6 Pages Essay Samples

Analysis of the business communication process

The research draws attention to the importance of these findings on how effective, efficient, accurate and up-to-date these communication processes that shoe great impact on the three levels of communication in the main team namely: Team communication Interpersonal communication Organization communication Search shown some communication barriers on all the levels that hinder the affectivity and →

Personal mission statement

I want to do the best I can in my career and know that I am making a difference in my life. I want to be the manager of a company working in the administrative offices with the skills and goals I achieved by reaching for my dreams.

Historical cause of the trojan war essay sample

SPARTA The rape of Helen particularly offended Zeus because it violated his rules of- hospitality You would better know about Philoctetes being abandoned on Lemnos.- He was bitten by a snake and left behind because the bite caused him to stink and swear constantly What did Lucretius think the sacrifice of Iphigenia demonstrated?- the power →

Situation of college students employment education essay

We can say that the number of graduate students sharply increase in recent years and the rate of employment is lower and lower. At last, lack of experience is the biggest disadvantage of university graduates, many enterprises have difficulties in employment, eager to recruit a capable side and hoped soon to bring changes to the →

Apartment design plan

The incoming study provides an overview of the genesis of the Studio House, clearly justifying the choice for technology, material, the design and the cost. The purpose of the study is to analyze how the materials are going to be used to achieve the objectives of space and sound regulation.


The environment and the demographics of the company should be considered. The emphasis is on the size and the nature of the respondents.

Cost control and cost reduction

However, the forestengineer, the planner, the manager needs to be concerned with the alternative cost - the cost of the lost opportunity. The move-in cost for the bulldozer is a fixed cost and is independent of the quantity of the earthwork handled.

Analysis of tesco and organisations strategic position marketing essay

Threat of substitutes Small convenience shops may be considered a threat to Tesco in the food side of the industry. Add in to that the branding and loyalty schemes that existing supermarkets have as well as economies of scale and the threat of entry for Tesco's decreases.

The ramayana assignment

In the book of The Ramayana, we are introduced to the religion as a mythical point in which we see similarities to the form of religion used in Ancient Mesopotamia. Balance was a very important part of being able to rule in the politics of both The Ramayana and in Ancient China.

Book review: treasury of royal scandals is a national bestseller book written by michael farquhar

Rasputin influenced and dominated the royal family through Alexandra, the wife of the tsar, who was blind to his inner intentions. Joseph had assumed that he would be heir to the throne and believed that he had the right to the throne as the eldest member of the family.

Different types of losses in the joy luck club novel

June reflects on the story that her mother told her about her encounters in Kweilin, and realizes only after it starts to sink in that her mother is dead, that she took listening to the tale for granted. In the chapter " Two Kinds" June narrates her memories of her mother's severe criticisms for her →

An assessment of the flaws in our educational system

In the opening chapter in Lives on the Boundary, Mike Rose points to an underlying issue in our educational system; how to deal with the diversity in our schools of students' knowledge and comprehension of taught material. Mike Rose's belief is that it is the responsibility of the teacher to go that extra mile and →

Financial accounting standards board (fasb) and international financial reporting standards (ifrs)

The reason this process is completed in such a manner is to provide reasonable assurance with regards to the organization's " reliability and integrity of financial and operational information, effectiveness and efficiency of operations, safeguarding of assets, and compliance with laws, regulations, and contracts". All of the organizations aim for long term convergence." However, there →

Clear up the issue, not our trees

We are stripping away the greenery, endangering innumerable ecosystems and inflicting on the quality of life of the organisms that inhabit them. One of the most frequently cited examples of significant deforestation is of the largest and most species rich rainforest in the world; theAmazonrainforest: " During the past 40 years, close to 20 percent →

A study on the preferred teaching strategies of the mapua professors

Erese November 2011 Abstract The researchers decided to research about the teaching strategies used in MIT-Makati branch, by doing this, the group aims to help the teachers and students to understand the different strategies that may help them to remember more facts during discussions and to help the teachers know how to have the full →

Cultural essay crash

The subtle bias of some characters is countered by the blatant outright bigotry by others within the story, and shows that not only are the individuals who are judging perpetuate these stereotypes, but one of the characters himself, by continuing to exhibit behavior that is appropriate in his mind based upon his race. The driver →

Impact of the growth of second-hand clothing market on fashion consumption

Evaluate the impact of recent growth in the second-hand clothing market in attitude and behavior on the fashion consumption. At the same time, this article will gradually deepen the life of residents through the concept of sustainable consumption in the second-hand clothing market and the second-hand clothing market.

