5 Pages Essay Samples

Bob ewell: a journey into the world of an alcoholic

What if the downfall of Bob Ewell is but an example of the downfall of the many people living with alcoholism? We know that alcohol is the main influence behind Bob Ewell's actions because of a number of moments in the chapter.

Dishonesty in the crucible

The lack of trust follows to the dishonesty in the play people began to see the rampant accusations of the trials as a chance to use this hysteria to benefit themselves, and began to accuse an easy target as the person who is engaging in witchcraft. The trial in Salem parallels the trial Miller went β†’

Comparison between edgar allan poe and vincent van gogh

Vincent Van Gogh is also similar to Edgar, as they both had many personal problems in their life, but Gogh was a painter and Poe was a writer. Despite his excellent performance in the classroom he was unable to graduate as he could not afforded the cost of college anymore and had to drop out.

Ifeoma aneke

Ifeoma Aneke English/1b January 7, 2012 To Kill A Mockingbird How Did Atticus Influence Scout In the novel To Kill A Mockingbird, I believe that Atticus had a great influence on Scout. The last away how Atticus influenced Scout was that you should be kind and respect nature.

Color imagery – the great gatsby

Fitzgerald's color imagery is clear when yellow is used to describe situations of greed and the desire for power throughout the story. His blonde hair shows that because the author's use of yellow shows the greed and the desire for power in the story.

Examination of key themes and ideas in to kill a mockingbird

One of the more notable and acclaimed aspects of the book is the narrative style in which it is written. As the narrator struggles with issues that she is too young to understand, as she has not been acclimatized to the bitterness of life, the hearts of the readers leap out to her, and we β†’

Scout finch

Scout Finch, the main character in To Kill a Mockingbird, is used to drive the plot and theme of the story To Kill a Mockingbird. They manage to sneak in, and Scout is exposed to a harsh take on the world.

The adventures of huckleberry finn

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay The Fate of the King and the Duke The characters of the King and the Duke are most likely the most important after Huck and Jim in the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain. The punishment of the Duke and the King was suitable because the scams they β†’

Mrs. dubose and chaper 11 of ‘to kill a mockingbird’

Dubose is a ' something' not a someone and that negative view of her from the children is what makes us dislike Mrs. Dubose, apart from the fact that she lives ' two doors to the north' of the Finches and that Scout does not like her.

To kill a mockingbird

Scout asks Aunt Alexandra if she's come for a visit, and aunty says that she and Atticus have decided that it's best if she stays with them for a while, as Scout needs some " Feminine influence". Atticus defines it for her as " Carnal knowledge of a female by force and without consent" Scout β†’

“the lottery” literary analysis analytical essay

Notably, the atmosphere created by Jackson in presentation of the sureness and the norm of the practice of lottery within the village is quite convincing that, this practice was readily welcomed. This paper presents the tools of characterization and the setting of the short story " The Lottery" One of the most outstanding tools of β†’

Abigail williams: villain or victim in arthur miller’s the crucible

She is responsible for many deaths throughout the play, in fact she could have stopped the hysteria and ensuing madness many times if she just admitted the truth but she does not, hence, cementing her place as the ultimate villain Any attempt to see her as a victim at the beginning of the play after β†’

Evaluation of the role of montresor in edgar allan poe’s story, the cask of amontillado

At first glance of Edgar Allen Poe's " The Cask of Amontillado," the murderer Montresor seems to join the ranks amongst the most vicious criminals; however, once the adrenaline of the crime wears, the humane side of the Italian gentleman shows. Because of this glimmer of the true Montresor, we as the readers do not β†’

Huck finn criticized

This also helps to identify the type of atmosphere that was experienced back when the book was written." The book is a strong voice against racism, but at the same time some passages mirror the values of the racist society Mark was raised in". The most significant point of the book is that " Huckleberry β†’

Case study on mills utilitarianism

And if the fool, or the pig, is of a different opinion, it is because they only know their own side of the question. And if the fool, or the pig, is of a different opinion, it is because they only know their own side of the question.

