5 Pages Essay Samples

Girl in hyacinth blue

1717-18: from the floodwaters of Delfzijl, scholar Adriaan Kuypers flees with the painting to Oling where he relinquishes it to the farmer's wife, Saskia, who sells it to a dealer in Amsterdam. The Hyacinth Blue chapter is written in the first person and in a vastly different style from that of the other chapters.

The economic costs of sugar on human health

Sugar is one of the biggest contributors to healthcare costs because of how cheap sugary the foods are and how much the foods are advertised. While many may claim that the direct and indirect costs of sugar consumption do not have adverse effects on the economy as a whole, sugar costs become problematic depending on →

Harmful effects health-wise of sugar

It is hard to control the amount of sugar someone takes in a day. The effects of sugar on the liver is the same as the effects of alcohol on the liver.

Values and ethical standards

I worked hard to be a great person, mother, friend, and active in my community. I look forward to making a difference and being the best in my career.

Situational effects on human behaviour

The discussion of this experiment mentioned that the behaviour of the participants was attributed to human's obedience to authority, in this case the authority was the experimenter who pushed the participants to continue. To further prove that the actions of the participants was due to social factors present, Milgram then varied the social conditions such →

Psychology observational analysis

The overall behaviour of the man in the coffee shop is a result of his daily routine and natural response to the surroundings. He copes with stress ineffectively by smoking and his annoyance in noisy surroundings is a result of his sensitivity to noise.

Colon cancer

Colon cancer is a short form for colorectal cancer which occurs in rectum or anus; the colon is the large intestine or large bowel, the rectum is the passageway that connects the colon to the anus. According to the American Cancer Society, colorectal cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths in the →

Benefit programs and compensation administration essay sample

We are offered all of the benefits provided to our practice, but the doctors are provided these benefits at a " lesser cost". Medical benefits are provided to everyone in the practice, the office pays $175 of the premium to hourly employees, but the doctors are provided these benefits at no cost.

The letter to the editor

Regarding the differentiation of classes and sets, within the SET, Reality is the class, Human, which breaks down further into the SET of classes of knowledge using the methodology as described above. By training the Human Mind to create a SET with classes to represent an individual, much as above when creating the SET of →

Change speech

Using a pair of pliers to twist and snap his tendon, it was a miracle he did not pass out from the pain and blood loss. Josh is a young man that is open to change and we see this when he says " Sam does not order me to do anything, He's my friend, →

Simon property group – sociocultural factors

These are interactions between social and cultural factors in the environment and affect people's attitudes, values, and customs and also shape the thoughts and behavior patterns of individuals. In the domestic environment, individualism is highly emphasized meaning the property business must recognize the potential of individuals in the organization and encourage them to be creative →

Integrated marketing communications (imc) and customer satisfaction strategy

There are many different, advertising strategies that a business can use in the promoting of their products and services that advertising strategy is known as the push and pull method. Simply because the Alpha & Omega Medical Supply Company, main goal is to build a large customer base and this is the best possible way →

Death and loss in my brother essay

The passage in which Kincaid describes how her writing about the death of her brother kept her alive, and her mode of comparison of this idea with the memories of her own losses growing up in Antigua epitomizes the themes of her memoir, which are death, loss, and how one has to control their own →

Organic nutritious and free of compound. the essence

Animals that donot belong to the organic category are usually fed with hormones and aresupplied with a large amount of antibiotics, in addition to the large amount ofpesticides used in the fields that affect them as well. On the other side ofthe coin, the disadvantages of organic foods people are that the production ofthem is →

Mahmoud darwish and power

The end result is that Darwish's poetry has a power of its own, and Darwish attempts to use this power to steer his readers away from the violence of war. The image of Damascus forces the reader of the poem to see the coexistence of the two peoples.

Will the human race evolve further?