Adolescent sexuality in the media assignment

Television and other media represent one of the most important and under recognized influences on children and adolescent's health and their behavior. 6 Analyses of media content also show that sexual messages on television are almost universally presented in a positive light, with little discussion of the potential risks of unprotected sexual intercourse and few →

Covid-19: cultural predictors of gender differences in global prevalence patterns

Cultural factors, in particular the extent to which long or " modest" clothing is worn and the convention of separating adults by gender, may inadvertently determine the rapidity and extent of the spread of communicable diseases including COVID-19. In a recent analysis of gender and COVID-19, a working group argued that " policies and health →

Accounting by the american institute of certified public accountants (aicpa) flashcard

1] The communication is generally in the form of financial statements that show in money terms the economic resources under the control of management; the art lies in selecting the information that is relevant to the user and is reliable What is Debit and Credit? 30, 000 from'the business, it will change the position and →

Why soft drugs should be legalised essay

One is to legalise and regulate the supply, and the other is to leave it in the hands of criminals. By taking the responsibility of supplying of drugs out of the hands of the criminal we also cut off a massive resource that criminals can use to fund their activities.

John steinbeck: his life and his works

Hence, Steinbeck's body of work is in essence full of his own perspective on the state of rural American society; the medium of the novel is chosen in only as far as it gives the author requisite scope and opportunity to fulfill his role as a social commentator. In works such as The Grapes of →

Yakult marketing strategies flashcard

About Weakly The Proportion Health Drinks Currently there are two types of Weakly in the market which are the Weakly Ace and Weakly Ace Light Weakly Ace Is the first product Introduced Into the Malaysia market. Weakly Ace and Weakly Ace Light have HACK and HALL certificate which ensure that the products are safe to →

Help me to help myself

The more the experiences the more the child learns and it is the adult's duty to provide the means for these experiences. The child is expected to behave in a manner that shows respect to his/her peers, and to the environment.

Approaches to treating depression: an analysis

The four " whys" of behavior include: 1) the immediate influences of behavior; 2) the developmental influences of behavior; the function of behavior or the " adaptive purpose" it fulfills, and 4) the evolutionary or phylogenetic origins of behavior. Implementation of an intervention program can be made by looking at how the origins of these →

Technology today

A lot of kids do not answer their phone for calls because they are in class or they are having a conversation and they do not want to be rude and interrupt the person that they are talking to, so they just ignore the call and often times forget to get back to whoever was →

Rivarly between ronald reagan and richard nixon

Presently in light of the fact that he did not get the endorsement for battle, Reagan went ahead to star in publicity films that extremely edged on the battle against socialism and the war. Reagan amid his more youthful years was known to be a Democrat and battled for the Democratic competitors yet he later →

Exclusion clause

The argument that D can rely upon is that it took reasonable steps in order to draw a condition to the notice of J and the damage caused comes within the scope of the clause. In s11 the clause should be fair and know to J while getting in to the contract with D which →

Impact of the black death on art in europe

From 1280 until the advent of the Black Death, Florence, Siena and Padua had been growing in wealth and size, but the outbreak of disease in 1348 and the years following led to the deaths of between a half and two thirds of their populations. Since the publication of Meiss's work, Painting in Florence →

Overview of ocular histoplasmosis syndrome (ohs)

1 There are few reports of pathologic and molecular evidence supporting a the direct role for of H.capsulatum in the development of chorioretinal scars; however, no serologic confirmation of histoplasmosis infection has been reported. Histo spots are asymptomatic in most cases and require no treatment until a progression of the disease is detected.

Merck and co., river blindness assignment

Introduction and Situational Analysis The ethical dilemma in Merck and River Blindness is whether to pursue research that may or may result in profit, or to choose the safe option and go for profit rather than researching the drug. The qualm to this is that, the consumers of the drug could not pay for the →

Psychoanalytic personality assessment

As the writer I will compare and contrast the theories of these three gentlemen and decide which of these theories in which I agree and which of these theories I do not agree with. One of the characteristics that I agree with is the theory that dreams play a part in psychoanalytic personality.

