6 Pages Essay Samples

E-bay case study

Even so some of the company's most effective ways of getting user input do not rely on the Net and do not come free.eBay organises Voice of the Customer groups, which involve flying in a new group of about 10 sellers and buyers from around the country to its San Jose every few months to →

The human brain

Thus, I have brain stormed three questions about the brain: 1) is my definition of the brain correct If not, what is the actual definition of a brain 2) What are some interesting facts and myths about the brain 3) Is there a connection between the brain and sleep If so, what it is it →

Key concepts in the psychoanalytic theory psychology essay

The ego is the largely unconscious part of personality that mediates the demands of the id, the superego, and reality. The latency stage is considered to be the resting period or a period of tranquillity, " as latency stage occurs before the onset of puberty and is marked by the dormancy of the libido.

Analysis of kelly’s disagreement and higher order evidence theory

a) Abstract In his article " Peer Disagreement and Higher Order Evidence," Thomas Kelly offers his explanation of, and response to, the " normative significance of peer disagreement".[1]This involves the question of the epistemically responsible course of action when two individuals, with access to the same evidence supporting a given proposition, who feel that the →

The ideals of fdr

He would go out of his way to help the banks and would do anything to dig the US out of the pit that Hoover had dug and did nothing really to dig them out other than laying the foundation for FDR to bring America back from the brink of complete collapse. Using the foundation →

Real meaning of the word sex sociology essay

Most of the times, it is the force that empowers us to express and display strong, emotional feelings for another person and is a natural stimulus for human reproduction. Person-centred sex is to become closer to his or her partner as the person care about the relationship and the emotions of the partner.

Learning domain 3

Improve the overall quality of life in the communityIdentify the essential components of community policing, including: 1. It is a practice that involves problem solving, partnership and mobilization within the community to achieve objectives.

The eyes of the beholder essay sample

The depiction of Indigenous people and cultures influences audience perception in a mixture of extremes; Aboriginal people were either portrayed as victims of the white society, unable to pull themselves up, or as minorities who have made it successful, receiving status on a pedestal. Much of history has it that upon colonisation, Aboriginal people seemed →

The characteristics of effective tax systems

The third is convenience of Tax payment, that taxes should be collected at a time and in a manner that is convenient for the taxpayer; and the forth and the last characteristic is the economy in collection meaning that taxes should not be expensive to collect, and should not depress business. However, the second and →

Theories of demand for audit: an analysis

Audit, in itself, caters to the relationship of accountability; independent from other parts of the firm to provide a true and fair view of the financial reports of an organisation. Audit theories provide a framework for auditing, uncovers the laws that govern the audit process and the relationship between different parties of a firm, forming →


In doing this they will have additional money to pay for the ever increasing raw materials and they would also be able to put more money into research and development to figure out how to produce their products cheaper. Husky offers a variety of products in relation to the production of plastic and they sell →

The picture of dorian gray, by oscar wilde

Many professors believe he was the representation of the devil because he incited Dorian to commit sinful acts and then would go and have a cup of tea in the afternoon. The drastic change in Dorian is just one more surprise that this book has and everyone should give this novel a try.

Effect of economic reforms on growth and equity

Reforms in Republic of India have did not concentrate on the tip objectives of development, namely, reduction of financial condition and improvement within the quality of lifetime of bulk of the population. However, neglect of agriculture throughout the reform amount has resulted in Associate in Nursing erosion of the expansion base of the economy.throughout this →

Elements of consumer behaviour

It supplies hamburgers and chips to satisfy consumer's needs of food, which is the lowest order in the hierarchy of needs. According to the example of the McDonald's, a consumer's behaviour could be motivates by different level of needs which have a close relationship to each other.

Discourse on the origin of inequality – rousseau’s conception of private property essay

In the Discourse on the Origin of Inequality, Rousseau holds that the institution of private property has corrupted human nature and humanity, such that, man, whose incipient nature is pure and inclined to goodness and compassion, eventually degenerates to displaying traits of deceit, cunning and trickery. With these advances came the discovery of iron and →

The effect of poverty on health

Dismal living conditions, overcrowding in shelters and a lack of immunisation and screening programs all add to the risk and development of infection amongst the poor. In relation to housing and living conditions, the effects of poverty on health can be seen clearly.

