6 Pages Essay Samples

”the cathedral” by raymond carver essay sample

It's nothing particular, he says, but nevertheless the narrator finds himself realizing that he does enjoy company, and then feeling compelled to explore the limits of Robert's sight, and to help the blind man visualize a cathedral. So while Robert is not attempting a conversion necessarily, he is attempting to indicate to the narrator the →

Analysis of post-war social structure of accumulation

Decline of the post war SSA Post war SSA broke up in the late 1960s and early 1970s after the conflict that emerged within each of these four relations of power and privilege. In the late 1960s labour was powerful to raise wages and decrease profits this was one of the cause that eroded capital →

Creating an evolutionary way of seeing things

Charles Darwin's theory of evolution is criticized and compared to the theory of creationism. The explanation of evolution by natural selection is a brilliant answer to this complex matter because it is not a theory of chance.

Ben franklin and booker t. washington

Likewise, Booker also expresses his gratitude to God for the same kind of support, but, in opposition to Franklin, he was thankful to a Christian divinity and faithful to the doctrine of his church. And so did Washington in " Up From Slavery", through which he intended to serve as a model for others to →

Ancient may find that themistocles, an athenian political

The works of these historians give an opportunity to state that in spite of the fighting and dying in wars, the Athenians contributed to the good of their polis. In spite of the fact that the number of Persian ships excelled that of Greek ones, the masterful military strategy of the Athenians gave them an →

Legal aspects of us health care system administration essay samples

Because of the often life-and-death ramifications of the actions of health care professionals in all aspects of the profession, it is doubly important that these officials operate at the highest standards of ethics and professionalism. In my hospital, I hope to instill a concrete, clear and transparent communication system by which impaired doctors can be →

Reflection of personality test results

This shows the unique structure of my extrovert personality and my need to be genuine in my relationships. As a requirement of Social work practice the AASW practice standards we are to incorporate the use of technology for communication and support.

Raw and shawshank redemption’s attitudes and actions essay sample

The significance that these texts have on the image of institutions is so important through the elaborate actions and behavior of the characters and the roles in which they play in. When Brett first arrives at The Farm he reacts negatively and would often get into fights with the other people at The Farm, but →

Concert report essay

I thought the Dynamics were good and when it needed to be loud it was, and when it needed to be soft it was. In the second movement, the shepherd is tired and rest is denied because of the fear of lightning and thunder and the furious swarm of flies and hornets.

Positive reinforcement

A spanking in my opinion is 3-5 swift firm pops to the bottom when a child has misbehaved and has been told repeatedly that he/she is to stop doing whatever they are doing. I can honestly say that I can count on one hand the times I have spanked my children, and it has been →

Democratic individualism in walt whitman poetry

John Macy wrote, in The Spirit of American Literature, " Only one day in the century of American literature is marked by the birth of a ' marker of poems, an Answerer'-the day when Whitman was born". Democracy, equality, and choice are all demonstrated in many of the poems that were written by the great →

The effect of nightlife entertainment essay

Besides, the result of the research also show that the frequency to go to the nightlife entertainment have relate to the absent of the students, and lower GAP. The scope of the research we will focus on the US student who go to consume the nightlife entertainment 4 times a onto or above, and the →

The cultural challenges of doing business overseas

In the United States the pizza which is a preferred and well-liked dish is considered a whole food itself that can be eaten at the restaurant, carried, or delivery to the home for eating whereas the Czechs have pizza only as a snack on the streets where it sold as by lane vendors and beer, →

Class rigidity and social mobility

In late eighteenth and early nineteenth century England there was a sort of moral 'code' of behavior and standards that are to be maintained by the middle and upper classes of society. She also uses the ridiculousness of Sir Walter to convey that to be of the upper class it does requirehard workand management, as →

The old english literature history essay

The Romans occupied Britain in the beginning of the first century 43 till the beginning of the fifth century. It was the age when torture was rare and the role of women in the society was important.

