6 Pages Essay Samples

Nudity: from ancient to modern

Even in the modern era, primitive tribes still exist in remote areas of the Earth and subsist without clothing of any kind. The dress of both the upper and lower classes within Greek society was in accordance with the simplicity and forthrightness character of Greek philosophy; " that a draped garment could be taken off β†’

Intervention strategies for maths learning

Some of the learners although may have had consistent education in their home country and may have studied in their native language to a higher standard, however when it comes to translating their education and skills in English, they find it difficult as EAL learners. This helps them not only to refer when they encounter β†’

The scarlet letter: relevance in the digital age

In many ways, these central themes of The Scarlet Letter as they relate to the paradigm between the individual and the society are relevant to and reflective of the environment created on the internet between individuals and online communities, which allows the novel's morals to remain relevant in the digital age, because the behavior of β†’

Knowledge of technology

GUI, command-line interface, voice recognition Graphical User Interface: Graphical User Interfaces, or GUIs is the user interface for the interaction with a computer that generally involves the inclusion of images and graphics along with text to display information to a user. Although the Graphical User Interface is usually considered as superior to the Command Line β†’

The conflict and consensus explanation of law sociology essay

Consensus is a concept of society in which the absence of conflict is seen as the equilibrium state of society based on a general or widespread agreement among all members of a particular society. They further stressed that because of the human ability to think, it provides human interpretations of the social or the norms β†’

Is there a difference in depressive symptoms between adolescents who engage bullying vs bullying victims?

According to Georgiou and Stavrinides, bullying is one of the primary acts of aggression threatening the health and wellbeing of young people worldwide. Bullying victimization and depressive symptoms in adolescence: The moderating role of parent-child conflicts among boys and girls.

Henry ford, hero or villain

The conveyor belt moved each car to the workers who only needed to add one part to the car as the car went round the conveyor belt, the assembly line drastically cut the time as well as the price on the manufacturing process of each car which enabled Ford to reduce the price of the β†’

Christianity, culture, and conflict in the river between

In contrast we see the Chege, coming from Kameno, represents the Gikuyu tradition and is portrayed in a more positive light " Makuyu was now home of the Christians while Kameno remained the home of all that was beautiful in the tribe". However, for myself, the part of the ending that stands out the most β†’

Tense and aspect

The aim of teaching tense and aspect is to study various linguistic approaches to the description of tense and aspect in English Moreover the course description will be the focus of the ways of expressing present, past, future time. I will choose Present Tense of verb to be and verb to do.

Modern and postmodern traditions in power and law

To achieve an understanding of how, at the beginning of the 21st century, law has come to be understood as a manifestation of social power, it is necessary to place the question within the framework of the dominant intellectual paradigms of the past one hundred years. The rule of law is intended to be impersonal β†’

Here you can find how to write an article review

The format of your article should always match the style of the quotation that your professor assigned to you. We hope that now you have a good understanding of how to write a review of the article.


5, 6 To excite battle and to measure professional development during clinical research lab preparation, portfolio development and appraisal was proposed for the concluding twelvemonth Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Sciences and the Diploma in Medical LaboratoryTechnologypupils of the Kampala International University, Uganda in 2008. The pupils were besides required to do a 15 proceedingss presentation β†’

From biblio to sinny: how faithful an adaptation is kubrick’s a clockwork orange?

Why make it practically impossible for viewers without a handy glossary nearby to understand the dialogue when the novel could remain faithful to the myriad other literary elements equally as important while manipulating the visual power of the cinema to remain faithful to distancing aspect of Nadsat? That point of view for at least half β†’

The economy and mining industry of mongolia

In the summer time, it has become drought lately, and brought on the lack of pasture lands, and in the winter, brought on huge amounts of snow that resulted in the death of many million livestock. The Mining is continuing to rise as a major industry of Mongolia as supported by the number of Chinese, β†’

Political culture

Due to technological developments, the political culture of Jamaica is less dependent on local culture. Globalization and Social media have had a huge effect on the political culture, as these seem to have more of an influence than the local culture.

The correlation between disney movies and poor body image in young women assignment

Whether they are under the sea, in the middle of a forest, or in an Arabian desert, plunging necklines and revealed midriff are common among the Disney Princesses' wardrobes. The need to fit the dainty feminine role of women portrayed by these princesses is becoming very evident in the adolescents of today.

