5 Pages Essay Samples

Slumdog millionaire

They may choose to first produce the film and then figure out who it is aimed at, or in most cases the company will decide to make a film for the target audience. The institution need to consider the budget and if it will fulfil the needs of what the production team want, and allow β†’

How effectively the authors of your chosen texts explore

The authors both explore and portray the relationships between the main characters and a parental role differently in relation to the other despite them both being from opposite sides of the world, as well as the story being set in different time periods. However, Christopher in the Curious Incident of The Dog in the Night β†’

On everything said do you still think

If you were to ask any individual who has seen the hopelessness of these sad people and they can tell you perfectly why human trafficking is not right, they may even say that young ladies and kids are compelled to work in industrial facilities, shops and somewhere else and in these fortified works they are β†’

I know what you did last summer

She gets upset over it and after not talking to her for a year since the incident, calls Helen to talk to her. Ray and Julie take a drive to talk about the note and article, and Julie convinces Ray to take her to see David's parents.

Feature article on wag the dog (full marks) essay sample

Instead of simply portraying the powerful president as owning the truth, Wag the Dog questions who is actually in power. It is not the president, though he benefits from the manipulation of the truth, and Conrad demonstrates even he is not omnipotent when the war is ended by the CIA.

The motion picture industry

Four variables are commonly used to measure the success of a motion picture; these variables include the opening weekend gross sales, total gross sales, number of theaters showing the movie, and weeks in the top sixty of gross sales. The Pearson correlation between total gross sales and the number of theaters is 0.

Jerome lawrence and robert edwin lee’s inherit the wind: the theme of foolishness and wisdom

By showing the community leaders as manipulators set on gaining support at all costs and showing Drummond as the liberator and encourager of free thought, Inherit the Wind makes the reader realize that the argument between ignorance and enlightenment is an important one for him to consider. Since Inherit the Wind highlights the struggle between β†’

Pros and cons of hybrid vehicles

In addition, " Weight Savings" as it relates to all Hybrid cars, is also a positive bonus to owning this type of vehicle simply because, the much newer hybrids are smaller cars and thus are equipped with smaller frames and lighter parts which allow Hybrid to be " weight saving". The main purpose of this β†’

Movie crash

This idea of being able to relate to each other and get along is shown over and over again in this movie One example of the theme of getting along are the characters of Rick and Jean, a rich white couple. She is talking with a so-called friend on the phone and she begins to β†’

The bridge at dong ha

The presentation and the language of the book have made it very attractive to the readers. The Bridge at Dong Ha 3 The Bridge at Dong Ha by John Miller The book The Bridge at Dong Ha written by John Miller is the story of a genuine marine war hero of America's war history.

Boyz n the hood: four major themes in john singleton’s film

The four major themes elevated in the film are the power of family and black culture in the ghettos, effects of capitalism to American citizens especially the Negros living in harsh environments, the power of temptation and more so juvenile and gang associated delinquencies that are usually influenced by peer and social pressure. The power β†’

Korean melodrama shinpa essay examples

In other words, shinpa is a form of melodrama which demonstrates the collision of the modern and pre-modern aspects with emotionalism in colonized Korea. The Genealogy of Shinpa Melodramas in Korean Cinema.

Ben hur and gladiator

The narrative structure, and the title of the book the film was based on, Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ, are about as Christian as literature/film can get without explicitly quoting the bible. Maximus, a martyr for the Roman empire in ways, dedicates his life to avenging the deaths of his loved ones and restores β†’

How the movie spanglish depicts hispanic people

The ability to; provide a better life for their family, a brighter future for their children, the opportunity for a good education, a different well paying job, the possibility of buying a home and, to raise a full new family in America is, the dream. When a family decides to immigrate into the United States β†’

Memoirs of a geisha critical essay

Chairman The Chairman was the reason why Sayuri had a purpose to live, which was the result of his act of kindness to Sayuri when she was a child. Crab was one of the men who were attracted to Sayuri when she became a geisha.Dr.

Stand by me cmm theory

In the beginning of the film, he had been described, by himself, as a weird guy, since he was not like his late brother, who was the favorite. Chris became a lawyer, though hard to get in with his status and Gordie became a writer, much to his joy that he took it.

