6 Pages Essay Samples

Huckleberry finn

As Huck is boarding his raft with Jim, he happens to see the King and Duke frantically running towards the raft. Huck with the help of Tom is able to free Jim from the containment of the Phelps family.

Safeguarding and forms of abuse

Psychological abuse- this is when the abuser will try to get inside the head of a victim so they can obtain what they want or get the victim to do or say what they want this will allow the abuser to convince the victim that it is k to be doing this to them. Bullying- →

Does high technology also brings moral panic to china?

In Classes and Megs article High Tech or High Risk, the authors present the moral panics about girls online and analyze cases happened in the US to argue against the necessity of such panic. The readers, as a consequence, become m about such kind of events due to the overwhelming related reports in the is →

The impact of diet on health –

Foods such as lollipops do not contain simple sugars as they are full of sugars and additives which are no good for you and your body. Fat You need fat in your body to give you energy and keep you warm.

Impact of socio economic condition on academic achievement of students

The link between the economic status of the family and its influence in the student's pursuance for education is one of the issues that the educators are attempting to address. Objectives The main aim of the study is to examine the impact of socio-economic condition of parents and its relationship with academic achievements of children.

Analysis of domestic water consumption

Much gratitude goes to my head of department and to all the staff of the department of geography and planning, university of Jos. This report comprises of the organization chart of Federal Capital Development Authority, urban and regional planning department and also Abuja Municipal Area Council.his report also contains the functions of the zonal planning →

The wars that america fought history essay

Drawing from the above, I consider the recollections of my grandfather to be a reliable source of information that sheds light on the war as seen by people not at the forefront of the events. It is important to notice that even though the actual war did not take place on the territory of the →

Discussion on negligence law company business partnership essay

Negligence under the law of tort, is defined in ' winfield and Jolowiz' on tort as ' the breach of a legal duty to take care which result in damages, undesired by the defendant to the plaintiff. The defendant had breach of duty of care in a legal duty, which the wrong fact given has →

Barack obama: leading change in the us

In his capacity as the American president, he participates in the forum and he is one of the people whose decisions shape the world economy. Obama has this trait because he will not compromise to anything that is unethical to him and he will stick to his position and ethics for the greater good of →

Preschool for all narrative essay

By analyzing the benefits of preschool education, the ways in which these benefits can be achieved, and the overall structure of Obama's Early Initiative plan, it is clear that all children should have the opportunity to go to a proper preschool. 94 in order to counteract the cost of a preschool for all children.

Affirmative action assignment

Reverse discrimination is defined as the question of whether a person who is not of a minority race may be disadvantaged by preference given by official action to others on the basis of race alone. However, the purpose of affirmative action is to increase the admission rates of minorities that are under-represented in our nation's →

Transgender children essay sample

I think that maybe if most people in our country would take time to listen to most peoples stories and how they are as a person then they would understand them more, rather than hate them or not like them because of what they are they can understand them now. If my children decide that →

Is media globalization a form of cultural imperialism media essay

As a result they are heavily influenced with what the media tells them that the consumers seem to be led in one direction of culture and hence the effect of this is that people are dislodged from their own culture because of cultural imperialism which is a direct result of media globalisation and the effects →

An overview of health promotion programs

A successful workplace health prevention program will result in the full support and commitment of health prevention leadership and employees that are fully entrenched in all core health prevention programs that are created in a healthy lifestyle culture within the worksite. Comprehensive Workplace Health Programs to Address Physical Activity, Nutrition, and Tobacco Use in the →

Copy editing

Magazine Measurement A magazine's reach can be measured in a number of ways: Print run Circulation The actual numbers of the magazines are in readers' hand Print run is higher than the circulation 0% will sell at the news stand, 70% will return them Readership Readership is a measure of the number of people who →

Plagiarism assignment

Assignments are designed to help your learning and understanding of your subject by requiring you to demonstrate, through the completion of an assessment task, how well you have engaged with and understood the material you have studied. When presenting your assignment on a topic it is really important to do two things; Be explicit about →

Evaluate how effective mcdonalds are when marketing their products flashcard

I think that the reliability of using the Ansoff matrix is very high as seen with McDonalds for example they were not very diverse and in past years did not really offer a menu to vegetarians or diabetics however over the last few years they have expanded their product range in order to facilitate the →

