5 Pages Essay Samples

Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders issues

It concerns the degree of presence of the mental disorder apparent within the patient, rather than the actual presence; that is, how much of the criteria does the patient correspond with. The higher the scores on the scores of the scales the more likelihood the patient has the disorder.

Muhammad ali: a biography

Later on, Cassius found the thief and he hit him and then went to the officer and told him that he found the thief and he had beaten him up. When he entered, he preformed very well in that he cut Liston, and it was the first time for Liston to be cut in a →

Sodomy produced from the 4th amendment’s statement of

This concept was produced from the 4th Amendment's statement of protecting private homes from searches without a warrant, the 14th Amendment's promise to due process of law, and the guarantee that rights which are not specified as stated in the Constitution are " retained by the people," stated in the 9th Amendment. The unjustified disregarding →

The role of guilt in fifth business

The author Robertson Davies demonstrates the role and importance of guilt in the novel through the characters named Dunstan Ramsay, Paul Dempster and Percy Boyd Staunton. However to the reader it seems that Paul Dempster's guilt has not been left in the past and that it led him to murder Percy Boy Staunton because of →

The financial and psychological toll of arming teachers

The cost of arming hundreds of thousands of teachers is likely to require a large portion of funds that most schools do not have to spare. It also means that the costs of arming teachers will vary across the nation depending on the size of the school.

Romeo and juil essay

The Capulets and Montagues would be most responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet because if their ancestors did not start the fighting, and they did not continue it, nothing terrible would have happened. The Prince makes them see how wrong they were all the time, that all because of their hate, because they →

Comparative semiotic analysis of two advertisements essay

The aim of this essay is to analyze the different methods used by these two companies and the signs and symbols that are used in these advertisement, in order to grasp a better understanding of how they draw their audiences in. Images of celebration, love, communication and social interaction, such as the ' couple' of →

Junto al pasig essay

From a teenager's perspective in the character of Leonine, the play will portray a efferent view of the Virgin Mary and Satan as the evident symbols for spirituality. Jose Racial, he wrote Junta al Passing as a commissioned work for the feast of the patroness of Atone, Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary.

Celebrity advertising assignment

But there are also models used to determine the appropriate celebrity for the job, and that is what my paper is going to be researching." One of the most important variables that seems to influence how persuasive a celebrity will be in any advertising is the appropriateness of the celebrity for endorsing a particular brand →

Tabloid content essay

This is to say that the success of New Corporations is mainly contributed by tabloid contents.2. Conclusion To sum up, tabloid contents, there is no doubt that, has a great power to hold the attention of the public.

Three bikinis and a pyramid of diet delight peaches: an analysis of the six basic elements of fiction in john updike’s “a & p”

The inciting force is unquestionably the arrival of the three girls at the A & P, where the narrator works as a cashier, because their entrance initiates the rest of the action. By slowing the pace and focusing on the girls, Updike heightens their importance in the eyes of the reader.

Comparison of the jain and hindu traditions

In this paper I will be comparing and contrasting the Jain and Hindu traditions, and the ways that these two traditions compare to the ancient Vedic tradition. In the Hindu tradition, there are three ways to liberation- action, knowledge, and devotion.

Transmission of trypanosomes

On the account of supported and facilitated endeavors in the course of recent years, the quantity of reported cases has tumbled to a verifiably low level. Trypanosomes were thought to use Pex3 and the other Pex proteins to amass a particular arrangement of peroxisomes called glycosomes, which are fundamental for the breakdown of glucose from →

Gender differences in shopping assignment

I believe that finding out the shopping differences between men and women can contribute to the overall success of a business. By having more stores and more choices offered to women, it contributes to the fact that women take a longer period amount of time when shopping as opposed to men.

Flame propagation on cables

Under normal conditions, it is apparent that the cables, when subjected to fire, may lead to loading of combustible fire and the toxicity that emerges from the generation of the smoke. Despite the fact that the cables are not the main cause of the fire, they are subject to the consequences that may arise.

Globalization in southeast asia

One of the major causes of change in the nations and borders of Southeast Asia would be the impact of globalization. In the area of international relations, we see globalization changing nations and borders of Southeast Asia through increased regional cooperation in the formation of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.

