5 Pages Essay Samples

Identifying risk of harm to child

According to the policy, outline the steps you would take in response to the situation; The Make Believe Pre-School has a duty of care and obligation to defend the child's rights to care and protection. What strategies would you put in place to protect the rights of the child and maintain your professional relationship and →

Sex linkage in drosophila melanogaster

Genetic crosses were carried out in the lab to illustrate the difference in the inheritance patterns of sex linked traits. The white-eyed trait was used in this experiment to show the inheritance of X linked traits.

Skype as a business tool – a swot analysis

Skype as a Business Tool for Mudskipper Business Limited Name: Lauralynn Pearson Module: The Business Environment Tutor: Steve Tidball Submission Date: 16 Jan 2012 Academic Integrity Statement: I have read and understood the Academic Integrity guidelines for Kaplan Open Learning and the University Of Essex, and declare that this assignment conforms to all of the →

Come up with a research topic

The thesis statement for this topic is the position that: harassment of Latino immigrants by state and local law enforcement authorities is strongly linked to the anti-immigration sentiments of people in the United States and this prevents Latinos from getting any form of protection under US laws in the face of these harassments. This will →

Anselm’s ontological argument essay

The argument works by examining the concept of God, and arguing that it implies the actual existence of God; that is, if we can conceive of God then God exists. One of the problems that he brings forth is that Anselm's argument could be applied to things other than God.

Administration and hr choices

A few vital focuses ought to be noted about the utilization of measurements in HR In the first place, measurements are just genuinely valuable when they give a premise to examination. They ought not be utilized separate of examination for any reason other than consistence revealing, and still, at the end of the day it →

Orpheus comparison essay

It was even said that Orpheus' singing and playing were so beautiful that it made animals, trees, and even rocks moved about him in dance Once he used his musical skills to charm the Cerberus and put it to sleep On the other hand Michael Jackson was known as the " King of Pop" He →

The if we do not essay

The poem is framed by this recurring motif of the pomegranate, forming the backdrop to the poem as Laura is seduced by the calls of the Goblins and the market place. Rossetti conveys the idea that the ' dark side' has the capability to consume the individual, as Laura becomes a slave to the pleasures →

Editorial: reelin-related neurological disorders and animal models

These structural defects underscore the essential role that Reelin plays in the control of neuronal migration in the prenatal and early postnatal brain. However, the Reelin protein also affects synapse formation and function in the postnatal and adult brain, and this function is reflected in the manifestation of behavioral and cognitive deficits in heterozygous reeler →

Baroque – style in art of the 17th-18th centuries

Churches and other religious establishments would often commission artists, such as Giuseppe Cades and his work the ' Resurrection of Christ,' to create forms of art that would inspire the religious content circulating in society at the time. The style was promulgated, popularized and encouraged by Catholicism and the Inquisition, at the Council of Trent →

Imagination is more important than knowledge philosophy essay

From the definition itself I noticed that to have knowledge you have to study or experience something in order to gain it but for imagination it is limitless, and also a gift from God to mankind and in fact has inspired us to gain more knowledge. In the field of invention imagination is often a →

School curriculum falls short

Googlehas become a best friend to young adults because it is a go-to for things they either do not recall from high school or just a quick way to find out more than what they were taught. In the Sweet Home School District and many others it is mandatory to get an art credit to →

The a one year fi scale. the

The purpose of these programs are toincrease food security, and more importantly the quality and quantity of foodavailable to individuals. The authors usedConsumer Expenditure Dairy Survey to examine the impact of SNAP on low-incomefamilies' food patterns.

The lais of marie de france in reference to the patriarchy

In fact, as Wood points out, ' by spotlighting them in the narrative, it glorifies the station and roles of women in the household.' [1] Women were associated with domesticity and thus, a lot of female characters feel in control when in their household. Another aspect of domesticity, motherhood, the nurturing side of a woman, →

The changing nature of the federalism

During the late 1780s the debates over ratification of the Constitution by Federalists and Anti-Federalists shaped controversies concerning the rights and powers of states in relation to the federal government. The second, cooperative federalism, asserts that the national government is supreme over the states, and the 10th Amendment, the Supremacy Clause, the Necessary and Proper →

Thought experiments as a tool in philosophy

The term thought experiments are defined as " devices of the imagination used to investigate the nature of things". This is a thought experiment which focuses on the ethical aspects of the outcome as the consequences are the same for each scenario.


