5 Pages Essay Samples

The uk housing market essay sample

The determination of price in the housing market is microeconomics at work. Each house in the UK depends on: The price that the seller is willing to agree for their property with the buyer.

South korean-business etiquette and cultural aspects

Some of the business topics we need to discuss are where is Korea, Business Meeting Etiquette, Business Dress Attire, Giving and Receiving of Business Cards, Giving and Receiving of Business Gifts, Business Dining and Entertainment, and Business women. The Koreans were liberated from the Japanese after World War II and the country was split in →


The MPI will contain the nucleus about a patient such as name, address, phone number, date of birth, gender, race, social security number, and the unique patient identification number. Each time a patient visits a facility within the healthcare organization the registration system within the facility will look to the MPI for the patient information.

Introduction to culture and imperialism

For instance: " Culture is the learned, accumulated experience of the communities, and it consists of socially transmitted patterns of behavior." The final analysis of definition boils down to " socially transmitted patterns of behavior", and makes more sense, though like other definitions, it too cannot be taken as exact and conclusive. Said deplores the →

Editorial: systems biological aspects of pituitary tumors

The Editorial on the Research Topic Systems Biological Aspects of Pituitary Tumors Pituitary adenomas are a category of neoplasms with a high degree of heterogeneity that occur in the central regulatory organ pituitary, which plays important roles in the hypothalamus pituitary-targeted organ axis systems that impact on important physiological functions of human body. Pituitary adenomas →

Care of the patient in recovery inadvertent hypothermia case nursing essay

Patient A was taken into theatre, where the ambient temperature as recorded by the author was 21 C, reason for the temperature being so low is to minimise the growth of bacteria. NICE recommends that temperature of a patient should be 36 C before a procedure should proceed, the temperature of Patient A on arrival →

The events at munster 1534-5 in causing the failure of the radical reformation essay sample

The events at Mnster were down to the delusions of a few men and that resulted in the killing of many Anabaptists. The political side was no different, there was plenty of evidence to suggest that the Anabaptists were a liability and that they were a threat to the safety of the people.

Comparing nothing’s changed and charlotte o’neil’s song essay sample

These two poems have been chosen because of the obvious rebellion of the characters, the inequality that they are describing, and the stylistic features similarities such onomatopoeia, emotive language, imagery and the styles. The discussion of the feeling of being unequal changes are the turning points " I back from the glass, boy again" from →

Boys underachievement in education essay sample

This is relevant to my hypothesis because I am trying to find out by boys achievement is low. This is because I feel this is the reason for boys underachieving as stated in my hypothesis.

Blockbuster – economic, social, and political trends essay

His initial strategies including tailoring the rental and game products line to each store based on the business volume and community, reducing the amount of retail products, and using automated systems throughout the company. Customers find it convenient and a quick method to swap, and Blockbuster acquires the much needed flow of customers in and →

Vygotskys assumptions and interactions between learning and culture education essay

Teaching and learning cannot just be about teachers giving information and answers to learners, but the process has to involve an intended effort to challenge and help learners to organise and understand information in increasingly more effective ways. In this view, knowledge is not a given set of fixed ideas that are passed from a →

Effect of financial crisis on indian economy

The literature review for this research includes the effect of financial crisis on the GDP growth rate of the country. Country's banking sector is relatively one of the healthy sectors in the economy and when the recession effect came to India both the Government of India and RBI responded to the challenge in coordination and →

Business and marketing plan assignment

On the other hand, Mega Fishing Corporation takes pride in being the first company in the whole of Asia to use the fish pump technology as opposed to the traditional method of using shovels to move the fish into storage compartments in the carrier ships. In net, the use of the fish pump and insulated →

The history of bonia corporation berhad marketing essay

Chiang Sang Sem, the Bonia's founder, and now was Executive Chairman cum Chief Executive Officer in Bonia Group, had found the idea of Bonia to apply in the brand name. In Bonia Group, the board needs to prepare and present an important and balanced assessment of the company which is financial performance of the company.

Macbeth characterization assignment

Macbeth Project 4) CHARACTERIZATION: Macbeth: 1.) " Stars, hide your fires; let not light see my black and deep desires." This quote reveals Macbeth's evil desire to kill King Duncan to be deemed king of Scotland.2.) " So foul and fair a day I have not seen." This quote is the first line spoken by →

Jane eyre’s character through chapters 1-4.

