5 Pages Essay Samples

Sample research paper on the reconstruction of the south; post civil war

The tension between the North and antebellum South sparked during the boom of the cotton industry in the agricultural South. After the civil war, the Union prepared for the reconstruction of the South and used different means to reintegrate the region as part of the United States.

African american vernacular essay sample

The African American vernacular has aided the development of a distinct culture in terms of what African Americans were subjected to from the installation of slavery. The African American vernacular was used as a way to expose the atrocities that African Americans were imperiled to through songs and language." Go down Moses," a spiritual and β†’

Roman class system

Children born into the noble class would eventually strive for a senate seat or to progress their wealth, while being born into the lower class, for the most part, were stuck there even though there was the ability for upward mobility it was extremely uncommon if not impossible in some cases. The Equestrian Class was β†’

The relationship between slavery, race, and citizenship essay sample

The book by Walker takes the reader through the American history, under which racial slavery is treated as a necessary transaction in the course of the American development and democracy. One of the most interesting concepts in the racially motivated slavery is that the child of the Negro female was to assume the status of β†’

Free biography on history

She played a very instrumental role in the movement of women rights of the 19th century in America leading to the introduction of the women suffrage in the US. She engaged in the activities and movements in order to push for the abolition of slavery in the US.

Free essay on abolition, john brown and rebellion

Abolitionists in the North sought to end the practice of slavery, stating that it degraded the human rights of African-Americans, which placed the Southern economy in direct jeopardy - one of the factors that would lead to civil war and secession later in the century. In 1861, Texas officially seceded from the Union, a move β†’

“desiree’s baby” essay sample

First published in the year 1893, the story captures with vivid detail, the societal attitudes that prevailed during the dawning years of that century. The half nakedness of the quadroon boy, the burn wounds of Negrillon, and the mention about the part of Satan in his dealing with the slaves, all are symbolic representation of β†’

Example of abraham lincoln essay

He got elected to the House of Representatives in 1847 where he championed for the abolition of slavery and opposed the Mexican War. Even in his involvement in the war, he took caution not to alienate his constituents, the Western and Northern states of the Union.

Plantation slavery in the middle east

The Structure of Slavery in Indian Ocean Africa and Asia. Slaving and Slavery in the Indian Ocean.

Eighty-eight years’

Starting with a concise examination of the extension of European domains in the 1500s and the formation of the Atlantic ranch complex in the mid-1600s, the book centers around the century extending from the Imperial Crisis and theAmerican Revolutionin the 1770s toReconstructionin the 1870s. In like manner, while the subtitle references the 'long passing of β†’

Good comparative : women rights activists; stanton and truth essay example

Truth's tireless fight for the abolition of slavery and the acknowledgement of women's' rights formed the hallmarks of her life. Although Stanton had never been a slave, she could relate the denial of women's rights to slavery especially those in unloving and disrespectful marriages.

The fires of jubilee essays examples

Stephen Oates' book The Fires of Jubilee tells the tale of the slave rebellion of Nat Turner, a moment that became one of the first shots across the bow for the American Civil War. The Fires of Jubilee combines a straightforward retelling of the events of the Nat Turner rebellion with real historical nonfiction, creating β†’

Centrally planned vs market economy

Social Ownership: In a market or capitalistic economy, all the properties and means of production belong to the private individuals. In a centrally planned economy, the vital sectors of economy are owned and governed by the government ownership and management respectively.

The market coverage strategies

For differentiated marketing, this is multi-segment marketing which market coverage strategy while a company attack to two or more market segment by selling product and unique marketing strategy which tailored to each different segment. For concentrated marketing, it is one of the market segmentation which company produce product to market for a very well-defined, specific β†’

Serving customers in global market

The key message that the advertiser wishes to communicate to the customers is that it believes that they have the right to information regarding the level of service they expect from the company all the time even in the rare moments when it falls short of the high standards set by the company. Importance of β†’

Value chain and competitive forces

Then, the profit depends " on its effectiveness in performing these activities efficiently, so that the amount that the customer is willing to pay of the products exceeds the cost of the activities in the value chain". To gain a " first in" advantage of this new market, the company takes in to full consideration β†’

General overview of the e-market

Before settling at a viable pricing policy, the marketer must look into the issue of costs because the business is there not only to serve the customeers but to dot it profitably. It is good that before settling at a given pricing policy the marketer surveys and considers the possibility of other products in the β†’

The perfume industry essay sample

The focus of these perfumes is limited to the image that the perfume company is marketing for the fragrance. That's the image of perfume A.

