4 Pages Essay Samples

Staph bacteria resistant to antibiotics

The organism normally lives on the skin and predominantly on the hands, but also on the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, large intestine, and vagina the most frequent site of MRSA colonization is the anterior nares, large quantity of MRSA in the nares of an infected person means there is large quantity in their axilla, →

Groundhog day

The film unfolds in an inevitable and so entertaining manner but in an effortless that the viewer may be forced to stand back and slap him/herself one understands the real goodness and entertaining the movie is. Towards the end of the film it is noted the he fall in love with Rita and attempts to →

The breakfast club

In one extreme, the film illustrates the dimension labels at which students feel obliged to do in their routine activities and the other extreme illustrates the lack of trust among the professionals and the students in school. First, primary tension is evident as there is fretfulness in the event of the group formation.

Enslaved women and the art

She then went to Columbia University, where she received a master's degree in parasitological in 1 968 and a master's degree in public health in 1969. She moved moved to Athens, Georgia In 1 BE Endowment for the Arts in Sculpt honoree in 1991 In 2002 she recur In 2003 she was visiting artist in →

The work of art ans science essay

Among some of its effects especially in line with the artistic work is the fact that it was and it has always been one of the cornerstones of modern biology and is widely applied in the explanation of adaptive evolution in a phenomenon. It has also led to the development and expansion of the medical →

Why i dance: lindsey leduc

Dance Articles- Summary and Evaluation Why I Dance: Lindsey Leduc Summary This article writtenby Lindsey Leduc provides an insight in the mind of one of the most celebrated dance personalities- Lindsey Leduc herself. Leduc has greatly focused on dance being her passion and the wordings that she chooses seem to be too cliched to be →

The combination of chinese and western art

The Combination of Chinese and Western Art The combination of Eastern and Western art began after 1843. This was in order to show of the connection or inspiration that Chinese art has from the Western culture.

Leonardo da vinci research paper

But in reality people would say he was one of the finest artistic and scientific men of the Italian Renaissance Age." The Last Supper" and the " Mona Lisa" are among one of his finest works of art. His study and mastery of a wide range of disciplines, including sculpture, philosophy, and engineering, made Leonardo →

To buildings in the united states in

It had a great effect on architecture, but also on the interior decoration of the buildings in the United States in the 1920s and 1930s. The illustrations of Georges Barbier, and Georges Lepape and the images in one of the most famous fashion magazines, the ' La Gazette du bon ton', adopted the elegance and →

Mosaic and stained glass essay

The art is meant to show devotion and strengthen the faith of the public. As a conclusion, wall paintings had become the basis of both the mosaic and stained glass window.

Visa 4

A video film is the visual model that I have chosen and I particularly believe the gaze is an elaborate theoretical model for analyzing the visual material that I have chosen for a number of reasons. The reason why the gaze as a theoretical concept in visual studies has become essential in the analysis of →

Constructing gender through body customization

Customizing the Body Journal When I reflect on my dressing style, I get to introspect with the manner in which I project myself to others and also how people perceive me as a person. I have seen many people in my community overindulging in the current trend of body piercing and tattooing in different parts →

Art analyze

This can be decided by use of various criteria, but the most dominant criteria that is used normally has to do with income levels which affects virtually every aspects of our lives and can also be felt in the other criteria used to decide class. Using taste to enforce class boundaries There are times when →

The great athena

The Athena is a statue of the ancient Goddess, Athena of Greece. The shield in the feet of the Athena is symbolic of protection from the serpent which is near the shield.

Free jean baptise armand guillaumin: the seine at charenton (1874, oil on canvas) research paper sample

Perhaps, one of the most enlightening parts of this painting is the way in which the boats are portrayed. There is a common aspect in both paintings since they portray the landscape, something that definitely arouses and instils the emotions of the observer.

