6 Pages Essay Samples

Exploring tragedy between the eras

The play follows the descending journey of Oedipus, King of Thebes, as he relentlessly pursues the identity of the late King Laius' murderer, ignorant to the fact that he had slain his father before ascending to the throne. Heyen, William." Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman and the American Dream".

Correcting error reporting systems

When a new human resource consultant was hired to investigate the problem in the case scenario, the work ethic the clinical staff was forced to adopt as a result of the punitive reporting system was discovered and corrected. The incident reporting system should not seek to be punitive in nature but identify and correct the →

Natural laws of development essay

In this sense, the children's normal activity is attached to reality in the present moment, rather than idle play through such means as toys and fantasy.[36][37 Practical life materials and exercises respond to the young child's natural interests to develop physical coordination, care of self and care of the environment. Based on the fact that →

How food habits are affected by culture

A signature Taiwanese Cuisine consists of a mixture of dried tofu, string beans, blood rice cake, and fish balls, is a good representation of the influence that the Japanese Culture has over the Taiwanese. Another example of religious factor influences our food habits and culture is the beliefs of Muslim have on its followers.

Fiscal policy as an economic stabilization measure

A Contractionary Fiscal Policy in this case, the government's expenditure falls causing a reduction in the income generating capacity in the economy on account of the operation of the reverse multiplier. The Keynesian case and the Crowding out: In Fig 5A, the increase in government spending causes the shifting of the IS curve from IS0 →

Nucular war

In these bombs the source of energy is the fusion process, in which nuclei of the isotopes of hydrogen combine to form a heavier helium nucleus. The outer part of the sphere consists of a layer of closely fitted and specially shaped devices, called lenses, consisting of high explosive and designed to concentrate the blast →

Athletes heroes engaging in violence, the message to

She says, It is not the sport themselves, but the culture of the sports in whichmale athlete and coaches talk about women with contempt. Jackson Katz of the Center for the Study of Sports in Society states," Athletes believe they are entitled to have women serve their needs.

Reasons for choosing the companies finance essay

The client's risk will be discussed in detail since it is important that the investor is comfortable with the selected asset classes and individual holdings within the portfolio. The portfolio aims at minimising the risk of loss of principal value as a result of fluctuations in the interest rate and to ensure that the client →

Tvc campaign for amul milk: study to determine tvc recall

83 % were able to tell that the TVC is of Amul Milk.5. Only 34 % of people were able to recall the two variants of Amul milk shown in this TVC 4.

Business plan for foo splash

Introduction Objectives of the Study The objective of the study is to develop a feasible and complete Business plan for " Foo Splash Gum". The market situation is analyzed in Part One, which consists of the industry analysis, company analysis and the evaluation of the market.

Global financing and exchange rate assignment

A hard currency is expected to remain relatively stable through a short period of time, and to be highly liquid in the forex market. A floating currency is " A currency whose value is set by the currency markets; money whose exchange rate relative to other currencies is determined mainly or entirely by unrestricted trading →

Nutrition for young athletes

This literature review includes several professionals and experienced groups' opinions and highlights the ways to tackle the issue of nutritional deficiencies and the many pressures young athletes face. For those who are looking for solutions to a proper diet for young athletes, busy lifestyles, pre and post activity meals and emotional pressures dietitians and doctors →

The function of the sales department in sony

The function of the Sales Department in Sony is to sell to the customers. The factors effecting organisational structure are the number of employees, the type of premises used and the type of business.

Public sector organisational effectiveness research

Two questions invariably arise in discussions with practitioners and policy-makers about ' Public Value': The first is what is ' Public Value' and is it possible to have a single ' public value' in a world of conflicting public values and institutionalised competition between values systems? The rise in the standard of living and the →

Addc a recreated virtual environment and it

Since the goal of VRET isto control the negative symptoms that come with PTSD and increase the stressresilience of the client, the therapy will only be successful if the client iswilling and ready to face those fears. As the preferred alternative to flooding, this approach attempts to stimulatearousal at a level that the client can →

Neurology and autism speaks assignment

Some children with Autism have a hard time with lights, sounds, and textures; this is due to it being sensory overload. By the end of my speech, I want my audience to understand that autism creates a switch in the brain to flip off unlike mine and with this switch being off it creates issues →

Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency

Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency is a genetic disorder that affects the lining of the lungs, making the body more susceptible to inhaled irritants and infections. The bronchi provide a passage for the air to move in and out of the lungs.