Apple incorporated-balance sheet & market value

The market value of short-term debt is assumed to be the same as the book value. The higher the ratio, the greater the indebtedness, and the lower it is, the lower the reliance of the company on debt.

Macroeconomic equilibrium and stock market boom

The aggregate demand curve will shift right b) In the short-run, what will happen to the price level and output? In the long run the economy will experience a rising price level and a falling level of output.

Reebop lab essay sample

Also the mating was very random which could also increase the chance of the reebop not being a purebreed.g) What is the probability of your ReeBops genotype occurring? h) What is the probability of your ReeBops phenotype occurring? The result would be a trisomy with three chromosomes in total.

Nature vs. nurture

In the article, " Nature and nurture predispose to violent behavior: Serotonergic genes and adverse childhood environment" the authors are conveying in their hypothesis that certain psychological problems have been shown to be heritable and if given the right circumstances, individuals with those genes could find themselves engaging in criminal activity. Heredity and role of β†’

The cdna coding region sequence not the mrna information page essay examples

The identification of the cDNA coding region sequence is not straight forward because the existing cells only translates a portion of the open reading frames of the proteins. The cDNA coding region sequence prediction uses the sample and sequence of mRNA from the cells despite that presents the parts of the mRNA translated to proteins.

Free research paper on genetic testing

The news and disclosure of the test results is traumatic and devastating and there is need for professional counseling and support to victims before and after the test. It helps to diagnose individual's vulnerability to inherited diseases and also for the possible presence of a genetic disease itself.

Compounds that compose the human body

Lipids are important because they function as structural components of cell membranes, sources of insulation, and a mean of energy storage. Water is also very important for the functioning of a human cell or a human body.

Technology and value case study example

However, testing is good only in some cases, and in situation with Jane it is not really good to be applied. It is much better to invest in new researches in this field and take care about the quality of curing genetic diseases, as preventing of these diseases is not possible nowadays.

Reviewing ideas and using concepts: p.258-259

The function of tRNA is to delivers amino acid to ribosomes during translation in the order specified by the mRNA. The biological roles of the cap are to signify the start of the mRNA sequence.

Forensic science lecture 4 17/01/2013

Look for a blue color shade, color change fast is salvia or slow change can be other fluids * Limitations: 1)method of deposition cannot determine there is blood because 2 ppl for into a flight of if someone got a nosebleed, how the fluid got there 2)date or time, it can stay on items for β†’

What determines are destiny

Judith Rich Harris states in the video that the similarity of children to their parents inpersonality, is entirely genetic". There are children that are not similar to their parents and very different in character and features.

Duchenne muscular dystrophy essay examples

The condition appears in the form of degenerated muscles around the legs and the pelvis region. Research into the use of gene therapy in treating duchenne muscular dystrophy is still in the pipeline, and this might be a pleasant relief to the patients.

Dna by touch: dna investigator kit

From this it can be seen that the amount of DNA deposited differs from individual to individual and pressure also plays a role on the amount of DNA transferred too. When data from both hands and three days for all low, medium and high pressure was combined for both the volunteers a correlation was detected β†’

Example of personalized medicines and respiratory disease biomarkers and pharmacogenomics of essay

In specific, the knowledge of how variations in the genes responsible for encoding enzymes and proteins are the main pillars of pharamacogenetics. Pharmacogenomics: Increasing the safety and effectiveness of drug therapy [pdf] Available at: [Accessed 8 october, 2011].

