6 Pages Essay Samples

Endia crawford

At this moment in time, I am an adult, and most of the things that I learned from everyone else about my mom, she still have not opened up and informed me of these stories, which is one reason why me and my mother never really had a bond like a mother and daughter should. β†’

The importance of prenatal education for expectant mothers

Furthermore, the paper will provide a description of the activities and resources that I would use in order to come up with the most effective PE program. Introduction to Baby Basics When one is expectant, there are a number of things that they would need to be aware of for the greater good of β†’

Tudor and elizabethan love poetry

Shakespeare's 116th sonnet examines the love of " true minds". As is typical of the Elizabethan and more specifically the Shakespearian sonnet, the imagery is intricate and Shakespeare makes use of the conceited metaphor. However, the exclamation " Oh, no! " whilst remaining constant to the rhythm, separates the poem and marks the natural break β†’

Elizabeth bishop’s personal poetry

Through her use of these techniques in the poems " In the Waiting Room" and " One Art" we can see how Elizabeth Bishop's wielding of personal experience functions beyond the bounds of ' confessional poetry' and becomes more about reconciling the sense of loss in her life". Now that she has lived as a β†’

I-the middle manager assignment

Questions and Issues to be addressed are: 1) What impact will the sale have on the culture of the new combined organizations? As a middle manager, what can be done to ensure that the combined staff will work together to provide quality care without taking on a competitive stance? Describe what β†’

Every manager is an hr manager management essay

Throughout the process of recruitment, promotion and discharge, human resource management undertake these activities by evaluating and connecting people to get the best interest and benefits for their organization. When handling HR for small business or start-ups, the founder may take the responsibility to hiring, training, managing and departing the first groups of employees. As β†’

Example of creative writing on lesson plan

From the students' responses, the teacher will be able to gauge the students' eagerness to learn and, consequently, the possibility of comprehending the lesson. Secondly, the teacher should ensure that, by the end of the lesson, the students can reflect on and interpret the works of art in that area painting.

Intelligence and adaptive behavior research paper

Teaching adaptive behavior constitutes a large part of what teachers of students with intellectual disability do in class. As a teacher of students with intellectual disability, it is important to have a proper understanding of the difference between intelligence and adaptive behavior as well as how the two terms relate to mental retardation. In addition, β†’

Central intelligence agency research paper examples

The work mandated to the CIA is both domestic and international considering that the US is super power in the world. The US is in the front line due to its diplomatic relations to curb the menace of terror in the world. Over the years, the role of the CIA has not changed.

Lesson plan essay sample

The following ideas may be brought up. - Intelligence is the capacity and the ability of people to do certain things, it is inborn, and there is nothing one can do to change their intelligence - Schools generally value ones ability to pass grammar and comprehension tests, to solve complex mathematics problems as well as possession β†’

Good flowers for algernon by daniel keyes essay example

Following the deinstitutionalizing of the mental patients during the 1960s and ' 70s, people did not give much consideration to the subject of mental health and people with mental illnesses. There is usually an argument that people use I.Q.to measure the level of understanding from the things that a person has already learn. Through the β†’

The nine types of intelligence

Linguistic Intelligence Linguistic intelligence is the ability to think in words and to use language to express and appreciate complex meanings. Intra-personal Intelligence Intra-personal intelligence is the capacity to understand oneself and one's thoughts and feelings, and to use such knowledge in planning and directioning one's life.

Motivation and control: the police supervisor’s dilemma

It is not a clear cut relationship and it can cause problems within the organization and for the employees. The problem with this relationship is that while the people in charge of the organization want a specified amount of control, they cannot accomplish this without some repercussions. There is a dire need of safety and β†’

Ib tok prescribed title

In this case it is the progress in the search for knowledge in an area of knowing. The knowledge that is gained during the progress made in human sciences is vital to future experiments, cases, and generations.