Introduction nowadays. the comparison of cultural heritage

introductionPurposeThe purpose of this report is to describe and analyze a visit to Vaux-Le-Vicomte and MACVAL through firstly a comparison of cultural heritage, depicted by the former, and contemporary artistic production, represented by the artworks present in the latter, and secondly highlight the way this historic monument and these works of art intertwine various dimensions. →

Edwin catmull and computer graphics

He enjoyed the class of computer drawing and animation as perfected by the Sketchpad and decided to continue with the studies to become part of the rejuvenated and inspired revolutionist in the field of computer science and graphics in particular. As demonstrated by Prince, Edward's motivation in the field of computer science and graphic in →

“the great gatsby” book review

Task: Great Gatsby In American literature, The Great Gatsby by Scott Fitzgerald remain the most brilliant literary works that depicts with clarity the vanity of the American Dream in the 1920s. It is through Jordan that the narrator discovers that Gatsby had a romantic affair with Daisy back in 1917 and is obsessed to win →

A trip into the past to discover what made salvador dali

All of Dali's life he was troubled by numerous issues and complications however, he connected with these problems, and his paintings allowed him a way to express himself in ways, that when looked at carefully, many of us can relate to his childhood and his relationships had much to do with his artwork and through →

Free essay on rudolf fisher and the new negro movement

This situation affected the works of black artists and intellectuals in furthering the ideals that were associated with the New Negro Movement. The movement valued black music and cabarets were integral in the entertainment of black Harlem residents.

What is your favorite music of the world

Arguably the most vibrant type of dance and music that may be encountered in these cyber journeys is that of the African continent. Africa is large, imposing and omnipresent, not just because of its size and the harshness of its territory, but because it is the birthplace of all humanity, and that in itself makes →

Historical speeches and the wow factor

Additionally, his act of support and approval regarding the rejection of communists' regime prompted to the speech's effectiveness where to the audience was a sign of motivation and encouragement.2. The needs of the audience The audience was in desperate need of maintaining their freedom and democracy that will enable them be free from the communists.

Freedom writers by richard lagravenese

She took a rather creative and unconventional way to get into the minds and lives of her students. Erin encourages students to write about their experiences in diaries and share it with her if they feel like.

Alternayte endings of the film casablanca

Is it the things that come out on the screenplay or the myth? In the film, she is a Norwegian in which is a bit bizarre.

Oppositions in romanticism

There is light that shines on the dead fighter who is below her as a way to remembrance of the people who fought for the freedom of Paris. Judging from the painting Delacroix uses a woman who is loosely dressed in order to show the cause of the revolution was pure and it was meant →

The ten things i hate about you

The ten things that Kat informs about Patrick that she hates include that she is unable to hate him due to which, Patrick realizes her love for him and the story has a happy ending. Joey is portrayed as a greedy and wicked person because first he shows greed for Kat and then for Bianca →

Good example of thesis on artist eye- marwencol (film)

He calls the town in his three names, and the people are not aware of that. The irony is that a woman is in need of assistance and mark uses it to make her his wife.


The subject matter of the painting is the birth of goddess Venus. In the above discussed painting- The Birth of Venus, the body of the goddess Venus is anatomically implausible.

Travel the world – letter to a friend –

London is regarded one of the cities with great architectural designs ranging from the palaces around city and the cathedrals that portray the rich artistic influence on the city. My main interest and motivation for spending money and time traveling to the City was, therefore, to experience the culture and art of London, to learn →

In the shadow of the tree by helen galloway mcnicoll – feminism and strong mother-baby love as leading themes of the deaf artist’s masterpieces

The paper " In the Shadow of the Tree by Helen Galloway McNicoll" is a perfect example of an essay on visual arts and film studies. Like in this painting, Helen has shown the strength and love of women in all her other paintings as well.

The visit to the art museum in seattle

The work is on display in the fourth floor of Seattle Art Museum, in the Ancient Mediterranean and Islamic Art galleries. Yet, it is the contents of his tomb, including the artwork in discussion, that represent the height of the legacy.