Brandon greenberg

It is a sad testament to the daily life of some Americans who are stereotyped because of what they look like, as opposed to the content of their character. The Miami Herald story of May 26, 2012 states that: A review of the testimony of witnesses to the Feb.

Theories of government control of the internet

The Internet enables individuals to access a ' new realm of human activity'[1] and has affected the lives of billions of people. The European Commission has had to step in on a number of occasions were a merger of providers would be a breach of competition laws, due to the stake of the market each →

Case study on a patients neuropsychological assessment

Prior to injury, he had been living and working in Asia for the past 13 years, where his wife and child remain to date. Deficits in cognitive reasoning and control mirror reported daily planning difficulties and are characteristic of implicated damage to the dorsolateral-prefrontal-cortex, a region responsible for strategy development.

Health and safety in a childcare setting

This is whereby staff should know who is going to drop and pick children, also nursery main doors should always be locked, handles should be fitted where children cannot reach, and CCTV should be at the nursery always because of abuse. The other thing which need to be considered at nursery is food hygiene, in →

Report on compare and contrasts approaches to operations management at dell and tesco

This allows Dell to minimize R&D spending and improve the cost structure, a strategy that is rarely matched by competitors Dell's mission is to be the most successful computer company in the world at delivering the best customer experience in markets we serve. The impact on the industry of Dell's success is seen in the →

Battle of the sexes: gender roles in aeschylus’ “the eumenides”

In the third and final play of The Oresteia trilogy, The Eumenides, Apollo testifies for Orestes and the Furies testify for the late Clytemnestra in a trial that will decide whether or not Orestes is guilty. Therefore, it is her innate background as the child of a single male parent, Zeus, that leads her to →

Public administration-theoretical framework of f.w riggs essay

Riggs believed that the degree to which each component of a society differs from another in function is measurable, and that measures of functional differentiation can be used to locate the three societal types along a continuum. Monroe also considers the prismatic model a reflection of Western standards, and urges Riggs to study prismatic phenomena →

Frankenstein narrative

Due to all the tragedies in her life, Shelley almost committed suicide, and this is reflected in the book, giving a tragic and depressing side to the novel. It is also a warning to scientists and inventors of new technology today and back in the nineteenth century.

An understanding of the term ‘looking glass self’

Jette, writing in The Encyclopedic Dictionary of Sociology, says that the " looking-glass self" theory distinguishes three separate components that contribute to the development of self: the responses of others to the individual; the individual's perception of what these responses are, were, or might be; and the individual's patterned internalizing of these perceived responses so →

Social thought and social change

Over a long period, scholars have sought to find out the nature of the societies and the changes that occur in these societies, and they have concluded that a lot of theories exist to explain these changes. Enlightenment brings a lot of ideas to the society, and people in the society are put in a →

Introduction educative on issues of drug abuse.

The five category of music lyrics includes music by; Ben Harper, in the album Radiohead " The drugs do not work", Bare-naked Ladies, in the album Everything to Everyone " war on drugs", Lily Allen, in the album Everyone's at It " Everyone's at it" and finally the lyrics by Alice in Chains, Album Dirt →

Veganism: a movement headed by millennials

In recent times, the reason for transitioning to a veganism diet has shifted from the well-being of animals to the health benefits for humans and the environment. In it For the Health Benefits: According to Marsh, the author of The Rise of Vegan Teenagers claimed that " Veganism is on the rise.

My reaction to the sociological imagination chapter one assignment

The second point he conveys, Is the Idea that Individuals can only violin their fate In accordance to the mowing of their place In the hierarchy of one's surroundings. The final idea that I would like to acknowledge is the idea of social troubles and issues.

“the power awakens, and evolves, in new

The development of " The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild" in the past three years was a long and strenuous process, but it worked out fantastically in the end. According to Matt Peckham, he said that this DLC would include a " new story" that adds on to the story of the original →

Compare/contrast douglass and jacobs essay sample

In the following short essay, we look closely at the perspective of the female slave, Harriet Jacobs in " Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl", and respectfully compared to that of a man slave, Frederick Douglass in " The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass". As a matter of fact, at the →

Information technologies essay sample

In short, information technologies and the Internet specifically, have become powerful agents for change and the exciting part is the development and continued evolution of this amazing technology has occurred in our lifetime. People now talk about the Internet and computers in terms of a ' communication and information technology'.