Is technology irreparably damaging the lives of youths?

The image of pride and self-esteem flowing into this underprivileged youth depicts the way in which communication through the Internet has allowed her to break through the isolation of her small neighborhood and be introduced to people of different cultures and ethnic backgrounds. The Internet has reduced the barrier of entry to information consumption in →

Ford pinto ethicsassignment assignment

Ford was ethically responsible either to inform consumers of the probable harm or stop production when they knew of the apparent danger to buyers and take the necessary actions to eradicate them by redesigning the gas tank. Ford continued the production on the Pinto with the unsafe gas tank design, knowing the risk of harm →

A business analysis of sony ericsson

The employees in Sony Ericsson have an opportunity to grow and it is a challenge to work for the company. The employees in Sony Ericsson have an opportunity to grow and it is a challenge to work for the company.

The origins of opera

Opera was born in Italy around the year 1600 and Italian opera has continued to play a dominant role in the history of the form until the present day. The Arcadian poets introduced many changes to serious music drama in Italian, including: the simplification of the plot the removal of comic elements the reduction of →

The early 1830s to the mid 1850s. the

The Whig Party was one of the political parties in the U.S.that was formed during the Jacksonian period of democracy that was from the early 1830s to the mid 1850s. The party also focused on political ideologies that were centered on modernization and economic protectionism The Whigs, who were modernizers and supporters of President →

Homosexuality is not a mental illness

The people who argue that homosexuality is normal argue that any reference to homosexuality in the in a list of mental disorder. Homosexuality is precisely a kind of sexual behavior and with other forms of sexual behaviors which are not a mental disorder and are not listed.

Terrorism is violence problem criminology essay

Other steps for checking terrorism take the use of the police or the army on a large scale can be discussed in newspapers, on the radio and TV and in the elected assemblies. It is unpersuasive to make the deliberate targeting of civilians a defining feature of terrorism, and states as well as non-state groups →

Winston smith and the protagonist perspective: a discussion of doublethink in dystopia essay sample

The underlying theme throughout the text is the effect of Big Brother, from the loss of past language replaced by Newspeak and the absence of any documented history to give current life in Oceania a perspective to the people. Here he disposes of any written material of the past and present or manipulates the news →

Environmental problem of overuse of plastic packaging environmental sciences essay

More than a third of plastic is use for producing packaging, which is short-lived or even single use Unsustainable and over use of plastic and plastic packaging of product will post enormous negative impacts on environment, including pollutions in waste disposal and manufacturing. 1 Environmental knowledge is the understanding of environment basically and the environmental →

Analysis of foucault’s views on power and subjectivity

In ' The Subject and Power' Foucault states that power relationships must have ' the other' or the follower, the person the power is being exercised on, this person must acknowledge and maintain this position in order for a power relationship to be evident. Foucault in ' The Subject and Power' discusses a new economy →

Analysis of the significance of mikhail gorbachev politics essay

The leader responsible for bringing about the fall of the " iron curtain" and for helping to bring an end to communism in the Soviet Union was Mikhail Gorbachev. Gorbachev's policies helped bring an end to the Cold War, led to the destruction of the wall separating East and West Berlin, encouraged the rise of →

Quantum cryptography essay sample

So if a photon with a vertical spin is measured through a diagonal filter, either the photon will not pass through the filter or the filter will affect the photon's behaviour, causing it to take a diagonal spin. To A and B, this is a meaningless string of photons.

Basic paramedic practice ( patient approach and call completion)

Patient Approach When approaching the patient, it is of the utmost importance to ensure the biological safety of both the patient and yourself; it has been termed as Scene Safety. To evaluate the critical signs and symptoms of the patient because as a paramedic, I should know how to assess the condition of my patient →

Samsung seca: redefining a brand essay

Despite efforts to redefine the Samsung brand which included aggressive promotional spending and launching of a number of high-end, " marquee" products, the old brand perception of the Samsung brand is still there. Increase the price of Samsung products to align to the repositioning of the new brand.

Two explanations of depression

An example of this is with the loss of a loved one, their anger is directed inwardly at the loss of their loved one, regressing back to the Oral stage. There is also support for the idea that the loss of a parent to death ordivorcecan be linked to later depression.

