6 Pages Essay Samples

Types of commincable & non-communicable diseases

This essay will be exploring the main features of commincable and non-communicable diseases and go on to explain how some of these diseases affect how the body works and how the cause the body to react differently within these various situations. If a hypoglycaemic attack is not treated, this can cause the person to lose β†’

Report on alzheimer’s disease: nature, history, causes, diagnosis, medications and management strategies

The cost to help and take care of someone with Alzheimer's disease is unbelievably, there are so many different treatments that test that are demanded to go through multiple times. I would not force them to take me in their home because as you can recall from the research, there's a lot of stress that β†’

Research paper on occultism and witch doctors in africa

This paper analyzes the influence of occultism and witch doctors in Africa, by examining if and how occult practices are used for healing or as a remedy for treating ailments or " magical illness", and how are the witch doctors regarded in the African communities or how are their traditional methods perceived by modern science. β†’

Cystic fibrosis

The mucus in people with CF is thicker than normal because CF affects cells in the epithelium, the layer of cells that lines the passages in the body's organs. In 2008, the Foundation and Vertex Pharmaceuticals achieve a " proof of concept," showing that it is possible to treat the root cause of CF.

I:ascending aorta essay sample

The former is where the entire circumference of the vessel is affected and the latter is when there is only a small pocket from the vessel wall. Abdominal ultrasound is the imaging modality of choice and can visualize the dimensions of the aneurysm and detect any thrombi that may have formed within the wall of β†’

Zekkyou gakkyu manga by ishikawa emi: the life of japanese high school students

However, the reader finds out in the end, after trying to give him the chocolate that she was actually the one blackmailing the couple and ends up killing them both thinking she was the victim of everything that happened. Due to the fact that they were not together yet, she might have been considering confessing β†’

The influence of nanocomposite carbon additive on tribological behavior of cylinder liner

The effects of the content and load of the Nanocomposite Carbon additive on the tribological properties of the friction pair were investigated. The morphology and EDS analysis of the wear scar of the cylinder liner were used to explore the Nanocomposite Carbon.

Susan mccormick

Some of the cons are that smaller domestic firms lack the resources to compete with the big international companies and may be forced out of business. All the traveling of the people and the goods from country to country could spread infectious diseases that are extremely deadly.

Modernity & traditional seoul, korea

As a result, the city of Seoul obtain the existence of both modernity and traditional within the same scenario. This results in irresponsibility among Koreans and dependent towards the government to take care of their parents and elders.

Volunteer report in silver ribbon singapore

For our mid-term project, we have decided to volunteer our time to raising funds to support the Silver Ribbon Singapore, as we believed in their vision and mission, and that more awareness needs to be spread about positive mental health, in order to prevent people from judging others, or for those who are affected, to β†’

The modern illegal drug trade essay

In order to provide a clearer picture of the current state of the problem in drug trafficking, an overview of the prevailing situation will be discussed along with the analysis that will provide perspectives in drug-trafficking networks in the aforementioned regions. However, the increasing presence of the illegal drug trade in the world market poses β†’

Tadanori yokoo’s japanese style of art

The government believes westernization would bring fortune, as part of the project and design was one of the measures used in shaping a westward style of living. Yokoo's unique visual language was a display of rejection towards the clean and geometric international style that grew during the 60s.

Denial of modernism in post-war japan

The fall of the Empire of Japan in 1947 and the American occupation that occurred after Japan's surrender in World War 2 had resulted in the creative youths of Japan denying the modernization that it brought in traditional Japan." Koshimaki Osen Bokyaku-hen" was a print designed for Jokyo Gekijo, one of the many angura theatre β†’

The art of writing: how does thien use historical events, themes, and literary devices?

In China, Big Mother Knife is the wife of Ba Lute, sister of Swirl, aunt of Zhuli, mother of Sparrow, Da Shan, and Flying Bear, and grandmother of Ai-ming; however, in Canada, Jiang Kai and Ma are the parents of Marie, who is on a mission to uncover the truth about the history of her β†’

Time after essay

In order to fix the race problem in the United States, the UK Klux Klan was revived. In order to restrict immigration in the United States, the Emergency Quota Act was passed in 1921 after Albert Johnson proposed it to the senate.