Social network sites sns education essay

Respondents barely articulate own personal perspective that evidences and responses are pretty abstract, therefore the qualitative questions to be applied to analyse and define the ethical considerations that explain why and how does the SNS influences student's academic studies in term of the statistics literature and analysis of knowledge, it is important that shows the →

The consumer behavior project pepsi

One of the milestones encountered in the history was when coca-cola announced that it has changed its formula to render the better and improved product to its customer, which was termed as Coke. This will also help in better understanding of the limits and constraints of Pepsi due to which it is always considered to →

Red velve cake essay sample

To discuss how many different variants exist and explore the class literature for this information, as well as other: As it turns out, the first recipe for the iconic dessert referring to it as " Red Velvet Cake" was published in 1962, the cake had existed before that, it's true, its red color a reaction →

Samba diallo’s journey ambiguous adventure book review – francophone literature essay sample

I think the word " ambiguous" is strongly related to Samba Diallo's thoughts and situation when he studies in the new school and the university in France. According to complete-review.com, the book is the Adventure of how Samba Diallo balances the traditional African values which is Islamic values and Western values which are the knowledge →

Teaching in the arts and an integrated curriculum

In the level of thinking, the ability to create is the highest. The beat and the temp of the music will help to set a right mood for the activity.

Jon night saying that there had been a

The only thing they had was that they could tell the bullet holes were made by a shotgun and the tire tracks of a car. In the first case of the freak accident, they first discovered that the woman's story was a little fishy when they saw the way the bullet had entered and exited →

Assignment: hannah rojo assignment

Timing Content Class organ sensation/ Teaching Strategies 5 minutes Introduction to the topic Teacher will have the room and materials required Activity 1- Group Discussion prepared before the lesson The teacher will ask students to recall what they have learnt previously in their English lesson on the reading of the book ' What Introduction begins →

Starbucks 1996 case study

Leveraging the Starbucks brand into other product categories- Starbucks must identify new products that uniquely belong to, or can be associated with their brand. Starbucks may be able to create a new segment/category within the coffee industry.

Editorial: new insights into the pathophysiology and treatment of neonatal hypoxic–ischemic encephalopathy

This research topic presents a collection of one original article and four reviews covering translational research in HIE, including the utilization of animal models to unravel the pathophysiology of the disease, with a special focus on the development of novel therapies and the optimization of therapeutic hypothermia, the standard treatment for HIE. They discussed the →

Importance of noncognitive factors on an academic mindset

Han, Farrugia and Moss determined that non-cognitive factors, such as academic self-efficacy, motivation, and a sense of belonging, predict college students' academic performance and retention. In summary, a sense of belonging, self-efficacy and motivation have proven to have great positive effects on a student's academic performance.

Applications of technology in education

But the percentage is changed in the last two years as now the students prefer to be technology specialist and so they want to get admission in information technology and other degrees related to this field. The present conditions of Pakistan when its ideological and territorial boundaries are at harm, demanded some progress in agriculture →

An faisalabad and works as a lecturer in

At the beginning of the story Hurriya emissaries a sparrow that mistakenly seeks shelter in a predator's nest and which serves as a metaphor for Hurriya, her ordeals, and efforts to survive in a hostile environment." Tabassum Maqbool" lives in Faisalabad and works as a lecturer in English at GCUF. It will look at the →

Mobile shoppers

Mobile shopping is not one activity - Mobile-shopping behaviors include using one's phone to facilitate any part of the shopping experience - from comparing products, evaluating prices, and selecting where to buy, to sharing product photos, tweeting price details, and actually completing the transaction. With seller ratings on mobile, brands and retailers can extend their →

Laptops and computers

The tradition of listening and doing as you are told is fading away into technology being more of a priority to children than values of respect and discipline. We use computers and technology to improve our own education especially in the military where we only have this option.

Career goals and learning plan

Prior to embarking on my career in psychology however, I must first succeed in the master's of psychology, and to best do this I need to consider the learning styles and strategies that are attributed to my personality. Specific strengths pertaining to my personality type and learning styles however, all point in the direction of →

Preventing blood stream infections health and social care essay

National Patient SafetyGoals were introduced in 2002 in order to assist turn to some of the issues that were responsible for doing a bulk of the state of affairss that were responsible for making patient safety issues. Clinicians insert about 7 million cardinal venous entree devices yearly in the United States, and of these, 1 →

Semiotics analysis of angus and julia stone

The scene changes to her ' partner', a corporate looking woman, in the kitchen visibly bothered by the mess in the kitchen/house. A car enters, the scene moves to the 'Corporate' partner watching the inside of the house and her partner from inside the car as she sighs.