Robert zemeckis’s cast away: how love influences chuck’s character

In the movie Cast Away, Chuck is a character who loses everything he thought he has control over, and learns what it means to be human. A handprint is left on the ball and he shades it to look like a face; he names it Wilson.

How does “anita & me” demonstrate

You can already see the most vivid example of racisms, by the name of the dog, which is named in the film by Anita's mother, and a 'toy' she has brought for Anita's younger sister. This was a very perceptive and funny film, the humour added to the film, which showed the simple story of β†’

Dead poet’s society

As Emerson writes in " The American Scholar," The books, the college, the school of art, the institution of any kind, stop with some past utterance of genius. Learning in general, according to Emerson and Keating is about inspiring young minds to be creative and to act, not to give theme knowledge of the past.

The pirates of penzance

The Pirate of Penzance is a movie rendition of the operetta of the same title by Gilbert and Sullivan. In terms of power struggles, we could see the attempt of two individuals to overcome the control of people and plant they have come to love.

How does hill create a sense of isolation in the woman in black

The details of her appearance by Kipps also adds to this sense of her isolation.only the thinnest layer of flesh was tautly stretched and strained across her face." In across the Causeway Hill uses the effect of sound throughout the chapter to create a sense of splendour and Isolation." The only sounds I could hear β†’

Marvel’s iron man: investigation and evaluation

The man a long time stays in the dope and the uncertainty on the brink of self-destruction but manages to find the strength to get rid of the addictions. However, if in the movie " Iron Man 2" has been a source of problems faceless and dull ticking because of the fact that the mechanism β†’

Billy elliot family

An example from the film to show Jackie and Tony's opposition to ballet is the dialogue when Jackie says to Billy: " Ballet is for girls Billy. Another example from the film to show Jackie's hate of ballet is hen he sees Billy in the ballet class for the first time.

Review of the film back to the future

He then struggles with the issue of finding the Doc to help him figure out how to get home all the while taking charge of his parents relationship to ensure it fulfills its destiny as to uphold the structure of the space-time continuum. There is a classic Back to the Future score that was composed β†’

Burgess’s comment on society in a clockwork orange

The sense of a newly empowered sector of society is conveyed principally by the new spending power of young people, and the emergence of mainstream youth-related cultural forms, especially popmusic, that quickly become significant components of the economy. And yet, in a sense, in choosing to be deprived of the ability to make an ethical β†’

Analysis of characters in the movie the last jedi

Yoda was also reintroduced and the writers saw fit to have him changed even more from his original portrayal, and now they have opened the possibility of Luke returning in episode IX and still being able to influence the real world from the afterlife. However, Rey's training was limited to two scenes, which the writers β†’

Politics in modern film (v for vendetta)

This is, in my mind, one of the most profound quotes in the film, behind his other statement that " people should not be afraid of their governments; governments should be afraid of their people." The timing of the film and its statements on war point directly to America's involvement in the war on terror β†’

The role of blance and mitch in a streetcar named desire

In the 1947 play A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams, the relationship between Blanche and Mitch is a key subplot in the tale of Blanche's descent into madness and isolation. However, Blanche and Mitch's relationship is doomed to fail by the nature of Mitch's incomplete, pseudo-masculinity.

“saving private ryan” and “the longest day”

The two films are " saving private ryan" and " The Longest Day"." saving private ryan" was released in 1998 and " The Longest Day" was released in 1962. To state the obvious first, the differences in the colour between the two films " saving private ryan" and " The Longest Day" is that " β†’

A synopsis of the movie looking for alibrandi

Both of these texts explore the idea that the more we know about people and the more we observe and listen, the greater the opportunity for tolerance and wisdom in the future. After gaining knowledge of the people in their lives, both Josie Alibrandi and Miles Halter gained wisdom.

Literary analysis: the last song

She ignored her dad for three years, then her mom decided it would be good idea for Ronnie and Jonah, Ronnie's little brother, to spend the summer with their dad. Unfortunately, Ronnie did not want anything to do with composing or playing the piano anymore and she blamed it all on her dad.