Life in japanese internment camps

The goal of the order was to prevent espionage and to protect persons of Japanese descent from harm at the hands of Americans who had strong anti-Japanese attitudes. As the war was coming to an end the camps were closing, and they were free to go home.

Jhumpa lahiri’s interpreter of maladies: the stories of diaspora and cross-cultural identityΒ 

Jhumpa Lahiri was one of the most significant writers of the Indian diasporic in the present time duration. Lilia used to observes her parents closely who have been used to trail their fingers and through the columns of the university directory and used to circling surnames familiar of their part of the world.

Innovations in the field of sports medicine

There are mindblowing advances in the area of sports medicine which can cater and enable a qualified player to achieve optimal performance, to rectify his flaws in playing techniques, to adopt tailored training strategies so as to prevent injury on the field, to return to sports as soon as possible in case of any injury β†’

Telephones made in india

In our survey of the Honor 9 Lite, we said that the cell phone carries with it the most recent from the universe of Android alongside a top notch outline and Full HD+ show. OnePlus has turned out to be one of India's best premium cell phone mark in a limited ability to focus time β†’

Invisible clues for the clueless literature review examples

Matthew Hollis argues in " Edward Thomas, Robert Frost and the Road to War" that Frost intended " The Road Not Taken" as a light-hearted reference to the walks that he and Thomas took in 1914 through the English countryside and Thomas's habit of indecision and also his sense of failure if the chosen path β†’

Example of arrows impossibility theorem essay

Take an arbitrary profile [ ] such that in it for all agents i the b outcome is either at the top or bottom of the list of preferences i. Clearly, in view of the independence of irrelevant alternatives a W c.

Free essay about evidence-based practices in california probation

The overweening goal of evidence-based practices in probation in California is a reduction in recidivism, which is expensive, and represents the failure of the justice system to accomplish their goals. In this context, it should be noted " risk" refers to the risk of re-offending, rather than the seriousness of the crime.

Free term paper on evolution of exchange coinage in the roman and post-roman world

Crawford suggests that in the late Republic era it was up to the Senate to determine how much coinage to produce." The Senate then authorized the quaestor of the aerarium to release a specified amount of bullion to the tresviri monetales,". Introduction to the Office of Moneyer in the Roman Republic".

Example of essay on australias journalism shield law

The combination of the first sections will create the capacity to produce a credible assessment as to the overall usefulness of the law as well as to what the associated future potential may be. The Commonwealth of Australia, aptly illustrates the argument for the initial creation of the Australian Journalists shield Law by demonstrating the β†’

Example of research paper on dna and the law

Samaha argued that the use of DNA has been assisting in the resolution of cases filed in court because it has the ability to prove innocence of the accused without causing delay to the criminal processes of the present justice system. It will also be the duty of the lawyers and the judges to determine β†’

Free essay on structural and functional psychology

For example, Calkins argues that the primary interest of psychology is to investigate the conscious self and its experiences, but in the effort to distinguish it from biology, Calkins reaches the conclusion that the self should be studies with the emphasis on individual experiences and personal relations while avoiding the relationship between physiological and psychological β†’

Free essay on jury selection

The second allegation made under the claim of unsubstantiated awards by juries is that the damages awarded are not commensurate to the extent of wrongdoing as is the case for judges. Opponents of punitive damages assert that juries are not able to understand the complexities involved in legal cases.

Warrantless searches research paper example

The due process is the fundamental requirement in the implementation of the criminal law which is embodied in the Fourth Amendment of the US Constitution that states " The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, will not be violated, and no warrants β†’

Deoxyribonucleic acid used as evidence in solving criminal cold cases perry hawn

The decision opened the door for police and other authorized law enforcement agencies to collect D.N.A.samples from suspects at the time of arrest so that the suspects D.N.A.can be used to possibly solve cold cases. Evidence D.N.A.evidence can be used to solve a multitude of crimes, incarcerate the guilty, and free the innocent.

Example of research paper on do you agree or disagree with jared diamond

Man is blinded by the good life he lives today, a life that he enjoys the benefits of agriculture starting from abundant and a variety of good foods, the best working tools, the best material goods to a healthy long life. When the Egyptian boy says that he returns to the country with many gifts β†’

Sebastian fortnightly-smythe critical thinking sample

Even though no harm results to the company from his actions, the case of Attorney General's Reference held that the key determinant in the offense is the conduct, not the results. The intent to deprive permanently on the other hand requires the person taking to have the intention of using the taken property at the β†’

Tardiness: high school and copyright

Statement of the Problem Prevention of tardiness among the high school students of Manresa School.C. Objectives of the Study At the end of the study, the group is expected to.