An analysis of the role of the narrator in the great gatsby

The use of a narrator who is also one of the characters in a novel often limits the access to the other characters, but by giving Nick the personal qualities mentioned above, Fitzgerald is to some extent able to by-pass this obstacle. Nick's virtue of refraining from premature judgement and alliance allows us to take →

The effects of gibberellic acid

The experiment was placed on top of a wick, while the wick is leading the underneath to keep the plants moisturized. The purpose of this experiment was to make a comparison of the effects of the GA3 and Cycocel on brassica plants.

Motor subunit of ecor124i and ecoa1 functions

Function of motor subunit of EcoR124I and EcoA1 restriction-modification systems Introduction Effects of the Type I restriction-modification systems were described in the early 1950s, constituting the ability of certain bacterial strains to restrict or enlarge the host range of viruses after only one growth cycle. Strains and plasmids The test is performed in E.coli stain →

Gender gap between the treatment of men and women in a society

Hudson Valerie in her book " Sex and World Peace" argued that the gap between men and women was the factor that had resulted to insecurity and increased violence in the world. Justification of the Belief in the Close Connection between the Treatment of Women and International Security Many scholars in the past have associated →

Assignment 2

This is a compression of nerves and blood vessel in between the collarbone and the initial rib and the muscles found there as the exit the chest cavity entering the shoulder. Treatment It is recommended that, for such disorders, one should rest enough, and the make a change in the work practices to reduce injuries.

Monotheism vs. polytheism

Monotheism is the belief in one god and polytheism is the belief in more one than one god. Should she pray to the goddess of lust and passion, to the god that is all-knowing or to the god of family and relationship?

Macbeth quotes essay

Scene 1 In this soliloquy Macbeth says that that the murder as good as done and that the ringing of the bell is his cue to commence Duncan's assassination. Scene 1 In these lines Lady Macbeth is hallucinating the smell and sight of blood on her hands that she tries to wash off.

Social studies sba

Reasons for Selecting Area of Research The reasons for selecting this area of research is because the prevalence of child labour among schools in the researcher's village is high; the researcher would also like to study the factors related to child labour, like the reasons for children working, problems faced by the children, work place →

Soft drugs

Soft drugs should not be legal Drugs have been a problem for the society for a long time and it is still a going subject. One is to legalise and regulate the supply, and the other is to leave it in the hands of criminals.

Linguistics and children

Linguistic competence refers to the knowledge of the language system which will enable the speaker to distinguish the utterances that are grammatical in the language from those that are not. With regards to ' imitation' the role of the caregiver much research has been done in this area whereby the emphasis is on a pair →

Bill of rights: four freedoms essay sample

The first amendment of the Bill of Rights to the constitution guarantees four freedoms: freedom of religion, speech, press and assembly. The First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States gives every individual the same rights.

Can art change the way we view the world

In the book The Mind in the Cave: Consciousness and the Origins of Art by David Lewis-Williams, the author describes these items stating " many of these pieces bear images of animal, fish, birds and, less commonly, what appear to be human figures as well as complex arrangements of parallel lines, chevrons and notches. The →

Exploring the relationship between mental illness and crime psychology essay

The idea that there is a relationship between mental illness and crime has been prevalent since the early 19th Century, and this essay will attempt to explore this relationship in general, and specifically home in on the relationship between schizophrenia and violent crime, presenting arguments for and against there being a correlation. It can be →

Examining hacking and cyber ethics philosophy essay

The entity who tries the act of hacking is the hacker. Utilitarianism: an action is morally right if the consequences of that action are more favorable than unfavorable to everyone".