Global and international business contexts assignment

A further quarter of annual sales are to the countries tourist industry inferring there is a very little demand for Tunisian wine outside of the country, Thus, these demand conditions and lack of internationalization demand suggests there is a gap in the market for potential foreign investors to invest in the countries wine production and →

Introduction to nanotechnology

0INTRODUCTION The objective of this study is to research and discover the development, characterization, and function of nanotechnologies in the globe in the present and future. Furthermore, our group would also like to emphasize on the significant cause and effect of nanotechnologies toward the advancement of human civilization in the recent time and toward the →

Emotion and anticipation in an enactive framework for cognition (response to andy clark)

Perhaps surprisingly, Clark acknowledges the existence of a " virtual version of the sensory data", but with no reference to some of the historical debates that shaped cognitive science, related to the storage, manipulation, and retrieval of representations in a cognitive system, or accounting for the emergence of intentionality within such a system. Pubmed Abstract →

Comparison of winnicott and freud’s theories of personality

Although carer need to adapt to the client's needs at the beginning of the adaptation to help and support clients and gradually withdraw, to give them the chance to explore the world themselves and accept reality. According to Winnicott states that If the mothering is not good enough, the client will fail to form his/her →

Bacon, novum organum, and implied objectivity – philosophy of science

Bacon's " Novum Organum" is can be viewed as a global message addressed to all scholars and students, who seek to penetrate into the true order of matters and nature of objects, as the primary idea of his writing is to assist scientists in developing objectivity and destroying prejudices and stereotypes that determine unnecessarily narrow →

Political parties and philosophies

The Federalist Party Alexander Hamilton was apart of believed in a large government and liberal views. The Democratic-Republican or the Anti-Federalists Party Thomas Jefferson was apart of believed in a small government and constructionist views.

Editorial: highly mutable animal rna viruses: adaptation and evolution

While Meng et al.have studied the production of cytokines/chemokines in infected cells, Gao et al.have analyzed the host immune-related response and viral transmission efficiency in chickens. Kitamoto et al.have focused on the laboratory adaptation of MuNoV, and have suggested that the interplay between variants is necessary for the virus to better adapt for growth in →

Racial inconsistencies in the missouri education system

There's no disputing the psychological damage that is caused by the disruption in their education and the way they view the school system. This is a clear example of the disparities for blacks in the criminal justice system and shows a long and divisive history of the marginalization of African American males that starts with →

The use of balanced scorecard for tesco

It was founded in the aftermath of the First World War and created the concept of discount supermarket or superstore in Britain in 1967. The strategy includes: To keep growth of the business in UK core; To be an outstanding and successful international retailer in stores and online; To be as strong in everything we →

Pharmacology case study

Toxic effect on the respiratory center of the central nervous system and constriction and paralysis of respiratory muscles is the primary cause of death in a case of nerve agent poisoning. It reactivates cholinesterase and is used in combination with atropine to counteract the effects of nerve agents with anticholinesterase action.

Homework no more

The second reason that students should not have homework is because the teacher should be able to to teach all necessary material in the time the teacher is given with the student. Finally students should not have homework because they have a life to live outside of school Some people might say that giving students →

My papa’s waltz personal analysis

In the fourth and last stanza, it is where the author Roethke shows what he has meant to say from the beginning of the poem. The beating time of the head is that the father was measuring the tempo of the waltzing to his head as the boy was small and again the palm with →

The confict on immigration in france history essay

In France, due to differences in social viewpoints, more unfavorable economic conditions concerning both immigrants and natives, and political resistance towards immigration, immigration has caused much domestic tension and conflict in the country, similar to the conflict in the United States. For example, while the vast majority of native French people used to be Christian, →

Attitude change strategies

For marketers who are fortunate enough to be market leaders and to enjoy a significant amount of customer goodwill and loyalty, the overriding goal is to fortify the existing positive attitudes of customers so that they will not succumb to competitors' special offers and other inducements designed to win them over. Among the attitude-change strategies →

Plastic surgery assignment

Knowledge of patient, for the physician's safety History of Plastic/ Cosmetic Surgery, initially plastic surgery was intended and usually used as a repair mechanism to reconstruct. History of Plastic/ Cosmetic Surgery of plastic surgery was India, plastic surgery was used to repair the noses of criminals in India Who were punished for crimes, and plastic →