Congenital heart disease research paper sample

The congenital heart disease refers to the defects in the functioning and structure of the heart that occur during conception, and is said to take place somewhere between the 3rd and 10th week of pregnancy. These emphasize the critical effect of disruption of the normal and early stages of development and biological processes to β†’

Example of education essay

The most common of these is breast cancer and its association with the presence of the BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 genes in females. Medical treatment is offered in the form of chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

Hijab in history and nowadays

It is mostly worn by women in rural areas, and a few in urban areas, however in recent times there has been an increase in the number of women wearing the hijab. Hijab is seen as a symbol of Islam, and the repression against it by the government is due to its vision of creating β†’

How has each of the major monotheistic religions left its mark on jerusalem essay examples

Several legends on the Al Quds area abound and although it is difficult to identify them today, they are undoubtedly some of the most important topographical parts of Jerusalem as a city of the Prophet. However the city was still populated by Arabs which had reduced it to a stinking hovel and this undoubtedly had β†’


He was the youngest person ever to be appointed a general by Muhammad.* Umm Ayman - she was around Muhammad from his birth until his death and was the closest example of a mother to him. Malayali/malabari * Cheraman Perumal- he was a king of the Chera Dynasty who gave up his kingdom to personally β†’

Free essay on religious pluralism and islam

Other similar religious beliefs propagated by both the Quran and Christian teachings in the bible include: the miraculous birth of Jesus, the belief that miracles do exist, the second coming of Jesus, the revelation of the gospel to Jesus among others. Such teachings show a similar orientation of religion and further led to the tolerance β†’

Khilafat movement

It was adopted as a title by the Ummayad Caliphs and then by the Abbasid Caliphs, as well as by the Fatimid Caliphs of North Africa, the Almohad Caliphs of North Africa and Spain and the Ottoman Dynasty. In 1920 an alliance was made between Khilafat leaders and the Indian National Congress, the largest political β†’

Example of education, religious behavior & religious attendance of american muslims research proposal

A number of research questions have a valid impact on the effect of education on the religious behavior and religious attendance of Muslims in the United States. The most pertinent issues on this topic include:- What is the education level of the average Muslim in the United States?- How have education levels affected the β†’

Devon street of chicago (indian food and religion) term paper

With the kind of food that is available in the cuisines, one cannot talk of the extravagant nature of the hotels which is seen from the curtains and carpets displayed in the rooms. The New Chicago: A Social and Cultural Analysis.

The middle east essay

The name Middle East is considered to be used for the first time during the period of British India by the English however the term became popular when an American novelist used this term in his novel to indicate the region between the India and Arabia. The religion which is mainly practiced in the Middle β†’

Ms. maloney

He is a hero to the children, and a friend to the men and women. The author allows space for the reader to fill the blanks and for the action to describe the thoughts of the characters.

The islamic ritual of ramadan

In the Islamic culture it is said that Ramadan originated in the year 610 when Allah revealed the first verses of the Quran to Prophet Mohammed. To celebrate this event, once Muslims reach the age of 12, they partake in Ramadan, the main practice of this ritual, and what it is most known for by β†’

Essay on the arab spring and terrorism

The global implications of these protests are enormous and the world community recognized the efforts of these protestors by awarding Tawakel Karman, a Yemeni politician, the Noble Prize for peace for the year 2011. While the elation pertains to the choice of democracy emphatically embraced by the Arab people, the apprehension is towards the future β†’

Concept paper – salvage

But in the Philippines, ' salvage' somehow became an autoantonym, which is a word that formed a definition that's the opposite of the original. In their coverage of these stories, the media used the word ' salvage' in reference to the retrieval of the bodies from the rivers and canals.

17 bad habits & attitudes of filipinos that need to change bewilderedstateofself:

Thoughtless When someone celebrates birthday, graduation or winning the lotto in the neighborhood, the party lasts through deep in the night, keeping neighbors awake by the noise of an out of tune videoke singer.2. Laziness When going to the market, some Filipinos prefer to take the motorized bike and pay a premium instead of a β†’

Rizal’s retraction letter

And then the third text appeared in El Imparcial on the day after Rizal's execution; it is the short formula of the retraction. Senator Rafael Palma, a former President of the University of the Philippines and a prominent Mason, argued that a retraction is not in keeping with Rizal's character and mature beliefs.