Stance One: Further Human Evolution is Possible As stated, one side of the argument states that it is plausible, and in fact very likely, that humans will continue to evolve, and significantly enough to show major changes in the species. One argument is that the human race evolved in a punctual way, and, by design, →

Plastic surgery assignment

There are some pros and cons of plastic surgery that people need to beware of. The second con of plastic surgery is the expensive cost that not everyone able to afford.

In 12). if these figures are compared

Other factors which caused the 2007 recession include: " the credit crunch, decreasing prices of houses, inflation resulting from the costs and loss of confidentiality of the financial institutions" Turner. Statistics indicate a crash in the prices of home from the year 2005 to the end of the year 2006 consequently sending a message that →

Enthalpy change of the hydration of magnesium sulphate essay sample

Calculate the enthalpy change of the solution of anhydrous magnesium sulphate. Calculate the enthalpy change of the solution of magnesium sulphate-7-water.

Rediscovering the dark ages and beyond: the christian oppression of ancient writings

Medieval literature covered the period between the fall of the Roman Empire and until the beginning of the Renaissance period. It was the writings by the church and by the clergies that dominated the world of literature and those were the kinds of literary items typically found in libraries.

Analysing the effectiveness of background colour in magazines

You then go on to read the second line " Soup a Model " which is the main pun of the advert, at first when you read this you think of becoming a super model but then realise it is a pun about soup. It goes on to give you the instructions on what to →

Consumer behavior

This section of the proposal should contain a description of those activities and the specific methods that will be used to appraise the individual campaign. Appendices In most cases, this is a very important section of the plan.

Divorce: the new american dream

In today's culture women have better opportunities to work outside of the home. Society has made it possible for women to break away from their binding agreement as " the Wife" and has allowed them success in careers once perceived as only a man's job.

Leadership failures of enron flashcard

Lay managed to sell approximately $100 million in Enron stock before the collapse of the company. Fastow was the first executive of Enron to be brought to trial for his unlawful actions.

Social determination theory and motivation in sport

There are three subscales under the IM aspect, explicitly, IM to know, IM to accomplish, and IM to experience stimulation IM to know includes concepts such as motivation to explore, learn, and understand. On the other hand, extrinsic motivation is associated with an external locus of control or " engagement as a means to an →

Criminal theory case study: whitey bulger

I believe that the first of three theories that could describe White Bulger's criminal lifestyle would be Albert Cohen's Theory on Delinquent Boys." Cohen's research and resulting theory were a reaction to the limitations and oversimplifications he saw in Robert Merton's strain theory, according to the University of Portsmouth. Growing up in South Boston with →

Questionnaire design

Therefore, there is enough evidendence to infer that the more than half of FSD students want to use Open Library.2. Yes No Results: Findings: There is a fairly decrease in the number of students using Open Library when knowing that they have to pay fee.

The heads of a plan

Some believe the reason indeed was to solve the problem of the overcrowded prisons in Britain which had been growing due to the loss of the American colony after War of Independence. This essay will focus in particular on the two dominant theories concerning the establishment of the colony as well as on the arguments →

Sci 275 riskassesment assignment

Based on the risk assessment the city should consider using the Malathion because the risks of the West Nile Virus are greater than the risks of the use of Malathion. Some exposure to the residue of Malathion is possible though.

Ethical aspects of organ allocation

A donor symbol on a driver's license however, has not been considered adequate confirmation of the deceased intent to give to and continue without permission from the next of The decision for an organ transplant is ultimately up to the patient and the family; however, with such an important decision to make, there is review →

Childhood trauma in the maddaddam trilogy

Although it is set in the future, it involves many timeless issues that are important in the present day, such as the consequences of sex work, the growing presence of corruption in the corporate sphere, and, interestingly, the importance of a parental bond during a child's development. She is immortalized as a deity of nature →

Build operate transfer procurement system construction essay

In the end of the concession contract, the private sector entity has to hand over the ownership of the facility to the public sector. In the second process, the selected project company is awarded the concession to construct and manage the facility.