Compare and contrast the attitudes of john donne and robert browning towards love in the apparition and porphyria’s lover essay sample

Donne, in The Apparition is writing in both the present and the future tenses, as the apparition himself, the narrator, is a posthumous self. The twisting of the sonnet structure mirrors the quality of the love shown in the poem: just as Donne's " love is spent" and the tone is of hatred so the →

Cesar chavez essay

One of the greatest civil rights activists of our time; one who believed the ways of Gandhi and Martin Luther King that " violence can only hurt us and our cause"; a quiet, devoted, small catholic man who had nothing just like those he help fight for; " one of America's most influential labor leaders →

Chapter something wrong when people throw them

But the worst part is if that shelter is full and another animal comes in they have to take one out but they do not just throw it out onto the streets again they are forced to kill it. And i feel like that's not right because animals do not deserve to be killed or →

Impact of community engagement on urban planning: case study

The location of Iskandar Malaysia is perfect as South Johor has always been a strategic and important area in the history and development of Malaysia and its surroundings. This essay will first look into the definition of community engagement in urban planning and subsequently it will examines the effectiveness of community engagement regarding the approaches →

Ford pinto case

In addition, The Department of Transportation announced in the first quarter of 2010 that, " driving was the root cause of over 37, 000 fatalities in 2009". To correct the problem, Ford should have spent the 20 to 30 dollars per car to reinforce the gas tank, but instead Ford elected to risk the lives →

Comprehensive economics excersises flashcard

3 points Question 9 Chapter 14 a) Combine the graph showing the interest parity condition and one showing money demand and supply to demonstrate simultaneous equilibrium in the money market and the foreign exchange market.) How would an increase in the U.S.money supply affect the Dollar/Euro exchange rate and the U.S.interest rate? Answer Question 9 →

Toys r us is a leading multinational retail marketing essay

The franchises stores conformed to similar designs to those of Toys " R" Us stores in the US. At this point of time, the International Division Structure would be appropriate for Toys " R" Us, with the divisions classified as Toys " R" Us USA, Kids " R" Us, Babies " R" Us, Toysrus.com, and →

Court cases

By this, Blackman directed judges to evaluate the reliability of the evidence in terms of the validity of the scientific methodology used, and not on general acceptance of the conclusions. This was the case in Carmichael v Kumbo Tire Co.as the expert testimony of the tire expert was not allowed.

Trader joe’s

Buyer's power for Trader Joe's is moderately high because of the large number of customers who have control over the price and quality of the products. The popularity of social media is a perfect opportunity for Trader Joe's because it allows them to become more active at minimal cost.

Normal flora and their benefits

They are likewise set up in the respiratory tract, particularly the nose, the Digestive tract, i.e, in the oral cavity and the terminal ileum and also in the Urinary tract. New York: Wiley.2002.

Classical theory, bureaucracy and contingency theories explained essay sample

During the height of the scientific theory, theorists would use almost mechanical methods towards labour and organization to achieve goals of productivity and efficiency. Too much importance is given to the technical qualifications of the employees for promotion and transfers.

Body language

We rarely think about how to behave in an interview.b People going for interviews are generally given useful advice.c You could learn to 'sell' your image by using suitable body language.d Employers take more notice of body language than prepared interview language.e Practise your interview technique by watching others in action.f Learn to smile throughout →

Nursing reflection essay – skills assessment

In this essay, I aim to give a brief description of the skills assessment that I underwent, the thoughts and feelings it provoked, the evaluation and analysis of it, conclusion and lastly my action plan. On the whole, the skills assessment was a memorable experience for me as I felt that I had carried out →

War and womanhood in rudyard kipling’s mary postgate (1915)

The first of these interpretations relies on Mary's role as a ' mother' to Wynn; that is, the extract sets up a reading where Mary's later neglecting to help the airman is an act of revenge from a grieving mother. A final interpretation of the extract suggests that Kipling's description of the German soldier is →

The evolution of breaking the glass ceiling

The Evolution of Breaking the Glass Ceiling With the uprising of the Voice of Women, a voluntary nonpartisan organization created in 1960, the second wave of feminism took a turn and people began questioning the traditional roles in which females were expected to take on. As well as in 1978 it became illegal for women →

Causes and effects of the credit crunch

The words credit crunch have been all over the financial headlines in the UK, including the effects that has hit the financial markets both in the UK and in other parts of the world have been reflected in a number of ways, affecting both financial institutions and consumers. The credit crunch is also known as →