Example answers to questions on leadership strategy

A leader is non the foreman of the squad but on the contrary, that is dedicated to those who carried out the pioneering mission. The director is transcript; the leader is an original.

The effects of imperialism upon indonesia assignment

However, for a long time there was a fierce competition, and later with the Chinese, and it was not until the 19th, and part of the 20th, century when the Dutch were able to run the colony like they really wanted, and to make the immense profits that were originally expected. Originally, during the period →

Analyze the self assessment essay

This type of self-assessment was initially created with the aim of helping women in the course of the Second World War in order to give them a chance to enter the workforce. One of the important aspects to making logical decisions is having a belief in oneself.

Liver is the largest gland

As soon as the bile is excreted out of the liver it forms a hepatic duct. The liver is also called the dual blood supply because it transfers 75 percent of blood supply around the body.

The relations of pakistan and russia

The political relationship between Pakistan and the Russian Federation trace back to 1948 shortly after the establishment of the sovereign state of Pakistan. Afghanistan situation alter substantially with the Soviet policy of " Perestroika" and " Glasnost", and the joint efforts by the two countries to bring a political solution to the Afghan problem resulted →

The auditing ethical issues accounting essay

With due care it allows auditors to perform with equality and independence to discharge conclusions to the best of the auditor's ability. The objectivity and Independence of an auditor is a major principle that must be applied in order to make accurate conclusions on engagements.

Criminal justice assignment

They get calls in the middle Of the night and they have to go Out to the scene-let is a very stressful and traumatizing job. The ones in the real world do roughly the same work, but they do not always have dramatic cases to deal with." This explains the job of a criminal investigator →

Sales on social media and subscribes to your

Decision At the stage of decision, the prospect is making the decision that he wants to takeadvantage of your solution. If you wish to capture these potential customers, you need to provide content that's adjusted to the type of searchqueries that are asked at this early stage.

Man’yoshu: a reflection of japan’s history essay sample

It is therefore obvious that the audience of the poem is not the inhabitants of the lost city. It is in the description of the ruined capital that the grandeur of the new capital is ironically described.

Instant writing help with your assignment essay sample

The main concerns of a student like you are the on-time submission of their paper that can impress the professors with its quality and writing style. So you may often look for the help with assignments online.

George orwell’s novel 1984 essay

The world is involved in an endless war, and the political regime called Ingsoc and headed by a mystical Big Brother permanently looks for ways to control the citizens' minds and private lives. He is the main character of the novel, and the author shows readers the whole story through his eyes.

A brief history of the canadian pacific railway history essay

The Railways are very important part of Canada's history and a part of transportation." For more than a century, CP rail was called the Canadian Pacific Railway, and it remains today the railroad that helped to settle the Canadian West in the Second half of the last Century". This act was meant to stop Chinese →

Hepatitis causes and effects

Despite of the extensive researches to find a cure for Hepatitis, there is still no effective treatment for it so the responsibility of avoiding this infection is both on government and individuals. The symptoms of the various forms of hepatitis are similar and they are caused by the damage in the liver.

Death of a salesman

It can be said that the author has been able to enhance reader's understanding of the emotional and financial issues to the portrayal of the characters of the story. The time period of the play is on the 1940s at the house of and yard of Willy Loman in Brooklyn.

Trends in legal gambling: literature review

They conducted a survey in Germany, using a sample of 1, 586 adults to estimate for all types of commercial gambling, the separate functions of participation, and in order to provide explanatory variables about the socioeconomic characteristics like education, gender, age, income, employment and family status, occupation, home ownership, and the relevance of the highest →

Principles of industrial/organizational psychology

In this case study, a discussion of the circumstances of the theft, how it should be handled and measures taken to minimize the idea that employees can take what they can get away with taking. It is important that a company dismisses an employee without affecting the remaining employees and their productivity.