It did irritate me due to the fact that it was kind of hurtful because I was being serious and they know that I work hard in school to achieve my straight A status. Holly McClure This movie was prime example of people being biased to the fact that ' Elle' was a blonde female →

Personal training

Not many athletes know the ins and outs of proper training and dieting, which is why hey refer to a personal trainer for the tips and advice they need to succeed. A major in Kinesiology is an excellent way to gain the proper knowledge to help athletes get to where they need to be.

Video games don’t murder, irresponsible parents do

Impossible is nothing" can also apply to the video games industry, as the above city is created in the world of " Manhunt" - one of the many highly controversial, but mega-selling and visually stunning, violent video games released in Western countries. Is it fair to the industry in which the associations between games and →

Edgar allen poe persuasive essay

Elizabeth Arnold Poe died in Richmond on December 8, 1811, and Edgar was taken into the family of John Allan, a member of the firm of Ellis and Allan, tobacco-merchants. Although he lived a short and tragic life, Edgar Allan Poe remains today one of the most-beloved mystery writers in history.

Gilgamesh finds meaning in life after his journey beyond the waters of death

At the beginning of the Epic, Gilgamesh believes that the mission of his existence is to find a way to leave his mark in history. One cannot escape his human nature, and furthermore there is no need for that, because the beauty of life is in life itself.

Introduction south was able to endure for so

The issue of slavery was a divisive issue between the North and the South in the 1800's. Another claim that the Southerners made to defend slavery in their region was that the Negro slaves under their care were one of the most free and happy people in the world.

The leads proponents of energy reform to shift

A recent estimate of the impact of cars In the United States shows that 31% of all carbon emissions each year from the United States is caused by car usage. One of the biggest issues that engineers designing solar powered-cars are running into is how to harness the energy so that it fits with all →

Susan b. anthony and her effect on america

Since her father was a sixth generation Quaker, and a strong supporter of equal rights, Anthony had the privilege of being educated, unlike many of the women of her day. After being criticized for saying that the only way to get the public's attention was to allow women to vote, she focused her energy on →

Israeli technology essay sample

Being a potential investor, I would still invest in the product; however, I would have to find out more about how the program would go about " zooming in contextually relevant information", as being organized on a purely commercial basis, when, most likely, a user would enter information by selecting a word or a phrase, →

The feminist standpoint theory

She further goes on to attribute the failure of men to sense the disjuncture between daily life and what they know of the world to this social location of the two genders. First, is the assertion that knowledge is socially situated, secondly, is the assumption that less privileged groups both socially and politically, are socially →

The full monty movie analysis

After the fall of the steel industry in Sheffield, men's roles in society were compromised, they were no longer able to be the breadwinners of the household and as such the women became the providers and started impeding on the hegemonic masculinity of these men. The second type of Durkheim's suicide that Lomper's attempt subscribes →

Religion and science

Many people believe in a certain religion just because their parents believe in it, and that is the faith they grew up in to. Although religion is not the same to me as it was to Einstein, I completely agree that religion and science are nothing without each other.

The dialectic of individuality & community in toni morrison’s sula

The step by step downfall of Sula's identity due to community's misperception is referred by many symbols in the novel. Shadrack is the only person in the novel, who identifies Sula's radical power and feels that Sula has great potential to live independently and can get an identity which is a hard task for black →

Adoption of new technology using rogers’ theory

It is imperative that I explain to our staff how the new EHR will help improve the patient safety and the quality of the staffs work. We will implement the use of super users who are familiar with the new EHR and will be on the floor available to our staff to help ease them →

Power and interdependence in the information a media essay

9 Keohane, Robert and Joseph Nye, ' Power and Interdependence in the Information Age', Foreign Affairs, Vol. 12 Keohane, Robert and Joseph Nye, ' Power and Interdependence in the Information Age', Foreign Affairs, Vol.

