5 Pages Essay Samples

Close encounters of the literary kind: perception in “out of all them bright stars,” “arena,” and “the star”

The short stories " Out of All Them Bright Stars", " Arena" and " The Star" all feature a narrator who encounters an alien or an alien race and walk away changed forever. The entire encounter rattles Sally, who spends the remainder of her night reflecting on the events and questioning her perception of the →

Ethnic nationalism in korea

History influences the ethnic nationalism in Korea as well as the nature of the dynamic self-perception of the Korean people. Gi-Wook Shin, author of Ethnic Nationalism in Korea, claims that the effect of ethnic nationalism penetrates every aspect of Korean society: " Indeed, a sense of ethnic unity has served Koreans in a variety of →

Positive reinforcement

Negative Reinforcement Negative reinforcement is the strengthening of a response through the removal of a stimulus after the response occurs. In negative reinforcement, a response is strengthened when it leads to the removal of an adverse stimulus.

Section 13 of the sale of goods act 1979

Section 13 of the Sale of Goods Act 1979 states that where there is a contract for the sale of goods by description, there exists an implied term that the goods will correspond with that description. Even though the quality of the goods was not affected, it was said that the goods were not as →

Success and luck in life in outliers by malcolm gladwell

These factors that Gladwell says allows an individual to become successful include having a talent and the means to practice that talent excessively, extraordinary opportunities, the home and location an individual is raised in, the sense of self-entitlement and learned practical intelligence, and cultural legacy. For an individual to recognize their talent at a young →

Enhance childrens aesthetic development education essay

Every child has different ways of learning and to bring children's potential to the maximum, they must be given the opportunities to explore and experiment in the different areas of learning and aesthetic learning is one of them. Much had been mentioned by researchers about aesthetic education and the importance of it for early childhood →

Changing dietary habit essay

Nutrition is body's ability to eat food and to extract energy from it for growth repair and health. In the above case it was the ' fear factor' that led people to change their dietary habit and adopt a natural healthy diet without much of fuss.

9/11 aftermath essay sample

Bush saw this happening and took it in his hands to persuade the people that war was the right for our country and the just thing to do to keep the lives of Americans safe and protect our loved ones. Media used fear to their advantage and disregarded the consequences of the reaction of the →

Post-industrial economy

The thrust of Gavison's article is to suggest that, ultimately, Israel does fulfill the criteria of being a democracy and that by failing to recognize the State as such, the web of International relations and the delicate balance between religious theocracy and national democracy which presently exists in Israel will be threatened. Obviously, one of →

Compare and contast of festival between bangladesh tourism essay

1 Caribana festival in Canada: Caribana festivals come from Caribbean culture and history which is held in the summer across the city of Toronto, Ontario in Canada. In this day all stage of people attend this festival.

The treptower park soviet war memorial history essay

The Treptower memorial became an arena for the political struggle that included the Soviet Union, its satellites, the United States, and the countries of Western Europe. For decades the soldier's statue at the center of the Treptower complex was a major symbol in Soviet war commemoration.

Take home case study: adolescent pregnancy

Some of the symptoms of pregnancy include tenderness of the breasts, nausea or vomiting or both, weight gain, missing a period, frequent urination, darkening of the nipples, enlargement of the breasts and perception of fetal movements. In the classes, problems and issues of teenage pregnancy will be raised and attempted to solve.

To design and build a mousetrap powered car essay sample

The lighter and smaller the car, the less weight there is on the wheels, which means that the mousetrap will be able to pull the axel faster. The mousetrap would be attached with a bolt at the front of the mousetrap.

Gun problem or mental illness?

The outbreak of shootings recently are causing issues and arguments to rise whether it is to have more gun control or is it the lack of knowledge of the mentally ill." These events can cause us only to shake our heads in disbelief at the deaths of innocents at the hands of the mentally ill →

Innovation can be centralized or decentralized marketing essay

In decentralized organization manager of middle and lower level can make decisions related to the cost of significant material and labor resources, 3. Actions of management's evaluation are based on the total results, especially, the level of profitability and growth of the organization.