The application of genetic engineering biology essay

The cloning of animate beings is done intentionally for modifying and bettering the utility of the animate beings to human existences. Though the nutrients may look to be proven safe to eat for now, the advocators of the same engineering do non hold the grounds of effects or stableness of the same nutrients to human →

The role of chief executive officer commerce essay

Delivers functional competence- in a solitarily practical area, the administration of the operations in process is attended by the CEO of the company who develops the operations through balancing the build-to-order in a make-to-stock milieu so that the requirements of the customers can be met on time decreasing the lead-time and prolonging the production. This →

Visual, aural and spatial elements essay

We used asides to audience, for example when the Maniac is trying to explain who Inspector Pissani is to Bertozzo he turns to the audience and says " I have Struck oil!" Aural-There are different parts of our section of the play where we use a wide variety of volume and dynamics which really helps →

Bedbugs research

Individual members of each of the groups must have experienced similar levels of complaints of be bug infestation as will be measured on questionnaires prior to the inclusion of the individual in the study. This will be done so the data will not be contaminated by the bias of the individuals who collect the data →

Religious symbolism in left to tell

Although the enemies of the Jews are poised to annihilate them, Esther approaches the King to beg for her life and the life of her people. In all, Immaculee intricately weaves a poetic and eloquent symbolism into her work to elucidate on events of the Rwandan genocide.

The english judiciary law constitutional administrative essay

The declaratory theory of judicial decisions is to be found in a statement by Sir Mathew Hale over 300 years ago, viz that the decisions of the courts do not constitute the law properly so called, but are evidence of the law and as such " have a great weight and authority in expounding, declaring →

Democracy in question

Thoreau argues that when power is in the hands of the people, the majority rules, " not because they are most likely to be in the right, nor because this seems fairest to the minority, but because they are physically the strongest". Ironically, Amasa, the representative of American freedom and democracy, comes to the rescue →

Effectiveness of hpv teaching among nursing students nursing essay

Among 90 nursing students most of the nursing student52 had inadequate knowledge and 38 had moderately adequate knowledge and no one had adequate knowledge, regarding attitude majority of the nursing students 71 had negative attitude and18 had neutral attitude and 1 had positive attitude regarding HPVvaccination in pretest. Among 90 nursing students majority of the →

Reflection diagram of gibbs cycle

Other than the feeling of curious and excited, I will also afraid because I might not be able to follow the footsteps of the lecturer. This is the result that I aimed for and I am able to achieve that and it gives me confidence to do better.

Poles and italians in detroit

In this paper Id like to focus on the similarities and differences between the Poles and Italians in Detroit by looking at their reasons for leaving their countries and subsequent arrivals into Detroit, their lifestyles upon moving to Detroit, and the Americanization process that occurred when they arrived. One of the most defining characteristics, which →

Uses of power

He possesses the power of legitimacy because he is the President of the United States, one of the most coveted positions in the world. He is the president of Iran and though he is believed to be a horrible person, he has all of the powers that come with legitimate power as well as coercive →

Marketing strategy case presentation: aqualisa quartz assignment

See Appendix 1 for a comparison of channels and Appendix 2 for consideration of the importance and urgency of the major issues.2. Selection of Target Market and Channels In the decision matrix shown in Appendix 3, options were evaluated on the basis of their ability to capture market share, ability to maintain the products' perception →

Digital nation essay

It discusses the effects of using computers and how students must have access to computers and Internet in the education system. This final conference paper called " Teaching Academic Genres in Digital Contexts" supports the need to learn how to use computers and technology and to be computer as'.N.Y.

The relationship between juliet and the nurse

The relationship between Juliet and the nurse is a better example of the mother-daughter relationship than that of Juliet and Lady Capulet. When Juliet is talking to the nurse there is a definite sign that the Nurse and Juliet are from different classes and that Juliet is more educated than the Nurse, we can tell →

Sri bhagvad gita by eknath easwaran

The importance of the yoga lies in the fact that they guide us towards the righteous path and are very well explained in a religious and most famous poem of India, Bhagavad Gita, a part of the India's largest and considered to be oldest epic Mahabharata. The reason for this universal appeal is that it →

