5 Pages Essay Samples

Important the person being interviewed may go off

Try always to get a sense of the time-factor in their lives, to assess whether you have to extract information fact, or have time to work up to the relevant questions. If you work out a set form of introduction and get into the habit of using it to preface every interview and telephone call, β†’

Church as pneumatic community

A Pneumatic Community sharing the Divine Wisdom-spirit Reading the Bible from Feminist, Dalit, Tribal and Adivasi Perspectives Introduction The transforming power of the Spirit is evident at the beginning of the history of the Christian church, The church is a transtormed by Spirit into Pneumatic Community. The Holy Spirit and the Social Experience of Men β†’

Dharm dev anand essay

In his heydays, he was considered the epitome of the suave, urban gentleman. The impetus for making a film from the book came from Dev Anand himself, and he et and persuaded Narayan to give his assent to the project.

Orthotics in neurology: disorders, treatment and causes

Orthotics in neurology encompasses all the elements that relate to the functioning of muscles, organs and joints which are utterly controlled by the nerves which carry the orders of a brain to the respective body part. The initial indicator of orthotics is identified by a defect in the motor neurons that carry the message from β†’

Apocalyptic literature – the book life of pi and film big fish

In Christianity, content of apocalyptic texts like the book of Revelation in the New Testament paints a vivid image of symbolism in creating a vision surrounding the end of the world. In this context, it is undeniable that " Life of Pi" and " Big Fish" tries to create apocalyptic visions similar to that in β†’

What is the significance of the plays’ title

This is plot in the ' Agamemnon' is similar to " The Browining Version" because Andrew Crocker-Harris, " has no soul", due to his wife's search5 elsewhere for sexual love, and in a harsh, coldblooded way, constantly attacks her husband. This plot of the ' Agamemnon' is almost identical to the play " The Browning β†’

Distress and quality of life of type 2 diabetic patients

It also assessed the correlation between Distress and Quality of life and their subdivisions such as, the correlation between Distress, emotional distress, physician distress, regimen distress, interpersonal distress; Quality of life, energy and mobility, diabetes control, anxiety and worry, sexual functioning and social burdens using Pearson's correlation. The third objective of the study was to β†’

Cost reduction analysis

Futronics Central Store Issue Outsourcing 500 Items on Hand 600 Delivered to dock or receiving area Delivery Delivered to Secretaries' desk Must wait on dock to process order and then deliver it to secretaries Expedition Time There is no wait from the dock as the outsourced company will deliver to secretaries' desk There is a β†’

Book review: contribution Γ  un lexique commentΓ© en science de l’action motrice

The first edition is a testimony of the birth of a new point of view on motor actions. Through the definition of the concepts necessary for an in-depth reading of motor situations, Parlebas proposes a scientific language specific to the field of physical activities and sports and an innovative analysis of physical and playful activities.

The battle of britain: canadas contribution

The Canadian contribution went by ignored when in fact Canadian bravery was a contribution on its own; they also helped on the grounds, and fought in the air which ultimately helped win the Battle of Britain. This played a big role in the Battle of Britain because if they had not done so, the Germans β†’

Criminal assignment

2) An easier way to enlarge or reduce the size of the template is to click the Magnifying Glass on the right end of the bar to enlarge the template or on the left end of the bar to make it smaller.) If you want to center and return the template to its original size, β†’

Editorial: ovarian ageing: pathophysiology and recent development of maintaining ovarian reserve

The adverse effects of increased maternal age on reproductive outcomes are well-known, with maternal age being the strongest predictor of in vitro fertilization success, and a decline in female fecundity with age associated with a reduction in oocyte quality and an increased risk of miscarriage. Hence there is a clear potential conflict between the biology β†’

What is better: living in a city or the country essay sample

Introduction Thesis statement: In my opinion, living in a city is much better than in the country due to well-developed infrastructure, education and work opportunities and variety of entertainment.II. Supporting idea a): Well-paid and interesting jobs Supporting idea b): Opportunity of advanced schools and universities Supporting idea c): advantages of self-development Body Paragraph 3 Topic β†’

Review of chapter 4 of “american holocaust” by david stannard essay sample essay

The book is extremely controversial in its pick of subject.in that it shows the American people of the clip as a brutal.slaying race.which.at its zenith of policy devising.instigated a calculated maneuver of extinction and race murder against the native Indian folk by the leaders of the new United States.such as Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson. β†’