A civil action/ irac style format assignment

Jan and his partners discussed the case and Jan agreed to go and meet with Anne and the family member's of the children who died from Leukemia. Grace Company decided that the best place to dump the T.C.E.was in the river behind the plant.

Issues of healthcare work and safety for employees

To explain some of the causes, symptoms relating to the healthcare worker and safety and health in the workplace. Risk Hearing is affected for both the health care assistants and the clients, causing the clients to become agitated with the constant noise.

Food service business plan

This initiative will be reflected in our prices and at the same support local business and increase our visibility in the communities. Our materials management department will establish relationships with local farmers in the community in order to control the cost and quality of inputs.

The sexual harassment issue

Justice Sandra Day O" Connor delivered the majority opinion for the court which " held that the school would be liable for student-on-student sexual harassment if it acted with deliberate indifference to known acts of harassment in its programs or activities provided that the harassment is so severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive that it effectively →

Us negotiations with iran

In as much as the United States is one of the most powerful and influential nations in the world, there are some aspects that are associated with Iran which cannot just be overlooked. The following are some of the issues which are pointed out by the US Department of State: The Iranian Nuclear Challenge The →

Literature review analysis

Leadership is either inside or outside of the person this enables him to focus on a single reality.) Essence of Leadership- Leaders brainscienceis kept tabs on examining characteristics, styles and behaviors of leaders and try to distinguish traits and qualities that are intended to catch the correct nature of initiative, independent of connection and circumstances →

Performance deficiency and performance opportunity of employee attitudes

The results of positive or negative job satisfaction are the second major practitioner knowledge gap is in the area of understanding the consequences of job satisfaction. The study of the relationship between job satisfaction and job performance Most of the earlier reviews of the literature suggested a weak and somewhat inconsistent relationship between job satisfaction →

Martin luther king beyond vietnam assignment

Which are the fertile soil in which the seed of communism grows and develops." Especially since he states " America Is known to be, the richest and most powerful nation in the world, It can well lead the way In this revolution of values." Dry. He clarifies his objective in the speech to encourage and →

Grace under pressure: what constitutes a hero in the sun also rises

In Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises, a hero is one who is able to recognize and accept the cynical state of the world without letting that realization affect one's dignity or strength of spirit. In the context of The Sun Also Rises, a hero is defined by their ability to accept and resign himself to →

Poverty and the glass castle

Though Jeannette Wallsr's family had no support to help them while they lived in poverty, tools are available to help families in poverty. This is a major help to people in poverty for if they had to pay more money to the government in taxes they would lose all they have that help support their →

The use of allegory in d.h. lawrence’s ‘the man who loved islands’

Hence, it logically fails as his ideal conception of a community precludes the interests of the islanders, in fact, it is the lack of self-awareness in relation to other people that leads to the failure of his own perceived vision of this community. Thus, Lawrence underscores the need to respect the social order and equality →

Corporate christianity and the crucified worker: the harsh irony of religion in ‘nickel and dimed’

The ambiguity of the word improvidence provides this statement with two distinctly possible and nearly opposite meanings; improvidence as meaning wasteful or thriftlessness implies that the plight of her coworkers is their own fault, an idea she directly refutes when she notes a " host of special costs" prohibitive to the most thrifty decisions for →

The gallbladder disease, and certain types of

The deterioration in respiratory parameters and mechanics is magnified with the presence of abdominal obesity and increased WC. Altered pulmonary function in obese patients is in line with increased the level of obesity and is directly related to abdominal and chest fat accumulation.

The the second world war has been

However, we could then argue, if more and more people are taking up this option and are trying out cohabitation and getting married, why is the divorce rate still so high? Before the Divorce Legislation Act of 1971, for a divorce it had to be proved that one of the partners was wrong and then →

Marketing vistakon assignment

Visitation should 1) target part-time users of contacts who Visitation s uniquely positioned to serve, 2) position 1 Day Suave around the primary unmet needs of this segment, convenience and comfort, and 3) implement penetration pricing in a progressive regional roll to test price sensitivity and product diffusion prior to a full national roll.L. Visitation →

5 tools you need to finally go paperless

When you have a digital version of a document, like a PDF that someone emailed to you or that you downloaded, you do not have to print it to sign it. To digitally sign documents, you usually have to create a signature first, which is often the hardest part because people's penmanship is poor with →

Introduction specificity. their styles are adopted by

A subculture is a group of individuals characterized by different norms and values that is unique to the rest of the broader society it constitutes. It is not to say that this trend is only common in the US but even in other parts of the world like in Armenia where police are investigating a →

Amendment for protection of the american flag

However, all of this is countered with a frightening fact- The Constitution of the United States of America promotes desecration of the flag through the protection of flag burning as an expression of free speech. Specific examples of this disrespect include the perversion of the flag under the excuse that the flag is being used →

Is the circular economy a choice or a necessity?