05 spi albania project liquidity cb draft questionnaire assignment

SPI Albania, with the authorization of SPI Committee, has undertaken e project on the revision of the Liquidity Risk Management regulatory framework with the following objective: To enhance banks' liquidity risk management by reviewing the current regulatory framework according to international guidelines and best practice, including introduction of quantitative prudential ratios, in order to prevent →

Raphael obama states “i’ve long believed that our

Rather than simply saying the power is in the people, he instead uses a form of epistrophe to give emphasis that not only is the military capable of solving this issue, but that there is no greater amount of power than when the people of the United States of America come together as a nation →

Loss contingency essay sample

According to ASC 450-20-25-1, " When a loss contingency exists, the likelihood that the future event or events will confirm the loss or impairment of an asset or the incurrence of a liability can range from probable to remote. Even though the minimum amount in the range is not necessarily the amount of loss that →

Strategies to estimate rainfall

It can help to understand how the distribution of rain gauges impacts the capability of network and qualify of rainfall information provided by the network. Chen et al.applied Kriging and entropy algorithm to design the rain gauge network which contains the minimum number of rain gauges and optimum spatial distribution in Taiwan, China.

A of enmity or hatred between different classes

Intention is not a necessary ingredient of Section 153-A, and if the words are likely to have the effect contemplated by the section, it is not necessary further to establish that the writer had the intention to promote such hatred. The Chief Court of Oudh held that the gist of the offence is the intention →

Economic and educational factors education essay

The availability of resources such as scholarships, loans and grants is a major factor that facilitates a person in the realization of medium to long term personal learning or career objectives. In the event that institutions are ready to appreciate the challenges and requirements of mature students, these students will realize their medium to long →

Editorial: sortilin and sortilin partners in physiology and pathologies

The review entitled " Regulatory Roles of Sortilin and SorLA in Immune-Related Processes" by Talbot et al.is a summary of the role of the two members of the Vps10p domain receptor family, sortilin and SorLA, in the modulation of processes related to the immune system. The mini-review " The Involvement of Sortilin/NTSR3 in Depression as →

Arguments of political representation in the us

Smite them," Henry Knox urged Rufus King sitting in the Philadelphia Convention, " smite them, in the name of God and the people".[1]The jostling of various interest groups, the self promoting ambitions of lawmaking, the persistent adhering to popular demands, these " excesses of democracy"[2]instigated the meeting at Annapolis, and consequently the convening of delegates →

Teaching and learning online: reflection

I was tentative about the online sessions as I had previous negative experiences of these and wondered if it was ever possible for the technical aspects to be overcome as Schrum & Hong say, minimizing technical difficulties is very important, I felt this myself and at the start of the course, this experience can lead →

An important problem in aging that needs attention essay example

It mostly depends on the cultural aspect of the country and it is very important to supervise the old people with the essence of their culture in which they spend their entire life. The most important aspect of such centers is to address the old people in a very proper and authentic way.

Symbolic representations of a complicated kindness

Miriam Toews' A Complicated Kindness tells the story of a Mennonite teen, Nomi Nickels, and her response to the rise of conflict and tragedy in her family. In addition, the representation of Miriam Toews in the protagonist and narrator of A Complicated Kindness is further strengthened by the presence of a similar parallel in her →

The ignorance of physical illness in mental health

The purpose of this paper is to highlight the prevalence of physical illnesses existing in individuals who are in mental hospitals and the factors responsible for ignorance of such illnesses. Psychiatrists are concerned only with the mental illnesses of patients and in this way the physical illness are remained unrecognized and hence untreated.

Merce cunningham: symbolism in dance

In my view, the highlight of the dance sequence is that it is another successful collaboration of music and choreography by John Cage and Merce Cunningham respectively. The work done by the cooperation of both invites the spectators to experience something that has never been focused on before; which is the way the collaboration had →

Destroyer of worlds

He had been the one of the two major directors of the project to invent the bomb. Since Oppenheimer had largely contributed to the atomic bomb, he was accepted into the innermost circle of the government and given many secrets.

Family relationship in the tempest

Clinical showed Prosper all of the elites of the island like the desert, the fresh springs, the fertile and salt water pits as a tour guide. The red robe in the poem refers to the umbilical rod which maybe symbolizes as physical and emotional in a sense that mother and child are physically connected through →

Editorial: sonification, perceptualizing biological information

Applications of sonification are by no means recent, in fact from early formulation of auditing, such as comparing the sound of commodities or " hearing of accounts" in Mesopotamia, as early as 3500 BCE, to the three inventions from the nineteenth century, the Bell telephone, the Edison phonograph, and the Marconi radiotelegraphy, sound and audio →

Sample essay on the tragic history of doctor faustus

The question that lingers in mind thus is how such a man who was so contented and wise could within a fraction of a second, make a pact with the devil in search of power than knowledge. There is a tendency to forget the goals that one had in life and focus on the new →

A first clash between parties in the 1800 election: john adams versus thomas jefferson

As a representative of the Democratic-Republican party, Jefferson believed that we did not need a strong military but that we just needed a militia, that we should have an alliance with the French and not the British, that we needed a strict interpretation of the constitution, that we do not need a strong federal government, →

Dutch lady

The quality control of the products is vital deliberation for the company. Identify and discuss the sources of finance that the company is using In the business world, money is the vital resources, lifeblood of an organization for expansion, growth and continuing of business.