The broken spears: the aztec account of the conquest of mexico

Cortes played a large role in the conquering of the Americas, and both Traditions and Encounters and The Broken Spears document his actions. The Broken Spears provides the reader with a greater sense of what the indigenous people had to go through than Traditions and Encounters could ever.

Unit 4: set 1 (3/11)

In a free market economic system, the mechanism of __________ is the key determinant used to signal to producers what to produce and how much to produce.b.priceIfa shortage exists in a market for a good, the price of that good will tend to fallb.false-riseWhen the market price of a good is above the equilibrium valueb.a →

Imaging brain change across different time scales

Anatomical brain imaging can be used to probe the changes in brains between different species due to evolution and, at the other end of the spectrum, functional imaging with electroencephalography and magnetoencephalography can be used to study very rapid changes in brain states due to sensory processing, cognition, and social interaction. Four of the papers →

Editorial: nutritional and environmental modulation of the endocrine system: effects on metabolism and growth

Editorial on the Research Topic Nutritional and Environmental Modulation of the Endocrine System: Effects on Metabolism and Growth Metabolism and growth are under the control of the endocrine system that, working in cooperation with the nervous system, regulates these functions. In the current Topic, Perez-Sanchez et al.reviewed the evolution of the GH, prolactin, and somatolactin →

Components of a healing hospital

A healing physical environment, a culture of radical loving care and integration of technology are all key components of a healing hospital. First, there is the challenge of bringing the physicians, nurses and all other staff on board with the philosophy of a healing hospital.

Singapore economy introduction

The Republic of Singapore is located in the southeast of Asia, 137 kilometres north of the equator; it has an area of 710 km and a population of 5, 183, 700 people. Singapore is now the fourth financial centre in the world, and its port is one out of the five greatest ports in the →

Online assingment

Some new terms that are discussed in this article include: bariatric surgery which is a type of surgery that morbidly obese patients have which results in major weight loss to improve their health and body mass index is the measure of a person's weight in relation to their height. Surgery on people with type 2 →

My last duchess analysis

At about eleven o'clock I left my room and headed to the back of the house. I had too find out what my husband was hiding at the top of the stairs.

Nestle milky bar product line extentsion marketing essay

This in itself provides a key challenge to the marketer, while the product must appeal to the target segment it must also do the same for the shopper. The creaminess of Milkybar chocolate will appeal to children on the taste platform.

Bg international

The company is using asset management solutions from Indus International to support its need to manage the platform safely and cost effectively and to meet its stringent health and safety requirements. The company is using the BusinessObjects query and reporting tool from to create a range of tailored reports and analyse the data held within →

Biomedical ethics assignment

When there is an option to put an end to a terminally ill patient's life due to suffering and lessen the prolonging effects of agony to loved ones, Increase utility in the hospital and in society at large, this option should be permissible with the patient's consent. If a patient is suffering and is going →

explain how women’s lives were affected by world war 1 essay sample

But most women wanted equality in the work place and in society and so campaigned through the Suffragettes, protesting for women's rights. The purpose is to educate and inform people of World War 1 and how the role of women changed.

Johnny got his gun

Through the character of Joe, Trumbo metaphorically captures both the physical injuries and the psychological trauma of all the men and women who risk their lives during warfare, and how this will plague them for the rest of their lives. Joe is there to say that the pain, injury, and deaths of war are not →

The negative effects of having a low self-esteem

It is important to realize the negative results of a low self-esteem first, in order to boost one's confidence. It is important to realize that going through life with a low self-esteem will bring danger to oneself and worriment in others.

Capitalism, socialism, and mixed economies essay sample

When in a capitalist economy, it is described as the means of production are distributed to the private persons and that the market functioning determines the production and the pricing of the goods and services. Capitalism, socialism, and a mixed economy has a great deal of importance when each are involved with the global economy.

