5 Pages Essay Samples

How luxury brands were affected by recession essay

Corporate planning is the procedure of pulling up elaborate action programs to accomplish an organization's ends and aims.taking into history the resources of the organisation and the environment within which it operates. Some of that is driven by the economic system or the economic conditions.some of that is because the people have low disposable incomes →

Puberty blues study

The way families communicate is one of the major differences I have noticed after watching ' Puberty Blues', a television series set in the 1970's, about a series of families and teenagers making their way through life, puberty and problems they might encounter on a daily basis. Professor Michael Reiss said the following about sex →

Kanye west

West first rose to fame as a producer for Roc-A-Fella Records, where he eventually achieved recognition for his work on Jay-Z's album The Blueprint, as well as hit singles for musical artists including Alicia Keys, Ludacris, and Janet Jackson. Beginning his career as a rapper, Kanye West rapped a verse on Jay-Z's The Blueprint: The →

Major literary genres during the english commonwealth

The age reflects a wide variety of opinions and critical discussions on the nature of comedy, of tragedy, of character and plot, of representation and verisimilitude, with the result that the extensive and very rich theatrical repertoire of the time cannot be easily classified: it is second only to the Elizabethan and Jacobean period in →

So far, so good… so what! – creative writing

Still unclear of all the words I ran up to the stage still running over and over in my head. I looked closely and the whole of my gang was there.

Rap music opposing views

He believes that negative behaviors is the outcome of people watching and listening to rap music. Aron explains that the genre of rap music is blanketed by its popular view of being a negative influence and is being greatly misunderstood.

African american and european influences on ragtime’s development

Spirituals, the blues, and ragtime are three musical genres that are were developed in America during the 18th and 19th centuries, each of them being vital for the inception of jazz. African American musical origins involved the processes of syncretism and the creation of institutions that soon became the foundations of black music: the church, →

Online reservation essay sample

1 GENERAL OBJECTIVE The general objective of the study is to develop a Students online reservation system for the school of Colegio de Calumpit.1.2. 3 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE PROJECT The significance of the project is to help the students to lessen their time/ effort to go to school to fill up a form.

Example of research paper on research on crime vs cyber crime

The question is what are the laws that will condemn cyber criminals are and what are the security measures that each country is implementing to reduce if not totally to put a halt on the hiking number of cyber crimes. Cyber Crimes In all countries crimes are the major concerns of the government, ratifying laws →

Cenrorship of the internet and the tyrrany of our government 5122

Censorship of the Internet and the Tyranny of Our Government " To curtail free expression strikes twice at intellectual freedom, for whoever deprives another of the right to state unpopular views also deprives others of the right to listen to those views," said Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. Most importantly, censorship of the Internet impairs the →

Emphasizing conflicts using characterization methods essay example

In this regard, the conflicts in the two stories are described by the authors' use of five methods of characterization, namely physical description, action or attitude, inner thoughts, reaction and speech, and that the conflicts imbedded in the said stories are enhanced by the use of these five methods. In using the physical and the →

Reading report sample

As per the swine flu example, it is evident that the information on the different factors of the disease is contained in Wikipedia. These are the credibility of the sponsor, the credibility of the message and the credibility of the site.

The use of internet creates adverse influence on teenagers

It has become a growing concern in the society, especially among the parents, about the cyberspace detrimental impacts upon the teenagers since it is concealed beneath the whitewashed faces of social media and other sites and generates addiction, which results in reduced efficiency of the students. The availability of services like blobbing and the rise →

The history of the internet and the www 13762

The History of the Internet and the WWW 1. This report will mainly focus on the history of the World Wide Web because it is the fastest growing resource on the internet.

Good data collection country: france research paper example

Current Events Permanent artificial heart has been implanted into a patient Website: www.ambafrance-ca.org Website: www.mapsofworld.com/france/ Semi-President Republic Website: www.mapsofworld.com/france/ 674, 843 square kilometers Website: www.mapsofworld.com/france/ 66, 350, 000 Website: www.mapsofworld.com/france/ Cold winters and hot summers.- Warm and dry summers,- Rainfall from October to April - Ample sunshine all year round. Website: www.mapsofworld.com/france/ Football, tennis, and →

Example of too much technology is available to teenagers essay

These means of communication in the hands of teenagers is like entrusting them with " Pandora's box'" There are oppositions to the idea of taking technology from students, mostly by teachers because they say it gives them a medium to interact more with their students. This man made a thirteen old girl feel important and →

Why is internet security a very important topic

It is imperative to know that anytime you use your computer to connect to the World Wide Web that you are running the risk of being exposed to a virus. The important knowledge that I want you to take from this question is the date on the installation.