Example of ignorant voting essay

It becomes obvious that part of society decides to deliberately not get involved in any process that would get them more information about a certain issue they have chosen, like politics; yet, they still have their own opinions on the matter they chose not to be fully informed about. In spiral of silence, one opinion β†’

Free term paper on post war scenario

One of these was the Socialist state of Russia that had suffered the most in Second World War and had contributed the most towards the defeat of Germany, the Second was an outside force in form of United States of America that had aided the Allies in the War and made their victories possible. Harry β†’

Term paper on psychological continuity

Psychological continuity maintains that the same person remembers the experiences at every stage of his life and the two stages of the mental state belongs to same person only if there exists continuity in consciousness among the two stages. However, the continuity is not present only apparently and deep down the memory, the person might β†’

Sample argumentative essay on young goodman brown and how his faith was tested

Test of Faith in Young Goodman Brown In the short story " Young Goodman Brown," the author Nathaniel Hawthorne makes use of mystery and suspense in order to grasp the readers' attention. Hawthorne advocates that Goodman Brown's wife Faith is untainted and guiltless, akin to the own faith of Goodman Brown.

Facts of the case case studies example

He argued his conviction and stated that the court, by the act of refusal to provide a counsel, violated his constitutional right to enjoy the assistance of a counsel during the trial as stipulated by the Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution. The court held that the right of a defendant for counsel assistance β†’

Free essay about critical and creative thinking in society

Creative thinking would of generated alternative solutions that may have prevented the critical response of the media and the public to the UK's aid program and Blaire's relationship to the President.' Truth' is a verified or indisputable fact, proposition, principle or the like.' Free will' is free and independent choice and the ability to make β†’

Pascals wager essay example

He tried to explain the reason why people should believe in the existence of God despite the fact that this cannot be proved or disapproved rationally. On the other hand, prudential reason maintains the standpoint that people make decisions to believe or not to believe in terms of the benefits expected.

Essay on assertive behaviour

I was very disturbed and upset and the following morning instead of talking to the neighbor about the issue, I expressed my anger by telling my friends about it. In this incidence I failed to act in my best interests accordingly, could I have addressed the issue to my neighbor, he probably could have solved β†’

Free research paper on how does religion shape and form identity

The formation of identity which begins with the very process of naming ceremony continues to form and shape through various observance of religious rites, religious way of life and religious principles. All the Muslims and Christians are required to share a religious identity through the adherence of these five pillars.

Good example of gender roles and language essay

Hence, while in Josh's opinion, men and women should be able to use the same words in the same context, the use of profanities by women has been traditionally taboo. Jacob's opinion, however, reveals a fair understanding of gender in relation to the use of profanities.

Free truth is in the ear of beholder: rumors, conspiracy theories and truth essay example

The best example in this regard is the shared extensive worldwide belief that the Al-Qaeda is not responsible for the 9/11 attacks as the attack were conducted by the USA and/or Israel. In case of the occurrence of an unfortunate event, it is a certain thing that the rumors and speculation would occur at the β†’

Good example of moses’s role in the development of a more personal relationship between god and the people of israel essay

Israelites' sufferings in Egypt were not ignored by God and therefore, he sent Moses not only to free His people from bondage and led them to the Promised Land, but also to mediate the reception of the Divine Law, in the form of the Ten Commandments. However, God's own willingness to develop a more personal β†’

Thesis on the theme in t. s. eliot’s poem “hollow men”

In what easily passes as intentional fallacy, Eliot says that he derived the title of the poem from a combination of " The Hollow Land" by William Morris with " The Broken Men" by Rudyard Kipling to produce his title of " The Hollow Men". The theme of salvation is more pronounced in the last β†’

The cognitive science of religion: an article review essay examples

The cognitive science of religion is the field of science that aims to explain the relationship of the emergence and popularity of religions to the way our brain functions. In article that explains the cognitive science of religion in length and in-depth, there are numerous determined cognitive mechanisms considered as the pillars of religion.

Quiet torrential sound literature review example

She proves herself to be the dominant force in the relationship, as Claire merely wishes to go about her business, while Monica feels the need to prove her superiority to others. Monica, despite her arrogant veneer, is jealous of Claire's sexual accomplishments, and the fact that her orgasms are better than anything she aspires to β†’

The rise of christianity research paper

The rise of Christianity. J: Princeton University Press.