Adam: the ultimate epic hero essay

First of all, the phalanx was the formation of the foot soldiers of ancient Greece, while the Dorian mood is parallel to the valor and calm with which the Spartans went into battle with the sounds of flutes, impervious to fear or rage. Immediately, it seems that Satan is the hero of the story and →

The social construction of our everyday world

Social order is not part of the " nature of things," and it cannot be derived from the " laws of nature." Nevertheless social order exists only as a product of human activity. It is important to keep in mind that the objectivity of the institutional world, however massive it may appear to the individual, →

“the carrier-bag theory of fiction” by le guin essay sample

These are the " killer narrative".focused on the corporate construct of aggression.and the " life narrative." represented through the dynamic development of the construct of continuation in instruction and acquisition. The writer of the essay argues that the " killer story" nowadayss Herculean and Promethean myth elements.and this is associated with the laterality of victory →

Marketing plan for non-alcoholic beverage industry assignment

The company is also committed to invest in the people and the communities where the operation is aimed to help sustainable growth. The company will offer affordable products to all our customers.

The great debater essay

As an all black school, Wiley College during the 1930's trained young minds to believe in themselves and to use their educated minds to change the hearts and minds of society, to establish peace, and maintain human dignity, tolerance and acceptance for all people, no matter the color of their skin, origin of their birth, →

Syllabus risk

The minicases are designed to help you learn the mechanics of the methods covered in class and to give you an opportunity to apply the concepts in simple and illustrative contexts. The minicase should be based on a real business situation and must be analyzed using one or more of the methods or concepts discussed →

Major issues challenges facing the mark spencers marketing essay

And in 1884 it began as a small stall known as " penny bazaar" in a market by Michael Marks and Thomas Spencer, has now more than 700 stores in the UK and over 300 stores in more than 40 countries. Especially M&S has a lot of competitor, which are more customer focussed (that means →

Law of inchoate crimes

Overt act is defined as an outward act done in pursuance of the crime and a manifestation of an intent or design, intending the completion of the crime. The reason for the addition of the overt act in the modern law is to prevent people from being thrown in jail for simply discussing a crime.

Organizational culture of dominos pizza commerce essay

QUALITY: DOMINOS's have date; time in all areas of the restaurant to ensure that entire product from raw to cook is of the highest standard. The communications in organisation develop and improve communication skills of employees because this workplace is all based on communication.

Dells strategy for success

The research utilizes the benefits of using comparative case studies in the topic of discussion, which concerns Dell as a company. It is notable that the conditions of the business and economy may bring a decrease in the net revenue of the company.

Anthoroplogy essay sample

Geography is the study of the physical features of the earth and its atmosphere, and of human activity as it affects and is affected by these, including the distribution of populations and resources, land use, and industries. Sociology is the study of the behavior of people and groups within society.

Lyrical ballads essay

In the Preface to Lyrical Ballads, Wordsworth writes, " the passions of men are incorporated with the beautiful and permanent forms of nature", that " the mind of man [acts as] the mirror of the fairest and most interesting qualities of nature" and this reflects his feelings on the subject; nature and men are tied →

Source and information

The organization is a reliable source of information according to the right organization of the information you are searching for because an organization member is full or experts and specialize. Keywords: sources of information, people, literature, organization, information system Introduction of Information You cannot be everywhere all the time to see all kinds of event →

Operation of peter’s principle in my organization

HOW THE PETER PRINCIPLE AFFECT THE LINK BETWEEN HR AND CCOMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE, AND THE HR GENERAL FUNCTIONSThe Peter Principle influences the pattern in which HR decision are formulated regarding the implementation of the organization's corporate strategy and how to involve competent workers to put up the right attitude towards competing in the actualizing of the →

Counterculture movement

Different from revolutionist of the 19 centuries, the counterculture suggest a new kind of resistance to the social injustice, not by using the social violence to start a revolution and rebuild the society, but rely on the culture movement to change the social environment in order to achieve the final reformation of the society. On →

Tell-tale heart character study

The relationship between the old man and the narrator is unclear, but we know that the orator takes care of him. Which implies in the context that after the old man's death, the narrator thinks he would inherit the old man's wealth, which is something that is often given to the family member of a →

Baby dumping essay

This was followed by the Cabinet's decision to accept Minister for Women, Family and Community Development Shahrizat Abdul Jalil's proposal to charge anyone who dumped their babies and causing the infant's death be investigated under Section 302 of the Penal Code for murder. He said modern technique such as DNA will be used to identify →

The sorrows of young werther: passion vs. rationality

The letters are composed by a lovesick man named Werther, destined to take his life because the object of his affection is married to another, and are addressed to a trusted friend named Wilhelm. It is his heart that Werther listens to, and his heart that he feels he must sacrifice.