The adventures of tom sawyer essay sample

The first stage of Tom Sawyer's development and march towards manhood can be described as the time when he is fully under the influence of Huck Finn. Tom Sawyer does not quite have it in him to do that type of thing, but throughout the story, one can see how much he wishes that he β†’

A touch of god reigns out

It was the foundation of God and the love of my friends and family that surrounded me that allowed me to stray from drugs, cussing, anger, and eventually sex. I eventually began to have a good understanding of God and the Devil.

In “war and the state in africa,” jeffrey herbst states that ” essay sample

In " War and the State in Africa." Jeffrey Herbst states that "...it should be recognized that there is really small grounds that African states.or many others in the Third World.will be able to happen peaceable ways to beef up the province and develop national individualities." Make you hold with Herbst's statement? Colonialism is the β†’

Intrapreneurs and intrapreneurial research in organisations

However, research by the employees of the organisation who are well aware of the organisational objective is a cost and time effective method to venture into a new business, or to improve an existing product. The intrapreneur has to negotiate the quantum of risk for each project with the management, since risk is a factor β†’

The history of wheat production in australia

Changes in technology have also greatly contributed to the expansion of the wheat industry, with the introduction of computerised systems and automated machinery. Wheat has been eaten as a plant staple for thousands of years and has greatly changed in the way it is harvested and produced.

Growing market for software testing

The goals of a long-term collaboration usually also include the optimization and standardization of test processes, increasing the level of testing automation and the use of consistent and proven methods, best practices and suitable testing tools. In contrast, dedicated contracts for testing and quality management exist and account for more than a third of the β†’

Jetty rats essay

The night when Hunter catches the mulloway is when he forgives the photocopies. Another example of this is Hunter and the Fairchild brothers.

The door of opportunity

Despite having her chrysanthemums to make her somewhat happier in her life, in the end she fails to confront her dissatisfaction in every other aspect of her life, ultimately leading to a lifetime of unfulfillment. This is a sign of her softening and opening up completely to the man, in a way that she does β†’

Totalitarianism in orwells 1984 politics essay

Totalitarianism is the " form of government that theoretically permits no individual freedom and that seeks to subordinate all aspects of the individual's life to the authority of the government". By removing the pleasures of sex and all pleasures of society, the Inner Party is free to exert its will upon the citizens of Oceania".

Burj khalifa: the world’s tallest building

Burj Khalifa" has returned the name of the " World's Tallest Structure" back to the Middle-Eastern structures where the Great Pyramid of Giza claimed that honor for millions of years before the construction of Lincoln Cathedral in England in 1311. The corridor walls of the wings extending from the central core to the end of β†’

1776: vatican city, papal states essay sample

Vatican City is the last remnant of the Papal States, which has been shaped by its long history, a history shaped by numerous forces, forces that continue to shape the way of life, and religion in the small state of The Vatican. Established in 1929, The Vatican is landlocked within the walls of Southern Europe, β†’

Improving adls for brain function and helping psychosis

The Department of Health highlighted that patients with psychosis may experience disconnectedness to the world which may affect the life of individuals in performing the activities of daily living and their families. This will be done by focussing on the development of psychotic symptoms by analysing positive and negative symptoms of psychosis, the deficits in β†’

Business plan for jatry eye centre in nigeria

The quality- in Jatry Eye Centre quality is achieved through engagement of qualified ophthalmologists, ophthalmic nurses, optometrist and care assistants utilizing state of the art eye technologies that will assist in the delivery of quality eye services. Competitive advantage The competitive advantage of the eye centre lies in its strengths and barriers to enter the β†’

The quagmire of love and marriage in smith’s white teeth

The idea is that the ideal, budding relationship is fostered out of a love so powerful that it transcends both time and circumstance to ultimately bring two soul mates together, and while the text does hint at Archie's consideration of this possibility when he meets Clara, the pervasive motif of chance makes a significant showing β†’

Promoting culture and heritage tourism in barcelona tourism essay

This paper is looking at the importance of managing and marketing heritage and cultural tourism and to what extend its used as a promotion strategy to boost tourism in Barcelona. All in all the National Trust's definition of cultural heritage tourism is explaning it very well: it is " traveling to experience the places and β†’