Medical image segmentation using hopfield neural networks case study example

Artificial neural networks have found its use in medical image segmentation where segmentation of tissues and structures from medical images is conducted as the first stage in image analysis for medical diagnosis. Hopfield neural networks comprises of pool of neutrons connected to each other with a weight in the network.

9 examples of how the internet of things is already disrupting just about everything

The Internet of Things, or IoT, is one of the buzziest terms at present. But coupled with GPS tracking, IoT tech also can sense if a customer is within a certain radius of any store in the chain.

Addiction and addictions internet addictions

Showing owe increasingly they are on the rise, and that day-to-day a new addiction is born. The amount of young teens becoming addicted to things such as drugs or alcohol has grown increasingly and services are yet to be prepared for that situation.

The upside consumers

The Future of Online Grocery Shopping It's been a few years since the failure of several ambitious online grocery programs, indicating that Americans may not yet be ready to relinquish their shopping carts and baskets in favor of home convenience. Now, on its 15th anniversary, Amazon can raise a toast to being one of the →

Good essay on international relations

The constructivism seeks to enhance the norms of the nations with those of the networks. The Liberalism theory argues that globalization is fundamental to the universal position of the current condition of the politics of the world.

Malay chinese and internet banking.

The technology acceptance model, the theory of seasoned action, the theory of planned behavior, and the decomposed theory of planned behavior have been successfully forecast the factors that influence individuals to use Internet banking. Using Technology Acceptance Model and trust literature, the study Investigates the Influence of perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and trust →

Personal computer operating system

This development grew in importance with the success of the IBM PC, leading to the public offering of Microsoft stock in 1986. Overtime and due to Microsoft's increasing size and potential dominance in certain high technology markets increasing litigation occurred between Microsoft and its competitors, over access of many of the different patients and innovations →

A hybrid biometric method for authentication of user in internet of things

When new sensors and other devices will be combined with the middle wear and backend databases, a range of wireless and mobile communication and connectivity to internet of devices, will give rise to panoply of privacy issues. At the point when new sensors and different gadgets will be joined with the center wear and backend →

The internet and the library: a comparative study

Internet access is available on all floors of the Libraries." Internet and the library both seems to be serving the same purpose but as the time goes by and world moves to new innovations and directions, the question arises is the latter going to replace the former. Not all the books available in the Library →

The beginner’s guide to launching a mobile seo campaign

With apologies to Stanley Kramer, it's a mobile, mobile, mobile, mobile world. Not all content is mobile-friendly, even when it's on a mobile-friendly site.

Technology critical thinking

The dependence of people in technology is evident in the shopping malls and supermarkets. They tend to forget that the accuracy in a computer depends on the settings and the input of information.

Facebook the world.

With the technology developed by social networking, long distance communication has become much simpler and accessible to the average person; It has facilitated users to keep up with the face-to-face relationship with their friends and relatives. I believe that since the majority of people that join social networking sites are a young crowd, their decisions →

Social media and politics essay

Social media gives a range of opportunity to have a closer interaction with the public, gain their trust, and promote transparency, openness and collaborative activities. Governors of the USA should use social media actively in order to pursue own policies and improve image.[Title: Essay 2] Social media is a very powerful tool in public policy.

Free banner heath essay example

The focus is to provide an analysis of the organization's strategies and readiness in providing better health services for citizens of all generations. Banner Health is committed to putting the opinion of patients as a priority in the provision of care.