The idea behind a common currency for the countries of europe

The emergence of the Euro as the only currency for the entire European Union was aimed at contesting the dollar in its monopoly in the international scene. The Euro was brought in as a replacement to the European Currency Unit, and when the notes and coins went into circulation in 2002, on the 1st of →

Symmes’s hollow earth theory & how edgar a. poe came to be exposed to it

Further, in the ancient times, there was a common notion in some cultures of the world of the buried dead not being truly dead, but living somewhere under the earth. The first comprehensive " non-fictional" account of the hollow earth theory, was " Symmes' Theory of Concentric Spheres" published in 1826 by a follower of →

Purpose and efforts to bridge the skills gap

In a bid to satisfy industry demands, the most common response among business schools are the development of employability skills and enhanced involvement of industry professionals in curricula content and design, both subject to potential failings and criticism. Employers are looking for graduates who have skills in three major areas: strong academic and thinking skills; →

Education in ghana

The issue in Ghana is not that it does not have education; it is that the system is not fulfilling the responsibilities that it was structured to do and it is failing to attend to the possibilities it could have. In effect one of the Danish authorities to Ghana and the Basel Mission Society of →

Closing the loop between neurons and neurotechnology

Neurosci.3: 5.doi: 10. Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Novellino, A, D'Angelo, P, Cozzi, L, Chiappalone, M, Sanguineti, V, and Martinoia, S.

The israeli palestinian conflict analysis

It refers to the political tensions and hostilities between the Arab and Jewish community in the Middle East that lasted over a century. In 1917 to 1948 the Jewish Arab conflict arose over the land of the Palestine.

What is liposuction?

The literary meaning of the term " Liposuction" is removal of fat from the body with help of suction. A few clinical conditions may be treated with the help of Liposuction, which include the following: Abnormal enlargement of the male breasts Benign fatty tumours Excessive sweating in the armpits Problems with fat metabolism in the →

Causes of diversity in organisms

Organisms that have adapted to their environment are efficient in maintaining the fundamentals in the continuation of the species e.g.the ability to obtain water, food and nutrients. They occur from a mutation in the DNA which has allowed one member of the species to be more successful than the rest.

Informative essay on kodak case study

Though a pioneer in the digital space, the company failed to take the initiative and capitalize on the digital business due to fear of cannibalizing the existing product lines. The company realigned its business model and brought in top executives from outside in a bid to recapture lost ground.- Issues: " Understand the Kodak story." →

Achievements of great importance during the presidency of iconic figure john quincy adams

John Quincy Adams, the sixth president of the United States, was the son of the second president, John Adams, making him the first son of a president to actually become president himself. In his second great era, he was a member of the House of Representatives and a strong opponent to slavery.

Germany’s proposals on eu multiannual financial framework

The report proceeds by giving an outline of the reform proposals of Germany on the future strategic direction of the financial framework by highlighting areas of particular interests as regards increasing or decreasing the package, and the potential areas for a rebalancing of the budget. 4Proposal 3 Increase the EU's Foreign policy budget by 5 →

Disadvantages of physical education

Physical Education should not be mandatory in public education for students in elementary through high school since it impairs learning, emotional, and physical harm to students causing immense damage that are not beneficial to students. Whether physical education should be made mandatory in public education for students in elementary through high school is a highly →

One of japan’s most successful companies essay

As Fuse aptly puts it: " Faced with the startling economic progress of Japan, the world was first stunned into amazement; the amazement was eventually turned into admiration and envy, and finally in the 1970s the admiration was transmuted into open fear and covert hostility". According to their website, Honda Motor Co, Ltd.is one of →

Religion in pompeii and herculaneum religion essay

This is revealed through the use of the words, ' most hallowed place on earth.' The worship and rituals of the Household Gods were central and essential within the household and home of an individual. A lararium excavated in the House of the Vetti, containing a wall painting of the lares, a genius, the Mercury →

Brand loyalty through emotional advertising media essay

Emotional advertising, brand loyalty, drivers of emotional appeal, emotional satisfaction and experience McGuire argues that there is no difference between emotional appeals and rational appeals in terms of the effectiveness or emotional appeals are more effective. As we have discussed earlier that emotional appeal is to target the hidden emotion of the viewer and then →

Labyrinth of love

The story centers around Archer, who falls in love with the Countess Olenska he's forced to choose between the woman he's to marry and the woman he passionately desires. Archer's words evoke a sense of warmth and love, as he's flirting with the Countess.