Aristotles metaphysics essay sample

Aristotle calls this terminal point as the form, understood not in the geometric sense, but as that, which determines the nature of the substance. Aside from the form, a substrate is also necessary to explain the reality of such changes since " change" implies the change of something into something else; it neither involves the β†’

Criminal justice deviant behavior critical thinking

As a form of constructivism, the conflict theory aims at looking to the social and economic factors as the major causes of deviance and crime. In addition, the conflict theory seeks to explain deviant behaviors and criminal behavior to the correlation of race and gender with the level of poverty and crime.

Alzheimer s disease literature reviews example

In North America and Europe, AD is the most frequent contributor of dementia. Researcher supports that clinical experiences of nurses about the awareness and attitudes in terms of caring for patients with AD is very central.

Essay on people with hejab participate less in sports

This is mainly because of the fact that the dress code of any nation signifies the culture of that nation as the dress code carries a practical as well as symbolic value. Perhaps, one of the main reasons for the low hijab participators in sports, is the fact that dress code enjoys an utmost important β†’

Muslim religious beliefs and practices essay examples

There are a number of periods which are discussed in the book and which focus on the changes made in the Islamic movement over the years which certainly brought about a sea change in thinking and in various aspects of this religion. Basically the book argues that Islamic people were disappointed with the appeasement of β†’

Good sports fans essay example

There are four major types of sports fans: the casual fans, the real fans, the loyal fans, and the homer fans. The casual fans have their beloved sports teams but they are not loyal enough to watch every game that their preferred team is involved in.these are the kind of fans who are well-versed with β†’

Essay on attitude legislation and litigation for disabled students

The discussion focused on key elements that include how the ADA impacted upon the design of schools the inclusion of wheelchair ramps and access, for instance; stronger support networks for disabled students including great numbers of learning assistants and disability training to help to specialise the support that students receive. In schools, teachers are held β†’

Sample book review on the thesis of this book is that familiarity and social contact do help in in producing

In the book American grace, Putnam and Campbell are surprised by the uniqueness of the American religion. They are so inquisitive especially on the relationship between religion and civic rules, religion and politics, the role of religion in uniting people and the religion's view about the America's journey to the current state.

Ethical behaviour in organizations research paper examples

In the cut-throat competition in the business industry that exists in modern day, some organizations tend to circumvent the requisite laws and policies in a bid to remain relevant in the market. London: Taylor & Francis.

Comparison of behavioral therapy and rational emotive behavior therapy critical thinking

Intervention in REBT is much different than in standard behavior therapy; instead of using standard behavioral conditioning to substitute behaviors as the therapist sees fit, discourse and dialogue with the therapist is used to arm the patient with certain emotional techniques, and allows them to learn about why they think the way they do. On β†’


Through means of systematic persuasion the communicator will appeal to reason and logic to help change attitudes.or they may appeal to emotion and habit by means of heuristic persuasion to change beliefs. After a person converts into the beliefs and practices of the cult, the cult's way of life becomes second nature.

The computer worm virus computer science essay

The computer worms are programs that reproduce, duplicate independently and travel to spread across networks, it does not rely on the host file or boot sector and the transfer of files between computers to spread and this is the main key difference between the computer virus and the worm virus. The Most Well-Known examples of β†’

Computer science

During these four years of my course, I gained in-depth understanding of the various techniques involved in problem solving, mainly to cater to the services of the industries. Today, I contribute to a local organization that focuses on the environment of my hometown, Hyderabad.

Virus protectionthis can improve a computers

Recommend virus protection because it can save your computer from viruses and that is a massive benefit because it means you can keep your work and any personal details that you have on your computer so It saves your computer and plus saves you from losing out non lot of money of In getting your β†’

Outline of it solution and next steps for umuc haircuts essay sample

A detailed user guide of the system use will be develop for the appointment system.2. The goals of the appointment system will be put into the functions and operations of the appointment system.3.

Role of computers in marketing

The number of respondents was 20 percent of the total mailing. Knowing the monetary value of quality characteristics of selected fresh vegetables can aid in the evaluation of hangers in the food distribution system.