A flu vaccinations. after 50 million people had

One of the most popular viruses that are usually around during the cold months of the year is Influenza, causing the Flu illness. The production of antigenic shift creates a new strain of the virus and depending on the different parts of the new genome, it can be unique from any other type of Influenza.

Oliver cromwell a hero or a villain assignment

In Parliament, Oliver Cromwell was a strong critic of King Charles the 2nd and in 1642, when King Charles the 2nd started the English Civil War, Oliver Cromwell started to raise troops and joined the Parliamentary forces, fighting against King Charles the 2nd. When Oliver Cromwell went back to England, the parliament was still called →

Public needs to know

What the parents need to know is what the program is about and how to qualify for it, the benefits of the program, what kinds of special needs the program provides for their kids, and the cost of the program. The first thing parents need to know about what the new program is and how →

A literary analysis of the women in jane eyre’s life

Reed in her inability to be just to Jane Eyre led to a stronger, more resilient and defensive Jane, who has no qualms of informing others of her conjectures. Rochester and Jane are arguing on the topic of Jane's departure, she states to him " Mr.

Road traffic analytics

The work led early on to prototypes that can Infer and predict the flow of traffic at different times into the future based on the analysis of large amounts of revise, such as traffic maps that show users how traffic is evolving over time, as well as in services that provide traffic-sensitive directions by considering →

This who insist in expressing their own

All care and grief of Imam Ali A.S.is for not leaving the government and supervision of nation to the improper and stupid people, who results in driving away the worthy people and gathering evil doer sinners around themselves, and this is the beginning of a great disaster, and in case of spoiling and disregarding rights →

Ethical dilemma

This paper will focus on a number of topics including a detailed review of the Baby K case and why it still stands to be one of the most exigent cases of ethical dilemmas; needs development and application of an ethical decision making model related to the case and the conclusions based on the selected →


Once she discovers that she is dead, Liz find herself overwhelmed in her afterlife; she is rather depressed that she has to let go of everything that has happened in the past. Living in Elsewhere, she isolates herself from her grandmother Betty and the few friends that she made in order to find a way →

Advantages and disadvantages of family businesses

The business has high value to family members as a source of family pride and a legacy passed on from one generation to the next. The fourth advantage is the exercise of direct control over the business by family members.

Child poverty as a barrier to participation in uk education essay

A child is deemed to be living in poverty if the resources available to the child are so inadequate as to preclude such a child from having a standard of living that is regarded to be acceptable by the society.' Child poverty is a significant lack of the basic needs that children need for healthy →

Birth of the republic assignment

Raw materials could only go to England, purchase finished goods from England; all colonial trade must be conducted on English shipping Purpose of the acts was to promote the economic welfare of the empire in general and of the mother country in pa reticular. Salutary Neglect Gob of KGB could not govern half the globe, →

Urban planning essay proposal

This comparison reveals that the goals of famous and major historical planning initiatives are being fulfilled by the means of the movement of UA in Detroit, planners should use the findings of Detroit as a tool to understand how they can replicate it in other plans to stimulate similar results. This will include the population →

Definition of words

In essence, the adherence to scientific techniques in solving issues in the field of nursing is a perfect application of relative positivism. Deductive Reasoning According to Munhall, deductive reasoning is a way of reasoning in which a person starts with the general ideas about the subject followed by a stepwise elimination of the unwanted ideas, →

Easy internet café – case study essay sample

According to the new strategy, the franchisee would be required to bear the costs of the property and the hardware and will be equipped with 20 to 30 PCs. According to the new strategy, the franchisee would be required to bear the costs of the property and the hardware.