The history of the internet

Although Likelier was the first of the pioneers of the internet Clockwork of MIT stressed the importance of using packets rather than circuits, which was a major step to furthering the computer networking system. And the problem with the internet is that once something is out there for the public to see it is out →

The effects of prolonged internet usage on the academic results of preteens and teenagers

The research problem is stated below: The Impact of the Internet on the Academic Results of Children: Primary and Secondary Education The study includes age groups that are of similar growth and academic environments. The focus of the research problem is to isolate and analyze the effect of online activity on academic results therefore a →

Boons and banes of internet

In this fast-paced world where everyone is competing to be the first in whatever they are embarking on, face-to-face communication with a person is getting rarer and flipping the books to get information has been a method gone outdated. This shows that Internet can cause less interaction between the family and how it can make →

Youth drinking and driving campaign research proposal examples

It has come to the attention of the public and the New Zealand transport agency that most of these accidents have been caused by the youth are while they are under the influence of drugs. The means I intend to use to evaluate the performance of the strategies that I will employ is by use →

Free argumentative essay on technology and children

Clinton and Steyer point out that the world of technology impacts the way individuals feel about self, friends and even stranger, In addition, the digital media allows individuals to share private and personal information without thinking of the negative repercussions which lasts for a lifetime. In the past, children receive simply toys on special occasions, →

Good research proposal on purpose

The effects that these cell phones cause upon the children, is of no concern to the producers, as long as by the end of the day they have made their sales and earned their money. This has inspired my research to look into the social effects of cell phones and entirely on the negativities only.

The potential impact of ‘internet of things’ on the fashion sector

After read this report, reader can know how to use IoT to help fashion company growth, such as use IoT to save cost and time. The structure I used can help my reader quickly and clearly to read the report.

The internet and family relationships

The Internet and Family Relationships Fifty years ago, a family would get together after a long day, eat dinner at the dinner table, and share the details of the events of their day. In the debate over whether The Internet affects family relationships in a negative way, it is arguable that the most important thing →

In favour of internet and social networking sites essay sample

Of course I cannot rule out the problem of the digital divide which has hindered many people from accessing the internet and partaking fully in the process of communication via these networking sites. The question is whether or not political leaders have the right to exercise this power in a nation with protection of free →

Singapore airlines environment analysis marketing essay

Singapore Airlines is a strong believer in the use of IT and is currently examining various new IT developments such as electronic ticketing, selling tickets through the internet, smart cards for self-service check-in, automated check-in, and more sophisticated yield management software.[2] Singapore Airlines is the first and only airline to install a productivity suite for →

United airlines flight 232 crash

Some of the shrapnel pieces which passed to the stabilizer in the right horizontal affected the lines of the aircrafts three hydraulic systems which in turn caused the draining away of the fluid. Despite the fact that the three hydraulic systems of the aircraft were separate to ensure that a single event involving one system →

Causes of air pollution assignment

Unhealthy waste management techniques, which are characterized by release of sewage into the large dumping grounds and nearby streams or rivers.* Causes of Noise Pollution The sources/causes of noise pollution increased in number with the invention * Traffic of machines. Aerodynamic noise, the noise emanating from aircraft systems and mechanical noise are the different kinds →

Fair mean lodge, epping forest

Here she intends to signal the reader of the quite forest as seen in ' peaceful lodge', and dwelling place in ' my summer seat.' Metonym has also been used in, " The quiver of the Norman bore". Fourth, the utilization of the element of synecdoche can be illustrated in very instances in the poem, →

Aircraft mechanics and aircraft inspectors

Common Job Titles Aircraft Maintenance Technician Aircraft Structures Technicians Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Avionics Maintenance Technicians Aviation Maintenance Inspector Aircraft Mechanic, Engine Overhaul Aircraft Systems Inspector Certified Aircraft Technician Hydraulics Mechanic Inspector, Flight Test Inspector, Repair and Overhaul Mechanic, Aircraft Maintenance Shop Inspector, Aircraft Repair Typical Employers aircraft and parts manufacturers federal government airline companies service →

Coconut oil and calamansi peelings as agent for hair oil chapter

In this study, we commonly use the extract of calamansi peelings which has pectin to preserve the fragrance of the coconut oil and which at the same time gives an additional fragrance to the oil. The Making of the Hair Oil Agent Put the calamansi peelings in the pot with the coconut oil and wait →

Southwest airlines: culture and structure

The report reveals that the company has been able to uphold their culture and structure through the use of mission, vision and objectives. This is the management principle that has been upheld by the company for many years, so that the company and the employees are able to prosper in bad times.