Review and history of cdma computer science essay

Code division multiple access The main Drawback of FDMA and TDMA is that only one subscriber at a time is assigned to a channel. CDMA is a " spread spectrum" technology, which means that it spreads the information contained in a particular signal of interest over a much greater bandwidth than the original signal.

Computer assembly and disassembly essay sample

You will need to lift a thin metal bar and match the back of the CPU with the pins on the board and then close the bar. Put the power supply inside the case and match it to the square opening on the back of the case where the fan end of the power supply β†’

The random access memory computer science essay

Data is stored in physical memory is temporary, because it will store the data stored in it on a computer that does not continue to flow through the power in other words, the computer is still alive. Virtual memory is a data storage method in which part of the program or data stored in the β†’

Network installation

The term topology, or more specifically, network topology, refers to the arrangement or physical layout of computers, cables, and other components on the network." Topology" is the standard term that most network professionals use when they refer to the network's basic design. The choice of one topology over another will have an impact on the β†’

Chapter 2

Debugger is a computer program that is used to test and debug other programs Decoder is a device which does the reverse operation of an encoder, undoing the encoding so that the original information can be retrieved. Interface is a tool and concept that refers to a point of interaction between components, and is applicable β†’

Computer aided instruction

It's concludes with a discussion of future work planned for the tutorials and potential future applications of the concept of Web-based tutorials. The students are encouraged to copy the commands from the browser window Into Mental, run the code, and compare the output they get with that given in the tutorials.

The current problems with the accounting methods of rodney street private clinic essay sample

What is required is a computerised database, which is simple and efficient to use in order to control the accounts of the practice. A further problem is that they also forget where videos are located in the shop and they again have no data to refer to in order to tell them this and they β†’

Instant messaging mobile apps computer science essay

The combination of presence awareness and real-time messaging o ered by instant messaging systems has proved to be the source of such applications in the Internet, gathering hundreds of millions of users. For the purpose of this report, we have used the following apps Whatsapp, Viber, Hike, BBM, and Google+ Messenger and on popular mobile β†’

The impact of computers in our daily lives computer science essay

For instance, in large industries, cars and space exploration devices and machines are designed by the use of computers, in hospitals where medical billings, patient admittance and other medical equipments are run and made by computers; traffic lights that run the city traffic are run by computers. Computers help in designing the right kinds of β†’

Computer literacy

In the following quote," These differences in reading speed are assumed to be due to a declined sense of orientation when reading long lines of online text presented in single wide columns" it is evident that reading from a computer screen can affect the reading speed when comparing to reading from the book. Writing on β†’

Microsoft report 12361

Doing this, Gates made a company that would run ever part of the new computers and this would make Microsoft a world power in the business world within just a few years, ironically this would also cause one of the most controversial lawsuits against any company. In 1994, it was not ruled that Microsoft was β†’

Technology good or bad essay sample

There are many who do not hold this same view though; many say that the growth of computers and their technology is the best thing to happen to us since the automobile. The growth of computer technology is negative due to the fact that society is growing to dependant on computers and this will lead β†’

Wireshark ip routing

What information in the IP header indicates that this is not the first datagram fragment? What fields change in the IP header between the first and second fragment?

The exploration of the human nature

The exploration of the human nature, of the mind and of experience, forms the basis for the works of writers like John Donne or Jonathan Swift. The reader is involved in the drama between the speaker and the " blank" audience and the use of conceits and paradoxes aid in establishing the change and turmoil β†’

Milgram’s obedience experiments

The aim of this essay is to discuss a classical experiment from the history of psychology, namely Milgram's obedience experiment. The key insight gained from social psychology and, in particular, from Milgram's experiments, is the importance of social influence on obedience.

Phd dissertation guideline overview

This chapter consists of the background and Theoretical Framework of the Study, Statement of the Problem and the Hypotheses, Significance of the Study, the Definition of Terms and Delimitation. The Background of the Study As stated previously in the explanation of the Background of the Study, the Chapter 1 of the present research lacks a β†’

What is the role of morality in modern society

But morality is a temper of behavior in society; spirituality is conditions of soil, right world-view and harmony with own mind. Exactly morality makes human a creator of own life and destiny Family is the first step in moral education.