Editorial: targeting myeloid cells to fight cancer

The aim of this article collection is to provide a comprehensive overview of the different myeloid subsets in the TME, and to describe recent developments and approaches targeting myeloid cells to enhance anti-tumor immunity and the clinical efficacy of standard-of-care cancer drugs. The review by Jeong et al.summarizes the regulation of neutrophils that determines the β†’

Journal of psychology

Myth #3: Low Self-Esteem Is a Major Cause of Psychological Problems The importance and role of self-esteem has long been a vital component in pop psychology, and is seen as a prime causality of unhealthy behaviours, including violence, depression, anxiety, and alcoholism. For example, Nathaniel Branden stated in his book The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem, β†’

Consumer behaviour

Another study described shows associations between social values and the use of natural foods The method is split into four sections; the convenience sample is described followed by the structured interview methods used to obtain the values, attitudes and behaviours of women shoppers relating to food issues. To overcome this problem the age range of β†’

Achilles phoenix essay

My firm opinion is the Homer has drawn the line Phoenix Achilles to deliver a very important message: it was down to demonstrate that the feelings of the son, although a ' foster' one', always dominate over the rest of the feelings, sentiments and reflections and the violation of the father's advices always lead to β†’

Key points presented by philosophers in the 17th century

However, despite of all the disappointments brought about by the human government to the society through the threads of history, philosophers from the olden times up until the present era still believes that the human society could not exist in an organized manner without the existence of a concrete government in authority. To him, government β†’

Oxytocin effects and uses

Oxytocin and Its Effects and Uses for the Human Body Abstract This paper discusses oxytocin and how it is distributed throughout the body and the ways its functions. For instance it is found to be responsible in the aiding of the female reproduction systems in child birth or breast feeding." These hormones, which originate in β†’

Respect gay marriage

In the simplest terms, same sex marriage, as the term indicates, is the marriage between individuals of the same sex. The institution of marriage should be well defined as a union between a man and a woman and not between members of the same sex.

Characteristic of globalization sport economic assignment

At the same time, the scale and development level of sports can reflect the status and level of economic development. Sports economic is an art which discuses about how limited sports resources is effectively allocated and also about dealing with the problem in sports field by using the knowledge of economics, which full lay shows β†’

Ronald gene taylor and the innocence project

Ronald became a suspect in the case purely due to him living close to the victim and was soon called to a lineup, which was recorded and sent to the victim, where she identified Ronald as the attacker. When he was released in 2007, though he had been found innocent from DNA evidence, Ronald was β†’

Nescafe cappuccino and the shreddies cereal

In the 'Shreddies Cereal' advert it shows three different children doing different things, I think the focus of the advert is that children are full of energy. There are three camera shots here, 1) focuses on the legs of the young boy as he is coming down the stairs, 2) one shot of his face, β†’

The integrated marketing communication program

Measuring consequences of client responses and new information about purchasing wonts are collected and analysed to find the effectivity of the scheme and tactics. So there is the demand for the research and development section of organisations to be really sensitive to the client demands.

Constitution became independent from british rule, but

As per Indian Independence Act, 1947, the Government of India Act 1935, was implemented as constitution of Pakistan, but the drafting of new constitution through elected legislators of the people and a complete independence held much significance for the citizens of a sovereign state. Hence, a constituent assembly was made, which had two separate functions: β†’

Review of chapter 4 of “american holocaust” by david stannard essay sample

The book is highly controversial in its choice of theme, in that it shows the American people of the time as a barbarous, murdering race, which, at its zenith of policy making, instigated a deliberate tactic of extermination and genocide against the native Indian tribes by the leaders of the new United States, such as β†’

Imperialism in india and china assignment

During the British imperial age the culture of China continued on much the same as it had before, while in India the British tried to replace the Indian culture with their own. China and India reacted very differently to British imperialism because of the nature of imperialism in each region.