1960-1980 radicalism in american art

1960-1980 Radicalism in American art Radicalism in American art The introduction of Chicano arts was in the 60's, and was a partof a civil rights movement in the city. In two of the arts, that is the black arts and the feminist arts, there is a lot of aggressiveness as compared to the Chicano art.

Wizard of oz

In my opinion, the most powerful aspect of this film is Dorothy's quest to find the Wizard of Oz, along with her newfound friends, the Tin Man, the Cowardly Lion, and the Scarecrow not to mention having Toto too! This aspect of the film has the greatest effect on me as it reminds me of →

Cheaters by john stockwell

The alleged cheating occurred during the academic decathlon of that year, and this film details the events that led up to the cheating, and the consequences which occurred afterward. By the end of the movie, it appears that both the students and Dr.

The unfaithful wife: french version

This movie tries to give a story of a family that felt upset after the husband had to murder the lover to his wife. In the other case of Unfaithful wife; Derek claims that the film was supposed to be horrifying but it was displayed in ironic humor and irresistible logic which does not bring →

Module 5

The second art, qi, is a chess-like board game now called weiqi in Chinese, and go in Japan and in the Western countries. The fourth art of the literati is hua.

Project art essay examples

The paper will also argue that the murals served as the visual registers of the themes generated by the public over the happenings at the time. The murals served as the visual registers of the themes generated by the public over the happenings at the time.

Chinese am seated down to relax. i

In the past, rock music in the country was affiliated to protestsagainst the Chinese government. In addition, the authornoted the preference of rock ' n' roll in the country, and the manner in whichcrowds chant at the music.

Example of essay on botticei artistic career

The resonance in the costuming of his work was extremely famous among the masses. For many of the artists, it was common to add the abstract strokes in the piece of art which did not give the true sense to the art lovers.

The life of steve jobs (1955-2011)

This was known as the Apple 1 computer and was launched under the brand name of Apple Inc.this was the first step of many innovations to come and Steve Jobs never looked back with his ideas. The 80s decade saw a challenge in form of launch of IBM computer, and this prompted Jobs as the →

Home work

The balance also emanates from the sideways wave of the arms of the octopus. On the right side of the image is a crown.

Good report about russian constructivism

The movement entailed the Russian Avant-garde and was in action from 1913 to the 1940's. Suprematist Composition, The Russian Constructivism design movement It is or importance to note that although the movement's origin were in Russia, the main impact was experienced in Germany the then major conduit for the international influence of the Avant-Garde artists.

Rudy and tootsie

Because of his lack of financial resources to attend his dream school, he worked and then studied in a nearby school to improve on his grades and have a chance to try to be accepted in the University of Notre Dame. The main obstacle in the life of the main character, Michael, is his attitude →

Dsm applied on a beautiful mind

The classic title for his condition would be ' schizophrenia', and under the classification of DSM, this would fall under Axis I.his state of psychosis, in which he imagines people and events, classifies episodes of delusions and hallucinations. Further, his belief that the secret service was utilizing him, springs out from the complacent sense of →

The pianist of willesden lane

The performance depicts hope, survival, portray the power of music, and help us to survive in the darkest challenges of our lives. The production setting and performance of the play is unique in that depicts the power of music.

Impressionism and maurice ravel, but it was

Impressionism music dynamic part in between 1875 and 1925 and it was a way to show your mood and emotion through music and using instruments to create a feel or a picture to the audiences and the listeners of the piece this was usually made for people to get a picture in people's minds while →

Week 3 lab

0K Jun 6 13: 59 maybehere02 drwxr-x - 2 root bandit5 4. 0K Jun 6 13: 59 maybehere12 drwxr-x - 2 root bandit5 4.