Such production of waste leads to the deterioration of the environment in two ways: by the removal of natural capital from the environment and by the reduction of the value of natural capital caused by pollution from waste. A review on circular economy: the expected transition to a balanced interplay of environmental and economic systems.

Fedex essay

In the video, this matches with the immediate scanning of the packages, the measure of the boxes or the use of the scale for the containers. Wherever the package is, FedEx is able to collect data, information about the destination and the characteristics of the package.

Marketing assignment

It can also be defined as the combination of all technical and administrative actions, including supervision actions, intended to retain an item in, or restore it to, a state in which It can perform a required function Maintenance Management All the activities of the management that determine the maintenance objectives or priorities, strategies detects and →

Agora swot anlysis competitive advantage

Agora the brand name of Rahimafrooz Group is the first super shop chain in our country launched in 2000. Many people thought that the name of the company is Agora.

Officer selection

In a structured interview, the candidate is asked a series of questions regarding the Job and his or her specific abilities. Though the candidate must pass all phases of the selection process in order to be hired as a police officer, the interview process is critical in the assessment of the candidate's attitudes, appearance, and →

History of native americans in the united states essay sample

It expanded from the Mississippi river to the Rocky Mountains from Canada to the New Orleans. Indian Removal Act In 1836, The Cherokees were moving towards the west because Martin Van Buren sent the U.S.army to force the tribes to continue going west to the territory of Oklahoma.

Illegal immigrationexample essay

The money that state and local governments must provide to anchor babies- babies born in the United States by illegal immigrants- amounts to a virtual tax on United States citizens to subsidize illegal aliens. The leading group protecting illegal immigrants is the National Immigration Law Center, which is recognized as a national leader and trusted →

Retail travel operations

Independents An independent agent is usuallyfamilyowned, they have been in the business for a long time and have years of experience and built up a lot of knowledge. A role of a home based travel agent is to sell flight tickets; they also get to form a direct relationship with the person whose holiday they →

Theories of genes and cancer

If he transfers a fragment of the DNA containing the activated oncogene from the cancer cell into normal cells, then the activated oncogene should induce the normal cells to divide and proliferate, producing a foci out of the normal cells in the petri dish. To prove the hypothesis, Dryja wanted to prove that the two →

Feds and whigs

One of the main ideas of the Federalist Party was that of a " loose interpretation" of the constitution. The Federalists used this clause in the case of the National Bank.

Technology is killing humanity

The eyes are the windows to the soul as the popular phrase. Therefore, people need to do extra work to earn more likes and comments, and the only way to satisfy their vanity is to keep commenting on others' posts.

Decision-making – case study

Step five also pertains to the implications and importance of the research studied. The DID plays an important role in increasing organizational accountability, facilitating knowledge transfer, and contributing to a questioning organization.

Goals of the business essay

The importance of the role of information systems in conducting business and achieveing the goals of the businessInformation is vital in conducting a business. If it is a system that is not suited to the business and has flaws in the design then it is likely that the wrong information will be produced which will →

Evolution of attitude in eliot’s “the love song of j. alfred prufrock”

On first reading, the poems stanzas seem to belong to separate plots or lines of thought, but unity can be perceived if we think of the structure of the poem as reflective of the developing mental state of the speaker, with certain longer stanzas representing the processing of an attitude and other shorter groups of →

Marx and epicurus theories of a happy and meaningful life

The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the contrasting views of Marx and Epicurus for a happy and meaningful life, and ultimately support the view of Marx over that of Epicurus, because it is more relevant in current times and a way of live. However, according to Marx the meaning and happiness of life →