Research paper on stereotype threat

In the non-diagnostic group, students were given instructions explaining that the test was actually a series of games that the researchers developed and were testing to determine their appropriateness for the students' age groups. However, they argued that development of this area is crucial to the study and understanding of stereotype threat.

Intercultural barriers in film: hotel rwanda essay sample

Hotel Rwanda was released in 2004 and based on the story of the heroic acts of Paul Rusesabagina, played by Don Cheadle, during the Rwandan Genocide in the spring of 1994. There was also the Hutu militia leader, General Bizimungu, the man in charge of the army sent to kill all of the Tutsi in →

Export finance and insurance corporation economics essay

It represent the Government's strength of mind to expand an included come up to to trade strategy and make certain it is part of the broader financial policy settings. Australian retailers and e-tailors should be this submission, the FIA has advocated for a position of competitive neutrality agreed the chance to struggle with their out →

Traditional media assignment

Final Summarizing Comments Technology and media will have a place in the classroom for a number of years to come. Ranging from student use to instructional aids, technology and media can be used for a variety of reasons in the classroom.

Waiting for god – a critique of christianity

Throughout the majority of recorded history, progress and change in this sense is the result of an antithesis, or an opposition to the societal standards, often found in the form of a counterculture. Contributing to the Theatre of the Absurd in support of the existentialism movement, Samuel Beckett's play Waiting for Godot challenges religious values, →

Red bull case study

In fact, the company is trying to appeal 10-15 years old, which are the potential demand of the Red Bull Energy drink. To sum up, the bargaining power of suppliers in this market is very limited.

Developing and developed countries and protectionism economics essay

The infant industry argument is one of the soundest and most common arguments that developing countries apply to justify their use of protectionism. Here, it is worthwhile to note that protectionism would be more justified if the time period for which it is practiced is explicitly stated, and the firm is aware of the specific →

Strategic alternatives

With their important role in the world market, they want to focus costumers' needs in the future and immediately develop and apply the best business models for both of them and the costumers. In contrast to the strategic thinking, the strategic plan has the variety of perspectives, models, and approaches used.

Harvard concept (fisher and urgy)

The keys to prevention are: " building a working relationship" and " facing the problem, not the people." Think of the people you negotiate with on a regular basis. Think of the negotiation as a means to solving a problem and the people on the other side as partners helping to find a solution.

“the slave mother” and “walking away” essay sample

This poem was written in the Ballads style and we can tell this by the way the poem starts straight in to the climax. I think the use of the metaphor is used to describe how much the mother needs her boy just as we would need water to survive in the desert.

Alice walker and her novel the color purple

Her third novel, The Color Purple, was published in 1982 and became the work she is still well known for today. The time period of this novel, The Color Purple, was in the 1930s.

Importance of internet in e commerce

Hence, to be an outstanding website among the others, and to gain the competitive advantage, the travel agency need to know which factor has the most significant influence the user to use travel website. To examine the relationship between travel motivation and Malaysian travelers intention to use travel website.

Behaviourist and cognitivist learning perspectives for learning new sport

As a coach in Cardio Tennis, it is important that I consider the effect learning approaches from the behaviourist and cognitivist perspectives have on the participant's confidence when learning the volley. Reinforcement, especially positive reinforcement, could foster the development of confidence in participants; an example of this in Cardio Tennis could be through rewarding a →

Glaxo wellcome mini case

With a portfolio strategy and clear differentiation among the products, Glaxo U.S.is better armed to capture the 90% of migraine sufferers that were not being medicated with a triptan as of 1997. With the benefit-based portfolio strategy Glaxo can market its second-generation triptan, Amerge to the millions of migraine sufferers.

Case study: cognitive behavioral therapy (cbt) for drug addiction

The councilwoman is a strong community asset as she listens to the needs and concerns of the community and then helps to bring awareness to the issue and find solutions. In order for this model to be successful one of the first steps that should be taken is to educate community members on the opioid →

I to reduce this distraction, but an experienced

First of all, seeing auras is a fairly easy magical practice that many traditions have discovered, and in my experience almost everyone can be taught at least to see the basic glow of the inner aura around the head, although seeing the whole aura in detail and in colour is a lot harder, and not →

Laser communication essay sample

The receiver will pick up the laser light and convert the digital information back into an analogue signal for output to a speaker. The D/A converter receives fewer bits and the voltage levels used to describe the original analog signal are not the same as the input.