Internship in public relations department of an advertising assignment

Likewise, Chapter 2 consists of the Projects undertaken in the agency, roles of the internee in the organization and importance of Public Relation Department. Besides, one of the objectives f this program is to enhance student's interpersonal, communication, report writing skills as well as presentation skills and to understand different viewpoint of the staff and →

What’s up doc essay sample

Many of the poor living in the Indian villages and small towns at the time began leaving their villages and towns to look for jobs that were opening up in the cities. Ans: The reformers questioned the brahmanical texts that supported the caste system and the inferiority of the so-called" low castes" and the superiority →

Dbq on apocalypto

Through the events depicted in the film, history of the Mayans became a lot easier to understand. The movie Apocalypto depicted events that took place during the time of post-classic Mayan civilization, and also the time of the Mayan Decline.

Travel motivation: linking theory to practice

There are many purposes of travel such as to rest and relax, to meet friends and relatives, to visit and experience new places and also to having fun and enjoying the memorable moment. The purpose of this study is to review the relevant literature on travel motivation and provides a scenario-based discussion on the applications →

A case study on employee engagement: marriott international, inc.

Know Your Numbers To educate beneficiaries on the importance of preventive care, Marriott designed a preventive health education and communication campaign: " Know Your Numbers." The program, launched in 2007, encourages Six percent of beneficiaall beneficiaries to visit a primary care provider and be ries in Marriott's self-insured assessed for four key health indicators: glucose →

The next big thing what is pinterest marketing essay

The major strengths of Pinterest are its users, it's fun and easy interface, its ability to increase traffic, ability to increase sales, and its abilty to link and lead. The major weaknesses of Pinterest are spams, the fact that it is not on all smartphones, and also the fact that they are yet to develop →

Panama canal vs suez canal

The Suez Canal is in Egypt, and it connects the Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea. The Panama Canal was created in 1914 and is 77 km long connecting two oceans the Atlantic and the Pacific.

Consulting services in saudi arabia

First, the strength of economy, it is the largest economy in the Middle East and North Africa, and the 19th largest economy around the world. Second, the regulatory issue, if the company chooses the franchise strategy to enter the Saudi market, it has to find a Saudi partner because the regulation requires the franchiser a →

Marketing process overview assignment

The marketing mix is a term used to describe the four main marketing tools: product price promotion and the place through which products are sold to customers. To meet the needs of the key market it is important to analyses the internal nearsightedness of the organization.

Transgenerational redemption in the winter’s tale

The central conflict in The Winter's Tale is the violation of Nature on the part of the patriarch of the old generation, Leontes. Further evidence of the importance of the second generation is found in the prominence of the children of the two estranged rulers in the final resolution of the play.

Why some companies operate under production orientations

According to the Kotler et al, Marketing concept is " customer oriented backed by integrated marketing aimed at generating customer satisfaction as the key to satisfying organisational goals" and it is suggested to design the customer-driven marketing strategy. Although in the manufacturing concept the management produce the mass product can earn much of the revenue, →

Effects of cyclone yasi on australias agriculture economics essay

The significant price increase is actually due to the decrease in supply such as in diagram 1, where the supply curve has moved leftwards from S0 to S1. Equilibrium point goes back to its original before cyclone Yasi hits that is from B to A again in the long- run.b) Following the theory of market →

Eart leaves the dead as sacrifice for

The others on the island begin to take interest and excitement in the hunt as Jack has provided meat, and the draw of the hunt and its bloody gore begin to stir in the other boys. Jack focuses his violent energies for the most part into the hunt, but as the hunt and the primal →

Family dilemma in sonny’s blues

The main character is the narrator of the story since the entire tale is about the life in Harlem and the actions of Sonny through his view and perspective. The main character begins to believe that he is the cause of Sonny's failure.

The role of the modern spectator theatre essay

The cathartic role of the modern spectator has thus been reduced, as he or she is no longer the passive participant, seated in a theater hall or cinema, merely watching a piece of art. The discussion includes what is meant by the cathartic role of the modern spectator, how it has diminished in the new →

Development of research on the moon

Abstract Earth's moon has been the subject of many experiments and expeditions, because of that have you ever wondered about the moon and moon rocks? The moon and rocks from the moon have been the center of many movies, books, television shows, myths, space expeditions, etc.but many people in society do not know much about →

Difficulties and challenges in entrepreneurship

The purpose of this literature review is to explain and critically analyse the work that has been reported on problems and challenges faced in entrepreneurship. A literature search for a suitable meaning of an entrepreneur designates that it is rather easier to explain the worth of an entrepreneur.