The chemiluminescence of luminol | lab report

In fluorescence the electronic spin is preserved, while the radiant intensity of chemiluminescence can be expressed as: This equation holds true since the rate of chemiluminescence depends both on the quantum yield c CL, and also the rate of chemical reaction. Thus blood can be seen to luminate with the addition of luminol The yield →

Is the cartesian conception of mind still viable

From this application of the same category of logic to both the mind and the body, the result was as Ryle points out a 'category error'; dualist's descriptions of the mind were mere negatives of the specific descriptions given to the bodies; they are not in space, they are not modifications of matter, they are →

Atomic force microscope

The objective of the article was to examine the transmission of force from the cell membrane of the apical cell to the cell membrane of the basal cell. More disturbing to the authors was the experiment for ascertaining the change in the contact area and relaxation of the focal contact within the first five minutes →

In jesus’ name: taking up serpents

IN JESUS' NAME: TAKING UP SERPENTS I have took cocaine, I have smokedmarijuana, drunk whiskey, and been high on all that, but this high you get on Jesus, it's nothin', nothin' compared to that." The video was filmed in two churches in Alabama and Georgia in what looks like the 60's, but in reality was →

Carl jung’s theories on consciousness and personality

Jung was the second and first surviving son of Paul Achilles Jung and Emilie Preiswerk. The types are as follows: The Innocent, The Orphan/Regular Person, The Ruler, The Jester, The Sage, The Caregiver, The Explorer, The Rebel, The Carl Jung Lover, The Creator, The Hero, and The Magician.

Greed and materialism in the 1980s

Part Thesis: When the conservative values of the Cold War 1950s hit the technology of the 1980s, it was like a kid in the candy store where everything was possible, but only the lustful greed was probable"..a new facial scrub by Caswell-Massey and a body wash by Greune, then a body moisturizer by Lubriderm and →

Privacy vs. national security: stem cell research and its impact on medicine essay

It can be done by using minimum doses of the medicines that do not significantly affect the donor's life, so the purpose is to assess the safety of the procedure rather than assessing the effect of the procedure. The need for privacy in this regards was considered due to the fact that there might be →

Different types of tourism destinations

First of all this report will identify the meaning of travel destination and tourist destination.' A travel destination is the end point of the journey '. The attractiveness of the seaside resort is the combination of sun, sea and sand.

Mang 420

Professionals take on special rights and obligations because of their special claims to knowledge, wisdom and respect.-True Privacy is the right to be left alone when you want to be, without surveillance or interference from other individuals or organizations.-True Spyware is software that comes hidden in downloaded applications and can track your online movements.-True Most →

Big company with a large amount of inventories marketing essay

NESCAFE Grinded coffee beans Roasted coffee beans ' Cherries' Coffee beans The first process of manufacturing the Nestle NESCAFE is harvesting the fruit of the coffee beans. The third process of manufacturing the Nestle NESCAFE is roasting the coffee beans.

Short notes-atomic structure essay

Each shell has a fixed maximum number of electrons at a certain energy level.* The differences in energy levels within a shell are much smaller than the diffrence in energy between shells.* The shells are in numbers n= 1, 2, 3, 4, 5....n.* Shell no 1 is the nearest to the nucleus and valence shell →

A look at point-of-view and reader placement in “i, too” and “douglass”

Hughes' poem " I, too" is written in the first person, inviting the reader into the position of the " I", to experience the emotional journey of the narrator." I", who is revealed as the " darker brother", desires a better place in the future. Unlike Hughes' poem, " Douglass" is not driven by the →

Beanos cafe – analysis

The results of the surveys showed that consumers liked the cafe's service, atmosphere, and quick response, while they disliked allowing private celebrations to be held, waiting to get a table at the cafe, prices of food, type of music played in the cafe, and the furniture as well. One of the many methods Beano's uses →

The fail of economic independence strategy

The economic approach ignored the importance of fighting for equal daily rights but lied on whites to give blacks fair respect- Washington wanted whites to give blacks rights of education as a prize for their sacrifice of giving up their voting rights. Washington, a represent of the black leaders who struggled for economic independence, pleased →