As you can see from this quote Jane is naturally drawn to the ideas of ' solitary rocks' because that is the way that she feels. However it is all too much for Jane she: " had a species of fit: unconsciousness closed the scene" At the beginning of Chapter 3 Jane wakes up in →

Edgar allan poe’s gothic elements

Most of Poe's works are easily identified as gothic due to the theme of death and decay, although that is not always the theme being portrayed by the story until later in the work. This cat alone is represented by many gothic themes, without the context of the story, black, nocturnal, evil, and now supernatural →

Jules and jim and thomas

When Jules and Jim and going to meet Catherine to spend the evening together, and Catherine excites the scene by sporting a costume of Charlie Chaplin's The Tramp. There are several different ways in which analysis will view Catherine dressing up, relating to the previous point it is possible that she recognizes the queer nature →

Learning journal

I have reviewed some of the blog posts created about the game and it seems to be popular, However, there is a lack of connection with the brand and the name. They failed to target the right audience, and instead of a positive branding campaign they developed a game that is hidden on the Internet →

Introduction of people view both leisure and consumption

This paper is going to look at the differences in the two aspects; leisure and consumption among the upper and middle class Americans during the late 19th century and the last part of the 20th century. Sports such as football have continued to grow only as a result of conspicuous leisure and consumption of the →


If the children of the poor people get the right kind of career oriented education then it will help them in the long run. The Poverty of Life-Affirming Work: Mother work, Education, and Social Change.2002.

The neanderthal man in retrospect

The purpose of this paper is to familiarize the reader with the Neanderthal man and the possible theories that might have led to his extinction. Bachler also felt that the bones and the tools were part of a ritual, and believed that the Neanderthals practice some sort of " bear cult".

Chains book report

The sisters were then returned to the slave market and sold to the Lockton's, together. The first major theme of Chains is determination, as a result of Isabel being very determined to find the lawyer that had written Miss finch's will to prove that she and her sister were free.

Culture and politics of the 1950s

The means of entertainment that spurted from the motivation of a better experience lead to numerous creations of the decade including fads that range in events, fashion, toys, and even food! The Pride in the activities that were participated in contributed to the identity of a person or how they saw themselves.

Sordaria fimicola crossing over lab

The spores were carefully removed from the petri dish and onto a slide with a drop of water, a cover slip was put on it, and then it was examined under the microscope at the 10X magnification for observation. Mertens, Thomas R.and Cassell, Peggy." A Laboratory Exercise on the Genetics of Ascospore Color in Sordaria →

Social consequences of the internet for adolescents

Valkenburg and Jochen Peter " Social consequences of the Internet for adolescents " tends to claim that adolescent are currently the highest number of users on the internet and that they use the internet mostly for social interaction than adults do. The author relies on studies geared towards the positivity of the Internet although he →

‘tony kytes, the arch deceiver’ by thomas hardy with ‘tickets, please’ by d h lawrence

The only difference is that one is based on a tram, " Tickets, Please" and a horse drawn-wagon, " Tony Kytes" In the stories, the different dialect that is used, places both stories geographically and historically. I think that this story is a sad ending for Tony and the women as they all loved him →

Wizard of oz political allegory

Along the way, they have to travel to Emerald City to see the Wizard of Oz, directed by the Good Witch of the North, especially for Dorothy to get back home. Also, the events that occurred during the Populist Movement involving farmers, their hardships, oppressed workers, and politics mirrored Dorothy, the Scarecrow, the Tinman, and →

My education story narrative essay

It was in that first year that I figured out what I enjoyed doing the most. I would liked to say I grew out of my shell, but I crawl back to it from time to time, typically doing as I am told.

An analysis of ellen hopkins’ crank

Irrespective of the use of prose, each poem connects in the novel in order to provide a sequel of the events characterizing the protagonist's life from the beginning to the end. The use of the Cross as the sole illustration within the novel allows the reader to exercise interest.

Tma3 ou

Although we provide different resources for the different topics some areas of play remain the same e.g water and sand play to provide security and reassurance with equipment being kept in the same place so that the children know where to get it and where to return it to.> When planning to meet developmental needs, →

My contributions to the mba pm program as a valuable member

My ultimate goal is to implement skills and expertise, obtained through combination of MBA courses and consequent work in operations, to guide large hospitals and medical organizations through time of rapid changes in healthcare. I will be happy to contribute my knowledge and skills to the learning experience of a class.