Discuss the dramatic devices williams uses in the play to suggest

Instead, we enter the play in the delayed aftershocks of a tragedy that has befallen the main character, Blanche, as she attempts to hold on to whatever remnants of her beautiful past she can, but ultimately fails due to a combination of her past that catches up to haunt her, and also because of the →

Good negotiation skills essay sample

For example, when the employee in the ticket booth has become an expert salesperson, it is a higher chance for the big group of customers to arrange the trip there and attract those customers who cannot make the buying decision to buy the ticket. So, Preparation is the first step and the better way to →

Fight against crimes and the effect on community criminology essay

The COPS grant allowed the phoenix police department to invest in community events and increased the participations of students, teachers, parents and local businesses." The City of Phoenix is committed to working with schools, law enforcement, neighborhoods and other local governments on the crystal meth issue, with the goal of making our community even safer". →

Developing successful strategic alliances

The traditional relationship between the client, consultants, main contractor, subcontractors and suppliers within the construction industry using a traditional contract is in most cases but not all very contractual and adversarial one " Blame Culture" which is not productive in a business as it about relationships, where the client and consultants puts all of the →

Child prodigy research report

They thought that she was fantastic and playing the piano and that she was going to go far with her career. Firstly, when she was younger, she had to experience the divorce of her mother and father.

Tesco: analysis of competition and future prospects

Tesco is the largest food retailer in the UK and one of the leading grocery retailers in the world. Tesco adopted the balanced scorecard method in the mid 1990s to drive its strategy and operations.

Criminal this case over with that they just

For acting all I need to do is bring my best when I am applying for the role and for a tattoo artist I need to go to a tattooing school. Which might not be aot but the fact that I have to law school is a whole different matter, when I get out of →

Research questions & hypotheses

The crux of a qualitative research lies in the socially-developed reality and the research problem is situation-bound. Evidently, the first and foremost objective of a student joining a University is to persuade a higher quality of education.

Hidden curriculum argumentative essay

The basic idea behind the concept of the hidden curriculum is that pupils learn things that are not actually taught in the formal curriculum and, in this respect, the concept of a hidden curriculum refers to the way the learning process is organized. The administration is the catalyst to the development of the school culture →

The functional conflicts in an organisation

Furthermore, the analysis actually will show that conflict in the organisation is positive and can be used to improve on service delivery, relationship management and ultimately organisational goals. Employees were made to escalate to the highest level, service and relationship gaps noticed in the course of service to the customer.

Corporate and global strategy assignment business essays

The seminal study ' Patterns in Strategy Formation' defines a strategy as ' a pattern in a stream of decisions', this definition enables the author to present a description of strategy formation. The findings of this study are meant to be used as an abstraction which focused on the emergent nature of the adhocratic organisations →

The 451, when germany fought together with the

To bring the meaning comprehensively closer, the two colors, black and gold are associated with the colors of the coat of arms of the Roman Empire. This includes the replacement of gold with white, the replacement of the entire flag with the swastika flag, the return of the black-red-gold flag by the allied forces, the →

Choose an image or short sequence

Within the essay I will explain the use of semiotics and about the nature of advertising, also the relationship between semiotics and advertising. The child is only in the ad to emphasise the Gameboy and the toothbrush.

The picaso art essay sample

His career spanned nearly the entire era of modern art, starting with the realism era in the late nineteenth century and drawing to a close with the advent of neo-Expressionism, a style inspired by Picasso's last works. The two periods the " Blue" and the " Rose" form a transition between the conventional art of →

Introduction image used in printing, and this makes

Then the author dwells upon the introduction of the word into the cultural and social life and points out that Lippman was the first to use the word in that context. It opens up with a general statement: " Stereotypes make sense of the big, complex, often transient world that confronts us". Thus, the author →

Management of provision in the early years setting

According to Ofsted report The centre provides outstanding service for children and families and the nursery educators are supporting children to get ready to school and support them to learn numeracy and phonics before starting school. To understand leadership role in the early years setting it is vital to understand the contextual meaning →

Crimes and misdemeanors analysis philosophy essay

By the end of the film, each character demonstrates, through his words and actions, how his own system of ethics affects the choices he makes in life. The film's first central character to be introduced is Judah Rosenthal, a successful ophthalmologist who seems to be living a perfect life; he is wealthy, successful, and lives →