Business report format evaluate essay

To be able to understand and be informed of what flavors the customers would like to see on the menu, the business carries out the market research. This would attract the customers to purchase their goods as they are informed and aware that the coffee is produced and delivered in a moral manner.

Ethical review process: a case study

Clarify whether the study will be used to develop a screening tool as this is not mentioned in the aims of the study. The PIS states that the study will also be used to develop a screening tool, why is this not stated in the aims and objectives of the study?

Philippine history

It stated in the history of the Philippines that the first group of men who came here was the Negritos. It was not easy for the Spaniards to conquer and build a government in the Philippines because the native Filipinos fought for their rights, freedom, and dignity.

Corruption in canada

Thus, the purpose of this paper is to examine the causes of corruption in the Canadian organizations which is comprehensively detailed below. This refers to the extent and the manner to which the elective behavior of officials is influenced in the organizations.

Escaping the void

Until the 10th April I thought nothing more of the peculiar man until I realized that today I was embarking on a journey across the water to New York, 4 days before the ship began its' decent to the depths below, we were all so unaware. Looking at the sheer beauty of the vast body →

Synthesis and anticancer activities of 5-halogeno pyrimidine

SOLID STATE MICROWAVE-ASSISTED SYNTHESIS AND ANTICANCER ACTIVITIES OF N -DERIVATIVES OF 5-HALOGENO SUBSTITUTED PYRIMIDINE 2, 4 DIONE BY TAHIRA SAGHIR ABSTRACT This study will report the synthesis of some substituted 5-halogenated pyrimidine 2, 4dione by conventional and solid state microwave assisted methods. The solid state synthesis of N-derivatives of 5-halogen substituted of pyrimidine 2, 4 →

The father in sons and lovers

One finds an echo of this cathartic sentiment in Lawrence's Nottingham and the Mining Countryside, where he claims that the miners " knew each other practically naked, and with curious close intimacy, and the darkness and the underground remoteness of the pit " stall," and the continual presence of danger, made the physical, instinctive, and →

Delegation people have the right to become independent

1 The Republic of Turkey is invested in ensuring the citizens of the world have the right to self-determine, freely practice any religion and have access to an education that is both easily attainable and in-depth for the growing mind. In accordance with Articles ten and fifteen of the Turkish Constitution, Turkey recognizes the equality →

Criminal offences and felony crimes criminology essay

A person convicted of a misdemeanor can be sent to a county or local jail, ordered to pay a fine, or both. Espionage: The gathering, transmitting, or losing of information related to the nation defense in such a manner that the information becomes available to enemies of the United States and may be used to →

Non agricultural purposes become such a contentious issue history essay

If a certain chunk of land is acquired for non-agricultural purpose, it is considered as a reduction in agricultural land. PTO In the early 1990s, one of the most significant changes in policies has been shift away from land reform to that of the removal of government protection to agricultural land to use it for →

Fancy me boutique assignment

The stylish clothing, shoes and beauty products will help to transform the customer with the classic, modern professional looks that they desire o have. Products and its primary characteristics Service component and how it will be used to enhance the product Our apparel lines include a wide range of products from ready to wear basic →

Peoplesoft and oracle essay

The company started out with the introduction of a human resource application which " offered flexibility and ease of use to a class of users previously barred from simplified access to the information and capabilities centralized in the mainframes". The Merge of PeopleSoft and Oracle There are principally two types of mergers: one is an →

The major issues and conflicts on bilingual education

The issue of bilingual education and the conflict that surrounds it is primarily focused between whites and Hipics, although since the mid 70" s it" s also been involved with the Chinese and Mung cultures. In 1968 we didn" t know that Bilingual Education wouldn" t work, however, it" s time to move on and →

Gender inequalities in health sociology

It was suggested by the Men's Health Forum that men are more likely to take risks with their health due to them trying to cope with stress and conforming to role models in society. The structural/ materialistic explanation for inequalities in health has suggested that women are more likely to get ill because of their →

Managing people organisations and decision making nursing essay

The purpose of this essay is to analyze the decision making process regarding my move to Australia for the Masters program." The process of decision making involves making a choice among different courses of action and entails a cycle of activities and events that begins with identification of a problem and ends with the evaluation →