Evaluation of the ballet choreography of alice in wonderland

Be it one of the great classical ballets of Petipa, or the stunning recent production of Alice in Wonderland and ballet form, both are stories of love better spectacles for the eyes ears and heart that are rooted in classical ballet. In addition to the large number of performers, is extravagant sets to highlight the →

Evaluation of socrates philosophical conversations

One of Socrates friends, Chaerephon went to the oracle of Delphi, and revealed Socrates is the wisest." No one is wiser than Socrates". Socrates never claimed to be the wisest, he was aware of his own ignorance, and he attempted to find people who had wisdom to prove the oracle was mistaken.

Job satisfaction of insurance agents in malaysia commerce

The aim of this research is to look into the relationship between motive factors and occupation satisfaction among insurance agents in Malaysia. The chief aim of this research is to place and find the motive factors that influence occupation satisfaction of insurance agents in Malaysia.

Nebuchadnezzar: from myth to history essay

Had he really existed and constructed a metropolis at least closely resembling the descriptions of Herodotus, Berossus, or even the Bible, then the ruins of his palaces should certainly be visible in the vicinity of modern day Baghdad the site of ancient Babylon. In light of the situation many rational scholars used the argument of →

The visit (play) by friedrich dürrenmatt

Alfred Ill, the owner of Guellen's general store and the most popular man in town, was Claire's lover when they were young, and agrees with the Mayor that the task of convincing her to make a donation should fall to him. Ill calmly states that he has accepted his guilt, and acknowledges that the town's →

Franklin delano roosevelt: the savior of america

It is known to us all that theGreat Depressioncaused by the economic crisis in 1927 destroyed the whole economy of the world, not only the United States, but also the whole Europe and some parts of Asia including Britain, France, Germany, Japan, etc. That meant it's the end of the Neutrality Acts and the beginning →

Reconsidering the canon through jansenist contradiction in phaedra

A clear example of how an examination of the text can yield concurrent support for and rejection of Jansenist belief in Phaedra is found in the conditions and consequences of Phaedra's sin. The law emerges as a moral authority in the play, conflicting with the Jansenist priority attributed to divine authority and willingness to prioritize, →

Narrative techniques as exploration of society in the handmaid’s tale

In Margaret Atwood's ' The Handmaid's Tale', a range of narrative techniques are used to reveal the severity of life in Gilead, a dystopia foreshadowing the corrupt future of American society under a fundamentalist Christian regime. The reader gets an immediate sense of the distortion of religion in Gilead in Chapter One with the reference →

Agenda setting theory examples in pakistan essay sample

It gave full coverage to the lawyer's movement during the era of Musharraf and it was largely media's effort, which allowed them to have their way, which was in the interest of Pakistani people. In 2005 earthquake hit the northern areas of the country, Pakistani media job by gave top coverage to the entire event →

The worst hard time history essay

The main objective of this work was for today's generations to bear in mind the importance of an historic event that changed politics, economy, weather, and every single personal-family matter in a big part of population in those times, the urgency of this drama relays in people who lived through those years who are in →

Water pollution in the brunei river

The questionnaire is aimed at retrieving information on the residents' perception of water pollution in the Brunei River particularly in the water village. Since the purpose of the research is to understand how the residents of the different areas in the water village perceive water pollution in the Brunei River, the target population is the →

Coop case study

The purpose of the taste tests would be to gather objective information about the quality of The Coop's menu items relative to the competition. The Coop really needs to focus on the customer experience and customer perceptions of The Coop brand.

For small or great importance shut off all

Bend all the energies of your mind and will upon it till it is completed to your satisfaction. It is the key to the development of Will-Power and a vigorous intellect.

Islam and democracy

It looks for the forming of government through direct and indirect elections, where every citizen who has reached the age of majority, contains the right to cast his vote in favor of the candidate or party of his choice in order to elect him as member of the parliament or president of the country in →

Active touch sensing: finger tips, whiskers, and antennae

There are a host of different model systems that are used to investigate active touch sensing and this collection sees the three main systems represented; that of the human hand, mammalian whiskers, and insect antennae. 00039 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Klocker, A, Arnould, C, Penta, M, and Thonnard, J.-L.