Expository essay on the movie contact philosophy essay

It is important to first establish the concept of speech genres and how they can be used to explain the inherent separateness of religion and science. Therefore, what defines the scientific way of speaking is the use of opinions that are created with the notion of a scientific believer, who could be anyone from a β†’

Failure to innovate is key to a downfall

The reason that Failure to innovate is the key to the downfall of " old-GM is realistic and in our group we stand to agree with the statement. The failure of the " Old GM" to innovate made the organization less indispensable to consumers of the company products and other key personalities, who preferred the β†’

What the butler saw

There were six main characters in the play, these included the doctor, the secretary, the wife, the bell boy, the psychiatrist, and the police man. The audience found the performance of the actor playing the part of the doctor to be very comical with the extent the play went to just because of the lies β†’

Carrie underwood see you again analysis

In the music video, Underwood shows images of the Sandy Hook shooting memorial, and the tone allows the audience to recall past memories such as 9/11. The audience see's the diming of the light as if losing hope after the catastrophe of the attack on the twin towers.

The mesolithic era essay

The proliferation of plant-life, and subsequently wildlife, forced the people of the Mesolithic to adapt to this new and unpredictable environment. Archaeological investigation shows the development and adaptations that occurred throughout the region, but as with today, post-glacial Europe was a vast area with variances in culture and environment that have led to a great β†’

Consumer protection act 1987

Hence, the Directive imposes strict liability upon those found responsible for producing defective products within the common market.[1] It is questionable whether the Act does in fact, provide sufficient protection to consumers, though it is a far cry from the previous system where negligence could only be proved under the common law by showing that β†’

Has science done more harm than good? a reflection

I came to the conclusion that science has indeed done more good than harm, and it is humanity that is solely to blame for the problems that their irresponsible use of science has caused. There is no doubt that with the development of science, mankind has been affected; the way we think, the way we β†’

The evolution of the food and beverage industry marketing essay

And in order to do this marketing, it is fundamental to establish the important precepts that of restaurants so as to adequately plan do the marketing. The main objective is to ensure the web site should increase the number of customers and increase the sales.

Options for ikea in the international market assignment

This is possible due to economies of scale and scope, shifting assembly from the KEA value chain to the consumer, and a global network of suppliers. The choice of cities has been led by a combination of factors, including population size and GAP; the target group is the growing middle and upper middle class in β†’

Margaret atwood’s death by landscape & a buldingsroman

At the onset of the story, Atwood writes, " She is relieved not to have to worry about the lawn,...or about strange noises. Her hat is symbolical of the social class she represents.

Block schedulling essay

The 1994 report of the National Education Commission on Time and Learning states, " Schools will have a design flaw as long as their organization is based on the assumption that all students can learn on the same schedule". Flexible scheduling patterns are a much better match in order to meet the educational needs of β†’

Composite materials in automotive brake disc

Abstract The aim of this paper is to explore the uses of ceramic matrix composites in the automotive industry, their advantages over current grey cast iron discs, their manufacturing processes and potential commercial applications. The thermal and electrical properties of the composite are a result of its constituents, namely fibers, matrix and pores as well β†’

Kfc unethical practises essay

In September 2013, there were 296 KFC outlets in India.[95] As well as the standard KFC offerings, the chain sells a chickpea burger and hot wings with chilli lemon sprinkles.[96] A major franchise holder is QSR Brands Holdings, which operated 26 outlets as of 2012.[97] The first Indian KFC opened a two-story outlet on the β†’

Arguments for the existence of god

The development of biological life form will be void and in the Universe the life of any origin would take place.[7] Imagine the " infinity, from star system to stars, to subatomic particles, the constitution of cosmos, there are the constants and quantities" of the Universe. The existence of life in the earth and how β†’

Four forces leveraging cash flow of a company

Lines of credit should be used to ensure the profitability of a business. It is a disciplined and systematic approach to the management of product categories as strategic business units.

Everyman him that there is no returning from

On the other hand, The Wanderer presents the case of a man who is in exile and roaming the earth. In the middle of disillusionment and despair, The Wanderer remembers that it is good to have faith in God in order to be saved.

Alcohol negatively affects american indians

The American Indian Culture is one of the most alcohol consuming cultures in the world. In the novel, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian, by Sherman Alexie, and " Sociological Perspectives on American Indians", by Matthew Snipp, Alcohol causes American Indians to commit severe crimes.