Assignment example

5 C = 190 P = 500 - 190 P = 310 Hence, Plastic = 310 x 2. 50 Ceramic = 190 x 5.

Pursuit of happiness in “you learn by living”

The fact that Boethius has fallen under Fortune's spell, and forgotten three important things: his true nature, the end and purpose of things, and the means by which the world is governed , seem to be the bigger issue since they are the main causes of his illness. Throughout all five β†’

Free unfolding the oedipus complex research paper example

The boy is Larry and he is the narrator and leading person in the short story ' My Oedipus Complex' written by the well-acknowledged writer O'Connor in 1950 as part of his book ' My Oedipus Complex and Other Stories'. The essay will look into Larry's profile and his process of growing out of his β†’

Good example of my childhood to adult biography

This left me in a very perilous position in that I did not know what my mother would not approve of while in the same sense I had difficulty in what decisions that my father would take. I remember when I had my fourth birthday party that had been organized by my mother. Being the β†’

When noticed that global health is not focused

It means that we have to concentrate on solving the climate change to have much improvement while continuing solving others problems related to it. The climate change will be the issue to try to solve in a long-term or at least to reduce the effects of it. Priority: To make people aware of climate change β†’

Globalization in the world is a flat

Introduction Thomas Friedman is one of globalization's most relentless team promoters, and there is a sure lovely rationale in the way that he is presently a main voice in the development to protect the US from the profoundly focused world that globalization has made. The level world he sees around him is America β†’

Indian sun dance

Thesis: The United States' ban of the Indian Sun Dance in 1883 damaged the religious, cultural, and social framework of the Indians and was a key step in the United States' effort to try to assimilate Indians into American society.II. Introduction Banning of the Sun Dance and the Historical Events that Led to the Indian β†’

Bebop essays example

This was known as cool jazz and it emanated as a sort of reaction to the perceived " hot and fast" qualities of bebop. This form of jazz was particularly prominent in the west coast. However, there termed a reaction to the cool jazz through an extension of bebop form.

Salsa essay example

Culture brings people together, integrate them, ensures the integrity of the community During the socialization of values, ideals, norms and patterns of behavior become part of the consciousness of the person. It is impossible to measure the cultural influence and contribution of Salsa.

The roles of the gods in greek myth

Zeus punishes Prometheus, the creator and protector of the mortals, for stealing fire from the gods and giving it to the human beings. As the king of the gods, Zeus is crucial in the human and divine interactions.

Perseus vs oedipus. similarities and differences

Baron Raglan is one of the scholars studying about the biographies of heroes, and he developed a list of twenty-two actions of the life of a hero in heroic tales. Due to his success, Oedipus was offered to be the king of Thebes, and he accepted it and married the queen of Thebes.

The odyssey notes

Telemachus gives speech about loss of Odysseus and his home, the suitors invasion of the palace and says a decent man would ask father for her hand iii. Athena guides Odysseus to palace and shrouds him in a mist iii.

Tatag ng wikang filipino lakas ng pagka-pilipino

The goddesses gave him the apple and told him to give it to the fairest. The purpose of this myth is to: HERCULES AND THE GOLDEN APPLES Hercules, a prominent Greek hero, was born to Zeus and Alcmene, daughter of the King of Mycenae.

Past and future life

While living there with my grandparents my sister and I never got along she would always do things and blame me for it. I remember one night after eating dinner my sister got up to put her dishes in the sink in the kitchen, so I came in behind her but as I walked up β†’

Sample literature review on slma-qian “historical records

The " Biographies of the Assassins" and " the prince of Wei" are educative works used by Sima Qian to demonstrate his attitude. The biographies revolve not only among the leaders of man but also among the different encounters that man has in his life and how these encounters favor his positioning in the future.

My past, present, and future

Making Deans list while earning my college degree My Past, Present, and Future I am thirty seven years old and I never thought I would have to write a paper about my childhood and my adulthood. I was only nineteen and I was on my way to being a manager in the corporation before I β†’

Building the nation future leaders

It's been unforgettable event that we should reminisce every now and then the significant marked of our lives as we give priority to our achievement in the field of learning. We bind us one today to celebrate the fruit of our sacrifices; your unsung hero shows their unfading support behind your success β†’

Brain chip implant technology critical thinking sample

In the quest of inventing a perfect machine, technology is now advancing to a new level; creating a brain similar to that of a human being. This is what led to the proposition of the brain chip implant. Other chips that exist in the market today aid in the repair of worn out parts of β†’

History and historiography essay

Conventionally, the term history is commonly used when referring to the study of the human experiences and events over a long period. History is one of the disciplines taught in learning institutions that use a narrative approach in explaining past events and life experiences and examines causal-effects relationships. A Companion to the Philosophy of History β†’