Speak noah

In the summer before entering high school, Melinda is invited to a party that changes her life; and it is not for the better. This quote is a symbol of Melanin's life because the hidden underside of the couch is symbolizing Melanin's secrets that are buried and not visible to people on the outside.

The notion of gender-bender and why it succeeded in the movies some like it hot, mrs. doubtfire, and tootsie

It is funny because the audience can see that they are men trying to act like woman but the characters in the film do not. It is funny to the audience because they can see how he tries to be taken seriously but they take him less seriously because he is a woman, and it β†’

West side story spin on romeo and juliet

Although the plot of the movie " West Side Story" is based on the play " Romeo and Juliet", there are differences as far as the styling and the end of the movie is concerned. Romeo and Juliet end their lives in the play whereas Tony is killed by a member of Sharks gang.

The significance of the cut beak and trimmed wings in ken kesey’s one flew over the cuckoo’s nest

At the old place he stood so long in one spot the piss ate the floor and beams away under him and he kept falling through to the ward below, giving them all kinds of census headaches down there when roll check came around In the face of the awful and long-standing treatment of this β†’

Ivan’s childhood and the battle of algiers: war movies analysis

In The Battle of Algiers, the Casbah, and the women's innocence are corrupted by war. The Battle of Algiers, like Ivan's Childhood, is not pro or anti-war in a conventional sense.

Into the wild and walden

Thoreau and McCandless had to deal with the airiness of their homes. Thoreau and McCandless were both college graduates that lived their lives to the fullest.

The negligence in steven zaillian’s film a civil action

In the film A Civil Action, there are several examples of negligence that appear to be crucial to the Beatrice Foods and W.R. The idea that the plaintiffs were searching for money to compensate for the money lost shows a part of the economic aspect of the civil case.

Modern humans – nature’s ultimate predators

However, man became the ultimate and apex predator with advancement from early technology to modern ones, for example, taking a man or woman from 10, 000BC or 20, 000BC whose natural habitat is the wild, the chances of survival without sophisticated tool is zero and such a man or woman could become an easy prey β†’

An examination of the movie 12 angry men

By focusing on the legitimate emotions of the jurors, juror 8 was then able to emphasize the seriousness of the problem and make the negotiation pro-active. As a result of juror 8 separating the people from the problem, focusing on interests, and negotiating with objective criteria, juror 8 was able to successfully persuade all of β†’

Remember the titans argumentative essay

Remember the Titans Directed by Boaz Yakin, Remember the Titans exploresracismin the community of Alexandria and the struggles of dealing with an integrated society, school and football team. Remember the Titans makes evident that ultimately the community of Alexandria are the real winners after the Titans gain victory at the Championship and the public learn β†’

The long and the short and the tall

The Long and the Short and the Tall is set in the Malayan jungle in the Second World War. In the first act of the play the situation has not sunk in and all the men are having a banter and a laugh.

Blind side

I struggled a lot and I use to be a quiet and shy boy, but now I am a confident and free spirited person and you and your wife have given me reason to believe again. The message is trying to explain that you can be in any situation and find a way out of β†’

“mulan” film analysis

It is very clear that the context of this movie provides us with the information that the film takes place in the ancient times in China. But the one of the many ways that history affects the standpoints of the characters in this movie is how they train as well as travel for their battle β†’

Analysis of music in the film grease

I think the effectiveness of a musical film In comparison to a film score in a non- musical largely depends on the target audience of the film, genre of film, and plot of the film. The chorus, " hopelessly devoted to you" is how Sandy feels towards Danny and these feelings are emphasized by the β†’

The great depression: causes and effects essay example

However, there are a few theories that make the most sense in context of the time and the current understanding of economic theory; these theories, perhaps in combination, create the most compelling picture of the economic crash that occurred during the Great Depression. The monetarists are opposed by the Keynesian theorists in regards to the β†’

Justin yeh

The reason for " I Have a Dream" massive impact is due to the tense social mood of the time and giving African Americans a vision for the future. King uses this device 8 times throughout his speech but the most memorable of all is near the end of the speech where he starts with β†’

