifies keeping the base open

For the sake of the United States' security, Guantanamo Bay should remain open and that decision is to be made by the federal government because the people held there have committed a federal crime or is a danger to the nation, the interrogation techniques and punishments can extract critical information, and it is excluded from →

”to kill a mockingbird” by harper lee essay sample

In the novel To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, the theme of human dignity is portrayed by Scout, Calpurnia, and Atticus. But this is a truth that applies to the human race and to no particular race of men..".

Hunger in kenya essay

Considering the hierarchical structure of Kenyan health system, basically, the health system of Kenya is governed from the top level down to the bottom level by the ministry of health. The availability of the best and the most sophisticated health services are present in the national level hospital, with the next best level of health →

Coping mechanisms

As seen in the article titled " Denial" by the Changing Minds Organization, and in the beginning of the novel, Melinda, the protagonist, employs denial as a coping mechanism to overcome the emotions she has after her rape. Melinda's lack of support cause her to hide most of the feelings she has post trauma, but →

Utilitarianism case

The primary and most important stakeholders in the state ofenvironmentof that valley are undoubtedly the inhabitants of the area. This is more in line with the standpoint of a virtue theorist who will advocate rational steps to be taken for the most virtuous scenario to prevail.

Vitruvius human scale influences generations

These three orders, discussed by Vitruvius, benchmarked architecture from classical antiquity to the present.' The Origins of the Three Orders and the Proportion of the Corinthian Capital' is a broad overview of the 3 categories of columns, which are segregated by size, form and mythological symbols, relating to human form. This was calculated by the →

Argumentative paragraph

The movie begins with Amar telling the story of his family and himself. Patient- and family-centered care is a movement rooted in the values at the core of our profession.

Role of young minds in shaping india’s path towards

There are many issues we need to concentrate and it is the responsibility of younger generation to take the challenge and to act in a matured way rather resorting to extremism or pessimism. The issue is very important and we need to find ways as to how to prevent the media in damaging society and →

The fmcg sector is currently economics essay

The government's proposal of allowing 51% FDI in multi brand retail may impact the future of the retail sector to some extent though the impact is expected to be highly positive. There has been a drastic increase in the CAGR in the case of foreign MNC's which shows the variety of choices available to the →

The sociological aspects of the media and popular culture

There is also an argument that corporate monopolisation of media ownership and modes of production mean that the media have become the instrument of private capital and mediated colonisation. The essay will discuss the sociological aspects of the media and popular culture with reference to the social impact of the internet and related technologies and →

A short history of singapore history essay

As mentioned, being one of the strategically situated along the Melaka Straits, the power that was able to erect a strategic dominance around the waters around Singapore would be advantaged in terms of security and economically. This saw the naval battles between the Dutch and Johor Sultanate, and Portuguese and Acehnese in the early 17th →

Media influences on social norms and health

In addition, investigating how people in power authoritative the messages portrayed on the media outlets and the agenda behind the messages. By looking at the new diseases of fibromyalgia and anorexia it is clear that the media and people of influence taught the general public about these illnesses and facilitated there widespread exposure, but how →

Editorial: at the crossroads: lessons and challenges in computational social science

The Editorial on the Research Topic At the Crossroads: Lessons and Challenges in Computational Social Science The interest of physicists in economic and social questions is not new: during the last decades, we have witnessed the emergence of what is formally called nowadays sociophysics [ 1 ] and econophysics [ 2 ] that can be →

An international entry mode is an institutional agreement

Further to the issues discussed above, no matter which of three of the export modes the manufacturer uses in a market, it is important to think about what level of ' mindshare' the manufacturer occupies in the mind of the export partner, as there has been a strong proven correlation between mindshare levels and how →

The rise to motherhood in larsen’s passing

These women essentially condition Clare to deny the existence of her Negro blood, and with nobody else around to show her how to be proud of the African American race, Clare rejects her heritage and readily slips into the persona of a pure white woman. As a fellow parent, Irene wants to stop Clare from →

Menopause is the technical term health essay

If your symptoms are more of a problem, there are different steps you and your physician can take to cope. You can make several changes to deal with some of the symptoms of menopause.