Good example of a reflection on com 215: storymaking essay

One interesting point that I learned in accordance with this is that as I review my work the knowledge that I have previously get to surface out; meaning, I get to remember them. This subject has helped me learn how to enjoy my future endeavors, so as to make sure that I will be able β†’

The the delivery of care and also to

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was made to improve the quality and the efficiency of the United States health care system and its services. It will also make substantial investments better the quality and the delivery of care and also to support research to inform people of the outcomes of other patients β†’

Classification paragraph rough draft essay

Tuition does not include fees and books Conclusion: When making a decision about what college and what type of college to attend it is very important to take into account how much you will be paying for the services that the college offers and whether it will fit your lifestyle and your budget. Step #2: β†’

Research paper on budget deficit and its impact in the economy

I will highlight the positive and negative effects of the budget deficit and the different causes of the deficits. It increases the gap between the poor and rich in the economy. When a government decides to borrow funds from abroad, it causes an increase in the amount of foreign debt.

Recession of 2007 essay

The Recession of 2007 Introduction The recession of 2007 was the worst recession this country had experienced since the Great Depression in the 1930's. Many financial institutions went bankrupt and the government spent hundreds of billions of dollars to slow the recession. Causes The cause of the recession can be traced back to the housing β†’

New media and the postmodern loss of authorship essay

Viral Video: The hunter and the bear advertisement is a short 30 second advertisement that displays two characters fearing for their lives as a meteor hurls towards their erection but to avert catastrophe users are given the option to type in and change the date in the place of ' 2012', as soon as the β†’

Case analysis : new york times digital essay sample

Though the NYTD staff pushed to keep pace, it felt constrained to a simple " newspaper.com" operation. By 1999, NYTD is a separate division of the company with its own management team. Naturally, the newspaper aspired to be the same and this gave a suggestion that it was not. At present, the NYTD's β†’

Personality essay example

In the study of personality, theorists are more concerned about the differences that exist in different personality features and how such variations can be combined together as a whole. Personality can be defined as comprising of characteristics that make up traits and patterns of thought and emotion. These components are generally considered stable over time β†’

Ewrt 1a essay samples

The book also features a host of other characters with one of them being Yunior who is Oscar's friend and roommate in college and also the narrator of the most of the story. This means that he is expected to be a hit with girls, that is, he is supposed β†’


I think the happiness comes from an achieved goal, and it depends of the size of the goal: the bigger goal you achieved, the bigger your happiness is. The hardest thing for everybody is to build his own perception of what happiness mean, and to find the path that is going to lead to it.

Puma strategy till 2015 in puma’s women’s footwear mark

This project is about the research demographic information and attractiveness of expansion segments for the Women's Sports lifestyle segment and the ways in which PUMA can develop an effective way to expand into these segments and determine its current position in the global market through quantitative means. In this era, the consumers' β†’

Luxor cosmetics essay sample

The importance of company's business strategies and budgeting plans, as well as the challenges and losses in the absence of these items has clearly presented in this case study.Luxor Cosmetics is a cosmetic company which manufactures variety of lipstick, nail polish, and cosmetic cream for women. Budgeting allows management to plan ahead, communicate the plan β†’

Marketing plan on fmcg product: acme choco – drink essay sample

Since 1954, The ACME Laboratories Ltd.has been doing their operation in Bangladesh and today, it is one of the most successful business conglomerates having sister concerns and investments in various sectors in lot other areas in Bangladesh. This paper is written on a new product " Choco-Drink " , manufactured by the β†’

Running head: assignment 1

The purpose of this paper is to discuss the role of globalization in the economic growth of China, an emergent and developing nation. In little over a quarter of a decade, this immense country has emerged from the rim of economic insignificance to lead the world in respect of economic growth.

Good example of report on the ‘real’ unemployment figures in ireland (eire)

The unemployment rate is basically a measure of the prevalence of unemployment and it is usually calculated as a percentage by dividing the number of unemployed individuals by current in the field of labor. It is required to compare the values of unemployment of Ireland for years 2013 and 2014.