The voice you hear within

Everything seen, smelled, tasted, etc.is recorded into the brain, and this information provides the basis for the connotation of everything perceived from that point on, Oden 2 so that the perception of the world changes constantly and in direct relation to how much exposure there is to new and unfamiliar things. The sound of the β†’

Moral relativism and plato’s euthyphro

People have different beliefs on what is considered " right" and " wrong." The idea that the truth is relative simply means that " what is true for me is true for me, and what is true for you is true for you." There have been problems with this view however, because there is not β†’

Hemingway’s iceberg theory in hills like white elephants

Hemingway is hinting that the American is unable to accept the fact that Jig is pregnant. Jig responds to the American by saying that he would not have seen the elephants, implying that the only thing he is able to understand is her going through with the operation.

Introduction to psychological testing

Although these methods are used to determine reliability and identify errors there various factors, which can affect the results of the reliability of a test. Conclusion In conclusion psychological testing is used to provide, identify, and measure characteristics, abilities and the behaviors of an individual or a group.

Safety in school zones

Create two specific purpose statements about the topic you have selected? one or a speech to gain passive agreement, another for a speech to motivate immediate action.-Passive: To persuade my audience that trained gunmen should be allowed on school campuses.-Immediate: To persuade my audience to campaign for safer school zones. I would try to fire β†’

Applying moral theories to the housing allowance dilemma philosophy essay

It is difficult to say whether Mutambara was right or wrong in his actions, but his actions can be analyzed by the moral theories of Virtue Ethics, Utilitarian, and Ethics of Care. In the case of Mutambara and NewCom, it is difficult to determine which was morally correct.

Explain kant’s theory of duty as the basis for morality essay sample

To perform a moral action out of desire for the good consequence it brings is to act in self-interest, and is not a morally good action. To tell the truth, because it's in our interest to do so, is not a moral action.

Defining ethical and moral standards philosophy essay

And in its turn, ethical and moral behavior of a person can be defined as a way of interaction with a society which is the least disturbing, or better, pleasing to the other members of a society. To be an effective leader, a public official must maintain the highest ethical and moral standards.

Wolfgang keller at konigsbrau-krayina

Things you have done well in managing Khmelnytsky's performance is your honest approach and open dialogue between the two of you. Khmelnytsky that he could be the supervisor and mentor of Mr.

Bench strength

This training and development program is so designed in such a way that will harness the skills and strengths of these people, in the hopes that they will be able to steer the company through rough waters and towards higher grounds. This way, these people are able to gain a broader and deeper insight of β†’

Shawshank redemption moral context essay

The story follows the two friends and their struggle to survive the brutal environment of the Shawshank prison, led by the the " supposedly" moral figure, Warden Norton, who abuses his power in the most unethical ways. During his time at Shawshank, Andy makes the free and deliberate decision to deceive the warden, steal his β†’

Characteristics of modern drama

It is crucial to note that characters in these two movements represent themselves as normal human beings and this aid to the readers to interact and analyse the play to make their own judgements which is a feature of modern drama. Naturalism applies to ' Ghosts' and ' Death of a Salesmanin the sense that β†’

Role of christ in my life

I for one am split between the two as I do learn better by observing an example or technique than reading, but feel strongly that I can also read about behaviors or techniques and then apply what I had just read bout, I also feel that with the more media on sicknesses and disorders in β†’

Assess the effectiveness of strategies used to manage the impacts of glacial processes

Guidance: Candidates:should show knowledge and understanding of the problems arising from the impact of glacial processes and landforms on human activity or from the impact of human activities on glacial environments;should show knowledge and understanding of the strategies put in place to manage these impacts;should show an assessment of the effectiveness of the above strategies; β†’

Confidence and innocence through point of view

The themes of innocence and confidence of the youth intertwine in Updike's story, through a play in narrative tone, as made possible by the first person point of view. Perhaps, with this focused and limited set of eyes, the first person point of view allows the reader to get a simplified description of the A β†’


I had a son, and had to support my family, so I got a second job to make moremoney, and dropout of school." The allegory of the cave" According to those living inside the cave, their perception was their reality, and these people who stayed inside the cave could not see the light and were β†’

The effect of illiteracy

That is to say, the more illiterate people there are in a country, the harder it will be for the country to develop. Without adequate literary skills one may not be able to identify on a label the correct amount of medicine to give a child, or read and interpret a sign giving instructions on β†’

Why should we be moral?