King richard iii & looking for richard essay sample

The theme of ambition is also prominent in the opening scenes of the texts as audience members are both implicitly and explicitly presented the objectives of the composers and Richard throughout the productions. Although the meaning of a text when it is transformed is inevitably altered, there are definite links between Shakespeare's King Richard III β†’

Competitive rivalry in the video streaming industry: netflix

Some of the competitive advantages that a company can have over the others can be the pricing of the products or service, expenditure on product or service developments, the quality of the product or service, or/ and technological advancement. Essentially, in terms of content, Netflix has the biggest library and continues to ensure that it β†’

The space race essay sample

Introduction The space race was basically a competition of space exploration between the USA and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics who by then were the two superpowers, the race grew as a result of an increased rivalry between the USA and the USSR immediately after the second world war with each country trying as β†’

The self-preservation. this train of thought, she

The mark on the wallThe mark on the wall is a story about a woman, sitting in front of the wall, and looking at the mark that every moment changes in her mind and becomes a fluid flow. A woman is seated on the chair, and it is the minds of her that makes the β†’

Yellow palm analysis essay sample

However, Minninick then notes that there was ' blood on the walls, and the muezzin's eyes were wild with despair' from this we learn that it is not only the odd person out on the street who is affected by the attacks, the conflict is even present inside the most sacred of places, and the β†’

John coltrane

Author Lewis Porter says Chlorate was " one of the great musical artists of the twentieth century' in his book " John Chlorate: His life and music". But more to the point, his obsession with music was a way of dealing with the tragedies in his life".

Alternative ingredients in making moisturizing lotion essay sample

General Objective: The main objective of the study is to prove that citrus peelings and other natural extracts used as alternative ingredients effective in making Moisturizing Lotion that will prevent dry and unhealthy skin. Significance of the Study: The useful and relevant information acquired from the study will encourage people to use the Moisturizing Lotion β†’

Application/extenuating circumstances

For most of the time, I felt I had nothing for which to live. I had to look for something to do if I was to remain relevant.

Performance-enhancing drugs in sports

The use of anabolic steroids by professional athletes will often lead these young athletes to use and not feel that it's a dangerous problem. This should not and will not be tolerated in the world of sportsThere is to much steroid use by the young athletes.

Pride and prejudice and frankenstein assignment

The specific topics to be discussed are what makes a good parent, what parents owe their children, and what children owe their parents. Elizabeth is not the only good child in Frankincense; Felix and Ghats are exemplary Children to their father, De Lacey.

Benjamin franklin analysis assignment

This letter was written by Benjamin Franklin long before he came president of the United States of America, Benjamin at the time was In the midst of his life. It was also made clear that Franklin put the interest of the American colonies as a priority.

The violence against women criminology essay

This study was intended to expand our awareness concerning the media's depiction of femicide and the media's strong grip on the conception of violence against women as a social dilemma. The researchers examined the validity of these existing by examining the components of additional media frames-the sources used, language and word choice, and the context β†’

Paper vs electronic media

With the advent of electronic reading devices such as Apple's Pad and the Amazon Kindle, the Idea of the paperless office Is back in the spotlight. The second part compares paper books and electronic reading devices and discusses whether electronic books might actually take the place of paper books.

Introduction proper utilization and motivation of the

Narrowing our discussion to the situation in ABC hospital, the most probable reason for the shortage of surgeons is the fact that qualified surgeons are few and thus just like the other health centers; the hospital finds it hard to get qualified surgeons. With this discussion, it is apparent that the inadequacy of the surgeons β†’

Book review: deep inequality: understanding the new normal and how to challenge it

The explicit goal of the book, largely met by the authors, is to clarify the development of the new normal ideology as a way of justifying the status quo of economic relations. The most significant accomplishment of the book is to clarify the origin and development of the new normal, and to point out that β†’

Book review – lead like jesus essay

Blanchard & Hodges believe that the application of the true meaning of leading like Jesus to the heart, head, hands and habits will enable individuals to modify and transform their leadership styles. Jesus is the greatest leader of all time and Jesus calls us to be servant leaders.

Holocaust as the result of colonial racism in left to tell

The colonial history of Rwanda engrains tribalism and polarizes both indigenous ethnicities, Hutu and Tutsi, to the point of bitter and endemic intolerance. The divide and rule policy dictate the system of government since the turn of the 19th century that strengthens colonial rule and embeds racism in Rwandan culture.

Dear america: letters home from vietnam essay sample

I pray that none of you will of all time hold to set on a uniform for hostile grounds." The writer.himself a veteran of Vietnam.forewords each chapter by depicting facts of the war.and how many of the work forces may hold felt at that phase of their circuit.but it is the letters themselves that tell β†’

The security dilemma and ethnic conflict assignment

Security Dilemma will be used to analyze the break-up of Yugoslavia and relations between Russia and Ukraine The collapse of imperial regimes is more or less the same thing as emerging anarchy The disappearance of a sovereign leaves in its wake numerous ethnic, cultural, and religious groups that are now responsible for their " problem β†’

Strategic estimate of the caucasus region essay sample

In 2015 the South Azeris People Party formed to represent the people in the southern region of Azerbaijan. Continue U.S.governmental and commercial involvement in the Caucasus and Caspian Sea region.