Marx and weber’s ideas of class, power, and

In capitalist populations, thisstruggle is often attributed to the existence of social classes with varyinglevels of access to economic and political resources. Consequently, variousscholars have attempted to examine the interaction between socioeconomicclasses with the aim of understanding the core elements that underpin theoperations of capitalist societies. According to Karl, capitalist mechanisms only allow for theestablishment β†’

Since market share. the theory of the firm

Since the end of WW2 the world has seen an increase in the amount of international trade of goods and services between nations. This essay seeks to highlight the potential reasons for firms to engage in international business and why firms become multinational enterprises. The theory of the firm states that the main goal β†’

Intertestament period

Then 418 years after, the book of Matthew, the first book of the New Testament, was written. The Intertestamental Period is the period of history between the two testaments. The Greek period went from 331 B.C.to 167 B.C.Alexander the Great, son of King Philip of Macedonia, was given the control of the β†’

Critique prisoners of the wired worldΒ 

Society cannot ignore the fact that everything that is sold or that is invented in modern times, has something to do with technology. It's everywhere, even if we try to avoid it or run away from it, it's not possible. I think people need to take advantage of this and start using technology more, in β†’

The great financial crisis book review

John Bellamy in his book " The Great Financial Crisis" gives a bold analysis of the financial meltdown, its causes, how it developed and the implications that it had to the general economic status of America and other countries across the globe. This is an excellent book that is easy β†’

Hsa 535 week 8 assignment 4

When it comes to mold it needs the right temperatures and moisture to grow. Mold is commonly found in dark and damp place, where the air and sun cannot generate drying power. If you inhale this type of mold it can cause you to have asthmatic reactions, hay fever and various allergies.

Capital structure theories

Which of the following directors seems to have a risk of tax exhaustion? Director A Director B Director C Director D Q49. Which of the following statements is incorrect? Equity financing is costly as compared to loans A bank is at low risk as they β†’

Chapter summary

The society of today, however is not the society of yesterday, nor will it be the society of tomorrow. Weber also argued that the impersonality of bureaucracies tends to produce workers who feel detached from their organizations and each other.

Statement of facts

At trial the State introduced Simmons confession and the videotaped reenactment of the crime, along with testimony that Simmons discussed the crime in advance and him bragging to fellow classmates about it later. The defense called no witnesses due to the evidence and confession. The juries may get distracted by the crime and not consider β†’

Prison and capital punishment impact

Capital punishment was also documented in religious texts such as the Old Testament of the Bible and the Torah used in the Jewish religion. Capital punishment has split the population in two opposing sides: those who believe in the use of the death penalty and those that do not.

The death penalty in thailand

The Death Penalty in Thailand Throughout the history of man, the penalty of death was given to criminals who broke the law. In the book The Penalty of Death, Thorsten Sellin states that as to the end or final cause of punishment, this is not by way of atonement but as prevention against future β†’

Critique of the death penalty research paper example

The death penalty is unfair in practice, it does not deter crime and it is against the most basic of human rights; the right to life. The increase in homicides in cases of the death penalty was attributed to revenge by the friends and families of the criminal.

Finance case 1: morningstar’s initial public offering (ipo) essay

The traditional IPO system is characterized by investment banks which set the price for the IPO (and, of course, pricing it below the real market price to guarantee a first day explosion that the press likes so much even though it means significant financial loss to the company) and lets anyone bid on how much β†’

Delegation and decentralization

Authority is required by them to make use of the resources of the organization in the execution of the tasks. While in delegation authority is transferred on one-to-one basis from the superior to the subordinate. Decentralization of authority is broader in scope and involves the transfer of authority in the organizational context from top to β†’

Self reflection and project management plan

Gustavo Fernandez told us that we make groups for the project report in the class, so we make a group with the friends who are to be comfortable in communication and share everything. We also make a big change in our project in the part of inclusions that is safety measurement for the commuters.

Performance and project management

The best way of keeping track of the progress is to have a project management performance the goal of the project manager is successfully to move the project through all phases, from start to finish, although ultimately achieving the outcomes defined at the onset. A number constraint and the proportion among the cashiers, cooks, and β†’

Conflict resolution in project management

Conflict resolution in Project Management Conclusions and recommendations Conclusions What is the best way of conflict resolution and why in the projectenvironment? In the business industry and life in general, β†’

Primary project management organizational structures

On the basis of unique characteristics of the project, each project structure various forms its own advantages and disadvantages. One of the main objectives of the structure is to reduce uncertainty and confusion that typically occurs at the project initiation phase. The Structure defines the relationships among members of the project management and the relationships β†’