The dark vessel: laye’s use of his protagonist-narrator to connect to western audiences

Laye's subtle, indirect references to colonization and the sometimes troubling amalgamation of the Western and West African civilizations speaks to the non-African audience both as a mockery and as an educational tool, while his poignant remembered thoughts and emotions relate to all his readers on a more human level. Laye assumes the narrow-mindedness of his →

Protectionism in india, china and brazil

This new protectionism now represents the greatest threat to the fairly liberal world trading system that has been so painstakingly put together over the past half a century and which has served the world so well since the end of the Second World War Because no one country have all the sources what are the →

The power struggle

Trotsky represented the left wing of the party and believed in the rejection of the New Economic Party, being committed to immediate industrialisation and permanent revolution which was completely different to Bukharin who was on the right wing of the party. Lenin was known as the ' favourite of the whole Party' and was ' →

Microsoft group case analysis

The degradation in perceptions of Microsoft's Image has at Its roots the fact that the company had gradually taken to over-bureaucratically, symptoms of which are revealed In Its slow Internal approval processes through numerous meetings, memos and relative inaction, all resulting in the company's slowness to market when it came to new products. Microsoft's leadership →

Mental process paper assignment

In contrast seeing the situation clearly and knowing exactly what to do can go against the process of rearranging the old into the new. Innovative Innovation is the making of the new or the rearranging of the old in a new.

Zeus: the man, the myth, the legend

Zeus took control of the sky when the Olympian gods inherited control over the world while his brother's Hades and Poseidon were given control over the underworld and the Oceans, respectively. One of the most notable tales of this is that of Zeus and Ganymede.

Continuing personal and professional dev education essay

The decision is that non merely are two scholars ne'er rather the same in their acquisition manners but besides that the mix of pupils affects their ability to hold on the constructs of the capable affair and thereby accomplish the coveted acquisition results. Through the usage of CPPD I have identified my demand for farther →

Case study on principles, application and tools

The profit of an action Is defined as the largest dollar amount the person would be willing to pay In order to take the action. Microeconomics Is the preparation of Individual picks and of group behavior In Individual markets, whereas macroeconomics Is the training of the performance of national economies and of the polices that →

Alternative beverage industry essay

Red Bull was the world's number one seller of energy drinks which made it the third-largest producer of alternative beverages worldwide and the number two seller of alternative beverages in the U.S.and Europe. There are hundreds of regional and specialty brands of energy drinks, sports drinks, and enhanced beverages in the U.S.and internationally.

The according to nixon’s announcement in 1971 (history

Adding to that, Colombia's drug war influencedthe United States to be involved with the drug war since the United States hasa strong military system, the host for the 1994 World Cup, and declare a war ondrugs as America's enemy according to Nixon's announcement in 1971. However, for the con common good perspective, the United States →

Cicero and augustine and concepts of just war politics essay

As such, this essay will examine the concepts of just war and warfare in the works of Cicero and Augustine with a view to arguing that firstly, although both could be deemed pacifists who were basically concerned with the morality of war, Augustine's theory of just war was more developed than Cicero's. Given the political →

Television has adverse effect on children and should be restricted

On the other hand, some argue that the use of mobile phones in schools and other learning institutions should be allowed because they aid students in accessing some of the vital academic contents from the Internet in the absence of computers. In order to avoid such cases, it is prudent that the possession and subsequent →

How do i plan an oral presentation

Researching, planning and structuring an oral presentation is similar to the process of writing an essay, except you use spoken language instead of written language and you need to be mindful of a live audience. A good introduction should include: Your name The subject of your talk A brief background to the subject A statement →

My perspectives on human sexuality

As more of the fact became known to me and that I was not the responsible party I looked for a way to confront my Sexuality attackers. Due to the experiences that were placed in my life at such a young age I have been made to look at life with a different type of →

Teenagers and use of contraceptives

According to the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy one-third of girls in the US get pregnant at least once by the age of 20 and most of the pregnancies are unplanned. Teen pregnancies have been increasing due to the fact that teens are not using contraceptives to prevent any pregnancies and society →

Khaled been ‘healed at last’ and begins

Hosseini and Stedman use different literary techniques such as narrative structure, characterization of the central protagonists and the exploration of similar themes to convey the progression of guilt to redemption, ultimately reinforcing the notion that one can never escape the consequences of their past, but can pursue a degree of absolution. Both Stedman and Hosseini →

Individual assignment sarbanes oxley act essay sample

It is also known as the " Public Company Accounting Reform and Investor Protection Act" and " and ' Corporate and Auditing Accountability and Responsibility Act". It includes the study and report regarding the consolidation of public accounting firm which requires identifying the factors that have led to the consolidation of public accounting firm, the →

Social networking argument assignment

Despite the major concern of the validity of the information on social networking sites, social networking helps students communicate to each other and, more importantly, to their instructors.Ms. Jacobs says that current students will forever have access to social networking sites and devices, and the current teachers' position allows them to make a difference in →