Why are criminal justice systems as capable of delivering β€˜injustices’ as they are β€˜justice’ essay

There is a greater fear of crime in the public sphere and the popular consensus is that the ' streets' and ' city' are more dangerous places than the home. The feminist discourses challenged the ideals of the ' normal' family and made violence noticeable to the public and viewed as a crime.

Speak response to literature

The foreshadowing presented several times in the story reinforces the mystery and the intrigue in the reader as it discovers and resolves the conflict and causes of it. The author does this to emphasize a sense of interest, charm and curiosity as a hook to capture the reader's attention from the beginning to build up β†’

Physiology and molecular biology of aquatic cyanobacteria

Regarding the role of cyanobacteria in the ocean, the importance of the unicellular picocyanobacteria is paramount. Effect of nitrogen on cellular production and release of the neurotoxin anatoxin-a in a nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium.

Frito lay company: cracker jack case analysis

Components of root problem which Frito-Lay needs to tackle are premium price of Cracker Jack, extend Cracker jack trademark and revitalize Cracker Jacks' base business. Frito-Lay should not purchase manufacturing facility of Cracker Jack brand, rather utilize its own manufacturing facility and extend it to package Cracker Jack brand.

Reliance group | international business environment

Reliance Group is a highly diversified group and is in to multiproduct business like oil and gas exploration, retail of petro and consumer products and manufacturing of petrochemicals / refining and textile products. Company's goal is to make RIL one of the most innovative companies in the world and to achieve breakthrough growth in revenues β†’

Marshall was his uncle, ronnie, who was

Dre, who signed Marshall immediately to his Aftermath Label, and moved on to produce his next album, The Slim Shady EP, which was released in 1998. Of course he gets away with what he does because he has the money to.


The democrats at the time were referred to as the party of the traditions. They looked at the future of the US; the hope of the people.

Decision support system example

A web-based DSS allow for online exploration of data and other statistical activities at the right time analysis and aids in the generation of the reports required when making decisions collaboratively. Establishing Web-based DSS increases the utility of decision information and DSS in the government.

Economic development through social tourism: a case for nottingham

Research proposal: Aim: To identify the economic costs and benefits of implementing a local social tourism strategy The development of Tourism in any country is a great way for the reallocation of wealth from the local markets and injecting it back to the country's revenue in a bid to ensure the growth of the community β†’

Snowy dead people – andrew walleck

This epiphany, the use of the elements, and the clever selection of title all help present a central theme, which is the ability of the human emotion to transcend place and elements, and even death. In the beginning of the story, Gabriel dons a large overcoat and galoshes to protect himself from the snow.

The experienced deeper changes is also true;

The new economy has enjoyed its rise from evolution of the old technology and the development of skills that formed the bases of new technology. Proximity to the users of a product was important in the old economy, which is not the case in the new economy since the market is so diverse and globalized.

The cask of amontillado essay sample

The genre has been through an evolution since its beginnings in which the conventions of the genre have changed to reflect the social values at the time. This is a reflection of the conservative social attitudes and vales of the time.

Editorial: large and giant dna viruses

In addition, some years ago, the discovery of the first mimiviruses shed new light on the study of DNA viruses field. In addition, the authors analyzed the pangenome of viruses belonging to Mimivirus genera, highlighting that discovery of new mimivirus isolates still contribute to the expansion of the pangenome and the consolidation of the core β†’

An evaluation of starbucks

Such situation would put Starbucks in great threat as they need to maintain their quality of food and drinks even when they are facing crisis. Such situation would cause Starbucks to have more wastage and wasting of manpower which would increase the operational cost as the store require employee to serve and machinery could not β†’

Chicago play critique assignment

Roxie convinces her husband Amos that the man was a burglar, but then the police inform him that she knew the man and Amos gives her up to the cops. The set for this show was unappealing to look at, confusing, and did not match the majority of the show.