An introduction to business ethics

This paper will analyze the views of each author as well as address the differences and similarities between the two texts. This paper will answer a number of questions, including: what are the views of each author in regards to socially responsible behavior, what are the ethical principals or theories the books β†’

Critique of the article: absolut memory distortions, alcohol placebos influence the misinformation effect

The researchers found that socially constrained behavior is often kept in check regardless of consumption of alcohol and this raised questions for Assefi and Garry because to their belief, memory performance is not something we normally keep in check. To study the effects of alcohol on memory, the researchers incorporated both nonsocial and β†’

The harmful effects of alcohol on an average person

The officers check the driver ' s BAC to see if the driver is driving a vehicle under the influence of alcohol. The amount of alcohol that is in a woman's blood is also in the baby ' s blood.

The development of pip in great expectations

Due the fact that Pip is narrating his own story many years after the events has taken place in the novel, there are in fact two Pips within Great Expectations: Pip the narrator and Pip the character the voice that is telling the story and the person acting it out all the events. As Pip β†’

The notion of post purchase dissonance

The stages of the consumer buyer process are: problem recognition, information search, alternative evaluation, purchase decision and post purchase behavior. Post purchase behavior " is the final stage of the consumer decision process where the customer assesses whether s/he is satisfied or dissatisfied with a purchase. In a consumer behavior situation, " the consumer would β†’

What factors affect britains climate?

The main influence on Britain's climate which are important are latitude , altitude , distance from the sea, ocean currents and the prevailing winds. Latitude: Latitude is the position north or south of the equator measured from 0 to 90. As you can see on the diagram Egypt is more nearer to the equator than β†’

Hbr apple case

Figure I: A look on the competitor's side Apple's Net Sales by Product Category, 2002-2009 Figure II: Product wise distribution - Apple Present: Apple has managed to increase its revenues from $5 billion to $65 billion by 2010 and revenues are predicted to reach $100 billion in the coming years. By 2010, 60% β†’

ο»Ώtotal quality management in the xerox corporation essay sample

Total Quality Management in the Xerox Corporation Total Quality Management is a term used to define quality programs corporations use to help increase the profit share and the customer relations of the corporation. In the following paragraphs Xeroxs strategies for TQM, the Baldrige Award, and the effects of TQM on β†’

Sample report on market entry strategies

In decision making so as to choose among selections of strategies, the key aspects to consider are the degree of risk involved, the ability to achieve the objective and the attitude in the target markets. Choosing a market, finding a representative or promoting and pricing of the goods lies on the hands of the exporter.

The steve jobs way essay sample

Jobs the leader was at once dynamic and controversial, and his success relied heavily on the genius of Jobs the innovator. Steve Jobs was certainly a willful and driven leader, and the products and services he directed his companies to develop and commercialize changed the way many of us live, as well as the course β†’

Values and ethical decision-making at apple, inc. essay sample

The way in which values and ethical decision-making are practiced compared to that of Apple, Inc.will be the focus of the following information. Furthermore, Team C will compare and contrast the values and ethical decision-making of Malika (a University of Phoenix student) compared to that of the values and ethical structure of Apple, Inc.

Project evaluation case study

The discounting is done using the discounting factor at the required rate of return which is 11%. Project A inflows Project B inflows Discounting factor -n Discounted project A inflows Cumulative project A inflows Discounted project B inflows Cumulative project B inflows Project A= the cumulative β†’

Good example of company’s product line research paper

It is designed for on-road driving. Factors that determine the demand for the products Price is the major factor affecting the demand of the product; the Chevrolet Volt operates in a highly competitive and any slight price increase will lead to reduction of number of vehicles demanded. Lastly, socio-economic importance of a car affects β†’

Sample case study on gulf mexico bp oil spill

Abstract Gulf Mexico oil spill also known as the Deep-water Horizon oil spill, BP Oil Disaster or the Macondo Blowout is considered to be the largest oil spill in the history of mankind. Unfortunately it could not be denied that the oil slick and the ensuing ecological and economical damage were a cause β†’

Research on crm adoption in the air india (nacil) company

This project aim to study the strategies, challenges and understand its problems in implementation of CRM with the help of HRM in the Air India company, and this would be confined to HR relating to the Air India. The essential region of methodology center is the way in which the HR office β†’