Machiavelli: a renaissance thinker

The traits he was unsuccessful at as a renaissance thinker were individualism, secularism, and well roundedness because he never thought about himself and the importance of life. Machiavelli was, in every sense of the word, to be almost a complete " renaissance thinker".

The true self

As sociologists of the modern society we study and involve ourselves through social life and social institutions that help fit, piece-by-piece of the social puzzle eventually receiving the full picture of how we as a society function. I consider my family to that of a middle class, the average family where both parents obtain an →

Asian south east asian economies knocked the doors

After the surrender of the Singapore dollar and NewTaiwan Dollar, Chinese Renminbi and the Hong Kong Dollar became the primetargets for the speculators. The paper attempts to gauge theseverity of the Asian Financial Crisis in Hong Kong, especially in the realeconomic sector and financial sector.

Chapter 1 – microbiology test questions flashcard

Contents Which of the following microbes is generally the smallest? Which of the following microorganisms are not eukaryotic? a.bacteria b.yeasts c.molds d.protozoa Bacteria Which microorganisms are used to make microbiological growth media? a.bacteria b.fungi c.algae c.protozoa algae

Why judge dee was an effective magistrate

As a result of this, Judge Dee proved the culprits guilty and was able to solve the murder and close the case. Because of his ability to blend the two schools together, Judge Dee was a powerful and legendary magistrate.

Mariana invention in the last 50 years

THE EVIDENCE Well you might say I need more evidence to prove that the smartphone is the most important invention in the last 50 years and here it is, did you know that " Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Technology Review, the smartphone paced the TV as the consumer technology with the fastest adoption rate, reaching →

Chemistry initial

M's past, CAD and HP are also noted, Inch contribute to the elevated BP The decrease in Homoerotic and Hemoglobin will also contribute to the BP because the heart has to work harder to pump the blood to the body, and the blood is not carrying enough oxygen to deliver throughout the body. When you →

Everyday use and the ones who walk away from omelas` essay

The transformation in each of the stories relates to how the characters in the stories deal with and accept the realities of life. The setting in the story is in the farmhouse of Mrs.

Ender’s game analysis: humans and technology analysis

The discussion then leads to Ender asking about how the war started to try and understand the bugger's motives, when Ender and Graff have a back and forth, " So the whole war Is because we cannot talk to each other." " If the other fellow cannot tell you his story, you can never be →

Movie analysis: wo ai ni mommy essay

But in the case of Wang-Breal, by virtue of being the only remaining link to Faith's Chinese heritage, also assumes the role of the young ward's confidante and interlocutor. The complexity of the Asian American community has always influenced and affected the work of its filmmakers.

Good essay on the progressive era

In the 1900, the city had become the symbol of the new America. By the year 1920, the majority Americans resided in cities, and nearly half of them were descendants of the community who had arrived for economic reasons, following the revolution.

The suggestibility of child witnesses

However, the study only studied children from ages three to five, limiting the age group to a smaller range and did not include older children into the study. The study conducted was to determine the degree of acceptance of confidence judgments to children's answers regarding a video about a kidnapping event.

The the artist vs craftsman debate, but

Im also going to be looking at how the exclusivity of glass could have meant the way we blow glass would be very different.in my professional life I find that the sharing of skills was not just beneficial on my own outlook towards my work and how I viewed myself in the artist vs craftsman →

Sex and intimacy in the workplace essay

Before we shift our focus on the measures that are taken to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace and whether these measures are adequate let us first examine some of the major causes of sexual harassment. Is there more that can be done to reduce sexual harassment in the workplace?

Designations and abbreviations essay

The use of confusing dose designations and abbreviations is one of the leading causes of errors in medications in many healthcare institutions. The improvement of communication through the reduction and standardization of abbreviations, symbols and acronyms is a very important step towards the reduction of the occurrence of errors that are related to the inability →

Kubla khan, or, not a romantic poem. a fragment

To be considered romantic, in Wordsworth's eyes, a poem had to be the result of an " overflow of emotion, recollected in tranquility" until the relevant emotion exists in the author's mind at the time of writing. When compared to the Wordsworthian definition of a romantic poem, it does not seem logical for Coleridge's Kubla →

Development of new university sports facility

Before the day, the sport is no more joining by the students because they put most of the effort to their class study, and the sport facilities only was important to the minority of applicants who hoped to play in university teams. The new University sport facilities can satisfying their need and provide the profesional →

The 4ps marketing mix concept

The company Sony is the leading manufacturers for electronic products for the markets of professionals and consumers. The promotion mainly depends on the pricing and products of the marketing.