Contact information

Eustace, Play First attempt at playwright 1877: Through Education Our Motherland Receives Light, Poem One of the inner motives of my life: A country achieves Progress through education 1879: To The Filipino Youth, Poem First Prize at a poetry contest organized for Filipinos by the Manila Lyceum of Art and Literature December 1880: Junto Al β†’

Urban poor in philippines

The squatters in the Philippines have wreaked havoc in the country and they are out of control. Some of them clog the rivers not just with their garbage, but also with their human waste, which eventually result in the flooding of the streets and residential areas of the cities specially in times of heavy rain.

Rizal in brussels

For instance, the Tagalog letters k and w should be used instead of the Spanish c and o.salacot salakot arao araw Early in September, 1886 while in Leipzig, Rizal adopted the Filipinized Tagalog orthography in his Tagalog translations of Schiller's Wilhelm Tell and Andersen's Fairy Tales and again he used it in his first novel β†’

Clean kitchen

The main focus is on a pair of dancers in the field surrounded by revelers both young and old.* Harvest - The rice planting means, to remember the history/culture of every filipino human that the our farmers is the main topic. From the collection of the Museum of Philippine Art.* Balut Vendor- it was painted β†’

Chapter 1 : advent of national hero

CHAPTER 1: ADVENT OF NATIONAL HERO JUNE 19, 1861 the day when Jose Rizal was born JOSE RIZAL - The greatest hero of the Philippines - " many splendored genius" - dowered by God superb " intellectual", - " moral" and " physical qualities" - a man of many talents - a martyr and a β†’

Top ten most active corporation in the philippines essay sample

Given a wider scope of business, AGI immediately diversified into the food and beverage, real estate development and, a few years later, into the quick service restaurant business Philippine Business Bank Philippine Business Bank was incorporated on January 28, 1997 as Total Savings Bank and was granted the authority to operate as a thrift bank β†’

Steven adriel r. dizon

Contact with Mindanao by Muslim traders from today's Indonesia and Malaysia long predated the arrival of the Spaniards in the 16th century, and was responsible for the conversion to Islam of the inhabitants, and the formation of the Muslim Sultanates of Maguindanao and Sulu, among others, in the western part of the island. Only with β†’

Chapter v: at the university of santo tomas (1877 82)

2 courses enrolled at UST - Philsophyand Letters - Medicine Mother's Opposition to Higher Education - Don Francisco and Paciano wanted Jose to pursue higher learning - Dona Teodora opposed this at the university of santo tomas.- RIZAL ENTERS THE UNIVERSITY - April 1877, Rizal at 16 years old, entered University of Santo Tomas 2 β†’

Dr. jose rizal’s my last farewell: last notes before his execution

In the third and fourth line, he says that if the colour of liberation lacks his blood, he must die for the country to attain freedom. He also repeats what he has said in the third stanza that it is his desire to dedicate his life to the Patria.

Essay on life-death

This paper seeks to explain the relationship that exists between men and gods as presented in Epic of Gilgamesh and the Ancient Greece, The Iliad and Odyssey. In the Iliad and Odyssey the relationship of gods and man are similar to those of In the Epic of Gilgamesh.

Experiences of nurses grief after patient death essay sample

While the impact of death on family members has been well documented in the literature the reaction, response and grieving process of nurses during and following the death of a patient has not been researched extensively". The nurse's response to the death of a patient was related to the connection the nurse formed while caring β†’

Stages of death

The by-products of autolysis subsequently fuel putrefaction; the consumption of the body tissues through the progressive proliferation of bacteria. During aerobic cellular conditions, lysosomes fuse with the membrane of the phagosome and release the hydrolytic enzyme into the phagocytic vacuole, digesting the entity and releasing nutrients into the cytoplasm.

Good essay about world civilizations and their art and architecture

Art and architecture to a huge extent bring out the cultures of these civilizations in a way that it makes it easier for the current generation to understand the past. This form of art and culture identified the religious standing of the Greek at that time in history.ii.