Pre calculus

Use the Chain Rule to find the derivatives of the following functions: a.f = 5 b.f = -1 c.f = 2 d.f = 3 Solutions Let f = = g ) and u = g Let y = f; the derivative of f with respect to x, f is given by: f =. Or simply, →

Trusted computing base / business reasons for a bcp and a drp

The boundaries and scope of a TCB is defined at the organizational level by a security policy that is used in the organization. According to the orange book this concept is further explained that the ability of a trusted computing base to enforce correctly a unified security policy entirely depends on the accuracy of the →

Rational & implications

Rationale: Their work must be in sync with the plans of the organization as they are on the forefront of any changes in the organization. Implications: Coordination and cooperation of the architectures will lead the success of the strategic plans and their failure means failure of the plan in general.

Email leaks investigation

I plan to do exactly that for the mailboxes of both the VP and CFO. With the time and date stamp of the letter in question and matching the email in both boxes, Websense should then be able to issue a detailed report and I will be able to work from there.

The impact of 3d printing on the world

To make it to the next evolution of the market, current participants in the 3D-printing market will have to take active steps to stay ahead of the ever-growing pack". Some reasons 3D printing will revolutionize the way we produce items and enhance the firm are: many of these products will be able to be produced →

Television and personal

Television and Personal Data Response Questions Question one: Television: how it changed society, who benefited, who lost Philo Farnsworth is credited for having invented the complete set of the electronic components that make up the Television. People or even organizations handling personal data in the course of their duties or business operations are only but →

Information systems to meet the information needs of different departments of the organization

The paper " Information Systems to Meet the Information Needs of Different Departments of the Organization" is a great example of a term paper on information technology. For instance, TPSs would greatly assist in the recording of the movement of parts from one manufacturing stage within the organization to another and from raw material to →

Uniform law for computer info transactions

Uniform Law Uniform Law for Computer Info Transactions in APA Style Uniform Law 2 Before the Uniform Commercial Code and the Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act, one of the first, and most significant attempts of the United States government to promote uniformity in commercial laws from state to state was the " Commerce Clause". However, →

Web-based construction

Use of web in construction industry From the numerous Web-based construction project management applications the most commonly used are: On-line Design Studios The virtual design studios allow designers and experts from different places to interact using audio and video conferencing. A number of construction companies are adopting such systems to facilitate better communication between the →

Add introduction and conclusion

The business world has embraced Microsoft as a boon in the business word especially the effectiveness of Microsoft excel and Microsoft word, which has made business operations easier, manageable, and accurate. Microsoft has contributed to the business world and shaped the face of the modern business primarily through its major creation called Windows and such →

Unethical decisions

The paper will then conduct explicit research on the possible ways of detecting and avoiding cases of fraudulence The growing technological advancement has led to integration of the communication all over the world. Fraudsters have used complex techniques to get to know the secrete information of the credit cards of particular individuals and have been →

Sql server authorisation policies information technology essay

Authorisation Rules allow or reject access to certain objects by describing the subject to which the rules apply to, the object which the authorisation refers to, the action which the rules refer to and the warning explaining whether the rule allows or rejects subject access. Assignee is the role to which the privileges are granted →

Microsoft dynamics erp

One specific cause of failure is that existing methodologies are not adequate for the CRM project and cannot integrate and complement the technological and strategic aspects of the CRM. Parallel to customers' responsibility in an organization, Microsoft is also responsible for the execution and scheduling of the transition.

Securing and protecting information

The last step in the process is to implement the policies and maintain and protect the information. First the authentication process can determine which type of users ought to access the information and the type of information to be accessed.

Malware in operating systems

Malware in Operating Systems: The computer is a set of various components out of which the most important one is the operating system. The software design of Linux is comparatively different from the Windows and, hence, makes it hard for hackers and spammers to infiltrate into the respective operating system.

Security, privacy and ethics

This paper presents some of the security, privacy and ethical aspects regarding information technology and computer systems. In this scenario, information security, privacy and ethics are some of the most important issues that need to be addressed in order to make best use information technology.

Essay on concepts of it

It encompasses major areas of computer software, programming languages, and computer hardware and information systems Computer software basically is a collection of logically organized instructions that tell the computer what to do at any particular time. The IT field comprises integration of hardware and software in order to achieve computational power.