Law from a realistic point of view of scandinavia and america

In this school of thought, the judge is the maker of the law as it is him or her who determines what law he or she is to apply to a certain set of circumstances. John Chipman Gray, one of the theorists of legal realism describes law as: " The law of the state or β†’

Titlea finny and gene are exact opposites

While Finny seems physically stronger and better than Gene, he is emotionally weaker and ends up dying, whereas Gene who is physically weaker than Finny is emotionally stronger and is better at confronting reality. Finally, Gene is surprised by Finny not wanting to gloat and tell others about it, then realizing that Finny is good-natured β†’

Great depression – american history essay

Not being related to each other in any sense of the word, four pieces of writing by Fante, Chandler, West and McWilliams are shot through with the same fleur of despair and touch upon the same social issues, even though belonging to completely different genres and telling absolutely different stories, which can be explained as β†’

Free war on drugs essay example

The effectiveness of the spread of the drugs in the respective countries may be because of a set of reasons. China and the United States being some of the most successful nations in the globe have continued to struggle with the drugs following the effects of the dominance of science, and exclusive interconnectedness as well β†’

Free death of a salesman essay example

According to the Aristotelian definition of tragedy, Willy is a tragic hero and he himself is responsible for his tragedy. But in Willy's case, till the end of his life, he is unable to be enlightened and he never comes out of his illusion.

Jessica shepherd

This book provides information about the native cultures of North America and explains what factors led to the dominance of more recent arrivals to the continent" Found in the Library. The teacher walks to the second group: Clothing Teacher: The clothing of Native Americans is very interesting to study.

Research paper on mary calkins

Allowing women into the program at the same time that the science was trying to become an established discipline in the United States was a time sensitive issue that benefitted women and the field. Partially because of the influence of women, like Calkins, in the United States, the laboratories were being established without the emphasis β†’

November 30, 2012

Since the Spaniards were incapable of defeating the rebels and the rebels lacked the assets to exile the Spaniards from the island, the period of time in which these battles would last was unforeseeable. At the end of the rebellion, the island of Cuba was in ruins.

Example of essay on gay marriage in america

Gay marriage in the United States has been a controversy in the United States due to the different interpretations that exists regarding the Defense of Marriage Act by different parties and people in the United States. In the light of this controversy regarding the legality of gay marriage in the United States, this paper seeks β†’

Case study on the us economy and its effect on future generations

The figures illustrate that the more available credits were to people and the more a country' s standard of living was getting improved, the more national debt was incurred by the United States in that period. A bigger half of the national debt consists of a " public debt" and " debt held by the β†’

Declaration of independence in american radicalism

The situation of the women in society began to be viewed in comparison to what was claimed in the declaration of independence, around the time of the meeting in Seneca Falls. In the struggle for labor rights and opposition to the monopoly of the few and exploitation of the workforce, the declaration of independence had β†’

Jazz music essay example

The current discourse hereby aims to present a comparative analysis of two of the greatest American jazz musicians: Duke Ellington and Louis Armstrong in terms of their respective stylistic contributions to jazz music. Likewise, Armstrong's enthusiasm and genuine musical prowess continue to inspire musicians, especially in the genre of jazz music.

The hiv/aids epidemic in the united states

The misconception that the disease affects only homosexuals and drug dependents stemmed from the fact that in the early years of the epidemic, majority of HIV-positive individuals in the US were homosexuals, intravenous drug users, hemophiliacs and Haitian immigrants. Furthermore, the US refused to cooperate with the United Nations in the latter's programs to curb β†’

Fashion textiles research paper examples

Introduction The Vietnam War Era Uniform Vietnam War Era uniform which was also known as the Jungle Uniform was the main attire that the American soldiers used in their military operations between 1950 and 1980. The Army Combat Uniform is the latest uniform that is used by the American army after replacing the Desert Camouflage β†’

Minimum wage in california research paper

California minimum wages is based on their law to be implemented and imposed for the employer to follow for the protection of both the employee and the employer. Finally, the earnings of minimum wage workers are essential to their families' total income.

The also sucked out and collected in a

To kill a developing baby in the womb using cruel procedures is not only wrong for the doctors to perform and unsafe for the mother, but is also morally wrong. That this baby is a baby and the mother is a person.