Susan b. anthony speech

Anthony was born on February 15, 1820 and she was one of the many women in the nineteenth century to fight for women's rights. Although, it took as long as 14 years after her speech for women to have the lawful right to vote and exactly one hundred years after her birth, she campaigned and →

Women’s self-esteem in the social media age

This is a vicious cycle and can damage many women's self-esteem and self-worth with the need to feel beautiful in the eyes of others. Objectification of women's bodies is prominent in social media, partly due to pop culture, and the patriarchal society and sexist values Americans hold towards women.

Market leader of uk in fruit smoothies market marketing essay

And it will be difficult to change people's perception about negative impact of such drinks on health, they can still feel that this product is like any other energy drink in the market. Competition: Competition is tough in the energy drink market, it is dominated by red-bull and monster.

Radioactive dating

Radioactive decay * Radioactive isotopes tend to break down into stable isotopes of the same or other elements.* Refers to the process in which a radioactive form of an element is converted into a decay product at a regular rate.- This dating is not a single method of absolute dating but instead a group of →

Free how to build a healthy diet

The Foundation then suggests that a healthy diet consists of the right mixture of these food groups as can be seen in the diagram below. Given this information, a healthy diet consists of the following: 1/3 of fruits and vegetables, 1/3 of starches, 1/3 of proteins, and a small amount of high fat and sugar →

Importance of trade union in modern workplace management essay

Originating in Europe, trade unions became very popular in countries during the Industrial Revolution, when the lack of skilled workers shifted employment bargaining power almost completely to the employers, causing many workers to be mistreated and underpaid. Trade Unions prove beneficial for workers, as the main aim of forming this group is to prevent the →

Computers mimic the human mind 13828

Certainly if we are able to create computers and software that mimic the human mind, then Eliminative Materialism is a sound solution to the mind-body problem. In the future, computers will be able to do anything the human mind is capable of thus proving Eliminative Materialism to be a sound solution to the mind-body problem.

1malaysia development berhad scandal

In 2015, the former Prime Minister of Malaysia, Najib Razak, was accused of channeling $681 million from 1Malaysia Development Berhad to his personal bank accounts. A GAAP that was not followed in the 1Malaysia Development Berhad scandal is the " Business Entity Concept".

On animals or contaminated animal products. the

The Bioport Corporation of Lansing Michigan is the only company that produces the anthrax vaccine. It is caused by the inhalation of anthrax spores and it is the most deadly type of the disease.

Juvenile crime and the influence of media violence assignment

In a report for parents and policy makers there are statistics stating the influence of media violence and the barring that it has on juveniles. We as a country need to be more aware of what is going on around us and take a step back from all of the violence that is portrayed in →

Conceptualizing the borderline personality scale

Conceptualizing the Borderline Personality Scale I) The personality trait I will be attempting to measure is borderline personality disorder. III) To test the reliability and validity of this test, a replication of the study would need to be conducted.

Higher education in gulf countries

More so the future development and constancy of any financial system is determined by the capability of its education scheme to position people with the essential knowledge and effectively incorporate them into the labor force and contribute to the state's economy. These gulf countries have come to realize the significance of education function and culture →

My ideal internship: analytic consulting

With the amount of accomplishments that the QOS division of the Permanente Group achieved, I have absolute confidence that I will learn from the best in the industry if given the opportunity. In this paper, I examined the effects of temperature on the physiology of aquatic animals and consequently the effect of global climate change →

Uncle tom’s cabin as a romantic racialist novel

Richard Yarborough remarked that, " Uncle Tom's Cabin was the epicenter of a massive cultural phenomenon, the tremors of which still affect the relationship of blacks and whites in the United States". He chooses not to run for the sake of the rest of the slave's on the Shelby plantation and out of faithfulness to →

Softball paper

In this essay I will discuss the history of softball, the basic rules, and the necessary equipment needed to play the game. George Hancock, said to be the inventor of the game took the boxing glove and tied it so it would look like a ball, took chalk and drew a diamond on the floor, →

Subcultural theories and critiques

One example of this can be seen with the subculture of gypsies, where it is tradition to get married mainly by the age of 16, they live in caravans, statics, shallays and it is tradition for gypsies to attend the Appleby fair every year and even though this is not seen as the norms and →

Recommendations for tuen mun landfill expansion

In this memo, the crux of the landfill expansion problem will first be discussed, followed by recommended policy actions and justifications in gaining support to the plan. The government can increase education and promotion, in order to allow the public to understand the urgency of the problem.