Discussion question

In such a situation, the designers are looked at in the form of labor as that is their main purpose and thus the loss of two designers will result in the reduction in the amount of labor that is available to the manager for the project at hand. Time The schedule of the project will →

Network operations

The issues can be avoided by setting the client and server to be in the same Windows domain. The problem can be avoided by first disabling firewall to ascertain if that is the cause of the problem and then configuring the firewall setting for the client in question.

Software requirements specification

Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations Administrator The individual responsible for managing and maintain the system and software B&B Bed-and-Breakfast Calendar The tool that the end-users or customers use to fill or enter in the date programs IEEE Institute of Electrics & Electronics Engineering IS Information Systems IT Information Technology References 1. Overview The specifics of the →

Information systems project ,, application design

Referred to as globalization, the exchange of culture and the provision of products and services to different types of customers merits the use of technology to deliver services and promote products. The objectives of the project consider: The creation of mobile application that increases the efficiency of patrons to the service industry The development of →

Eisa: software components

Hardware, Software and Network Components Task Hardware, Software and Network Components Introduction The hardware, software and network components are extremely beneficial to every organization. An example of hardware components includes the monitors, the keyboards, the motherboards, the processors and the cd-roms.

Information sensitivity and protection of data

The outline of policies that Mayo Foundation uses in handling sensitive data, as appears in Managing Information Privacy & Security: Mayo Foundation is: There is a dedicated group running a program to oversee security policies and standards of Mayo's general information. It protects the rights of patients in accordance to disclosure and use of their →

Pros and cons of technology of adolescence

Companies that produce fast food utilizes the internet to advertise their products to the public thus encouraging the teenagers to consume junk food which exposes them to a lot of health risks. The easy access to technology by the teenagers increase their vulnerability of being accomplices of these gangs since they can be easily convinced →


Emergence of hat most of students broadband and its easier access, e-piracy became the social issue with the download of the videos and music. Regardless of gender and ages, e-book reader used the illegal downloading of e-books without paying for these e-books.

Information technology acts paper

Cable Communications Act of 1984 First act that I am going to discuss in this paper is the Cable Communications Act of 1984. In addition, this act is aimed at ensuring the security of telephone consumer protection act that was passed in 1991.

It trends

The adoption of the smartphones by health professionals demonstrates the opportunity for improved clinical communication, access to information and clinical tools at the point of care, or anywhere at any time Healthcare Information Management is not easy task as it entails large amounts of data in both paper-based and electronic versions. Healthcare organizations would have →

Cyber security, network and computer systems administrators, and computer programmer

This article describes the trends in the field of information technology as well as the reasoning for the current increase in the cyber-security field. Human errors and violations in computer and information security: The viewpoint of network administrators and security specialists.

Monitoring quality / it governance

It is therefore, prudent to say that for sigma six to be a success the quality assurance processes right from the start have to be of quality. The last idea responds to the question how with the objective of ensuring that there is a way of monitoring IT and its related issues.

Technology evaluation and recommendation

Technology Based Solutions In order to enhance the security of sensitive client data, it is necessary for organizations to minimize the use of P2P file sharing applications. In addition, it is also better to train employees about the security risks and vulnerabilities associated with using P2P file sharing software.

Indp, part 2

NETWORK DESIGN Within a network of computers in which exchange of information takes place, it is important to underline the concept of order. In describing strategies to ensure the availability of network access in switched and routed networks, the following are found; i.

Huffman trucking

The mission of Huffman Trucking is to increase the profit and become a growing, and adaptable company. Huffman Trucking plans to develop an information system, and database that suffice the requirements.