Sleep apnea in children linked to lower i. q. and learning impairments

Using brain scans on children with and without sleep apnea, researchers found that the cerebellum, hippocampus and frontal cortex of the brain had abnormalities these areas of the brain are associated with memory and learning. This, and other particulars in the study, suggested that " sleep-disordered breathing or sleepiness from other causes could each contribute, →

Southwest airlines mission statement

For a mission statement to be considered to be good, it should incorporate the opinions and feelings of customers about the organization and its products and services. It should also be able to compel employees to work harder and improve the organization A good mission statement incorporates the products and services a company offers in →

Aircraft icing essay

This paper will discuss the environments that are conducive to icing, ground and in-flight icing, structural and induction icing, how icing affects an aircraft's system/performance and De-icing. It is important for investigators to comprehend the conditions of ground icing and be able to identify them in an accident.

Delta air lines (a): the low-cost carrier threat assignment

Airline's profitability hinged on the fraction of its flown seats occupied by passengers- load factor Costs measured in cost per available seat mile cost required to fly one seat one mile Yield- total passenger revenue/number of revenue passenger miles RPM- number of revenue seats times the number of miles flown Average stage length-flight distance Marginal →

Sewing for millionaires

Rawlings selected the town of Turrialba due to the incentives offered to the company by the Costa Rican government. The balls are then inspected, cleaned, and stamped with the MLB logo and the signature of the commissioner of baseball.

A swot analysis of emirates airline tourism essay

The vision and the principles which propel the airline forward is for ' a strong and stable leadership team, ambitious yet calculated decision-making and ground-breaking ideas all contribute to the creation of great companies. E, the group own the Wolgan Valley Resort and Spa in Australia; this is a 4, 000 acre conservation resort One →

The marketing management of air arabia tourism essay

Air Arabia is the first and the leading low-cost carrier in the Middle East region. Market Development Strategy The opening of the other hub like one in Nepal, one in morocco and the others opening shortly, it will provide them opening to the global market and will help competing other low-cost carrier globally.

Overview of airport transportation systems

The air transport systems enable the distribution of disaster and humanitarian aid relief anyplace in the world and guarantees the speedy delivery of medical supplies and organs for transplantation. Airports and the Wealth of Cities.

The science behind dairy and beef cattle reproduction, lactation and recovery

This corpus luteum produces progesterone which leads to negative feedback of the hypothalamus and causes a decrease in GnRH, LH and FSH secretion which overall leads to no secondary ovulation. Most of the anestrous and irregular ovulation is due to irregularity of LH pulsation.

Management strategy and policy of etihad airways tourism essay

In the mission stated above, few of the major issues that are missing:- Increasing the strength of aircrafts in the airlines - Implementing software solutions to enlace quality of service - Creating new partnerships - Expanding with overtaking - Advancement in hospitality standards " As the nationalized Airline of the UAE, the company seek to →

Swot and pestel of emirates airlines assignment

Based on the given case, the strategic position of the Emirates Airline specifically their airline and aviation position has been challenged because of the changing situations of the airline market. Rival industries of the company has been able to announced the establishment of their business approach in the global market which offers diversified airline industries →

Airtel – introduction essay

Need For the Study As a student of Business Administration a need is felt to understand the Overview of an Organization in its Financial, Marketing and Human resource Performance examining the overview of the above factors will help a student like me to gain insight in the Mission, Vision and Operational Goals and Strategies of →

What did tony blair achieve?

The Labour Party's foreign policy during the years of the Blair governments can be judged in a variety of ways, including the verdict of the media and the response of voters. Blair was a successful propagandist and, as seen later in the run-up to theIraqwar, he became the public face of the new wars of →

Examining the key business strategies of air arabia tourism essay

Air Arabia pioneered the LCC model in the Middle East, being the first to introduce it successfully in the region. Air Arabia began with a mission to revolutionize air travel in the region, much in the same way that the introduction of low cost carriers revolutionized travel in the US, Europe and Asia, by offering →

The present state of affairs and nothing

The ideas of Karma and Samsara are evident in almost all of the great Hindu scriptures, being touched on in the Vedas, but first properly introduced in the Upanishads. London: Oxford University Press.

Fairy tale

The king shuts the girl in the tower forcing her to spin the wheel and convert straw into gold in three nights. For example the fairy tale characters are set in castles, cottages, world of goblins and dark woods or a forgotten kingdoms and mythical lands.