India’s caste system assignment

The cast system of India had three stages; the early caste system, changes in the caste system, and today's caste system. The British in a way also presented the start of a solution to the inequality of the caste system; Under British rule, the untouchables and low caste Indians experienced an improvement of their social →

3ds max essay

To make the wings for the fan, draw a closed line shape in the top view, on the side of the fan core, as a wing would be.{draw: frame} Figure 10-13 Apply extrude modifier on the wing shape to give it thickness. Apply the material to the walls by clicking on the sample slot and →

Neanderthal vs modern man essay

Neanderthals and modern humans have numerous amounts of similarities and differences, and based on these facts, scientists are trying to come up with a final conclusion on what the actual species of the Neanderthal may be. The forehead of a modern man is high-domed, and the jaw is smaller than a Neanderthal's.

Planning and enabling learning.

Minton suggests that students need to know what they are setting out to learn and what you are planning to teach, and these should be the same. Clearly defined goals have numerous benefits including the more willing students are to engage in learning activities and contribute to the group, the greater the learning that takes →

Written boy’ fifty cents during his borrowing escapades.

When the narrator realizes the trouble his brother is in, he feels guilty and fears for his life and future. As the story unfolds, alienation also unfolds at the same rate; the narrator sees all his students as drug addicts as if he were better than them oblivious of the fact that if one is →

Tattoos and body piercing, what are the facts?

The first question to ask when considering self adornment is, " What is a tattoo or body piercing? " A tattoo and body piercing are forms of skin adornments. The after care for a tattoo or body piercing is necessary to avoid any of the earlier mentioned consequences.

A personal performance manifesto based on the 21st century

This is only an eye opener to the stakeholders in the performance industry so that they can pull up their socks and live to the standards of the changing world. As a matter of fact contemporary performance can be said to be among the very many sectors which have struggled to stay in level with →

How economic growth shaped dubai as a city

This was due to the purpose to order the spice trade; a critical trade good during the clip due to its usage in the saving of nutrient. The Portuguese were the first to colonize the gulf, with the British subsequently emerging as a strong influence within the Gulf part for strategic grounds.

How did the nazis use propaganda during the holocaust? essay sample

The third thing it was used for was to make sure that the people in Germany who had supported the Nazis during the elections had made a completely correct choice and that their party was strong and their leadership was too. The fourth and final thing it was used for was to show those who →

Epekto ng bawal na gamot essay sample

Eight Steps of the Perceptual Process Sender * The first step in the process involves the sender of a message thinking of an idea that he wants to communicate. The recipient of the message could give feedback by grabbing the salt and passing it to you.

Pressures to be thin essay

Models are not to blame for this behaviour, it is the designers who are responsible. Models are not the only ones who need to change, it is society's views of perfection and weight.

Examination of the virgin group

The type of management highlighted in the Virgin Group's rationale is heavily reliant on detailed analysis and research of any new venture that the group considers. It is also interested in the current satisfaction of customers within that market and the ability of Virgin to provide something of added value to the customers.

After the bomb – a study into the mindset of the cold war era

This is expressed through the characterisation of the Circus setting as a foil to the glamorised federal construct, wherein the bureaucratic, utilitarian and often dehumanising nature of the institution, particularly in the portrayal of Leamas as an " ends and means" in the court scene, contrasts to the public's sense of Western individualism as a →

The early purges by seamus heaney

In the poem ' The Early Purges' by Seamus Heaney, the literal meaning of it is the poet is tracing his history to his attitude towards killing the animals on the farm: from the past as a child, to now as an adult. On the second level, the idea is about how we lose innocence →

Therapeutic and nutritional values of fruits from nanded

THERAPEUTIC AND NUTRITIONAL VALUES OF WIDELY GROWN UNCOMMON FRUITS FROM NANDED REGION-A REVIEW Sonwane PP, Gond NY ABSTRACT: The use of immunostimulants as an alternative to the drugs, chemicals and antibiotics currently being used to control diseases man many have focused on the use of widely grown uncommon fruits and medicinal plant as potential therapeutic →

Giovanni boccaccio’s decameron essay sample

The framework for the Decameron is provided by the plague itself: Eager to escape the contagion, seven young women and three young men retreat to a villa in the suburbs of Florence, where, to pass the time, each tells a story on each of ten days. Boccaccio's story of the patient and submissive wife is →

There is a gradual sharing of gender roles within the family essay sample

Functionalist argue that the traditional view of family in Britain was that of the Nuclear family, this was one in which married women were seen as housewives, they performed the domestic tasks and cared for their children. Young and Willmott accepted the view of the nuclear family and announced the arrival of the symmetrical family.