Working with financial statements

In a service company, revenue is considered to be earned at the time the service is performed." Therefore, the definition is that it is only to be recorded when the items sold where the profit can be estimated reliability and when the amount is recoverable. What tells the revenue to be recognized and to ignore β†’

Comparative political systems france germany politics essay

Their parliamentary and democratic constitution is based on the Constitution of the United States and the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen of 1789. The executive power is in the hands of the President, the chancellor and the Lander.

Applications of reflective listening and motivational interviewing

The definition of Motivational Interviewing has evolved over many years and Rollnick and Miller's most recent definition is, a collaborative, person-centered form of guiding to elicit and strengthen motivation to change". With the relationship of the client and helping professional at the core of a motivational interviewing approach, once trust is established, there is scope β†’

A true muslim essay sample

Plants can grow well when there is less amount of chromium in the environment whether in case of high concentration of chromium it is carcinogenic to plants and animals. Rhizobacteria play an important role in reducing the toxic effects of chromium in plants as it is growth promoting bacteria.

The resonance of croesus’ fall in kapuscinski’s travels with herodotus essay sample

In the wake of an ill-advised war he is to become the slave and advisor to his enemy, the Persian King Cyrus. For the Great Wall...is also proof of a kind of human weakness, of an aberration, of a horrifying mistake; it is evidence of a historical inability of people in this part of the β†’

Home (business overview)

Our mWallet software solutions allow full integration with internet and mobile services, so that your clients will be satisfied and secure in the knowledge of your company's availability twenty-four/seven.mWallet is a new financial phenomenon that allows the consumer to link a mobile phone account to his/her bank account or credit card and perform financial transactions, β†’

Obama’s first year in presidency

Elsewhere, Obama has been extending the hand of goodwill in the many tours that he has embarked on. Sixty two percent are of the opinion that the country is not heading in the right direction, the highest percentage to express such negative views about Obama in the past 12 months.

Seismic of structural elements. in this paper, first

In this type of analysis, the criterion is the amount of displacementof the structure, so the force increases to a point that the desireddisplacement is provided. The main components of the studied structure i.e.the elements that resist the earthquake force in order to achieve the desiredlevel of performance are braces and columns beside the braces β†’

Miss furr and miss skeene

The literal skills employed, in quite a number of cases, are in allegorical fashion in order to obscure the profound connotation of the inventive piece and reactions of the artist. This has brought a lot of insights to the extent to which artists may explore in order to pass their ideas and themes to the β†’

The absence of amsterdam: confounding principles of presentness in stoker’s dracula

In Victorian times it was still common for people to think of disease in terms of miasma, that disease was imparted through the inhalation of foul smelling air, so Van Helsing's understanding of the microbial origins of disease shows his understanding of the latest research. The fact that Van Helsing is able to communicate with β†’

Magical realism

The quote is magical realism because women cannot be transformed into a spider but if readers inflect in between the lines they will find that the author was comparing the ugliness of a spider to the situation of the ugly person the women has been accused of eing because of disobeying her parents. Being introduced β†’

Kimberly clark case

The internal and external environment in turn affects the performance of the company and plays an integral part in the organisation strategy and decision making process. Measures taken to improve the performance of the company, strategic approaches, and limitations of the company are mentioned about in this report Finally, this report gives an overall conclusion β†’

Cry of the kalahari

In 1997, they returned the United States to work in the North-West of the United States and to record their data from their years in Africa. The climate there in the summer is from November to the end of March and usually very high temperatures, also very rainy and cloudy.

Counting by 7’s

It had a tree as a mascotIn the novel Counting by 7s, due to her clothing, Willow determined a girl thought she was what? a maintenance workerIn the novel Counting by 7s, how long did Willow last her first day of middle school? less than 3 hoursIn the novel Counting by 7s, when Willow made β†’

What kind of threats are there from using information technology

Some of the files in that cabinet are inferential but the same lock is used as the one to open the cabinet. One of the advantages of using an information system is that if the lock varies slightly in the physical case, the thief will likely access the information, however even the slightest change in β†’

The u.s. stroller

This amounts to a complete change In layout of the production floor and a substantial overhaul of the MR.system. S Stroller is a leader in the production and sales of baby strollers in the United States.