Epidemiology of the influenza virus

The central focus of this paper is to investigate the methodology of disease transmission for the influenza virus. An intensive examination will be made of the social determinants of health and how those components factor into the ailment along with the epidemiologic triangle in relation to the flu infection and the chain of contamination.

“to kill a mockingbird” studying the novel

The short scene was a prime example of what would happen to Atticus's kids everyday and also revealed information about Scout's character and the whole theme that the Play is based on. A task that really enhanced my understanding of characters in the play was the Rabid Dog Scene.

Three most important events that shaped canada’s future

This paper argues that the American Revolution, the War of 1812 and the Quebec Act of 1774 are the most critical events that influenced and shaped Canada's future between 1770 and 1820. There are three most important events that changed Canada's future such as the American Revolution, the War of 1812, and the Quebec Act →

The effects of wolf predation

The four proposed hypotheses examined are the predation limiting hypothesis, the predation regulating hypothesis, the predator pit hypothesis, and the stable limit cycle hypothesis. The purpose of this paper is to assess the empirical data on population dynamics and attempt to determine if one of the four hypotheses is a better model of the effects →

Stress and the fight or flight mechanism

Stress is the state that results when the transactions between an individual and the environment lead the individual to perceive a discrepancy, whether actual or not, between the demands of a situation and the resources of the person's biological, psychological, or social systems. Holmes and Rahe's model, a derivative of the systemic approach to stress →

Energy metabolism and behavior in the corticotropin-releasing factor family of peptides

Since the 1980s, the CRF story has had many twists and turns from the finding that CRF and its receptors are located in many extra-hypothalamic brain areas and extending to the discovery that two genome duplications expanded the CRF peptide family hundreds of millions of years ago. Matsuda summarizes the data on CRF and appetite →

Integration in the lonely londoners

The first point that makes Cap a singular character among all the others, besides his origin and that he comes to study, is the specific way he is represented by the narrator when compared to the other boys. He is the one who knows all of them very well, as in the end of the →

Piagets theory underestimated childrens cognitive abilities

This is when you go through assimilation and accommodation to achieve cognitive stability Hummel Piaget found four stages of development from infant to adolescence The first stage of Piaget's cognitive development is the sensorimotor stage. Piaget suggested that at the intuitive period, the child thinks differently, the child is able to do more things in →

Impact of financial crisis and unemployment

The groups which are hardest hit by the restructuring of the Human resource policies due to the financial crisis is the cabin crew and to some extent the staff in the customer service. Evidence of financial pressure to the Aviation industry is indicated by the failure of XL hence the additional cost is a threat →

Situation analysis dell

Using this approach, Dell Inc.hit gross sales of $6 million in its' first full year of distribution, and almost $40 million in the second year Dell is the second largest player in the global personal computer market with a 15% market share. Although they have a healthy share of the market, Dell will need to →

Listening assignment

I feel that in the first movement there is no superior emotion due to the fact that the development part is very long and there is no longer the strong distinction that existed in the beginning between the two keys. There is a lot of variation in rhythm and melody to the point that it's →

Standard deviation abstract essay sample

The second group with the smaller standard deviation helps the cattleman to understand that in the group 66% of the calf's will fall into the weight range of plus or minus 40 pounds of the average, helping the cattleman to determine that the largest percentage of cattle will be closer in weight that the group →

An information system

For the purpose of this report, we will examine Zara's Technological and Socio-Economic Environment along with Zara's knowledge chain management to evaluate its alignment of information technology as a function of Zara's business strategy. This system is useful for information collection in Zara headquarters in La Coru a, Spain, and it is also very user-friendly →

Sustainability and corporate social responsibility in universities

University as an intermediary to cultivate future talents to society, has the responsibility to educate their students about what it means to be socially responsible and how to take social responsibility to in order to achieve the long-term sustainability. However, if a university does not take social responsibility, it will be perceived as selfish, it →

Marketing on starbucks

But because of the hundreds of other products that they offer such as a Frappuccino, which is my favourite drink, I would consider going to a coffee bar to get it. It is quite hard to have easy access to a Starbucks coffee shop as the nearest one is in Middlesbrough, therefore in that case →

Cadbury and the environment

Named after its founder John Cadbury in 1824, Cadbury Headquartered in Cadbury House in the Uxbridge Business Park in Uxbridge, England began only as a coffee stall producing coffee, tea and drinking chocolate, to a global chocolate and confectionary producing giant it is known today. In the middle of 2008, Cadbury had announced a demerger →

Effects of trade liberalization on the environment

Most of the literature is centered on the environmental consequences of trade between countries, environmental standards in which are varied. Ukawa, Chairmanof the Group on Environmental Measures and International Trade, to the 49th Session of the Contracting Parties.