Analysis of the texas plural executive essay sample

Today's plural executive, particularly in Texas, sees the cutting off of some of the powers from the hands of the governor and instead distributing it among members of the plural executive, namely the office of the Secretary of State, the Lieutenant Governor's office, the office of the Attorney General, the office of the Comptroller of →

Assessment and planning with young people

We need to employ a mixture of assessment to gain a wide picture of the needs of the child and it needs to be holistic taking into account the five main factors of development in a child so we need to use methods that are able to gain information that can relate to their physical, →

How does social class affect life chances?

LIFE CHANCES SOCIAL CLASS CONTINUES TO HAVE A SIGNIFICANT IMPACT ON LIFE CHANCES OF INDIVIDUALS IN THE CONTEMPORARY UK. In a modern society social class and life chances depend largely on economic differences between groups, such as wealth and income, possession of goods, and a person's position in society.

Term paper on why it should be legal to sell your body organs

It is time to change this policy not only for the benefit of organ and tissue recipients but for organ and tissue donors. This is not exactly a popular option for organ donation as one has to undergo the irreversible process of death in order to achieve health and happiness for others.

The enron scandal accounting

This paper will discuss the history of the company, the actual crisis inside of Enron, and an analysis of how the company responded to the scandal. Kenneth Lay was the former Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer for Enron and went to trial for the part he played in the scandal in January →

Ethics and compliance team paper

About 50 years ago Wal-Mart started out as a discount store and has grown into the world's largest retailer." The CEO and all Senior Financial Officers are responsible for full, accurate, fair, timely, and understandable disclosure in the periodic reports required to be filed by the Company with the Securities and Exchange Commission". In another →

The evolution of cancer research

The question now might be why it is so hard to cure and the general answer is that there is more than a 100types of cancer and it would be so complicated to find something that would help all of them without minding where they are located in the human body. Now in the 21st →

Effectiveness of six sigma essay sample

Though, it is more of a procedure of improving product and service quality, the company's management is the key factor for Six Sigma to be effective in a company. Of all the people in a company, the management team is the one that is most knowledgeable of how the entire business works.

The mythic archetype of don juan in the country wife and the rover

In his article " Wycherley's The Country Wife and the Don Juan Character," Anthony Kaufman defines the myth of Don Juan as being " transcultural" and taking " many forms," alternately portrayed as a " vulgar seducer...a seeker after a full, ideal lover...the embodiment of masculinity". But because of Willmore's philandering and aggressively sexual nature →

The role of tourism in our modern world

Furthermore will it focus on the history and the current practice in the railway industry. In the early part of the century, the invention of the railway had a great impact on travelling.

Perfume: the story of a murderer | analysis

Although the sad fate of his mother, Grimal and Baldini are not directly immediate, it is clear that Grenouille leaves a path of destruction behind him, as he continues his pursuit. In the city of Grasse, Grenouille uses the people's reliance in religion to his advantage.

Adult education and lifelong learning

From this origin developed the tradition of pedagogy, which later spread to the secular schools of Europe and America and became and remains the dominant form of instruction. The growth and development of andragogy as an alternative model of instruction has helped to remedy this situation and improve the teaching of adults.

Red riding hood’s sexual liberation

Without her grandmother, there is no one to force her to conform to the rules of their society but even in the death of her grandmother, the rattling of her bones is meant to act as a warning against the wolf. The shawl is the first thing she burns because it is the antithesis of →

Sta travel

With the rise of the Internet era, SAT Travel had to reconsider their information system and have more responsibility closer to the action. Second Life gives the business the ability to host events and SAT Travel could use that as an opportunity to discuss a deal or to get users involved in what they are →

The insurgency in jammu and kashmir history essay

Insurgency in Kashmir has been present in various forms, in both, the Indian administrated territory of the Jammu and Kashmir and Pakistan-administered Kashmir. Nevertheless, the no.of insurgency-related deaths in the Jammu and Kashmir have fallen penetratingly since because of the begin of a slow-moving peace progression between India & Pakistan.