Enron filed for bankruptcy case study

The company effectively lobbied for and obtained the right to mark-to-market accounting allowing present value of future contracts recognized as revenue on the books. Ill Conflicts of interest: Enron was failed by its Board and Senior Management A- CEO and the Board of Directors Ken Lay was both CEO and Chairman, a position which creates →

Epistolary and grown in an essentially individualistic society

The adversarial system of litigationwas a huddle in affording poor people legal redress and it was essential torethink the entire litigation system and move away from Western influencedmodels of thinking in order to accommodate the circumstances of poor people. In a landmark decision in the case of Bandhua Mukti Morcha v Union of India12, the →

Genetic engeneering industry and humanity

President Bush, has said " Our children are gifts to be loved and protected, not products to be designed and manufactured ", which is certainly a more definitive stance than is present in regulation or law presently, and so appears opposed to genetic engineering for the purpose of selecting traits of offspring.http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2002/04/20020410-4.html Summary of Regulatoryenvironment. →

Marketing and nestle assignment

Statement of the Problem Over the past years, market share of Nestle in terms of coffee products has been fluctuating due to the new entry of branded and non; branded products. Objectives of the Case Study The objectives of this study Is to know what are the threats that affect Nestleg's pose in the market →

Exam questions

One may use index options to hedge when there is need to protect the value of the portfolio of mixed stocks in case of a market decline. The hedging of foreign exchange risk refers to procedures carried out by a firm in order to mitigate the impact of adverse exchange rate fluctuations on the value →

Lars eigner essay

He was permitted to attend a three-week workshop on creative writing by George Williams of Rice University, at the tender age of eleven and he is the grandson of Texas poet and author of the grandson of Texas poet and author, Alice Ewing Vail. Skip, a purebred English smooth-haired fox terrier ordered from a dog →

On chesil beach

I get that it's out there and we may be the extreme end of the spectrum but it worked for us and we never had any doubt what we were getting ourselves in to. We do not encourage or condone them engaging in sexual activity at this age, as we believe they are not yet →

Wild swans at coole essay sample

The ' autumn' gives the reader the idea of seasons, and autumn being a particular time in the year important to Yeats. Yeats is perhaps in admiration of the swans and their ability to ' paddle in the cold.' This could be Yeats presenting his reader with the thoughts of the struggle and hardships of →

Gender segregation in classroom 

From my initial elucidation on the subject of gender segregation, it can rightly be discerned that I, keeping in view, the contemporary mode of life, is strongly in negation of gender segregation in classroom due to the fact that it gives a great chance for the gender imbalance to thrive and prosper which on the →

Overview of the company almarai business essay

The founder of Almarai is HH Prince Sultan Bin Mohammed Bin Saudi Al Kabeer who recognized the potential to transform the traditional dairy farming in Saudi Arabia in order to meet the needs of a growing domestic market. Almarai stepped into the market with the processing of fresh milk and laban into the modern dairy →

Evolution of thoughts in scientific management assignment

However, till an epoch of capitalism function of management was carried out by the owner himself and a small group of the persons approached to him. Unlike Scientific Management which focused its attention on productivity, Administrative Management have engaged in development of management in the organization as a whole and was concerned about administrative part →

“slaughterhouse 5” by vonnegut essay sample

Billy says that the nicest people were the people who really knew about war:' The nicest veterans in Schenectady, I thought, the kindest and the funniest ones, the ones who hated war the most were the ones who would really fought' This is sad and depressing because this is saying that people who did not →

Precise software

Analysis: Precise is still under the planning and development stage and the product is a novice in the market. They should try to maintain that strategy and make sure the product placement of insight is similar.

Anti-retroviral treatment of hiv/aids

Despite considerable progress in research into the virology of HIV as elucidated above, some of the specific details of the pathologic process that leads to AIDS have not been fully understood especially the reactive immune response of the human host, which is the driving force for the quest to a much better understanding of the →

The problem of evil: solutions of augustine and irenaeus

He defended that humans could not claim that God is the author of sin in that they had the choice whether to partake in an evil act or not. While Augustine's view of free will was regressive in that it caused humans to fall from God's grace, Irenaeus held that free will is the path →

The why humans began to walk upright

Through a combination of environmental pressures, social interactions, the way in which humans give birth, the search for food, and the need to free their hands, our ancestors distanced themselves from other primates by evolving the ability to walk upright. These and other environmental changes in Africa required the evolution of bipedalism.'Another contributing factor to →

Daphne scholinski the last time i wore a dress

Daphne wanted to be tough; when she hung out on the streets with her gang she needed everyone around her to see her toughness. They wanted her to tell the truth but she was and this caused a major conflict for Daphne.