Morality refers to the most vital code of conduct set and recognized by a society and accepted by the people of that society. This is the decision to do right so as to be a good person, responsible and better in the society.

A sense of belonging

Minygululu also has a story to tell, diachronically through time to that of the ancestors, Yeeralparil and Rijimiraril, not to the audience but to Dayindi, " to help him live the proper way", however the audience is still involved through the narration of David Gulpilil, " it is Minygululu's story for Dayindi back then, and β†’

Ethical principles that guide us moral compass philosophy essay

Whenever an ethical decision comes my way, I want to do the best that I can to make the right decision based on the context of the information available to me. The key word there is context, if I make what I believe is the right decision and then another factor arises that I did β†’

Beauty queen

The two characters that anchor the play are the mother-daughter duo of Maureen and Mag Folan. Also, Maureen growing old and turning into her mom is a classic case of the vicious cycle of life.

Middle-class morality

The " thought of [her husband's] superiority to her exasperated her" and drove her to abandon her distaste for prostitution in order for her to feel more in control of her own destiny. However, by the end of the novel, Emma perceives her Romantic views of life and status in life as more valuable to β†’

Sure things

Dave talks about his long day in the beginning of this dialogue, while " Toph" extends the conversation to the discussion of Dave's inner being. From the dialogue, we can tell Dave is desperate and is eager to have a normal life with Toph.

Mindfulness & majjhima nikaya

Through repulsiveness of the body, the person will be able to identify one part from the other and what the purpose of each part is. In the discussion of the mind, there is a comparison between the being and the mind such that when the body has lust, the mind also has lust, if the β†’

Term paper on humanistic and biological approaches to personality

In the higher hierarchy of needs the individual has esteem needs where he requires having the respect of others and being loved. In the first level the individual has an awareness of his physical needs and seeks gratification.

Changes of terrorist attacks of 911 essay example

The government and communities realized the need to come up with new and sophisticated strategies to counter terrorist threats in the country and its facilities in the world. The police are required to go beyond the conventional role of protection or playing guardian but also recognize the importance of public involvement in the security of β†’

Example of modern slavery in romania essay

Contemporary slavery in Romania happens in the form of human trafficking. Modern slavery in the form of human trafficking is an insecurity issue.

Recognition rites speeches essay sample

In one incident and in line with the performance of his duty he was threatened by Joel Domopy as stated in the blotter entry No 3825, page No 670 of Tangalan Police Station, Tangalan, Aklan dated 020900 August 2009.IV. Ureta being the Captain of Brgy Dapdap, Tangalan, Aklan is deemed inherent, therefore, he should be β†’

The model of ukrainian denuclearization article review

The issue of weapons was considered much less important compared to sovereignty.- Intermingling of nuclear and other political, security and economic issues made the United States to make rules that compelled her officers go beyond the confines of the policy agenda to ensure adequate coverage and enhancement of denuclearization.- The Ukrainian nuclear status was inherited β†’

Comparison of police organization in usa and uae essay samples

The USA's many police forces include transport police, state police, city police, county police, sheriff's departments and highway police. A Police Commissioner heads the police agency in a state and under them are various ranks up to the police constable.

Good example of united church camps incorporated- safety structure report

As a religious organization, the safety standards and structure are still provided and governed by the Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration that classified the organization under services: religious organizations. Finally, the site on First Aid and Safety of Texas provided information that caters to religious institutions.

Good essay about the federal tort claims act of 1946 (ftca)

Some of the issues that are the citizens were advised to address by suing the federal government included the personal damages. This paper aims at elaborating the conceptual application of the set of rules that are incorporated within the subsections of this act within the justice and security framework of the nation in question.