High school dropout: causes, effects, and solutions

The rates of high school dropouts have steadily decreased from the year 1990 compared to 2009 for high school dropouts are According to Stats Canada. As we have seen the cost to society of having high school dropouts can be high.

The importance of comprehensive classroom management

It's important, first, to provide students with opportunities to learn about things that interest them and then, to find ways to introduce the learning that peaks the student's interest. If the teacher can find ways to relate the topic to the student's present experience, and provide interactive learning activities that the student can actively participate β†’

Availability and utilization of ict-based facilites in the teaching of biology concepts essay sample

The findings revealed low level of availability of ICT-Based facilities as well as low level of utilization of ICT-Based facilities by teachers of biology. In a similar vein, Okafor and Umoinyang submitted that " Information and Communication Technology has comprehensively impacted its benefits on every society as the greatest change agent of human development" Biology, β†’

Gary r. howard’s “we can’t teach what we don’t know: white teachers, multiracial schools” essay sample

In the united States, for example, the confinement and extermination of Native Americans, the slavery of African Americans, and the exploitation of Hispanic and Asian minorities in the country mirror a social system of inequalities that still permeate most aspects of the American society. Social Dominance Theory One of the prevailing perspectives in We Ca β†’

Homeschool vs. public school

Without the chance to interact with those of diverse backgrounds, critics are concerned that home-schooled students will fail to appreciate and understand one of the core values of American life: to tolerate and appreciate the differences between cultures or groups and among individuals. In particular, a sizable percentage of home-schooling parents worry about the " β†’

Importance of research in school society and teacher essay sample

The unifying purpose for education research is to build cumulative and sound knowledge about human and social process of fundamental significance to individuals, to groups, and to the larger society. Best and Kahn describe research as " The systematic and objective analysis and recording of controlled observations that may lead to the development of generalizations, β†’

Country school research critique

The categories are as follows: the problem statement, review of the literature, the purpose statement and central phenomenon, validity of the data collection, validity of data analysis and findings, and the quality of writing and its consistency with the qualitative criteria. Feature ArticleCountry SchoolAllen Curnow The central phenomenon is the investigation of recitation in a β†’

Essay on religious studies

Therefore, this teaching of John suggest that when am in the higher rank in the ministry, I should take a role of caring for the others, not only in the ministry but congregation in general. John describes grace as the self-actualization of law, which Jesus brought to the world for people to reconcile with God.

Free essay on mythology final (hesiod, creation stories, greek mythology)

First of all, the characters in the Greek and the Norse mythology come from completely different regions and life styles. Both the Greek and The Norse mythology give importance to the idea of fate and link their importance to their lives.

Three issues in your sample topic sentence essay examples

He spent his life in the service of God and mankind. He spent his life in the service of God and mankind.

Good example of theology and falsification essay

Flew contended that adherents do not fulfill these requests thus is religious dialect is negligible." Philosophy and Falsification" speaks to Flew's endeavor to inspect the announcement " God cherishes us," against the foundation of Christian theodicy the conviction that the integrity of God can be accommodated with the appearing disagreement that there is characteristic and β†’

Amadeus essay samples

The good things were that they assured the composer financial security and stability, a roof under your head and food but the bad things were related to isolation and the creativity was restricted because the composer needed to write pieces every time the patron wanted, even if we has in a good or in a β†’

An argument on education

I believe this is a good example to my previous statement about how it should not matter what school you go to and that it should not determine how well educated he or she is just because of the title the school has. Today because of the way our economy is set up people believe β†’

Essay on machu picchu in inca culture

The paper includes a brief description of worshipping ceremony of the God of the Sun, Inti. The features of the Temple of the Sun are also described in the paper.

4-mat review mcminn text book review

In conclusion, McMinn encourages the counselor to integrate and make use of the disciplines by the grace of God and the Holy Spirit for the sake of her clients and herself. The roadmap that McMinn provides for the integration of Christian principles into formal therapy is easy to follow and logical.