The panda bear report

Presented by Raghad Fathi Sweileh Table of Contents INTRODUCTION PHYSICAL APPEARANCE HABITAT FOOD REPRODUCTION BEHAVIOUR WHY IT IS ENDANGERED CONCLUSION INTRODUCTION The panda bear is one of the most endangered animals with only 800 to 1000 left in the world and is on the verge of extinction. The black and white of the panda helps →

Mother tongue essay

She shows the way her mother speaks English imperfectly and how her mother was treated rudely by various people because of her language. She decided to "[seek] to preserve the essence", her mother's " intent, her passion, her imagery, the rhythms of her speech and the nature of her thoughts" in her essay.

The issues facing wal mart management

The reason why we write the report is that to solve the main culture problem according to analyze the SWOT, PEST, Five Force and Generic strategy so that retreating the problem and choosing new method to retrieve the German market share About the internal environment, Wal-Mart possesses the leader position; advanced logistic system; batch of →

What are the key differences between modern western and chinese education?

The more teacher driven Eastern Philosophy operates with the Confucian school of thought that suggests gaining moral insight to oneself in the context of nature and the community is of the utmost importance. The discussion by also alludes to the lack of critical thinking in the Chinese education system; " in china, students study for →

Green mile

On the negative side, I thought the length of the film was too long because as griping as it was, it was difficult to pay attention without taking a break, which made me loose the rhythm of the film. I thought this symbolized the dark side of the story, in which the viewer was about →

Hard times and first 10 chapters of jane eyre

Dickens is particularly critical of the standards of education at the time of the Victorian period and the methods of teaching employed. In material terms Jane is very well looked after there as she is fed and clothed, however, she is treated separately from the children at Gateshead and is not spoilt.

Personalities are influenced by the environment

A personality disorder therefore is a psychiatrist category of a diagnostic disorder that is characterized by maladaptive, inflexible and chronic pattern that is directly related to the world as a whole. The four core features of personality disorders shows descriptively the ten enduring patterns of a persons traits and characteristics that influence their way of →

A play within a play: metatheatrical distinctions between actor and character in shakespeare and stoppard

In the Shakespearean original, the characters participate self-consciously in such instances as the Player's practice speech, Hamlet's instruction to the players and their support in " The Mousetrap". Throughout the dialogue there are references made to the constructs of theatre and acting techniques, and most significantly, the inclusion of a ' meta-play', " The Mousetrap" →

Ellen olenska: commodified innocence

This realization, turns the attention of the readers to Ellen, and to the ironic fact that in contrast to what New York society thinks it was she that was the innocent one. In the beginning of the story, it is immediately made clear that Archer is somewhat different from New York society.

Where have all flowers gone

Pimm and Jenkins wrote " Sustaining the Variety of Life" in 2005 to discuss the global problem of extinction and the local and international solutions that will be required to fix it. Some of the destruction is the result of carelessness and some is a result of direct action taken against the environment The authors →

Totalitarian agriculture

Especially considering the fact that it is the exact type of agriculture that is being used in every civilization except for the remaining tribal peoples of the world. The idea of totalitarian agriculture was something that is very new to me.

Financial environments essay sample

David's Healthcare is owned and run by HCA, the largest for-profit health care organization in the United States. Because Seton operates more than 20 hospitals and health care facilities across Central Texas and has a history with the region, it is responsible for the care of over 1.