Assignment ob essay

2 explain how the relationship between an organization's structure and culture can impact on the performance of the business Culture and structure is working like a backbone in the organization. In the positive way it differentiate the organization to the another one which do not have a culture and structure.

Virtue, ethics and morality in business assignment

According to Boatright, "" morality and ethics are interchangeable; however, they have some subtle differences." Webster's Dictionary describes ethics as the discipline dealing with what is good and bad and with moral duty and obligation; a set or moral principles. A definition for business ethics boils down to knowing the difference between right and wrong →

Health professionals of prevention in italy: the value of expertise during covid-19 pandemic

The Health Care Professions of Prevention includes two degree courses to train professionals able to use prevention methodologies for the community or the individual health: Health Assistants and Prevention technicians in the environment and in the workplace. Covid-19 and the power of public health.

A role for neural modeling in the study of brain disorders

In an article that reviews a variety of computational methods for characterizing functional brain connectivity from electrophysiological data, specifically in the context of partial epilepsy, Wendling et al.also employ a physiologically plausible neural model to generate simulated data and illustrate how such modeling can be used to help interpret the experimental data. A third way →

Review of different themes: the dead, by james joyce vs. a raisin in the sun, by lorraine hansberry

Gabriel's grandfather riding his horse, Johnny over and over again around the statue of William III, conqueror of Ireland on behalf of England is another sign of nature." The Dead" connects paralysis with the English and with the theme of nature. The story incorporates aspects of nature in many descriptions and quotations, but it is →

Symbolism of snow in joyce’s the dead

This is the first instance that Gabriel comes into contact with the symbolic snow, and the most pertinent, for his hurry to shed the snow that unifies the party guests, directly detaches him from the rest of the group and from the flaw that befalls them all. Not only does this exemplify the extremes he →

Stress and well being psychology essay

The first stage is Conceptualisation phase, in which a relation is established between client and the therapist and the client is educated about the impact and nature of stress. In Hardiness Training strengths are that is it working, it deals with the cause of stress not just the symptoms, are more effective to people.

The affects of seasonal affective disorders

The results of the experiment would be read from the behavioral and physiological parameters obtained from the two categories of the male rats. Ethical dilemmas The research that was conducted in this study involved the use of rats and an examination of the behavioral and physiological consequences of subjecting the two different groups of rats →

Phenylketonuria: effects, treatment and screening methods

Phenylalanine is one of the essential amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins and is present in many foods in the normal human diet and he suspected that the retardation was due to an increase in the amount of phenylalanine, or an alteration in the metabolism of this protein. In PKU, metabolism of →

Analysing federalist 10 and the violence of factions politics essay

Madison defines factions as being, " a number of citizens, whether amounting to a majority or a minority of the whole, who are united and actuated by some common impulse of passion, or of interest, adversed to the rights of other citizens, or to the permanent and aggregate interests of the community". According to Madison, →

Active citizenship coursework

This final stage of the planning required lots of paperwork to certify the route to meet the criteria required, such as organising the insurance for the group.[improvement - possibly choose skills I have not already undertaken] What I have done for the award There is a large area of work which I have done in →

“the daughters of the late colonel” as a modernist work

This strong symbolism/ abstraction is another aspect of the story that situates it in the Modern period. The fact that these girls are alienated from the rest of society and do not have faith in God shows this to be a Modernist work.

High school drop out

It is also fundamental to make children aware of the impact of being in a gang and the devastating affects that come from it. The positivism of student staying in school is that they can earn a high school diploma, and be able to go to college and have a better future.

Critical analysis of the bicycle thieves

In the end of the film, both of the father and the son were desperate toward life and with tears in their eyes. It is loyal representation of real figures and events in the film.