American government: u s democracy

Democracy is a system of governance whereby power vested on leaders is held by the population andleadershipis through an accountable and transparent electoral system that respects the choice of the majority while listening to the views of the minority. Lastly an executive is important to represent the sovereignty of a nation and lead the process β†’

Democracy in pakistan

Chosen representatives of the people make laws and policies in a democracy and a committee of their members, called the cabinet of ministers, implements them. The MQM and JUI-F have usually been ready and willing to sit in the aisle with the party that is likely to form the government.

Provide some reflective thoughts on the subject she raises argumentative essay examples

These incidences are highlighted in the various examples that are inculcated in the piece of art such as; " Daughter of the East" Inspires Women of the World" this is in the context that she focuses to brings into the limelight the hard fought battle for democracy in the middle east and the turmoil of β†’

Ethics essay – fourth estate

The Fourth Estate, a name given to the media who traditionally have been charged as the custodian for public interest, the publics watch dog, their responsibility to the public sphere is to warn us, some times educate us and they have the ability to entertain us, they also ensure that people exercising power are kept β†’

Ch 1: introducing government in america

Ch 1: Introducing Government in America * Many young ppl apathetic about politics, less involved than elderly * Need to be involved for political tolerance, identify what policies they benefit from * Politics compete with TV and the internet Government * Government: institutions + processes through which public policies are made for a society * β†’

Report on do individuals feel that there are benefits from paper recycling

The results were statistically analyzed and they showed that while majority of the people considered paper recycling as a positive initiative and as something that would benefit the environment, the study's results clearly showed that there was a lack in knowledge about paper recycling and its benefits. The lack of access to such facilities may β†’

China’s democracy movement essay

The bureaucracy was the largest hurdle to the attainment of his model of democracy. The limiting lines were socialism, the totalitarianism of the public, the blending of Marxism-Leninism, and the party control.

Aims essays example

The objectives of the research include: Project outline with academic references Because of the revolution, the people of Egypt have gotten back their sovereign power and the dictatorship form of government evicted. The Egyptian revolution triggred the changeover from the extreme use of aggression inherited from the tyrannical regimes to the diplomatic management of political β†’

Islam and democracy in egypt analytical essay

Overall, it is possible to argue that Mubarak resisted the growing role of Sharia in the legislative system of this country, but he had to recognize the importance of Islam for the culture of the Egyptian society. This is one of the trends that could be observed in the eighties.

Free term paper about politics in the trenches

The most appropriate response for the people in the book, Politics in the Trenches, roots in the perceptions of the people. The politicians play a vast role in the distrust of the civilians, the distrust of the government and the public offices.

Felons: democracy and equal protection clause

Ex-felons who are going to return to their ways are not going to be interested in having a voice in the government. People who argue that ex felons should not have the right to vote believe that they have presented poor judgment and it is absurd to let them help in he choosing of our β†’

The role of relationships literature review

She weaves an engaging story where many of her relatives and friends such as her paternal grandmother and her Yale mentor Jose Cabranes come to life as they help her make sense of the complex world she lives in. She and her brother Junior were strictly forbidden to use the stairs to climb to their β†’

Research paper on political support

In the economy of Texas, majority of the people supports the Republican Gubernatorial contestant since the Party embraces the scenario of the low taxes. This will guarantee a growth of the economy and many retailers will be attracted to invest in the state.

Good example of essay on minority issues

The US has the largest number of minorities compared to the other countries. Education standards of the minorities are poor compared to that of the whites.

Augmented reality – the future of comics

The first being when the reader reads the initial printed page, understanding the subtleties and narrative of the story, and a second closure occurs when the reader accesses the hidden UV layer and recontextualizes what they had read previously into their new understanding of the story. This idea of layered information to create a second β†’

Comparative analysis of relational and non-relational databases

With the explosion in volume and variety of data due to increased mobile and web applications, the popularity of using an efficient database system to cater the needs of business has become an essential part. This Research is done to determine the best suitable technology, which caters the need to handle this large amount of β†’

The role of computers & social media in today’s age

It allows people to share knowledge, create and communicate to people of all over the world. It decreases their interactions to other people and circumstances in real world.

Pros & cons of using a computer in our daily life

Computers are everywhere nowadays, ever since the information age because, computers have become a vital source of information, in fact, it is true that the rise of computers brought with it the age of information. Although loneliness and isolation are related, they refer to distinct aspects of the social world of older people.