Answer: Just before the announcement of LBO, there are two factors that the market value of the debt and preferred stock on the books of the target firm reflects. In order to show a certain level of perceived risk of the firm, investors revalue the firm's pre-LBO debt and preferred stock in the open market, →

Home away from home

I sat and watched cars pass by and I felt the stretch of distance from home I was becoming, I wondered if any of the cars I saw were headed to the same place as I was. Entering the home of IPFW I was waiting to feel welcomed, like I was home again, but deep →

Poverty as a challenge class ix ncert

On the basis of these calculations in 1999 - 2000, the poverty line in the rural areas was fixed Rs. Ans: As per the data given in the book there is a substantial decline in poverty ratio in India from 55 percent in 1973 to 36 percent in 1993.

Signos: a reaction paper essay

If we use drugs abuse too much, it will increase the risk of stress and depression. This area is the starting point of everything and takes a major part in putting a hindrance to drug abuse.

The price of indebtedness in may-lee chai’s saving sourdi

Whether stabbing a man with a paring knife or getting a friend to punch her sister's husband in the face, Nea always manages to start trouble for her and her sister, Sourdi. In May-Lee Chai's " Saving Sourdi," Nea's identity is shaped by her feeling of indebtedness to her sister Sourdi, which compromises her ability →

A comparative study of the influence of gender, age

The double standard of ageing is a phenomenon that was defined by Sontag, where the signs of ageing in women are less attractive than in men. A questionnaire provided data on the participants' actual age, preferred age and age they believe they look; their gender and marital status; and their perceptions of the attractiveness of →

Varicella-zoster reactivated vzv infection, in whom cerebrospinal

Reactivation of VZV results in herpeszoster, with dermatomal distribution of pain and rash.and it isusually a disease of older or immunocompromised people 1, 2. The patient was started on intravenous ceftriaxone and acyclovir and he wasadmitted to the internal medicine department with the diagnosis of probableaseptic meningitis.

“the adventures of tom sawyer”: twain’s extensive use of sarcasm

In The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Mark Twain uses sarcasm throughout the text to add humor, change reader's perspective of events, portray a theme or moral, and also just to express his thoughts on a certain subject. Sarcasm makes the story as a whole much funnier, humor being a quality that The Adventures of Tom →

Project metrics

Throughout the year, the team constructed a solar power source as well as a water filter that was able to inactivate up to 81% of the bacteria passing through the system. A detailed explanation of the bacteria testing process is included in the appendix.

Pressco case study

Without providing an excess of detail here, those scenarios include: a possible tax rate decrease from the current level of 46% to 34%, possible extension of depreciation to 7 years, and the possible repeal for the TIC tax credit, as well as the usability of " Grandfathering" the last two options. Assessing the likelihood of →

Emotional truth essay sample

All of this is clear in " Second Best", a short story which extends to only a few pages long, and features only three speaking characters, although others are mentioned in the text, yet the piece manages to reveal an awakening, through the emotions of anger and longing, in the older girl, Frances. These emotions →

The characters in science fiction short story

Characters in the science fiction genre are unable to evaluate the consequences of their actions and as a result jeopardize their own lives and freedom or the lives and freedom of others. To begin, in the short story " Men are Different" by Alan Bloch, the Robot is unable to see that treating the man →

Is the watch industry dominated by an oligopoly which is beneficial to both firms and consumers

All of the firms in the oligopoly have very established names in the watch industry. Also, if a company joining the watch industry is already operating in other areas, the chances are that a large amount of capital will be available, meaning that the advantage of economies of scale that the watch firms have is →

Reducing industrial crane accidents

This is why; the use of an email to communicate is in itself difficult because writing one takes time and equally time consuming is the transfer of the same to the person on the other end. This will ensure that communication between the crane operators is complete and able to reduce the number of accidents →

Piaget versus vygotsky in regards to the cognitive theory education essay

The basic premiss of cognitive development is the manner a individual perceives, thinks, and understand the goings-on around them through the combination of genetic sciences and learned factors. Piaget and Vygotsky have given one peep into the developmental heads of a kid.