Dbq 19th century farmers

Because of the corrupt politicians in Washington DC, the absence of regulation on the monopolies put into place by bribes and greed or moderation from them, and the devious ways of the US Mint to support the wealthy elite, the overwhelming anger from the hard-working farmers of the United States had a just cause and →

Adulthod final

2 Middle Adulthood Observations: physical, psychological and social features Interview: to state why they think they qualify to be in their respective sub stage of adulthood and the responsibilities, roles and rights that come with this sub stage Time: 3 Hours 4. 4 Elderly Observation: physical, psychological and social features Interview: to state why they →

Ron paul case study

Media coverage of the 2012 Republican race to the White House does not represent fair and honest reporting. Some journalists and floggers are attempting to expose the truth about the media's biased and unbalanced coverage of Ron Paul and other GOP candidates, but still? an overwhelming amount of Journalists continue to ignore Ron Paul.

Compare the presentation of seduction in poems by andrew marvell and eileen mcauley essay sample

The disadvantage of this is that we only hear his side of the story and as a result, we may think he is quite a selfish writer and that he does not think or care about what the woman wants. On the other hand, " The Seduction" by Eileen McAuley is written in the third →

Scaffolding as a teaching strategy

The scaffolds provided are activities and tasks that: Motivate or enlist the child's interest related to the task Simplify the task to make it more manageable and achievable for a child Provide some direction in order to help the child focus on achieving the goal Clearly indicate differences between the child's work and the standard →

Foundations of knowledge

How was the data collected? i.e.who is it from What is the research design & analysis it is reported in detail? What is the average cost of a wedding?

Commentary: why study the history of neuroscience?

Nearly 60 years ago, Kuhn popularized what is now the mainstream approach to the history of science: the historian's goal is to understand " the historical integrity of that science in its own time". Google Scholar Furumoto, L." The new history of psychology," in The G.

Analyzing originalism and pragmatism as depicted in the united states constitution

Originalism is the side that believes that the Constitution was written with the intention of, for the most part, keeping its original text, and the way it was intended when written. The pragmatism side of the argument is the belief that the Constitution is a living, breathing document with different intended meaning.

Lovely lovecraft: the complexity of “the shunned house”

While we often cast aside shock value as a cheap method of producing a volatile reaction from readers and filmgoers, the fact remains that decay, disfigurement, and other elements of the grotesque are capable of establishing a theme and perhaps even aiding in the progression of a narrative when used appropriately. The narrator goes on →

Examining the importanceof key performance indicators construction essay

According to KPIs expert David Parmenter, KPIs represent a set of measures focusing on those aspects of organisational performance that are the most critical for the current and future success of the organisation. There are many ways to use KPIs in the business and industry.

Team solutions for conflict management assignment

When team members are given different options on how to handle their conflicts, many of those conflicts may become a learning experience where the team is able to grow and be more productive. When resolving differences they are both able to define the problem and look at what is causing the disagreement.

With globalization many multinational corporations mnc assignment

Z Of these, challenge from linguistic difference needs to be consider about particularly, because language has been found to be one of the strongest indicators of group identity and thus to be a particularly powerful element of group differential and ethnic conflicts is forced to operate in many languages -? increasing the potential for confusion →

“thinking outside the idiot box” vs. “watching tv makes you smarter” essay

While Johnsons thesis is true that television shows have become more complex over the past couple of decades, that has no correlation with the his argument that the audiences of these programs are becoming smarter by watching them. She also talks about TV Turn Off Week, and that it is beneficial to the participants, not →

Tahreem yaqoob

Magellan wanted to get to the Spice Islands and prove that they were not far from the new world colonies in doing so, Spain could claim the islands. Spain was rich because of the new discovery of the new world so the king could financially afford to send Magellan and a crew.

A critical explanation of the chess game

In this informative essay, I would like to show you why chess is not just a game and illustrate that why playing chess is important. The last aspect that chess can train us is the ability of pushing.