Ethnographytrobriand islands assignment

With reference to the Transponders' Kulak, gift exchanges during Christmas, and the flea markets in Singapore society, this essay discusses the importance of reciprocity and the circulation of gifts for the establishment and maintenance of social relations. This ultimately signifies a women's wealth and is seen as a sign of respect for the couple due β†’

Introduction to anatomic pathology

Keywords: Anatomic pathology, pathologists, specialists The term " pathology" means " the study of suffering," and this discipline is focused on examining the nature, course, and resolution of disease. The overriding reason to believe that subspecialization in anatomical pathology is the way of the future is that clinicians demand it.

The tragedy archetype

This suggests that there is a part of the Rebirth archetype in the Tragedy archetype. This means that in the tragedy archetype, ' the light' which is the rebirth of the character, can be seen only for a moment before it dissipates with the main character's demise.

The history of macroeconomic environment analysis economics essay

In the gradually growing emerging markets of China, Nike has the most numbers of customers and the main competitors are Adidas and Li Ning. From these data, it is obvious to see that China's gross domestic product is increasing, China's GDP has ranked second in the world, constantly improve the level of the economy means β†’

Data structures: final exam review essay sample

If operator, pop two trees T1, T2 from stack, and form a new tree whose root is the operator, and whose left and right children are T2 and T1; push new tree onto stack Binary search tree: binary tree with the property that for every node X, the value of all items in its left β†’

Brothers & keepers and sociological theory essay

Perhaps the theory most useful to explain the story of the two brothers is under the school of social ecology. From that, the social disorganization theory is attributed to the professors associated with the Department of Sociology at the University of Chicago between 1920 and 1932.

Is democratic media environment good

In such a society media and press are free, democratic, being able to cover all stories and mistakes of the government. The problem is that, in a democratic society, there is a lot of information that is to be known.

Characteristics of students with emotional or behavioural disorders

The purpose of this paper is to examine critical components in an effective educational program for students with emotional and/or behavioral disorders; current research describing the necessary components of programs for students with EBD, the strength and weaknesses of current programs used in many schools today and outline a school approach that supports proactive and β†’

Activity based costing – case study essay

This will be questionable production and costing practice by higher authority as the standard costing has to be followed from the BOC group costing standard given the similar settings, any variations in setting is of course adjusted for the variation. Long term Strategy The current commercial climate for Fiji is in volatile situation from the β†’

Internet use essay

The title of the FDA's site is, in fact, named " How to Evaluate Health Information on the Internet". The FDA's guidelines for evaluating health information on the net can reveal some of the problems students can run into in terms of the reliability of the material they find.

Marketing strategies of puma assignment

Milestones in PUMA" s sports history were the development of the first football boot with screw-Len studs In 1 952 by the company's founder Rudolf Dasher, the legendary " two-stripe" jersey of Johan Scruffy at the world championship in 1974, the PUMA contact lenses of Langford Christie in 1996, the skin- tight Caustic tennis dress β†’

Prestige data service

The prestige Data Services grew from the needs of the Prestige Telephone Company to meet their needs of data handling at the time but the problem now is that the company is still operating at a loss. The former will be the fixed cost and the last will be variable cost since it varies according β†’

Suetonius compare and contrast paper essay

It seems that Situations gives very good treatment to those emperors that he likes and very harsh treatment to those emperors that he dislikes, which says quite a lot about his integrity as a historian. He Was a humane person who had a good share of adversity and uncertainty in his life.

Social pedogogy as foundation of play

Social Pedagogy as Foundation of Preschoolers' Play for Achieving Kindergarten Readiness of the of the Department of the University Name of the Course Name of the Supervisor The Month and Year of Submission Social Pedagogy as Foundation of Preschoolers' Play for Achieving Kindergarten Readiness Introduction Early childhood education places an emphasis on developmentally appropriate pedagogy, β†’

The malaysian education systems education essay

The curriculum design based on three areas which are communication, man and environment, and development of individual emphasizes students study in group and interaction between teacher and students, students and students are very stressed in this. In short, changes in the era of globalization require a change in the balance of the education curriculum like β†’

The benefits of cooperative learning for ell students

The first thing to consider is the fact that cooperative learning is beneficial to all students, regardless of their classification or primary language. Another way that cooperative learning is helpful to ELL students is by lowering their anxiety level so that they feel more at ease and are able to comfortably focus on learning the β†’