Poverty and its effects on the society essay sample

An Approach To The Challenges Of Poverty Alleviation And Reduction. Problems Of Defining And Measuring Poverty In The Caribbean.In F.


The number of children per household, and the associated limited incomes has undermined the profitability of the house market and related duties; therefore workers demand for higher wages to pay for housing rendering it as a challenge in the profitability of the business in general and also pushing some class of people to extreme poverty. β†’

Report on quantitative research methods in statistics

The paper focuses on analyzing the use of research methods in Okello's article " learning and Teaching college algebra at University level: Challenges and opportunities- A case study of USIU", published in Journal of Language, Technology &entrepreneurship in Africa. In most studies, the mean and the standard deviation of the distribution are the main β†’

Hunger and obesity – the two of the world’s biggest problems

Hunger is the most extreme ramification of poverty, violation of the most basic human rights, economic handicap and a cause and effect of the poverty. The quality of the food the people eat is getting worse and worse in time.

The other wes moore essay example

The second cause of the difference, between Wes Moore and the other Moore, is that the two characters experienced different education setting. This brings us to the third cause of the difference between Wes Moore and the other Moore; the fact the two individuals experienced different levels of poverty in their lives.

The relationship between tuberculosis and poverty research paper examples

Arguably, tuberculosis is a cause of poverty to the same extent that poverty is a cause of tuberculosis. The second way in which poverty can lead to the occurrence of tuberculosis is through the fact that the immunity among the poor people is exceptionally low following such things as malnutrition.

Why is college important

The education system needs to be reformed so students have the opportunity to choose whether they want to go to college or do vocational tralnlng Instead. High schools need to start preparing their students for the years ahead in college.

The effect of sugar manufacturing sector on east africa

The analysis of the sugar industry in some countries such as Zambia has shown that the industry is positively contributing to employment creation, wealth creation and overall economic growth. However, there are concerns about the degree of feminization of the labor in the sugar sub sector and the existence of gender discrimination both at production β†’

The poverty concern essay samples

Every person, government and organization worldwide has a moral obligation to help cater for the needs of the poor people in distant places. The affluent members of the society should not disregard the need to rescue and feed people in poverty, through all possible efforts.

Models of organizational change

A situation in which most of the people in the organization are required to learn new behavior and skills is considered as major change. A useful organizational model is one that " simplifies and at the same time represents reality i.e.a framework that makes it easy for the employees and employers to understand and organizations β†’

A) my personal philosophy term paper examples

I should learn to perceive the world from a client's perspective to ensure that I gain the trust of the patient an aspect that places me in a better position to educate the patient. This requires in the part of the caregiver, appreciation of the facts of human vulnerability, their capacity to suffer and to β†’

Free case study about the organization and its major responsibilities:

In this case, the company is able to offer the best services to the best of their ability when it comes to offering everyone within the county a fair chance of accessing the major facilities that have been allocated without favoring one region or the other. The organization applies the use of an annual budget β†’

Ftca – regional and headquarters relations essay sample

Functional Organizations: A functional organization is one where the structure is purely hierarchical and people report to one person constantly and in the end to one person at the top of the order. The conflicts that occur in FTCA are not work related, but related to the structure and responsibility of individuals at the RO β†’

Good example of essay on bureaucracy and its associated problems

Moreover, bureaucracy can refer to a group of workers such as civil service employees of the government of the United States. The terms bureaucrat, bureaucratic, and bureaucracy have become synonymous to or implicative of general criticism of the bureaucracy's persons, institutions, or procedures.

Technology and organizational structure

How Structure Affects the use of Technology and Technology Decisions Technology plays a crucial role in today's organizational structure. The Watson's on the other hand believe that technology decisions are based the decentralization of power and control and a higher level of informality and a organic organizational structure was the best fit for their company.