Solar water heating system & jnnsm in india

In the second phase, after taking into account the experience of the initial years, capacity will be aggressively ramped up to create conditions for up scaled and competitive solar energy penetration in the country. However, in order to enable the borrowers to access the benefit of the capital subsidy, the loan repayment period would have →

Mcdonalds mission and vision marketing essay

According to McDonald's official website, it stated that McDonald's brand mission is to be our customers' favorite place and way to eat. 7 million for the dead rat in her salad and response of McDonald's to the incident.

Human resource management assignment

Sexual harassment: The employees should be educated about the acts that amount to sexual harassment and the kind of punishment each attracts. In order to remedy sexual harassment an employer should have appropriate procedures for swiftly dealing with complaints once they are made.) Prevention of all types' discrimination in the organization by the management; as →

Engineering ethics of titanic sinking assignment

The Titanic was a British ship originally conceived In 1907 to be a mail and passenger line to go from England to New York by the Harlan and Wolff Irish Shipbuilding Company and The White Star Line to compete with the Louisiana and Mauritania which were the two biggest and fastest teammates at the time. →

The recommendations

The Recommendations The framework is set out in 3 pillars; the first one being the minimum capital requirements which touch on the calculation of the minimum capital requirements, capital risk, operational risk and market risk. The disclosures should be in line with the management of these risks thus effectively informing the market on the banks →

Olafur eliasson | artist biography

With this, he is implying that the spectator must engage to the piece and make the connection as part of the aesthetics of the installation". I see potential in the spectator in the receiver, the reader, the participator, the viewer, the user.' Olafur Eliasson.

Ch. 15 – psychological disorders

15-10 How do conditioning, cognition, and biology contribute to the feelings and thoughts that mark anxiety disorders, OCD, and PTSD? The biological perspective on depressive disorders and bipolar disorder focuses on genetic predispositions and on abnormalities in brain structures and function.

Research proposal on social movements on feminist movements

Purpose and justification for the research project This research project will focus on the significance of social movements such as feminist groups in the world over. In the past, the number of women with successful careers was countable but today, the number has increased fundamentally and this can be attributed to the feminist movements.

Internalization of values socialization of the baraka

In both " School" and " Suicide's Forgotten Victims," Baraka's and Keiski's daily interactions with their peers, authority figures, and society contribute to the formulation of important life lessons. Like Baraka, the daily interactions of Keiski with her roommate and friends in college allow her to experience a form of socialization necessary for reality.

The relationship between technology and religion

Thus, it is clear that, in the light of the above observances, that the relationship between technology and religion, is more heavily determined by the religious logic present, and thus technology must take this into account by re-appropriating design." Nature of certain kinds of religious practice and expression suggest that always-on connectivity and constant updating →

Renminbi our currency, is it your problem

The most important cultural aspect which must always be in the back of one's mind is that China is still under a communist rule, meaning that the government has more control of businesses and industries then many of the countries which the US handles trades. With regards to imports and exports in China, a revaluation →

Hazards and benefits of science and technology essay sample

Its in the shoes that you are wearing, the cell phone that you are using to stay in touch with your family and friends, its in the breakfast sandwich and yogurt parfait that was just ordered from McDonalds, its in the headlines of the news papers that read? It is very easy to see that →

Features of communist system politics essay

Communist is defined as a political and economic system in which the community through the common ownership, collectively controls all the means of production of goods and services, exchange and distribution. While capitalism can be defined as an economic system in which the means of production, exchange and distribution of goods and services are in →

Legal case of medicinal cannabis

The perception of the application and effectiveness of marijuana changed in part to economics, racism, xenophobia, and the conflation of three different plants into a single plant resulting in the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937. Thus, the outcome of Conant v.