Norway pest analysis

Norway is seen as one the most stable country in the world and it scored in the top ten among 181 economies in the World Bank Group's Doing Business 2009 report on ease of doing business, registering property, trading across borders, enforcing contracts and closing a business.[2] Norway is a member of the European Free →

The cells. as you get older, your

The cause of this disease is idiopathic which means that there is no known cause of this disease. Cholinesterase inhibitors and Memantine are used to treat the cognitive symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.

Defining social psychology assignment

To many that is odd behavior because of the social nature in today's society but they may be as happy as the next person who meets out for drinks and goes to entertainment events. Within the realm of social psychology understanding these five attributes provide for the development of policies and principles to be implemented →

History and theories behind the n-queens problem essay sample

The n-Queens Problem History and Theories Behind the n-Queens Problem It has been said that Carl Gauss first introduced the n-queens problem in the year 1850. Despite the fact that it has been recognized that the answer to the n -queens problem is n, several solutions have been published from the time when the original →

Jasmine by bharati mukherjee: duty and desire

She does not want to be a part of the fate that she has to be. This practice is predicated on the idea that a wife's duty to her husband is absolute and eternal.

Product innovations at gillette

These new product lines strengthen Gillette's position in the global market by gaining 75% of the global market share whereby Gillette achieves for the first time in the history the $2 billion mark of sales volume by the end of 1980. In the effort to further widen the product mix of Gillette to capture other →

Employee motivation written by nitin nohria management essay

The writers explore that employees is a largest asset for a company, they explain their point of view in the aspects of the importance of employees motivation and how to fulfill the four drives such as the drive to acquire, the drive to bond, the drive to comprehend and the drive to defend that to →

Molecular mechanisms of atrial fibrillation

Researches by Bhuiyan et al and Sumitomo et al have proven that certain molecular changes or mutation of the type R176Q cause an enhancement in the activity of these RyR2 channels where they fail to close completely thus leading to a leak of the Ca ions from sarcoplasmic reticulum which leads to AF conditions even →

The effects of globalisation on burger king

From quantitative point of view, globalisation is defined as the intensification of economic, political, social and cultural relations across borders whereas from qualitative point of view, globalisation is defined as a process comprising a number of qualitative transformation, which are represented by technological transformation, the financial transformation, the geographical reallocation of production, the process of →

On a cultural event assignment

The baldness representing the character was exposed and stripped down and wanted to get below the " cultural mask." The producers of the Blue Man were also fans of Butoh dancers from Japan, especially Sankai Juku. The producers think of the Blue Man as having both the commitment of a hero and the emotional nakedness →

Clegg and miranda: love or control?

This could suggest that Clegg's love for Miranda is strong, as he has overlooked their differences and is determined to join her in the afterlife. Describing Marian, he states that ' She is not as pretty as Miranda, of course, in fact she's only an ordinary common shop-girl.' Clegg places Miranda on a higher pedestal →

Aristotles claim that contemplative life is the greatest philosophy essay

To Aristotle, the reason soul is of the greatest importance since that is what separates humans from other living creatures, and it is what is unique and sets us apart, and therefore is the function of life. To Aristotle, contemplation is not the highest virtue, but instead it is the one that is the most →

Ukab remarking database essay sample

It should be possible to see and print a list of all remarks from the system.7. Constraints and limitations System Boundaries The system that needs to be developed is going to be a database for the employee's use, and is going to enhance the capability of the old filing system.

Economic demand

One of the factors of affecting performance in school and partaking of tests were motivational practices of the family. Statements of the Problem The main thrust of the study is to determine the significant relationship of parental guidance and learning willingness of Psychology students of San Pedro College of Dave.

Dealing with context through action-oriented predictive processing

The landscape of affordances on offer in a given environment is exceptionally rich and is responded to in a way that takes both the broad environmental context and the internal state of the individual agent into account. A challenge that remains for Clark's action-oriented theory of the brain is to account for how our skillful →

Leadership in utopia by thomas more

In contrast to Europe during the Renaissance, utopia is the ideal and perfect society where everything is done for the good of its citizens. In contrast to Hythloday, it was known that More was a catholic and lived during the early years of the Protestant Reformation.