Duchenne muscular dystrophy essay sample

Duchenne muscular dystrophy is caused by defected gene for dystrophy which is a protein in the muscle that is often said to be passed down from generation from family members. To ease the stress of this condition, patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy can join a support group which is where patients go and share each →

Doubt key to knowledge is it true philosophy essay

The flaw of the theory would not be found and one would be unable to gain new knowledge from trying to find a reason for the flaw and erase it by coming with a new theory which is closer to the absolute truth. Thus the strengthening of one's faith in God would lead one closer →

Excerpts of letters from affonso i history essay

In the other hand, in Kongo, the king was less formal, so little by little King Nzinga a Nkuwu started to get the attraction of the Christian religion. He also admitted that his highness was the King of Kongo and King of Portugal.

The study of chikungunya virus

During the years of 2005 and 2006, the Chikungunya virus has affected over a million people in the Indian Ocean islands including India. Entry is accomplished through receptor mediated endocytosis and the virus begins the uncoating process in the cytoplasm, which is also the site of mRNA transcription and genome replication.

Chinese tea culture

There is also the black tea of Yunnan and the black tea of Yixing. Wulong tea, sometimes written as oolong tea, is a variety between the green tea and the black tea.

Netball analysis of a performer above my standard essay sample

She has good awareness of the game, and due to her experience she is able to read different situations and adapt very quickly to the direction, height and pace of a pass. This often means jumping to receive the ball, and she never waits for the ball to come to her, and judges the timing →

Persons deprived of liberty essay

2010 National Summit Declaration on Persons Deprived of Liberty Manila, Philippines " Collaborative Partnership in Enhancing the Dignity of Persons Deprived of Liberty" The participants, representing the Executive Branch, the Legislature, the Judiciary, other public institutions, civil society organizations, faith-based organizations and other partners, AFFIRMING the State's constitutional obligation and adherence with international laws and →

Comprehensive agrarian reform law in the philippines

The unpopularity and total failure of the Marcos land reform plan paved the way for the initiation of the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program in the Spanish agricultural sector, during the Presidency of Aquino. Statement of Objectives One of the objectives of this research paper is to study the effect of CARP Law implementation to the →

Organizational culture compared

Organizational Culture Compared MANAGEMENT 5590 Organizational culture is an idea in the field of Organizational studies and management which describes the psychology, attitudes, experiences, beliefs and values of an organization. Schein describes the culture of an organization as consisting of three levels." At the fundamental level are the core beliefs and assumptions that members of →

The impact of the renaissance history essay

This period was responsible for the transformation between the medieval west and the modern western civilization, and in creating some of the greatest pieces of art that the world has ever witnessed. Back in the Middle Ages, the Church played a major role in the education of the people.

Henry ossawa tanner and henri de toulouse-lautrec: impression and inspiration

The perception of the world is the most emotional in childhood. As the African-American social uplift is one of the main components in this religion, the idea of cultural identity and racial equity became one of the main subjects for Tanner's works.

What is the purpose of government?

The government should not induce more gun control laws; in doing so the government would be infringing upon the second amendment, the right upon the freedom to own guns for self defence, and in-turn would actually cause moreviolencethrough illegal firearms and with no viable solutions present. The Second Amendment of the US Constitution reads, " →

Commercialization of holy days religion essay

This story, the birth of Jesus, was once the main reason families gather to watch the children do musicals, sit at the Christmas Eve and Christmas Day church services to reflect on the significance of Christ's birth, the joy of the Savior's entrance into the world. Christmas has gradually become a holiday to spend too →

The word perfume

Due to the fact that the original use of aromatic materials was of burning incense, as an offering to the gods. 2 The above example of chemical rearrangement is one of the many process is used in the formation of synthetic fragrances.