Inferno/ paradiso (summary) dante assignment

The giant Antaean picks Virgil and Dante up and sets them down at the bottom of the well, in the lowest region of Hell, In China, the First Ring of the Ninth Circle of Hell, those who betrayed their kin stand frozen up to their necks in the lake's ice. Beatrice and Dante ascend to →

Deception in shakespeare’s hamlet and wilde’s the importance of being earnest

Oscar Wilde, in The Importance of Being Earnest and William Shakespeare, in Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, venture into nature of society and how it effects the individuals within that society. Claudius and Polonius are to of the top officials in Elsinore and therefore responsible for the destruction of a good society and the good people →

Answers to questions on principles of nutrition for healthcare

The main functions of linolenic acid include: The formation of cell membranes, the formation of hormones, the immune system to functioning correctly, the correct formation of the retina, the functioning of neurons and chemical transmissions. Moreover, the cardioprotective role is further enhanced by the ability of these oils to increase the transmission power of the →

Discuss and illustrate the view that metaphors influence thought and action

Metaphors are omnipresent in language, the title of this essay, for example, contains a metaphor, but for the sake of accuracy, let us define exactly what a metaphor is. For example, the title of this essay asks that the author, " illustrate the view", the author is not expected to draw a picture, but instead →

Finding my first true friend

The loneliness and sadness that I had felt in that summer and the beginning of freshman year were definitely a turning point in my life, and I would say the start of my depression. My heart was soaring at the thought of someone thinking of me in the way she did, and I could not →

The impact of a text

Not only will this appeal to the parents because their children will learn the dangers and the precautionary measures that need to be taken, but also it will have a major impact on the kids. He thinks back to the assembly his school had that addressed issues like these.

Drafting disciplinary action

In order to fully understand why Charles Hamilton Houston became one of the most prominent figures in the civil rights movement, it is vital to take a look at his life experiences prior to him becoming a lawyer.Mr... If he did not halogen himself so much there is a good chance that he never would →

Communication skills required for holistic nursing care patients

One way to look holistically at this problem would be to involve the family into the dealings with the care of the patient, knowing that he has his family support and not just dependant on the nursing staff may result in positive feedback but at the same time, the family must understand and be educated →

Dignity has become an important concept especially in health care practices

It is totally related to the human life, and is associated with the internal and external respect of the person which is related to culture and social aspects. According to Raz dignity is concerned with how people feel, think and behave in relation to the worth or value of themselves and others.

Impact of decreasing demand of iron ore in australia

Decreased demand of iron ore: On the demand side, China is a major participant in the market which consumes nearly 70% of the annual commodity for its steel industry. Fall In Price of Iron Ore: The lowest price in a decade was seen for iron ore.

Essay about leadership flashcard

The motivation of the Christian leader is the purpose of God and the welfare of the people that they are responsible for leading. The ideal Leader is servant first, and later develops the aspiration to be a leader, always understanding that he is not servant to the organization or to the people, instead he is →

Typography and page number

This style has two elements: In-text citations In the body of your paper, give the surname of the author and the date of publication. Also, give the initials and surname of the interviewer, a comma, then the date of the interview in brackets followed by a full stop.

Influence of space on human life

It is generally known that the largest cosmodrome on the Earth is in the territory of my country. Day and night, ebbs or flows in the seas and oceans all of that is a result of the influence of the space bodies on our planet.

Plato’s allegory of the cave assignment

Plato's Allegory of the Cave Essay One of Plato's more famous writings, The Allegory of the Cave, Plato outlines the story of a man who breaks free of his constraints and comes to learn of new ideas and levels of thought that exist outside of the human level of thinking. This fire behind the people →

The department of education law constitutional administrative essay

The council's headquarters is in Strasbourg France.[1]The main aim of the Council is " to create a common democratic and legal area throughout the whole of the continent, ensuring respect for its fundamental values: human rights, democracy and the rule of law".[2]The three main values of the Council are human rights whereby every person has →

Meditation in buddhism

The first of the five hindrances is sensual desire, the second ill will, sloth and torpor the third, restlessness and worry the fourth, and the final hindrance is doubt. Beyond the four jhanas lie four formless attainments including: Consciousness of infinity of space, consciousness of the infinity of cognition, concern with the unreality of things, →

E to put food on the table. “jobs

The mass movement of people was the result of the reforms of the legal systems governing land ownership in all three states occupying parts of Poland. Of the many options, which were presenting was; the building of railroads, the paving of streets, and in the city's rapidly expanding manufacturing industries." Between 1910 and 1920 the →