Water cost problem in united states: expansion and solution

The steady rise of water usage has conversely increased the cost of water in a number of states, which is now being considered as a looming problem. Subsequently, in order to meet the supply and demand of water, there should be a greater focus on the causes and the solutions of water supply shortages.

Company analysis: sears holding corporation

The Sears Holding Corporation is a result of the merger between Kmart Holding Corporation with the Sears Roebuck Co.which occurred in 2005, and the headquarters is located in Hoffmann Estates, Illinois. The combination of both of the corporations would improve shareholder investment returns and thus facilitate the growth of the Sears Holding Corporation.

Advertising plan assignment

There will be some very exciting advertising on the television, radio, and social networking sites that will get customers very excited about the dipping sauce that will make them want to get out of their seat and head to McDonald's to try the new dipping sauce. During the soft sell, customers Will be able to →

The representation of women in press: the example of turkish media essay sample

Representation of women in the media is not only the desires of audiences' desires, but also the choice of the one who exercise power. Even in the politics there is a decline in the rates of participation of women.

The color complex: how skin color affects african americans

Popular phrases such as, " the Blacker the Berry, the Sweeter the juice," and " If it's White, it's gotta be right," have held opposing views in the African American community on the concept of skin complexion. This new " race" multiplied in numbers to create the new " black bourgeoisie," which served as a →

A man for all seasons critical

Rich is described by Bolt as the character " longing to be rescued from himself", which immediately suggests to us that his unpleasant and self-absorbed nature is viewed as a weakness even to himself, making us pity his lack of ability to change himself rather than hate the character he is. This helps us to →

The dramatic significance of act one scene one of hamlet

A final important factor of the dramatic significance of Hamlet is the creation of suspense and atmosphere in the opening through the themes and characters. Like all themes the presence of the ghost is a source of conflict in the scene: " Horatio says 'tis but our fantasy," Not only is the ghost a source →

Which of the dramatic technique used by r c sheriff in journey’s end

This reminds us of the importance of trivial things to keep the men sane; in the play the smallest things are the only way in which the men can keep out the horrors of war. Raleigh is hit and is ordered by Stanhope to be put in the officer's dug out.

The problems of millennials in the workplace

In this literature the problems raised in the workplace by millennials in the workplace will be reviewed, to see which issued are rose up under the future of the workforce and recommendations followed on how issues can be solved or avoided. Instagram is an application where users upload photos and videos to share with their →

Recruitment, selection and retention on j sainsbury plc.

HRM runs a variety of activities, it focus on deciding what kind of staffs are needed and where to find suitable candidates to implement the company's tasks by recruiting and training employees, dealing with performance issues, and ensuring personnel policies and management practices conform with various legislations. One of the most important things in HRM →

Clarkson case

30 Days credit terms to Customers and delay in collection lead to build up of accounts receivable, resulting in cash flow problems. No change in ratio of sales to assets?

Idealism and realism

According to the idealists, power is not as important to sovereign states as compared to the peaceful states and the well-being of the people. The idealists feel that the Britons intervene in the affairs of the third world countries for the sake of making the world a better place for everybody and for the sake →

The tragedy of eritrean refugees caught up in libyan and sinai desert, egypt

The Plight of Eritrean Refugees in Libya and Egypt Dear Sir/Madam, I would like to write to you on the problem of Eritrean refugees in Libya and Egypt, with a view to achieving a positive solution to that issue. The direct cause of the current abysmal situation that is often summarised as the " Eritrean →


Along with sterol, phospholipids make up 5% of lipids in diet Best know phospholipids is lecithin Has backbone of glycerol 2 of it 3 attachments occupied by fatty acid like those of triglycerides The third space occupied by a phospholipids group and a molecule of choline Soluble in both fats and water Fatty acids make →

Editorial: local aspects of sleep and wakefulness

Editorial on the Research Topic Local Aspects of Sleep and Wakefulness In the last two decades, the traditional view of sleep and wakefulness as global, whole-brain states has been challenged by a growing body of evidence indicating that both sleep and wake are regulated locally and that sleep- and wake-like activity can often co-occur across →