Microsoft’s financial reporting strategy essay sample

Assume that 60% of Microsoft's research and development expenses were incurred after technological feasibility was established, that the average product life was two years, and that the company begins amortizing software costs at the beginning of the following year. The company explained that a part of Microsoft's revenue was earned ratably over the product life, →

Mac flecknoe, corrosion of an heir

In Dryden's Mac Flecknoe, dullness is the defining trait of the mock epic's " hero", and decay is employed as a theme and a weapon within the poem, underlined mostly as the decay of wit as the speaker dangles his victim and his reputation from his rhetorical noose. The function of the poem itself is →

Jack nelson assignment

It is the job of the supervisors and managers to effectively and properly train their employees. Lack of communication among the branches; and between the main office and the branches: It is very important in any organization for people to communicate.

The liquefied natural gas environmental sciences essay

It is said that share of natural gas in India's energy mix is about to increase from 9% to 20% by 2025 and in this period the demand of natural gas will increase from 150 mmscmd to 390 mmscmd. According to international energy outlook; it is estimated that the consumption of natural gas is expected →

Never-resting microglia: physiological roles in the healthy brain and pathological implications

Wolf et al.summarize the recent efforts to exploit CX3CR1 promoter activity for the visualization and genetic manipulation of microglia, in order to probe their functional contributions in the CNS, and the resulting insights into the role of CX3CR1. Gemma and Bachstetter review the role of microglia in hippocampal neurogenesis during normal physiological conditions, with an →

The ashes of catholicism

In Angela's Ashes, the Catholic Church plays a major role for Frank by influencing his actions, his fears, and his way of life. Whilst in America, the reach of the Church had vast differences, as the separation of Church and State had been written within the constitution.

Dominant theories of neorealism and neoliberal institutionalism politics essay

Neorealists are able to characterize the distribution of power in the international system based on capabilities of nations: unipolar, bipolar, and multipolar. Marxism argues that the international system was established to protect the property interests of the upper classes and the most affluent states.

Politics essays – thatcher thatcherism government

Examining what ' Thatcherism' is characterized by, the effect Thatcher's rule had on the UK, Nigel Lawson's relationship to Thatcher and his position in politics, and of course the origins of the term ' Thatcherism', I will attempt to discuss whether or not ' Thatcherism' is indeed a useful term. In discussing Margaret Thatcher's government, →

Blackbird play review and analysis theatre essay

The claustrophobia is evident in the beginning of the play, when Ray keeps finding excuses to leave the pantry. The barbed wire lining the top of the set is a fitting reminder of the entrapment Una felt throughout her entire life.

Financial analysis exercise ii

The intention is to get an overview of how the stock has been performing in any direction that the DJI has been taking; if the stock has been following the DJI. While reviewing the profitability of a company, the profit margin is the crucial ratio to be used to determine the profitability in relation to →

Computer information

He connects the dots of his life with the story where he was the child stuck in the middle. The man's lost his wife! " This art illustrates the idea of how Carver's marriage life was broken and they did not understand each other.

The influence of an interior space on the human psyche

VISUALCOMMUNICATION CONTENT PAGE PAGE INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………………………1-2 Undertaking BACKGROUND ANDMOTIVATION……………………….………………. 3 AIM AND OBJECTIVES…………………………….…………………………………….. 3 STUDY DEFINED……………………………………………………………….…………. 3 RESEARCH STATEMENT………………………………………………………….…….. 3 RESEARCH SCOPE, LIMITATIONS AND CONSTRAINTS…………..…..…….…..…3 DESIGN SCOPE, LIMITATIONS AND CONSTRAINTS……………………..….….…. 4 DEFINITION OF TERMS…………………………………………………………..….….. 5 BIBLIOGRAPHY…………………………………………………………………..……….. 6 APPENDIX……………………………………………………………………..……………7 Introduction: In the research papers below research will be done on how interior...

Gopnik turkle essay robotic and emotions essay

It is through Gopnik's observations that we can see that with age and the passage of time the way we view the world changes. Gopnik and Turkle's collective works help create a blueprint of how and why our view of reality change and the growing affect that has on us.

Close reading: culture is ordinary by raymond williams

The common illusion of ' high culture' present in both of these examples is seen by Williams as a way of maintaining class divisions between the ' highbrow' and working class, bringing the idea of culture back to the notion of power. The second principle, which Williams challenges, states that it is a " class-dominated →

Subitizing and visual short-term memory in human and non-human species: a common shared system?

Here we discuss the possibility that the similarities shown in the processing of small sets of items might be due to the characteristics of basic cognitive abilities for the processing of visual items, common to both human and non-human living beings. In contrast, most of the paradigms investigating the neural mechanisms of VSTM in animals →