Overcrowding in prison

History of Overcrowding This was started in the late July 6, 1864 written by : " 400 Confederate prisoners of war marched from Erie Station to the prison camp, becoming the first of 12, 123 prisoners held in Elmira. It was said to have been the worst prison camp in the North". The overcrowding →

Critical analysis of strategic management accounting (sma)

Therefore, this indicates that the process of developing SMA has indeed reduced the role of the management accountant as a uniquely qualified individual. Instead, it is now more plausible that a strategy management accountant will be more focused on operational management, and as argued by Roslender and Hart able to " integrate insights →

Christianity according to st. augustine and machia

Augustine's view of Christianity in regard to politics was due to the moral decline of the Roman Empire and the effect of this decline on the still faithful Christians. In his work Augustine tells the Christians not to defy the enemies of the City of God because someday many will repent and become citizens of →

Meeting the needs of a dying patient

G's denial and allow her to see the reality of the situation or is it perhaps kinder to allow her to continue in her state of overt denial. On first analysis, one might take the view that, given the fact that Mrs. In order to come to a considered decision, the nurse must carefully consider →

Online etiquette in virtual learning environment: reflection

Although technology is often credited as the cause of an increasing loss of personal contact in every aspect of modern life, ironically, the use of an unfamiliar tool such as the Blackboard actually helped me communicate better with some other students, as we faced a shared problem and being compatriots somehow brought us closer. →

Ideal individualism and the benefits of conformity

The individual, according to Emerson, stands alone against the wave of society, listening to his own heart and disregarding the thoughts of others. In Emerson's eyes, an individual stands alone, unsupported by community, family, and history, but without such supports, any man is doomed to failure, because of the interconnected nature of men.

Pakistani prunes: the use of distributive bargaining and integrative or interest based negotian tactics

Resources are fixed and limited, and both parties want to maximize their share". What is important to note in distributive bargaining is that it focuses very much on a win for one of the parties and a loss for the other. Using the different tactics of distributive bargaining can therefore be appealing when approaching a →

Ethical decision making and end of life decisions

In South Australia this is the Consent to Medical Treatment and Palliative Care Act 1995. Nurses also are bound by the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council Code of Ethics for Nurses, which in Value Statement 4 discusses the importance of patients having a legal and moral right to participate in informed decision making. →

How to maintain and optimize microsoft® windows vista® operating system

The most common steps for maintaining the stability and performance of the hard drive are as follows: a. This can be used in diagnosing a connection failure or delay within the Windows Vista operating system.(Figure 8.

Drug dealers vs drug users

A good example of a drug dealer is Frank Lucas who used to earn a million dollars every day while hundreds of the drug users such as Chris Farley died because of the illegal trade. Both the drug dealers and the drug users arrive at serious consequences because of the life they live. Conclusion The →

Julius caesar – conflicting perspectives

The major personalities explored in these texts, Julius Caesar and Kevin Rudd, are similar in occupation and their divisiveness, and are the subject of many conflicting perspectives which affect the events which are integral in determining key parts of their lives. In Acts 1 and 2 of Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, differing perspectives of the protagonist →

Corporate social responsibility and specific strategy differences

Is your company employing a global strategy in private-label footwear or a strategy that varies significantly from geographic region to geographic region? If the latter, what are the specific strategy differences from region to region? Unfortunately we do not have production capacities in all regions and due to that fact it is impossible to completely →

Interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approaches to sport and exercise

British expertise in sport and exercise science is reflected in the growing number of postgraduate qualifications that offer the chance to study new and exciting developments. The applications of scientific principles are studied by examining three branches of science biomechanics, physiology and psychology although this knowledge is applied differently to each of the sport and →

Police chief essay sample

Culture of the Police Department: An Assessment This assessment of the prevailing culture in the city's Police Department has been prepared for review by the City Manager as background to changes and improvements that in my opinion need to be implemented so that the department can once again fulfill its obligations to the →

The importance of sustainable purchasing management essay

For the oil and gas industry with its high levels of risk, the Chartered Institute of Purchasing & Supply is providing training to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of purchasing and supply. Oil & Gas UK then undertook a supply chain specialist for the oil and gas industry. The importance of sustainable purchasing →

Employee appraisal essay

The first point of concern with the evaluation form is that it focuses more on the personality of the engineer than on his performance. Time consciousness in a job is important in determining the performance of an employee in the organization. It is important to integrate the various criteria to evaluate effectively an employee's performance →