Gender and sitcom

To gain a basic understanding of the theory included in the representation of gender in the sitcom, this paper will mainly draw on the research of television theorist Bret Mills. Although William rebels against the stereotype of sitcoms, Wachman and Picard have demonstrated the straightforward and apparent characteristics of the sitcom genre and the codes →

Detailed description of technology engineering essay

Detailed description of technology The solar cell is the basic building block of Photovoltaic technology, They are manufactured from semiconductor material the majority consists of wafer based silicone. How it worksA photon of light which energy is proportional to the wavelength of light is channelled by the antireflective layer into the lower layers of the →

The unethical and corrupting side of reality television: negative impact of reality television on society

The last point ate the negative impacts of reality television on society and this occurs television affects not only its participants and viewers but also the society in general. According to Mast, the main unethical treatment of participants consists of the intrusion and humiliation of reality television members.

Community based correctional systems criminology essay

Center is that it offers opportunities to be more responsive to the needs of victims, offenders and the community at large. Clearly, one objective of community based correctional system such as the W.O.R.T.H.

Salt concentrations on germination of seeds

Seed Germination is the process in which the plant emerges from a seed or spore and begins growth. Tip of root first emerges and helps to anchor the seed in place.

Sinosteel strengthens business management with oracle apps flashcard

In FedEx instance.the concern procedure is the bundles screening in order to transport them to clients in many finishs inside and outside the U.S. The FedEx system displayed in the picture is an endeavor system because it permits the integrating of informations generated and held in FedEx system.and permits the integrating of the computing machine →

Historical practice of silence and solitude theology religion

After detecting the most outstanding work forces of the Bible and God himself practising silence and purdah it is logical to follow their illustration and to populate out these subjects. In the hereafter, I plan to exert the subject of purdah and silence on a regular basis.

Comparing rousseau and mill on liberty

However, in a state where people value their personal interests over the interests of the state, the will of all may differ significantly from the general will Rousseau's conception of freedom in The Social Contract is that people attain their freedom through a transformation from a state of nature to civil society. The threat, as →

Economics: strategy development: the strategy for the specific

Target return: Since the fundamental reason for any business to exist happens to be the monetary returns, a target should be set on the returns that can be expected from the event. This contingency plan though is difficult to communicate to the target audience- may also lead to a loss in image for the event →

How to improve the current marketing strategy of starbucks

According to the CIA World Factbook, people between the ages of 15-64 make up the largest percentage of the population, and therefore have the greatest influence on Starbucks to maximize profit. Starbucks is the leading retailer, roaster and brand of specialty coffee in the world,".

Designing toshinba

A cycle time is the total time it takes to move a computer from beginning to the end of the physical process. The goal of the case that presented a problem was to be able to produce 300 computers in a day with a 7.

We the st. louis college of pharmacy library,

This was the best part of the study. In the discussion sub-section of this article the authors go on to discuss, and adequately interpret their data.

The dominican republic essay sample

Like most nations of the world, the Dominican Republic has had its social challenges that stem from the dynamics of the day in spite of having risen from a generation of revolutions, the Dominican republic has had to extend with the impacts of war in the form of disabilities, orphans and destitution. THE IMPACT OF →

How global capitalism creates economic zones

The center/metropolitan/dominant are the developed, industrialized nations/states/countries in the Organization of Economic Co-operation and Development while the periphery/satellite/dependent are the third world countries with low per capital also refered to as the undeveloped or developing nations/states. Unfortunately, for them the allocation of these resources is determined by the industrialized/dominant states and their economic interest The →

How to get paid millions to drive your dream ‘supercar’

However, the reality is that you need amazing contacts, the ability to network like some of the best entrepreneurs in any business and of course a flair for being in front of the camera. Clever enough to leverage his position and relationship with manufacturers, giving away a new Fiat 500 for the launch of Lovecars.com, →

Uk higher education: a shift to the alternative providers

Private institutions such as London School of Management Education are riding with the wave of change to meet the demands of technological economy in the UK, Europe and the rest of the world. The enactment of Further and Higher Education act 1992 gave way to the Fair access and Widening Participation of the disadvantaged groups →

Bmw analysis: swot

Since BMW produces high end vehicles and motorcycles, it is important for the customers to view these aspects of the company. BMW started in 1916 as a small business and now it has grown to one of the most recognized car company's around the world.

Philippine history with backround of world war ii

Quezon in his inauguration as President of the Commonwealth of the Philippines during the American period. The Spanish-American War began in Cuba in 1898, and reached the Philippines after the United States fought Spain in the Battle of Manila Bay.