Child health case study: acute otitis media

This is the first time this set of symptoms has occurred, and, other than the visit to the private doctor, the road to health card and mother both indicate the child is growing well and is " is a happy healthy child". Generally, Mrs X also further goes on to note, the positive attitudes of →

Descartes’ view of the mind and how it relates to the human being

The mind is not aware of its surroundings, and it is just the manifestation of the activity of the brain; it is driven to function by instinct and urges that are fed to it from the physical surrounds. Descartes believed that the pineal gland was the key to the interaction of the mind and body.

Sylvia plath, ‘roe deer’, ‘mirror’ and ‘blackberrying’

In ' Roe Deer' Hughes leaves one line on its own, separate from the other stanzas; ' The Deer had come for me'- I think Hughes leaves this line separately because it is a turning point in the poem, he is so absorbed into the vision of the deer that he thinks he is a →

Censorship in indian cinema assignment

It is a clear case of the Censor Board acting as an institution of the State to direct the public discourse and to safeguard its interests. It seems that the Censor Board often represents the view of the existing dominant patriarchy, and cutting any discussion of sexuality out of the public domain keeps it in →

Describe law and order in the late nineteenth century essay sample

In 1829 the ' Metropolitan Police Force' was set up, the police officers were given blue uniforms as the older red ones reminded the public of the army and the general public felt intimidated by this. The reason that the colour blue was chosen for the uniform was because it was the colour of the →

Discussion board

This changed the conquest story because the reduction in population caused a decrease in the benefits of the Columbian exchange. Even if the settlers had left, the continent was permanently changed by the settlers due to the introduction of the diseases and other exchange materials.

How to use strategic management to make your future a success

Strategic management is about managing the ship Strategic management is when a company works to strategize or really, really work hard and make sure that they are doing the best in every area as it relates to: Marketing accounts payable accounts receivable production sales human resources and other departments If you want to increase your →

Double consciousness assignment

The example Mead uses is a baseball game; he relates how " The attitudes of the players which the participant assumes organize into a sort of a unit, and it is that organization which controls the response of the individual". In layman's terms, the actions of the group are the same as the actions of →

Aztec and inca dbq

The photograph of the Chinampa system shows the importance of the agricultural method as well as how the geography of the area promoted its use. The photograph of Machu Picchu shows the great amount of effort and skill required to create a society that could be depended on and maintained in the mountains.

Factors influencing accuracy of interpersonal perception

Because the environment is so rich in information, the cognitive processing capabilities of the mind struggle to respond to it all. Additionally, if one member of a group stands out from the others, the tendency of the rest of the members is to stereotype them more actively.

Models for gastric cancer in mice

It is significant to note that the morphology of the gastric neoplasia in mice is similar to but not identical to that in human. Helicobacter Infection Models As Helicobacter pylori is now recognized as a most important risk factor for chronic gastritis and stomach cancer, the function of Helicobacter pylori infection in the etiology and →

Btec level 3 certificate in sport

In a response to a stimulus the strength of a muscle contraction depends on the number of muscle fibres used in a process of muscle fibre recruitment. They are also known as the positive phase of a muscle contraction.

Abercrombie and fitch – essay

The " feel" of the store is something that Abercrombie and Fitch focuses on. Social mediais also growing and the growth is an opportunity for Abercrombie and Fitch to be more involved in it.

Editorial: about the relevance of snow microstructure study in cryospheric sciences

This Research Topic emphasizes the link between snow microstructure and snow properties but also illustrates that the exact definition of snow microstructure highly depends on the considered application, scale, and the available instruments in the field or in the cold-room. Numerical processing of the micro-photographs enables the automatic retrieval of the size distribution and specific →

Impact of loneliness of the individual

By watching John Cacioppo: The lethality of loneliness we can see the effects that loneliness as on an individuals and how society perceives it while reading The ' Black Sheep Effect': Social Categorization, Rejection of Ingroup Deviates, and Perception of Group Variability and Human Motivation and Social Cooperation: Experimental and Analytical Foundations we can see →