Example of book review on andrew jackson and the bank war: a study in the growth of presidential power – book

Remini's Andrew Jackson and the Bank War: A Study in the Growth of Presidential Power, published in 1967, discusses the Bank War of the early 1800s, in which the controversy of re-chartering the Second Bank of the United States during Jackson's administration left Democrats and Republicans quarreling with each other over issues of social equality β†’

The cause of homelessness essay examples

The introduction is one of the strong points of the speech to gain attention from the audience and the speaker as successful on that part. In general it was still informative, short and precise speech that was able to target the key point of the subject.

The motorcycle diaries movie review example

Over the course of the film, Ernesto and Granado learn a great deal about themselves and the rest of South America, including some of the economic and social inequalities that would eventually spur Ernesto into action as one of the leaders of the Cuban Revolution. At the beginning of the scene, raucous mambo music is β†’

Essay on is affirmative action morally permissible

This is the time when all injustices that the minorities and the less privileged went through had started to be recognized, many people looked back and had the desire to make up for all the years of cruelty, which acted as a hindrance for the progression of the minorities in America. They were considered inferior β†’

Free midterm short answers essay sample

B DuBois captures the power of his book in attempting to change the mindsets of African Americans about their self worth relative to those of people from other races. He uses pathos to appeal to Africans Americans to rise up against the ills of the white man and his text may also be viewed as β†’

The real face of our culture in the united states

In his book, " Culture Jam" Kalle Lasn, a human rights activist, talks about how the media and technologies of our modern societies affect our behaviors and thoughts, and the messages given by the media and technologies have already influenced the development of the societies in the world. I was able to observe how culture β†’

Earth science

The storm sustains itself through the balance of the downdrafts and updrafts of the storm, when the energy of latent heat is continuously supplied. The period of rotation and cycles of the seasons of Mars are the same as those of the earth; this includes the tilt that causes the seasons.

There is a movement brewing in the united states

There is a movement brewing in the United States to make English the official language of the country, but the whole idea seems preposterous. Finally, the single best argument against making English the official language of the United States is that it is completely contradictory to the entire history of the nation.

Research paper on the united states history of building construction and fire safety

The major objective of all stake holders in the construction industry is to ensure conformity with the generally accepted codes of safety to avoid losses of lives and property incase of unforeseen disasters such as fire and the common earthquakes experienced in most parts of the world and especially the Middle East. Experts in fire β†’

1. go to the u.s. census bureau foreign trade website:

As part of your preparation to ensure success in reaching targets and managing the team: a) Research the following cultural dimensions for your selected country and the U.S. The United States score low on this dimension which underscores the American premise of " liberty and justice for all." This is also evidenced by the focus β†’

Free essay about describe the limiits of the article of confideration, and problems occurring under

Among the controversies was that the congress was not allowed to pass laws before getting the approval of the congress. This was because of the fact that a big majority of the thirteen states had to pass a vote of agreement in order for the congress to be able to pass laws.

Research paper on the washington monument

People of the Federal City founded the Washington National Monument Society in the early 1830s, as a private establishment, the main aim of which was to provide fundraising and watch the erection of the monument to be done from the funds provided by the general public. When the shaft height had reached the point of β†’

Resurgence of conservatism

The resurgence of conservatism in American politics and government in the years 1964-2005, was caused in reaction to 1960s liberal political, economic, and social policies as well as the rise of religious political groups and the controversy over theVietnam War. Consequently, the failures of the policies of liberal presidents like Carter and the success of β†’

Materialistic or what ever is easyer on you essay example

That said, one of the culture that has become dominant in American way of life related to the peoples' physical appearance especially, the men. In the agricultural world, labor is intensive and masculinity is determined by the ability of the man to provide for the family.

It period where we rebuild and unite the

Abraham Lincoln was the president during reconstruction he wanted to heal the nation quickly because he wants to end the war and hold the nation together. Others might argue that Reconstruction live up to its promises and it gave African American all the rights because now they got a right to be a citizen and β†’

Las vegas: geography, history, culture, tourism

Las Vegas is situated in the southeastern area of Nevada state in the United States of America. And the meaning of Las Vegas is " the meadows".