The mission and vision: southwest and jet blue airlines essay

This paper will concentrate on the differences and similarities of Southwest and Jet Blue airliners mission statements, the quality of each mission statements based on concepts form the textbook, clearly defining whether the mission statement clearly defines organization and drives strategic decision, provide recommendations for improving the quality of the current mission statement and to →

Comparative analysis of voltaire’s candide and fielding’s tom jones

Candide is Voltaire's most remarkable masterpiece and has notable similarities and distinctions in the film adaptation of Tom Jones in terms of both characters and thematic concepts. The audience can decipher that the inspiration of the characters: Candide, Cunegonde, and Pangloss comes from La Place's characters: Tom Jones, Sophia Western, and the philosopher Square.

Fair value vs. historical cost accounting essay sample

Regarding only conceptual side of fair value and historical costing price Penman indicated that when using fair value accounting shareholder receives the most necessary data through balance sheet and determines equity's value viewing the book value. Additionally, in Laux's and Leuz's article it is identified when one has to use fair value accounting.

Two aircraft accident essay sample

By the time this plane was be hijacked.the hijackers got into the cockpit, the plane a ready was in Singapore's airspace, the was pilot had reported the hijack to the control tower. 12 In the wake of taking control of the lodge, the pioneer of the offenders chatted with the pilot, Manager Lim, and undermined →

Bringing bicing to the university of arizona

Because bike theft is a huge problem here at the University of Arizona, this anti-theft feature will decrease the bike theft rate at the University of Arizona and eventually the city of Tucson as a whole. Because of the high bike usage around the campus, the profit earned from starting the Bicing system here will →

A review of the selected chapters of thomas foster’s ‘how to read literature like a professor’

In chapter eleven, the author is trying to explain that violence is a part of life and not only bad things come from violence. I agree with the author because most of America is a Christian culture and many people in America were taught to be Christian and were taught what Christianity is.

Causes and effects of the salem witch trials

This paper is intended to discuss the causes of this hysteria, some of the trials that took place during the year 1692, and what finally stopped the madness of the witch-hunt. The girls were asked to name the witches that had bewitched them and they spoke the names of three women.

William faulkner’s “a rose for emily” reaction paper

The reader also gets the impression of Miss Emily as a woman held in the past; in the second paragraph of " A Rose for Emily," William Faulkner gives a scenic account of the setting that Emily Grierson lived. An Analysis of the Social Causes of Emily's Tragedy in A Rose for Emily".

“love conquers all”: analyzing romance and relationships within the great gatsby

In The Great Gatsby, a number of love relationships are introduced and explored, including the bonds between Myrtle and George Wilson, Daisy and Tom Buchanan, as well as Daisy and Jay Gatsby. In the Buchanan relationship, Tom is unfaithful to Daisy, and it is known that Tom has a long history of affairs.

To what extent is nick a reliable narrator in the great gatsby essay sample

However, Nick is also connected to the Buchannan's: he is Daisy's cousin, he comes from a wealthy background and he went to the same college as Tom Buchannan. This is a metaphor representing his involvement in telling the story, when he is " within" he is the character and takes part in events but when →

Realism and romanticism in the adventures of huckleberry finn

Twain's use of both Romanticism and Realism to develop his characters is evident in the dissimilarity between Tom and Huck. Twain creates conflict between the Romanticism of Tom and the Realism of Huck, yet this conflict is not repeated in the development of the plot.

Great gatsby – the jazz age

The Jazz Age was the period during the 1920's when jazz music and dance became popular. During this time, there was a boom in production and the ammount of money that many people had was beyond belief, we today, know this as the American Dream, which was set place in the Jazz Age.

Characters of jim casy and tom joad in john steinbeck’s the grapes of wrath

Towards the beginning of the story, Tom is shown to care only for his family and the people in his immediate surroundings. Casy serves as the impetus for Tom Joad's major transformation, from that of a somewhat selfish family man to social activist.

Jane’s postpartum depression in the yellow wallpaper by charlotte perkins gilman

The relationship between the amount of isolation Jane suffered through and her insanity is not a coincidence. Her baby blues are what cause her to be in a unwell mental state, and it is only perpetuated by the under stimulation she experiences through being locked in her room.