Sturata inc product launch planning

Organization structure: The purpose of the Staffing management plan is to know and determine the required resources types and quantity for the project.1. Sharing the objectives of the company and clarifying the roles and responsibilities for the new team members as a project manager will build up trust between you and the team manages expectations β†’

Ethics in today’s organizations case study

It is important to note that locating the oil was not the only problem BP, or Anglo-Persian Oil Company at that time, faced; moving the oils was just of a difficult task to maneuver. I would not invest in their stock right now because BP's main product is fuel; and even though I have to β†’

Evaluate an organizations ethics

The persons who are covered by the Code of Ethics are all directors, all officers and employees of the company wherever they are located are required to be familiar with the said code and they are expected to adhere and comply as to the principles and procedures set there in as far what applies to β†’

Free research paper on research methods

Why? In order to be able to generalize the results of your research it would be appropriate to use quantitative design in that after using a sample from the research subject it only requires the data collected from the sample to be computed under some aggregate statistics such as the mean or median of the β†’

The nature of love in sonnets

Love for Shakespeare was beautiful; he was passionate about love and the sonnet form was a way for him to express his feelings. In his sonnets, Spenser talks about the love he has for his wife and what she means to him.

Good research paper on the number e

The number e is the base of the natural logarithms that is created by John Napier. But the discovery of the constant e was credited to Jacob Bernoulli with his endeavor to find the value of the expression that is actually equivalent to e.

Good research paper about green ordinance for a city

The city will be one of the Greenest cities in the world and will be a global leader in the development of green cities across the world. For instance how to set window louvers to allow maximum sunlight and heat into a building.- All buildings must be maintained with an operations manual in place to β†’

Example of the basis of morality essay

The differences between the two philosophers rest on their differences in the understanding of the human nature, understanding of reason and of morality. The central concept in Hobbes is the Laws of Nature, while emergence of morality is intricately linked to the Nature's Laws.

Essay on chesty puller v. richard nixon leadership

Puller on the other hand was keen to learnt past experience is his and of his predecessors so as to avoid similar situations during his leadership. He might not earn the title as a role model of good leadership but I feel it is important to highlight some of the good points in his leadership.

Ethanol as a fuel source

Year 12 Chemistry Assessment Task 1 Ethanol as an alternative fuel Melissa Weber 22/11/2010 Overview The commercial production of ethanol fuel in Australia is the use of sugar cane and wheat using yeast in the fermentation process. Diesohol is a mixture of 10-15% ethanol in diesel fuel - it has been made possible by the β†’

John kinsella: the crest

This sense of something awful to come is powerfully emphasised by the description of the road and the truck approaching the crest at high speed. The theme and expectance of death is intoduced through the personification of the road, as the truck is " narrowing down to a bottleneck, a noose of gravel shouldering the β†’

Good the effects of unemployment on the economy research paper example

In advanced economies, unemployment is usually caused by the increase of the production, and its structural adjustment, or it can also be the result of the technological progress. And the last significant positive impact of unemployment on the economy is the natural regulation of supply and demand of labor in the regional, sectorial, vocational and β†’

Good essay on emile durkheims views on the nature of humans and its implication for society

The purpose of this essay is to bring out the ethical issues that arise from the character of humans and how they eventually affect the society as a whole. Rules, which are believed by Durkheim to be part of human nature, have the effect of ensuring that there is orderliness in the society.

Easter island’s end

In the article, the author clearly illustrate that the cause of the ending of the Easter Island is because of the islanders did not use their resources wisely. We must learn from the lesson of the Easter Island and start to use our natural resources wisely.

What is a witch? macbeth essay sample

The second were women who believed they had powers, and took the medicines/mixtures, therefore hallucinating, and they believed this to be the power of the devil. The witches play an important part in the play of " Macbeth" and are featured in the very first scene.

A doll’s house history

The traditional middle class morality based on the dominance of the male gender bases the institution of the family not on the feelings of love and affection rather it sees the welfare of the family institution in the form of certain established power relationships. The apparent love of the couple in the opening of the β†’

A historical perspective on “trifles”

The play Trifles by Susan Glaspell depicts the repressed roles of women in 1916 and holds underlying tones of the feminist movement shown through the two female lead characters, Mrs. Performed at the turn of the century, Glaspell's work depicted the events that were still going on at the time, and was used at a β†’

Development of children and young people between birth to 19

They start to hold on to furniture learning how to walk along or by using the aid of a baby walker, up until they gain the confidence to walk alone. By the age of seven they are able to speak fluently and make up stories.