Case study on simon sinek golden circle model

The difference between the most successful companies and the rest is in the direction they work from relative to the Golden Circle. For influential firms, this is the starting point for any product development and the reason for exceptional success. Sinek gives the example of Apple, whose products are popular globally, to illustrate the " β†’

Sample research paper on global accenture

In that way, it has consolidated itself as a leading strategies and solution provider for vision oriented companies worldwide. The company has steadily risen in the past decade to high standards given the success of most of its services and the solutions it has given to many a company in the whole world. When outsourcing β†’

Dunkin brands group, inc case study sample

9M respectively. The company's life cycle The Dunkin' brands seems to have reached the mature phase of the lifecycle in the specialty coffee industry. This is as a result of the flattening growth of profits and increased sales, hence ranked number two in the industry. The company's life cycle The Dunkin' brands seems β†’

Crisis marketing strategy: the case of johnson & johnson case study examples

The organization was not responsible for the poisoning as investigation revealed signs of malice. Prior to the poisoning, the organization controlled 37% of the market. Apparently, accepting responsibility and deciding to withdraw the products was a good idea considering that it improved the public image of the organization and brought it out as a firm β†’

Free designing a training program essay example

The keeping in mind of the goals during the development and implementation stages of a training program would come in handy in the designing of a clear and effective training program. Increased motivation would ultimately lead to better performance by the employees on their jobs and also leading to the productivity of the company. All β†’

Ethical situations in business

National and regional chains are frequently forcing small and locally owned stores to close their doors. For this reason, as well as the huge obligations to the social responsibilities required by their communities and customers alike pushes both the small business owner as well as the larger corporations to be able to β†’

Report on procter and gamble innovation

Lafley in 2000 became the president of P&G, making innovation as part of the routine throughout in the market has been highly executed by the leaders of the company in order to establish the culture of innovation in the world market. Procter and Gamble however have ensured that in order to make these ideas a β†’

Amazon swot analysis 2016: strengths and weaknesses

One out of every three product searches online is done through Amazon.com and nearly half of online sales are filtered through Amazon.com. Amazon is the fourth most valuable public company in the world, the largest internet company by revenue in the world and the ninth largest employer in the United States. Amazon.com, Inc., incorporated on β†’

Free promotional and advertising strategies essay sample

They want to claim that their shoes are the best ones and they will surely meet the requirements of the sport players. Nike is outsourcing their products from Korea and Taiwan, whereas Adidas is outsourcing their items in Asia. Adidas Adidas is considered to be among the top few market leaders in the sports β†’

Example of business plan on financial analysis

Additionally, the company has gotten back their asset that was part of the security needed to secure a loan back in 2006. Based on its financial performance, Ford is expected to excel significantly in its financial performance. Surviving the global recession and the demand for auto industry in the U.S.- A case for ford motor β†’

Example of essay on main body

A Phillips curve penetrates in the records and it showed an influencing behavior in most of the today's contemporary macroeconomic models. The Policymaking Transition The decision-makers for the policy favorably or unfavorably comprehended the initial embodiment of Phillips curve like an invariant technical border in joblessness and inflation. It further explored a broad status β†’

Essay on demographic factors

Microsoft, Sony and other software manufacturing companies such as Oracle have been at the forefront in the development of video games that have advanced features such as the Sony Play Station Move and the Microsoft Kinect. The evolution of computer games has witnessed a number of market dynamics that have far reaching effects on both β†’

Transformation process in operations management essay sample

One of the most complex and, at the same time, intuitive concept in operations management is the transformation process, where the inputs turn into outputs and are delivered to the clients. It is evident that transformation process is extremely important for the companies and it is influenced by a number of internal and external factors. β†’

Extra subsidizing and plans of repurchase essay sample

The corporate methodology that the PepsiCo utilizes had empowered the broadening of the items into the bite and the soda pops business. In this specific situation, the organization had gained Pizza Hut, 1978 Tacobell and the Kentucky Fried Chicken. From this viewpoint, it is feasible that the PepsiCo was a foundation that concentrated on the β†’

Globalization processes in ukraine

Ukrainian National Identity: The Ways of Europeanization " ' " " ' " ' ' " " '...' ' "..." " ' ' ' ' '..." ' The article is devoted to analysis of the ways of uropeanization of Ukrainian sociocultural sphere and creation of supranational European identity in Ukraine as the way β†’