Music publication through what was relevant in society

It appealed to the audience and created success as it was the best selling singles chart in the UK and in a sense influenced the audience in what to listen to and what was part of the music scene. This was because technology was growing and so was the young audience.- NME responded to the β†’

Information system in occupational health health essay

Ergonomics comprises design, placement, height and adjustment of keyboards, monitors, mouse and other related equipment for the maximization of comfort, safety and productivity and also wrist, palm or foot supports. Human Factors: The Journal Of The Human Factors And Ergonomics Society, 54 MSDs particularly back and shoulder injuries is a main issues for nursing employees β†’

Developing a sustained drug delivery system

The basic concept of the sustained release dosage form development is to reduce the frequency of dosage administration, to reduce the fluctuations of drug in the plasma by maintain plasma drug level 1 thus improves. In the hydrophilic matrix system the use of cellulosic polymer cause gel formation on the surface of polymer and cause β†’

Mass uprising 1969 in bangladesh

The racial repression and the deprivation of the Bengalis within the frame work of Pakistan and, to the contrary, starting from the language movement the feeling of separate identity together with struggle for autonomy had direct influence on the mass upsurge of 1969. Accordingly the programme was launched with the gherao of the bungalow of β†’

Power dimension in family

The third and the Important dimension of of power Is Ideological power, by which thoughts and wishes of public can be altered of influenced -We can see this in Voting patterns and manipulation for Narrate Mood led AND by Middle class even AND was opposing Public distribution system which benefits the lower middle class the β†’

A survey of azerbaijan economic policies

Azerbaijan is the biggest country of the Behind the Caucasus region, bordering the Caspian Sea in the east and Russia, Georgian on the north; Armenia on the west and Iran on the south. With a GDP of around $ 63 billion, Azerbaijan is the 70th economy in the world, with the next biggest being Luxembourg, β†’

Motorola corporation case essay

Creating relationship and belief is supposed to be in the mind of the Motorola products and services. Available from: http://www.cfoasia.com/archives/9902-30.htm [Accessed 14 September 2007]iPhone and the Future of Motorola.2007.[Online].

The influence of imperialism on the canadians history essay

Strong ties still remained to the British Empire, as was shown by the people of Canada in their dedication to the monarchy as well as supporting Britain's war efforts. As Canada moved forward into the Great War, imperialism was still a strong force in Canada, as she began to grow into a powerful nation-state of β†’

The key features of natural moral law and virtue ethics essay sample

The question ' what is it right or obligatory to do?' is nowhere near as important in virtue ethics as the question, ' how should we be?' The principles of virtue ethics are that 1. Rather, it means having a fundamental set of related virtues that enable a person to live and act morally well' β†’

Levis case study essay

Comparisons of figures for Spring and Autumn of 1999 showed a reduction in the number of people in the UK who were able to identify the Levi's brand. Levi's objective is to reclaim the brand.

Classroom etiquette and dealing with disruption

If the situation requires an immediate response in class, calmly and courteously ask the student to stop the conduct and to talk to you after class or during office hours. You may want to inform the class that students may be disciplined for disrupting class, and to reiterate that message if you talk with an β†’

American struggle over health care reform | article review

Review and Reflection of Remedy and Reaction: The Peculiar American Struggle over Health Care Reform by Paul Starr Paul Starr author of Remedy and Reaction: The Peculiar American Struggle of Health Care Reform captures a chronological order of the historical journey of American health care. Starr affectionately refers to the third foundation as the rollercoaster β†’

Commitment based performance: a case of primary education assignment

The students all belonged to a particular community and came from the sociality in which the school was situated. Recently with the increased competition being given to the school by the more schools added to the province catering to the increased population.

There is little value in watching television today. do you agree?

With the recent explosion in satellite and digital specialty channels, it makes it even harder for TV to be separated from our lives as we now have access to a plethora of TV programmes which will enhance our lives in terms of entertaining us, informing us about up-to-date news and even learning more about the β†’

An overview of volkswagen group automobile industry marketing essay

We took Volkswagen Group as a manufacturing company and we try to know what are the line business, major competitors, and the goals of Volkswagen Group. Then we start to make common size analysis for both income statement and balance sheet from year 2005 to 2009 to see the financial performance of the company over β†’