Most 4). the children in their marriage

Traditionally, a family was made up of a trio, that is, the father, the mother and children, both were to be biologically attached to each other, for instance, the children were to be belonging to both the father and the mother. The dignity of the family has been eroded and corrupted, it has been put →

Saturday night at the birthday party

Matthew demonstrated " stranger wariness; by the end of the first year the child becomes wary in the presence of an unfamiliar adult." He ran to his mother and father and hid his face in his mother's lap when someone approached him to try to engage him in a dance. He demonstrated a wide range →

How effectively russell portrays the change in rita

Ironically Rita shares the same view of Frank Although she is adapting through Frank's guidance, Rita's reactions to the literature are primarily sentimental although Frank tries to embrace that". The audience is aware of this through Frank as he tries to show Rita what she has is just as important, this forms the foundation of →

“a triple pillar of the world or a strumpet’s fool?” – impressions of antony essay sample

However, it is hard to determine whether Antony is the " strumpet's fool" he appears to be when he is with Cleopatra, or the " triple pillar of the world" he should be. Also, despite the fact that Antony is in Egypt, Octavius still keeps him informed of events in Rome by sending messengers, which →

Bmw: marketing process analysis

Marketing is a process for defining markets, assessing quantitatively the need of the consumer segments within the markets, allocating value propositions to cater to the needs, conveying the value propositions within the responsible zones of the organisations in relation to the output, communicating with respect to the delivery of the value propositions, and finally monitoring →

Gandhiji’s movement to remove their disabilities. gandhiji’s campaign

He appealed to the conscience of the people to realise the historical necessity of accommodating the " Harijans" by providing them a rightful place in the society. He believed that a change of heart on the part of the Hindus was essential to enable the social and cultural assimilation of Harijans.

How has the environment favored the development of nokia? essay sample

We use the PESTEL factors to assist us in identifying and arranging the environmental influences on Nokia's evolution & development. Nokia has a history of reading the market well.

Extreme programming (xp) essay

Agile undertakings are similar to traditional undertakings." You still must specify and originate the undertaking.program for the undertaking.put to death the program.and proctor and command the results". XP is a aggregation of values.rules and patterns designed to quickly make highquality package that provides the maximal value for the client every bit rapidly as possible.

Renaissance humanism – paper assignment

In the Oration of the Dignity of Man, Miranda states, " of what may e the condition in the hierarchy of beings assigned to him, which draws upon him the envy, not of the brutes alone, but of the astral beings and of the very intelligences which dwell beyond the confines of the world. As →

Name: john kindley

Name: John Kindley Class: GH AP Y Date: November 3rd, 2012 Chapter 12, Peoples and Civilizations of the Americas, 200 - 1500 Pages 306 - 331 Classic-Era Culture and Society in Mesoamerica, 200 - 900: * Remarkable civilization created * Different language + politics, but unified by material culture, religious beliefs + practices, and social →

Perspectives of human growth and development

Freud's work was very extensive and some of the topics of his theories are the human psyche, sexual desire and the unconscious mind. The two theories that were chosen were Erik Erikson's 'Eight stages of human development' and Abraham Maslow's 'Humanistic theory of self-actualisation'.

Money and happiness: a philosophical view through works of literature

She was a great success and became the lady of the evening in her fancy dress and necklace, but there was a price she had to pay. It took years of hard work for Mathilde and her husband to finally be able to repay the debts: " She came to know what heavy housework meant →

Class food business (fine dine and fast

You are obsessed withcustomer experience and understand the importance of a 24/7 operations. You have the ability to thrive in an ambiguous environment, and when given a deadline you know how to motivate yourself, your managers, and associates and meet it.

Services marketing case study assignment

The internal marketing in Jet Blue helped the airlines to keep its employees motivated and they were actually seen defending the airlines during the time of the crisis. Interactive Marketing: Jet blue's CEO used to frequently travel in the airlines and used to connect with the customers to take the feedback on the services provided →

Types of story leads

The main functions of the lead, aside from introducing the news story, are to tell the story in capsule form and to answer right away the questions the reader would naturally ask. The lead is the beginning, the most important structural element of a story.

Introduction in a person is best exhibited through

Incidentally this is the concept from which the science of psychology is based which is best exemplified by the theory of behaviorism: The purpose of this paper is to analyze the concepts of self ideology as advanced by Hume and their relevance in context of other theories on the same subject of self. The combination →