Pen, ink, and gas: the use of comics in maus

All this information and emotion is communicated through the powerful illustration of a single panel, a testament to the suitability of the comic medium for Art's subject matter. The temporary lapse of metaphor allows us to understand that the identity provided by our race and nationality our species is really just a mask that we →

A caring and helping profession nursing essay

Nursing philosophy forms the framework for nursing practice and guides the application of nursing process to effectively manage the complexities of evolving nursing roles." Developing a nursing philosophy requires that a nurse embarks on a journey of self-discovery", Rew, 1994. The science of nursing is based on the principles and theories of behavioral and natural →

Meeting the needs of an individual client

From the observation it seems that the client seems to have a problem with remembering people's names, names of products and the client often mixes up names of food products. ChallengesThe client's main challenge is the kitchen where the client seems to constantly forget about the location of dishes and the name of products.

Word count

Writing went from a good hobby to something I had to do to get a grade and I do not think I like it as much anymore. I used to be enchanted by writing and the stories my head came up with but now I have to dig up a story that I do not →

Turtles ocean. the sea turtles that occur on

Turtles, in general, have survived the journey of time and is threatened by the pollutionthat humans have created in the ocean. Some of the attacks could have been after the death of the sea turtle; the data shows that this is an important effect on the mortality rate of sea turtles.

In defense of niccolo machiavelli against the slanderous use of his name

To the preceding political thinkers of Machiavelli's time, the ultimate goal was to lead a moral life of virtue; however, Machiavelli believed that " the ideal should be judged from the actual, rather than the actual from the ideal". He was able to view his life as a war against the Catholic Church, and the →

How the mass of plant tissue is affected by a range of water concentrations

PredictionI predict that the lower the concentration of water that is in the test tube, the more mass the potato chip will lose. When there is a lower concentration of water in the test tube than inside the plant tissue cells I predict that the mass of the potato chip will stay the same or →

The shuttle challenger tragedy address: a speech by former president ronald reagan

The third part of the address which is to deal with the position of the United States as a superpower with an excellent space program and its significance in the Cold War era was inserted in the middle of the speech in a more subtle manner but there again there was no way the audience →

The history of moral philosophy since the 17th century

1) 'The history of moral philosophy since the 17th century recapitulates the ancient debate between Stoics and Epicureans.' Explain this view, giving the basic ideas of Stoicism and Epicureanism. The utilitarianism of John Mill can sometimes be classified as a form of Hedonism, that is, it judges the moral good of actions by their consequential →

The treaty of waitangi

The main motive of the Treaty was to unite the Maori and British settlers to live together in New Zealand under a common set of laws and agreements. The Treaty of Waitangi states that the Rangatira and Hap? would cede their sovereignty to the Queen, meaning the Crown would have complete power and authority over →

Research topic on pseudomonas aeruginosa , biology, genetics, and host–pathogen interactions

Sato and Frank point out how the injection process and its understanding provide a wealth of vaccine and therapeutic targets for P.aeruginosa. Biosynthesis of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa extracellular polysaccharides, alginate, Pel, and Psl.

La solidaridad essay

The prestige of Rizal and the political wisdom of del Pilar was needed to unite the Filipinos in Spain and to coordinate their efforts. The paper stood for the moderate aims of representation of the Philippines in the Cortes, or Spanish parliament; secularization of the clergy; legalization of Spanish and Filipino equality; creation of a →

Non stop yachts

As indicated in the case the Non Stop Yachts has achieved the expected results in the first year of full operations. However in the end the 2003 fiscal year the target was to achieve sales of $10 million and profits of $1.

Evaluating the organizational structure of red bull and its effectiveness

This structure is not just only tell who is in charge in the business or a company, it is dictates the financial liability of those who run or own the business and the organizational structure of business dictates the tax rules that the business will be subject to how much or what the paperwork will →

Harry harlow

He witnessed the baby clinging on to the terry cloth mother for comfort and only reaching for the wire surrogate forfoodthen returning back to the terry cloth mother." In another experiment he showed that the babies treated the terry cloth mother as a " safe base" On displacement of the mothers the only distressing reaction →

Marks spencers enterprise system

The customer relationship of Marks & Spencer was summarized by the slogan " The customer is always and completely right". Main purpose of customer relationship management is to avoid miscommunication between customer and Marks & Spencer to have a quality customer satisfaction.