Impact of orphanhood on education education essay

The researcher also recognizes the fact that the effects of orphan hood in primary school students is different with those in secondary schools especially looking at the issue school of fees and the difference in ages. The environment that the orphans are living, especially where they come from and who takes care of them has β†’

Editorial: disclosure within hiv-affected families

The research presented suggests that disclosure interventions/practices which train caregivers/parents/partners and healthcare professionals on how to disclose, and then provides post-disclosure support to the persons disclosed to and to the disclosing caregivers/parents/partners, may be important. Aderomilehin et al.conducted a systematic review of SSA literature to determine the perspectives of HCPs and caregivers on disclosure practices β†’

Understanding faith and reason philosophy essay

Over the years people have had put models on faith and reason; they are, the conflict model, the incompatibility model, the weak compatibility model, and the strong compatibility model. The opposition is between the religious fundamentalist who are on the side of faith over reason, and then you have the scientific naturalists, who are on β†’


Marcus's greedy and jealousies are the reasons of the end of McTeague's dentistry career and to the start of a miserable life. It was not the money, but his reaction to the money that causes Marcus to lose his friendship and ties with McTeague.

Romeo and juliet contrast

Romeo describes Juliet at the rising sun; " it is the easy, and Juliet is the sun. Romeo and Juliet's love is light, as it were, in the midst of the darkness of the hate around them.

Safe sex essay

Additionally, there are reports by The Guttmacher Institute that indicate that the teens in the US are more likely to have sex before the age of 15, and to have more than one partner in a year, than teenagers in Sweden, France, Canada, and the United Kingdom. Due to the popularity of sex, if sex β†’

Leadership in criminal justice organizations assignment

Dueling, " For example, the police often seek to remove offenders from the streets, while the courts may feel it is best to rehabilitate the offender within the community. It is important that all employees maintain a certain level of respect for the law and society.

Lacombe lucien essay sample

This essay will critically examine to what extent Rousso's evaluation of " Lacombe Lucien" is credible by analysing the various techniques Malle employs to shock the reader and evoke them to think about the complex issues not only surrounding the French Occupation, but surrounding Lucien as a character." I wanted to provoke some thought, cast β†’

Heroes of the crucible and scarlet letter

A person who, in the opinion of others, has heroic qualities or has performed a heroic act and is regarded as a model or ideal: He was a local hero when he saved the drowning child. In the pieces of The Crucible and The Scarlet Letter, the true meaning of a hero is truly revealed.

The great barrier reef area tourism essay

Based on the definition above, the Great Barrier Reef tourism industry is composed of a network of stakeholders, which include tourism businesses, nongovernmental organisations and government agencies who all work together to attract tourists to the area and to expand the industry. Socio-cultural sustainable Some of the policies set by the government force the other β†’

Review of article about Π‘hildren with add

Synthesize your understanding of the article with what you have learned throughout the course to describe the new learning that took place as a result of reading and thinking critically about the article.A.ADD. This was a very useful article in the way that it showed that there are support groups and other teachers deal with β†’

The daily life elizabethan england history essay

In the homes of the wealthy, fine linen was placed upon the table. Elizabethan theater was the work of proprietors, actors, playwrights and workmen.

Editorial: bioactive compounds from microbes

The aim of the present topic issue is to try to describing the mediator molecules of a network of signals which is still largely underexplored and underexploited. G, and Cryan, J.F.

Properties of plants in the forest

It is the synthesis of the parameters like reflection of plant parts, reflection of plant canopies, nature and state of plant canopies and Structure and texture of plant canopies, which will be required to fully understand the remote sensing data collected from space borne and aerial platforms. The vegetation reflectance is influenced by the reflectance β†’

Which antibiotics to use (for medical students)

ShigellosisOnly treat if more than mild - Ciprofloxacin OR azithromycin ALT: Amoxicillin OR trimethoprimTyphoid feverMulti-resistant Cefotaxime or ceftriaxone ALT: Azithromycin OR ciprofloxacin Clostridium difficileOral metronidazole OR oral vancomycin IF add IV metronidazoleBiliary-tract infectionCiprofloxacin OR gentamicin OR a cephalosporinPeritonitisA cephalosprin + metronidazole OR gentamicin + metronidazole OR gentamicin + clindamycin OR piperacillin with tazobactam aloneEndocarditis: initial β†’

Chalks out of seashells investigatory project essay sample

The study on the production of chalk out of sea shells was designed to produce quality dustless and long lasting chalk to compare with the standard existing commercialized chalks if there are any, which was sold in the market. Conclusion On the experiment conducted to produce a fine product from seashell, we, the researchers discovered β†’