Efficiency and collaboration proposal

Efficiency and Collaboration Proposal The Potential of Implementing New Information Systems in the Organization Introduction In a business organization, there is information gathered, retrieved, processed, stored and distributed. Importance of Converting Data in Microsoft " Excel" Spreadsheets into a Relational Database Using Microsoft " Access" Spreadsheets in Microsoft Excel are used to collect information and →

Problems and disadvantages of agile software development

Limitations of Agile Software Development According to Dyb and Dings yr, creation of agile is as a result of reaction towards the then predominant but currently infamous waterfall model. Limitations on the size of teams Agile is considered a highly participative style of software development hence affecting efficiency of the processes owing to the number →

Inheritance information technology

In C++, the subclass is also referred to as the derived class or child class while the superclass is the base class or parent class. In object-oriented program class inheritance and interface implementation are used to manifest the concept of IS-A relationship.


The technique used here is that the attacker will pose the query to the database about the table TrainCity. When the database responds to the query it will drop the table with the entries.

Srudent online information system

The staff of the registrars will benefit a lot in the system because of the objective of the system is transaction made in registrars such as grades inquiry, schedule, and personal information. The student's of the university will also benefit in this system.

Courage, meanness and flattery in all the pretty horses

Later in the text, McCarthy describes the ghosts of Comanche warriors who once used that same road which John Grady is riding to cross the land, the road is described as " pledged in blood and redeemed in blood only". In this quote, John Grady expresses his love and desire to protect the horse no →

My personal opinion about the topics involved in the book “heart of darkness”a

The way in which Conrad explains the voyage on the Belgian Congo is very explicit and represents his own vision of the situation lived on that time. That is why I think that the descriptions used on the book are authentic and explain correctly the treatment and the behavior of people.

The main aims of the author in “things fall apart”

However to look on another perspective one could say, the Abame people had a reason to kill the white man who visited them prior to the large group of white men's visit because, at that moment the Abame natives felt the action to kill was the safest to do to protect themselves and were afraid →

Half of a yellow sun book review example

In her novel, Adichie emphasizes on the impact of the Nigerian Civil War on the civilian life, not only the deaths in battle but also the starvation that followed. In her novel, Adichie deals with a delicate subject, the events that lead to and the course of the Nigeria-Biafra War in the 1960s.

Posttraumatic stress disorder in the things they carried

PTSD in relation to war is clearly seen in the different collections of stories compiled and written by Tim O'Brien in his book. One particular story found in the book that shows PTSD in the case of a war veteran is " Speaking of Courage".

“of mice and men’s” literary merit essay sample

While Lennie is savoring the dream, George, with great difficulty, shoots him on the back of the head, and thus saving Lennie from the torture that is promised to come. In summary, the characters' genuine friendship, like the unbroken bond between George and Lennie is one of the most important themes to the story.

Mark watney`s adventures in the book” the martian”

He realised that he survived just because of the antenna which was pierced in his body suit and also found he was all alone left on Mars. So finally, at the end he was rescued and came back to earth.

Joe gargery: ironic virtue in great expectations

He is a strange mixture of wisdom, stupidity and generosity, being the most human of all the characters with his strengths and weaknesses, which the readers grasp by reading between the lines of Pip's description, Joe's own actions and his interactions.' Joe' is a common name, and Dickens' clever play with nomenclature instantly makes us →

Good example of essay on bao ninh’s the sorrow of war

Boa Ninh's, The Sorrow of War is the tale of Kien, the protagonist and his journey during the war and after. The first time Kien leaves Phuong for the war and the second time, the rape of Phuong in the train causes them to separate.

Class stratification in pride and prejudice

To begin, the most basic of the differences between social classes is not the beliefs and the convictions held by those within it, but rather the behaviors and the way in which they present themselves to others. To conclude, the stark contrast of those with rank vs those without is both deep and all encompassing.

Love and hate in the shadow of the wind thesis example

The Shadow of the Wind is a novel about a love story between two people; it is also the story of a love affair between a man and a book. It is time to hate the sin and love the sinner.

Lord of the flies – alternative ending for the book to replace chapter 12 essay sample

The twittering of the birds, the sound of the wind blowing through the trees, and the crash of the full tide against the rocks. Was not I the one who did this to you?" He looked at Ralph's puzzled expression, and laughed the cold laugh once more".