Since general objective of the kepler mission

After the invention of the airplane and telecommunication there seems to be nothing left to discover except those that can be found beyond the borders of the earth. Ask the astronauts and the scientists who are familiar with the brutal conditions of outer space and they would tell you that it is impossible to sustain →

Protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism

Thus, Marx asserts that individual's progress towards self realisation has been stymied by the development of capitalism-a structure of economic associations that utilize working man's labour in the name of proceeds and isolates man from other individuals and himself in a way through the conflict between the proleterian and bourgeois classes. Different to Marx, Weber →

Selfish and unselfish actions as personal interest philosophy essay

It is the ability of a person to do his or her own things without helping others or meeting the needs of other people, they only concentrate in self-satisfaction. It is also clear that because the altruistic actions normally produces self-satisfaction in the individual and because the same satisfaction sense is a good conscious state, →

Personality and age on conformity assignment

Influence of Personality and Age Differences on Conformity and Peer Pressure Society is filled with an abundance of rules and laws as to what is deemed as acceptable and what is not. To understand the effects on conformity, this study will focus on relationships between personality and conformity, age and conformity, and then how both →

Religion, politics and economy

We can see the importance placed on religion from the ten temples in the area, some of which are the Temple Of Jupiter and the Temple of Apollo. The Temple of Apollo on the left and the Temple of Jupiter on the right Gods were orshipped both in public and in the home.

Julius caesar and john locke’s treatise of government

In conversing Locke's Two Treatises of Government, Locke sets out his own perspective and arguments the complete power of the king to function without the agreement of the people. Captivatingly, Locke's third power is named the " federative power" and it contains the right to act globally conferring to the law of nature.

What are the sources of bureaucratic power essay

It will be argued that civil servants are the real sources of bureaucratic power in British society because of the traditional permanent positions they hold in the government. As there are many forms of power it is this statement that clarifies the fact that the power of the civil servant comes from the office that →

Prof. stephen hawking- a brilliant scientist

After the initial diagnosis and being told that the disease was incurable and that I was likely to die in a few years, I began asking myself questions such as " Why should this happen to me?" and ' What did I do to deserve this?". With that in mind, I applied for a research →

How technology has changed business

Although personal computers and telecommunications ceased to be a novelty In the late asses, It was only with the introduction of the first Web browser to the Internet in 1995 that things really began to take off. Bingo overnight everyone had the capacity to be digitally wired together through combined audio, graphics and video miscommunication →

Sexual politics – kate millet (1970)

Sexual Politics Kate Millet Summary of document This article enables the reader to understand the difficulties of gaining equal rights and respect which women faced during the second wave of feminism. Usefulness of document This document is useful because this book inspired a new wave of feminism which was revolutionary and radical enough to create →

Studying two poems by william shakespeare and two poems

The poem is all about making England and fathers proud so the king is trying to convince the army not to be scared; what do the soldiers have to be scared about? Although in my opinion I think that all war is depressing and violent, the poetry does not have to be as shown by →

The stoning of soraya m. essay

From the title of the movie, the viewer knows to expect some gruesome content, however the way in which the story as well as the tension builds up uniformly, allows the viewer to prepare for an unpleasantly surprising ending.' Not without my daughter' is an example of a movie that has quite a drastic change →

Course assignments

Compute cost of goods manufactured and cost of goods sold from the following amounts Direct materials inventory Work in process inventory Finished goods inventory Purchases of direct materials Direct labour Manufacturing overhead Beginning of Year $22, 000 38, 000 18, 000 End of Year $26, 000 30, 000 23, 000 75, 000 82, 000 39, →

Psychology of colour

In addition to the floor plan, the colors used on the interior affect the successfulness of a restaurant because they can directly influence a person's desire to eat. Due to the size of its wavelength, Red is the most warm color and has the strongest effects on the human mind.

Politics in joyce’s “a portrait of the artist as a young man”

The background of the novel is the anti-colonial movement against the British in nineteenth century Ireland, which had begun with the Act of Union in 1800, making Ireland a part of the United Kingdom, and abolishing a separate Irish Parliament in Dublin. The novel, as stated earlier, is set in the Revolutionary Ireland of 1880 →