Most would use mailing the offer to return it to the offeror, and in that case the offer becomes valid once it is postmarked in the mail, otherwise known as the mailbox rule. There is also a provision where C-S would pay Span for any changes it wanted to make from the original code agreed →

Medical futility

The court disagreed with the decisions made by the Fairfax hospital that it was legally compelled to give a ventilator cure to Baby K.therefore, the hospital appealed the ruling of the juries in the court of Appellate of the United States, the hospital argued that an anencephaly, but not a respiratory distress was an emergency →

Pop stars

Pop Stars are so appealing to Americans based on their talents, the way they perceive themselves to the public, and the amount of drama consumed from them. A key factor on the popularity of Pop Stars is the way they perceive themselves to the public.

Economic assignment

Impact of Economic Change on a Selected Business In order to complete this task, the student must: investigate the business cycle and the reasons for fluctuations in the cycle. The Role of Government Spending in the Economy and its Impact on a Selected Business In order to complete this task, the student must: investigate the →

Happiness and vulnerability of childhood in “dubliners”

The inappropriate relationship between the priest and the boy in " The Sisters" is more subtly hinted at than in " An Encounter," as the boy's uncle says, ' I would not like children of mine to have too much to say to a man like that.' Here, the references to a possible inappropriate relationship →

An analysis of bradstreet’s “a letter to her husband, absent upon publick employment”

In " A Letter to Her Husband, absent upon Publick Employment," the speaker discusses the differences between her mind and her heart, as well as between her eyes and her life; what many men likely missed in their time was that she is alluding to her husband with each of these things. The reality of →

Case study – help desk

Help Desk Mission Statement The next question for the team is to define the mission statement and create an verbal strategy for the Help Desk. The CARS, once contacted now is in control of the experience and is able to set expectations for the customer.

Cashier duties and responsibilities essay

The place where the cashier is employed will play a great role in determining what duties are expected of him/her.* Cashiers have to keep a record of how much money they had when they opened the store, how much money is earned when they closed the store, and the amount of change in a register →

Miss assignment

My roles and responsibilities as a teacher are varied and sometimes complex it is far ore then Just standing at the front of a group of learners and lecturing on my specialist subject area." We are charged with ensuring our learners gain their qualifications in a manner which is favorable to their own learning needs →

Rock springs unleashed

Most readers dwell more on the dramatic events of a story, poetry of realism or on the climax of the whole gist of the chronicle. His so-called Canterbury Tales masterpiece catered a story of people who has had misfortunes but was able to save their selves from drowning in the valley of doom by surviving →

The comparison between recession and great depression

THE COMPARISON BETWEENGREAT DEPRESSIONAND RECENT RECESSION AND THEIR EFFECT IN CUSTOMER SERVICE The GreatDepressionhad a great impact in the United States economy from 1929 to the late 1930s. Also, at the end of 2008, the United States and many developed countries faced a great recession than had paralleled the Great Depression, such as: excessive credit →

The plug-in drug

We watch television to escape from the realities of our lives and we often forget that what we see on the TV screen is nothing else but fantasy. We dedicate a lot of time to watching images and characters that dont exist, because movies, cartoons, and also the news are the expression of some artists →

Book review: antigone written by sophocles

Creon is known as the King in the play Antigone. Creon's flaw of self-pride explains why he is the tragic hero of the Greek tragedy, not Antigone.

The philosophy of utilitarianism philosophy essay

In The Good Will and the Categorical Imperative, Kant refers to the materialistic pleasures of society as " gifts of fortune". Kant states that good will, " corrects the influence of these on the mind and, in so doing, also corrects the whole principle of action and brings it into conformity with universal ends,".591).

Series of hong kong mainland conflict media essay

While some of the Chinese think that Hong Kong is a part of China so China has the right to interfere the Hong Kong government. In facts, it is time for Hong Kong people think about the question about personal identity of themselves and the future of Hong Kong.

Pedal washchine essay sample

Through this project, the husband can exercise using the pedal of the machine while his wife does the laundry. It can lessen the time of washing clothes, conserves energy and this machine is environmental friendly.

Goin’ cholita essay sample

Many of the relatives and ancestors had to fight very hard for their rights and this may be why many younger generations want to be like them because they can identify with them and also because of how " glamorous" their lives seemed, and because of portrayal in the media. Many cultures today or those →