Editorial: applications of nanobiotechnology in pharmacology

Editorial on the Research Topic Applications of Nanobiotechnology in Pharmacology Nanobiotechnology, by definition, is a multi-strategic technique that combines nanotechnology and biotechnology to engineer the properties of therapeutic agents, e.g, target delivery of therapeutics by nanoparticles, in a unique way as paradigm shifts from fundamental biological study to clinical pharmacology. PEG-poly was able to deliver →

The hobbit essay sample

In the beginning of the novel, Gandalf and the dwarves weep Bilbo away from his town on an exciting adventure to claim the treasures once stolen from the dwarves by a very dangerous dragon. This is a very loyal decision from Bilbo and shows that he now has a stronger connection with the party, unlike →


Araby character analysis of the protagonist The short fiction, " Araby" takes the help of a simple dream or illusionary craze of the young boy to show him the stark reality of Dublin's life that is very different from the world of is own making. He uses this kind of a background to depict the →

The great war’s toll: veterans’ experiences in the sun also rises

He elects instead to exploit the pointlessness of the medals and-in association-the futility of the valor and heroism that these medals represent. Montoya is the proprietor of a hotel, itself a demonstration that unlike the veterans Jake, Bill, or Mike he is a settled man with a clearly defined place in his community and society.

Swot analysis of proton edar sdn bhd

It involves specifying the objective of the business venture or project and also by identifying the internal and external factors that are favorable and unfavorable to achieve that objective. The primary purpose of the SWOT analysis here is Proton-Edar Sdn Bhd to identify and assign each significant factor, positive and negative, to one of the →

Introduction wilentz 93-95). the many years of

Its capture of a myriad of characters with divergent cultures and social class and its basis on contemporary issues that affected the people of the time is particularly of great interest and makes the story equally authentic as it is relevant to the issues of religion and women position in the time. Drawing from The →

A puppet to addiction

The addiction grasps on a daily basis, knowing the sickness that is around the corner if it is not taken. Although it is a legal prescription drug, in the United Kingdom, the name changes to diamorphine hydrochloride.

The necklace and the great gatsby essay

Madame Loisel's dream is to become rich: she cannot cope with the fact that she was born a clerk and must live the ways of a clerk; she is in denial of her social status, encouraging herself that her true position lies with the wealthy. Madame Loisel is a similar character to Jay Gatsby, because →

Steps towards participation in social movements

To define the mobilization potential, the term referred to the people who take a positive attitude to the social movement. With the respect to the collective incentives, a multiplicative relationship is assumed between the value of the collective goods and the expectancy of the success.

Technology as a replacement of human resources

The rate of this replacement is very high because, with the huge pressure of growing population of world, technology is giving better and easy path to humans to deal with this fast era. As I have mentioned above that the technology is affecting the people relating to any profession of life, some people are familiar →


Additionally, the fear of restriction can cause some claustrophobics to fear trivial matters such as sitting in a barber's chair or waiting in line at a grocery store simply out of a fear of confinement to a single space. The major difference between the two is, in d former they believe they would never be →

Effective listening strategies essay sample

The article shows the importance of listening in order to get the client to respond to us positively and on a deeper level. The articles states the advisors should use active listening this way they will be able to understand what the student is going through, and help her formulate and implement solutions.

Richard nixon assignment

Richard Milieus Nixon was born in 1913 In Worry Linda, California, the second of five sons of Francis Anthony Nixon and Hannah Milieus Nixon. The taping system was a system that automatically recorded all conversations, which meant that the tapes would tell If Nixon was Involved In the burglary and cover-up.

Business plan input and matching stage

Threat to new entrants The potential of new entrants in the motor industry is low and depends on who is planning to enter the industry. Opportunity Participating in fuel races to increase the usage of Ford fuel cars.