Comparing and analysing the matrix reloaded film trailer and the you’ve got mail film trailer

But in TMR trailer you see a lot of different characters but there is not a shot that does not have Neo, Trinity or Morpheus in it so this suggests that they are on the same side and that the film will be about them. The cutting in the trailer also implies that Neo is →

Response: commentary: using virtual reality to assess ethical decisions in road traffic scenarios: applicability of value-of-life-based models and influences of time pressure

We thus argue that in order to learn about our behavior and moral intuitions in a particular real-world scenario, it is reasonable to match the contextual factors of the assessment with those of the scenario in question, making the case for a VR assessment as a starting point for this line of research. These factors, →

Conservatism and liberalism approaches in analysis public policies essay (critical writing)

Liberalism is inclined on the ideas of existence of a compact between government and its people to which people are accorded the rights of revolution in case the compact is breached. Ideally, this means that the topography needs to integrate the concerns of liberalism and conservatism.

Obstacles to development in less developed countries economics essay

This paper analyzes those obstacles to development in LDCs based on the definition of the level of development and the components and criteria of the development measurement. So this paper argues that in the less developed countries, the most serious obstacles to development are high population growth, human capital weakness and high economic vulnerability.

Impact of cultural background on domestic violence

In relation to research on domestic violence and South Asian culture, there has not been a lot of exploration or depth in this area, and the research that has been done in regards to this specific topic is mainly based on US context and on immigrant women of South Asian background. The research that has →

Porphyrias lover essay sample

But there are unsettling notes from the very start the storm is strangely personified in terms of sullenness, ' spite' and anger, and the speaker is for some reason so moved by it that his heart is ' fit to break', while on the other hand when Porphyria arrives, he is entirely passive and all →

Madonna and child paintings throughout history

Berlinghiero's Madonna and Child is inorganic and unrealistic when it comes to the drapery of the clothing and the treatment of space. This painting is similar in its drapery and treatment of space to the painting Madonna and Child Enthroned with Angels which is from the same time period.

Overseers of the poor

John Gilliom, an associate professor, Ohio State University highlights the manner in which welfare rights have been curtailed and the extent to which the Overseers of the Poor a Surveillance system is a resistance and a limit to Privacy or individual autonomy. This is a justified resistance to the command of the state and this →

Transcendentalism in dead poets society assignment

The movie does not look at the school as a whole, but one can recognize the engagement concerning the transcendentalists and conformists In the movie when observing the fluctuations and activities taken by the group of boys who call themselves the Dead Poets Society. The vital indication is that the doctrines of transcendentalism from the →

Andrew carnegie vs. john rockefeller assignment

Andrew Carnegie was born in Ireland to a poor farmer, at the age of 13 he came with his family to America in search of hope and a new life. He used this money to establish hospitals, libraries and other areas of needs in the community to give back for the ruthlessness he sometimes showed.

A contrast of target and walmart essay

Wal-Mart has chains of stores in other countries like India and China; in addition to the latter it has a large number of outlets within the country. The last major difference between Wal Mart and Target is in the kind of services offered.

Math mayan calendar essay

The math system hidden inside the Mayan Calendar is called the Vigesimal System. When writing vertical, to write a twenty a zero is placed in the first position with a dot on top of it in the second position.

Perfect competition vs monopoly

At the other end is monopoly, where there is just a single firm in the industry, and for this reason no competition from inside the industry. The price they face is dogged by the interaction of demand and supply in the entire market.

A modest proposal for preventing the otherwise inevitable classroom mutiny

The number of souls in this great nation being numbered at approximately 300 million, a good fifth of which surely must be attending some sort of educational facility, results in nearly sixty million unkempt, rowdy rascals plaguing the country; I will subtract a sixth for those who inherently refrain from such depraved behavior, although eventually →

Swot analysis of smartphones: are they helping or harming?

Instead, people completely bypass the " if" and jump straight to, " Which one do you have?" We rely on our smartphones to talk to our family across the ocean or to meet a stranger and maybe fall in love or to plan a surprise birthday party for our best friend. The newer features are →

Composition and functions of the malaysian parliament essay sample

The House of Representatives is the lower house of the Parliament of Malaysia. Conventionally, the Prime Minister is the head of the party with a majority in Parliament.

Urban sprawl

Elements of Urban design: Urban Design involves the design and coordination of all that makes up cities and towns: a. The urban design structure defines the urban form and the building form.