How to play pokies in a club essay sample

But the best way to really know ' how' to play the pokies, is to get a little bit educated on how they work, this way you are more likely to have more wins, and have a better night all round. The game will decide which of these players gets the opportunity to pick a β†’

Critical analysis of life of galileo

From the trial to a threatening punishment of burning in flames if he does not " recant", this scene explores the Galileo who suffered the severe repercussions of his mistake of speaking the truth and his attempt to revitalize human thinking regarding the working of the universe. The latter part of the scene explores that β†’

Economic environment

Impact on business changes in the economicenvironmentIntroduction- In this report I will describe and then explain how the GAP, inflation, interest rates and employment rates are affected by the growth and recession stage of the business cycle. I have also explained how the balance of payments is and how Deco's contributes to trade surpluses/deficits.

Business in the international environment

Some of the theories include the comparative cost advantage and the absolute cost advantage. The trade pattern of the country is to export manufactured and primary products and import both primary and manufactured products.

Strategy to achieve new target environmental sciences essay

Action Plan: Develop the big graduated table offshore air current farms to accomplish the mark in 2025 i? However, ER is convinced that our strong vision and believable action program on offshore air current farms will lend to accomplishing the authorities 's renewable energy development mark in 2025.

Ground water pumping through water privatization environmental sciences essay

The indispensable political orientation for the allotment of H2O resources are effectiveness, equity, and sustainability, with the enterprise of give the extreme advantage for society, environmentand economic system, at the same clip as to keep sensible allotment amid assorted countries and people. Jointly, these factors consequence public distribution, economic construction and paradigm of ecology and β†’

The science behind the desalination process environmental sciences essay

The membrane is like a strainer it has holes on the strainer which the holes are merely little plenty to let H2O eyeglasss pass through but non allow salt eyeglasss and other drosss to go through though the membrane Electrodialysis Rearward Osmosis The benefits of desalinization are that you can easy happen the resource, 97 β†’

Vegetation dynamics in gravel bed rivers environmental sciences essay

The chief aims of the proposed survey is to measure the recent evolutionary tendency of the Brenta and Piave river in northeasterly portion of Italy in order to: To develop an apprehension of the morphodynamics of the both rivers with regard to selected parametric quantities such as channel width, lift, lacing index, island tenancy, and β†’

Example of challenges in the assessment of the abdominal and neurological system and why case study

An examiner will occasionally miss a diagnosis by mistaking the affected organ with an adjacent organ.- Pregnancy pregnant women are usually difficult to examine per abdomen owing to the physical and physiological changes e.g.enlarged uterus.- Small children might be difficult to examine they are usually uncooperative and their systems are not well developed.- Use of β†’

Unit 2 – the developing child

According to Tassoni, page 41, " For children, this area of development is important too, as they will want to play with other children and have to learn to share and be with others in group situations, such as in school. This is used to record the time, interaction, who their socialising with, so I β†’

Example of phonological interventions for reading disorder literature review

This paper will conduct a review of the literature published in this area and also examine the effects of this kind of intervention in alleviating learning disorders in children. The study examined the effects of the interventions applied to the children on phonological awareness ability, reading performance and speech production.

Free essay on living with a potentially deadly condition

I spoke to Nicola Reiss, who lives in Malta and who was diagnosed with the condition some years ago ME is definitely a harrowing condition to have to live with. But what is worrying is the perception of the disease and the treatment methods being used which according to Nicola are totally wrong, as even β†’

Positive environment for children and young people

The physical aspects are the toys, furniture door wall, large garden equipment, buggies safety gates etc.he social environment in my setting is all about theculture, and customs of my setting and the activities and experiences we are involved in and interact with.a positive environment is warm and welcoming, consistent and stable, safe clean and tidy, β†’

Your child’s needs

The best thing to do is to go to your baby quickly, work out what he wants and make him comfortable as soon as possible. As your child grows, listen to the ideas and feelings he is trying to sort out.

The harsh reality of the foster care system

The foster care system today, does not provide foster youth who aged out of the system with the proper housing opportunities that they can take advantage of and have a steady life. EBSCOhost, search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx? direct= true & db= pbh & AN= 11448904 & site= eds-live Richards, Gabrielle." AGING OUT' GRACEFULLY: Housing and Helping Youth Transition β†’

Child protective services

Department of Health and Human Services, the Child Abuse and Neglect National Statistics, the composition of children in foster care is the result of, 10% sexual abuse, 19% physical abuse, and 63% neglect. In addition, I will study the current plans for reform and what types of community programs are available to children and their β†’