Hrm 590 compendstion decisions

Alice is a good worker. Potential, which netted her a higher rating. She needs some more skills and experience at this level $675 though. Substantiation and Risk Analysis: Alice has been with the company for 17 years and does a good job, however, she has much →

Crm at makro

This allows customer facing employees in such areas as sales, customer support, and marketing to make quick yet informed decisions on everything from cross-selling (selling to an existing customer) and up-selling (selling something that is more profitable or otherwise preferable for the seller instead of, or in addition to, the original sale) opportunities to target →

Comparison between hrm in the usa and china management essay

The personal selection procedures followed by a majority of the organizations in the USA is primarily initiated with an evaluation of the individual's capability and technical prerequisite for the job. There are great distinctions in the compensation practices of the USA and the Republic of China.

The different effects of the cultural determinants management essay

As a result, customer orientation and learning orientation are more likely to be observed in collectivist cultures than in individualistic ones. H1: the greater the degree of collectivism, the greater is the level of customer orientation and learning orientation. 3.1. 3- Interrelationship of Customer orientation and learning orientation and its effects on firm performance →

Cango video analysis

Each member of a our team has worked on how to make CanGo's future a promising one, and we promise if CanGo resolves the following issues, it will have a head start to a long term success in the future: 1)Company Goals and Objectives Prioritization: For a company to be successful, it →

Comparisons of change models

Next, a practitioner will analyze the strengths of the team or people who participate in the area, based on the goal report that they have achieved very well in the past, and list the strengths of the people in this area. According to these strengths, they will be used to set the →

Chapter thesis essay

In this paper an overview of the IS from a functional perspective is offered followed by the details of the project and a brief conclusion. The inventory system facilitates the operation of the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures Multimedia Center library. For the students, this design project will →

Software project management methodologies research paper examples

There are several software management methodologies that are used in the process of managing a software project. The main reason for looking at the software methodologies is the limited information on the usage of the methodologies. 1.

Alternative education and school programs at risk of failure

Alternative Education and School Programs at Risk of Failure Author: Institution: Alternative Education and School Programs at Risk of Failure Overview Primarily, Zhao's book, Catching up or Leading the Way: American Education in the Age of Globalization, talks about the education system in America and shows its relation to that in China. Ultimately, Zhao →

Example of essay on management of change

In order to meet the criteria of government education reforms the QCDA was closed in 2012 and the responsibilities of the department were divided between the Teaching Agency and the Standards and Testing Agency. Leaders trained to assist in the transitions and transformations change brings are highly valued in such intense situations. The theories on →

Business plan

The purpose of this business plan is to raise $125, 000 for the development of a juice and smoothie bar while showcasing the expected financials and operations over the next three years. The third section of the business plan will further describe the services offered by the Juice and Smoothie Bar.1.

Change management – theories of changes essay sample

All phase 3, 4 and 5 correspond to Lewin's moving phase. * Phase 6 corresponds to Lewin's freezing phase to generalize and stabilize change. * Phase 5 achieves a terminal relationship. The refined seven-phased model are foundations of the organizational development discipline and advanced both theory and practice in OD Kotter's Eight-Step →

Example of research paper on leading and trust

We can also include Mark Zuckerberg, the Facebook CEO, in the list of a good leader. The Characteristics of a Good Leader: The characteristics that make a good leader are as follows: Leadership Styles: Autocratic Leadership: The leaders posses the sole authority, and directs his subordinates to work according to his will. Participative leadership →

Example of case study on graphical representation of the system

If the system is inactive for three minutes, the system locks and only the previously logged in cashier can log in.otherwise, the system has to be restarted which takes a lot of time. The arrangement of the keys needs to be changed. The current design is inefficient since it is easy for the cashier to →

Cash flows in banking system

When referring to the liquidity of a bank, it becomes " the measure of the ability and ease with which assets can be converted to cash," in other words, a bank's capability to easily maintain cash flow between customer and economy. With that in mind, the trust between the population and the banking system begins →

Project leadership roles at trihealth essay sample

Throughout the project there has to be a constant communication between the project manager and the sponsor, so in my opinion the sponsor is actually capable of doing the job of the project manager. A facilitator offers assistance to the role of the project manager within a project.