Nsa leaks research paper examples

The best example that has currently strangled the government and the international media is the case of Edward Snowden who is the person behind NSA leaks. On this matter, the American government claims that on the basis of theft of government property and the unauthorized communication of information which was passed on to unauthorized people, β†’

Free experience in america as a utopian essay sample

This paper aims at analyzing one can think of America's way of life if he or she originates from a Utopian Society One of the conclusions that the Utopian would have made after the brief visit and stay to America is that life in America is quite different from that which is found in Utopia. β†’

Facilitator article review examples

Instead of declaring the position in the conflict, the United States of America should rather shape the minds of the people to the causes of the uprising in the country. The cries of the people call on the United States of America to come out and use the military prowess of the country in the β†’

Effect and aftermath of global crisis on vlcc market in nigeria essay example

What has been considered as the global financial crisis began in the United Kingdom and the United States of America following a significant standstill in the global credit market in July 2007. The freight rate depends on the mode of transport, the form of the cargo, its weight, and the distance between the freight points.

Essay on rights of african americans in united states before 1929

The 14th amendment and the women's suffrage document that went until 1875, tried to enhance the rights of the African American women. In 1900, the right to become teachers was officially bestowed to African-Americans.

Example of economic situation in the usa and russia research paper

In this paper I am going to analyze two of the top world countries: the USA and Russia in terms of their economic indicators and performance. The economic crisis of 2008-2009 is also visible in this graph, since GDP fell in comparison to the previous years.

Free essay on post dramatic stress disorder

It is on record the soldier who participated in the war were said to be suffering from a condition that was known as post-Vietnam syndrome. It is also a common thing to find that they look into the future from the perspective of a pessimist.

Essay on political conflict analysis

Also, the study focuses on Jacobs and Theda's " Health Care Reform and American Politics: What Everyone Needs to know" readings, and Lawrence, Peterson and Stimson's " Electoral Mandates in American Politics" readings with support from 2 other news articles to analyze how the political conflict in the controversial healthcare bill occurred with reference to β†’

Partisan polarization in american politics essay examples

This study paper will evaluate the argument that it is hard to achieve these defections, not because of the increased agenda regulation for party with the majority but because of the transformation of the American political background related to the suburbanization and deindustrialization. In relation to the voters, in the advanced democracies, Republicans and Democrats β†’

Good argumentative essay on history

He was found guilty of murder and was sentenced to death though he pleaded innocent and referred his crime to the rage and grief he experienced after the President's death. According to conspiracy theorists, the CIA was interested in Kennedy's death because he wanted to close this organization.

Free essay about racial projects

The race issue has been a major determinant to the way the government and the society and other people perceive a person from a particular race or ethnic group. The legal system and the government are in the forefront of implementing the racial gap.

Case study on this is a four out of six optional questions essays paper. totally 10 pages, each

The Title IX has led to some equality in allocation of resources to both men and women in sports in terms of sports facilities, equipment and uniforms. Identify and briefly describe 3 consequences that were negative The first negative consequence Title IX is that the struggle for equality in the sports of men or boys β†’

Gloom and mental instability

In order for one to be able to come to a plausible conclusion concerning the mental health of the unnamed narrator one must know what insanity is, the medical definition of insanity, and compare both definitions to the mental state of the narrator in the story. In regards to the medical aspect, the anxiety reveals β†’

Why race in america is a social construct, not reality essay samples

Henderson believes that this is the state of affairs in the world but that it is an unnecessary state of affairs. This is why she writes the analogy that " I feel like a brown bag of miscellany propped against a wall.

President kennedy 1961 inaugural address term papers examples

On the 20th of January 1961, John Fitzgerald Kennedy took oath as the 35th president of the United States of America and delivered the inaugural address in front of over 20, 000 people who had braved the snow and cold weather. President Kennedy's inaugural address was not only directed at the people gathered to hear β†’

Education voucher research paper

From teacher unions to government school teachers, the argument has been the same; education voucher erodes standard of education and minimize funding and that the whole idea is against the constitution. Proponents of education voucher argue that the program has brought a healthy competition between private institutions and government schools.