Atticus is a great father

Throughout the novel of To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee uses drama, compassion, and grammatical features to present the characters of Atticus, Scout and Jem, and the special relationship Atticus has with his children. The simple act of calling him " Atticus" and not " father" brings Scout and Jem to the same level as →

Racial injustice in to kill a mockingbird

This was Lee's entire plot of the book he wanted to show how even when all evidence proofed a black man innocent when his word is faced the that of a white person or person of the privileged society, he will be found guilty. That does not mean that the justice was blind to his →

Repression of sexuality in “the cask of amontillado”

Edgar Allan Poe's " The Cask of Amontillado" features a unique symbolism of the repression of homosexual desire and of the damaging effects of a society that promotes repressive behavior. Since the narrator finds his sexuality to be disorienting, it is only befitting that he executes his plan to completely rid himself of it during →

Allegory of young goodman brown

DiYanni 273) When he says his " love" and his " Faith", he is talking to his wife, but he is also talking to his " faith" to God. The turning point of the story starts when Brown's is confuse about his faith because the woman on the path is the woman who " taught →

Informative synthesis on movie: the crucible analytical essay

The writer of the play version of the film, Arthur Miller, takes charge of the screenplay while Nicholas Hytner is the director. The Crucible is tremendously moving and the visual representation of the happenings that occurred in Salem makes the story to be alive.

Fulfillment and falsity in the great gatsby and world’s fair

Fitzgerald's 1920's American novel presents a society where materialism has replaced God in the pursuit of fulfillment; yellow is the color of gold, and as such the color is repeatedly used to symbolize conspicuous expenditure and is commonly associated with characters such as Gatsby. This idea links to the repeated motif throughout The Great Gatsby →

Wealth issues in the great gatsby

In the book it was about how the rich people used the poor people. In the book it was about how the rich people used the poor people.

The giver book review

Fiona She is a friend of Jonas who is assigned as a Caretaker in the House of the Old. She is the head of the Council of Elders, a committee that creates laws and controls the community.III.

Edgar allan poe: analyzing literature works essay

Paying attention to such pieces of writing The Cask of Amontillado, The Pit and the Pendulum, The Tell-Tale Heart, Annabel Lee, and The Raven it is possible to say that the main idea of these writings is the death, even though the meaning of the death and the surrounding circumstances, and the background are absolutely →

Analysis of the movie the crucible essay

Arthur Miller's play and movie was a reflection of what used to happen in the United States of America. Reverend George Burroughs prayed on the gallows and not Proctor as it is in the movie.

Kate chopin’s the story of an hour essay

This thought is said to be a central one for the story, and it is represented in the title. In addition to that, it is impossible to ignore the fact that The Story of an Hour reflects feminist beliefs.

Restless in west egg

Situated in the middle of the vast wealth of East and West Egg is the Valley of Ashes, home to the utterly poor Wilsons. The superficiality of Tom and Daisy s marriage is manifested in a longing for something that is real ? or true.?

“a rose for emily” by william faulkner critical essay

William Faulkner's 1930 short story A Rose for Emily concerns the tragic life of the last remaining survivor of a powerful southern family, the Griersons, and the unhealthy relationship she has with memory and the past. The frozen in time quality of the setting, combined with the images of " coquettish decay," underscore Miss Emily →

Literature symbols in “the raven” by edgar allan poe essay

In spite of the fact that there are many symbols of different types in Poe's " The Raven", such symbols of darkness and depression as December, the raven, the Night's Plutonian shore, and the repetition of the word ' Nevermore' are most vivid to represent the idea of the narrator's despair because they serve to →

Mental illness as a theme of the yellow wallpaper essay

As it appears from the novel, the reason why the narrator and her husband John decided to spend their summer vacation in a secluded mansion is that this proved beneficial to the narrator's mental condition. The fact that John did allow his wife's mild depression to be transformed into schizophrenia validates the appropriateness of this →

Mayella ewell: powerful or powerless character

Although Mayella's race gives her power in the courtroom, overall, she is powerless in the eyes of society because she lives in poverty and her father controls her through constant abuse. It is alluded to throughout the trial, and even expressly stated in certain instances, that Mayella is a victim of physical, verbal, and sexual →

The alpha female

During her relationship with Tea Cake, Janie goes through a massive reversal of roles as she becomes the alpha male. In his death, she earns the title and power that he wielded in a town of leadership rabble.