Help desk support

E-mail Slow e-mail response and difficulties in reaching a customer to discuss a problem can be overcome if the remote connectivity and proactive network management tools are used they are the instruments of success for a strategic help desk. It is absolutely necessary for staff to have the ability to " takeover" and manage the β†’

Cyber security: the common application threats and attack types

Most of the time he/she uses an application which is linked to the web to send the malicious code which is usually in the form of a browser side script, to an end user. In a brute force attack, automated software is used to generate a large number of consecutive guesses as to the value β†’

The advantages of wireless sensor network technology

The research paper will cover up describing the system design the node hardware architecture and also the code libraries, design of the layer two and three WSN protocol operation and some future work For the cluster network they divided the sensors in 5 groups, one for each cluster and one for the sink node. Sensor β†’

Picture: victim and ultrahigh spec laptops

We assumed Matt forgot to shut it down and close it but he was sure of himself that he did. He opened the notepad and there were a list of 9 names on It.

My spreadsheet software assesment

The spreadsheet should contain the following data: Price of the chocolate bars Shelf location in the shop Sales of each chocolate bar for January Sales of each chocolate bar for February Use the information below to create the spreadsheet. Reopen SS2_chocolate_complete, and create a column chart to compare the prices of the chocolate bars.

Domain tree and forest

Windows server 2003 contains Active Directory as a mean of holding the record of all the computers, users and groups which are inter-linked within the domain, Active Directory holds the permissions any particular member or group of members are allowed by the Administrator. One of the main reasons why windows server 2003 have been used β†’

Report on backup android devices

On the framework level, that incorporates a considerable lot of your Android settings and inclinations, extending from affirmed Wi-Fi systems and passwords to your dialect and information settings, date and time settings and show inclinations. You can affirm the majority of that is being backs up by going in system settings and searching for Backup β†’

The idea of virtual reality

The primary hints of the inspiration of virtual reality in the sense we hear today go back to the mid-1930s, with Stanley G. The last has distributed a story in which he talks expressly of a couple of glasses enabling the wearer to have the impression of being transported into a virtual world in which β†’

Post traumatic stress disorder in the military

Half of the women will be treated to long term therapy in which they will relive the traumatic events that led up to PTSD in hopes that their emotional distress will decrease over time and that their memory of the event is no longer traumatic. The other half of the women will be treated with β†’

Good book review on why zebras don’t get ulcers

The book gives an account of the impact of stress in humans and the strategies that enable to cope with the stress. The different chapters in the book explain the effect of stress on memory, immune system, growth, depression, sleep, addiction, aging and many others related to the body and mind." Why Zebras Do not β†’

Stress critique essay

1 The effects of stress on physiological symptoms According to Subbulaxmi, the effects of pressure can be shown in many ways. Conclusion This research examined the effects of stress and how to manage stress in people's daily lives.

Good example of work home conflict causes mental problems in women essay

This paper tries to dwell into factors leading to women working full time and understand the conflict between the dual roles of an employee and a homemaker. The work remains static and employee feels the pressure of not being able to perform the job.

Job stress and burnout essay sample

I feel that in order to avoid a high degree of job stress and burnout, people should strive to approach employment like a calling, and not merely a way to pay the bills. W, Altmaier, E, & Van Velzen, D.

Example of the effects of mental stress on coronary heart disease research paper

The Framingham Heart Study and the epidemiology of cardiovascular disease: a historical perspective. Stress and cardiovascular disease: a report from the National Heart Foundation of Australia.

Electro mechanical control systems essay example

The simple machine has three linear actuators one being used for opening and closing of mould, the second being used for the barrel movement, the third for injecting polymers.Fig1. A timer control is also made available in the control circuit to have proper opening and closing of the mould.

Thesis proposal on attentional control and automatic attention to emotion

Increased stress is considered to be the cause of fear and anxiety, being associated with attentional bias and pursuing the ongoing utterance or exposing the anxious subjects to the source of stress would lead to a preservation of anxiety and to posttraumatic stress symptoms. The psychology of attention.