Editorial: financial intermediation versus disintermediation: opportunities and challenges in the fintech era

Editorial on the Research Topic Financial Intermediation Versus Disintermediation: Opportunities and Challenges in the FinTech Era Financial Technology emerged in the 21st century as a significant and innovative force that profoundly disrupts the traditional financial intermediation channels. The study points out that traditional participants in the financial system are trying to approach the digitalization of β†’

Oryx and crake technology

But to date, humans do not have the capability to Implement a number of different genes to create a whole new family under the hierarchy of biological classification. She may be implying that attempting to create beings with human qualities could lead to the devastation of the world as we know it, ultimately causing humans β†’

Rites of passage essay

In The Odyssey Telemakhos' transition from a boy to a man can be marked by the following events; a separation, trials of strength, a metaphorical death, guidance from a wise individual, and the full transformation into a man. In the beginning of The Odyssey, there is a separation between Telemakhos, Prince of Ithaca, and his β†’

Time and distance overcome essay

The essay " Time and Distance Overcome" deals with the issue of racism in America, and the history of the telephone poles. In the first segment, the language and atmosphere is positive, as she describes the history of the telephone.

Business leaders

The commission in charge of enforcement comprised former railroad executives and individuals in favor of the interests of the railroads. Using this technique, Standard Oil established a horizontal integration of the oil industry in the early 1880s, meaning that the board of trustees of Standard Oil also controlled many the oil-producing companies.

Junk food tax

Lastly, taxation on junk food may generally lower the health burden of the government and the government can make use of the tax to subsidize healthy food and some health programs for citizens. It can be conclude that, taxation on junk food is advantageous to both of the citizens and government.

Adele vogue cover analysis essay sample

This is a common convention of Vogue magazine- and most magazines in the fashion and lifestyle genre- as it can play a factor in persuading a potential reader to buy the magazine once combined with Adele's level of fame. Like in her Vogue magazine editorial, Adele is portrayed as a young, sophisticated and relatable lady β†’

Aigisthos: insight on a fool

Aigisthos is only present in the first and second plays of the trilogy, and he barely shows up for the majority of each tragedy. Aigisthos is not present for the majority of the first play in the trilogy; he is not even mentioned until Cassandra speaks of him in riddles as a " Strengthless lion β†’

The education in britain and china

While in China the public education is run by the Ministry of Education. While in China, the aim of three-year middle education is to enter into a better high school.

Role of technology on behaviour of employees

Effect of technological environment on the behavior of employees The effect of development of tools and technology on the evolution of human activity has long been a major concern for researchers of social behavior. The impacts are dependent on the sector the technological environment is introduced into and the nature of work of the employee β†’

The role of expert and lay knowledge in understanding and managing risk

This report looks at the concept of risk which for the purpose of the report " is a state in which there is a possibility of known danger/harm which if avoided may lead to benefits" and examines ways in which different areas of knowledge are developed and what role they play in helping people to β†’

Ken loach’s articulation of social concerns in kes essay

In a span of a decade the complexion of British industry would change from manufacturing-based to that of finance. Together the two artists were able to project the powerful central image of Kasper's Kestrel " that lowest of the hawks its an eagle for an emperor and a kestrel for a knave is a wonderful β†’

Floods in south africa

Disaster management aims to reduce the occurrence of disasters and to reduce the impact of those that cannot be prevented.he government white paper and act on disaster management define the roles of local authorities as well as provincial and notional government in disaster management. It is also evident that if disaster management plans are put β†’

Such power – creative writing

Could not you.change the minds around you? A child cannot think without words, and you had so many, so many.one of the first things you deciphered was not to be different.

Kfc-stratefy for developing

KFC Mission Statement, Vision and Strategy KFC's Mission Statement is: "'The Association of KFC Franchisees, Inc.s united to protect, promote and advance the mutual interests of all member franchisees and the Kentucky Fried Chicken system.". CARIBLA's mission statement and objectives are " the mission of the CARIBLA Franchisee Association is to represent, promote, and protect β†’

Editorial: plant disease management in the post-genomic era: from functional genomics to genome editing

Metagenomics and metatranscriptomics can be of help to describe the whole microbial community not only in terms of its ecology, but also to detect that fraction of the microbiome that, modulating the activity of plant pathogens in favor of the plant host, could be developed as biopesticides. The State of Food Security and Nutrition in β†’