Enthalpy of vaporization of water analysis engineering essay

The purpose of this experiment is to determine the enthalpy of vaporization of water by taking note of the vapor pressure of water over many temperatures and applying the Clausius-Clapeyron equation. 56 atm Partial pressure of water at any temperature is determined by subtracting the partial pressure of air from the atmospheric pressure.pair+pwater= Patm, pair →

Conflict and labeling theory assignment

Conflict and Labeling Theory Labeling theory is concerned less with that causes the onset of an initial delinquent act and more with the effect that official handling by police, courts, and correctional agencies has on the future of youths who fall into the court system. The Labeling Approach to Delinquency: State of the Theory as →

The yellow wallpaper essay essay sample

In Charlotte Perkins Gilman's short story, " The Yellow Wallpaper", the narrator's internal and external conflict demonstrates her gradual descent into a state of madness as Gilman critiques the conventional disregard for mental illness and the suppression of women in a patriarchal society, The narrator is subjected to the " rest cure" in order to →

Why did the liberal party fall by 1874? essay

It was due to Disraeli that the Conservatives started to appear strong and attract the public, had the party remained weak as it did after the repeal of the Corn Laws in 1846, Liberals would have had a bigger chance of winning the election. His management of the party not only resulted in loss of →

A room of one’s own and the erasure of the gender binary in literature

Woolf advocates for women to obtain the rooms of their own and financial stability necessary for the realization of the feminine literary potential and the transformation of literature into an art form free of the constraints of the gender binary. In A Room of One's Own, Virginia Woolf notes how the gender binary system serves →

What is primary subject of justice for rawls philosophy essay

The basic structure ' is the way in which the main political and social institutions of society fit together into one system of social cooperation, and the way they assign basic rights and duties and regulate the division of advantages that arises from social cooperation over time. The second principle of justice is lexically prior →

Comparing idealism and realism philosophy essay

On the base of these characteristics, idealism is being called as the dual characteristic philosophy and it is against the single characteristic philosophy which describes as the higher and the lower are same. It should also be kept in mind that realism is the contrasting philosophy of ' conceptualism, nominalism and idealism'.

Should phones be allowed in school?

Students should be able to have their phone in school because students are able to make emergency phone calls, children's parents can contact them, and are able to use their phones in class for educational purposes. To begin, students should be able to have their phones in school because they are able to use their →

Life after death

In both He Who Saw the Deep and The Death of Bilgames, the inevitability of death is emphasized to a great extent, as well as living life to the fullest. He realizes how important his life is, and seeks to leave a lasting impact on the people of Uruk before his death.

Apn professional business plan

This paper will address the steps and documentation procedures that will be fulfilled to establish a mini clinic in the south side of Chicago neighborhood. South Chicago clinic will be located in the Chicago neighborhood on the Chicago's Southside; it will enhance the community with specialized care for the low class populations in the city →

Ism 3013 exam 1 review 4

The data in a data warehouse have which of the following characteristics? False A database management system is a program used to create, process, and administer a databaseTrue A ________ is a program used to create, process, and administer a database.data martinformation systemoperating systemDBMS DBMS In cloud computing, resources are said to be " pooled" →


Bertha's feelings of bliss and perfect contentment in her life are in conflict with the harsh reality of the less than favorable incidents within her relationships with Harry, Pearl and even herself in terms of her symbolic pear tree and her perceptions of these relationships. However, trusting in herself and her tree for the answers →

Advantages of mass media assignment

Also this advantage of mass media allows arguments to be otherwise of the discussed perspective of an issue to voice out the contrasting feelings of people without the fear of being pointed to by the authorities f opinions are subjective. A long tradition of liberal theorists claimed that a free and independent press within a →

Relationship between article and macroeconomics concepts economics essay

Researches show that, the relationship between inflation uncertainty and unemployment is the recent phenomenon started from 1974. The empirical results demonstrate that the relationship between unemployment and inflation uncertainty depends on the sample period and the industries under examination.

Why call bodily sense making “languaging”?

I understand the point of talking of " languaging" to denote " language as an activity", 1 namely as a process and as a behavior rather than as a static system of symbols and rules. In the first year of life, infants engage in progressively richer interactions with the caregiver, in what is known as →

Freedom of speech without violating american symbols: johnson’s trial for burning the american flag

The State of Texas' conviction of Johnson was carried out due to Johnson's conduct, a physically expressive act, rather than a written or spoken one and based on two criteria: a responsibility to preserve the integrity of the flag representing the strength, pride and unity of our nation and whether Johnson's actions threatened societal order →